HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-03-07, Page 8,w...*/.■ ps.......I!...JI!.... -..J....I..',,,"L,..................................■'......J.......... JI.I,......... .....................................-..... ...-.....-a.-. .... Page 8 ........... . |I IHI!.....|||I|.I......." ................. ■ V’s Beauty Shoppe -r— Service Is Our Motto — VERA C. DECKER Tel. 112 Exeter 4 THE TJMES-APVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, 'MARCH 7th, 1946 Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 Exeter markets Wheat, Jl.lO Oats, 51c. Barley, 70c. Creamery Butter, 41c. Eggs, A Large, 3?c Eggs, A Medium, 30o Eggs, PulleU 2?c Eggs, B 25c Cracks 22c Satisfaction Guaranteed Mrs, W. E. Cavers, Prop. Exeter Phone. 245 Show commences each night at 7.30 p.m. until further notice. Snell’s Taxi Service Phone 100 I ! ! WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY March Gtlfe 7th — Two Features — ‘Colonel Effingham’s Raid’- Comedy Drama starring— CHARLES COBURN JOAN BENNETT WILLIAM EYTHE I.O.O.F. SOCIAL EVENING The members of the I.O.O.F. will ■hold a social evening in the lodge rooms on Friday, March Sth, to which the ladies and visiting breth­ ren are invited. The ladies are asked to provide lunch. W- C. ALLISON, N.G. E. A. HOWARD, Secretary. Vi WITH AN EYE TO GOOD GROOMING AND BETTER PERMANENTS. £s Mystery Drama starring-— RICHARD CONTE FAY MARLOWE » Ray Frayne, aftei' several with the R.C.A.F., has re* his old position with Snell FRIDAY and SATURDAY March Sth, 9th ‘A ! Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Comedy Drama starring— MARSHA HUNT, London’s Own HUME CRONYN MONDAY and TUESDAY March- 11th, l’2th — Two Features — Mystery Drama starring— BARRY FITZGERALD WALTER HUSTON LOUIS HAYWARD ROLAND YOUNG t Hay’ Musical Comedy starring— JUDY CANOVA Saturday Night DANCING OPERA HOUSE, EXETER BOB MOORE and his 8-piece orchestra = Dancing 9 to 12 = Admission 50c 5 = The Canadian Legion,. Exeter- = Hensall Branch 167 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Kenneth MacLean, Minister Mrs, J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—'Sunday (School. 11 a.m,—-Public Worship, Fri., 3 p.m.-^-The meeting ■ of the World’s Day of prayer will be held in Caven Church. Fri., 7.30 ip.m.—Service of worship for youth will be held in the Caven Church. Furniture and Funera I Se rvice Genera I Electric Refrigerators i Tomlinson Hairdressing Rhone 146 Phone 146 Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI PJhone 155w Exeter J MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. J. Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs, A. Y. Willard, Organist andU a.m.'—Public Worship Church School, “For Their Sakes.” The 7 p.m.—Public Minister. Wed., Mar. 6 p.m,—Union Trivitt Parish Hall. Thurs., 3 p.m.—W.A, at Mrs. Har­ old Murray's. . Fri,, 3 p.m. and 7,30 p.m.—World Day of Prayer service in Caven Tues.— Young People’s Union. Minister, Worship. The (Ash Wednesday) Prayer service 8 in O n o 2 R. C. Dinney Phone 20w Exeter Ambulance—Day or Night 7------------ =301730' We wish to ANNOUNCE... IO0 o g Come in and inspect the new GE refrigerator now on display. Examine the many features and the sturdy construction used. Also examine and ask about the dependable ‘’sealed in steel” mechanism which General Elec­ tric pioneered over 2Q years ago and which has given remarkable service through the years. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A. Lawrence A. Wein Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—Morning Worship con­ ducted by the Minister. “A Message to the Royal Chapel.” p.m.—‘Sunday School, Bible Class and Communicant’s Class. p.m.—.Evening Minister. “A Man.” ■ 11 o n o on our menu Every Sunday Patronize the Local AdvertisersO n Belts The Red Cross Carries On — You Are Invited to Join K Taman’s Men’s Wear s — The Store for Men — made by Hickok ,and in black and brown. We have a good stock of Leather Belts. These ai’e A. R. Tomlinson is in Detroit for a couple of weeks taking a brush-up course in hairdressing. Mrs. Bert North, of Woodstock spent the week-end with her parents, Mt. and Mrs. Robt. Hig- gins. Mr, years sumed Bros. & Co. Andrew Bierling, after'five years with the Canadian forces in Cana­ da and overseas, has resumed his old position with Jones & May. 'Miss Vera Essery has been in Victoria 'Hospital, London, for sev­ eral days through illness’. Her many friends hope that she may soon be around again. 