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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-03-21, Page 7
»■ z THE TIMESrADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNINS, MARCH 21st, 1946 T Supplement TK" O UR Exeter District Co-Op Store We have on hand a good supply of Heavy Galvanized Chick Feeders , and Fountains - also Chick Starter A car of Dictator Coal is expected soon. A few additional orders are needed to clear. Exeter District Cooperative P. Passmore, Manager Contractor for Electrical Wiring A full stock of material on hand. Also Electrical Household Appliances. Five years and seven months’ with the Canadian army doing electrical work. Residence on Gidley St, Exeter "■A Spic and Span Cleaners We’re building business by prompt, , efficient service. Garments insured against Fire Theft —Pressing Daily— VDashwood Customers Leave at Restemeyer and Millar’s Grand Bend Customers Leave at Jimmy's Barber Shop 2 pick-ups weekly Lennis Regier Phone 243w and i* ru Exeter Cemetery All orders for Annual Flowei’ Beds must be placed with the secretary not later than April 15th. Price $3.00. R. G. SELDON, Secretary of the Exeter Cemetery Board. CEMENT WORK GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Contracts of any kind. Free estimates. Lrx R.R. 3, Parkhill, Phone Dashwood 39rll h*s Fun ENJOY THESE Chuckle-Ads Costs Nothing To Enter LAST WEEK’S WINNER F’or Sale—McClary all enamel Bulls, 1 red; 1 red roan, very Well fenced and drained. Possession Optional. Opportunity of ob taining Female. To handle cash and keep Established businesses in Eketer. '' * SUBMTTTED BY . . . Mrs. O. E. Mason, Lucknow, Ont, Your Ad-Briefs in THE Times-Advocate z James St." Afternoon Auxiliary The Afternoon W.M.iS. of James Street met in the church basement on Thursday, March l'4th, The •opening exercises were conducted by the president, Mrs.-M. Southcott. The secretary, Mrs. Zurbrigg, read the minutes of the February meet ing and the treasurer, Mrs. reported the givings of the ary meeting. The roll call secretary was answered by a numbei’ of members. Reports different convenors were Mrs. Irwin, temperance convenor, read a ■ short article which stressed the importance of soberiety- among our The Mrs. will Eas- Stoney Febru- by~ffie goodly by the given. women. A 110% increase in 19 46 .givings is asked for. president announced that (Rev.) Johnston, of Mitchell, be the speaker for our W.M.S. ter meeting. Mrs. Irwin was ap pointed a delegate to the Pr'esby- terial to, be held in Wingham in April. The opening hymn for the wor ship period which was conducted by Mrs. Buswell’s group with Mrs. was 373.Buswell in the chair, This was followed 'by the reading ofi a devotional leaflet and prayer" by Mrs. Buswell. M'rs« Kyle also .gave a prayer. Miss Reta Rowe sang very effectively “Blessed Assurance Jesus is Mine.” Mrs. Southcott had charge of the study book chapter, the subject being “Currie, of Africa who was called The Master Builder because he believed that new hearty and new homes were both needed.” Mrs. Anderson gave a very inter esting story Kaycha, ’ one of Dr. Currie’s converts. Mrs. Southcott conducted a questionaire on the study book which was replied to by Mrs: King, Mrs.' Kyle, Mrs. Cud- more and Mrs. Sharp. Mrs. -Sharp engaged in prayer. The singing- of an African 'hymn by part of the group was much enjoyed. The closing hymn was <3 83 and a bene diction was repealed by the leaded Mrs. Buswell. HIGH SCHOOL MEETING page (1.) of Education and a new (continued from staff. The present Board would be dissolved board of education would comprise two representatives from the town, one from each municipality and one from the county, all to be ap pointed by the various councils. Plan Is Favoured Stephen, Hay, Hensail and Us- horne were well represented at the meeting. Warden R. E. Shaddick, of Hensall, congratulated the gath ering on the fine representation and the enthusiasm shown. Roy Ratz, reeve of Stephen, said that that township would do what they could to further the project. Wm Haugh, reeve of Hay, said that they were 100 per cent, behind it. Harry Strang spoke for Usborne and J. M. Southcott and R.’N. Creech for the Exeter Board of Education. In- this connection R; N. Creech, member of the Exeter 'Board of