HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-03-21, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTAR IO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 21st, 1946 This is Huron County’s Largest Classified Department woMunmc Come in and see the latest merchandise available on the market. Kilter Queen , . , the amazing new vacuum Cleaner with . . . NO BAG Knapp Monarch 2-hurner STOVES. DOBMEYER Food Mixers, GEM Electric Fencers. PRESTO Cookers. NU TONE Boor Chimes. DeLUNE RERSTED IRONS (with Heat Control), DeLUXE BERSTED TOASTERS. BOYCO Record Players. ASS’T. of Ramps and Shades, Yon are invited to visit us at 1. «* 3* 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, Snelgrove Tire and Electric Goodyear Tires Phone 18 Northern Electric Appliances Andy Snelgrove, Manager LOST AND FOUND LOST—A billfold with registration card and driver’s licence on Main Street. Please leave at Times-Advocate. 21* FOUND—About 65 ft. of new rope between Devon and Eden school corner. Owner may have same by proving* property and paying for advt. .Hubert Hunter, (R.’R. 1, Centralia. 21c FOR RENT (FOR. RENT—A quantity of grass land to rent for pasture, Silas Stanlake, Exeter 21* FOR RENT—Furnished apartment. Apply to Mrs. John Hunter. William street. Phone 113w. 14:21c FOR SALE FOR SALE—Thirty chunks of pigs. Apply Willis Gill, Grand Bend, phone 3Sr3, Dashwood.______21c FOR SALE—Some Holstein spring­ ers. Apply to Harvey Parkinson, 2 miles south-east of Woodham, phone 18r5, Kirkton._______21* FOR SALE — (Baby stroller with springs, like new. Apply at the Times-Advocate.____________31c IFOR SALE—6 50 lb. capacity <De Lava] separator; kitchen cabinet and glass cupboard. Phone 177r4 Exeter.______________,21c FOR SALE — Windmill in good shape, 3 5 ft. tower, recondition­ ed head. Apply Reg. Hodgson, Centralia, phone lSr3 Crediton. 21* INTERNATIONAL H tractor in practically new condition, to be sold in the auction sale of Wm. Sanders, March '26th.________21* FOR SALE—A lady’s blue coat, ' size 16, good as new. Phone 33, Exeter. 21c FOR SALE—Baby carriage in very good condition. Apply at Times- Advocate.21* FOR SALE—Anyone wanting young calves call Howard McCurdy, I phone Kirkton 54r7‘.21:28* ( FOR SALE—One double bin self chicken feeder,, capacity approxi- j piately 3 bags; also a lawn] mower. A Wright. Centralia. 21* | FOR SALE—Rocker and settee to | match; extension table; kitchen cabinet, like new. Roland Grenier Exeter.21* FOR SALE—Cycle Hatcher, 5 0-egg capacity, like new; organ, 6- octave in 'good condition; barrel churn; sideboard. Apply at Times-Advocate.21* FOR SALE —• Low down wagon ■with -5-inch steel wheels; Sharpe hay rake; one-man hay rack; an out-throw Massey-Harris disc; also a ’Bissel in-throw; 'McCor­ mick-Deering mower, nearly new; set 4-section harrows; set of • back band team harness, in good condition. Apply to Ernie Thomp­ son, R.R. 8, Parkhill. phone 6015-13, Parkhill.__________c FOR SALE—A limited quantity of Ajax oats grown from certified seed. Clark Fisher, phone 176r4 Exeter, 21c FOR SALE-—One Planet Jr. 4 D igarden Seeder for onion seed etc., nearly new, Frank Rollings, Granton ’P.O. 2|1,6 -PIGS FOR SALE—->35 Stocker pigs weighing 7*0< pounds; also a num­ ber Of Sows due first part of April, (Apply to Chas, S. 'Bedard, Zurich, phone 98rl5. >21* SEEL GRAIN FOR BALE-—NO. 1 Reg. Ajax Oats, Commercial grades Ajax, Cartier and Alaska Oats, Galore O.A.C. No, 21, and Nobarb Barley, Ajax Oats out yielded all other varieties at the O.A.C. Guelph, Field Peas. Wanted to -buy—Erban seed oats Cann's Mills, Whalen Corners and Exeter, phones Kirkton 35-15 and Exeter 35W. FOR SALE—300 pullets, Sussex & . (New Ilampshlres, 8 weeks old. (Apply to Douglas Gill, R.R. 3, Parkhill, phone 38r20, (Dashwood, 14:21c i I FOR SALE—Twin oil burner ~hnd heater in good condition, alstx New Perfection cook stove, new. Phone 329‘, Exeter. 