HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-05-16, Page 7Are You Ruptured? HENSALL ' s “ .............. Mr. T. C, Joynt spent a f< THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, OTTER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 16th, 1946 -IF Trousseau Tea On Wednesday evening of last week A trousseau tea was held at the home of Mrs, Wm. Ballantyne in honor of Miss Audrey Ballan- tyne, bride-elect of last Saturday, Mrs. John Miller and Miss Lillian Ballaptyne. poured tea assisted hy Miss Leone Duncan and Mrs. Kep Simpson. The. trousseau and the gifts were dispayed by Miss Mary Gardiner, Miss Dorothy McCurdy, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Ballantyne, WINCHEL.SEA Mrs. W. 1. Veal ana family, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Colin Gilfillan, -Mr» and Mrs- Nelson Clark, of Farquhar, spent one' evening re­ cently with Mr, and Mrs, William Walters,.Mi?, and Mrs, 'Pinning, of Clinton, L Mrs, Locking For a House A gentleman employed in London, who has a wife and two children residing in Ottawa, was in town op Saturday trying to rent a house. He stated that he had been in Lon­ don for a year and unable to secure a dwelling. He contacted some of the builders who are erecting new residences hut whether he secured the promise of a heme we do not know. Trusses, Belts, Supports of all kinds, Exeter Gilfillan and Mrs, W.June. and Grom-Fenders rators Vacuum Cleaner now on hand Peo- CHICKS GROW WHEN YOU FEED THEM RIGHT held at MANUFACTURED HERE j ■ We have Hybrid ahd Open Pollenated Seed Corn . Exeter machine and of increased and on pat’ ' visiting at Lind’ choii* Mal­ in spite publishing news has week, Watch Your Mr, T. C, Joynt spent a few days last week visiting in Detroit. Miss Audrey Russell attended the The New Genuine Viking Separators Are Now On Hand their respective Munn, of Birks a few month's Mr. and Mrs. of the fact that we are ten pages, considerable been crowded out this spent Sat- of Exeter, and Mrs, Coon and Mr. Mrs, S. White, White, Mr. E. Mrs. M. Schef- Welland Mr.- Nothing is hard to get if' you use a Want-to-Buy Want Ad. Fred Walters SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Over 15 years experience, J • ' Your drugs at Property Sold 30-acre farm of the late Kestle^ on the highway just These feeds are all manufactured right here which means extra-freshness, extra palatability, low cost* Lloyd Hern and baby evening with Mr. and Gaithwaite, of -Goder- full advantage of cream. CANN’S MILL LTD. 600 lb. model, all electric $156.00 800 lb. model, all electric $176.00 1000 lb. model, all electric $190.00 Trade in youi’ old take price Whalen London, home of J, W, Ed’s Machine Shop Two Blocks East of Main Street on John Street. M. J. Simpson DEALER Cdandeboye - ■ Ontario Phone 85r2, Lucan Central New just in time for housecleaning. Floor model ................ $59.50 (Attachments extra) Jensen & Co. (Successor to S, M. Sapders) Woodworking Specialist# Custom Furniture and General MtHwqrk Ypur Patronage Solicited ft 46, Elimville at Thames Bond, 17, Russeldale pt Woodham. 20, Russeldale at Thames Road 20, Woodham at Elimville. 22, Elimville at Russeldale, 28, Thames Road at Woodham. 27, Thames Road at Russeldale g7, EHmvHle at Woodham.-. 30, Woodham at Thames Road, 31, Russeldale at Elimville, • 3, Thames Road Pt Elimville. 5, Woodham at Russeldale. 7, Elimville at Thames Road. 7, Russeldale at Woodham. 10, Russeldale at Thames Rpad 11, Woodham at Elimville. 14, Elimville at Russeldale. 14, Thames Road at Woodham 17, Thames Road at Russeldale 17, Eliinville at Woodham, 21, Woodham at Thames Road 21, Russeldale at Elimville. 24, Thames Road at Elimville. 24, Woodham at Russeldale. field day will be held some in South Huron and Perth Softball League Schedule May May May May May May May May May May June June June June June June June June June June June June June June A time OUR GEBVIC® IS DIFFERENT.- wr qm.T vOTT a wm'r» niro AUM4»y WU»»OU avLounwu w»WL SELL YOU A EH IN OUR- , Field-FJetcher nuptials in Exetei’ on PRIVATE TRUSS ROOM. , I Friday, May 10 th, ------------------------------- Mr, T, shadd-ick and grand daugh­ ter, Miss. Judith Shaddick visited in Clintop, recently. Mrs, McClymont, of Varna, spent Saturday With her daughter, Miss Violet McClymont, Mr, Austin Schwalm, of Exetei*, visited with his mother, Mrs. Vio« let Schwalm recently. Ml and Mrs. Mervyn Johnston, Of Windsor, spent the week-end with Mrs. Adeline Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. C- Kennedy and little daughter Jean are with the former’s parents say. Mr. Milton Ortwein, of spent the week-end at th© his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ortwein. 