HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-04-25, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTAR IO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 25th, 1946 Remington Rand Electric Shavers .................. Gem and Shur-Shock Electric Fencers (complete with Hot-Shot and Insulators) El<»p|:rjO R-adios ........ ......................... Stewart-Warner Radios Marconi Radios ................. NUTONE Door Chimes . Electric Toasters ............. Electric Irons ................... Complete Line of Pin-up, Table and Trilite Bulbs and Lighting Fixtures. $19.95 $15.00 $27.50 $29.50 $29.95 $7.50 to $12.50 ... $3.75 and up ... $4.30 and up Lamps, Lamp Goodyear Tires Snelgrove Tire and Electric Andy Snelgrove, Manager Phone for CARS TRUCKS VULCANIZING We fix flats anywhere. and TRACTORS RECAPPING a Domestic & Commercial Refrigeration Sales and Service We have one large used refrigerator that would suit farmer with large family, or restaurant owner One used cabinet radio with victrola attachment. One used washing machine, electric, with copper tub. One used 3-burner electric stove, with oven below. GREENWAY Easter visitors were: Mr. and Mrs, Byron Rrown and Stephen, of Toronto, at the home of his father, Mr, W, J. Brown, Miss Shirley Ulens, of Lon4on, with Miss Doris Woodburn., Miss Eleanor McLinchey, of troit, with her parents, Mr, Mrs. Fred Mc’Linchey. Mi’, and Mrs. Claude Fallis ; Peter, of Mt. Forest, with Mr. : Mrs. Lloyd Brophey and family. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McIntosh, of Ferndale, Mich., with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Honsberger Jimmie and Bonnie Mae, of Vine- land with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicks. Miss Evelyn Bullock, of Wood­ ham, Miss Mary Bullock, of London and Mr. Bob Bullock, of Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bullock. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Curts and daughters and Miss Viola CurtsL of London,, and Mr. neth Smithers, DC- and and and Ken- with and Mrs. of Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Curts. Mr. Dawson Woodburn, of onto, with his parents, Mr. Mrs. Chid Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson Mr. J. B. Nichol, of Hamilton, relatives, Messrs. Bruce Gardner, of don, and Earl Gardner, of Toronto, with their mother Mrs. J. Gardner. Mr. and Mi’S, Ehrle, Len/ Brian and Richard, of Detroit, Miss Lil­ lian Ulens, of Windsor, Miss Ula Ulens and Mr. Dorman Ulens, of London, and Mr, Jack Murray, of St. Thomas, with Mrs. W. T. Ulens. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McPherson visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mi’s. George Luther. A number of relatives and friends ■from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Jane Paxman at Park­ hill on Saturday. Miss Eunice Curts is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curts. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dixon (nee Ruth Pollock) who were married last Wednesday and to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Eagle- son (nee Shirley Isaac) who were married on Saturday. BABY CHICKS Tor- and and with Lon- Place an Ad Here and Watch Results They are read by more than 8,400 Times-Advocate readers every week Phone 31 w for an ad taker BABY CHICKS Prompt delivery of the following pure breeds and hybrid crosses, High quality Government Approved chicks White White Light Jersey horn x x White Leghorns, Austra Whites, New Hampshire ~ Barred Rock x. ■Light Sussex x New Hampshire Greatly reduced Also started chicks and older pul­ lets. Free catalogue. Twedde Chick Hatcheries Limited, •Fergus, Ontario. 25:2c NEUHAUSER BAiRRED ROCKS Neuhauser Barred Rocks are great layers. Bred for large egg Sired by pedigreed males size, with dam’s records from 234 - 336 eggs. $15.00 per hundred, pullets $25.00. Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King Street, 1 LONDON, Ontario.25c NEUHAUSER. WHITE LEGHORNS JPure Tom Barron and Manwaring Strains. Large type vigorous birds, bred especially for large eggs. Our 3A Special matings consist of our best females sired by p.edigreed males with dam’s records of 251 - 33 0 eggs. $14.00 per hundred, lets $28.00. Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 Kinff Street. LONDON, Ontario. COMING EVENTS HELP WANTED from bloodtested breeders. Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Rocks, New Hampshires, Sussex, Black Australorps, Black Giants, White Leg- Barred Rocks, Barred Rock Reserve 'Friday, iMay 3rd, for the Big Minstrel Show to be put on in the Exeter Arena by the Zurich Lions Club. COOK, general, experienced. Apply Central Hotel, Exeter, phone 151. 11c FOR SALE x Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, New Hampshires, x Light Sussex, prices for May. FOR SALE—A bean machine. Ap­ ply to E. H. Rader, Dashwood, phone 117, Dashwood.18-4tp FiOR SALE — Wheelbarrows, oak frame, pine and spruce box at $9.00. S. M. Sanders, Exeter. 14:28:11:25:9* FOR SALE—Grapevine roots, green or purple kind. Apply to Arthur Frayne, Exeter. 25c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE’—Brick house, small barn and six acres of good land. Well located. Land ready for spring cultivation. C. V. Pickard. FOR SALE — 55 acres with com­ plete set of buildings; 100 acres with brick house and bank barn. Both near Exeter. Spring posses­ sion. C. V. Pickard. Main Street. FOR SALE—Five room cottage, small barn, double lot in Hen­ sail. Apply to Vernon Hamilton, R.R. 1, Hensall. 25* possession. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. FOR SALE—2-storey brick '’house. small barn and 4 acres in Hen- sall. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. * FARM FOR SALE — Choice 10.0 acres nicely situated for schools, churches and town. Extra good house, large barns littei’ carrier, water, electricity; sugar bush; seeding in; quick- WANTED with silo, WANTED—’Good alfalfa hay or al­ falfa meal. Apply at Cann’s Mill. 18tfc WANTED—A copy of the book “In The Days of the Canada Com­ pany.” Apply at Times-Advocate. WANTED—Up to 25 head of cattle to pasture, on Lot 12, Con, 6. Hay Township. Apply at Times- Advocate. 11:18:25* HELP WANTED—^Reliable girl or woman for general housework for 2 oi’ 3 months. For particu­ lars write 40 Evergreen Ave., London, Ont. 25* FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished apartment. Apply at Times-Advocate. 25c FOR SALE — Strawberry plants, Senator Dunlap for early plant­ ing, 75c per 100. Apply Mrs. Emalie Carter, on highway south of Exeter. 25:2* FOR RENT—Pasture farm, lot 14, con. 6, Parr Line Hay Township, windmill on property. Apply Jas. Green, Exeter. 18:25* ....................................... Tn the Estate of "WILLIAM JAMES JONES, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of William James Jones, late of the Village of Hen­ sail, in the County of “ Huron, gentleman, who died on or about the 8th day of May, A.D., 1945, are required to file particulars of the same with Elmer D. Bell, Soli­ citor, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 12th day of May A.D., 19 46, after which date the estate will be dis­ tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DATED the 20th 1946. ELMER D. Solicitor for the day of April, BELL, Executors. 25:2:9c NOTICES FOR SALE-—A. large Boston fern, suitable for a display window. Phone 115 Dashwood. 25c NOTICE—Will the party who took • eight bushels of barley from the barn of Hy. Haist, of Stephen, return' the same and save further trouble. C FOR SALE—White enamel kitchen cabinet, chairs and table. Apply at Times-Advocate. 25c FOR SALE—A child’s steel crib, also an eight piece dining-room suite, both in good condition. Apply at Times-Advocate. 25* FOR SALE—An electric rangette, one wheelbarrow, 2 pair 7-foot iron gates. A. J. Hamilton, Exe­ ter. 25* FOR SALE—1930 chev. sedan in good condition, two new tires, others good, heater serial 4893HO Apply C. Reid. Exeter, opposite Cooper’s Garage. 25* FOR SALE—2 Yorkshire hogs, 8 months old, from good stock, market price. Apply Times-Advo­ cate. 25* FOR SALE—A white stove equipped with or without, - coal or voir, used only one 171r5 Exeter. enamel cook 'water front wood, reser- year. Phone 25c TO PARENTS & CHILDREN the Exeter Public Utilities Hydro-Electric Power Com- , Exeter, give notice that not be responsible for any . hurt while playing on our also we wish to warn We, 1 and the mission, we will children property, them against causing damage to Hydro equipment and property, which has happened on several oc­ casions. 