Education, has signified his inten tion to submit the following reso lution at the next regular meeting of the Board, and has every con fidence that it will pass unani mously Be it resolved that this Board Is in sympathy with the plan of enlarging the Exeter High School District to include the Village of Exeter, the Village of Hensall, and the Townships of Hay, Stephen and Usborne, and portions of any other municipalities that may desire to form part of this proposed district, with a view to enlarging the scope j of work done at the High School and rendering a larger and more' efficient service to the whole com- 1 munity. To accomplish this this Board is willing to forego its auth ority of control of the school in favor of the plan as outlined that the new Board consist of repre sentatives of all the interested municipalities. This, of course, would necessitate tlie formation of a local public' school board having authority over public school mat ters. Father of Centraliai Lady Dies HENSALL paper collection in Hensall on Friday, March 29th. Be put your papers out in plain The will bo sure to . ................ sight and have th*em tied securely. Mr. Bert Horton spent a few days in Toronto this week. Miss 'Pearl Reid, of London, was a recent visitor with friends in 'Hen sall. Mr. Leaton Seimon has purchased the property of the late Mrs. Alice Pfaff. Mr, Wm. Slavin, of London, spent the week-end at his home here, Miss Lois Greene, of Port (Stan ley, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Ivan Kipfer, Mrs. R, H. Middleton is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, George Middle ton in Detroit, Dr. Wm, T. Joynt, of London, spent the week-end with his mother Mrs. Alice Joynt. Dr, and Mrs. D. CL Steer, of Lon don, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacLaren. Miss Mavis Spencer, of spent the week-end at the her parents, Mr, and Mrs. cer. Miss June Saundercock, __ __ don, was a week-end visitor with her mother, Mrs. Annie Saunder cock. Mr. Harry Ford accompanied by Miss Holly Fay, of- London, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jones. Mrs. A. Rowcliffe and_Mrs. ,R. J. 'Patterson returned home after a pleasant visit with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Lloyd 'Hudson, of St. Marys, spent the week-end here owing to the illness of Hudson. The Arnold iliary held a Patrick’s Tea on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McEwen vis ited during the past week with the former’s brother, Ewen in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. of Detroit, spent iting with the Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne. Little Ronald Rowcliffe. son of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rowcliffe under went an operation £or appendicitis in London on Saturday. Misses Helen and Mae McNaugh ton, of Toronto, spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lome 'McNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKenzie and family, of iClinton, visited re cently with Mrs. Wm. McKenzie and Mrs. Violet Schwalm. • Miss Margaret Johnson who has been seriously ill at her home for some time, was removed to the hos pital in London during the past week. The Firemen are sponsoring a dance in the Town Hall, (Hensall, on Friday, 'March 22nd. The Wo men’s Institute will have a lunch booth in'the" hall. ■ w Fit. Lieut. Jeoffrey Bowles, Field Secretary of the Ontario Division, was present and discussed and out lined-* the future work of the Red' Cross at a meeting held in the Town Hall Tuesday evening. A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of (Mr. and Mrs. Wes ley Venner at 'Chiselhurst on 'Friday night when 60 relatives and friends gathered to celebrate their Silver wedding anniversary. Dancing was enjoyed and during the refreshment hour Mr. and Mrs. Venner were presented with many beautiful gifts. The address was read by Mrs. Wm. Kyle, of Kippen, to which Mr. Ven ner made a fitting reply. The annual birthday party of the W.M.S. of Hensall United church will be held on Friday, March 22, when Miss Courtice, returned mis sionary, will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Nellie Lattimore died at the home of her son, Edgar, in Sarnia on Sunday in her 83rd year. The deceased was formerly Miss Nellie