4 Dr. and Mrs, D. G, 'Steer, of Lon­ don, called on friends in Hensall on Friday, Mr, John MacGregor, who has been confined to hospital for the past week was able to return home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beck, of New York, Visited with Mrs John Mc­ Allister and other relatives here last week, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ducharme and family, of Chiselhurst, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKenzie. Misses . Florence Schwalm and June Saundercock, Of London, spent the week-end at homes here. Mrs, Gordon T. Falls, is spending with her 'parents, Robt. Munn, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Middleton and children, of Detroit, are visiting with the former’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Middleton. Mrs. (Dr.) Harris, of Detroit, spent a few days visiting at the home of her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and 'Mrs. Sam Rennie. Mrs. Minnie Sangstei’ and daugh­ ter, Miss Margaret Sangster, of Exeter, visited during the past week with relatives in Windsor and Detroit. The service in' the Hensall United Church will be withdrawn on Sun­ day evening, May 19 th owing to the anniversary service being held in Ca'i’mel "Presbyterian Church. Anniversary services will be held in Carmel Presbyterian Church, on Sunday, May 19th, when Rev. W. Scott Duncan, B.A., of St. Marys, will be the special” speaker. Thei'e will be special music by the under the leadership of Mrs. colm -Dougall^,, Those attending the ■Young­ pie’s Rally held in Knox United Church, Belgrave, were Rev. and Mrs. Brook, Misses Barbara Michie, Margaret -Glenn, Dorothy McNaugh­ ton, Eleanoi' Venn er, .Doris Buchan­ an, Ruth Hess, Georgia Cook, Bev- nice Jinks, Eleanoi' Cook, Betty Mickle, Elaine Carlisle, Bill Mickle, Doug Cook and Bill Elliott. Mr,. T. C. Joynt is in Toronto this week-endattending the wed­ ding of his niece, Miss Jean Joynt, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Those crumpled fenders and dented bodies will1 be ex­ pertly straightened, buffed and new plete fully repainted to restore car appearance. Com- paint jobs, too, skill- finished. BUSSELLE—WHITE At MQunt Carmel Roman Catho. lie Church on Saturday, May if th, a very pretty wedding was solem­ nized when -Kathleen Ann, youngest daughter of Mr, Joseph B. White, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony. to Lewis Andrew Bus- selle^ pf Hamilton. The bride, given Ip marriage by her father, entered the church to Hhe strains of the bridal music played by Miss Hart­ man, of Mount Carmel. She was very charming in floor-length gown of white net over satin. A white embroidered net veil fell in soft folds to a train from her halo head dress. She carried a colonial bou­ quet of white sweet peas, yellow roses and fern. The maid of honor, Miss Marguerite White, sister of the bride, and the bridesmaid. Miss Ruth Jewell, of Windsor, looked very charming in matching floor­ length gowns of pink taffeta, with Juliet caps and colonial bouquets of shaded mauve sweet peas. Mr, Clair Whitmarsh, of Toronto, was best man and Mr. Don Jackson, of Ham­ ilton, acted as groomsman. The ushers were Mr. James Hood, of Hamilton, and Mr. Harvey Lovie, of ’London. During the offertory a duet composed of Mr. Anthony White, of Detroit, and Mr. Sandford White, of Windsor, both uncles of the bride, sang “Ave Maria” and during the signing of the register, Mr. Anthony White sang “Mother, Beloved,” both under the direction of Mr. E. Marshall, of Detroit, and organist of -St. Anne's R.C. Parish, of Windsor, Dinner was served to about sixty guests at the bride’s home. The toast to the bride was proposed by Rev. Father Fogarty, anfl was very fittingly replied to by the groom. The young couple were the recipients of - many useful gifts In the evening a reception was held for approximately one hundred and fifty friends and neighbors. For travelling the bride wore a teal blue worsted suit, dressmaker style, 'with gold and brown, accessories and corsage of yellow roses. Out of town guests were Mrs. W. E. -Scott of Edmonton, Alta., sistex’ of the groom; Miss Ethelyn Atwood, Well- fleet, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs, Don Jack- son, Miss June Kenzie and Mr. James Hood, of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. C. Whltmarsh, Mr. Jack Maney of Toronto; Mrs. C. Peter Coon, Mr. and of Windsor;- Mr, A,. Marshall,, of Detroit; ter, Mrs. 'Stoi’tz, of and Mrs. *F. Hohlbein, of . Guelph.. Aftei’ a short wedding trip to dif­ ferent points in Michigan the happy young, coupe Will reside in Harnil- spent Saturday with Min and i Fred waiters, Mr, and Mrs., Alt Collier Grace, of Kirk ton, visited Mother's Pay with the latter’s opts, Mr, and Mrs. h, Bailey, Mr, and MTS, Harold Davis, of Kirkton/ spent Mother’s Day with the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Davis. Miss Betty Sims, of Creditor, spent tfoe week-end with Miss Gladys Batten.Mr, and. Mrs. George Davis, and Mr, and Mrs, spent Sunday Mrs. ciaytop ich. Mrs, Colip F. Batten spent one day last week with friends at Staffa Master Billy Gilfillan urday with Bob Pooley,Mrs, — - — Gordon France spent Monday in London. Excavation Complete The work of excavating tor the new Exetei’ Co-operative building wliich is to be erected alongside of the railway tracks and south of the depot, has been completed. The work of pouring the cement for the foundation is to start at once, The building will be 35x16'0! feet which will provide a considerable® floor space. Kestle The Nelson south of Exeter, has been purchased by Mr, George Lee, of Brinsley, who gets possession the first of next month, They have two child­ ren, Ainsley on the homestead and Miss Mary, who is at present em­ ployed at Middleton’s Bakery. Misses Gladys and Minnie Kestle, who are occupying the house, will move into their home on William street as soon as it is available. * Bedding Plants AVAILABLE FOR SATURDAY, MAY 18th, 1946 Per Box Tomatoes .. ............ ...............35c Bonny Best, Earliana, Stokesdale, John Baer, Scarlet Dawn, etc, Cabbage, early varieties ................................».............. . 35c Onion, Riverside Sweet Spanish ..................................5Qc Peppers, Sweet or Hot ..... ,...................35q Petunias, Double ........................................................50c Giant Fringed ................................................40c Single ........... .................................................... 35c Salvia, mixed ...................................................................50c Snapdragons, Asters, Zinnias, Marigolds, etc, ...............35c J Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co Phone 207 — Exeter, Ontario, Shur-in Chick Starter For the first eight weeks of your little' chicks lives this is the feed with the right gritty texture for palatability, the right animal and vegetable “proteins for proper nutrition, the right high quality ingredients for high digestibility. Shur-Gain Growing For the rest of the growing period this is the feed that pro duces'real sound growth, promotes fast feathering. We now have the hew’ scientific weed killing chemical discovery, 2-4-D. It completely eradicates dandelions, plaintain, poison ivy, Wild cafrot and many other weeds without damaging grass, It kills slowly giving time to penetrate into the roots and does not leave a residue oil plants that is hazardous to livestock or petSi It will not stain or irritate the skin .■ . . dees not sterilize the soil . . . does not corrode metal spraying equipment. THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horney, of Exeter, visited -on’Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Orville Cann. Mrs. Wm. Etherington, Mrs. Jas. Anderson, Mrs. Orville Cann, Mrs. Percy Passmore and Alice, Mrs., Alice Gunning, of Exetei’, attended the trousseau tea of' Miss Shirley Squire, of Whalen, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tookey, Mr, and Mrs. B. F. Box. and Mi’, and M^s. Jack Box, of London, Mr, and and Mrs. of Zion, Mr, and Mrs. Jas? Earl and Mr. Allen Jaques and Ray, visited on Sunday with Mrs, Percy Passmore. A - surprise party was the home of Mr. and Mi’s. Carman Cann on Friday evening 1'ast, the occasion being their fifteenth wed­ ding anniversary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W'm. Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cann and family and- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson and family, of Whalen. -----------£------------- Joynt, Toronto, whose marriage to Mr. Warren F. Clayson, also of Toronto, takes place Saturday eve­ ning, May 18th, at 7.30 p.m. in St. Clair Ave. United Church. Re­ ception afterwards at - WymilWood. The Girls’ Dance Club held a most successful banquet in the new Commercial Hotel -Friday evening. The tables wore beautifully decor­ ated with tulips and spring flowers. Following the banquet a Dance was held in the Town Hall with music by Scotty McLaughlan’s or­ chestra. This is the last dance of the season to be sponsored by the Club- A number of relatives and friends attended the funeral of the late Mr. Walter MacBeath in Brucefield United Church on Wednesday. Mr. MacBeath, a native of Perthshire, Scotland, passed away Monday at the home of his daughter, MrsJJohn R, Murdock, in his 96th year. Sur­ viving is one son, Walter MacBeath, and one daughter, Mrs. John R, Murdoch, both Of Brucefield. Observes 80th Birthday A very enjoyable time was spent at the homo of Mr, Geo, Parker, Chiselhurst, on Saturday evening When a large number of relatives and neighbors gathered to honbr him on his 80th birthday. A sump­ tuous supper was served by the ladies with a large birthday cake lit with candles centred on each table. Mr, Parker was the recipient of beautiful gifts and best wishes. Those attending from HehSail were Miss -Edna Walsh and Audrey, Mr, Lloyd Vender and Eleanor, Mr, Donald Joyht and Mr. T. C. Joynt. ///w ocr/we&ir/Mr Wmww kwcwbbs rewe* flMMurewMW WBerre* Af*e/iee W *Mr//ve **B7eer*M You’ll get more pleasure from your car .: . better service at less cost, when you rely on Supertest products. For Supertest is double checked for the quality features that mean longer, livelier life for your car. Use Supertest gasoline for instant starting, flashing getaway, surging power—Super Duty motor oil for smooth-running, trouble-free driving and maximum car protection. IT'S NEVER FAR FROM WHERE YOU ARE TO THE SIGN OF THE MAPLE LEAF