14:21* FOR SALE—Ajax seed oats, Galore seed barley, 2 young Shorthorn bulls, 1 red, 1 red roan, very reasonably priced for quick .sale; also some hard blockwood. W. C. F. Oestricher, Crediton, Tele­ phone 19r4 Crediton. 14:21* FOR SALE—Electric .brooder, 300- chick capacity," used only five weeks last spring, also a horse collar and an R.C.A. Victor electric cabinet radio. Apply to Jas. Squire, Huron Street. 21* MISCELLANEOUS OWiING TO shareholders moving, there are available shares in the Hurondale Beef Ring. If inter­ ested contact Wm. Sims or Oscar 'Tuckey. 21* WOULD EXCHANGE a 14-plate Cockshutt out-throw disc in good condition fox* a 12-plate out- throw disc in good condition. (Leonard Harris, phone 33rl8, Kirkton. 21* Slender Tablets are effective. 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks’ $5, at Robertson’s and all druggists. JESNEY 'SHOE REPAIR — Now open for business. Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. Crediton. tfp RENFREW SALES & SERVICE Hand turned or electric separa­ tors, also enameled stoves. ' Hugh Thiel, Phone 93r4 Zurich. 7-4tp A CUSTOMER WRITES from Ban­ croft, Mich.: Send me 3 60c jars NAMELESS Cold Remedy, “ft sure is great stuff.” You can get this Remedy at Brownings, Rob­ ertson’s, Griggs!? Sanders’ stores, Exeter. 14:i21 AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins Dis­ trict available. If you are aggress­ ive, and between the ages 'of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable busi­ ness of your own. For full’ particu­ lars write today to The J. R. Wat­ kins Company, Dept. O-E-6, 2177 Masson St., (Montreal, Que. NOTICES Having disposed of my Hardware Business I desire all accounts paid by April 1st, 1946. Any accounts not paid by that date will he hand­ ed in for collection with costs. B. W. F. BEAVERS 21:28 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Olive Effie Churchill, late of the Village of Hensail .in the County of Huron, Married Woman, who died on or about the twenty-seventh ■ day of January, A.D. 1946, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford,. K.C., Wingham, Ontario, on or before the thirtieth day of March, A.D., 1946, full par- ticuuars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said thirti­ eth day of March, the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there­ to having regard only to claims of which the Execu tor shall then have notice. DATED this eight day of March, A.D. 1946. * J, H. CRAWFORD, K.C., Wingliam, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of the late Matthew Clark, who die! on the 13th day of December, 1945, are hereby notified to send them to either of the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 1st day of (April, 1946. After the last named date the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among the persons en­ titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. 21:28c MRS. EMILY CLARK, Hay P.O., LOUIS D. CLARK, Kippen. COMING EVENTS RESERVE Friday, April 5th, for a play “Maid of Money” to be presented in the James street church by the Grand Bend play­ ers. AUCTION SALES - AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS The undersigned has received in-* structions to sell by public auction on Huron Street, ¥2 mile west of Exeter, on THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1016 at 1.30 o’clock the following: STOCK —< Good work horse; fresh cow; cow due April 15. IMPLEMENTS — Tractor plow; McCormick-IDeering manure spreacl.