Blackwell and lived >in this vicinity for a number of years. Funeral service , was held from Mr. Robert 'Dinney’s Funeral Home in Exeter on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Interment was in Exeter Cemetery Institute Meets The March meeting of the Wo men’s (Institute was' held at the home of Mrs. W. O. Goodwin on Wednesday evening with Mrs. R. Elgie, co-hostess. Mrs. A. E. IMunn presided over the program. The roll call was answered by “My (F'avorite iPastime.” The guest speakei’ was Mrs. R. McKercher who gave an interesting address on “Home Econ omics.” The motto, “Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, and Dr. Merriman are the three best physicans’ was ably tak en by Mrs. Cross- Mrs. Horton had charge of the current events- Miss Greta 'Lammie played a violin solo accompanied .by Miss Gladys Luker at the piano. A social hour follow ed- Servicemen Entertained The service personnel of municipality of the Township Hibbert were entertained at a the Township evening, March crowd of 500 of the person- were presented The presenta- Reeve Joseph included Rev. I Warden Tiler, Toronto, home of A. Spen- of Lon- his father, 'Mr. Thos. ■Circle Evening Aux- most successful St. and Fashion Display Mr and Mrs. 'Me ■Lome Ballantyne, the week-end vis- former's mother, cial gathering in Hall, Staffa, Friday 15th. An estimated were present. Each net, 60 in number, with a signet ring- tion was made by Atkinson. Speakers Risdon, of Staffa; the of so- After a week of illness, Thomas;of Fullarton, who 0is Warden for E. Pollock, 69, prominent Huron the County Of Perth, and Major township farmer, died at his home. Allen, of Staffa. Members of the Rev. Charles D. Cox, of Clark Council and Clerk T. D. Wren at- United Church, Conducted last rites tended the event, Music was fur- and interment was in Ripley come- ""|jr *4 tery. Born on concession 12, Huron, Mr. Bollock resided their his entire lifetime. Lie Was an active member of Clark Church. His wife, the for mer Alberta Cumming, predeceased him by six years. Surviving are a son, Orma, Huron, and three daugh ters, " ‘ 1 Mrs. Miss Mrs.' Bert WHIden, Hfrrdn; Lome Hicks, Centralia) and Wlida Pollock, Kitchener, ' frished by Harburn’s orchestra for the dance and liinch was served. Carmel Y.P.S, The YOuttg People’s Society of Carmel Pres’-yterlan Church held their regular social evening in the schoolroom the church on Mon day o -’Ifi” Miss Margaret Mac- - wwMiftd and oponed the meeting by singing, “O God out WOODHAM Miss Fern Itodd, of London, spent tfte week-end at the home of her piarento, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar BoW.Miss Jean Willis, of London, spent the week-end at the home of Ker parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Willis, Mr. John Camm held a very suc cessful auction sale on Wednesday of last week. Mr. John Tomlinson has purchas ed th© farm of Mr, William Sin clair, (Miss Gladys Shier, of Hospeler, spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Wesley Shier, Mission Circle The monthly meeting of the Mis sion Cirple was held at the home of Jean Stephens with 15 members and two visitors present. Mrs. 'Oscar Brine and Viola Jaques were in charge of the meeting and Mrs. Ira McCurdy was in the chair. The theme for the evening was, “Jesus, the Great Physician,” A poem', “How IHe (Came,” by Christine Brown. Hymn 556 was sung. The scripture lesson was read by Eve lyn Bullock, Piano solo by Rhoda Thomson. The worship service was closed with prayer by Mrs. McCur dy. The roll call and minutes were read and adopted. Mrs. Oscar (Brine then took charge of .the meeting. A reading, “Mrs. Murphy’s Visitor” by Rhea Mills; a poem by Mrs. Vic Chatten. We were then favoured with a solo by Mrs. McCurdy. Poems by Mrs. James (Miller, Mrs. Ken Langford and Jean Stephens. We sang hymn 311. The meeting was closed with the National An them and the Benediction. Lunch was then served >by the hostess and committee and a social half hour was spent by all. Social Evening A social evening was held on Friday evening in the basement of the church 'with the choir in charge of the1 programme. Mr, Leonard Thacker was chairman for the eve ning which commenced with com munity singing of Irish songs un der the leadership of Ray Mills. Readings