HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-03-14, Page 5, THE TIMES-ARVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSPAY MORNING, MARCH 14th, 1946 Announcements “1 James W. Morley Announces that having been appointed Magistrate for the County of Huron, his practice has been taken over by Elmer D. Bell, B.A. formerly of Brussels dnd Seaforth. PHONE 142 HERB BROOM BUTCHER* FAST DELIVERY RIB ROAST . . . .lb. 31c Notice to Death and 3{nri*iaffe are InNerted free of Card of Thanko ROc. In ni XoticcN 50c for THAMES ROAD Mr, and Mrs- Lee Webber moved tq, their farm, formerly owntui "" Stone, CLASSIFIEDS by on MISCELLANEOUS BLADE ROAST . . .lb. 27c Boneless SHOULDER ROAST LEAN HAMBURGER . FRESH BRISKET PORK LIVER • • lb. 16c lb. 16c BEEF LIVER .• •lb. 25c BROOKFIELD CHEESE LARD * ®f • ¥2 lb. 22c . lb. 19c SOAP CHIPS ..pkg. 15c CLEANSER I . . 2 pkgs. 11c IflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllN DANCE The Exeter Badminton Club presents The Distinctive Music of Tommy Foster and his 10-piece band at the Exeter Arena Dress Optional Admission 75c each Dancing 9:30 to 12:30 Patronize the Local Advertisers toxas ♦* V Dodge and DeSoto -------------—Dependable as Ever Call at the Blue Sunoco’for satisfactory service on makes of cars. Our mechanics are trained through service schools to care for the latest development in motors. We have at present for sale Dodge Coach Ford Tudor ’37 ’39 ’38 Ford 2-Tdn Truck Rubber Tire Wagon all If selling your car br truck get an estimate here. EXETER MOTOR SALES Fred Dobbs Blue Sunoco Service Station Birth. ; Notices chnrgx'. . Hemorla...verne, j?,5.c extra for each add!- | tlonal yer*ie. Dnwapem entw 50c I warn n wit in— n nno o jww o.iwiy ■aw ja y—4—» n mni jn n*i pryiir,. Plot Owners Exeter Cemetery BIRTHS AILLEN—At Dr, Fletcher’s Hospit­ al, Exeter, on Saturday, March 9th, 1946, to Mr, and Mrs. Lome Allen, of Us'bornp, a son, CREECH—-In Sarnia General Hos­ pital, on 1946, to Creech, of Raymond). CONLIN—Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Conlin wish to announce the birth of a son at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on 'Monday. March 11th, 1946. FERGUSON—-In St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, on Wednesday, March 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson, of Elginfield Jean Schilbe, Kippen) ; Donald Warren, DEATHS All orders for Animal Flower JBeds must be placed with the secretary not later than April 13th, Price $3,00, •Saturday, March 9, Mt. and Mrs, Ray Forest, a son .(David a (nee son, Sunday, F. Wai- widow pf the late H. C. WIOOiD—In • Chicago on March 10th, 1946, 'Mabie ter, ^auuw yx iuo laic Wood, in her ,66th year. MARRIAGES RATCLIFFE—JOHNS — At Elim- ville United Church on Saturday, March 9, 1946, Dorothy C. Grace, second daughter of Mr. William Johns, of Elimville, to Arthur Grant Ratcliffe, son of Mr. and ■Mrs, William iRatcliffe, of Ander­ son, by Rev. Wm. -Mair. ENGAGEMENT B. G. SELDON, Secretary- of the Exeter Cemetery Board. Don’t Neglect Your Cleaning Spick and Span Cleaners can give you a good satisfactory job in four days. Your garments are insured against fire and theft. Dashwood Customers Can leave theft cleaning at Reste- meyer and Miller’s Store. Grand Bend Customers Can leave their cleaning at Jimmy’s Barber Shop. Phone 243w Lennis Regier at Wright’s Store Mr. and 'Mrs. James Earl, of Zion, wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Mar­ jorie Ilene', to Philip Johns, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johns, of Elimville. The wedding will take place the latter part of March. * CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. R. Skinner wishes to thank all the kind friends who sent her flowers and cards during her re­ cent illness. * Mrs. Ben Price wishes to thank all those who remembered her with cards, flowers and treats while a patient in iSt. Joseph’s Hospital. * ,’Mr. Jim Schroeder wishes to thank those who so kindly remem­ bered him in any way while a ■patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital. * Mr. and "Mrs. Adolph Keller wish to express their sincere thanks to all relatives and friends who so kindly remembered Mrs. Kellar by visits, flowers, cards and treats while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, Loiidon. , c Mrs. James Patterson and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them during theft recent sad bereavement; also for the beautiful floral tributes. Special thanks to Rev. W. T. Cleave, also to Mr. Harry Hoffman who sang, c I wish to express my thanks to the host of friends who, during the seven weeks I spent in Victoria Hos­ pital, sent me gifts, letters Kand cards, including those from Lebanon Forest Lodge, the Exeter Bowling Club and the ,E.H. Branch of the •Canadian Legion. I also appreciated the visits of so many present and former residents of (Exeter and dis­ trict. Special gratitude is due to any, good neighbors, the Hookey family, who cared for my pets, in my ab­ sence.—E. J. Wethey. . IN MEMORIAM MCDONALD—-In loving memory of ■Ross McDonald, who passed aw.,ay foui* years ago', March 11th, 194'2. ■—-Ever remembereU by his family.* POLLEN — In loving memory of Mrs. J. E. Pollen, •who passed away ..March 13th, 1944. 'She is gone but not forgotten, And as dawns another year, In our’ lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of her —Sadly missed family. PASSMORE—-In ai’e always near. (by husband and * memory of Mrs. Elizabeth- J. Passmore, Who pass­ ed away one year ago, March 13, 1945. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond and true; There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you. —nEver remembered Iby the family.c “■My father,” 'boasted the man to his friend, “knew the year, the month and the hour he was going to die.” “Good gracious!” exclaim­ ed his friend, “how did he know that?” “The judge told him,” said the matt, as he went to catch the train .n. Two women were' comparing theft experiences of matrimony, “Yes,” Said tile lady in pink* “I owe much of my success and happiness dur­ ing marriage to two books. They have been a source of help and inspiration lots of times.0 “Two books!” exclaimed the one in blue. “Whatever were they?” “Mother’s cookery hook and father's cheque book.” was the calm reply, Understandable Johnny: I wish I was Tonwny Jones.” Mother: “Why? You are Stronger than he is, you have a much better home, more toys and more pocket money,” Johnny: “Yes; I know; 'but lie can wiggle liis ears ” Contractor for Electrical Wiring A full stock of material on hand. Also Electrical Household Appliances. Five years and seven months with the Canadian army doing electrical . work. Residence bn Gidley St., Exeter K» General Members Meeting A General Members Meeting of the Hensall District Co-Operative Incorporated will be held U'lijjcfer the new Charter in the TOWN HALL, HENSALL Friday, March 15th; 1946 at 2 o’clock p.m. When the following items of busi­ ness will he dealt with: Accepting the financial, report for 1945; Ap­ proving of by-laws'Election of 7 directors; Election of auditors; and any other business that may arise. Mr. W. G. Nicholson will 'be pres­ ent. John A. Armstrong, President, ■Bertram Klopp, Secretary. Box Social and Dance will be held in the Eden School House — Postponed Until — Music supplied by good orchestra EVERYBODY WELCOME Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thursday of last week, The Elimville Session . . Manse on Wednesday evening last week for a business meeting. Miss Alice Passmore spent a few days this past week in London with Mr, and Mrs, Tookey, Guests from this community at the Ratcliffe-Johns Saturday afternoon church were Mr. and more and Alice, Mr, Qardiner,1 Bert and Mary, Mrs, G. Duncan, Mr, and Mrs, Wm Cann, Mrs. G, Wiseman and Rev and Mrs. Main; The y.P.U. met in the church basement Friday evening of this week. The following officers were elected, president, Lillian Borland, vice president, Jack Cann, treasur-; et, Elsie