- ef; rubber tired top buggy; wagdn wheels and axle; steel wheeled wagon; 2 light wagons; set of light sleighs; 3 chop boxes; hay rack; set of harrows; cultivator; team cultivator; disc; scuffler; double harness; single harness; root pulp­ er; separator; cutting box; sling Popes and chain; electric brooder; 2 shelters; 2 set of trap nests; turkey range; walking plow; fan­ ning mill. A quantity of hay. 70 Sussex hens. FURNITURE,—3-fourner coal oil stove, 6 dining-room chairs; toilet set; china cabinet; kitchen cabin­ et; cupboardT mattress; rug. TERMS—CASH JOHN HUNKJN, Prop; ■G. LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR. Auct. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by pulblic auction on Lot 10, Con. 3, Hay Twp. FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1946 at 1,30 o’clock the following: CATTLE—1 milk cow; 1 grass cow; 1 yearling steer; 1 yearling heifer; 1 calf, three months old; all in good order-. IMPLEMENTS — Massey-Harris binder; Brantford mower; 1-horse rake; Massey-Harris fertilizer drill, 11-hoe; Frost & Wood cultivator; disc; set of 3-section harrows; 2- furrow plow; harrow cart; roller; wagon; wagon box; hay rack; set of sleighs; buggy; cutter; wheel­ barrow; root pulper; Clinton fan­ ning mill; set "of double harness; 2 horse collars; 2 logging chains; 2 large iron kettles; 1 gas engine; •2 cream separators; 1 hay fork; 1 cutting box and other articles too numerous to mention. GRAIN—’100 bushels of feed oats. I-IAY—A quantity of mixed hay. ROOTS—IA quantity of roots. TERMS—CASH ALBERT GEDDES, Prop. ED. CORBETT, Auct. - CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction at •Lot 29 and 30, C011. 3, Stanley Twp. FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1916 the following: HORSE'S—1 Clyde gelding, rising 6 years >old, 1700 lbs.; 1 brown gelding rising 9 years old, 180 0 l'bs.j 1 reg. Clyde mare, 7 years .old; 1 Clyde gelding rising 3 years old; 1 Clyde gelding rising 2 years old; 1 filly rising 1 year old. CATTLE—9 Durham cows, some* fresh, others due in March and April; 3 grade Polled Angus cows due in March and April; 3 reg. Polled Angus cows, 4 years old, due in April and,. May; 1 reg. Polled Angus bull rising 2 years old, raised by F. G. Todd and .Son, Erica of Anoka and Bandoliei’ of (Anoka breed; 1 reg/ Polled Angus bull calf, 1 year old in June; 13 Polled Angus calves rising 1 yeai’ old; 2 young calves. PIGS—1 York sow; 5 York.pigs, 7 weeks old. IMPLEMENTS—(International W. 4 tractor, rubber, starter and lights, in excellent condition; 3-furrow Fleury plow; 3-section spring tooth drags; 1 Bissel tractor disc; M.H. .binder, 7 ft.; M.H. manure spread­ er; M.H. mower, 6 ft.; M.H. corn binder; M.H. hay loader; Interna­ tional side rack (new) • M.H. fer­ tilizer drill, 13-disc; Int. bean scuffler and puller; 1 sulky rake; 1 set of harrows, 4 section; 1 walk­ ing plow; 1 M.H. grain drill; 1 M.H, bean scuffler and puller; 1 8-ft. culta packer; 1 20-inch, grain crush­ er and belt; 1 Maple Leaf grinder; 1 cutting box, blower; 1 rubber tired wagon with good tires; 1 new gravel box; 1 steel tired wagon (new); 1 set of farm sleighs (flat rack); 1 cutter; .fanning mill; 2,000' lb. scales; hay rack, 16 ft.; McC.