The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-04-11, Page 4Wge 4 THIS TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO* THURSPAY MORNING, APRIL IHh, ......... J..', .i ..J,,.l.,|,giWi!)U-.i...m. • -j.-.!■, ^1,1.,)...u;J!.i:."i-'-NJ.-.1. , , April Want Ads Will Shower You With Results -M * ■ * ___< * . ■ ._______________ . : * ffW V ffi d* We now have on display, and for immediate delivery, a complete line of LIGHTING FIXTURES for every room in your home. — Electric Irons —pi-esto Cookers — Table L:unps —.Tillite Lamps —r. Radios — Single an<l Double Hot Plates — Record Players — Electric Toasters — Vacuum Cleaners -r- Nutone Do*or Chimes for CARS Goodyear Tires TRUCKS and TRACTORS * HELP WANTED AUCTION SALESFOR SALEJAMES ST, MISSION CIRCLE The Easter dieting of Jaiues Street Mission Circle was hald Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Lillie Miller,. Tholes Road. The meeting opened with a poem ‘Mesus Christ, The Crucified" fol­ lowed by hymn $6, Business was discussed, A quilting and pot luck supper was planned for May and a picnic for June, Jt was decided to send a treat at Easter to the child­ ren, of the Protestant Orphans Home, London. Easter thank-offer­ ing was received. A poem “Easter" was given by Ardys McFalls follow­ ed by liynjn 109. Helen Westcott then took charge of the meeting. The Easter leaflet “The New an0 Living Way" was followed with Helen (Rowe and Marjorie Richards taking part, A solo “The Old Rug* ged Cross" by Doris Westcott was greatly enjoyed, Miss May Jones gave an interesting account on the chapter of the Study Book. A read­ ing “Unawares” by Anna Brock was much appreciated and the meeting closed, with the Mizpah Benediction. Lunch and contests were enjoyed at the close, are lnner(e<i free Card of 'rhnnlcM 5>Qe, Io extra for «dd(L- Announcements Birth. Notice* eluirgre.Heynoriaiii Notice*1 fiPf® '■or verse. 25e extra for ®«<?h addi­ tional verne. Eiigragrent entft 5Oc BIRTHS CARTER—At Dr, Fletcher’s hospit­ al on Tuesday, April 9th, 1946, to Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Carter, of Clandeboye, a daughter, DEATHS Snelgrove Jire and Electric Andy Snelgrove, Manager Phone 18 Burner FISHER—In Kincardine on Monday • April 8th, 1946, Ann Sanders, beloved wife of William Fisher, in her 84th year- JBNNISON—At Lot 8, Con. 16, Township, on Saturday, April 1946, Annie Talbot, widow of late William Jennison, in 82nd year. CARDS OF THANKS W. Hay 6th, ' the her Mrs, Earl Haist wishes to thank all those who so kindly remembered her with visits, flowers, treats, and cards while she was a in Victoria Hospital, also the help given by the neigh- c fqr SALK —- 3-piow and 2-piow International tractors on rubber; also 1936 New Imperial motor** cycle- Leon ^Triebner, R.R. 1, Grand, Bend, phone 481’11, Dash* wood. , 28:4:11* SEED GRAIN Reg. Ajax grades Ajax, Oats, Galore Nobarb yielded all other varieties the O.A.C, Guelph, Field’ Feas, WANTED to buy—’Erban seed oats Cann’s Mills. Whalen Corners and Exeter, phones Kirkton 35-15 and Exeter 35W. COOK, general, experienced- Apply Central Hotel, Exeter,, phone 151. 11c FOR SALE—NO. 1 Oats, Commercial Cartier and Alaska O.A.C. No. 21, and Barley. Ajax Oats out at FEMALE HELP WANTED—House­ keeper, middle aged tor tobacco farm add to look after green­ house some, experience not need­ ed, 'For further particulars either write to Anton Herman, R, R. 1» Straffordville or phone 23r21, Straff prd vjlle- - 4;11* HELP WANTED—One sticker man in planing mill. Must have a year’s experience. Good pay. Dashwood Planing Mill, 28-4tc FOR SALE — iStewart-Warner bat­ tery operated Dundee model radio, like new. Apply to- Earl Carroll, Exeter. 11* FOR SALE—-4-burper electric stove with jpven, like new. Apply at (Fink’s Tin Shop, Hensall. 11* FOR SALE — Wheelbarrows, oak frame, pine and spruce box at $9.00. S. M. Sanders, Exeter. 