by Mrs. Wm. Rodd; vocal solos by Helen Webber; guitar and mouth organ selections by Audrey Scott and Mrs; Wm. Rundle; read ings by. Mi’s. Dave Shadblaw; vocal solos by Muriel Stephens; solo by Mrs. Ira McCurdy; piano solos by Jean Stephens; some Irish contests were then enjoyed was then served by choir and a social spent. The evening National Anthem. Shower for Mrs. Gladwyn Langford About 3 0 members of the Shower Club met on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Langford to honor Mrs. . Gladwyn Langford an English bridgr-who recently ar rived from overseas. The program commenced with singing, “The More We get Together”. (A poem, “Husband’s Hobbies,” by Mrs. Leonard Thacker. A reading, “Words to the ’Wives’,” by Mrs. Jack Thomson. A quitar and mouth organ selection by Audrey Scott and Mrs. Wm. “Picker-Upper,” by Viola Jaques. Mrs. James Millei* conducted a con test. A vocal solo by Marion ’Par kinson. A reading, “Newly-Weds First Fight,” by Mrs. Dave Sham- blaw. A poem, “About Husbands,” by Christine Brown. Florence Kirk then had a contest. IA reading, “How to Cook a Husband,” by Mrs. Vic Chatten. Jean Stephens then read a nicely worded address ex tending her a hearty welcome and wishing her much happiness in her new home. Lorene Jaques then brought in the gifts. Mrs. Langford then thanked the girls very much for her gifts. All joined in singing “For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow.” A dainty lunch was served and a social half hour was spent. by all. Lunch members of the half hour was closed with the Rundle. A poem, Daughter (entering father’s of fice) : “Good morning, dad, I just ran in for a minute to say hello.” Dad: “Too late, Betty. Your mother just ran in to say^hello and got all my change.” Help in Ages Fast,” followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The Scripture was read by Don Bell. The business was taken up and hymn “Tell Me the Story of Jesus” was sung. IMiss Helen Moir presided over the musical program as fol lows: saxophone solo by Mr. A. Orr entitled, “My Wild Irish Rose,” accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Kennedy; a piano solo entitled “Danny IBoy” by Mrs. 'Chas. (For rest; two vocal solos, “Where the River Shannon Flows,” aud "Au. Irish Lullaby” by Mrs. Kennedy ac companied by Mrs. Forrest at the piano. Mrs. P. A. Ferguson gave an interesting address on “Robert iLouis Stevenson and his wife.” The meeting closed by singing “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”, after which Rev. P. A. Ferguson led in prayer. Games, contests and lunch were enjoyed. Presentation A very enjoyable time was spent in ’the schoolhouse at S.S. No. 10 I Hay on Friday evening when the neighbors and friends gathered in honor of Mr. and Mi’s. Wm, Parke who recently moved to Hensall, Progressive euchre was played dur ing the evening and the following prize, first ladies* gent*S consolation, Mr. Lome Chap man, During the refreshment hour Mr. and Mrs, Parke were presented With a floor lamp. The accompany ing address was read by Mr. Jack Corbett and the presentation made by Mr. George Tinney. Mr. Parke expressed their sinerd thanks and “An prize winners: ladies’ first Mrs. G. Broderick; gent’s prize, Mr. Frank Lostell; consolation, Mrs. Corbett) Announcements Death and Marriage are Inserted free of Card of Thankn 50c, In Birth, Notices charge. __ Memoriam NotieeH 50c for a Ingle verse, 2t»e .(extra for each addi tional Bngugem ents 50c BIRTHS FILOODY—-Mr, and Mrs, Norman B. Floody (nee Lulu Dlndenfield) are happy to announce the (birth of a son, Donald Edward, March 13, 1946, at pital, Windsor, Ont, HAIST—To Mr, and Haist, Crediton, (nee tain), March born). TRAQUiAIR — In Clinton Public .Hospital on (Friday, March 15 th, 1946, to Mr, and Mrs. Jack Traquair (nee Helen McQueen), of Hensail, a daughter, Ruth Ann. Mrs, Earl Jean Moun- at Victoria Hospital, on 16,' 1946, a son (still- DEATHS I, on <lrace Hos- Many hard to get colors now in stock* CORNISH — In Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday, March 19th, 1946, Sarah Whitehead, beloved wife of the late John Cornish, in her 76th year JENNINGS—At her late residence, Brookfarm, McGillivray Town ship, on Monday, March 18, 1946 Jean Edgar, beloved wife of the late Thomas Jennings, in