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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-03-28, Page 3
TOR TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 28th, Ml iLWI Hi..' ■ H ■ Seed Barley Contracts k ..........................-...................... ...,,...... We are contracting acreages of Registered and Certified Seed Barley, Seed supplied on usual contract basis. Call or write for further details. Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co. Exeter, Ontario ■ 1 ii ■t=■ K -By “SCOOP”-7 Scanning CENTRALIA Mr. James Marshall,. Mr. and Mra Frank ©lyth, Gpprge week, Mr. Joanne, of Grand Valley, \vere day guests with Mrs- T. Willis, Miss (Margaret 'Cook, of Water loo. spent the week-end with her parent's, Mr. and Mrs,- B. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. W. Skinner and Arlene visited with Mr. and 'Mrs E, Foster, at Granton on Sunday,Mrs, J, Andrew, of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Hicks. 'Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks and Miss Wilda Pollock visited with relatives in Ripley on Sunday, Mrs. Loretta Hicks, Stanley, Dorothy and Miss Jennie Wilson, of Charring Cross, visited on Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Creech in Exeter and with Mre and Mrs John 'Essery. Miss E. Andrew and Mr. Water man were week-end guests with Mr, and Mrs. 'G. R. Andrew, Mr. and 'Mrs iP. Simpson visited on Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs, Ken Simpson in Ailsa Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mills, pf Woodham, visited on Thursday with Mrs. H. Mills ■Marshall and children, pf yisited with Mr. and Hicks on Saturday of Mi’Si last and Mrs, Talbot and Sun- Huron Bean Board Meets at Zurich The annual meeting of the Beau Growers Marketing Board of Dis trict No. 2-, Huron and Perth, was held in ‘Zurich Township Hall. J. A. Garner, secretary of the board, reported op the financial standing, W. P, Cornell, of Appin, told of the efforts made by the committee to. obtain and distribute pure lines of registered seeds. Last year two test plots were laid down in Hens.all and one at Ailsa Craig and another one at Western Ontario Experimental Farm, Ridge’ town. Weather conditions affected the test plot work, and another series of tests will doubtless be held this year. Due to the unfavorable weather conditions there was a large loss of beans both in acerage and in .quality in Huron district. Huron now stands second to Kent County for top place in bean production. None of the 1945 crop has gone to (Britain as the moisture content has ibeen such that shipment over seas has been unsafe. ‘For the year 1946 the following committee was 'appointed: George Armtsrong, .Exeter; John Arm strong, Dave Ducharme and Gus Roche, all of Zurich; W. F. Alex ander, Hensail, and Alonzo McCann, Dashwood. Juveniles Banquet A very enjoyable banquet wound up the hockey season for the Juven iles last Wednesday night. Credit to the very tasty ‘fowl menu goes to Gord Lamport and his staff who gave up part of their half holiday for the occasion. * * * * After the supper President Les. Robertson commended the boys not only on their showing throughout the season but also their sportsman ship. He emphasized the sportsman ship angle pointing out that it was needed in the game of .life. Manager Russ Snell, coach Frank Creech,, secretary Bill Allison, (Pop Watson, Bob Dinney, captain Ross - Tuckey,. Cilfif Quance and yoiirs truly added a few words also. -x- By virtue of Goderich had to * * * est rival with 2'8. Bill Musser and Jack Hennessey tied for second place with 12 each while Cliff Snyder and Ross Tuckey followed with seven apiece. Har Brintnell collected six and Don Brintnell one to round out the teams scorers. *' While the Midgets can’t claim .very much in game winning’ they showed plenty of improvement dur ing the season. The only game they won was the set-back handed Gode rich. Gord Kirk and Bob Hayter accounted for three goals apiece while Jim-West got two and Keith Brintnell and Harold Musser scored one tally.*«• * * * * the games that ___default Exeter finished in first place in the league standing but in the playoffs were eliminated by the powerful 'Gode rich squad for the group champion ship.* * ’ * * Team Scoring Record Looking over the scoring records for the season Jim Hayter was the standout collecting more than dou ble. the number of goals of his clos- “ 'CEMENT WORK GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Contracts of any kind. Free estimates. “Thanks” In reviewing the year's activities it would hardly seem proper not to mention the persons responsible -for Minor Hockey in Exeter. President Les. Robertson and secretary Bill Allison along with manager Russ Snell, coach Frank . Creech and trainer Frank Brintnell of the Juv eniles; coach IBob Dinney and train er Cliff Quance of the Midgets; timekeeper Irvine Armstrong; dir- ctors Ross Taylor and C. V. Pick ard; Clarence Boyle and several other enthusiasts put in many hours of untiring effort to keep hockey alive in Exeter. To them we • say, “thanks for a job well done," and hope they carry on their splendid work next season, to help provide recreation for the boys in this dis trict..