The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-05-23, Page 48fett»*rff , * THE TIMES-ADVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 23rd, 1946 "iF 'rr**r *w r W $ fS Just Arrived A Lar^e Shipment of Come in early for the best choices on a large selection popular tunes and artists. 2-Burner Hot-Plates $7.95 of Snelgrove Tire & Electric Scanning tte SPORTS Ry *‘SCOOPn Place an Ad Here and Watch Results They are read by more than 8,400 Times*Advocate readers every week 4* Tires, Vulcanizing and Household Appliances PHONE 18 EXETER, ONTARIO s Phone 146 You get” personalized attention at the most modern and beautiful shop in Exeter. At Tomlinson's you can be assured that nothing has been left undone to make you radiantly beautiful. Be as Lovely as a Breath of Spring Three Tej*W lot’ Exeter Exeter will hnve three ball teams ip, action this season with a hard­ ball team a»d a ladies' and a men’s softball team* The hardball team will be group­ ed with Lucan Hensall, Zurich* Mit­ chell and Clinton* Their first game will be in Clintop on May 29 th apd their first home game will be on June 10 th against Alitcheil, Exeter has a few of the old ball players on hand but the team will likely be made up of a lot of new fellows as will probably be the case with most of the other teams i this year due to the fact that the J Huron-Perth has been k inactive for several years. The girls will be grouped with Dashwood, Hensall and Dublin. They will play a single schedule winding up on July 11th when the fii’st two teams will enter the play­ offs in a two-out-of-three series. Mr. Elmer Bdlp is the new manager of the Exeter entry. In ,the men’s softball Exeter will be grouped with Sharon, Dashwood and Grand Bend, Although Exeter will be An A class entry they will play in the loop but will enter the playoffs with anothei- A while the other three declare a winner for B offs. The schedule has been drawn up. The hardball team softball team are practicing every night the weathei’ is favorable and all players interested are asked to turn out as many nights as possible. Two new diamonds are being laid out this year at the south side of the agricultural grounds. The hard­ ball diamond will be in front of the new grandstand. , STRAYED STRAYED—Froip Jot 1'3, con, 7, Hay Township* cow or heifer with a dash as a brand just be; " hind the right hip. Reward. iPhone Thedford 144F collect, Fred Waldert; 23* class entry teams will class play- not as yet and girl’s 4; ■r-’ Phone 31w for ap taRet WMW—4.. MISCELLANEOUS ■jp * £• ft and Mr. THAMES ROAD Mr. and Airs. Win. Mackenzie and Grace, of Kippen, MT. and Mrs. Wm. Lamport spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Allison. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Watson family visited on Sunday with and Mrs. Norman Ferguson. Miss Kathleen Robb, of Stratford and Mrs. Neil Ross and Mrs. Chas. Kartell, of High River, Alberta, attended church services on -Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Duncan for the remainder of the day. The play ‘The Dust of the Earth’ presented by the Munro Y.P.U, un­ der the auspices of the W.A, was well attended in? the church last Friday evening. Each player took his part well and the play was much enjoyed by everyone present. Miss .Shirley Duncan, of Sarnia, visited over the week-end with her parents. Miss Anne Morgan, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. Elimville played Thames Road in soft ball last Friday evening at the p-ark, the score being 2'(L9 in favor of Thames Road. Mr.'and Mrs. O. Miller and- Lillie and Mr. Miller Sr., attended Wood­ ham anniversary on Bunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Miller. Miss Roberta Duncan visited with Miss Lois Ford over the week-end. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Sillery, who is staying at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. Duncan, suffered a stroke one day last week and her condition is not much im­ proved. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Madge and daughter, Helen, of Milk River. Alberta, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elford on -Sunday. Helen graduated fr-om McMaster Univer­ sity, Hamilton, this past week and her parents attended the graduation , exercises. Mr. and Mrs. Elford are ' accompanying them home this week by -motor for a few week's visit in the West. Mrs. M. Thompson, who was ill for a few days and staying with her REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-—New 4-ropm cottage in Exeter. Earl Parsons* Exeter. 23* FARMS ’-FOR SALE — 60. acres, frame house, bank ham, not far from pavement) 150 acres, full set of buildings,, hydro available, sugar bush, Reasonably priced. Early possession, W. C, Pearce, Exeter. * FOR SALE — 120-acre farm, well- - located on paved road, comfort­ table house, good bank barn; hydro and water. Productive soil, 12 acres bush; also 50 acres cul­ tivated land without buildings, near Exeter. C. V. Pickard, Exe­ ter, FOR SALE — On Lot 21, south Thames Road, 30 foot enclosed oil head windmill. Call and see it* A. Gardiner. 16* -™-r , r rr------ _ A . . - ' PERSONAL A Treat for your Feet! Use Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve for prompt relief.-50c at Robertson’s and all druggists. NOTICES Dr. Roulston announces that his Dental Office will be closed for one week commencing Monday, May 27th. 23:3 0c Dr. H. H. Cowen wishes to an­ nounce that his dental office will be closed all next week while he is at­ tending -the dental convention. NOTICE—We have on hand a large stock of popular size tractor tires, both back and front. We have ■ also a number of rear tractor tires in seconds and used. Trac­ tor tires can be fixed and “filled with fluid- while you wait. Hyde Tractor Co., Allis-Chalmers Deal­ ers, Hensall, Ont., phone 128. 23c TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN COURT OF REVISION' Notice is- hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township df .Stephen for the year 1946 will hold its first meeting in the Council Chambers, Crediton, on Tuesday, June 4th, at 2 o’clock p.m. L. B. HODGSON, Clerk of the Township of Stephen.- Dated May 20th, 1946. 23:30c The Directors of, the Hay Town­ ship Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insur­ ance Company have another supply ofs stirrup pumps on hand. These can be obtained from the under­ signed or any Director of the Com­ pany, Price $5.00. H. K. EUber, Sec’y, Crediton, Ont. 3tc TO ALL DOG OWNERS By Municipal By-Law you are re­ quired to secure Dog Tag at once. You are also warned that it is illegal to allow your dog to run at -large during the months, of May, June, July and AugUst. Constables have been given orders to enforce this By-Law. C. V. Pic.kard, Clerk. LOST AND FOUND FOUND—In Exeter, the top of a refrigerator. Owner may have same by paying for advt. Apply at Times-Advocate, BABY CHICKS ‘ CHICKS FOR SETTING HENS It is no more trouble for the old hen to mother a full brood than it is a half one. Come in and get some extra chicks.. Heavy breeds available. Hatching twice weekly. Chick days/Tuesdays and Fridays. Neuliauser Hatcheries, Si King Street, * LONDON, Ontario. ( NEUHAUSER CHICKS 20 breeds. Triple blood tested. High egg record strain.' Pedigreed sired White Rocks* New Hampshires, Barred Rocks, $1'5.00 straight run Pullets $25.00. White Leghorns $14.00; Pullets $28.0-0'. Thousands hatching weekly. Neuliauser Hatcheries located at ESSEX, Orttavio, CHATHAM, Ontario, LONDON, Ontario. FOR SALE FOR SALE —* A quantity of used brick. Apply tq F« W, Huxtable, Exeter, 23:30* FOR SALE—Barn 50x701 24-foot posts; straw lean-to. Apply at Exeter Times-Advocate, 23* FOR SALE-—Sparton electric radio, cabinet style. Phone 59W* Exeter. '23c FOR SALE’—31 Chev, coupe, four good tires, heuter. Apply at Rhiny Kellar’S, Hay P.O. 23* ■FOR SALE —Silverhuli seed buck­ wheat, clipper cleaned, -phone Hensall 83r25. G* Broderick, R.R. 1, Exeter. 23:30* FOR SALE — Marconi, 5-tube, U- volt, battery radio, complete with batteries, in first class working condition; electric iron. A. W. (Neil, Exeter North. 23* FOR SALE, — Approximately )2,500 used brifck to be removed at once. * R. L. Beavers. 23c FOR SALE—Strawberry plants, also a load of mixed. alfalfa and tim­ othy hay. Apply to W. F. Abbott, Exeter. 23* FOR SALE—Frame building, 18x26. Apply at Times-Advocate. 