HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-03-21, Page 10:P$ge. 8 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 21st, 1946 Service 'Is Our Motto w* VERA C. DECKER Tel, 342 Exeter Exeter markets Wheat, $1.10 Oats,, 5ic. Barley;, 70c, Creamery Butter, 41c. Eggs, A Large, 33c Eggs, A Medium, 30c Eggs, Bullets 23c Eggs* B 25q Cracks 22c Georgian Beauty Shoppe T Show commences each night at 7.30 p.m, until further potice. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY March 30 th, 31st ,—» Two Features • Satisfaction Guaranteed Mrs. W. E. Cavers, Prop. Exeter Phone 24S VOCALS has re­ in Tor­ spring. Margaret Rogers home after visiting Snell’s Taxi Service CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Kenneth MacLean, Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday 'School. 11 a.m.—-Public Worship, ’ 7 p.m.—Y.P.S. Wed., 8 p.m»—Prayer meeting in Caven Presbyterian church. Speaker: Rev, Hunt. Tues., Mar. 26, 8.30 p.m.—Man­ agers will meet. T Furn iture and Fun eral Service X Phone 100 ‘One Way to Love' Comedy Drama starring— CHESTER MORRIS MARGUERITE CHAPMAN ‘Voice of the Whistler’ starring — RICHARD DIX FRIDAY and SATURDAY Saturday Matinee at 2.30 p.m. March 22nd, 23rd ‘Along Came Jones’ Starring— GARY COOPER LORETTA YOUNG MONDAY and TUESDAY •March 25th, 26 th — Two Features — t J Comedy Drama starring—- ROBERT BENCHLEY ’ VERA VAGUE ‘Crime Doctor’s Warning’ starring — WARNER BAXTER K9 ....................................................................uiiiiuuuiiiiiiiluiiioliunii DANCING OPERA HOUSE, EXETER BOB MOORE and his 8-piece orchestra Dancing 9 to 12 Admission 50c The Canadian Legion, Exeter- Hensall Branch 167 - Massey-Harris Sales and Service Phones: Office 88W; House 88J Welcome Notice to the Public j to come to the big Massey-Harris Night in Exeter. Monday, April 1, 1946 at 8:30 p.m. The Ontario Manager will also other representatives lines we handle. be here; of other To-day (Thursday) is the first day of Miss turned onto. Mrs. with her Toronto. Miss visited Myrtle Mrs, spent the week-end with her moth­ er, Mrs, R. Russell. Mrs. Claude Blowes, of town and Miss Plewes, of Chicago, are visit­ ing in Hamilton and Toronto. The car license deadline which was suggested as March 20th has been extended for two or three weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Clark and family, of Thedofrd, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer. Miss Gertrude Stewart, who has been employed in Owen Sopnd, has returned and lias accepted a posi­ tion in London. Mrs. Ben Price has returned to her home in Dashwood following a serious operation in Hospital, London. Mr., and Mrs. R. L. ited with the latter’s and Mrs. J. Sandvik, Amherstburg, over the week-end. Mr. S. Grant Sanders, of Leonia, N. J., spent the week-end visiting his father, Mr. S. M. Sanders and calling on old friends in town. We are sorry to note that Mrs, Geo. Geddes is quite seriously ill at her home. Her many friends will hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. F. A, May was in Mitchell Friday of last week attending the funeral of her cousin, Miss Lexia Davis, -whose death took place in Toronto, Past Grand E. M. Quance gave a very interesting address at the Oddfellows lodge Tuesday evening telling of his to Detroit. The ladies Unit met at evening and ternoon and quilted five quilts -for the Red Cross. Mr. and Mrs. 'Percy Dunsford re­ ceived word from their son, W. C. Dunsford, in Ottawa, that he has btfen promoted from a lieutenant to a 'captain. Congratulations’ Mr. Axworthy, 'Sunday Hunter-Duvar. They car to have repaired ine shop. Miss Vera Essery, was reported seriously ill at Vic­ toria Hospital in 'London, is slowly improving. Mrs. G. Westcott Mrs. W. H. Pollen visited with on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Triebner Doreen, of Stephen, and Mr. Mrs. Douglas Triebner, of London, attended the funeral of Mr. Wm. Grube, of Mitchell, on Thursday of last week. Mr. Philip Fassold, of Dashwood has disposed of the blacksmith business which he has owned and operated for 42 years to Mr. Ward Fritz, of Zurich. The old building is being torn down and up^to date gas station will be erected, Mr. Ed. Treble is again able to out after being confined to the house with some fractured ribs