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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-04-11, Page 3
'faaecctete every seeding of ALFALFA and CLOVER J Don't take chances. Work with na ture. -Always inoculate Clover and Alfalfa seed with LEGUME-AID, the high potency inoculant. Costs only few cents an acre. Gets big results in better crops and increased soil fertility, Guarantee date on every package, Drop in and ask for par ticulars. Remember the name 1 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 11 tl>, 1946 <'.Mil*-' tl o j /**I he Ked Lross Z — Ontario Distributors Jones, MacNaughtorr Seed Co. Ontario ■FEED SERVICE I Beware of Bloody Each year bloo'dy coccidi- osis takes a terrific toll' in the poultry flocks of ’ Can- • ada. A tpll ifi chick deaths that costs the poultry in dustry thousands of dollars. You can stop heavy bloody coccidiosis losses. iHere’s how— Avoid Avoid _ Raise ground. • over-crowding, dampness, chicks on fresh If you notice these symp toms— Chicks pale and weak; Bloody droppings. Take immediate action — there is no time to lose— ■Kill and burn all affected chicks. Clean pen daily. Flush your flock with S HUR-GAIN 19% Flushing Mash WOODHAM Mr. Al’chie -Chatten, of London, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Chatten, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. (Frank iLevy and Rachel, of Transvaal, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,, Bert Rundle. Miss Jean Willis returned to Lon don on Sunday aftei* spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Willis. Mrs. Roy Kirk is a patient in Stratford General Hospital. We hope for a speedy recovery. We are sorry to report .Mrs. Fred Mills is still a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, having been there for several weeks. We hope she will soon be restored to better health. •Mr. and Mrs. Charls Ruch, of Stratford, visited on Sunday with the former’s sister, Mrs. George Webber and Mr, Webber/Mr. and Mrs.’ Cecil 'Camm spent SUnday evening with Mr. and- Mrs. Wm. Mills. Young- People’s Meeting The regular meeting Young People’s Union was Sunday evening • with the ship and Worship committee in charge. Bessie McCurdy was in the chair. The meeting opened with the theme, “Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men.” Hymns 255, 240, 19 2 fol lowed by the Lord's Prayer in uni son. Scripture reading and story on the scripture by .Dorothy"Thomson; poem, Phyllis Wheeler; hymn 144, followed by prayer by Jean Cope land.. .Roll -call;* and minutes were read and .adopted. Piano solo by Rhoda ' Thomson; poem by John Rodd; story' by Lorene Jaques. Hymn 196. A Bible quiz was then enjoyed. The meeting closed with the National Anthem and the Miz pah Benediction, was pronounced unisqn. of the held on Fellow- m If you gamble with bloody coccidiosis you are sure to LOSE. Whalen (Several members from the Exeter and Hensail Masonic lodges attend ed a meeting at Clinton Friday eve ning last .when members of the Scottish Rite lodge from (London put on the initiating degree work. MOUNT CARMEL Mr., and Mrs. -Chas. Regier spent Friday in London. Miss Clarice re turned with them for the week-end at her home here. Mrs. Dennis Mahoney, who has spent some' time at -St. Agatha, is visiting at the home- of her soli, John and family. On Sunday morning Fr. Fogarty published the Banns of James -Mc Carthy and Mary Van Hye and also of Wm. Walsh tor Mary- ...Boland. Both weddings to take place Easter week. Mr. and Mrs. Corrie O’Brien, of Centralia, visited friends here, on Sunday. Mr. J. P. Querrin, north of the village, lias sold fifty acres of land to Albert Regier, of Khiva. MON. NIGHT, APRIL: SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA . CORPS DE BALLET ’ COMPANY OP 125 ♦♦♦ PROGRAM TO BE PRESENTED Nutcracker — Concerto Barocco Gadte Parisienne