25:2c IN THE ESTATE OF Minretta Livica Hind, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Minretta Liv­ ica Hind late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, married woman, who died on or about the 23rd day of January, A.D. 1946 are required to file par­ ticulars of the same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, of Exeter, Ontario by the 2nd of May A.D. 1946 after which date the estate will be dis­ tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated the 6th day of April, 1946. ELMER D. BELL, Solicitor* for the Executors. 11:18:25c K. J. Lampman, Supt.William Opposite Cann’s Mill Main Street, Exeter CASH FOR FOX;'hORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser­ vice day or night. Phone Credi- ton 47ri5 collect. Jack Williams. 28-5tc Authorized Kelvinator Sales and Service Phones 299, 59w G. K. CROCKER lb. pkg. Mangels—all varieties .65 Golden Bantam1.00 Stowell’s Evergreen .35 Turnip—Registered Laurentian (Semesan treated) N.B.—We have the Maritime strain recommended by leading authorities. FOR SALE—10.0 five week old pul­ lets, New Hamp, x Barred Rock. Phone Mrs. Harold Whyte, 232J, Exeter. 25c BANQUET & PRESENTATION for Servicemen and Women of Hay Township In appreciation of the services rendered to your country, you are cordially invited to be present at a banauet at the Dominion House, ZURICH, Ontario followed by a PUBLIC presentation in the Town Hall on WEDNESDAY, MAY 1st. 1646 at 7 p.m. Sponsored by the Township of Hay I Turnip—other varieties FOR SALE—309 shares at $5.00 each in the United Farmers’ Co- Operative, Toronto, bearing in­ terest at 5%. P. Passmore. c eeds FOR SALE—A baby cart with top and drop foot-rest, blue with white trim, rubbei' tires, will sell for $6.00. Phone 27r3, Crediton. ■25c FOR SALE—A good reliable work horse. Apply to Wm. Cann, R.R. 1. Hensail. 25* PERSONAL Village of Exeter—Re Permits In accordance with By-law No. 2, 1946, regulating the erection, re­ pair or wrecking of buildings with­ in the Municipality of the Village of Exeter, it is now necessary to secure a permit before any build­ ing within the limits of the Muni­ cipality is to be constructed, altered or repaired at an estimated cost of more than $100.00 on or before any ’building of a value of more than $100.00 is to be torn down, wrecked or removed. Applications for permits should be made at the Clerk’s Office. C. V. Pickard, Clerk. IN THE ESTATE OF Charles Stone, deceased. ALL PERSONS having against Charles Stone late of the of Hensail, in the County of Huron Gentleman, who died on or about the 27th day of Decembei* A.D 1945 are required to file particu­ lars of the same with Elmer Di Bell, Solicitor, of Exeter, Ontario by the 2nd of May A.D. 1946 after which date the estate will be dis­ tributed having regard only to those claims of wHich notice has been received. DATED the 6 th day of April. 1946. ELMER D. BELL, Solicitor for the Executors. <- ll:18*25c the estate of claims William Village Now on Hand Open-Pollenafed Sweet Corn .35 .85 Now is the Time to Seed or Renew Yo ur Lawn Arriving this week Hybrid and Open Pollenated Field Corn, Soy Beans, Sorghum, Sudan Grass, Millets, etc. —Ask for prices. Hybrid Sweet Corn Marcross (75 days) per lb. .50 Early 8-Rowed Golden Bantam (70 days) More cobs, bigger cobs, more flavorful corn. r .50 High Quality Lawn Seed Mixtures I LB. PACKAGES Steele Briggs (rapid growing) McKenzie’s (Parkside) ............ Tregunno’s (fast growing) .... Special Shade Mix...................... 5 LB. BAGS Steele Briggs (Queen City) McKenzie’s (Parkside) ..... BULK Fancy Quality Mixture ea. ea. ea. ea. 50c 50c 50c 65c ea. $2.95 ea. $2.35 per lb. 45c Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co. Exeter Ontario A Treat for your Feet! Use Lloyd’s Corn and Callous Salve for ■prompt relief. 50c at Roibertson’s and all druggists. Piles CAN BE RELIEVED Trial Order 65c. Results Guaranteed ROBERTSON’S DRUGS If you are allergic to Hayfever, you should start at once, using NAMELESS Cold Remedy and check it. Jars 60c, small tubes 35c, at Browning’s, Rohertson’s, Grigg’s. Sanders’ Stores, 25:2 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Elec­ tric washer; four-wheel trailer in good condition. Apply to J. Caldwell, Exeter North. ■ 25* HIGHEST CASH PRICES—We will pay for your poultry and feathers. Apply Box T, Times-IAdvocate.’ 18-5tp SHOVELS, draglines, diesel tractors, diesel engines, diesel generator sets, graders, rock crushers, sand gravel equipment, lumbermen equipment. We quote prices de­ livered your station. Send for Bulletins. Leventhal & Co., Ma­ chinery Dealers, Winnipeg. 