and injuries received in a recent fall. Mr. Strange has been looking after the James St. Mr. Treble has been Rev. Jas. Anthony in Victoria Hospital, ing undergone an Monday for the removal of a catar­ act from the eye. His many friends will hope the operation will be Successful and that he may soon be around again. John strange gons and visiting hter in of CentraliaBernice Brown. over the week-end with Miss Haist. Patricia Motz, of Toronto, •St. Joseph’s Beavers vis- parents, Mr, recent ten-day visit of Caven Red Cross the Library Tuesday again Wednesday al­ Alson and sister, Mrs. of Detroit, visited at the home of Mr. brought their at Ed’s mach- D. on E. who last week and her an d and church while off duty. is at present London, hav- operation on speeches,Programme will consist of r. floor show and music by CKNX Ranch Boys, followed by a dance. R. B. Williams Lee dory, Mechanic Kews For Coccidiosis Flies to New York Mr. Ed. Hunter-Duvar was called to New York last week, owing to the illness of his mother who had suffered a stroke. He went- by plane and returned home last Sat­ urday. Mrs. Hunter-Duvar followed her husband by train and is still in New York. Latest report is that Mr. Hunter-Duvar’s mother is im proving. WITH AN EYE TO GOOD GROOMING AND BETTER PERMANENTS. Tomlinson Hairdressing Phone 146 Phone 140 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Bev, N. J. Woods, M»Am Minister Mrs. A. Y, Willard, Organist „ 11 a.m.—Bublic Worship and Church School; the Minister. 7 p.m,—-Public Worship; tlie Minister, Wed-, ,March 30, 8 p.m.—-Union Prayer Service in Laven, Rev. Hunt, Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Y.P. at the Church. R. C. Dinney Phone 20w Exeter Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter WUERTH’S I have shoes arriving now for spring trade for men and boys. We the Oxfords and Work Shoes, prices ranging from $2.49 to $7.00. See Shoe All can General Electric Radios We are receiving a fairly continuous supply of General x Electric radios priced from $19.95 up. Drop in and see us about a new radio. We can quite often supply your needs from our stock, A complete line of GE refrigerators, ranges, washers, vacuum cleaners and other appliances will soon be available. 6. For Pale, Scoury Chicks Those who used them last year know what they did for them when other and. more expensive treat­ ments failed. Our customers say they cannot afford to raise chickens Without them. See Vs First •» Your drugs at ROBERTSON’S JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. B. Irwin, B»A. Lawrence A. Wein Organist and Choir Leader . a.m.—-Morning worship conduct­ ed by the Minister. “The City of 'Death ” p.m,—Sunday School. Bible Class and Communicant Class. p.m.—Evening worship, the Min­ ister, ‘The Meaning of Great­ ness ” , S.15 p.m.—Y.P.U., Christian Fellowship. li 3 7 II ours before buying—we save you money. MEN’S SOX 25c pair 2 pair 45c While they last! Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. welt soles machine stitched. * Wuerth’s Cash Shoe Store Keep Fit and Look Trim with — SPIRELLA — FOUNDATION GARMENTS Individually designed to apply Nature’s own principles of sup­ port and control and are made to. your correct body measure­ ments. Demonstration and inter­ view will gladly be given without obligation. Phone 125. MRS. VALERIA ARMSTRONG. Hardwood Flooring Contractor. New Floors Laid and Sanded Floors refinished with a new up-to-date machine. —Estimates free— Phone Crediton 10J Old Three Sets of Twins During the past five months three sets of twin calves have ar­ rived on the farm of Mr. Laverne Stone, of Kirkton. If that keeps up it should help out the beef produc­ tion. ■ Whether it is a Sloppy 11 7 8 8 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middleiniss 3rd Sunday^ in Lent . a.m.—Sunday School. p.m,—Evensong and sermon. “The Call of the Church.” p.m., Wednesday—Union Prayer service in Caven 'Presbyterian Church. p.m., Thursday—Lenten medita­ tion in the [Parish Hall. ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton M. E. Renter, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Organist Clias. Hoffman, Choir Director 10 a.m.—Morning Worship. 11 a.m.—Church School. I 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship. p.m.