-D, cream separator with mot­ or; forks, shovels, whiffletrees, and a host of other articles. Quantity of mixed hay. HARNESS—1 set of good breech­ ing harness, 4 long straw collars. FARM-—200 acre farm, silo 12x 30, bank barn, drive shed, hay barn; 2-storey house, hydro throughout building, bathroom, good water sup­ ply, 1’5 acres bf hardwood bush, 55 acres plowed, 7 acres wheat, bal­ ance in pasture and hay, close to school and 3 miles from Clinton. TERMS-—’Chattels, cash, Farm; made known day of sale, (Reserve bid), WILLIAM McEWEN, -Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE .. The undersigned has receive# in­ structions to sell by public auction on Huron Street East, Exeter on SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1946 at 1,30 p.m,, the following: FURNITURE — Kitchen stove; kitchen table; glass cupboard; wash tubs; washing machine; wringer; folding bed; 5 beds; springs; inatt- resses; 2-plate electric burner; radio,: electric smoke stand; arm chair; 10 chairs; parlor stove; parlor chairs; sewing machine; small table; 2 rockers; piano; cor­ ner cupboard; sideboard; drop-leaf table; coal oil heater; couch; 4 tables; rockers; bedding; dishes of all kinds; lamps; pots; pans; pails; pictures; and othei’ articles, REAL ESTATE—-Frame house, being Lot 1281, S. Huron Street, East; 6-room house and lot, nicely located. TERMS — Chattels, cash. Terms of Real Estate made known on day, of sale. WILLIAM LAVERTY, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, ‘FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The .undersigned has received in­ structions to sell iby public auction Lot 21, Concession 2, Stephen Twp. 1 mile west of Exeter, on TUESDAY, MARCH 26th, 1946 at one o'clock the following: CATTLE—2 fresh cows; roan cow due time of sale; roan cow due May 16; roan cow’ due June 10; 2 steers rising 2 years; 3 heifers rising 2 years; 2 yearling heifers; 3 yearling steers; & small calves. 21 chunks. IMPLEMENTS — McCormick- Deering binder, 7 ft.; Deering mower, 5 ft., new; Deering culti­ vator- Maxwell hay loader; McCor­ mick-Deering manure spreader; disc; 4 section harrows; 3-drum steel roller; McCormick-Deering 11 disc fertilizer drill; 2 disc M.- Harris plow; Clinton fanning mill; set of scales; side hay rake; 10 ft, dump rake; 3 walking plows; scuff­ ler; truck wagon; hay rack with roller; steel tired wagon; some wire; wagon ’box; 3 buggies; 2 cutters; set of sleighs; Stewart electric clippers; electric fence; power grinder; 45 gal. drum; set of double harness; McCormick- Deering electric cream separator; root pulper; wheelbarrow; quantity of old ii;on; Warner electric brooder 50i0!-chick capacity; bean scuffler and puller; bags and sacks, neck- kokes, whiffletrees, othei’ articles. International H tractor in good 1 epair. 20 tons of hay. FURNITURE — Writing desk; kitchen chairs; rug 9x12; complete bedroom suite; 3 burner coal oil stove; churn. TERMS—CASH WILLIAM SANDERS, Prop. GEO. LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. AUCTION SALE OF 50-ACRE FARM The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell bv public auction ' on Nh> Lot 9, Cob. 12. Stephen Twp. 5 Ot acres more or less, on SATURDAY, APRIL 6th. 1946 at. 2.30 p.m. Immediate possession. All. tillable land. TERMS—10 per cent cdsh, bal­ ance in 30 days. J. P.- QUERIN, Prop: FRANK TAYLOR. Auct AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS , Lot 6, Sauble Con., Stephen Twp % miles east from Grand Bend and 1 mile south, on TUESDAY, MARCH 26tli, 1946 at 1 o’clock sharp, the following: REAL ESTATE—10)7 acres, more oi' less, clay loam, bank barn, driv­ ing shed, hen' stable, garage, frame house with kitchen attached, also wood shed, rook.well with windmill, soft water, hydro available within two rods from house, 20 acres of fall wheat, 40 acres- ploughed foi' spring crop, balance in hay and pasture, selfn drainage to river. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE — 10% to be paid on day bf sale and balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reserve bid. Spring possession. HORSES—1 black mare, rising 7 years; 1 black horse, rising 8* years; 1 black mare, rising 9 years; 1 black colt, rising 3 years. CATTLE—1 red cow1, due in May} 1 grey cow, due at time of sale; 1 'blue cow, due in April; 1 white heifer, due in April, rising 3 years; 1 grey heifer, rising 3 years, due at time of sale; 2 Hereford heifers duo in 'May; 1 farrow cbw: 3 heif­ ers rising 2 years; 2 steers, 1% years old; 6 spring, calves; 3 fall calves; (2 srpali calves. PIGS—1 York sow with litter at foot. 7 weeks old at time of sale; 1 York sow with litter at loot, 6 weeks Old at time of said. HENS'—>60 ROCk (Pullets,. laying: 65 yearling hens. TURKEYS — 5 turkey hens: 1 gobbler. (GRAIN—100 bus. of wheat; 50 bus. of seed barley; 00 foils. of seed oats; 125 bus. of mixed grain; 6 bus. of buckwheat; 7 bus, of seed beans HAY— 20 ton of mixed hay, IMPLEMENTS — Massey-Harris binder, 6 ft., in good shape; Mc­ Cormick 5 ft. mower; McCormick- Deering disc; fertilize:* drill; Mas­ sey-Harris low down manure spread­ er, newly over-hauled; 1'0 ft. steer rake, Massey-Harris; Massey-Harris bean scuffler and puller combined; (Bissel disc, ip,-throw; rubber tired wagon; 2 16-ft. flat racks; 2-3 horse cultivators; 2 low down steel wagons; wagon box; stock rack; farm wagon; set of sleighs; cutter; rubber tired buggy with good tires; 4 section harrows; 3 section har­ rows; International 2-furrow plow; walking plow; 1-liorse scuffler-. wheelbarrow; stone-boat; gasoline drum; root pulper; 1,000 lb. scales1- Viking cream separator; Clinton fanning mill; sling ropes; barn rope 140 ft,; grain bags; twine sacks; mail box; 2 large iron kettles; 2 sets of block and tackle; elective ■fencer; logging chains; forks; eveners and neckyokes; shovels; spades; set of heavy harness; 3- horse harness; set of single har­ ness; tools; 5 hoi’se collars; collar tops; horse blankets; brooder stove; shelter; 2010 cedai’ rails; and othei’ articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF CHATTELS — Cash MELVIN DES JARDINE, Prop. ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Dashwood, Tel. 57-12, .ISAAC BE ST ARP, Clerk.___* AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENT^ The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on N. Half Lot 27, Con. 3, Usborne on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1946 at 1 o’clock sharp: HORSES—Brown mare, 9 years old; black mare, 8 years old; Ibjack mare, 5 yeai’s old. CATTLE — Roan cow, fresh, 5 years old; cow, 5 years old, due in April; Hereford cow, fresh, 8 years red cow, fresh, fat heifer, fat steer, 2 years old; beef ring heifer; 3 yearlings; 3 small calves. 10 chunks; 9 pigs close to 200 lbs.; . sow due April 9; sow due May 8. IMPLEMENTS—^McCormick bind­ er, 6 ft.; M.H. mower, new; M.H. fertilizer drill, nearly new; steel roller; 10 ft. hay rake, new; M.H. disc, manure spreader; cultivator; corn cultivator, new; disc plow; -2 walking plows; riding plow; gang plow; set of harrows; sleigh; steel- tired’ wagon; rubber-tired wagon; hay rack; gravel box; fanning -mill; set scales; cream separator; pig scales; 2 pig’ crates; cutting box; cutter; buggy; '2 sets double har­ ness; s.ingle harness; roll of barb wire, colony house 10x12; colony house, 8xli0>; 3 shelters, new; 2 coal brooders, 500 chick capacity; root pulper; % h.p. motor. 