Bray, secretary, Edwin 1 Miller, pianist, Grant Mail’ took the Topic. The Mission Circle St. Patrick’s social crokinole party in basement Friday evening, 15 at 8 p.m, one welcome. Mrs. Chas, last week weeks with Mr. Hern, of St, Marys, and also days with St, Marys, Mr. and son, John, week-end __ ... _ r. Kenneth Johns. The Thames Road Farmer’s Club held a successful euchre and dance In Farquhar Hall Wednesday night of this week. Mr. J. W. Miller returned to the home of his son, Mr. C. Miller Monday of this week after spending the winter months with relatives in Napanee, 'Ontario. Miss Isabell Adams, of Kitchener spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coward. Miss Betty Green, of Grand Bend spent the week-end with Miss Rutli Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. William Rowcliffe and Gary visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Borland. Mr. and Mrs. William Passmore, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore. . Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore ■spent last Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Les. McClure, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Squire, Kirkton, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Anderson this week. Miss June Coward, of Exeter, spent the week-end with her parents. Miss Marion Hodgert spent the week-end with her parents here. Mr. Bert Gardiner, of London visited with his parents over the week-end. Sunday services will -be at the . . Sunday ------- —------ and Church at ll.|l(5 a.m. Mission Band will meet during church service hour. The Farm Forums met at the following places Monday night: Lumley .School House and the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johns. Mr. .and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cottle.. World’s Bay of Prayer Meeting The monthly meeting of W.M.S, and W.A. and World’s Day of Prayer service was held at the Manse on Friday afternoon with a good attendance. Mrs. W. Ferguson first vice-president was in charge of the meeting. The meeting open­ ed with Hymn followed by prayer. The minutes and roll call for the W.M.S. was taken and business discussed. Mrs. Chas. Miller gave a reading on "Christain Steward­ ship.” The W.A. minutes were read and roll call taken and business dealt with. The “World’s Day ol Prayer” program was then follow­ ed with Mrs. Wiseman, Mrs. El* ford,- Mrs. P. Stone and Mrs. Ferguson leading in the prayers. Mrs. Ferguson read an article on What is the World Day of Prayer. Mrs. A. Morgan took the solo and Mrs. Mair took the address. At the close of the program Mrs. T. Bal- lantyne sang an appropriate num­ ber with Mrs. Alvin Passmore al the piano. The service closed witlj singing the Nation Anthem and Benediction by Mrs. Ferguson. met at the pi wedding on in Elimville Mrs. P, Pass- and Mrs. A, Mr. and Attention Dairy Farmers A barn meeting will be held at the farm of Ross Marshal], one mile west of Kirkton, on Friday, Mar. 22nd Mr. T. 0. Terry will Ibe in charge of judging and Dr. George Elliot, Clinton, will speak on sbme of the common diseases of cattle. -—Come and bring your problem— Sponsored by the Huron Holstein FrcSiah Club.Club. CEMENT WORK GENERAL CONSTRUCTION 'Contracts of any kind. Free estimates. Ross L. Brown B.R, 3, Pnrklilli, Phone Dashwood 39rll OJfWW SAWS .& SERVICE Hand turned or electric tors,, also enameled stoves. Hugh Thiel, Phone 93r4 separa- Zurich.7-4tp Lloyd’s Corn, and Callus 'Salve gives immediate relief from corns .and callouses. 