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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-04-18, Page 4
Page 4 THE TJMESrAPVWATE, EXETER, ONTAR IO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 18 th, i •B! FOR SALE REAL ESTATE early 11:18c FOR RENT SALE—55 acres first good buildings with Well situated. FOR SALE—‘Two furrow internat ional tractpi’ plow, 12 inch bot tom. Apply to Roy .SchwarU, Creditoil. XSc FOR SALE -— 55 acres with com plete set of buildings; 100 acres with brick house and bank barn. - Both near Exeter. Spring posses sion. C. V. Pickard. Main Street, FOR SALE:—Brick house, small barn and six acres of good land. Well located. Land ready for spring cultivation. C. V. Pickard. FOR SALE—a number of small pigs, Sol Gingerich, phone 84r3, Zurich, l§c FOR RENT—Pasture farm, lot 14, con. 6, Parr Line Hay Township, windmill on property. Apply Jas. Green, Exeter. • 1S:»25* town, good buildings with electricity and water system. W, C. ’Pearce, Exeter. * EiASTER CARDS — Th© finest as- 7 sortment w© have ever had on display. S. B. Taylor. is* FOR SALE—11-hoe Cockshutt fer tiliser drill, grass seed attach-' ment, nearly new. Phon© 174rll, Exeter. _____1§* WtANTED—Giri for typing, part or full time, Apply at Times- Advocate.* LSe COOK, general, experienced, Apply Central Hotel, Exeter, phone 151. , 110 FOR SALE—A bean machine. Ap ply to Ez H.‘ Rader, Pashwood, phone 117, Dashwood. 18-4tp OIL BROODERS—In stock at all times. Also Jamesway electric, wood, coal, and natural gas brooders. Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King Street, (London, Ont. IS 4- April Want Ads Will Shower You With Results , 7 .. . .. .. . . . ... , Remington Rand Electric Shavers ............................ Gem and Shur-Shock Electric Fencers (pouHilete with Hot-Shot and Insulators) Nnvihern EIpptHc Radius .............>................... Stewart-Warner Radios . Marconi Radios................ NUTONE Door Chimes . Electric Toasters ............. Eleptrio Irons ............... Complete Line of Pin-up,, Tab Ip and Trilite Lamps, Lamp Bulbs and Lighting Fixtures. Goodyear Tires and TRACTORS recapping $19.95 $15.00 $27.50 $29.50 $29.95 $7.50 to $12.50 ... $3,75 and up ... $4.30 and up fpr CARS TRUCKS VULCANIZING We fix flats anywhere- HELP WANTEDMISCELLANEOUSLOST AND FOUNDMASON—SKINNER The Centralia United Church was the setting for a lovely spring wedding .Wednesday, April 19 when Beulah Elizabeth Reg.N., eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner, Centralia, was united in marrjage with Kenneth W, ■C,» eld est son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mas- on, of Belgrave. Rev. G. C. Weir performed the ceremony, The wed ding music was played by Mrs. J. McAllister, sister of the bride, who wore a floor-length white gown and corsage of white and red snaps Given in marriage by her father the bride was lovely in a floor length gown of white sheer, floor length veil caught with a coronet of white flowers. She carried a bouquet of white and American Beauty snaps and yellow daffodils. Her only ornament was a string of pearls, a gift of the groom and a souvenir of Holland- The maid of honor,- Miss Florence Benson Reg.N., of Sarnia, wore a long frock of pink net with matching shoulder-length veil and carried a nose-gay of pink and blue sweet peas and pink carnations. The two bridesmaids, Mliss Doris Skinner, sister of the bride and Miss Dor othy Mason, sister of the groom dressed respectively in floor-length gowns of yellow and mauve taffet- ta with matching elbow-length veils and bandeaux, They carried similar nokse-gays of mauve sweet peas and yellow daffodils. Little Judy Hall, cousin of the bride, made a pretty flower girl, dressed in long pink satin gown, shoulder-length veil and a coronet and carried a nose-gay of pink sweet peas. Th© groom was attended by his brother, Lloyd Mason, of Listowel. The ushers were John McAllister, of Centralia, and .Alfred Mason, of Belgrave. Mr. Harold Skinner, of HIGHEST CASH BRICES-—We will pay for your poultry and feathers. Apply Box T. Times-Advocate., is-etp Slender Tablets are effective. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at Robertson's and all druggists. SHOVELS, draglines, diesel tractorsi diesel engines, diesel generator sets, graders, rock crushers, sand gravel equipment, lumbermen equipment. We quote prices de livered your station. Send for Bulletins. Leventhal & Co,, Ma chinery Dealers, Winnipeg, 11:18:25c LOST—On Main Street a large brown covered button. Finder pleas® leave at TimesAdvocate. 