HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-04-18, Page 10Page 10 »r THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 18th, 1946 s Beauty Shoppe featuring Eugene Thia Eaater treat yourself to $ Cold Wave Permanent. Make -yow appointment mow. Tel, Exeter VERA D, DECKER, Proprietress Exeter markets Wheat, $1,10 Oats, die. Earley, 7Q& Creamery Butter,, 45e. Kggs, A Darge 31c Eggs, A Medium 29c Eggs, Pullets 22e Eggs, B 25c Cracks 22e Leavitt’s Theatre ■Estefer Ont. -Phone 135 Show commences each night at 7.30 p.m. until further notice. Satisfaction Guaranteed Mrs- W» E, Cavers, Prop, Exeter Phone 345 Georgian Beauty Shoppe ii' Soelrs Taxi Service Phone 100 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY April 17th, 18 th — Two Features — ‘House of Fear’ Sherlock Holmes mystery feature starring -— BASIL RATHBONE NIGEL BRUCE ‘Penthouse Rhythm’ starring— KIRKBY GRANT * LOIS COLLIER ERIC BLORE FRIDAY and SATURDAY April 19th, 20th ' — Special feature — L J starring— JOAN LESLIE ROBERT ALDA Popular team of ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ in their latest comedy. ADMISSION: Children 25c; Adults 40c (incl. tax) Special Children’s Cartoon Matinee SATURDAY MORNING commencing at 10 o’clock sharp. MONDAY and TUESDAY {April '22nd, 23rd — Two Features — ‘Vacation From Marriage’ Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer feature starring — ROBERT DONAT DEBORAH KERR ‘My Name is Julia Ross’ Top thrilling mystery drama of year starring— DAME MAY WHITTY NINA FOCH ’ GEORGE MACREADY ROLAND VARNO the Miss Lillian Hueston returned home from the hospital on Sunday much improved. Mrs. Amelia Dale, who has been ill in Victoria Hospital, has return- "Cd to her home. Miss Barbara Dinney spent the week-end in Barrie with Mrs, C, B. Sanders, Mrs. Chas. Randall, of visited over the week-end and Mrs, Frank Taylor. Mr. Robert Kydd, of spent the week-end with ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kydd. Miss Edna J. Taylor, of Battle Creek" Mich., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. tC, Har­ vey. Mrs. Thos. Harvey returned on Tuesday after visiting in London with her daughter, Mi's. J, W. Batson. Mr, home after North Bay, Pt. Huron; Dr, E. S. Tom are Rochester, N.Y, to spend Good day and Easter, John Thompson, of Usborne, has been ill in Victoria Hospital, London, has returned to his home improved in health. Mrs. J. Strange has returned home after visiting for several weeks in Toronto, Her son Cyril motored up with her. Mr. and Mrs. J. Caldwell, Earl and Kenneth Frayne visited with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Frayne, of Sar­ nia, over the week-dhd. W. C. Pearce was at Dorchester last Thursday attending the funeral of the late Wilfred Robinson, a former Parkhill resident. Miss Vera Essery, who has been ill in Victoria Hospital. ' London, returned home Saturday and is now able to be up and around. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murdoch, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wood. Mrs. Mur­ doch is remaining for a week. Mrs. Ida -Sanders and Britain, of London and Dorothy Forrester, of Victoria Hospital, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Forrester. Mr. Art. Willard, who was injur­ ed in an accident Wednesday of last week and was in hospital in London for several days returned home Tuesday. Mr. Stanley Frayne, who recently received his discharge arter serv­ ing with the Canadian army over­ seas, has taken a position with Southcott Bros. Word was received in Exeter last week of the death of Mr. Albert E. Pym, of Carrieville, Sask., a former resident of this community who Dr. and London, with Mr. (London, his par- Sidney West has returned visiting in St. Marys, Toronto. Sarnia and and Mrs. Steiner leaving Thursday resident of this community died in hospital at Frobisher. Mr. and Mrs. Clarisse Snell, and for Fri- who WITH AN EYE TO GOOD GROOMING AND BETTER PERMANENTS. Tomlinson Hairdressing Phone 140 Phone 140 Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter WUERTH’S See our Men’s and Boys’ OXFORDS in dark brown. ALSO: iLoafers, Sport Shoes Scampers and Running Shoes. We can suit very pocket in Men’s and Boys’ Work Shoes large assortment to choose from. See our prices. Repairing promptly and neatly attended to—no waiting—spot service. All welt soles machine’ stitched. A Wuerth’s Cash Shoe Store SPIC and SPAN CLEANERS Your clothes steamed and pressed and sponged immediately for the Easter Parade. Daily Pressing to assure prompt service. Lennis Regier at Wright’s Store Phone 243w Exeter a EASTER ITEMS at Mr. Percy Atkinson, son of :Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Atkinson, of Exe­ ter, who recently received his dis­ charge from the R.C.A.F., is taking an electrical engineering course at Queen’s ‘University. He visited re­ cently with his parents in town and with his wife and infant son at Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarisse Snell, Miss Jean Snell and Mrs Angelina Hill were guests at the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hill, of London, on Saturday, April [13th. i Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Phillips, of Owen Sound, visited with the form­ er’s mother, Mrs. B. S. 