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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-03-14, Page 7
.1 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 14th, 1946 Supplement Waste Paper is Urgently Needed NEWSPAPERS MAGAZINES and tie them SECURELY CARDBOARD WRAPPING PAPER for the Big Paper Drive.I Hensail, Zurich, Dashwood, Crediton and Centralia will be collected on 'Friday, March 29th, Exeter will be collected on Saturday, March 30th. naau^T MOUNT CARMEL Many of the farmer© of this dis trict attended the Middlesex Fair ,in London last week, gratulations tp Jno. A. Hall won second prize .op, beans. Mr. Norbert McCarthy has engaged to work for Mr. A. McCann and Sons for' the summer. Mr. and Mrs, F* Coughlin and Jos. spent Thursday in London. Miss Mary Doyle, of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, P. J. Doyle, Seed Con- Who been HENSALL Th© Annual St. Pahdck’sj Party the Honsall L.O.L., No. will be held in the TOWN HALL, HENSALL FRIDAY EVENING, JVIARCH 15th New and Old Time Dancing to Steve (Dundas and bis orchestra, Lunch booth in ban by boo cjub. Admission OPJ Everybody welcome of KIPPEN Mrs. Fowler, of oronto, is visit ing relatives here. Mr., and Mrs. E. McBride spent the week-end with the former’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. W. McBride, In Kitchener. Mrs. Watson, • of Londesboro, 1 is visiting her daughters and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair. Dr. and Mrs. G. Jarrott, of Strat ford, visited recently with Mrs. I. Jarrott, Mr, Ralph Datum, of Kitchener, visited recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm. Mrs. Ross Finch and daughter, Ruth Ann, of Exeter, visited re cently with"' her mother, Mrs. C. Watson. Mr. Clarence McLean visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Allan Johnson, Quite a number from here 'at tended the seed show in the Lon don Armories on Wednesday last. The many friends of Mrs. Thomas Workman will be sorry to learn she is confined to her room through illness Mr. and Mrs. E.. Chipchase visit ed the latter’s mother, Mrs. J. C Bell in Victoria Hospital, London on Monday. Mrs. D. Kyle, of Clinton, visited on Wednesday with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Kyle. Mrs, R. 'Dinsdale who has spent some time with her daughter, and Mrs. E. Taylor, of returned to her home week. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. H. visited recently with the former’s sister, Mr. and “Mrs. Hugh Camer- ■on in Clinton. World’s Day of Prayer The W.M.S. met on Friday after noon at the home of Mrs. W. 'L. Meilis with seventeen members and one visitor answering* the roll call with the text word, “courage.” The World’s Day of Prayer programme was followed with Mrs. E. Chip chase presiding, The meeting open ed with the singing of the hymn, “Holy, Holy, Holy”. Scripture read ings were given by Mrs. Robert Mc Bride. Prayers were offered by 'Mrs. W. Alexander and Mrs. E. Chip chase. A very pleasing duet, “I Found a Friend,” was sung by Mrs. ■Henderson and Mrs. Fowler. Owing to the length of the program the 'Study was omitted.. The meeting closed by singing, “The Day Thou Gavest,” and one verse of the National Anthem. Mrs. Chipchase pronounced the Benediction. Lunch was served by Circle No. 1. (Friendship Circle Meet The recently organized group of St. Andrews United Church, namely “The Friendship Circle,” met in the Sunday School room on Monday evening last week with 55 mem bers present and six visitors; The meeting was in-charge of 'Group No. • 1 with their leader, Mrs. John Sin clair presiding, and opened with singing. The Lord’s Prayer was re peated in unison. Mrs. Joe McLel lan read the scripture -lesson and Mrs. Hinton led in prayer. There was a mixed program consisting of readings by Isabelle Caldwell and Jim MacGregor; vocal duets, Joyce and Edna iBroadfoot; piano solo by Jack Caldwell; vocal duet by Ann and 'Marie Sinclair. A bible quiz for the children 16 and under was lead by Mrs. McLellan; also a names and their opposites match led -by Mr. Hinton, proved interest ing with the boys being the win ners. Contests were enjoyed direct ed by Mrs. Bobbie MacGregor and Mrs. Joe McLellan. Following the roll call it was learned that Mrs. Harold . Jones’ Group" (No. 4) was leading in attendance points 'by having the most new members. The meeting closed with the National Anthem. The next meeting will be in charge of Group No. 4. A dainty lunch DASHWOOD The World’s Day of Prayer observed in the Evangelical church on Friday evening. The Y.P.U. of Centralia will present their play entitled “The Improper Henry Propner” in the basement of the Evangelical church on Tuesday evening, March 26th, Everybody is cordially invited to attend, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer, of Mitchell, visited with MX. and Mrs, E, iR. Guenther on Sunday. 