MAIL ORDERS NOW! $3.00 - $2.40 - $1.80 - $1.20 Tax Inc, - Outpost Hospital Last week an outline of peaces time Blood Donor Service was given. This week, we bring before you an other peace time service-—The Out post and Red here post those who live beyond the reach of th© city Hospital. These outposts of mercy bring a service that is sorely needed. In the most isolated areas where the nurses have the full responsibility of the health of the community without any local doctor, the outpost nurse holds a unique position comparable to the “family doctor gf old, z Outpost Hospitals are located in Ontario reaching from the Province of Quebec to within a few miles of the Manitoba border. They now number twenty-seven and erection of new -outposts are now under way. Many Branches in large centre adopt one of- these outpost hospitals, pro viding for its equipment and sup plies. ;As a peace time program the support of these outposts appeals all Red Cross members. Hospital, Npt only irt Europe England, during the war did Cross give assistance-. ‘Right in Ontario the Red Cross Out- Hospitals made4, life • safer tor to of MRS. ANNIE JENNISON, BURIED AT GRAND BEND Mrs. Annie Jennison, widow the late Wm. Jennison, of (Grand Bend, passed away Saturday after noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel sion of Hay township, after an ill ness of three weeks. Born in Stan ley township she was in her 82nd year and was a member of the Grand Bend (United church.- Mr. and Mrs, Jennison farmed on the Blue Water Highway in Hay town ship before moving to Grand Bend. Mr. -Jennison predeceased her nearly three years having reached the age of 8 8. Mrs. Jennison was, of a strong constitution having had her hip broken several years ago and the following year while cross ing the highway she was struck with a car having both legs brok en. She recovered and was living alone looking after her own home. She is survived by two daughters/ Mrs. W. L. McGillivray, of Van couver; Mrs. S. R. 'Cohan, of Win nipeg; one son William, of 'Grand Bend, and one brother, Robert Talbot^, of Edmonton. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home in Dashwood where the funeral took palce Monday at 2.30. A memorial service was held in the United.jChurch, Grand Bend, following the interment in Grand Bend Desjardine, 16 th con-ces- cemetery. SHIPKA The second school area meeting was held at the Blackbush school house, No. 11 Stephen, on Wednes day evening, April 3rd. A .vote y^as taken' with the result of '8 for 'and 20 against it. Mr. Verne Sharpe had his build ings wired this past week for hydro- Mr. Carl Guenther spent the week-end in Chatham. On Sunday last in the United Church Psalm no. 765 in the Hym- nary was read in memory of the late Mr. G. J. -Scott, ■ who entered into rest Octobei* 1st, 194'0'. W.A. Meet The regular meeting1* of the W.A held on Thursday afternoon at the home .of Mrs. Cliff. Rus- Ten members were present .•'Jk C. P, Luxton Dies at South Bend Bray Chick Hatchery Eric Carscadden,, Manager Exeter Hatchery Phime 246 Contractor for Electrical Wiring A full stock of material on hand. Also Electrical Household Appliances. Five years and seven months with die Canadian army doing electrical work. Residence on Gidley St, Exeter Are You Ruptured? OUR SERVICE IS DIFFERENT. WE SELL YOU A FIT IN OUR PRIVATE TRUSS ROOM. Trusses, Belts, Supports of all kinds, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Over 15 years experience. Your drugs at Exeter GREENWAY COMMUNITY HONORS RETURNED MEN A "banquet was held in wap last sell. The meeting opened with the pres ident Mrs. Jacob "Ratz in charge by singing “Nearer, Still Nearer” and prayer by the president. Roll was called, each -member responding by a verse .from the crucifixtion. Re ports were .given and adopted. The committee was then in charge of an