'Phillips, over the week-end. The occasion was the latter’s 96_th birthday. We- extend our congratulations. A lost advt. appeared in the -Press Saturday stating that Whitney Coates, of Usborne, See Our amps We have a smart selec­ tion of lamps that will not only be of practical use but will also make an attractive addition to any room. They range all the way from the ultra modern plastic designs to the very smartest trilights including boudoir, table lamps. We have a tion of shades^ and pin-up good selec- too. R. C. Dinn'ey Furniture and Funeral Service is Free Mrs. , . , - , hadlost a brown leather purse in Simp­ son’s store containing a large sum of" money, ration books, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Reynolds have moved to Exeter into the res­ idence formerly occupied by their son Lloyd, who has taken over the home farm in Usborne. We wel­ come Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds to Exeter Mr. E. S. Moon and Lieut. E. S. Moon, Jr., of Detroit, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey over the week-end. Mrs. E. S. Moon Jr., (nee Doris Harvey) returned to Detroit with them after visiting here for two weeks. Ross Oke. who served with the R.C.N.V.R., for many years during the war and who received his dis­ charge in October last and since that time has been employed by the Algoma Steel Mills, has return­ ed to his home in Usborne. Mr. Harvey Pfaff, son of Mr. and Mrs, Hy. Pfaff, of Crediton, who was with the Canadian army for four years and 10 months overseas and was wounded in Italy, has tak­ en a position on the staff at the post office^ While the same name he is no relation of the postmaster, M. W. Pfaff. New Brown, Pleated, ° Zipper, Drape Trousers Men’s Sport Jackets Men’s and Boys’ Smart Brown Oxfords New Shipment of E'aster Shoes Metal Tipped Pumps in Browns and Blacks Suede Loafers Shoes for Every Occasion Jensen & Co. (Successor to S. M. Sanders) Woodworking Specialists Custom Furniture and General Millwork <Your Patronage Solicited ROBERTSON’S Condition Powder J lbs. — $1.00 9 lbs. — $2.45 Gharahteed ho Filler Results considered, you hill find tills powder unequalled as a tonic for1 all farm stock -Your drugs ait ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter Death of E. W. Horne The death took place in Crediton on Tuesday Horpe in his was a native one time was of Montreal twice married, his first wife being MISS Ethel Farther daughter of the late John Farmer, of Exeter, About a year ago owing /o a heart condi­ tion Mr, Horne, who was living in Toronto, retired to a quiet home at Crediton, He is survived by his bereaved widow. The funeral Thurs­ day afternoon Will be held from the 1 R. C. Dinney funeral home and" Will proceed to Stratford for Inter* ment Jh Avondale cemetery. of Mr. Edmund W 67th year. Mr. Horne of Stratford and at manager of the Bank in Exeter. He was * CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Kenneth MacLean, Minister Mrs, J. G. Cochrano, Organist Friday, April 19, 11 a.m.—Good Friday, Public Worship; Rev. Mr, Mair will.preach, Saturday, April go, 3 p.m.—Mission Band Thankoffering. Caven Aux­ iliary W.M.S. members cordially invited. Sunday, April 21—Easter Sunday. 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—--Special .Easter Service. Friday, April 26, 3 p.m.-—The Eas­ ter Thank-Offering meeting of Caven Auxiliary W.M.S. will be held in the S.S. room. Mrs. Wood, missionary on furlough from the Bhil Field, India, at present in London, will give the address. Sales and Service Phones: Office 88W; House 88J WANTED A part time salesman to sell farm equipment. Apply at Massey- Harris shop. Cream Separators from SCO.00 up Hite Way Milkers, $245.00 up One used Tnndein Disc, nearly new It R. B. Williams Lee Jory, Mechanic T. 0. Southcott was In Toronto, the forepart* pf the week on busin­ ess. Mr. panied Green Tuesday to see Mrs. Green’s father who is seriously IU in the hospital there. and Mrs, J, Caidwell aceom- by Mr. and Mrs. Henry motored to Owen #Sound on Mrs. John> Hea4, of Lohdon, is spending a few days at the homo pf hep brother, Mr, Wm, Hatter. ■Mr, and Mrs. D. A. Moffatt, of Kippen, Mr. Tony Moffatt, of Ron­ don, and Miss ,Dorothy Kydd, of Exeter, spent the week-end on a motor trip to Port Huron, Detroit, and Howell, Michigan. Esso Oil Burners ■By Imperial Oil Limited MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. J. Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A. Y, Willard, Organist ■Easter Communion. Serv­ ice, 'The Innei’ Resurrection”. The Minister. The Easter Story in flannelgram form will, be told at the Sunday School Session, p.m.