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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-03-28, Page 10
10 * ,sw Service Is Our Motto VERA C. DECKER W©L 112 Exeter Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 Exeter Markets ! Wheat, $1.10 Oats, 51c, Barley, 70c, Creamery Butter, 41c, Eggs, iA, Large 31cEggs, A Medium 29c Eggs, Pullets 22© Eggs, B 25c Cracks 22c THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING? MARCH 2bt, 1946 ........ .....- 1 1 .. I IL .1II,,, I .i i.. q.t hi,.., . i. i., ... .. Georgian Beauty Shoppe Satisfaction Guaranteed Mrs. W. E. Cavers, Prop. Exeter Phone 245 Show commences each night at 7.30 p.m. until further notice.L Snell's Taxi Service Phone 100 I I CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Kenneth MacLean, Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochran©, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m-—‘Public Worship, Mon. April 1, 445 p.m.'—Mission Band, Tues., April 2/ 3 p.m.—The ‘Gaven Circle will meet at the Manse. - Furniture and Funeral Service Burial at HarpiUop Th© remuiug of th© late Mrs- Mabie Wqod, who died in Chicago on Marell 11)0, and whose funeral was held in Exeter March 13th when th© body was placed in the Exeter mausoleum, have been transferred to Hamilton for burial. Her brother, Mr. H. S- Walter and Mrs. Blowes went t© Hamilton Tuesday. Murray Neil Hardwood Flooring Contractor New Floors Laid and Sanded Floors refinished with a new up-to-date machine. -—Estimates free—- Phone Crediton 10J Old WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY March 27th, 28 th — Two Features — ‘The Gentleman Misbehaves’ starring — OSA MASSEN ROBERT STAINTON ‘Outlaws of the Rockies’ starring — CHARLES STARRETT SMILEY BURNETTE FRIDAY and SATURDAY March 29 th, 30'th Saturday Matinee at 2.30 ;p.m. Two Features < starring— MORGAN CONWAY ANN JEFFREYS Ting Dong U starring — GLENN VERNON MARCY McGUIRE J £ MONDAY and TUESDAY April 1st, 2nd — Two Features —— Garden of Allah’ Technicolor Feature starring— MARLENE DIETRICH CHARLES BOYER ‘Meet me on Broadway’ starring— MARJORY REYNOLDS FRED BRADY 4^ C-O-M-I-N-G 4<They Were Expendable” ’April 3rd, 4th “Spiral Staircase” “Cornered” “Wilson” “The Harvey Girls” Mr. J. L. Hunter is ill in Victor ia Hospital and Mr. H. C. Rivers is assisting at the butcher shop, Mrs. horn© where nient. The Mangus will be pleased^ to that he is improving after a illness during the past^five months at the home of Mr Sweitzer. Mr. have Beaver after serving seas and he has resumed his old position. The fire department had their first rnn t’o a grass fire this season when fire started in a field near the residence of J. Carr, Huron St. The fire was extinguished without any damage being done, Mr, Kenneth Pickett, after re ceiving his discharge from the army, has resumed his position with Canada Packers. Mrs. Pickett is residing in Clinton and will move to Exeter when a house can be se cured. Fourteen tons of Dutch Set onions were shipped from Exeter by Mr. Geo. Hay last week to be ready for the spring planting. Fur ther shipments will be made to the porth when the danger from frost is over. Mr. Howard Elliot, of town, has taken the agency for the Mercury- Lincoln cars at Wallaceburg and had his first showing of the new cars last Saturday, He has purchas ed a property an Wallaceburg and is erecting a'new garage. Ticket for the Farmers’ (Night Banquet sponsored by the Exeter Lions Club to be held in the — Arena Wednesday evening week are practically all sold, accommodation is limited to persons. This is one of the events of the season. Mr. Ward Fritz, of Zurich, who is erecting a new service station in Exeter North, has the ground staked out and is now waiting for material to ‘ commence building, pointed „ ____ products for the Exeter Branch un der the present company supervisor, Mr. E. E. Davies, who will continue to remain in Exeter. Mr. Clark Fisher, Bennet and Wallace and. the former’s aunt, Mrs. Brintnell, visited with Mr. and iMrs. Wm. Fisher- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis, at Kincardine on Sunday, Mrs. Fisher, who has been ill, is somewhat improved. Mr. Fisher, who is in his 90 th year, is confined to his bed. Mrs. Jas. Blair accompanied them to Kincardine to care for Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Clark. Fisher