11:18:25c RENFREW SALES AND SERVICE Hand turned or electric separat­ ors and stoves, prompt service; also repairs for lAnker-Holt separators. Basil O’Rourke, Brucefield. Phone Clinton 618r21. ll-4tp AN OPPORTUNITY , Established Rural Watkins Dis­ trict available. If you are aggress­ ive, and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable busi­ ness of your own. For full particu­ lars write today to The J. R. Wat­ kins Company, Dept. O-E-6, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 4:11:18:25 JESNEY SHOiE REPAIR — Now open for biisiness. Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. Crediton, tfp FannyIN THE ESTATE OF Triebner, deceased. ALL PERSONS having against the estate of Fanny . ner, late of the' Village of Exeter, in the County Of Huron, married woman, who died on or about the 11th day of August, |A.iD., 1944, are required to file particulars of the same with Elmer D. Bell, Solici­ tor, of Exeter, Ontario by the 10th of May A.D., 1946, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated the 22nd day of April, 1946. feLMER D. BELL, Solicitor for the Executors. . 25:2:9c claims Trieb- In the Estate of LAND, ALL against late of in the man, who died on oi* about the 2 8th day of February, 1938, are required to file particulars of the same with Robert Herman Ireland, one of the undersigned executors by the 6th day of May, A.D., 19 46 after which, date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated the 20th of April, 1946. ROBERT HERMAN IRELAND, Georgetown, Ont. SIMPSON O. IRELAND, 14 Raywood Ave., London, Ont. AARON IRE- Deceased. PERSONS the estate of the Village of Grand Bend County, of iLam’bton, Gentle- having claims Aaron Ireland, Executors 25:2c In the Estate of EMMA! IRE- deceased. PERSONS having claims- the estate of Emma Ireland, the Village of Grand Bend In the Estate of GEORGE MAWHINNEY, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of George Mawhinney, late of the Village of Crediton in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased who died on or about the seventh day of May, A.D., 1945, are required to file particulars of the same with Elmer D. Bell, sol­ icitor, of Exeter, Ont., by the 9th day of May, A.D., 1946, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated the 13 th day of April A.D., 1946. LAND, ALL against late of in the County of Lambton, widow, who died on oi* about the 20th day of March A.D., 1946, are required to file particulars of the same with the undersigned Administrator by the 6th day of May A.D. 19 46 af­ ter which date the estate will be distributed .having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated the 20th of April, 1946. ROBERT HERMAN IRELAND. Administrator, 'Georgetown, Ont. AUCTION SALES 25:2c ELMER. D. BELL, Solicitor for the Executors. 18:25:2c In the Estate of WILLIAM WAL­ LACE FISHER, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of William Wallace Fisher, of the Village of Exeter in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased who died on or about the 15th day of April, A.D., 1946, ai*e required to file particulars of ’ the same with Elmer D. Bell, solicitor, of Exeter, Ont., by the 12th day of May, A.D., 1946, after which date the estate will be distributed hav­ ing regard only to those claims of which notice has ’been received. DATED the 20th day Of April A.D., 1946. ELMER D. BELL, Solicitor for the Executors. 25:2:9c AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS in the village of HENSALL The Estate of the late Wm. C. Stone. SATURDAY, APRIL 27tli, 1940 at 1.30 p.m., the following: Quebec cook stove; Quebec heat­ er; kitchen cabinet; kitchen table: enamel top pantry table; 6 kitchen chairs; electric refrigerator (Frigid- ah'e); 2-burner hot plate (heavy wire); 2 brown metal beds, springs and mattresses; 2 dressers and stands; number of trunks and-quilt boxes; day bed; office desk; 2 reed rockers; card table; electric radio (cabinet); sideboard; number of small, tables; number of rockers; electric heater and fan; number of mirrors;, curtains; electric lamps; folding ironing board; quantity of dishes and kitchen utensils; gar­ den tools; lawn mower; .quantity of Wood and coal; step ladder; 2 45-gaI. drums. TERMS — CASH HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, GRACE & SAM FARMER. Executors,