—Public ter. Special Easter ices. Remember the ___ __ _ ice at 11 a.m. in Caven Church. -............. 1 ’ 11 a.m,- 7 "Worship. The Minis- Music at both serv- Good Friday Serv- JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A. Lawrence A. Wein Organist and Choir Leader. - Easter Day Services a,m.‘—Easter Sunrise Service in the 'Church under the auspices of the C.G.I.T. Everyone wel­ come. 11 a.m.-—Easter Service: the minis­ ter. “Carry On, My Soul! Carry On!” Easter music by the choir. 7 p.m.—Easter Choral Service. Sacred Contata: “The Red of the Dawn.” < Remember the Public United Serv­ ice in Caven Church on Good Friday at 11 a.m. A Joyous E'aster to all! ——Ml —W■HIM! —I—I—M III III? wygnagrontsrangaM 7. TRIVITT MEMORIAL ^CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Esme Howard EASTER DAY a.m.—Holy Communion.8 10 a.m.—Sunday School. “The Easter' Story.” 11 a.m.—Holy ‘Communion and Sermon. “The Glorious Victory.” Special Music by the Choir Anthem—“The Resurrection Morn” Paul Rodney, with bass solo— “The Watchman Jjis Vigil Keeps” Allan Elston. ■ SOLO—“I Know That My Redeemer iLiveth,” from the “Messiah”—G. F. Handel: Mrs. Nina Byers. — HOLY WEEK SERVICES — p.m., Wed.—In the Parish Hall. “The World as Viewed from the Cross.” p.m., Good Friday—In the church. “The Triumph of the Crdss,” Solo: “The Story .of the Cross”, Mrs. N. Byers. Choir practice, 9 p.m., Good Friday. You are cordially invited to these Easter Services. April 22nd, 23rd—Session of Synod, London. April 23rd, 8 p.m.—’Slides on the . W.A. ’Study Book, “Africa,” in the Parish Hall. 8 8 ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister In a Friendly Atmosphere You’ll like our courteous help and pleasant surround­ ings. ort‘s —i---—Coffee Shoppe Dinner served 11.30 to 2 <3015 I.O.O.F. DIVINE SERVICE The members of £he Exeter Lodge, No. 67 I.O.O.F., will attend Divine Worship at Triyitt Memorial Church on Sunday, April 2 8th, to be addressed by Rev. Hunt. Mem­ bers are requested to meet at the lodge rooms at 6.30 p.m. An invita­ tion is extended to visiting breth­ ren.William Allison, >N.G. E, A. Howald, Secretary. The Ministerial Association are sponsoring a union Good Friday morning service in Caven Presby­ terian . church at which Rev. Wm. Mair, of Thames Road, will be the speaker. Mrs. F. W. Morlock. Organist 6.45 a.m.—Sunrise Service. Speaker Rev.. Trueblood. IP a.m.—Easter Message. Holy Baptism. 11 a.m.—^Church School. 7.30 p.m.—Recognition Service fori Members of Armed Forces, ■ Friday, 10.30 a.m.—Community Good Friday. Service in the United Church., Rev. Reuber, Speaker. If you are considering' the installation of an oil burner in your furnace, we would suggest yon consider the Esso 4 Burner sold by Imperial Oil Ltd. With this burner which is backed by one of the ^largest Oil Companies in Canada .you get a tailor-made installation designed and planned for your particular furnace by the Engineering Dept, of Imperial Oil Ltd, We are now signing contracts foi* installation this sum­ mer. Come in and talk it over or give us a call, We will be pleased to quote you prices, Ask your neighbor or friends about the satisfaction they are receiving? from an Esso Oil burner, * Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. To Make Clothes Last Longer, Look Better THE SUREST WAY to make yciur clothes last longer as well as look better is to have them cleaned frequent­ ly. We are agents for Jarmain’s Forest City Laundry and Dry Cleaning. Their painstaking cleaning removes abrasive dirt and grime. To keep apparel sparkling and fresh, to have more beautiful clothes have them cleaned the Sanitone way. an’s > s r — The Store for Men — 3. i i ma i Phone 276 GUT FLOWERS i—‘ Snapdragons — Carnations — Daffodils POTTED PLANTS — Hydrangea — Oalsalarias — Cinnerarias A few Easter Lilies Mrs. K. J. Sims returned home on Sunday from Windsor after two weeks nursing her daughter, Mrs. Melvin Sims and a 6-pound baby ■girl in Grace Hospital. In order to relieve the over­ crowded condition in some of the rooms at the Exeter public ’ school several of the classes have been divided and a new room has been fitted up. Mrs. Sheldon Wein has been engaged as teacher. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE^ H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 P<m.—Prayer Meeting. Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S, Easter Slides. Speaker, Miss Dorothy McDonald. Sun., 2 p.m.—Sunday School. Supt. Mr. E. Cudmore. You are invited. Sun., 3 p.m.—“Christ is Risbn.” Sun., 7.30 p.m.-—A joyful song service. Easter music and song. Sun., 8 p.m.—“The Resurrection and the Life.” Have you seen the picture. Come! A wonderful illustrated sermon of the death ahd resurrection of our Lord, the Christ. Wear a Bunch of Sweet Peas "to To Complete Your Costume In the Easter Parade Exeter Flower Shop Ralph Bailey arid Family