has returned home after spending a week" there. E. J. Green has returned from St. Joseph’s Hospital she was undergoing many friends of Mi* Sales and Service Phones: Office 88W; House 88J AYelcome Notice to the Public to come to the big 'Massey-Harris Night OPERA HOUSE, EXETER Monday, April 1, 1946 at 8:30 p.m. Tlie Ontario Manager will be here; also other representatives of other lines we handle. Programme Will consist of speeches, floor show and music by CKNX Ranch Boys, followed by a dance. treat- Louis know severe and Mrs. Wm Eugene Beaver Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. moved to has received his discharge Lg with the army over- Exeter of next The 200 big 1 the new Mr. Fritz has been' ap- distributor of Supertest There have been three delega tions visit Exeter during the past* week to look over the Exeter 'Arena,,’' all of them having in mind the erec tion of a recreation centre in their own localities. They were here from Thorndale, Linwood and Blyth. All of them were favorably impressed with the Exeter set-up. The Bly.lh deputation visited the home econ omics and shop work rooms ,at the High School. Word has been received from FO. Stewart Fuke'" from England* that he expects to leave for home on April 2nd. Stewart is returning by air and will navigate one of the planes of the 435th Squadron. They will return by the Azores, New Zealand and expect to land at Rockcliffe airport. Eight planes will leave Down Ampley on April 1st,- eight on April 2nd and nine on the 3rd. Stewart has signed with the R.C.A.F. for the two-year interim term. WITH AN EYE TO GOOD GROOMING AND BETTER PERMANENTS. MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev, N, J. Woods, M.A., Minister Ml'S. A, Y« Willard, Organist 10'.30 a.m.-—Meeting of the Session. 11 a,m,—--Public Worship and Church School; the minister. 7 p.m.—Public Worship: the minister. Tuesday—Y.P.U. Wed., March 27, S p.m.—Union Prayer Service in Main Street: Rev. Irwin. I I Phone 140 I STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter WUERTH’S Ve have shoes arriving now for he spring trade for men and boys. Oxfords and Work Shoes, prices ranging from $2.49 to $7.00. See Shoe All ours before buying—we can save you money. MEN’S SOX 25c pair 2 pair 45c While they last! Repairing neatly and promptly" attended to. welt soles machine stitched. Wuerth’s Cash Shoe Store Keep Fit and Look Trim with. — SPIRELLA — FOUNDATION GARMENTS Individually designed to apply Nature’s own principles of sup port and control and are made to your correct body measure ments. Demonstration and inter view will gladly be given without obligation. Phone 125. MRS. VALERIA ARMSTRONG Have Your Clothes Bring them in now to avoid the last minute rush. Three day service on Dry Cleaning Pressing While You Wait R. B. Lee Jory, Mechanic lams Signs of Spring ft looks like an early one. -Don’t fee caught napping. Fox' Spring Grain, Potatoes, Corn W© have all. the disenfectants but tv© Still recommend FORMALDEHYDE REMEMBER TOO < . . Get your KEW and R.B.Q. tablets for your Chicks. BEST RESULTS — EASY TO USE1 Get tlieni when you buy your chicks On Friday evening shortly before ten o’clock two cars collided on Main Street and together they ran into a hydrant and broke it off, iLloyd Stanlake was motoring south and at Jones & May’s corner at tempted to make a left hand turn when a car driven, by Gerald Smith, who was in the act of passing, col lided with the Stanlake car. Lock ed the two cars struck the hydrant which was broken off and it rolled for some distance down the street. Fortunately the water pipe inside the hydrant did not break thus sav ing a spill of water. Had the cars not struck the .hyfdant it is quite possible that they would have gone through one of the Jones & May windows, Your drugs at ROBERTSON’S Scrap Paper Drive The Exeter Boy Scouts on^Friday and Saturday next are anticipating the greatest drive for scrap paper that has eVer been made in this dis trict, There is a great need for scrap paper at the present time. The schools throughout the district have been contacted and prizes are being offered for the schools turn ing in the greatest quantity of paper. The surrounding municipalities have all been circularized, col lections will be made Friday and Saturday next. One of the essen tials is to have the bundles proper-* ly tied. R. C. Dinney Phone 20w Exeter Ambulance—Day or Night Hotpoint fiances JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A. Lawrence A, Wein Organist and Choir Leader . a.m.