5 Ofc at Robertson’s and all druggists. A CUSTOMER WRITES from 'Ban­ croft, Mich,: Send me 3 6Qc jars ‘NAMELESS Cold .Remedy, “It sure is great stuff.” You cap. get this Remedy at Drownings, Rob­ ertson’s, Griggs’, Sanders’ stores, ■Exeter, 14: *21 AN OPPORTUNITY ____. Established Rural Watkins Dis- Morgan, Rev.! trict available. If you are aggrgss- will hold a evening and the church March Adnfission 15c, Every- home two Frank a few Mrs. Matilda Hern, ol Johns returned after spending and Mrs. live, and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable busi­ ness of your own. For full particu­ lars write today to The J. R. Wat­ kins Company, Dept. O-E-6, 2177 Masson St,, Montreal, Que, Foot Treatments Effective Mrs. Geo. Anderson and of London, spent the with Mr. and Mrs. usual hour, on Sunday. School at 10.15 a.m. ELIMVILLE The World’s Day of Prayer observed last Friday when W.M.S. and W.A met in the church basement. The prepared program was used. A very good number were in attendance. Monday evening the Farm For­ um, group met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johns With twen ty-four present. “Who will export our farm products” was discussed. A vote on the proposed use of dark flour was taken and majority were in favor. Next week “Can the world be fed” will be the subject under discussion and the meeting will be at Rev. Mairs. Mr. Gordon Ford returned home from St. Joseph’s hospital, London last Sunday and is recovering nice­ ly from his operation for appendic­ itis. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns visit­ ed relatives in St. Marys on Mon­ day. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Long children, of Atwood attended Ratcliffe—Johns wedding in church oil Saturday last. CREDITON Mrs. ®. M. Fahrner and daugh­ ter, Norma, spent a pleasant week­ end at the hoihe of Sgt. and Mrs. Clifford White, of Shelburne. for in- im- the his IT i —in fuel and oij| savings and increased efficiency to see us regularly fqr an ENGINE TUNE-UP Drive your car or truck in today. EXETER, ONTARIO Mr. E. J. Wethey, who has been in Victoria Hospital, London, the past seven weeks with an fection in his right foot, has proved sufficiently to leave hospital and is visiting with son, Ted and Mrs. Wethey in Lon­ don. He can now use his foot for a limited time each day. Mr. We­ ther’s foot was treated with the sulpha drug, penicillan and also with tyrothricin, the latter being used effectively during the war and became availible to civilians late one of the early civilians to be treated with it in London, in 1945, Mr. Wethey being “I ordered a dozen oranges, but you only sent me 10.” “Fart of our service, madam. Two were bad, so we saved you the trouble of throw­ ing them awav.” Jensen & Co. (Successor to -S. M. Sanders) Woodworking Specialists Custom Furniture and General Millwork Your Patronage Solicited z New, Beautiful Colors This Season in the week. This a complete new in their Mello- Standard House- Bros. Paints Purina A'ton and a quarter of the new Lowe Bros, color scheme paints arrived in_our store the beginning of firm this season presents line of beautiful colors Gloss, Nepto-Lac, High Paint and Floor Enamel. The High Standard House Paint, ideal for all exterior painting, has unsurpassed covering or hiding power — maximum spreading capacity — great durability. Mello-Gloss produces a most satisfac­ tory finish for walls * in kitchens, bath­ rooms, nurseries and playrooms or where- ever a repeated cleaning is necessary. The new colors combine the delicacy of modern decoration requirements with durability, sanitation and economy. • Nepto-Lac interior and exterior en­ amel is used wherever a high gloss porce­ lain-like finish is desired. Interior walls and woodwork, all types of furniture, baby carriages, and toys, retain their beauty despite frequent cleanings. The Floor Enamel gives a tough, de­ pendable finish with excellent appearance on exterior and interior wood or cement floors and stairs.^Pleasing, yet serviceable colors are found in the new range. Extra Eggs in* your nests money in your fall! Here are that will help Extra Eggs mean extra pockets this two things you get these extra Eggs. 1. Feed Purina Laying Checkers, 3 to 5 lbs. per 10Q birds per day. Just drop them on top of the mash in the hoppers. ^HOW flock2. Give your treatment with Pur ina Chek-R-Ton. I knocks out worms l and your birds Traquair’s round gives lift. —— Hard ware One Door South of Post Office