3-piece bedroom suite; cupboard; commode; Daisy churn; (butter set; toilet set; kitchen range; forks; chains; whiffletrees; neckyokes; boxes; barrels; pails; and many other articles. TER MIS—CASH LUTHER REYNOLDS, Prop. GEO. LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot 11, Con. 4. Stephen Township THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1946 at one o’clock sharp, the following: ■HORSES — PerCheron mare, 6 years old: black Percheron mare/ 4 years old. CATTLE—2 cows due in April; cow due in July; farrow cow; 2 yearlings; 2 calves. PIGS —Brood sow-;- 5 pigs, 10 weeks old. '' ’ 4 20 chickens; 3 ducks. IMPLEMENTS — Massev-Harris binder; Frost & Wood mower, sulky rake; seed drill; roller; disc, cultivator; diamond harrows; 2 wagons; bob-sleigh; cutter^ cutting box; root pulper; 11200 lb. scales, boat; meat grinder; lard press, kettle; bag truck; twine; forks, shovels; doubletrees; chains; and othei’ articles; also sulky plough; 2-furrow plough- walking plow, TERMS—{CASH E'D. SWEITZER, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, a FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF 70 HEAD OF CATTLE s W. E. Nairn, auctioneer will sell by public auction on Lot 28, Con. 13, Thames Road, Usborne Township, -7J miles east of Exeter on Highway No. 83 on THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1946 commencing at 1.3(0' p.m. sharp the following: 18 Holstein cows? 11 cows fresh, 7 cows freshened Nov. and Dec. and bred to freshen in October; 5 Holstein heifers due in Sept., 4 Holstein heifers, yearlings; 9 Pol­ led Angus steers, 900 lbs.; 9 Polled Angus lieifers, 850 lbs.; 7 Polled Angus steers and heifers, yearlings; 8 Polled Angus calves, 5 months old; HOi Polled Angus calves, 3 weeks old. The above herd of cows were purchased as calves from Purebred herds and are a choice lot. No cow is over 7 years old and several are milking 60 lbs. a, day. Every cow sold under a guaran­ tee. The proprietor is giving up farm­ ing. The horses, -implements and farm are being taken over by his son. Positively no reserve. TERMS—CASH JOHN BALLANTYNE, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auct. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction.. - on ^ANDERS STREET, EXETER next to H. Laing’s service station on FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1946 the following: 3 bed-room suites, complete with springs and mattresses; 2 feather ticks; 6 feather pillows; chester­ field suite; dining-room suite; couch; 2 Tugs 9x12; set of irons; enamel Clare Jewel kitchen range; laundry stove and pipes; kitchen table; several rocking -chairs; 6 kitchen chairs; bake board; wash­ ing machine and wringei-; kitchen scales; 3 small tables; ironing board; baby basinette; high chair; boiler; ;2 tea kettles; quantity of curtain rods; numbei* of pictures; window screens; buffet; wardrobe; wash tub; quantity of sealers; pots, pans; bench rip saw and turning lathe and othei’ articles. . TERMS—(CASH FRANK GUNNING, Prop. GEORG® LAWSON, Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Andrew Street, Exeter on SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1946 at 1.30 o’clock the following: ' ■Doherty kitchen range, electric rangette, electric hot plate, Philco cabinet radio,. 1 bedroom suite, chiffonier, vanity, bench, like new; 3-piece Simmons studio suite, like new; waill mirror, 2 commodes, 2 kitchen' tables, kitchen sink, kit­ chen chairs; 3-piece cherry settee suite, English baby buggy, wash stand, kitchen cabinet work table, library table, smoking stand, can­ ning jars, coal buckets, shovels, rugs and pictures, baby’s high chair, large copper tea kettle, i2' pairs of homespu^ drapes, Quebec ■heater. 