^ Ross L. Brown R.R. 3, Parkhill, Phone Dashwood 39rll Are You Ruptured? OUR SERVICE IS DIFFERENT. WE SELL YOU A FIT IN OUR PRIVATE TRUSS ROOM. Trusses, Belts, Supports of all kinds, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Over 15 years experience. Your ’drugs at Exeter * * * * * THIS CORNER doesn’t profess to know too much about OHA rules and regulations which probably ex plains the reason of not understand ing the line-ups in this district’s Intermediate teams. How |London keeps shifting players between the Intermediate and Junior teams is one example that beats us. * * * * 'Something else we wish someone would put us straight on is how Ingersoll can still use a player by the name of Faulkner when only a few ‘“weeks ago we read in the papers that the Seaforth Bosharts won a protest against the .Hellcats for using this player and the game was played over. Faulkner is play ing in the series with London Maj ors for the group title. ■?£• ‘ ’X’- # Fans who have seen Andy An dress’. name in the London line-up will recall Andy’s puck-chasing with the airport team here last He’s been one of the stars Major’s in the playoffs. * Win season, for the 4 Contractor for Electrical Wiring A full stock of material on hand. Also Electrical Household Appliances. Five years anti seven months with the Canadian arniy doing electrical Work. Residence on Gidley St., Exeter ■ ■' $ WOODHAM Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer baby son, of Shipka, spent Sunday with Mr. and ‘Mrs. Bert Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pettibone and Mary Gay, of Capreol, spent the week-end with. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wes, Shier, Gladys and Roy, Mr. John Tomlinson and- Mrs. Chatten, Sr., all of Woodham, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Law, Mr. Archie Chatten of London, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Chatten and son Archie, of St. Thomas, spent Sunday with Mr', and Mrs. Vic Chatten, the oc casion being their LO'th wedding anniversary. Miss Gladys Shier, of Hespeler,; spent the week-end -with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Shier. The play “Mr. (Beane from Lima” presented by Avonbank Y.P.U, in Woodham Hall on Wednesday eve ning was well attended. The music was. provided by Paul Brothers of Kirkton between acts. The proceeds for the evening were $45,3-5. A progressive euchre party was held on Friday evening in the Orange Hall. The pinners were: Ladies, lone hands, Mrs. William Rundle; high score, Mrs. -William, Rundle; Men; lone hands, Mr. Ray i Mills; high score, Laverne Rodd. | The proceeds ifor the evening were in aid of the Band. 25th Wedding Anniversary A very pleasant time was spent on Saturday 'evening when a sur prise party -was held at’ the home of Mr. and. Mrs. William Thomson in honor of their 25th wedding an niversary. A sumptuous supper was served- to about .25 guests, ^fte.r supper a mOck ’ ‘wedding ceremony was staged. A nicely; worded ad dress was read and the happy cou ple were presented with ‘ Several silver gifts after which thp bride and groom of 25 years replied thanking those present. ,A11 joined in singing, “For they are jolly good fellows," and “The more we get together." The rest of the evening was spent in playing games and a social’’time was spent by all. Guests were present from Capreol, London and Kirkton. Young People’s The regular Young People’s day evening with the Missionary committee in charge. Marian Mills was in the chair. The meeting open ed with quiet music and the call to worship by Marian. Hymn 89 was sung. Glenn Copeland read the scripture reading. Jean Copeland gave a story on the scripture and prayer. Lorene Jaques favored-with a piano solo. The story, “Making of a Missionary,” was presented by John Rodd.' Hymn 461 was sung. The roil call and minutes were read and adopted. A responsive reading was repeated in unison. Hymn 94 was sung. The meeting closed with and i Meeting meeting of the was held on Sun- MRS. AARON IRELAND PASSES AT GRAND BEND Mrs. Aaron Ireland, the former Emma Webb, widow of the late Aaron Ireland, wlio predeceased her eight years ago, passed away at her late residence in Grand Bend on Wednesday in hei’ 72nd year. She had heen in her usual health until Sunday night when she suffered a stroke as she was driving in the car with her son, from which she consciousness. Shenever regained was a member, of. the Gospel Hall Church, Grand - - -- vived by one Mrs. Fergus Turnbull, of near Grand Bend; three sons,' Sim of London, Herman of Georgetown, Leslie of Hyde 'Park; two sister, Mrs. Jennie Mason, Mrs. John Mousseau of Grand Bend; two brothers, David and Humphrey’ Webb of Grand Bend. One daughter, Murele, pre deceased her 12 years ago. A priv ate service was ‘'held at her late residence on Friday last at 2 p.m.; followed by a public service in Grana Bend Gospel Hall at 2.30 i p.m. Interment followed in the i Grand Bend -Cemetery. Rev. Wilkie | officiated. i - - Bend. She is sur- 'daughter (Hilda) CREDITONCREDITON •Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark and Glen, of Detroit.visited over the Guides Meet The regular meeting of the Girl Guides was held in the Legion Room at '7 p.m. on March. 