14:28:11:25:9* LOST AND FOUND LOST—Between Exeter and Thames Road church, a bag of canning factory peas, Horseford^, Finder please notify ’Melvin Glanville, phone 73r25, Hensall._______11c LOST—In Exeter ladies stone set ring on Tuesday, March 19. Lib­ eral reward. Box Z, Times- Advocate. When Buying an Place your order now for a FESS BURNER, and have your furnace examined to be sure that it is in good shape to burn Oil. letters patient for all hours. Mr. Sunshine Tricycles Sunshine Doll Buggies Garden ——Shovels —.—Cultivators -------Weeders ------Hoes ------Rakes Electric Food Mixers Now in Stock **► We carry a full line of waxes, cleaners, etc. Also the new Warner Floor Waxer. Beavers Hardware Phone 86 Exeter EXETER HIGH SCHOOL Thursday, April 18th, 1946 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oestricher wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered Mrs. Oestricher with cards of .good wishes, flowers and treats while in the hospital and during her stay in London and since her return home. * Rev. James and Mrs. Anthony wish to express their thanks to the many enquiring friends and those who remembered Mr Anthony while a patient in Victoria Hospital, Mrs. Ezra Lamport wishes to take this means to express her sin­ cere thanks to those who so kindly remembered her with cards those who visited her while was confined to her home. Mr. L. Day and family wish express their sincere thanks to friends and kindness and during their with special Middleton and Mr. William Warren wish to thank the neighbors who helped in any way with sale; also those who helped on day they moved. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bailey Jack wish to thank his -many friends who remembered him with beautiful cards and boxes of fruit, also the ones that helped at home while Jack was toria Hospital. Mrs. Addison thank her many bors for the flowers, treats sent while Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mrs. Norman Stanlake wishes to thank her many friends who so kindly remembered her with. flow­ ers, cards calls and .gifts during her recent illness c Jensen & Co. (Successor to S. M. Sanders) Woodworking Specialists Custom Furniture and General Millvpork Your Patronage Solicited FOR SALE—One Northern Electric refrigerator in good condition. Phone 2012, Exeter. 11c FOR SALE—One ladies’ tweed coat, box style, size 40; one child’s polo box coat and hat, size 10, Apply Box R, Times-Advocate. 11c FOR SALE—2 antique lamps, one 90 years old, must be seen to be appreciated; no dealers, no phone. Apply Box R, Times-Advocate. 11c NOTICES in the Exeter Arena Beck Collegiate Orchestra and Glee Club, of London, under the leadership of Mr. Chapman, will provide the entertainment. Diplomas, and merit awards will be presented at 9.30 p.m. Programme starts at 8.15Admission 35c Admission 75cDress Optional Sponsored by the Minor Hockey Association TRY A CLASSIFIED!IT PAYS’ Exeter Arena Featuring the Old Favorite Lionel Thornton and his Casa Royal Orchestra and she * to the theneighbors for sympathy extended recent bereavement, thanks to W.* E. Fred Dobbs. _ * and Miss Beatrice the the* and a patient in Vic- ❖ Tieman wishes to friends and neigh­ cards and a patient in St, THANK YOU Having disposed of our business to Mr. J. L. McKnight, of London, we- wish ’ to express to everyone of Exeter .and district bur sincere ap­ preciation foi- your kindness and patronage during our stay with you. . We solicit for Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McKnight, .Sandra and Dean, your continued support and trust that they will be as happy with you as we have been. Sincerely yours, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McCarter and family.* ENGAGEMENT LOST—A license Phone Crediton. truck plate Fred tail light and number , 53413C. Waghorn, 261T3 11* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—7 roomed, white brick house water, Would tion of Exeter. with bath, hydro, town barn,, 3j’ acres land, sell with all or any por- land. Ralph W. Batten, 11* NOTICE—is hereby given that a special meeting of the ratepayers « of School Section No. 11 Stephen is called for Friday, April 12th at 8.30 p.m. at Fairfield School, All ratepayers are urgently re­ quested to attend as it is very important, Sec’y Treas., Herman Powe. FOR SjAiLE — Steel truck wagon, rubber tired wagon, 16 in. tire, both in good repair. Phone Credi- ton 30r21.11* FOR SALE—Young sound team of wagon horses. Apply to R. Mc- Innis, Hay P.O.ill* FOR SALE—McClary electric stove 3 elements, in good working or­ der. Phone Warren Brock, Kirk­ ton, 4r3. 