23c THIS W-EEK is the time. Choice strawberry plants .at $1,00 per 100. Phone 266, L. V. Hogarth. 23 FOR SALE—Cocker Spaniel puppies. Apply to Wilbert Pfile, -Grand Bend, Phone Dashwood 62r5. 23:30c FOR SALE—Oak dining-room suite; ' Congoleum rug; bed and springs, Phone 291W* Exeter. “23c FOR iSALE — McCormick Deering tractoi’ 15-30, changed to high compression, in good running condition. Wesley Johns, Exeter. Phone Kirkton 44rli0\ 23c FOR BALE—$50.0'0! each, -7 bred sows, all pure bred, well develop­ ed, first class condition, real choice animals. Andrew Hicks, Centralia. 23c FOR SALE—80 Hamp 'X Rock pul- »lets, 1'0- weeks old, Garfield Thomson, Exeter. • * 23c FOR SALE—A boy’s bicycle. Apply to Harold Schroeder, Dashwood, Ont. ■ 23:30* FOR SALE—A Philco battery radio. Apply to Isaac Gower, Crediton P.O. . 23* FOR SALE —• Pure whole ground flaxseed meal; a limited quantity, priced at $3.50 per cwt.; Doherty high oven range, equipped with hot water jacket and reservoir, has good grates and linings, burns coal or wood; clothes wringer; 2 iron bedsteads- with -brass rail­ ings and 3 bed springs; 2 cur­ tain stretchers. Apply to . Ira Geiger, Hensall, Ont. 23c HIGHEST CASH PRICES—We will pay for your poultry a»d feathers Apply Box T, Times-Advocate, 16* y V AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive*, and between the ages of 25 and 55 -—have oi' can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get es­ tablished in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. -R- Watkins Company, Dept, -O-E-6, 2177 Mas­ son St.. Montreal, Que, 5tc KIPPEN Air, and Airs, Gen Lockhart and family, Miss J. -Cochrane, Cameron and Miss Agnes visited on Sunday with Mrs, J. H, Cochrane. blaster Harold Parsons, been visiting for the weeks with his .grandparents, and Mrs. J, • Linden, of Denfield, returned to his home here on Sun-' day. The many friends of Mrs. Wm. Sinclair will be sorry to learn she is seriously ill at . her home here. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter were Air. and Mrs. W. Horney, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Klopp and daughters and Air. and' Mrs. Whitney Brokenshire and Allan, of Zurich. "We are sorry, to report that Mr. James McClymont is confined to his room through illness. We wish him a speedy recovery, Mr, 'Gerald Parsons spent the week-end with .Mr. and Mrs. Joe Linden, of Denfield. Mr. and Airs. Harold Jones visit­ ed on -Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellison .Whiting and fam­ ily, of Parkhill. Mr. Emerson Kyle and Donald are spending* a very enjoyable fish­ ing trip to Chesley Lake this week. Mr. and Mrs, Archie Parsons and Donald visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Linden, of Denfield. Mr. and Mrs. E. Little, of don, visited on Sunday with tives in the vicinity, Honor Recent Bride A pleasant social evening- spent recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long when a large number of relatives and friends met to honor their daugh­ ter, (Jean) Mrs. E. Little, bride. During the beautifully decorated laden baskets of gifts ___ .. ed to the bride -by Betty Lou and Maxine Watson. The address was read by-Mrs. Emerson Kyle. Jean made a*. very fitting reply. All sang “For a Jolly Godd Fellow." A dainty lunch was served at the close. Mrs, H. Cochrane Mr, , who past .1 1» and has two Mr.CASH FOR EOX HORSES — Dead » animals removed, Tw'o-hour serv­ ice, day or night* Phone Crediton 47rl5, collect. Jack Williams. 9tfc JE'SNEY SHOE REPAIR- — Now open for business. Repairing neatly and promptly attended to, Crediton, tfp- TENDERS WANTED The Huron County Home Com­ mittee are asking for Tenders for the erection of an addition to the Barn at the County Home. -Plans and specifications may be seen at the County Home. Tenders to be in the hands of 'the County Clerk not later than June 15. The lowest or any tender not_ necessarily accepted,. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, 23e t A t y 4 r £ J i Capt. E. F. Taman Returns From Overseas Capt, E. F. Taman, of Listowel, who on Wednesday of last week arrived in London from overseas, accompanied by Mrs. Taman and Toni, spent the forepart of the week visiting with his parents,- Mr. and Mrs. W. W Taman. ' Enlisting in September 1943, Capt. Taman completed his officer’s training course at Brookville where he received his commission.. He went overseas in June, 19 44 and left England in October for the continent where he was attached to the 1st Canadian Later he was transferred Canadian Service Corps and saw service in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Returning to Eng­ land December 22, 1945, he was on duty there until, leaving for home. He is at present on furlough with with his' family at Listowel but is expected to be present for ban'quet for returned' -men (Thursday) evening. daughter, Airs. Lamport, , is better and we are glad to report is well enough to go to hex' own home. Air. and AH's, -Sam pym, of Elim­ ville, have been staying with their daughter, Mrs. ■ Jas. Kirkland, these past few days and we are sorry to report that Mrs. Pym suffered a stroke Monday and her at the time of improved. Miss Mary week-end^ w’ith Exeter. ’ Mr. and Mrs- Melvin Gardiner attended Woodham anniversary on Sunday last and visited with Mr. ' and Mrs. Fletcher for the remain­ der of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fletcher and Miss Elsie Moore, of London, visited with Mr. Mr. and Airs., Kenneth Johns on Sunday. Miss Moore is remaining for a few days this week. Dr. Lance Norris, Wyoming, vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Duncan over the week-end.' We are sorry to report that Miss Mabel Selves has been confined to her bed with the jaundice. Air. and Airs. T. McIntyre, of | London,' visited- with Air, and Mrs. Wm. Cann on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hern, of Goderich, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johns one day this week. Airs. Chas. Johns, of Etxeter, also spent a few days. ° Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore and’ Alice attended Woodham an­ niversary Sunday and visited with .friends there. Sunday services will' be at the usual hour on Sunday. Sunday School at 10.15 a.m. and Church at 11.15 a.m. Mission Band will meet during church service hour. The Mission Circle will meet at j the home of Aliss Doris Duncan■ Saturday afternoon, May 25 at/.30 e7dest* daughter of the p.m. AU members are asked to , . bring their Thank-Offering envel- gmillie, passed away at her home I gowned writing is conditio^ not much Lon- rela- was The Huron County Home Com­ mittee are asking for Tenders for the supplying of 150 tons of Stoker Coal, 25 tons of (Anthracite Stoye Coal and 25 tons of -Nut’ or Stove Coke to be delivered nn the Track at Clinton, Ontario. Analysis of coal to be submitted. Tenders to be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than'June 15 th. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk. 23c ? f 7 u NOTICE TO CREDITORS Gardiner Miss B. spent the Coates .in O.R.E. works. to ..the Dies in Toronto p.m. AU members are asked to opes. the this , recent evening two and heavily were present- Fishing for a used bargain — then get a line by a Classified Ad. 4 In the Estate of MARGARET COWARD, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Margaret Coward, late of the Township of Usborne, ip the County of Huron, Widow, deceased who died on or about the >2 7 th day— of April, A.D„ 1946, are required to file particulars -of the same with Elmer D. Bell, sol­ icitor, of Exeter, Ont., by the 27th day of May, A.D., 1946 after which date, the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated the 6th day of May A.D.. 1946. ' ELMER D. BELL Solicitor for the Executors. 9:16:23c X f f ft 4 1-Westendorp-Hemphill In a setting of spring flowers a pretty wedding took place in Hen­ sail United Church at 3 o’clock Saturday afternoon when Rev. R. A. Brook united in marriage Mary Isobei Hemphill, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill, and Eugene Westendorp, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Westendorp, of Toron­ to. Soft bridal music was played by Miss Greta Lainmie. The -bride, given in marriage by her brother, Mr. W. Howard Hemphill, of Strat- ‘ i a gown of . I white faille fashioned with a por- ‘ j trait neckline, outlined with a self- flange, short sleeves, matching | mitts and a tightly fitted basque -bodice. Her