ber 97th year. ■KELLY Mich., 1946, John E. (Kelly, second eld est son of the late James and Catherine Kelly, in his 71st year. (Interment Thursday in St. Pat rick’s (Cemetery, Biddulph. LATTIMORE—In Sarnia, on Sun day, " ' J ". Ellen Lattimore, widow of late Francis Lattimore, in 8 4th year. • LOVE- William Love, lot 10, concession 20, Stephen Township, on Satur day, Love, LUKER home Kent, 1946, his 83rd year. — Suddenly, in Adrian, on -Sunday, March 17, March 17th,1946, Mary the her Time to Think of Enameloid Super Gloss <— Semi-Lustre 'Outside Paint VARNISHES — Lin-X —-Mar Not —-V 93 -At the home of 'his March 16 th,1946, in his 81st year. son, John In Woodstock at the of his daughter, Mrs. J. W. on Friday, (March 1'5 th, 'Christopher J, Luker, ENGAGEMENT in Mr. and Mrs. William Wein, of Dashwood, ment of their youngest daughter, Marie Brown, only son of Mr.' and Mrs. Talbot Brown, Dutton, the wedding to ' ' ' ..................... announce Anna,to the engage- Glenn Le Roy take place quietly in April. CARDS OF THANKSCARDS OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown wish to express their sincere thanks to their friends and neighbours for the kindness ed to them bereavement remembered cards, treats was ill. I wish to and sympathy extend- in their recent sad and to all those who Mrs. Brown with and flowers while she * c express my heartfelt thanks to my many kind neighbors and friends who drew my wood from the bush, cut it and split it. Mrs. Albert Pollock. c ■Gordon Ford wishes to thank his many friends who remembered him with cards, fruit and flowers fol lowing his recent operation. Also special thanks to the blood donors who replaced the plasma given him at the hospital. c II ’wish to express my sincere thanks to all kind friends who re membered me with flowers, cards, letters and treats, also my near neighbor, Mrs. Lawson, who has helped out in so many ways during my illness.- Mr. thank cards while al. Mrs. Fred Kerr. wishes ❖ toiPercy Webber all those who sent flowers, and treats and visited him a patient in Victoria Hospit- H. S. Walter desires to ex- his sincere thanks to the friends for the kindness and c Mr. press many sympathy extended at the time of the death of his sister, Mrs. Mabie Wood, with special thanks floral tributes and loan of IN MEMORIAM PENHALE—In proud and IN MEMORIAM of for" the cars.* SHERWIN WILLIAMS •— Flat Tone —"Marnot Floor Enamel -—Porch and Deck Paint — Master Colors in Oil i Webster PAINT SPRAY OUTFITS Complete line of Turpen tine, Oils, Putty, Crack Filler, Shellac, Sandpaper, etc. Phone 86 TRY THE NEW ROLLER COATER The EASY, CLEAN way to paint ceilings andl walls, Beavers Hardware Now available, ready mixed, ready to sow, prepared according to approved standards and recognized formula. Full seed information and details available. PER LB. 45c A full line of all clovers and grasses with the exception of Red Clover. ’ All stocks are short—order early and avoid disappoint ment. / Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co Exeter, Ontario KHji loving andsondearmemory brother, Frayne Penhale, other crew, Were killed on active serv ice overseas, March 21, 1945, and were buried with full mili tary honors near Samree. gium. —Lovingly remembered by the family. * PENHALE—In memory of a dear brother and uncle, Flight Lieut. Allan F- (Penhale, R.O.A.F., who failed to return after flying operations March 21, 1945. —Fondly remembered by his sis ter, brother-in-law and nleceK —- Gladys, Sam and Caroline Bland. * a Flight Lieut.Allan three who with the members March of the Bel- THANK YOU! Having disposed of our business to Mr. and Mrs. Walters, of London, we wish to express to everyone of Winchelsea and district our sincere appreciation for your kindness and patronage during our stay with you, We solicit for Mr. and Mrs. Walters and family your continued support and trust that they will be as happy with you as we have been. Sincerely yours, Mr, and Mrs. R. B. Pooley and family. Thos. Pryde wishes to announce that he has accepted his son, John B. Pryde into business partner ship, The firm name of Cunningham & Pryde will be disccftitinucd and in future the business Will be con ducted under the frame of T. Pryde and Son —- Memorial Craftsmen —* CLINTON - EXETER - SEAFORTH