'On Sunday evening Mrs. Edighof fer gave an address in the Evan gelical church which was vei*y much appreciated. The Ladies choir gave several numbers and Mrs, .Simpson rendered the “Lord’s Prayer.” Mr. Leonard Bender, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his father, Mr. John Bender. . Mr. Milton Webb, who has been in a London Hospital suffering from an infection in his eye, turned home on Tuesday. Mr. Percy Humble, of Sarnia, visiting with relatives here. , Mrs. D, Tieman, who is in - Vic toria Hospital with a fractured hip is getting along as expected. ' • Theodore Luft, with the R.C.A.F. returned home. Mrs. Stadelbauer of London, were with friends here. The King’s Daughters Class of the Evangelical Sunday School are having a bazaar and St. Patrick’s Tea, on Saturday afternoon from 2.-30 p.m. to 5.30 pm. in Tiernan’s Furniture store. Everybody vlted. was re- is was served by iGroup No. WOODHAM 1. It’s Fun ENJOY THESE Mr. Stratford, here last 'Cochrane Mrs. Lome Joliffe and family, of Mt. Elgin, have been visiting hei; sister, Mrs. Ray Mills. Misses Thomson with Mr. ford, Mrs. Gladwyn Langford arrived here from England on Friday eve ning. We welcome Mrs. Langford to our community. .Mr. Oscar Brine, of the 8th line Blanshard, has rented the farm of Mrs. Roy Kirk and will take pos session in the spring. Mr. John Camm. has purchased the house recently vacated by Mr. Lome McNaughton, Mr. 'Camm has sold his farm. Mr. Robt. Thomson, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of his mother, Mrs. Jack Thomson. Miss Jean Willis, London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Willis. Mr. Lloyd Chappel has taken over the mail route formerly operated by Mr. Leonard Thacker. Young People’s Meeting The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held on Sunday evening, March 10 in the basement of the church with 24 .present. The Fellowship and Worship Committee were in charge. Phyliis Wheeler was in the chair. The meeting opened with'the theme 'Glenn poem ‘ story, tai, Marion Mills; Copeland; hymn 48; minutes were read and adopted. Mrs. Fred Doupe gave a very inter esting topic. Muriel Stephens gave a poem. A bible quiz on the iBook of Mark was then taken part in 'by all the young people. It will be con tinued at th'e following meetings. The meeting closed with the Na tional Anthem and the Mizpah Benediction. Rhoda and Dorothy spent Thursday evening and Mrs. Kenneth Lang- followed by three hymns. Copeland led in prayer,. A was given by John Rodd; Bessie McCurdy; instrumen- scripture, Jean roll call and KIRKTON Mrs. (Rev.) W. D. -Goodger .Costs Nothing To Enter LAST WEEK’S WINNER Flbece-line your home with Several clients who buy Never failing rock well, with Built-in cupboards, " Baserheht, and hot water heat ing, Good Condition and on rubber With starter, lights, pulley and Saves trouble. At Cann’s Mill. wish to hydro in SUBMITTED by . . . Mrs. K. MacKeUar, Cromarty, Ontario. Your Ad-Briofs in. THE Times- X . -. , _ is holidaying with friends in Toronto. 'Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Proctor, of Edmonton, Alberta, .spent the past week with Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Camp bell. Miss Joan Parker, of the Bell Telephone staff, London, is hav- of her mother, Mrs. Geo. Hall. We are glad to see iMr. Mont. Dobson 'home again having been a patient at Victoria Hospital, [Lon don, for some weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Cluff were guests at the Passmore-Herbert wedding which took place at Trin ity United Church, London* this past week. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall were Sunday guests with the latter’s mother, Mrs, Win. Lankin, of Gran ton. „ Writer Lloyd Smith, who has .been transferred from Halifax to Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton 'Smith. Mrs. Lome Jollife and twin child ren, of Mt. Carmel* spent the past week with her sisters* Mrs. Pfidham and Mrs. Russell son, Mr. Case Alleii, of London, the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geb. Allen. Miss Mary Hannaht Was a week-end guest With Mr, Mrs, Hiram Hanna* Former Minister Welcomed Another large congregation at the Kirk ton United Church day evening to welcome back an other for pastor, RewT Charles LeWiS, Who served as chaplain Over seas for the past tour years. Mr. Lewis, Wild now resides in Toronto I was accompanied by his wife, Mrs. I Lewis. Mr. Lewis preached a very impressive sermon that will long be remembered by the Kirkton people. _ fwell as can be who has been at Alaska,lias and Mrs. Flynn Sunday visitors FO. D. S. Gangster, of London, spent the week-end at his home here, Mrs, Morley Sanders spent the week-end visiting with friends In Detroit, Pte. Helen Gay, of Ottawa, spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Minnie Sangster. Mrs. 'Bawdep, of Exeter, was a recent visitor with 'Mr, and Mrs. Jack Farquhar. Mrs. Geq, Hess visited during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dayman in London, iMr. and Mrs. Harold Parker and ifamily visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Keyes, at Mitchell. Migs Margaret Johnson continues quite ill at her home, Her many friends hope Xor a speedy recovery. Miss Helen ’McNaughton,, of To ronto, -spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lome 'Mc Naughton. Mr. and Mrs. Flgin Hayter, of London, were recent visitors with the latter’s parents, Mr and Mrs. R. D, Bell Mrs. M. M, Russell has returned from Chicago where she has spent the last month with her daughter, Mrs. Don Wilson. Mrs. H. MacGregor, of Kippen, yisited recently with Mrs*. Geo. Walker Who has been confined to her room owing to illness. Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Cook daughter, of Windsor, spent week-end with the former’s ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Cook. Mr. R. 'D, Bell held a very suc cessful auction sale of farm stock and implements at his home one mile and a quarter east of Hensail on Tuesday. Mr. - ” ” Joynt, * ■ Wii is in KHIVA spent ac- and. re war T. Mr. and the ■par- % 7,®S» IB \i r Cpl. H. J. Ziler, of London the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. Mrs. Wm. St. Joseph’s week where for injuries fall some time ago. friends hope for a complete, and speedy recovery. Miss Marie Denomme, of London spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. iL. Dietrich and Elaine spent Sunday in London where they called on Mr. William Diet- rich, who is a patient in St. 'Jos eph’s Hospital, where he underwent an operation. .We are glad to report that Mrs. Louis ?iler is able to be out again after being confined to her home witli a broken ankle. Misses Alice -and Eileen McCann spent tlie week-end with Mr, and Mrs. John Glavin, of Centralia. Master Joey and Mary Frances Gelinas returned to their home in London on Thursday of last week after spending -the past few weeks with their grandmother, Dietrich. Mr. apd Mrs. T. Ayotte ily spent Sunday ■ with Mrs. Pius Dietrich. Mrs. Louis Ziler is and Mrs. Louis Ziler Mason was taken to Hospital, London, last she received treatment to her back due to a Her many C. Joynt, Mrs. Alice Donald Joynt accom panied by Miss Audrey Russell, Miss Florence Welsh and Mr. Thos. Welsh attended the musical fesi- val in London* on Monday evening. Miss Margaret Tudor has ed the duties 'of secretary offices of County Treasurer Erskine and County 'Clerk Miller. She succeeds Miss Cooper .who resigned. Mr. Wm. Glenn held a success ful auction Sale of his farm stock and implements at his home on No. 4 Highway on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn and Donald are mov ing to Grand 'Bend this week. The Arnold Circle Evening Aux-, iliary are sponsoring a St. Patrick’s Tea in the ’schoolroom of Carmel on Saturday, There will fashion dis- assum- in the A. H. N. W. Phyllis Board Planning New Additions Th© members of the Board of Education met in regular ssgslon Monday evening March 4th. FroS’ ent were Messrs'. iSouthcott, Jones, Middleton, Whyte, Strang, Hopper, Creech, Cowan, Willis. The minutes