Easter program. Rev. A. S.True blood sang a solo and other inter Mrs _ _ the United Church, Greenway, on April 5th in -honor of veterans who have returned from .overseas, servicemen stationed in Canada during the war and the boys who paid the supreme sacrifice. Those honored were Fred Gooding, Harry -Steeper, Clarence Brophey, Lloyd Bender, Oscar 'Steeper, Chester Stone, Jack, Pickering, Cecil Pickering, Allan Steeper, Stanley Hartle, Earl Hod gins, Emerson LoVi.e, Dawson Wood burn, Raymond Eagleson, Floyd Desjardine, Hugh Ryan and Ray mond Young. Following the ban quet a program was presented with ex-warden, Freeman Hodgins, as chairman. Rev. W. ,/T. Cleave gave an address of welcome and Rev Alex Rapson, of Watford, a return er padre who served with the 48tb Highlanders in Italy and Holland, gave an interesting address on his experiences -overseas. • The boys were called to the form and Wilmer McLinchey Manuel -Curts on behalf of community presented each boy an initialed leather billfold. Carman Woodburn presented a maple leaf lapel pin to the next-of- kin of Burton Brophey, Gordon Luther, Floyd Shank, Robert Hod gins, Tommy Ryan, ‘Edison Pollock and Rayburn Ulens who gave their lives overseas. The program was closed with the National Anthen plat- and the with Mrs. gold esting numbers were. given. __ Matt. Sweitzer and Mrs. Roy Ratz were appointed, as a committee for a program for the next meeting.. The meeting closed by singing a hymn and prayer by Rev. Trueblood after which a very lovely lunch was served by the hostess. A vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. sell for. her kind hospitality. ZION Rus- Mr. and Mrs. James Earl and-Mr. and Mrs. E. ‘Miller and family visit ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerslalte, of Exeter. , * ■Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bowers, of Exe ter, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Jaaues. (Misses Doris and Doreen Brock, daughters of Mr. and"Mrs. Norman Brock, had their tonsils removed at Dr. Fletcher’s office on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. M. Dobson and fam ily, of Kirkton, visited on Sunday With Mrs. J. T. Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunter, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with, -Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern. 'Mr. and - Mrs. Milton Brock visit ed on Sunday with Mr. and . Mrs. Joe Bailey, of Winchelsea. _ Mr, and Mrs. EXeter, visited on and Mrs.. Norman •Mr. and Mrs. Elimville, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Johns. Mr. and ‘Mrs. Melville Hern ed on Sunday with Mr. and M. Snence of Blanshard. Geohge Earl, of Sunday with Mr Brock. Lewis Johns on Sunday ‘ 0 i, of with visit- Mrs. The recently4ormed chamber of Commerce of St. Marys, have rec ommended a centre that Will pro vide hockey end skating in th’ejwin- ter; roller skating in the summer; daiicing space for picnics,’ a hall for municipal and rural meetings and rooms for ScOuts, Guides and Cubs. R. A. DENOMME The death of Regis A. Denomme occurred on Sunday at his home on the Blue Water highway north of Drysdale in his 80th year. The sur vivors are his widow, who was for merly Pauline Jeffrey; two sons, , Grand Bend; Henry, 'Pee- Sask., three daughters, Mrs. Durand, of near .'Drysdale; Harry Rose, of Zurich, and Edward Parks, Windsor; a James, sane, ! Louis Mrs. Mrs. ______ . , ______, brother, Louis, of Detroit, and two sisters, •■'Mrs. Oscar Ducharme, and Mrs. Joseph Gelinas, of Zurich vic inity. (Funeral mass was sung at the St. Peter’s R.C. Church with Father Robert officiating. Interment was at the adjoining cemetery. Mr. Farmer... Where Do You (X7*S5HKlffiX8S?KT> Only you can answer that tion. You have a farm—you its possibilities and capacity for production. You know also that money spent wisely on worthwhile