finger-tip veil of white 'illusion was arranged with a face [veil, caught with white violets and she carried a cascade bouquet of I Rapture roses and stephanotis. Mrs. [Stewart Jones, of London, was mat- iron of honor and Miss Jean Demp­ sey, of Stratford, was bridesmaid, I alike in daffodil yellow faille, with matching Dutch -caps of shirred net and carried colonial bouquets of Talisman roses* Mr. J. R. Kimber, of Toronto, was best man, and Messrs. Peter Ambry, I, J. Wilson, A. Holman, of Toronto, and Paul Dixon, of London, were ushers. Following .the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the^ bride’s parents, where Mrs. Hemphill received gowned in gray The „death took place in Toronto on Alonday of a former resident .of this community in the- person of Mrs. John May, The family at one time resided on a farm about a mile and a half south of Exeter and for a number of years resided at Clin­ ton before moving to Toronto. Mrs. May’s maiden name was Alice' At­ kinson. One brother, William, of London, survives. Mr. Jos. May, of town, is a. brother-in-law. and Mrs. H. T. Rowe, a sister-in-law. Mr. O. S. Atkinson is a nephew. Surviving is one son, Rev. Russel May, of j f , charming: inLakeside, and two daughters, Carrie I X?te fail fashioned and Minnie at home. The funeral is being held today in Toronto. Miss May Jones, Mi’s. J. H. Jones and Mr. H. T. Rowe attended the funeral. f > AUCTION SALE8 I Hensail Lady Dies I Mrs. John Elder, formerly Mary j late Benjamin and Jane Buchanan ■ r--—-----— -• -w ------- here Friday. Mrs. Eide:* had always taken an active part in the affairs Mrs. Catherine is spending some t °f the community and was for many time with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rol­ lins of London, ° Bedding Plants NOW AVAILABLE - Tomatoes ................................................................. Bonny Best, Earliana, Stokesdale, , John Baer, Scarlet Dawn, etc. Cabbage, early varieties ................................ Onion, Riverside Sweet Spanish ............... . Peppers, Sweet or Hot ..... ........................... Petunias, Double .......................................... Giant Fringed ................................ Single ............,................................... Salvia, mixed ......................................................... Snapdragons, Asters, Zinnias, Marigolds, etc. Per Box ..................35c i 35c 50c 35c 50c 40c 35c 50c 35c Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co Phone 207 ■— Exeter, Ontario. ♦ :years secretary of the Horticultural Society, a life-member of the W.C. T:U. and Women’s Missionary So­ ciety, She was a member of the Presbyterian Church and later the -United Church. She was -a Sunday School teacher and an active Worker (in the local branch of the Red 'Cross I I [Society, Surviving are her husband, [crepe with, matching* straw hat and [three sons and foui* daughters, John' ~ - — • G., Oshawa; Wm. Benjamin, Lon­ don; Lome C., ?of Hamilton; Mrs. Bert Peck, Bayfield; Mrs.' (A. Th Howe, Halifax; Mrs. H. L. Statham, Kingsville; Mrs, Delbert Geiger* Zurich; three brothers, James Smil- lie, Hensall; Dr. A. B. Smillie* of Niagara Falls’; Rev. B. S. Smillie, RasalpurU, India; three sisters, Dr* Jennie Smillie, and the Misses Mar­ garet and Ernmaline,-Toronto. Fun­ eral service was held from,Hensall United Church on Monday at 3 p.m. conducted by Rev. R* A. Brook. Mr. W*. O. Goodwin sang p solo entitled -‘‘There is u Land,” The floral trib­ utes wei'e very beautiful showing the esteem with Which the deceased Was held, Interment was in Hensall Union i 1 corsage of gardenias. . MrS. Westen- dbrp, mother of the groom, who also received with the bridal ' party, chose a gown of maize net with navy accessories. Later the bride and groom left on a motor trip. For travelling- the bride wore a dress­ maker suit of honey beige with brown accessories. Oh their return they will live on Pine Crescent, To­ ronto. 