'The many friends of Mrs. Amelia Dale will regret to know that sihe is ill in Victoria Hospital, London, and will hope for a speedy recov­ ery. Mr. Jos. Martene, of Stephen Twp., underwent an operation for appendicitis in Victoria Hospital Monday. His many friends will hope foi' a speedy recovery. Miss Norma Knight, daughtei’ of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Knight, has re­ turned home following an operation foi* appendicitis at Victoria Hospit­ al, London. Miss cessful theory honors (95%). 'She is a pupil of Lawrence (A. Wein.’ Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Triebner and Roy and Mrs. Lois Willert, of London, Mr. John Triefonei’ and Miss Ruby King, of Exeter, visited With Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triebner on. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood and sop Billy; Miss 'Olive Wood, R.N., of Toronto, and Mrs. Wm, Murdoch of Hamilton, spent the with their parents, Mr. Wm. H. Wood. Miss Doris Penhale, training in St. Joseph’s London, Mr. anj Mrs. Wm. Craw­ ford, Patricia and Marlene and Mrs. C. 'Crawford, of Belmont, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Penhale. Tpr. W. H. Ryckman in in don this week receiving his charge from the Canadian army. He was overseas for two and a half years and was with the forces in Italy, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Mrs. Wm. Prodger, Miss Prodger, Mr. Alvin 'Prodger and friend, of London, called on friends in Exe­ ter Saturday evening. Mrs. Prodger, who is one of our oldest subscrib­ ers, renewed her subscription for anothei’ year. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dougall, of Hay Township, have received word that their daughter, Lieut. Nursing Sister Marion Dougall who has been on dhty in a hospital in England for two years, will arrive in Canada on the Aquitania. Wednesday, March 6 th was Ash Wednesday and marked the begin­ ning of the Lenten season which will continue for' forty days, ending on Easter Sunday, April 21st. Easter is late this year, Good Fri­ day coming on April ,19th. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Moritz, of Cavalier, North Dakoto, who were holidaying in Texas, New Mexico, and California, came by way *of Detroit before going home to visit with their uncle and aunt; Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell and a host of other relatives here. The Board of Stewards of the James Street United church held a re organization meeting Friday ev­ ening of last week. E. A. Howald was re-elected chairman of Board and Robert C. Dinney was appointed secretary treasurer place of Dr. Cowen who held the Muriel Whilsmith was suc- in passing her Grade I examination with first class week-end and Mrs. nurse-in- Hospital, Asa Lon- dis- WUERTH’S We have shoes arriving now _ for the spring trade foi* men and boys. Oxfords and Work Shoes, prices ranging from $2.49 to $7.00. ours before buying—we can save you money. Men’s Rubber Boots, size 10, $3.10 pair. Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. welt soles machine stitched- See Shoe All Wuerth’s Cash Shoe Store MARGARET I. DOUGALL A.W.C.M. School Supervisor, Instruction Studio on Gidley Telephone 174rl3, Musical Street Exeter Keep Fit and Look Trim with . —— SPIRELLA 11 FOUNDATION GARMENTS Individually designed to apply Nature’s own - principles of sup­ port and control and are made to your correct body measure­ ments. Demonstration and inter­ view will gladly be given without obligation. iPhone ^2-5. MRS. VALERIA ARMSTRONG Murray Neil Hardwood Flooring Contractor. New Floors Laid and Sanded Old Floors Refinished New Sanding Machine Phone"Crediton 10J; R. 2, Centralia 3 7 Worship, Certain The Young 8.15 p.m.—Young ■Christian Missions. People’s Union. LAMPORT'S Coffee Shoppe Dinner served 11.30 to UOEZOI TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector/Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss First Sunday in Lent a.m.—Sunday School. Your Suits » And Dresses 11 '7 p.m.—Evensong and sermon. “Why Lent?’’ Ash Wednesday service at 8 p.m., * in the Parish Hall. Fri., 3 p.m. and 7.30 p.m.—The World’s Day of Prayer will foe held in <Caven Presbyterian Church. ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Moriock, Organist Chas. Hoffman, Choir Director 10 a.m.—Morning Worship. 11 a.m.—Church School. 7.30 p.m.-—Evening Worship. Thurs., 8.15 p.m.—Monthly meet­ ing of the W.M..S. and L.A. at- the home of Mrs, Herb Young. Fri., 8 p.m.