18c FOUND—On the highway south of ®x©t©r, -a black wallet. Owner may have same by proving prop erty and paying for aflvt. Apply at Trivitt Rectory. c FOUND—In th© Post Office last week a pair of plastic rimmed glasses. Owner ' may have same by proving property and paying' for advt, Apply at Times-Advo- cate, 18c WANTED-—-A woman to do some ironing each week. Apply Box _S, Times-AdVQCate, Snelgrove Tire and Electric Andy Snelgrove, Manager Phone Modern and Old Time Featuring the Old Favorite ■r onAdmission 75cDress Optional Lionel Thornton and his Casa Royal Orchestra In Aberdeen Hall, KIRKTON‘ RENFREW SALES AND SERVICE Hand turned or electric separat ors and stoves, prompt service; also repairs for (Anker-Holt separators, Basil O’Rourke, Brucefield. Phone Clinton ’618r21. ll-4tp NOTICES f. Exeter Arena Sponsored by the Minor Hockey Association Wed., Apr. 24th X — Music by — MURDOCH’S ORCHESTRA Quality Co-Op Feeds Everybody Welcome, Chick Starter Chick Feeders Attention Double Wall Galvanized Water 'Founts for your young chicks Grow Mash ‘ Pig Starter Calf Meal at your Co-Op store Torrid Heat O/7 Burners The Very Latest in Oil Burning Construction District Cooperative Phone’287 ■ AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins Dis trict available. If you are aggress ive, and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this is. your opportunity to get established in a profitable busi ness of your own. For full particu lars write today to The J. R. Wat kins Company, Dept. O-E-6, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. # 4:11:18:25 JESNEY SHOE REPAIR — Now open for business. Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. Crediton; tfp Keep your Nostrils and Sinus clear by using NAMELESS Cold Rem edy, night and morning. 'Get it today at Browning’s, Robertson’s, Grigg’s, Sanders’ stores. 11:18 Ct Women and Girls of Exeter and District A manufacturing concern wishes to establish a branch plant in the Village of' Exeter. To carry oh its work this concern would require the services of fifty women and- ’girls. We wish to ■ find out if this amount of help is available. If you would of a please If you are contemplating using oil for heating your home we would suggest your seeing these now display, at , Lindenfield's Hardware DRUGGISTFAVOURITE You wholesome Seeded NUT P P on be interested in employment clean and. notify us attractive nature _____ ,___„ at once. Phone1 165W Exeter or write telling us that. you would be interested in work of this kind. C. V. Pickard, Clerk. enjoy the goodness of MEATS CORN POTATO CHIPS SPOTLESS KITCHENS Village of Exeter—-’Re Permits In accordance with By-law No. -2, 1946, regulating the erection, re pair or wrecking of buildings with in the Municipality of the Village of Exeter, it is now necessary to secure a permit before any build ing Within the limits of the Muni cipality is to be constructed, altered or repaired at an estimated cost of more than $10'0.00 on or before any 'building of a value of more than $100,00 is to be torn down, wrecked 'or removed, Applications for permits should be made at the Clerk’s Office, C. V. Pickard, Clerk. FIOR SALE—Colony house, newly built out of fully seasoned dry lumber, double flooring, sides single boarded, tar-papered and shingled; 8x10; painted, $90.00. Apply M. J, Simpson, Clandeboye, Ont. t8c JAMESWAY' FEEDERS-—Shipment just arrived. Sizes for baby chicks and growing stock. Neu hauser Hatcheries, 81 King St.. London, Ont.__________ • IS FOR SALE—A number of second hand brick and some square tim ber. Herman Powe, phone Credi- ton 18rl2. X8c FARMS FOR class soil, electricity, possession. Highway 140' acres, near gL_; ... -J WANTED WANTED—'Good alfalfa hay or al falfa meal? Apply at Cann’s Mill. 18 tfc WANTED—Several head jaf cattle to grass for the summer. R, D. Hunter, phone 113W, Exeter. 18;25c WANTED—Cattle for pasture. Ap ply to Orville Taylor, phone 83r23, Hensail. 18* WANTED — An unfurnished apart ment by May 1st by couple with no family. Apply Supertest, Exe ter, phone 76. 18* TIRES FOR SALE • The Township of Stephen has for sale, four used tires from the Road Grader. These tires are size 10x24, 8 ply, complete with tubes and may fee purchased in set of two or set of four. Tenders for the Same will be received by the undersigned un til May 1st, 1946. (Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ■L. B. Hodgson, Clerk, ’ Centralia. WANTED—A copy of the book “In The Days of the Canada Com pany.” Apply at Times-Advocate, WANTED—Up to 25 head of cattle to pasture on Lot 12, Con., 6. ■Hay Township. Apply at Times- Advocate. 11:18:25* QASH. FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals 'removed. Two-hour ser vice day or night. Phone Credi- ton 47rl5 collect. Jack Williams. 28-5tc FOR SALE—50 acres pasture land being N% Lot 3, 'Con. 7, Hay Township; farm has plenty of water. A few acres of young bush. New Beatty windmill, self-oiling; new fences. For particulars apply Geo. ILink, 'Dashwood, or Henry Adkins, Hensail, or Arthur .Weber Auctioneer, Dashwood. tfc FARM FOR SALE — Consisting Qf 125 acres, being part of lots 2 and 3, con. ‘8, Hibbert Twp., 110 acres of workable land; 15 acres of bush; L-sJtiapea barn, 36x72 and 36x52; two hen houses; tim ber frame drive shed 25x45; gar age 12x18; cement silo 14x40; white frame house with modern kitchen, bathroom, furnace, pres sure system; abundance of Water from two spring wells with wind mill and cement supply tanks; cement floors throughout. This is an outstanding farm with hydro; well fenced and thorough ly under-drained. Located 1% miles west of Highway 23 on county road 16. Apply > to W. T. Oolquhoun & Son, R.R. 1, Staffa, ’ phone Dublin 13rl2. 