—‘Morning worship conduct ed by the Minister. "The Church at the Open Door.” Dedication of -Memorial ‘Chalice, presented iby Y.P.U. p.m.—Sunday School and Communicant Class. p.m.—Evening worship conduct ed by the Minister. "What Was it worth?” •Mon., 8 p.m.—-Y.P.U., Christian 'Culture. »E3OE O B o 11 ono 3 7 O n o TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss (Fourth Sunday in Lent 8.30 a.m,—‘Corporate Communion for A.Y.P.A. and Sunday School. 9 a.m.—Breakfast in the 'Parish Hall. 10.00 a.m,—Round Table 'Confer ence, "How the Church May Attract the Youth.” 11.0(0 a.m.—Sunday School. 7 8 8 -Sunday School. p.-m.—Evensong and Sermon, "The Call to Courageous Faith” Services in the church. p.m., Wednesday—Union Prayer Service in Main Street. p.m., Thursday—The Ladies’ Guild in Parish Hall. ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlockj Organist 10 a.m.—"Wings all may use.” The minister. 11 a.m.--—Church School. , 7.30 p.m.—Youtld in charge. Rev. Yates, speaker. Thursday, 8.15 p.m.—Monthly Friday, March 29, 8 p.m.—Mission Band at the home of Mr. Wm. Swartz. Friday, April 5, 8 p.m.—E.Y.F. J PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—'Prayer Meeting, •F'ri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. Speaker, Mr. Stanley Ford, Lantern Slides. Sun., 2 p.m.—Sunday School. Supt. Mr. E. Cudmore. Join the Bible Class and enjoy youi’ experience. Sun., 3 p.m.—“The Second Touch” message by the Pastor. Sun., 7.30 p.m.—Singspiration. Good music and cheerful singing for a full half hour. Sun., 8 p.m.—“True ’Beauty,” mes sage by the Pastor. Jorcxo; Varied Menu Featuring Turkey. GE from at 4 Listen to the Houseparty WJR daily LAMPORT’S Coffee Shoppe Dinner served 11.30 to V^e expect to Lave available this week a good assortment of Hotpoint small appliances including automatic irons, toasters, etc. R. E. RUSSELL Authorized General Electric Sales & Service Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. Try our OE3O The Store for Men by Grand Bend players under tlie auspices of the W.A. Admission: 35c and 15c “Maid of Money A comedy in three acts will be presented in James St. United Church Friday, April 5th at 8 "’p.m. Come! Enjoy an evening’s fun. Smart Leather Purses Does your tie rack hold a lot of shabby ties. If it do’es drop- in and look over our large selection. There’s nothing like smart neck- wegr. In Patent Leather, Cowhide and Pigtex.- The smartest . bags we have been able to offer for many months. They range in price from $5.95 to $10.00 Use Hollywood Patterns and do your own sewing. Our customers like them. Drop in and look over our New Book. We carry patterns in stock. apers for spring Brighten up your home this Spring. The patterns are all nev;. We have never had a finer assortment of patterns. See them in our north window. New China and Whether it is a ■a, very good cloth. Mod- at $1.00 per yard ** Gabardine COATS for men k $13.95 •z Le nnis Regier at Wright’s Store Phone 243w Three only pieces of drapes in green, sand and cream ground with floral designs- erately priced We have a nice assortment of Potted Plants and Cut Flowers on hand. & Phone 276 Sloppy Easter or Not IT WILL SOON BE HERE . ’' • -W ■ Have that Dry-Cleaning done now and avoid disappoint ment in the last minute Bush. Whatever you do, have it done by experts the famous , Sanitone way. Those fine curtains and drapes as well as your personal clothes will sparkle and look like new when cleaned. by Sanitone Methods. Remember—-delay may mean disappointment! So bring your parcels to Tuckey Transport Phone 25W for Information. Agents for Jarmain’s Forest City Laundry & Dry Cleaners Flowers Gomfort Sorrow, and Add to Joy Exeter Flower Shop Ralph Bailey and Family Phone 16 A very popular coat for spring for men, and rain A good spring coat coat combined. All sizes. Dinnerware We received this week the finest assortment we have had for years. New Cups and Saucers, Animals^ Fancy Plates, Bon Bons, Pitchers, * Teapots, Dinner and Tea Sets. We invite you to come in and see them. Irish Cobbler Potatoes Certified Seed Exeter