—E.Y.F. will be Spick and Span for Easter. Prompt Dry Cleaning and Pressing Service. Lennis Regier at Wright’s Store ■ Phone 243w Fur Coats styled by LAKE FUR CO.PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer meeting. Fri., 3 p.m.—All ladies -are invited to meet at the World Prayer Service at Caven Presbyterian iChurch. Fri., 7 p.m.—'The Christ’s Comman­ dos will meet in the Tabernacle. Slides of.Jonah in the Whale will be shown. Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. Speaker and song leader, two young men just returned from overseas service, 'Mr. Stanley Ford and Mr. Bruce Cann. Don’t miss this meeting. Sun. 2 p.m.—Sunday School, Supt. Mr. E. Cudmore. Come to Sunday school and bring your children. Get back to the old paths your­ self. Sun., 3 p.m.—‘You Can Know God.’ The Pastor. Sun., 7 p.m.—Singspiration and Testimony. • - • Sun., 8 p.m.-—“What Must I Do?” The question that bothers every­ one. Come and hear the answer foy the ’Pastor. are NOW on display ..................... . to Invest in FURS James Street United Church the in I Try our drink disinfectant. Your drugs at Bean a three-act play by the Avonbank players will be presented in Results considered, you can’t afford to be without these products. Stop the trouble 'before disease gets into your flock. Get your Kews and R.B.Q. at Robertson’s. Friday, Mar. 15th at 8:00 p.m. .under the auspices of the James St. Evening Auxiliary Now is the time Admission 35c; Children, 12 and under, 20c position for several years. Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Haist who have been spending the winter in the sunny climes of the south have been in California for a Week and according to their last letter home were leaving for Nebraska to spend a week -With relatives. Mi4, and Mrs. Haist motored first tq Florida and then across the contin* ent to California and have visited many places of interest. The Comrade’s Bible Class of James 'Street United Church last Sunday approved a resolution re­ questing the Government to exempt wheat for distilling purposes, and also other food products such, as rye, barley and sugar, so that as much food as possible may be available for famine stricken Eur­ ope. Copies were sent to the Prime Minister and Our local member. Wm; Golding, M.P. Mr. and Mrs. S. Winer and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Winer visited re­ cently with Dr. O. G. and Mrs. Truemner at Strathroy. Radio Operator Richard Ether- ington, of the merchant navy, is visiting with his parents, tMr. and Mrs. [Albert Etherington. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Emmett, of London, visited over the week­ end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fraser and Allan. Mr. Ed. Treble has been confined to ‘his home for over a week. He had the misfortune to fall on some ice fracturing several ribs and "was otherwise bruised. A pancake supper was served in the Trivitt Memorial ‘Parish Hall Tuesday evening by the members of the Women’s Auxiliary, The ladies provided a fine supper and were well patronized. Mrs, Minnie Amy, of Conquest, Sask., has been visiting the past week with Mr, and Mrs, GeO. Jaques. Mrs. Jaques visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fi*an- cis, of Tavistock. Arm Fractured Mr. Cecil Stewart is carrying his left arm ■ in a sling. While at the garage Thursday of last week he was hurrying to answer a telephone call when he slipped on a cement floor and in falling fractured his arm. Join the crowd at the ARENA TOMORROW NIGHT (Thursday) with Johnny Downs and his Orchestra That very valid reason is the .result of pres­ ent conditions . . . and we reiterate them here in case you have not been following the trend of the current fur market. Prices have'4’ advanced steadily at all the recent Auction Sales of Raw Furs . . . the very furs to be dressed and made into coats for next Winter. The effect of these price rises for the future is obvious! Because we are experienced world-wide dealers in furs ... we sensed the approach of these conditions . . . and made substantial purchases of the most-in-demand furs before the market recently started to rise, The coats .made of these Fashion-approved Furs are now in our stocks . . . hence* if you need, or will need, a fur coat for next Winter, good . judgment will tell you to consider the pur­ chase of one at this time. H IPF 8 We Have a Nice Assortment of Cut Flowers on Hand YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO COME AND SEE THESES BEAUTIFUL FURS. Special Attention is Given to Orders for Delivery Anywhere in Western Ontario Exeter Flower Shop Phone 276 Phone 16