21st The meeting opened .with the sing ing of “O, Canada”. Attendance and Inspection xav^ile- taken, the third patrol leading. The first pat rol held a .contest in morse code. The winners were Joan Hopper and Helen Sweet. An enrollment followed. Those being enrolled were Marie McCarter, Norma Knight, Pat ,Hay, June _Cutting, Ann Marie Rivers, closed Honour for the Velma .Webster. The ineet- with “taps". A Court of was held after1 the meeting Patrol Leaders. ,, . * * * * Exeter BaSketballers From- London Teams The Exeter High and girls’ cage teams on Friday evening last made a clean sweep of an j don Wells Academy, the boys taking a 30-29 decision while the girls gained a 36-17 verdict. The boys’ game was close all the way with Exeter staging a grand comeback in the final half, to win. 'A-t half time they were trailing 13-9. . * The hometown lassies had every thing their own way throughout the entire game, leading 23-13 at half time and pulling s>ill farther away in the final session. Following the games lunch served and dancing enjoyed. Lineups: EXETER GIRLS—(Fullerton (6), Hunkin. Hunter-Duvar (21), Pick ard, Gibson-, Fahner, Sweet (5), Gaiser (2), Kestle (2), Hay, Leslie and 'Wren. WiELLS GIRLS — COllidge, Wil liams, MacKichen, Smith (4). Dun can (4), ^.Bygrove (9), Herring, Mills, Bilyea, IBeggand Grombfidge. RefefCe—'Gillies. EKETER BOYS — Davis (4), Davies (8), Heiinessey (1), SoUjth- cott, Glen (12), R. Tuckey (4), J. Whyte (1), Sweet. B. Tuckey and Fisher. WEILLS BOYS -— I-Iansen (18), Hewitt, Ivancic, Detrailer (9), Har ley (2)} Le Reverend and Shanks. Referee—Creech. * School boys’ repeated in unison. Hymn 94 the National Anthem. Marian Mills pronounced the Benediction. Rastus: “You ain’t yo’sel’ mo’, (Sick or sumpi’n?" Mose: exhibition - double-header with Lon- sot insomnia. Ah keeps wakin’ up ev’ry few days." •I was ''Did my wife say anything over the phone when you told her I’d be detained at the office and Wouldn’t be home till late?” “Yes, she eaid, ‘Can I depend on that’?*’ SHIPKA The regular mooting of the Wo men’s Association will be held on Thursday afternoon, April 4th at the home of Mrs. Cliff Russell. There will be an Easter program given. Everybody welcome. Mrs. Humphreys, who has been seriously ill at the home of “Mrs. Geo. Love's has moved to her own home and is slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Love spent Sunday last in Seaforth. Mr. . Wm. Lochner has returned to his own home and is busy re modelling a building for keeping, chickens. The .measle patients covering. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Exeter, spent Sunday home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gaiser. Mrs. Vansteenkiste and family have ihoved into, the home of the late Mr. Thos. Bhynhaifi, Quite a number are confined to their homes with flu and colds.' Rev, Sam Fihfcbeiner has spent the past few months at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Eggert, of Gi’eenway. Rev. Finkbeiner Visited with relatives here Friday and Is leaving for Chicago, Ill., 'within a few* days. MV. and are all Dinney, last at i‘e- of the — Mrs. Harry .Sheppard and David visited Sunday in Den- field With relatives., STEPHEN TOWNSHIP HAS MANY FARMERS OVER SIXTY A survey of farm lands in three townships in Western Ontario, just completed by the Department of Agriculture reveals a total of 294 farms operated by farmers over 60 years of age without any assistance. 'Chosen for the survey Were the townships of West Williams in_ Mid dlesex, Warwick in 'Lambton, and Stephen in Huron. There are 337 farms in East Wil liams' and the department officials found 76 farms had not been cul tivated for the past 20 years, while 1'5. had been abandoned completely. Number of farmers over 60 still working the land in East- Williams was given as 84. (In Stephen Township, 466 farms were visited'. Fifty-three had no houses or barns on them while farms tailed The about weeds __ . . ______ ___ unsuitable for production of satis factory foodstuffs. The department will recommend that much of the unused .farms foe turned over for reforestation pasture lands. week-end with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark. 'Mr. Edward Schenk, of Kitchen-* er, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Schenk. iMr. Godfrey Nicholson, who has been a patient in St. Joseph’s hos pital, London, Weeks, returned to his home on Sunday much improved in health, we are pleased to ’report. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hoare and son, of London, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fahrner. Mr. John Gaiser spent a few days recently with Mr. and ‘Mrs. Lome Gaiser at St. Marys. . Mrs. H. M. IF'aist spent the week end with friends in Detroit. Mr. Elgin Woodall, of Royal Oak, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woodall, of Windsor, anj Miss Laura Wood- all, of London, visited ovqr the week-end with Mr. ahd Mrs. Jos. Woodall, and with Mr. and Mrs. J. Pryde in Exeter. Mrs. E. Guettinger who has been seriously ill at her home 'for the past tfew weeks, is much improved, a report which her many friends are pleased to hear. 'Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Sparling and son Clare, of Walkerton, visit ed on Sunday with Mrs. Sparling’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, We are sorry to report that Mrs. Smith is confined to her bed through illness. Mr. Charles Helsdon, of Norwich, spent the week-end with Mr., Calvin Fahrner. Miss (Lillie Hoffman, -by special request, rendered a much appreciat ed solo in the Evangelical church at the Sunday evening service. Family Dinner A family dinner was served on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. E. M. F'ahrner in honor of Messrs Austin, Wallace and Calvin Fahr ner. Out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Ervine Fahrner, of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Eckstein, Miss Lillie_ Hoffman, Mr. and and, and for the past few operated by men past 60 to- 107. survey in Warwick showed 150 farms .overrun with and thorns which made them Huron Breeders and Hold Barn Meeting There was an attendance __ Huron County Holstein breeders a Barn Meeting held March 22 the Mari-AcreS Farm of RoSs Mar shall, ICirktOn. William . Sparks, Bayfield, President of the Huron Holstein Club, introduced the prin ciple speaker. Dr. Elliott, B.V.Sc., of Clinton. He discussed at some length the causes, treatment and control of Mastitis. P. Abeles, Wat erford, spoke on the care Of per manent pastures. A demonstration of proper clipping of cattle for the shows was given by the Veteran breeder, S. J. Hammond, St. Paul’s Station. Following a type demon stration by Assistant Agricultural Representative G. N. Nelson, a judging Competition was held in Which L. Jervis, Clinton, ahd 'D. Deeming, Walton, Were tied ifor first, with Wm. Sparks. (Bayfield, third. of 40 at at Mrs. Everett Bettshen, Marilyn, all of London; Mrs. Earl Guenthei’ and ley, of Chester Church The Woman’s Association of the United Church, was held on Thursday, March 21st, in the Sunday School room of the church. A large num ber of -members and “'several visit ors were present. The president, Mrs. A. Baker, presided. During the devotional period, a very inter esting talk was given by Rev. True blood. One new member was added to the roll and several items of business were transacted, after which the remainder of the after noon was spent in quilting. The hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs, Ed. Beaver and 'Mrs. Thos. Trevethick, who served a very elaborate lunch and a social time was enjoyed. Jack Mr. Shir- Mrs.Dashwood; Mr. and Mawhittney, of Exeter^ Meeting , regular meeting of the BRINSLEY Tpr. Gordon Craven arrived in Halifax from overseas aboard the troopship, “lie de France" which docked on Sunday, March 17th, He arrived in London on Tuesday last on the 8 a.m. train. Mrs, Mary Carter is spending a few days with Miss Mary B. Amos. Master Gerold Rock, of London, spent the grandfather, Miss Vera spent the parents, Mr. nidge. Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins and Luther Morley entertained a her of friends at the home of Mr, and; Mrs. Alonzo HOdgihs on Thursday evening last, M'r. and Mrs, Wes. Watson, Ed die and baby spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. John Kennedy, of St. Marys. 4 Week-end with his Mr. J. L, Arnos. Wasnidge, of Toronto, week-end with and Mrs. Newton her Was- Mrs, num- € No Happiness in the Home When Mother Is Sick The tired, worn out mother cannot make A happy home if she is Bick and worried by the never ending household duties. ’She gets ruh down and becomes nervous and irritable, a<irritable, downhearted and discouraged, can’t rest at night, and gets up in the morning feeling as tired as when she went to bed. Women suffering in this *way may find in Milbum’s Health and Hen'® Pills a remedy with which to help recuperate their health, build up tho run. down system, and assist them back to health—happiness again. Price 50c a box, 65 pills, at all drug Counters. Look for our trade mark a “Red Heart” On the package. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, We wish to announce to the Public that we are now open for business. Body and fender repairs; also cars refinished. Broderick Bros at Newton Motor Sales Telephone