11* COLLECTION OF REFUSE TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY The spring collection of non- decayable refuse such as tin cans, etc., will be made in Exeter, on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 16 anfl 17- All refuse should 'be placed in bags or boxes and placed in front of property. ■Citizens and others are again warned against placing refuse on the roadways or in front of the dump as the council have gone to 1 considerable expense to have the place cleaned up. Anyone breaking the rules in regard to the dump will be prosecutfed. ■ C. V, Pickard, ’Clerk. FOR SALE—A. range, in good con­ dition burns wood or coal, 'white enamel front, reservoir on back Will sell reasonable. Apply at Times-Advocate, ' 11* FOR SALE—Cartier oats. Apply to Wm. Elliot, Centralia. lie FOR SALE—1/3 h.p. Briggs and Stratton gasoline engine, practic­ ally new. Apply to Orville Web­ ber. Exeter. 11c /FOR SALE—Weanling pigs. Apply to Edgar Cudmore, Phone 171rl4, Exeter.« lie FOR SALE—General Electric radio first class condition. Box 76, phone 80, Exeter, 11* MISCELLANEOUS Lloyd’s Corn and Callus Salve gives immediate relief from corns and callouses. 50(c at Robertson's and all druggists. SHOVELS, draglines, diesel tractors' diesel engines, diesel generator sets, graders, rock crushers, sand , gravel equipment, lumbermen equipment. We quote prices de­ livered your station. . Send for Bulletins. Leventhal & Co., Ma­ chinery Dealers, . Winnipeg. 11:18:25c RENFREW SALES AND SERVICE Hand turned or electric separat­ ors and stoves, prompt service; also repairs for Anker-Holt separators. Basil O’Rourke, Brucefield. Phone Clinton 618r21. - * ll-4tp FOR SALE—New Bungalow with modern conveniences. Well lo­ cated in Exeter. Fully insulated. Two bedrooms. Possession at once, if desired. C. V, Pickard, Exeter FOR SALE!—Brick house, small barn and six acres of good land. Well located. Land- ready for spring cultivation. C. V. Pickard. FOR SALE — 55 acres with com­ plete set of buildings; 100 acres with brick house and bank barn. Both near Exeter. Spring posses­ sion. C. V. Pickard. Main Street. FARMS FOR SALE—55. acres first class soil, good buildings with electricity. Well situated, possession. Highway 140 acres, near good buildings with electricity and water system. W. C. 'Pearce, Exeter. • * early town, TRACTOR AND FLAXSEED MEAL For- Sale—1932 Hart-Parr Trac­ tor, 12-24, on steel, in good run­ ning order, priced reasonably; Deering Team Scuffler complete with set of discs, shields and . shovels, in first class shape. A quantity of pure ground flaxseed meal at $3^50 per cwt. Apply to Ira Geiger, Hensall, Ont. 11c TIRES FOR SALE The Township of Stephen has for sale, four used tires from the Road Grader. These tires are size 10x24, 8 ply, complete with ’tubes and may ’be purchased in set' of two or set of four. Tenders for the same will un- of four. Tenders for the same be received by the undersigned til May 1st, 19 46. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. L. B. Hodgson, Clerk, 11:18c Centralia. WANTED FOR SALE—50 acres pasture land being N% Lot 3, Con. 7, Hay Township; farm has plenty of water. A few acres of young bush, New Beatty windmill, self-oiling; new fences. For particulars apply Geo. ILink, Dashwood, or Henry Adkins, Hensall, or Arthur Weber Auctioneer, Dashwood. tfc FOR SALE—100-acre farm in ,Us- ■borne Township, good buildings, well-fenced and drained.. Posses­ sion immediately. Apply to R. D. Hunter, Exeter. tfc Mrs. Clara Decker, of Zurich, an­ nounces the engagement of her youngest. daughter, Vera Catherine Adeline, to Wilbert Allan Fraser, only son of Mr. and Mrs. William Fraser, Exeter, the marriage to take place Saturday, April 27th, in James Street United ^Church, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Lucan, announce _ _ of their ‘daughter, Beryl Eileen, to Robert L. Lilley, son of. Mr. and Mrs. George Lilley, Brisbin street, the wedding to take place the mid­ dle of (April, AN .OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins Dis­ trict available. If you are aggress­ ive, and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable busi­ ness of your own. For full particu­ lars write today to The J. R. Wat­ kins Company, Dept. O-E-6, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 4:11:18:25 WANTED—A copy, of the book “In The Days of the Canada Com­ pany.’’ Apply at Times-Advocate. WANTED—Up to >25 head of cattle to pasture on Lot 12, Con. 6. Hay Township. Apply at Times- Advocate. • 11:18:25* WANTED—Cattle to pasture dur­ ing summer. Reg. Hodgson, Cen­ tralia, phone 1'81-3 Crediton. 11c Arthur ‘McFalls, the engagement PAINTING—Brush . or spray. No job too large or too small. Gerald Gratton. Phone 42r3 Dashwood. 28-4tp IN MEMORIAM COATES—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Frank Coates, who passed away year ago, April 12, 1945, The year that lonely, . Yet we know best, Still today we E’en though God called you to rest -—Remembered by his wife and Whitney and family. * ESSE RY—In loving memory of our dear wife ahd mother, Mary A. Essery, who passed away April IT, 1941, also our dear daughter and sister, Irene, who passed away May 21, 1923. Cnlm and peaceful they are sleeping. Sweetest rest that follows pain. We who loved them sadly miss them, But trust in God to meet Usain. —Ever remembered by Geo. Esserx and family. c i one ■has passed has been that God knew the think Of you, only, JE'SNEY ’SHOE REPAIR . — Now. open for business. Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. Crediton. . ■ tfp CASH. FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser­ vice day or night. Phone Credi- ton 47rl5 collect. Jack Williams. 28-5tc Keep your Nostrils and Sinus clear by using NAMELESS Coid Rem­ edy, . night and morning. ’Get it today at Browning's, Robertson’s, Grigg’s, Sanders’ stores. 11:18 WANTED—10 0 horses, any kind of a cheap horse. Will pay good prices for them. Frank Taylor, Exeter wiitj.BABY CHICKS NEUHAUSER ROCK X REDS 'Great broiler chickens. Hybrid Vigor and livability, {Pullets “make great layers. Unusually large Ugg size. $14,00 per hundred. Bullets $t25.00. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES, London, 'Ontario NEUHAUSER NEW HAMPS. .Sired iby pedigreed ,’hales from Forest Hill and Pine TAP Breeding Farms, New Hampshires sires dams re­ cord 267 • 307 eggs, tlnusttal Value at the prices We qudte. $15.0(0 pet hundred, Pullets $25,00. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES, London, Ontario AUCTION SALE qf REAL ESTATE AND HOUSE- ’ HOLD EFFECTS in 0 HENSALL South of Post Office oh SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1046 Sale starts at 1.30 p.m, HOUSEHOLD EFFECS—Walnut bedroom set with mattress and springs; cherry bedroom set with mattress and springs; oak bedroom set with' spring mattress and springs; oak wasp stand; another wash stand; oak hall rack; jvvahaut dining-room table; oak Richmond St., table; oak kitchen kitchen cabinet with enamel top, large glass cherry cup­ board; small cupboard; 2 settees; spring couch; walnut lqunge; 4 up­ holstered chairs; dining-room chairs 2 arm chairs; kitchen'chairs; 3 oak rockers; 3 small-’ tables, Singer sew­ ing machine; Victrola and records; carpets, mats, feather feather ticks; 3 chamber sets; commode chair; Findlay stove pipes; clock; dishes; pieces; sealers; - curtains; cu window shades; air cushion; cuam- el bed-pan; large chest for bedding; trunks; extension ladder; lawn mower; pulley and rope; and other articles. HOUSE AND PROPERTY —, 2- storey 'brick house, garage and brick stable combined; situated on cor­ ner of Richmond, and Nelson streets, one block south of post office; two lots 308, 309. A well-built house with hardwood floors, furnace, hard and soft water. Immediate posses­ sion, Sold subject to reserve bid. In case of rain sale will be held the Town shed. TERMS—-CASH MRS. J. D. SIMPSON, Prop. GE'O. R. HESS, Prop, HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. pillows, a range; silver cushions; : enam- in 1 FOR SALE—For immediate pos­ session a modern frame . house, good three-piece .bath, hydro and run­ ning water; recently redecorated. Apply to Orville Webber, Exeter. 