projects ana modern improvements can bring you bigger profits from your farm, greater comfort for your self and your family, But perhaps you have not the ready cash on hand. There is an answer for that, too—-the Bank, of Montreal, See Mr. Hendry, manager Of the Bank of Montreal. Tell him about your plans. He can help you to work them out and lie will show .you in a practical way what^he means when he says* “When you ask for a loan at the B of Mt you do not ask a favouf?” ques- know The Boutb. Bend Tribune of South Bend reports the death'of Charles Percy Luxton, aged 69, contractor, who .died dene© 534 North Scott day April 1st. He had 10 years with a heart was born in Exeter December 23, 1876, and went to South Bend from Toronto 44 years ago In 1902 he was married in Exeter to Ida Willis who survives, Other surviv ors are a son, Charles Arthur Luxton, at home; two daughters, Mrs, John 0. MoCahon, of Lorain. 0., and Mrs’ Wm, Karl Steuk, of Sandusky, O.; two grandchildren, .yvilliam Charles and Sally Ann Steuk, and a sister, Mrs, D, C, Ar nold, of Portland, Oregon, Mr. Luxton was a member of the Cru sade Lodge, Knights of Pythias; secretary of the 'South Bend Build ers exchange and a member oF-the Electrical Contractors Association.” The /funeral was -conducted from the Orvis funeral home by Rev, Frank Cleveland, pastor Westminster Presbyterian Burial was in the Highland ceme tery. A number of relatives from this community were present the funeral* an electrical at his rest’ Street Mo»* been ill for ailment. He of the church. Stephen Council ' The regular monthly meeting the Council of the Township Stephen was held in the Council Chambers, Crediton, on Monday, A urii 1st, at one o’clock with the following members uresent: Roy Ratz, Reeve; Arthur J. Amy, Deputy Reeve; and Councillors J. H Dalton. John A, Morrissey, and Elmer Lawson. The minutes of the urevious meeting were' read and adopted on motion of J. A. Morris sey and J. H. iDalton. Carried. Mr Fred Walker, of Grand Bend, waited on the Council asking for a donation to the Blue Water High way Association. It was moved by. J. H. Dalton, seconded by A. (Amy:* that the Council donate $5'0,00 'to the Blue Water Highway Associa tion, the cheque to be made payable to Mr. C. C. Manore, secretary treasurer, of Sarnia. Carried. •Moved by A. Amy, seconded by J. H. Dalton: that By-law No, 63 2 appointing -Clare B. (Paxman as Constable for the Village of Grand Bend and the Township' of Stephen Carried. Resolution: Moved by Elmer Law- son, seconded by J. A.-.Morrissey: that Elmer D. Bell, of Exeter, be appointed (Solicitor for the Town ship of Stephen, to act in the action Haigmeir vs. McGillivray and Bos- anquet and to conduct such defence as -may 'be required to defend the above action. Carried. Moved by Elmer Lawson, second ed by J. A. Morrissey: that any ratepayer of the Township who de sires to rent the Township grader for grading lanes or other purposes may do so at the rate of three dol lars .per . hour or a minimum of $5.00. All work to be under the supervision of the Road Superin tendent. Carried. Moved by J. H. Dalton, seconded by J. A. Morrissey: that the Clerk advertise for tenders for the of four used tires, size 10x24, plete with tubes, which had used on the Township Grader, ried. The following ratepayers been chosen as a committee to as sist the Council to complete the Honour Roll to be placed in the Township Hall. . The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers,. ‘Crediton, Tuesday evening, April 16th, at 8 o’clock p.m. The follow ing are the names of the committee: L. B. Hodgson, (Preston Dearing, H. K. Eilber, Edward Chambers, Alonzo McCann, Ed. 