of th© previous meeting were read and approved on the motion of H, W. Whyte and E. Hopper, The High School principal pre sented his report, Number on the roll 26'4, The Students’ Council dance* Feb, 15th, had netted about $225,00, These activities wer© mak ing it pqssibl© for students to fiUw ance their own sports programme without help from the Board of Education. Basketball games had been played with St. Marys, -Clinton, Mitchell and Forest. The next set of examinations will be held in the last week in March and reports sent to parents. Per W. E. Middleton and J. H.: Jones: that the recommendation of awards for certain group of sub jects and iEntrance be left for tion with teachers’ supply study courses. 'Carried. The ‘Public School principal ■ported number on roll, 182; savings $31.84, Mrs. L. Wein had substituted during the illness of Miss 'Forbes and Miss Layng. survey of Juvenile books in the Public 'Library had been made, in order to recommend a suitable list of reading material for pupils, based on the course of study. This would supplement the reading mat erial in the school libraries. /The Staff expressed appreciation for the use of the additional recreational periods in the gyni and on the <ice during the winter. Inter-class and Grade hockey had been carried on and a Senior P.'S. team developed. Examinations had been held and reports prepared. Both reports were adopted on the motions of E. R. Hopper and H. W. Whyte. The Fuel Committee reported a car of coal ordered. H. W, Whyte reported that a pump had been installed and work ing. Per R. N. Creech and H. . H. Cowan: that the building and Grounds Committee look after the setting up of the -pump and dispos ing of the old motor. Carried. .T. H. Jones reported for the new building committee.' Correspondence with the architect re addition re sulted in the Committee endeav oring to make an appointment with the Deputy Minister of Education. The Committee was carry on. A requested to On the motion of R. N. Creech the following IsWssllJ ■r‘PTrtWPTO' MVJxl JuuJv ; SPEC!ALLACOfiPSE OEANMAK CHICKMASHV PURITY FLOUR MILLS LIMITED, Millers of PURITY FLOUR and PURITY OATS Saint John, N.B., Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver 323 A. Traquair Centralia Farmers V. Shatz QJXIBEflUBiacsranj Mrs. L. t and fam- Mr. and spending} this week with - her daughter, John Glavin. PASSMORE—HERBERT ing a 3-weeks’ vacation at the home , assisted * by Rev, Floyd iMorri- Spent of iLondon, and met Sun- Mrs. Trinity United Church, London, Tuesday’ afternoon, March 5th, was the scene of a charming wedding when Dorothy Irene, daughtei* of Mr. and Mrs. E.* Wallace Herbert, East-mount Ave., London, became the bride of CPO. Russell Francis Passmore, R.C.N., son of Mrs. Norman Passmore, Rev. C. E. Armstrong . J. H. Mr. and :, Exeter, officiated Johnston. Mr. A. B. .Stein presided at the or gan and the soloist was Miss Helen Light, of Windsor. Wearing a long white satin and net gown the bride was given in marriage ,by her fath er. Her full-length net veil was held in a ©weebheart headdress. She wore a strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom and carried a show er bouquet of red roses. Mrs. E. P. Herbert* matron of honor, Wore an orchid taffeta gown and Juliet cap to match with net shoulder veil. •Shq 'carried a matching muff, adorned with flowers and stream ers. The bridesmaid* Miss Florence Hall, wore a green taffeta gown, a Juliet cap and muff with flowers in blotching shade. The best man was CPO. Thomas Erwin, R.C.N., and ushers were Mr. E. P. Herbert and Mr. Lome Passmore. At a ile- ception in the church parlors, the bride’s mothei* received, wearing an Olive green shadow crepe dress, -black straw hat with flower trim ming and corsage bouquet of Tails* man roses. The bridegroom’s mother was in a black shadow crepe With which she wore bouquet of pink roses. Wedding trip the bride smart suit, black straw hat, series and corsage gardenias, Presbyterian Church March 16th at 3 p.m. be a novelty ‘booth and play also. The World’s Day of vice was held on Friday, March 8, at 3 p.m. in St. Paul’s Anglican Churoii with the following, Mrs. R. H. Middleton, Mrs. Hannah Workman and Miss Mattie Ellis •presiding, representing the various W.M.S.’s. The organist, Mrs. For rest, presided at the_ organ through out were Mrs. Mrs. Miss •from the programme, Psalm Miss Florence Welsh sang a delight ful solo entitled, “Sweet Hour of Prayer.” Mission Circle The Mission Circle of the United Church met at^the home of Mrs. ‘E. Norminton with Marie ‘Boyd, co-' hostess. .The opening hymn, “Day Is Dying in the West,” was follow ed iby the scripture reading by Elaine Beer after which “Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun” was sung.. Eleanor ‘Venner led in pray er. The roll call was answered by an important fact of Africa. The business followed and arrangements were made for the hostess to sup ply some form of recreation fol lowing the meeting and plans were made to hold a bazaar. The topic was taken iby Bernice Jinks and was very interesting. The meeting closed by singing, ‘‘Rise Up, O Men of 'God” and the Benediction was repeated. A contest followed, Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary The Arnold Circle Evening Aux iliary of Carmel Presbyterian Church met at the home of”' Mrs. Chas. Forrest on Tuesday evening with Mrs. Jack Farquhar, co-host- ess. Mrs. Melvin Moir presided and opened the meeting with the call to worship and singing, “For all the iSaints Who from their Labors Rest.” Mrs. A. W. Kerslake read the scripture from Acts 4. 8-20, after which Miss Violet Hyde led in prayer. The business and roll call followed. The topic by Mrs. Roy MacLai’en, The meet ing closed by singing, the Cross Arise,” and ‘Prayer in unison. KetreshmentS were served by ‘the hostess. Prayer Ser- the service. 'Special prayers given by Mrs. P. A. Ferguson, C. Hudson, Mrs. R. A. Brook, IE. Geiger, Miss Mary Fee, Annie Consitt took the lesson 46. and H. H. Cowen, accounts were ordered paid: Birks- ■Ellis-Ryrie, repairs $2.50; Huron Lumber Co., supplies 17.75; G. A. Hawkins, supplies 10.13; Robert son’s. supplies 1.65; IB. W. IF. Beavers, supplies 16.55; Traquair’s, supplies 1.73; 'Grigg ’Stationery 29.10; Jones & May 2.91; Employ ers Liability Co., ins. .prem., 5.00; Phoenix Insurance Co., ins. prem. 19.50; D. Gestetner, supplies 34.40; Cooks, supplies 14.8 5 - W. Martin, repairs 1.25; Times-Advocate, sup plies l§i.9 4. 'Carried. It was .moved by J. H. Jones and H. Strang that the fee of $5.00 be sent to the Association of High School Boards. Carried. Per J. H. Jones and H. H. Cowen, that vendors of cigarettes ‘be re minded that the law does not per mit the sale of cigarettes to minors. Carried.The meeting adjourned on the motion of R. N. Creech. to 'Christ and the Kingdom, wheth er it be in the ministry, industry, or any profession. Rev. Irwin chal lenged the young people to discip line their lives and be willing to undergo training for 'Christian ser vice. The world is far from being at peace so if we want a peaceful world, Christian young people must volunteer for Christian service. was taken Soldiers of the Lord’s a corsage For the wore a black and White shepherd black acces* bouquet of Minister: °i’ hope you profited by my sermon this morning. Mac- Tavish.” Mae; “Oh, nd, sir. On Sundays I forget business and go to church with no thought of gain, No. 3 Stephen Farm Forum S.S. No, 3 Stephen Farm Forum mot at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Httnkin on Monday evening, Discussion on the subject “Who, Will Export Our Farm Products” resulted ill the majority present favoring government agencies for export marketing as being more advantageous to the farmer, working under such a sot up the farmer is assured a guaranteed price and much of the uncertainty of marketing is eliminated, Next Monday evening the subject will be “Gan The World Forum well moot at Mr. and Mrs, Ft 'Ston In andBe Fed” the hottie of DbiH’Ittg, Exeter, Centralia, Dashwood, Hensail, Ontario. Ontario Ontario Ontario day with her daughter in Exeter. Mrs. W. B. Oliver, who has spent the winter in St. Marys, returned home Sunday. Mr. Peter -Eisenbach returned home Friday after spending a few ■weeks in Florida. Mrs. Ravelle has sold, her store to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Desjardine. Main St. Evening Auxiliary The.March meeting of the Eve ning Auxiliary of Main -St, church was held at the home of Miss Eva Pearce with the president, Vi Hopper in, the chair. The meeting opened by’ hymn 37 8 followed by the Lord’s Prayer. The roll was called