11c one-storey basement, FARM FOR SALE — Consisting of 125 acres, ’being part of lots 2 and 3, con. 8, Hibbert Twp., 110 acres of workable land; 15 acres of bush; L-sliaped barn, 36x72 and 36x52; two hen houses; tim­ ber frame drive shed 25x45; gar­ age 12x18; cement silo 14x40; white frame house with modern kitchen, bathroom, furnace, pres­ sure system; abundance of Water from two spring wells with wind-- mili and cement supply tanks; . cement floors throughout. This is an outstanding.. farm with hydro; well fenced and thorough­ ly under-drained. Located iy2 . miles west of Highway 23 on county road 16. Apply to W. T. Colquhoun & Son, R.R. .1, Staffa, phone Dublin 13rl2. 11:18* FARM SOLD CLEARING AUCTION SALE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot 18, Con. 10, McGillivray Twp. mile south of Brinsley, on TUESDAY, APRIL 16tht 1946 at 1 o’clock, the following: HORSES—'Gray mare, 10 years old; brown mare, 14 years old. CATTLE—Durham cow, calf at foot; 3 Durham cows, farrows, short keeps; 2 Durham heifers, ris­ ing 3 years old, short keeps; 4‘Dur­ ham heifers, 2 years old; 2 steers, rising 2 years old; 2 yearling hei­ fers. IMPLEMiE’NTS —Massey-Harris binder, 6“ ft. cut, good; John Deere mower, good; M.H. hay rake; John Deere manure spreader;-. M.H. 11- hoe grain drill; M.H. 13-hoe seed drill with fertilizer attachment in good shape; 14 plate Bissell in-‘ throw disc harrow; spring-tooth cultivator; 3-drum steel land roller; International bean scuffler with discs and puller, nearly new,\ Inter­ national 9 ft. Culta Sand Packer, nearly new; 2 sets of drag harrows; Cockshutt riding plow; ,2 walking plows; -good Bain wagon; 1-horse scuffler; set of sleighs; set of light sleighs; 2 cutters; 2 buggies; cut­ ting box; root pulper; clover bun­ cher; hay fork; set of slings- fan­ ning mill; 140 feet of pre-war hay fork rope, new; 2 sets of work har­ness; p -A- new binder canvases; tor and binder; Cartier Cyclone other articles. TERMS—CASH E. H. HARRIS, Prop. J. R. McLEIA-N, Auctioner. 4:11 | £j OCRo OL Wvllk JJ.CL1 *• 2,000 lb. Renfrew scales; 2 _____; levei- eleva- platform for M.H. 6 ft. cider press; quantity .of seed oats; timothy seed; grass seeder and many NOTICE TO CREDITORS ’FOR SALE OR RENT FOR RENT—100-acre grass farm, 2 miles'from Exeter on Highway; windmill, good well, spring water, no horses, -immediate possession. Apply V. J. H. Snell, 119 King St., London, Ont.;, phone -Met. 6866 or Met. 6194W or Ulric Snell, Exeter, Ont. 11:18c IN THE ESTATE OF Minretta Livica Hind, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Minretta Liv- ica Hind late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, married woman, who died ton or about the 23rd day- of January, A.D. 1946 are required to file par­ ticulars Of the same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor,^ of Exeter, Ontario by the 2nd of May A.D. 1946 after which date the estate will be dis­ tributed having regard only tq those claims of which notice have’ beeii received. Dated, the f 6th day of April, 1946. ELMER D. BELL, Solicitor for the Executors. (11:18:25c THE ESTATE OF Stone, deceased. PERSONS having the estate ' of iStone late of the William Charles ALL against Charles ____ of Hensall, in the County of Huron Gentleman, who died oil or about the :27th day of December A/D; 1945 are required to file particu­ lars of the same With Elmer Di Bell, Solicitor, of Exeter, Ontario by the ’2nd of May A*U» 1946 after Which date the estate Will be dis­ tributed having, regard only tor those claims of which notice have’ been received. DATED the’ 6th day Of April, 19 4 , ELMER D. BELL, Solicitor for the Executors, 11:18*25d w claims William Village SELL,