'Everything will be sold as the proprietor is. moving into a fur­ nished apartment. TERMS — CASH PAT O’CONNOR, Prop. G. LAWSON, Clerk, F. TAYLOR, Auct., AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE AND MACHINERY on SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1946 at 1 p.m. 40 Rods West of Kippen CATTLE—14 Durham cows, due to freshen from time of kale until (May, ranging from three to seven years old. This is a choice lot of Durham cows and in the best of condition; b'6 Durham heifers and steers, 1 year old; 12 Durham heifers and steers, rising two years old. This stock was all bred to or sired by the ipimpernel Herd Sire, Mapleville Rose Signet —<261320—. MACHINERY — Oliver 7(0 row crop tractor (good), starter, lights, powfer take-off; John Deere hay bailer, used One season; two mow­ ers; 1 riding plow; and a number of other articles. TERMS—■'CASH 'DR. GILBERT and ,DR. JAS. JARROTI1, Proprietors, E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. CLEARING AUCTION SALE STOCK^ IMPLEMENTS, FEED *W» E. Naim, auctioneer will sell by public auction on Lot Con. 3, Usboriio Twp. 2 miles east of Centralia, on MONDAY, APRIL 1st, 1946 at 12.30 O'clock the following; I-IORSES—Gelding, 10 years old] ■brown mare, 9 years Old] brown mare, 8 years Old; black mare, 5 years old. CATTLE—S Durham ahd. Here­ CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Estate of Late Albert Pollock Stephen Township Six miles north of Parkhill on No. 81 Highway, half mile north of Greenway, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1946 HORSES—-■Bay* horse, 8 years ojd; black mare, 14 years old, CATTLE—Grey cow, 7 years old, due April 27; red cow, 6 years Old, due June 4; red heifer, 3 years old, due June 26; Jersey cow, 101 years old, due Oct, 18; 3 heifers, coming two; 4 yearling calves; spring calf; 4 mixed .cattle, 2 years old; 4 yearling calves; farrow cow; red cow, 6 years old, due March 27, HOGS—2 young sows, due May' 1; 6 chunks; sow, due to farrow April 8, POULTRY-—100 Leghorn hens, yearlings. IMIP|LEMENTS-hM.H. grain 'bind­ er; McCormick mower; hay rake; Fleury riding plough; Quebec rid­ ing plough; set 5-sec. harrows; set spring tooth harrows; Bissel' in­ throw disc; Bissel out-throw disc; steel tire wagon; hay rack; rubbei' tired wagon, nearly new; cream separator; steel roller; bean scuff­ ler with puller; seed drill; F, & W. cultivator; rubber tired buggy; steel tired buggy; 2 cutters; fan­ ning mill; set of scales; root pulp­ er; manure spreader; set of sleighs; hand, scuffler; set of double har­ ness; set of light harness; walking plough; and other articles too nu­ merous to mention. HAY—A quantity of hay. Sale at 1 -p.m. TERMS—GASH RiOBT. POLLOCK and JAS. POLLOCK, Executors. J. R. McLEAN, Auctioneer. ford cows, due at time of sale; 4 Durham cows, due in April; Hol­ stein cow, due Ip lAprjlf 3 Hereford heifers, due in April; 2 Diirhuin steers, 2 years old; 7 Durham steers rising 2 years old; 4 Durham lieif­ ers, rising 2 years old; 9 Durham; calyes, rising 1 year old; registered Shorthorn bull, 3 years old. PIGS—Brood sow, due st time Of sale; brood sow, just bred; 16 hogs, 180 lbs.; 8 hogs, 150 lbs.; 6 hogs, 10'0 lbs,; 9 shoats, 70 lbs,; 5 pigs, 6 weeks old. POULTRY—180 Sussex x Hamp, pullets. GRAIN AND FWD—20 ton al­ falfa and clover hay; 5 ton second* cut hay; 75 'Fus. wheat; 125 bus, barley; 75 bus. Ajax oats, fit for seed; 800 bus. mixed grain, IMPLEMENTS — Allis-Chalmers tractor on steel, Model U; Inter­ national 3-furrow plow; 9-foot culti-packer tractor cultivator; 3- section spring tooth cultivator; steel land roller; 2 sets of iron harrows; International fertilizer drill, in good shape; Massey-Harris binder, 6 ft, cut; new International mower, 5 foot cut; International side rake; disc harrows; rubber- tired wagon, new; set of sleighs; hay rack and