11:18* Exeter, uncle of Elie' bride, sang preceeding the ceremony and dur ing the signing of the register. Later- a reception for forty-five guests was held at the home of the ' bride’s parents. The bride’s mother received in grey and fuschia flowered crepe with match ing hat and corsage of .white and American . Beauty snaps. The groom’s mother chose a mauve fig’ ured silk jersey dress with mauve hat and corsage of yellow daffodils and n mauve sweet peas. Those as sisting were Misses Ruby King, Dorothy Hooper, Betty Coates and Irene'Sweet. Following this the happy couple left on a motor trip to .the eastern states, the bride wearing a green suit and hat with brown top coat and accessories. On their return they will reside on the groom’s .farm at Belgrave. iGuests were present from Bel grave, Listowel, Wingham, Kincar dine, Toronto, London, Detroit, Sar nia, Hensa.il, Exeter, Crediton and Grand Betid. The bride is a gradu ate of Sarnia General Hospital 1942 and Royal Victoria Maternity Hospital, Montreal while the groom has recently returned- after * having spent two years in the war zone Holland, Belgium and Germany. WANTED—100 horses, any kind of a cheap horse. Will pay good prices for' them. Frank Taylor, Exeter tfc WANTED TO BUY—5 to 25 acres, house, barn, hydro, possession; Write 2031 5th Ave., West, Owen Sound, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in IN THE ESTATE OF Minretta Livica Hind, deceased. , ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Minretta Liv- ica Hind late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, married woman, who died on or about the 23 rd day of January, A.D. 19 46 are required to,file par ticulars of the same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, of Exeter, Ontario by the 2nd of May A.D. 1946 after which date the estate will be dis tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ■ Dated the' 6th day of April, 1946. ELMER D. BELL, Solicitor for the Executors. ill:18:25c A GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE arranged by the Churches of the Village, will be held in . CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH on FRIDAY, APRIL 19th at 11 a.m with REV. WILLIAM MAIR, SPEAKER Everyone Welcome To-night (Thursday) Exeter Arena Programme provided by Beck Collegiate piece orchestra and Glee Club of 50 voices, under direction of Mr. Chapmaii, London. Gerald Schroeder (Continued from p^ge 1) ■ Zealand Air Force and this Service, that until after hostilities with Japan had ceased, no definite action should be taken, irregardless of the lapse of time. Since the cessation of hostilities, all available sources of information have been tried and exhausted; re cords that were preserved by re turning Prisoners of War were investigated and all returning Prisoners of War were interrogated and all Japanese casualty records were examined. Unhappily no infor mation has been received that would indicate your boy has sur vived. Froin the Air Marshall The following letter dated April 3rd, jb946 was received from Air Marshall Robert Leckie, chief of the Ait Staff, Ottawa: • Dear Mr, Schroeder; . I have learned with deep regret that your son, Flight Lieutenant William Gerald Schroeder, is now for official purposes presumed to have died on Active 'Service Over seas on February 9th, 1945, and I would like you to know that his loss is greatly deplored by all those With whom he was serving.-.. The measure of sorrow and anxiety which you have been called upon to bear so long is indeed overwhelming, and I realize how inadequate are any word© of mine which would attempt tn console you, but I wish to offer you and the 'members of your family my sincere end heartfelt sympathy. I THE ESTATE OF Stone, deceased. PERSONS having the estate of Stone late of the William Diplomas and merit awards will be presented. claims William Village Programme starts at 8.15 p.m. IN Charles ALL against Charles of Hensall, in the County of Huron Gentleman, who died on or about the ,27th day of’ December A.D 1945 are required/ to file particu lars of the same with Elmer' D. Bell, Solicitor, of Exeter, Ontario by the ’2nd of May A.D, 1946 after which date the estate will be dis tributed having regard only to those Claims of’ which notice has been received. DATED the 6th day of April. 1946. . ‘ ELMER D. BELL, Solicitor* for the Executors. 11:18:25( In the Estate of GEORGE MAWHINNEY, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of George Mawhinney, late of the Village of CrOditon in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased who died on or about tlie SeVeiith day of May, A.D., 1945, are required to file particulars of the same with Elmer D. Bell, sol icitor, of Exeter, Out., by the 9th day of May, A.D., 1946, after which date the estate will be distributed liavjng regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, Dated the 13th day of April A.D., 1946. ELMER ID. BELL, Solicitor for the Executors, 18:25:2c Admission 35 cents r