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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-04-11, Page 7
i eer iMM<<nwrT>fiwnMri»i«irWimnmiwwwi ezz Sales Books the b?s|t Counter Check Books made in Canada, They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer First EXETER TLMES-ADVOCATE HENSALL Jennie Jolly spent the week- London. Elizabeth Slavin is confined Miss end in Miss to her room owing to illness. Mr. Thos. Shaddick spent a few days recently with relatives in Clin ton. Mr." Wm. Slavin, of London, spent the week-end at his home here. Miss Ruth Mcllvenna, of Colling wood, was a week-end visitor with Miss Fayme Logan. Mr. Stanley Walters, of the staff of the Bank of Montreal, is holiday ing in Western Canada, Mr. Carey Joynt, B.A., a student at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, spent the week-end at his home here. Miss Minnie Reid, who has spent the past few months in London, returned to her home here. Mrs. Edna Corbett spent the week-end visiting with her aunt, Mrs, Ida Harding in London, Mr. Milton Ortwein, of London, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs, J. W, Ortwein. Mr. Alonzo Ortwein, of Detroit, visited recently with his father, Mr. J. W. Ortwein,-who is ill. Mr. Harold Hedden, of Tupper- ville, visited this week with his mother, Mrs. Catherine Hedden. , Mr. and Mrs. Edward Judd, Jackie and Sandra visited over the week-end with relatives in London. Miss Mavis Spencer, of Toronto? was a week-end visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Seen- 'CCT* Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaiser, of De troit, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser. -Mrs. Allen Davidson; of Sarnia, ■ spent the past week at the home of ■her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitchell. Mrs, John M. Glenn was able to return to her home this week fol lowing her recent operation in Vic toria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Corbett, Ross and Connie spent the week-end with and THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL- lift, IK INJURED HENSALL MAN SHOWING IMPROVEMENT Ronald Smith?, of Henpall, ip St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, follow ing a recent accident in which he suffered a fractured shall is “com ing along fine,” it was reported by hospital authorities Monday eve ning. Mr, Smith’s condition was critical for several' days, hut the man has since shown improvement and is now helieyed put pf danger. He was-injured when struck by a board he was sawing at a ^awmllL friendship/* The. company what was known as the “Huron Trftcli?” M area of l»lOQ»O0Oi acres lying be tween Godorkh and -Guelph, o built both thesp cities-r~Guelph on spven hills in the Roman manner, and Goderich with eight streets radiating like spokes from ft cent ral square. The stump of the maple tree John Gait first- hit with axe as he began to lay out Guelph was later levelled and fitted with a sun dial which served as the town clock in early days, Galt built a road between the two com-? ■munities to the chagrin of Lon- don directors who did not realise the great distances and were ag hast at the expense involved, He resigned, returned to Scotland, where he died in 1839 and was buried in his native Greenock* His great faith in Canada stimulated his son Who was to ‘become Sir Alexander Tilloch Galt, one Of tiro Fathers ‘ ~ ' * What i, ths C T. A.? What ip the Cgnada Temperance Act? It is an act designed to re duce to a minimum the public sale and use of intoxicating liquor as a beyerage. It takes away .completely from private interests in the area to which it .applies the privilege of selling any intoxicating liquor, and thus removes the opportunities of making revenue from the retail salp of liquor, which is generally admitted to be the desire of per- ons engaged Iu the liquor business. It is pot prohibition, maintain? for While it it the public sale of liqpprs, it dees not manufacture, nor its for personal use only. Intoxicating liquor, ip the C.T.A., “includes every spir ituous or malt liquor, and every wine, and any and every combination of liquors or drinks that is in toxicating and any mixed liquor capable of being used as a beverage and part bf which ig spirituous or otherwise intoxicating.” Liquor may be secured from lic ensed druggists in small quantities for strictly medicinal purposes, or for bona fide use ip certain man ufacturing plants, but only on the certificate of a legally qualified physician or magistrate. Wine may? be secured for sacra mental purposes from licensed ven dors on a clergyman’s certificate. Liquor may also be used in pri vate homes, but only for and family use. Any liquor brought in sonal or family use must a licensed carrier and be outside the county. A person .can not .bring liquor to himself. The Act can be brought into force or removed-in a coupty, city or electoral district by a majority vote and .thus has an