sliding rack; buggy; Gem electric grinder with 2 h.p. motor; International cream separa­ tor with motor; chop bin; set of scales; root pulper; John Deere manure spreader; International 2- row sugar beet scuffler; small sicuffler; 2 walking powsy,1 sjin'g ropes; chains; 150 ft. snow fence; gravel box; extension ladder quan­ tity of lumber; electric fencer; col­ ony house, 10xli2j 3 shelters; foun­ tains; troughs; brooder stove; poultry hoppers; electric brooder; good set of harness; collars,- hog crate; forks; hoes; Shovels; and a host of small articles. Positively no reserve as the .farm has been sold. TERMS—QASH GARiFIE'LD THOMPSON. Prop. • W. E, NAIRN, Auct. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS I AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot 16, Con. 1, Stephen Township,. 1 miles south of Exeter on No. 4 Highway, on / TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1946 at 1:00 o’clock the following: HORSES — Bay mare, 8 years old; aged mare. ■ CATTLE—Black cow, freshened February; blue roan with calf at foot; - red cow due time of sale; red cow, due in May; roan cow, due in April-; ’ roan heifer, due this spring; 3 2-year-old heifers; 4 yearlings; spring calf. POULTRY — 165 light Sussex pullets. IMPLEMENTS — Wall'is tractor 12-20, completely overhauled last year; 2-furrow tractor plow; stiff­ tooth cultivator with tractor hitch; 3-section lever harrows; Massey- Harris (binder, 7-ft. cut; ■ Tudhope and Anderson manure spreader, in Al condition; Massey-Harris seed drill with fertilizer attachment, 13- hog; McCormick-Deering mower; steel roller; 2-row team scuffler, McCormick->Deering; 4-section dia­ mond harrows; dump rake; walk­ ing plough; horse scuffler; steel wheel wagon; wood wheel wagon; sleighs; flat rack for sleighs; hay rack; gravel box; Bain wagon box; 12-inch cutting ibox; stock scales, 2,000 lbs.; 'Chatham fanning mill; root pulper; Brantford grinder, 10- inch, with speed jack; 10 0 feet drive belt, 7-inch; speed jack with pulley; Viking cream separator, cap. 650 lbs.; top buggy; cutter; electric fencer; set double harness; set single harness; set sling ropes; hay fork; hay knife; <200 ft. snow fence; steel water trough; gas drum; 2 steel barrels; vise; grain bags; .quantity of sacks; whiffle­ trees; neckyokes; forks; shovels; chains; horse clippers; iron kettle; steel pig trough; colony house, 10x12; range shelter; slatted chicken house; brooder stove; chicken troughs and founts; chick­ en wire; 50(T bus. mixed grain; quantity of hay. FURNITURE — Single bed and springs; iron bed and springs; wooden ibed and springs; coal heat­ er; Coleman' lantern; Spar ton radio in good working condition; sealers. TERM'S—CASH ARTHUR DA:Y, iProp. G. LAWSON, 'Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct._____ AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction in HENSALL 'The Property of the late Mrs. Churchill, on THURSDAY, APRIL 4tli, 1946 at 1.30 o’clock thq following: REAL ESTATE—IFrame 5-fOom house, garage, frame barn, hydro, hard and soft water, garden, 2 lots of land. HOUSEHOLD FURNiITURE — Heater, cook stove, 2’ kitchen tables, 6 kitchen chairs, kitchen cabinet, couch, sbttee, 2 rockers, 6 parlor chairs, 3 small tables, pictures, 2 rugs, table lamp, Sideboard, sewing machine, day bed, bed springs, mattresses, dresser, sealers, dishes of all kinds, washing machine, Wash tubs, boiler, pots, pans, garden tools, lawn mower,- 2 tons of soft coal, a quantly of wood, boxes, barrels and other articles. TERMS O)F SALE — Chattels, cash. Terms bf real estate made known oh day of eale. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAiYLOR, Auct;