'Nadiger, M. C. Sweitzer, Mansell Hodgins, and Thomas Love. Mr. J. H. Kinkead, Inspector of Public Schools for North Huron, spoke to the Council re forming a larger High School which would in clude the Townships of Stephen. Osborne, Hay, Town of Exeter and Hensail. The Council reserved their decision until the May meeting. ‘ Moved by A. Amy, seconded by J. Morrissey: that the Road Ac counts be paid for the month of March to the amount of $,282.0*7 Carried, Moved by X. H. Dalton, seconded by A. Amy: that the following General Accounts be paid for the month of March: L. B. part salary $112.50- F. W. part salary 75.00; stamps ,15.00; stamps 25.00; stamps 5.00; sale com- been Car- have Hodgson, Morlock, Sweitzer, Morlock, Hodgson ..... . \ 1 car wood 203.50; Fred Haist, wood, relief 30.00; W. Haist, wood, relief 15.0-0; Medical Relief Board, re fund 6,16; Wm. Lochner, rent 52.00; G. E. Faist, taxes on (Lochner property 19.42; Joe Vangteenkist, relief work 18.00; Mrs. R. Carruth ers, relief work 7.00; Vernon Schatz, relief 156.00; G. A. Love, relief 12.00; G. E. Faist, balance due tax collector 69.10; ^aily Com mercial -News, advertising foi’ ten ders 11.25; County Clerk, hospital ization 36.20; R. J, Lovell, asses sors supplies 43.63; total $771.76. The Council then adjourned to meet on May 4th, 1946, M. C. iF. W. L. B. Receiver-General, on May 4th, 1946, t>, B. Hodgson, Clerk, a meeting of the Seaforth and Game Association it was At Fish reported that some 7,000 speckled and brown trout have been placed in five different creeks; 9010 pheas ant eggs were distributed to School children of’ the district, also 5 Oi set tings of Wild duck eggs were sup plied to school children, small onlon Kfeisa Girl Guides Meet little fat<»'0quare? add/"‘cook 5 rolrifS ltwe The Exeter ‘GirUGuides held their weekly meeting Thursday evening, April 4th, at 7 o'clock. They opened their meeting by singing -Canada/’ Patrol 3 sponsored a test and the winning patrol patrol 4. They had a sing-song •closed by singing “God Bave King” and Taps. ' There was a slight error in Week's report. It was stated Heleii Sweet and Loretta Pym were the winners of a contest, whereas the actual winner was Joan Batten. “0 con- was and the Dustless Equipment Free Estimates Spray and Brush Painting Call 42J Parkton, or write for GOLDEN WAX REFUGEEGREEN R Sold By— lasF that *4c per lb. over 2,000 lbs. per acre. V2C per lb. over 3,000 lbs. per acre. Bonus Bonus Pick-up trucks will run Monday to Friday to all points where acreage will warrant. $59.50 per ton $59.50 per ton Master Chick Starter ^Bloomfield Bros We are Now Open for Contracts Canadian Canners Ltd E. J. Green, Local Manager For Your Baby Chicks For fast, uniform growth, nothing excels Master Chick Starter. It’s built right to do the job right! Master Chick Starter is built on a grain base! It is Vitamin-Fortified. It contains cereal grass! It’s proteins are carefully selected and balanced and it has controlled mineral balance. Raise your 1946 Chicks on Master Chick Starter and have the finest chicks you ever raised! Eric H. Carscadden Ontario Finished Hogs Wanted Our Price this Week-~$19.25 picked up SHIPPING EVERY WEDNESDAY. — FOWL PRICES — . Grade A Live, 5 lbs. up, 24 cents Dressed Grade—Grade A, 5 lbs. up, 28 cents PHONE 256 Do You Suffer From Headaches? It is hardHo struggle along with a head that aches and pains all the time. A headache,need not bo an illness in itself, but it may-be a warning symptom that there is intestinal sluggishness within. • » * To help overcome the cause of headache it is necessary to eliminate the waste matter from the system. Burdock Blood Bitters helps to remove the cause of headaches by regulatiug.tho digestive • and biliary organs, neutralizing acidity, regulating the constipated bowels and toiling up the sluggish liver, fond When this has been accomplished the headaches should disappear. Get B. B. B. iit any drug counter. Brice §1.00 a bottle, * -The T» Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont,..