advantage over what is known in Ontario as Local Option, which applies only to a municipality. All the principles or rights in volved in County Lscal Option are already involved in Municipal Local Option, which the Liquor Control Act recognizes and includes, .County Local Option differs only’ in the fact that it is a wider and more ef fective expression of the will of the people. The penalties provided by the C.T.A, are as follows: first offence a fine of not less than $50 or more than $100, or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month, with or without labour; and for a sec ond and every subsequent offence, to imprisonment for a term not ex ceeding four months, with or with out hard labour. The Ontario Liquor Laws and other municipal laws are enforce able in a C.TA, County where they do not conflict with the provision of the Dominion Law (C,T.A.); as an instance drunkenness and other minor violations are , punishable under theProvincial laws. All local and provincial police are re sponsible for its enforcement. Tract of Hurpo Shore b Indian? Left it* By IVERS OW of the Toronto Globe and Mail A link with the colonization days ■ Of' Southern Ontario is '.thp offering for sale of a 6,61^-apre tract of land With six miles of frontage along Lake Huron between. Grand (Bend and Port Frank, it represents more than half the. present holdings of the historic Canada Company, which 100 years ago owned several millions of acres of Ontario home stead lands. “It’s just as the Indians left It?” said CharteB Jones, 6?, Commission er ip Canada for the ILondon-owned company which induced thousands of the earjy settlers to Canada from Great Britain. “So far as I know there never has (been any extensive timber cutting in the area. It’s known as the Pinery, ip Bosapquet Township, and is too sandy for gen eral farming; the lake shore is all sandy beach,” One of the pioneer companies on tpis continent, The (Canada Com pany has been in process of wind ing up since 1935 when Mr. Jones became chief inspector here and em- marked on a land-selling career which has caused him to he refer-, red to as “the man who has sold more land than has any one else in Canada,” He has sold mpre than 50,000 acres for the company, which still owns about 12,000' acres. Has Valuable Archives The Canada Company was given a Royal Charter in August, 1826, with a capitalization of £1,00'0,000 to buy Clergy Reserves and Crown lands in Upper ^Canada and resell them to colonizers they induced to come to Canada. The company bought at a price close to 75 cents an acre and sold in pioneer days at about $2.50 an acre. Invaluable archives are part of the records of the company and the Ontario Government years ago evi denced a desire to have them. The company feels it still has need for them in its vaults at its Bay St., Toronto office to answer queries from lawyers and others regarding land sales of 100 and more years,, ago. Copies of letters written "by early settlers to former homes in Scot land, Ireland and England ar© part of the archives. One Scotsman here for less than a year wrote that, much'as he loved his native heath, he never would return there from' Guelph district. Even though some- one .paid his fare back to Scotland and guaranteed him an annuity of £i20 a year. Others wrote letters stating that it was a country where a man who worked hard would soon be affluent, (but that slothful, in temperate persons would be beggars here just as they would be beggars anywhere Suiprised „ . An Irishman wrote his wife. in Londonderry with apparent amaze ment that, “we have neither police nor army here and still people live 1 in perfect harmony and mutual The meeting closed by singing? “He Liveth Leng Who Liveth Well?” and the Mizpah Beaedictipp. CJon- tests were enjoyed Pt the cldse. Arnold Circle Evening The April meeting pf the Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary was held on Mpnday evening at the home of Mrs. John Farquhar with p large attendance. The program as follows was arranged by Mrs. Chas. Forrest and Mrs. Melvin Moir presided and opened With the call to worship and singing of “Go to Dark Gethse mane,” after Which Mrs. A. W, Kerslake led in prayer. Mrs. Roy MacLaren read the scripture from Matthew 26, verses 36-56, Mrs. Forrest gave a reading, “Jesus at the Cross,” Hymn, “Beneath the Cross of Jesus,” was sung. Mrs. P. A. Ferguson gave an interesting story on the life of Mary Slessor and her work in Africa, The busi ness, roll cajj and offering were taken. The meeting closed by sing ing, “Not What These Hands Have Done,” after which Mrs, Stewart Bell led in prayer. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Council. Minutes The regular meeting of the Vil lage Council was held the evening of April 2nd at 8 p.m. in the Coun cil Chamber, with all -members be ing present. The minutes of the pre vious meeting and also of the spec ial meetings were read. Fink and ■Hyde: that the minutes be adopted as read. Carried. Rev. R. A. Brook appeared as a delegate along with the secretary, J. A. Paterson from the Library Board asking about the heating of the Library, also re the Library rates for the year 1946. Moir and Kerslake: that we grant the Library a rate of 1.2 mills for 1946, Carried. E. Dick appeared re the work to be done on the side walks in the Village and it was de cided to put in a trial piece by day work. A delegation from the Cham ber of Commerce composed of W. R. Davidson, F. W. Smallacombe, W, Brown appeared and offered some suggestions as regards putting in some public toilets in the Town Hall, also made suggestions as re gards installing waterworks in the viiage, stating the steps taken In the Village, of Lucan, same to get full consideration by the Council. R. J. iPaterson, tax collector, handed in the 1945 tax roll and reported there was only 159, 10 as being outstand ing taxes. Hyde and Fink: that the Collector’s roll of 1945 as presented by the Collector be accepted, and the proper reports filled in and sent to the County Treasurer. Carried. R. J. Paterson, Assessor, also re ported re the Assessment for 1946 and stated there had been an in crease in population of 31 making a total population of 649; also an increase of 8,830 in Assessment and making a Total Assessment of 4401,704. Fink and Kerslake: That the Assessment Roll as presented by the Assessor for 1946 bp accepted and the salary paid. Carried. Cor respondence was read as follows: Dunlop, Tire and Rubber Goodp, W- L. Whyte, - Currie ’-Products ’'Ltd., Brunner Mond 'Canada Sales Ltd., Imperial Oil Ltd., Clinton Public Hospital, Dept, of Attorney-General, Bank of Montreal, Allied Industrials Limited, Echardt Brothers, J. H. Kinkead, R. O. Staples, Town of Goderich, and County Treasurer, same considered and filed. Kers lake and Fink: that we endorse the resolution .of the Goderich Town Council. Carried. Bills and accounts were read as follows: Fred Peters, stoker and repairs to hall $397.25: R. Simpson, labor, hall 31.50; ’D. W. Sangster, labor, hall 19.25; W. O. Goodwin, club bags, veterans 120.00; Mustard Lumber and Coal, coal, hall 23.93; W. R. Davidson, coal, HAH 21.25; Municipal, World, [supplies 8.45; A. Spencer & Son, “ ; J. A. Pater son, part salary 106.10; T. Kyle, salary 73.80; R. Todd, labor streets 2.00; W. Dabus, sanitary work, hall 5.0 Qi; Twitchell’s Garage, supplies Fire .Dept. 39.84; R. J. Paterson, salary 45.00, postage 2.45, 47.45; Drysdale's Hardware, supplies, hall 19.47; Hensall Hydro Commission, hydro, hall 19.09; total $947.07. Moir and Hyde: that the bills and accounts as read be paid. Carried. Fink and Hyde: that we now ad- Carried. at THAMES ROAD Celebrate Wedding Annivertiary A social evening was spent the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville ■Cann on Tuesday evening when friends and neighbors joined with them in celebrating their wedding anniversary. Progressive euchre was enjoyed by all. The bride and groom of thirty-threp years were presented with a small remem brance after which a dainty lunch was served by the hostess., Mr. and Mrs. Alyin Passmore and family spent Tuesday evening last with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Passmore Ip Exeter. Mrs, A. MPrgan and Mrs. Wise man motored with Mr. and Mrs. W1 C. Allison? . of Rxeter, to Shallow Lake and visited with Mr. and Mrs Robert Kydd and Mr. W. Rydall on Sunday. Miss Jegn Cann spent the week end with Miss Phylis Dougall at Hensall. The many friends of Mrs, Dan Goward Will be sorry to learn that she is confined to her bed. The Y.P.U, met in the church basement Friday evening- Mr. C. Smith, of Winchelsea, gave a very interesting talk on British Colum bia Mrs. E, i Fletcher, of Sunday with Moodie. Miss Lillie the JameB Street Mission Circle of Exeter at her home Tuesday night of this week. Miss Marion Hodgert, of Exeter, spent the week-end with her parents We are sorry to report that Mrs. Stanley Coward had the misfortune to break a bone in her foot a few days ago The Y.P.U. will meet In the church basement Friday evening of this week. All young people are welcome. Miss Vera Decker, of Exeter, will give the topic. The W.M.S, will observe their Easter Thank-Offering service Sun day morning with Rev. Trueblood, of Crediton as guest speaker. His message will be “Women’s Part in the Crusade.” We hope everyone will come out to this service at 11.15 a.m. The choir will render special music. Sunday School will meet at 10Jlj5 a.m. Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Johns and family visited with Mrs. grandmother, Mrs. Howald field on Sunday last. Mr. Bert Gardiner, Ray and Glen Stewart, all of week-end with their S, Moon and Marie Exeter, visited on Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Miller was hostess to Johns’ at Den Stewart London, as some does prohib* Intoxicating prohibit its bringing in as (described personal for per- come by paid for Main Street Evening Auxiliary The -April meeting of the Main Street Evening Auxiliary was held held at the .home of BeuJah Howey Vi. Hopper, the president, was in the chair and opened the meeting with hymn 3'011/ and the Lord’s Prayer, .Minutes were read and roll called and business was discussed. An invitation from James Street Evening Auxiliary to join them at their June meeting was read. Miss Grace Pepper then took charge. Hymn 105 wag sung followed by prayer by Alice Bowen. The Scrip ture was read by Eva Pearce. An Easter program was then enjoyed consisting of a duet ,by Helen Pig* nan and Dorothy Davis; reading, “The First Easter” by Vi Sweitzer; reading, “The Greatest Hero” by Marion Forbes; solo by Olive Out land; “There is a Green Hill Far Away”; poem, “The World’s Eas ter” by Mrs. Woods; poem, “There ip Joy at the Heart of the Universe” by Kay MeCullagh. The speaker for •the evening wag Mrs, Batten who gave a very interesting synopsis of the book “The Robe.” Hymn - 88 was sung and the meeting closed with Mizpah Benediction. A very dainty lunch was served by the group in charge. The May meeting will be held in the church basement having as our guests the ladies of the W.M.S. and the MisBion Band Part of ■Confederation, AT EASTER Sacrifice . . ,t Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams family in London, Mrs, Churchill, Toronto, is iting with Reeve and Mrs. R. E. Shaddick and family, and relatives in Seaforth and Clinton. The Lion’s Club of Zurich, will pi’esent a minstrel show in the Town Hall, Hensall, on Thursday,’ April 11th, under the auspices of the Hensall Chamber of Commerce. The play, “Mur.dered Alive,”. -/ which waa presented in the Town supplies, hall,, 12.66;^ Hall Friday evening by pupils of ”” Hensall Continuation School was well presented to a large audience. Mr. Kenneth iPassmore, who has spent the past few weeks at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, left for Kingston, where he will attend Queen’s Uni versity. The Easter Thank-Offering of the W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian Church - will be held on Friday evening, April 12th in the school* room of the church when the Home Helpers will be entertained. ■Mr. and Mrs. A. Scholl, of Monk ton, have purchased the butcher and grocery business from Mr. and Mrs. Harry McMillan and have com menced business here. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Scholl to our village, Mrs, Catherine Hidden who has spent the winter months with mem-, bers of her family in Hamilton ahd St. Catharines, returned to her home herd on Monday. She was ac companied home by her «ons. Herb, of St. Catharines, and Pte. Russell Hedden, rhbently returned from overseas. Holy Week Services will be held in the local churches as Jollbws: Tuesday, April 16 in St. Paul’s Anglican Church? the speaker, Rev. R. A. Brook; Wednesday, April 17th in the United Church, Rev. P. A. Ferguson? speaker; Thursday, April 18th in Carmel Presbyterian Church with Rev, M. A. Hunt speaker. These services commfence at 8 p.m, A communion service will be held oh Good Friday id Carmel Presbyterian Church. Mission Circle Moots The Mission Circle of the Hensall United Church met at the home of Miss Gotis Buchanan on Monday evening and opened by singing “Faith of Our Fathers,” Miss Eleanor Cook read the Scripture lfesson and the hymn? “I Would Be True,” was sung, after which OriAn Stephen led in prayer. The roll call was answered with “Love” as the text word* The roli Call fOr the May meeting is to be answered with a favorite hymn. The Story was reAd by Elaine Beer, Doris*-Buchanan? Edna Retake, And Eleanor Venner. vis- journ. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ar nold Westlake, of Cromarty, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fuss, of Hillsgreen, visited recently with the latter’s brother,- Mr. and-Mrs. J, H. Cochrane.' Mr. and Mrs. A. Parsons and family visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. Lindon, of Denfleld. W.M.S. Hold Easter Meeting The W*M.S. of St. Andrews United church met at the home of Mrs. Norman Long on Wednesday afternoon, April 3rd with eighteen members answering the roll call with the text word “Victory.* The Easter program was follow ed with Mrs. John Henderson pre siding and opened the meeting with the use of hymns No. 205 and 41 Scripture readings were given by Mrs, Morley Cooper and Mrs. John Cooper. Hymn No. 118 wAs then sung and Mrs. Herbert Jones led in prayer. The topic “Currje Of Chissamba” Was'given by Mrs, Er- nie Chipchase. Hymn No. 235 was then sung and the meeting closed by repeating the Lord’s Prayer in unison. A delicious- lunch Was serv ed by Circle No. 2. sc spent the parents Mr. Donna Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Orville Cann. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McClure and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smale, of Sea forth, visited last Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore Miss Helen Howatt spent „ the week-end with her parents at Bly th. Miss Eloise McLinchey, of Exeter spent Wilma W.M.S. The the W.M.S. and W.A. was held the home of Mrs. Robert Cann Wednesday afternoon of last week with a good attendance. Mrs. A, Gardiner, president of the W.A., was in charge. The meeting opened with the Devotional from the Mis sionary Monthly. Those taking part were Mrs. Gardiner, Mrs. Wm Cann, Mirs. Wiseman, Mrs. Elford and Mrs. Mair.. After the Devotion al exercises roll -call was taken which was answered by “My Favor ite Hymn.” The W.A. roll call wAs then taken. Letters of thanks from those who had been ill and had re ceived boxes were read. Delegates to Presbyterial w(hich is in Wing ham April -25 th were appointed. Delegates are Mrs. Wiseman and Mrs, R, Goward. Mrs. Mair spoke a few words on “Our Part in the Cru sade” and announced that Rev. Trueblood, of Crediton, would take the service on April 14th for our Easter Thank-Offering. Every mem ber was asked to let as many know about this service as possible. The W.A. decide to have a play some time in May, the group_leaders to choose the date and play. A Holiday Calender is to, be made and dis tributed among the ladies, of the congregation as a means of raising funds, for the.WvA>--Mrs; Wm. Cann spoke a few words about the Red Ctosb meeting which was held in Exeter. Mrs. P. Stone was in charge of the program which was as fol lows: reading by Mrs. Kirkland; sold by Mrs. Harris; reading by Mrs. Pym and a reading on “The Church in the Rural Community” by Mrs. A. Hunkih. Collection was taken and a hymn sung. The meet ing closed with all repeating the Lord’s Prayer. and and Mrs, Laverne Stone, Marlene visited on the week-end with Miss Borland. and W.A. Meeting regular- monthly meeting TAKE A TIP Nothing can spoil ’ the festive gaiety more completely than an accident in the home. Here are a few precautions. Do not handle electric appli ances with wet hands. Do not yank at cords or run them under rugs. Don’t neglect purchasing extra lamp bulbs of various sizes so they will be on hand when needed. Do not place fancy inflamable ornaments, synthetic materials, pa per or cotton near high-wattage lamp bulbs. Do not overload your electrical outlets. Usually 1200 watts is as much as the ordinary circuit will supply. Do not put pennies in a brown out fuse. A blown fuse is a warn ing that the circuit is overloaded. A replacement of a new fuse of the same strength is required. Do not forget to have insulated staples on hand in case you want to use an extension cord. Do not burn candles close" to Christmas trees, curtains, wall paper, woodwork or mirrors. I I knelt Which And felt the burden was too hard to bear alone; I felt upon my broW the thorn# which crowned Hip brow, And tasted in my soul the pain of grief, while now— There “hangs” the hopeless future, such as He did know, As He called upon His God to sweep aside His woe?* While as His life He gave for sin ners there, I felt the sacrifice of self with deep despair. Sacrament . . . Part II We rose with greatest joy, the bur den of “the Cross” was gone; For as He triumphed over “Death,” He brought us dawn; The bitterness of pain within our souls was swept away; He brought the healing balm of hope, this Easter day; While over the happy future,. clad with faith divine, The, sweet sacrament of sins for given, are yours and mine; While as He drank the dregs of sacrifice complete, He joined our souls with fellowship so sweet. beneath the heavy Cross he had borne, Re-Union . His, in Part HI So, broken, helpless lives, lost, apart, Through Christ, the Life may humbly reach God’s heart. —Eva M. Penrose. divided, Divine, persons would be beggars else. by Orderliness What will it cost to fix my ear?” Mechanic: “What’s wrong with it?” “I don’t know.” Mechanic: “$4.83 ” “What the cat’s name?” “Ben Hur.” “How’d you happen to choose that name?” “We called him Ben till he had kittens. Rural Magistrate: “Rll have to fine ye a dollar, Jeff.” Jeff: I’ll have to borry it off ye, Jedge.” Magistrate: “Great snakes! It wad only to git the dollar that I was finin’ ye. Get opt! Ye ain’t guilty, anyway.” « Sergeant—I suppose you wish I were dead SO yOu could spit on my grave? 4 'Private—-No, Sir) Not me—I hate to stand In line? * “Hello, Ruth, do me?” “Ruth? My name "I'm sd sorry—I this is Wednesday.” you still love 1S Helen*’* keep thinking “I understand your hxisband has taken u>p the violin.” “Yes, and he’s doing fine with it. They’ve returned his oil-cart from next do.or already.” Are finders keepers? Not always. Most people are honest? and Will return anything that? doesn’t belong to them? just as soon aS they find out who the true owner is, No mat ter what you finj, if you think its of value to the original owner, run a want-ad about it in your news paper? offering to return it to the oWnfer upon proper identification and payment for the Want-ad,