1 Cemetery*.... . The Mabel r ivi u« _ Campbell and the Campbell, of Ailsa Walter McDowell* of the Wedding to take Juuo, engagement is announced of Florence* daughter of Mre. late Trafford Craig* to Mr. Niagara Falls, place early in * ’■ 'x FOR SALE—A quantity of paint at cost, approximately 40 gals, gas tar; trestle irons; paint spraying outfit, complete with trailer or sola separately trailer, engine • 2 h.jpv painting equipment consists of engine, trailer, air tank, com­ pressor with unloader, about 100 feet air hose, 30 feet paint hose, 3 gal. paint' tank, 6 cu, ft. Web- stei‘ external break-up gun and 1 • mask. Apply E. >L. Johnston, Phone 183* Exeter, Ont., Box 168.. , .23 FOR SALE—One used 2J H.P* -International stationary engine. Hyde Tractor Co., Allis-Oh aimers Dealer, Hensail, Ont. Phone 1'28* 23c FOR SAiLE *— Wheelbarrows, oak -frame, pine and spruce box at $9.00. S. M* Sanders, Exeter. ■ , \ . 9, 23; 6, 20; 4* FOR SALE—19 29 Essex car in good running condition. Tires, practic- • .ally new, R, D. Hunter, Exeter, phone 113W. _________,16c FOR SALE — Good green rocking ’chair in good shape. ’ Wesley Hackney, Hay P.O, 16; 23* FOR SALE — 15-30 International Tractor on rubber With mew tires * behind; 1-row beet lifter for -Farmall A, new last year, Apply !Leon Triebher, 48rll Dashwood, R. R. 3, Parkhill. 16; 23* GirL Guides Meet The weekly meeting of the Gifl Guides was held Thursday, May 116 at seven o’clock. The girls carried* out their usual program, beginning by Singing, “O Canada”. This was followed by playing a number of exciting games which were enjoyed byk everyone. Joan Batten accepted the position Of Assistant Scribe, lnc>the place of Helen Sweet, who is • unable to hold |he position during the future ’the meeting adjourned after,sing', ihg "God Save .the King” and. "Taps”. t WANTED WANTED—Cattle to take in for pasture. Apply at Times-Advocate* i 23* ■A saddle (to rent or Western. '23* WANTED— purchase) preferably PhOxie 253 Exeter* WANTED—A number of B* Flat fifes for .Woodham Band. Apply fo Lloyd I-Iern, R.R. 1, Woodham, phone Kirkton 4Irl9. •' 23* WANTED—3 or 4 small kitchen chairs ■ In • good Condition, Box 76* phone. 80f Exeter, •• 23* WANTED-vGood alfalfa hay OtAal- ’ faifa. me&L Apply At Chftn’s Mill* 18tfc There!s ho gamble about 1946. It’s going to be a poultry year, The poultry industry is the logical one to. expand to-day ns birds pre econ­ omical users of our short grain supply. It lsn*t too late th fill up the brooders with TweddlCS, the husky, healthy, fast growing chicks. No waiting at Twiddles for your chicks, We can give prompt de­ livery ott ail the popuiar^.-pure breeds and hybrid crosses1 in non­ sexed, pullets or cockerels, Prices greatly reduced • for June. Also eight Week to twenty week old pul­ lets. Free catalogue,.,; TWeddle Chick Hatchcries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 23:30c ■ «■ .Strathroy, Saturday, May 25 th. 80 head of mixed Western stock cattle including a choice run of yearling steers. ’Also calves and. pigs. Trucks to deliver. A. G. Mc­ Alpine, 1 Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF Thames Road Warehouse MONDAY, JUNE 3rd,, 1946 at g p.m. Warehouse is 12x16 with 8 ft. sid­ ing,also three card tables. TERMS—CASH FRANK TAYLOR, -AuCt. P. PASSMORE, Sec’y p DISPERSAL AUCTION SALE of the CLOVERDAOLE SCOTCH SHORTHORN HERD numbering over 50 head, regret that conditions over no control havo We which we have brought about this sudden decision,. Date: WEDNESDAY, AIAY 20th, 1046 * at 1.30 p.m. at the farm* miles north Crediton.' The farm of 215 acres of finest clay loam equipped w-ith best of buildings with hydro in the best state of fertility. The herd 'sire, "Klaymof -Gala,”’ with 30 fine breeding cows, a gobdly number having halves at foot, the balance close to Calving; a dozen really choice heifers ana 2 young bulls make up the offering. This-, is a rare opportunity to buy at your own valuation foundation material of & long established herd. These cows have produced our sale cattle in the11 years paBt. These are the' cows.we had plahhed to carry on with. Herd fully accredited since 1‘9^- A,11 1116 younger cows and heifers Vaccinated agahist Bangs,. Plan to attend dr if interested; in a. catalogue, apply to i , W. C. F. OeSTR-ICHER* Prop,' . Crfediton, Ont Auctioneersr^Duncan Brown, Shed*- den* Ont.; Robt Amos, Moffat* Ont; Wih. O’Neil* Denfield* Ont. Of' the' the- and'. I? f s ft A J, X I 'J 5 ft > u a i > 4 Y 4