—“Maid of Money” •sponsored by W.M.S. Wed., 8.30 A play . and ’L.A. in the Town Hall. Fri., 8 p.m.—E.Y.F. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick,, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—'Mid-week prayer service. .Fri., 8 and a Sunday, 2 p.m.—Sunday School. Supt. p.m. p.m.—Y.iP. Lantern slides debate on Temperance., Mr. E. Cudmore. y.m.—Rev. Montgomery, assist­ ant [District Supt. of Western Ontario, on “Home Mission Projects.” Come and hear this young Irishman—a man of God. 7.3 0 p.m.—Singspiration. -Be cheer­ ful. 8 p.m.—Christ’s Legacy to the Church or a Contested Will. 3 Mrs. J. W. Powell is visiting with relatives in St. Thomas. or Not IT WILL SOON BE HERE Have that Dry-Cleaning done now and avoid disappoint­ ment in the last minute Rush. Whatever you do, have it done by experts the famous Sanitone way. Those fine curtains and drapes as well as youf personal clothes will sparkle and look like new when cleaned by Sanitone Methods. - « Remember—delay may mean disappointment! So bring your parcels to z Pentecostal W.M.S. The March meeting was held on March 14 with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. E. Millar, pre­ sided. The meeting opened by sing­ ing “Constantly Abiding” and “Take the Name of JeSuS With You," Mrs. Gordon Parker led in prayer. Roll call was' answered by vers© of Scripture on “Trust,” The minutes of the last meeting wore read and adopted. The business was then dealt With, A quilt com­ mittee was appointed to look after the quilting etc. It was decided to quilt on Tuesday, March ID. Hymn “Victory Ahead" was sung after which Miss Della Peart brought a stiffing message on ‘Victory/ Miss Peart and Mrs. E, Cudmofe then dang a duet entitled “Sometime, * Somewhere." Prayer followed with' numerous praydf requests, | 4 R. E. RUSSELLto the O Featuring Turkey • -Listen GE Houseparty from WJ'R daily at 4 p.m. We is worth feel the General Electric line of home appliances waiting for, LAMPORT’S Coffee Shoppe Dinner served 11.30 to Ambulance—-Day or Night Try our Braces /and Red Cross and Trivitt Memorial Parish/ Hall The Store for Men at 8 pan. m aorMa Of to decide Exeter’s peace-time program will be held in the elastic o n o O n o Varied Menu AN OPEN MEETING Authorized Sales Phone 109 General Electric & Service Exeter, Ont. W.C.T.U. Meeting The Hensall-Exeter Branch of the W.C.T.U. met at the home of Mrs. W. C. Pearce on Thursday after­ noon, March 12. Mrs. Wm. Cook presided and the -meeting opened by singing and prayer by Mrs. Cook followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Mrs. C, W, Down took the Bible Lesson on 'Leadership.” A duet was rendered by Mrs. Ed. Johns and Mrs. Wm. Pybus "Just for To-day.” Mr. W. G. Medd gave a very interesting address giving the high-lights of the Convention of the Temperance Federation held in Toronto recently. Rev. Mr. Mac- Lean closed with prayer. Smart looking braces in a wide variety of colors designs. leather. American Plaid iCotton--------- Ginghams In a range of lovely colors,. This material washes well and gives excellent wear at $1.00 per yard. Smart Plaid and Striped- These goods .are very scarce but we are fortunate in having an excellent assortment of patterns and colors at 89c and $1.00 per yard. Floral Patterned-i S/ubs Dresses In Jerseys, .Crepes and Cottons. These are beauti­ ful materials and smartly styled in all sizes. Priced at $3.95 to $12.95 A lovely material, and comes in four beautiful shades. This material will make up very smart dresses at 79c per yard. Phone 276 Tuckey Transport Today Phone 25W for Information. Agents for Jarmain’s Forest City Laundry & Dry .Cleaners ............................................................... ......„ Send Roses or Sweet Peas for Birthdays and Anniversaries Place yoiir order now for Easter lilies as there is a very small supply this year. Exeter Flower Shop Ralph Bailey and Family in mottled patterns If properly laid it will last a lifetime. Ideal for Bathrooms, Bedrooms, Kitchens and Dining Rooms. Comes in two qualities. $3.25 and $4.75 per yard. capers for spring Brighten up your home this Spring. The patterns are all new. Ask to see the new books. You will like these new papers. Per roll 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c to $1.00 Southcott Bros. Phone 16 Exeter