and minutes read by the secretary, Alice Bowen. Hattie Merkley then took charge of the devotional period which op ened with hymn /5 41, prayer by Marjorie Broderick. Psalm 721 was read in unison followed by hymn 240. Hilda. Turnbull took a chapter on Work of Mrs. Thos. with a solo, a Christian”, a poem com- The I of the study book Healing in Angola. Coates then favored “Lord I want to be Grace McKnight read posed by a Negro.. poetess, speaker of the evening was Mrs. Mair of Thames Road, who gave a very interesting talk on Prayer. Hymn 148 was sung and thd meet ing Closed with the benedicition. During the Coates led in and Marjorie couple of Irish readings. A very dainty lunch was served by the group in charge. The next meeting Will be held at the 'home of Beulah Howey. social hour Mrs. an Irish sing-song Broderick gave a Main St. Y.P.U. The weekly meeting of the Main Street Church Y.P.U. Was held at the home of; Joan Crocker on Tuesday, and George _____ . _ March Sth. The meeting was opened with a sing-song followed by the Lord’s Prayer, A solo was sung by Milton McCullagh. An address on “The Crusade for Christ,” Was given by Rev, Irwin in which he stressed that just as our youth responded to the call of King and Country dur ing the war so now they must re spond to the moral and spiritual campaign to safeguard the free doms that Were Won during the war. Youth must win the Crusade for Christ and His Kingdom. Here it is. voluntary response and not conscription. Youth must see its duty ^leorly and individually and commit their lives enthusiastically GREENWAY extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown in the death last Wednesday of their in fant son, Morley. •Mr. ana Mrs. IE. Harris, of Brins ley, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Woodburn and Leona. ’ ‘ . Miss Jennie Dorman returned to her home in Ailsa Craig last week after spending the winter with her cousin, Mrs. W. T. Ulens. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McPherson visited on Sunday with Mr.~ and Mrs. (George Luther. Mr. and Mrs.. Kenpeth Smithers, of Parkhill, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 'Curts. Mr and Mrs. H. Reynolds, of London, visited on Tuesday with Mrs. Albert Pollock and Mrs. Lev ina Kennedy. ' Misses Gladys Stewardson and Mary Bullock, of London, spent Ehe week-end at theii' homes here. GRAND BEND The Red Cross unit has decided to discontinue -its activities. The unit carried on a great work since the beginning of the war. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bender are the first to return from the sunny south this spring. There is quite a lot of building going on in the village at present. We extend congratulations to two .brothers in our village who are very highly respected in the -persons of Mr. Stephen Webb who is 89 to day and his brother who was 87 on March 1st. Both men are hale and hearty. The United 'Church has voted to install a new Hamlin organ in the near future. Miss Sophia Young, who has been visiting Mrs. Sophia Johnston for the past week returned home Sat urday. Mr. pnd Mrs. Molotar, of Thed ford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ravelle. ■Mrs. Hettie IBaker visited on Mon- * "We Phones: Office 88W; House 88J Now is the time to install a New Milker We have them on hand at from $72.00' a unit and up. Come in and - see one .work. Also look your spring machinery over and have it ready. We will repair it. R. B. Williams Lee Jory, Mechanic mean longer life. Keep de structive rust and, wear from your car or seeing us for away truck ky Expert Fender and Body Work. Dents ancL shorten car and . . . lower resale values. Save the surface and help save your vehicle—by driv ing in for prompt, thrifty car or truck grooming, to day! scratches truck life Ed’s Machine Shop Two Blocks East of Main Street on John Street* O^ED.&THURS., MARCH 20-21 Evenings at 8.80 (Thursday Matinee 2.80) on the staOe 20TH ANNIVERSARY TOUR on the stage The. Mewry. Shubert present ‘ And A Alexander Gray - Toby fontina Sn&ngHkak Chaw Great Cast Featuring Laurel Hurley » Delmar Poppen Durst - Nina Varela SEATS NOW ON SALE AT GRAND, LONDON Evgs. $3.00-$2.40-$1.80.$1.20; Mat. $i.80-$l,2MOc Tax |»O. fenclose sfelf-addrbssed stamped envelope for return 6# tlekdU Out-ohtoWh cheques must include exchange