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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-03-07, Page 6
«■***f*r»*T -■ Blended Quality the TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 7th, 1946 W i <3 r "T* © They used to come in H hundreds to Ontario F to ski, our friends from the States. For their sakes and our own let’s all do our best to bring them back... and give them a good time when they come! ’Xi PLANNING A HOLIDAY? TUNE IN THURS., FRI. AND SAT. CFRB 10:30 PM. Staffs Institute Will S^nd Bpx to Holland z Staffa Senior Women’s Institute met on Wednesday evening, Feb. 37, at the home of Mrs. W. O’Brien with a very good attendance. In the absence of the president,, Miss E. Davis,, the meeting was presided ov&r by the vice-president, 'Mrs. William Houghton. A reading was given by Mrs. Risdon, and a paper prepared by Mrs. T, Scott was read, by Mrs. Houghton, ‘Current events were given by Mrs. D. McKellar, It was decided to send a box to some needy family in Holland, and donations of soap, clothing, and other useful articles are to be brought to the next meeting. The National Colthing Drive to ibe held this month was discussed and the sum of $15 was devoted to be used to buy clothing for this purpose. Donations of used clothing are also asked for. The members decided to bring up at the next meeting ,<the question of looking after a war veteran who has no immediate family and who will be confined to hospital. Lunch was served by Circle 4 with Mrs. T. ILaing as convener. •A ‘’welcome home” party was held Wednesday evening in the township hall, .Staffa, for 'Cpl. iRoss Houghton. Ross Hoggarth read an address, and Gordon Scott present ed Cpl. Houghton with a purse of money. A very large number from the community enjoyed an evening of dancing to the music of Howe’s orchestra. OFFICER TRANSFERRED Provincial Constable Frank is to .be transferred from Goderich to Kitchener, effective March 15, and will be replaced by (Provincial Constable Harold -Gaul, at present at Kitchener. Constable Fox ihas been chief constable at Goderich since June, 1941. He completed >19 yaars in the police service on March 1st. CENTRALIA Mr, anfl ’Mrs. Beecher Hanson, of Granton, visitefl recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodg son. •Mrs. J. L. Andrew, of London, spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr* and Mrs. Geo. Hicks. Miss Helen Essery, of London, spent the week-end with her par ents. 4Ml and Mrs. Wm. Bss.ery* ■Mr, and Mrs. Lome Hicks were in Ripley over the week-end ow ing to the serious illness of Mrs. Hick’s father, Mr, pollock. The Alert .Mission Band will meet in the sehnojfoom of the church on Sunday morning, March 10. at the usual hour, The World pay of Prayer will be observed in the schoolroom of the church on Friday afternoon at 3 p.m, All ladies of the community are invited to attend this service. The members of the W.M.S. will meet at 2 P,m. for their regular monthly meeting. The Y.P.U, presented theii* play, “The Improper Henry Propper,” in Thedford on ‘Friday evening of last week; at Main Street Church, Exe ter, on Monday evening; and they ’will present it in this church on Friday evening of this week. Lome and enjoy a good evening of enter tainment, Mrs. Walkey spent the "week-end in London with Mr. Walker. Mr. Bob 'Field spent the week-end with his parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. B. Field. Mrs, Wes. Webber was taken to the hospital in, London last week for treatment. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. McWilliams, of Clandeboye, with Mrs. C Bray Chick Hatchery Eric Carscadden, Manager Exeter Hatchery Phone 246 Mrs. Geo. Flynn .Fox is visiting this week,•Mr. and |,_J| ______ on Sunday with <Mr. and Mrs. JR. Hatten in .Clinton. Miss iBeulah iSkinner, RjN., ’ of Sarnia, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ISkinner. Mr. and ’Mrs. Ken Simpson and Billy, of Ailsa Craig, visited Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Simp son. Mrs.J. ‘Pollard visited The Times-Advocate Classified section is where you get sure-fire resuts. CHESTERFIELDS and OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Repaired and I Re-covered Free Pick-up and Delivery Stratford Upholstering Co. (Successors to the Clifford Upholstering Company) 42 Brunswick Street • STRATFORD Phone 579 CREDITON The World Pay of Brayer service Will be held op Friday of this week, in the Evangelical Church with members of the two local churches participating. Mr. John Wein, who has been confined to his bed for several weeks with a severe attach of arth ritis, was removed to Victoria Hos pital on Saturday for treatment which we hope will prove (helpful. Miss Velma Guettinger, of Chic ago, is spending some time with her parents, Mr. ana Mrs, Pk Guet- tinger. Mr. Vernon Beaver, .of Pittsburj spent a few days this week Mr, and Mrs, Hprry Beaver, 'Mr. John Wade, of ed over the week-end here, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, ............ Windsor, visited on Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr, and-Mrs, Jos. Woodall. .Mr. Jos.J Woodall Js ill at his home here and under the doctor’s care. Miss Marilyn iGoulding, of Lon don, spent the week-end with Miss Doris Wuerth. Mr. and Mrs, Max Bushell and Ronnie visited a few days recently With relatives in Kincardine. Miss Kaye 'Russell and Mr, K. McLeod spent the week-end at their respective homes in Russeldale and St. Thomas. Mr. Royal Haist, of Chicago, is visiting* with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. (H. Haist. Professional Cards F. W. GLADMAN BARRISTER SOLICITOR \\EXETER, ONTARIO at Hensail, Friday 2 to 5 p.m. J. W. MORLEY SOLICITOR with Office, Miiin Street, EXETER, ONT. Enquire at E. R Exeter er Sarnia, at hie visits home Woodall, of Girl Guides Meet The Girl Guides’ regular meeting was held last Thursday with • a large attendance. The meeting com menced by singing “God Save The King.” The girls studied their tests for awhile, then Miss Whilsmjth played the piano for the girls to practice a hymn which is to be sung at the Presbyterian Church next Friday night. The meeting closed by singing “Taps,” DR. F. J, MILNER Physician and Surgeon Corner of William and Sanders Streets, opposite the residence of the lgto Dr, J. W, Browning, Phones: Office 295W, Res. 295J EXETER, ONTARIO Dr. G. F. Roulston, L,D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST Offices, Morley Block EXETgR, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D3. DENTAL surgeon Main Street, Exeter Office 3 6w Telephones Res. Closed Wednesday Afternoons C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter c> ..Open every week day except Wednesday * ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-18 Dashwood R.R. No. 1, DASHWOOD MOUNT CARMEL Misses Jean Voisin and Clarice Regier, of London, spent the week end at their homes here. Mrs. Jos. Mahoney "is confined to the house ' having suffered a nasty fall on the icy pavement. Mrs. visited Friday. Miss don, is SHIPKA Mr. Karl Guenther, who spent the past few months ip Toronto, has returned. Mrs. Wray 'Sweitzer and baby have returned home from Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital in .Exeter-. Mrs. A. Rundle, of Kirkton, is at pres ent at the home of her ’ daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer. Cpl.. Emerson Bawden, of Ipper- wash camp, visited dver the 'week end with his wife and family, Mrs. E. Bawden. at the and Mi's*. Jacob Katz. Friends here know that Mr. iSam Saskatoon, has returned from t-he hospital and is getting along as well as can fie expected. He wishes to thank all those -who remembered him with cards while a patient in the hospital. will be glad to Schroeder, of Ontario profits almost as much from tourist busi ness a&from gold mining. It’s up to us to keep this business growing. ITS EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS home of Mr. t Every tourist dollar is shared ... 1. Hotels; 2.Stores; 3.Restaurants; 4.Taxes,etc.; 5. Amuse ments; 6. Garages. Let’s make them want to come back!” PUBLISHED IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY JOHN LABATT LIMITED RED CROSS WORK Only your continued support of the Red Cross can ensure that the splendid work being done for our sick and wounded veterans will be kept up. Your support will make possible such vital peacetime works as the upkeep of Outpost Hospitals^ the Peacetime Blood Donor Service, Nursing Services, Disaster Relief, the Visiting Homemaker Service, the Junior Red Cross, and many other services for the social betterment of Our people. There will be no Red Cross drive for funds this year. Your continued membership in the Red Cross is all that is asked. Minimum membership fee is one dollar. Your local Red Cross Branch will provide you with further details. THE CANADIAN CROSS SOCIETY ONTARIO DIVISION C. BRUCfi HULL, President C. O’Brien, of relatives Centralia, and friends here Mahoney, of Lon- _ with Mrs. Jos. Mahoney, Miss Mary Doyle, spent the!, week-end parents, Mr. and Mrs. _ . .. ... _ Miiss Betty Ryan R.N., of Sarnia visited with her parents, Mrs. M. J. Ryan. Mrs. M„ McDonald and Carthy were in London on on Friday. Mr. Hubert 'Desjardine chased) a fine team 1 Gordon Ratz. Reception For Returned Man On Friday evening, March the Committee for reception overseas veterans held their reception. About 250 people sembled at the dance in Mt. Car mel hall to greet our last return ing veteran, Pte. Jerome -.RegieT, An address was read by Rev. Fr. Fogarty and a $50 cash gift was presented by Chas Regier to which Pte. Regier made a suitable reply. In July of last year a committee of six made a one day canvas of the parish and collected $5 40'. A fifty dollar donation was given to each of the eight returned veter ans. Rev. the four boys who did not come home, leaving a balance of $100 which will go to the establishment of a suitable memorial which will be competed in Mt. Carmel in the near future. . The committee wish to thank the people of Mt. Carmel for their generous .donations and their splen did spirit of co-operation which made those receptions such a suc cess; also to the boys who so will ingly gave their talents to furnish music and entertainment fol’ our parties; to the ladies who helped with lunch, and last but not least to Rev. Fr. Fogarty, who was always so ready to help in every way. Frances visiting her mother^ of London with her P. J. Doyle. Mr, and Jas.' Mc- business s has from it. 11-46 -y< Wwlll H. J. CORNISH & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 294 Dundas Street London, Ont. Telephone Metcalf 3423 IEEI 1 Y Eb last as- Forty dollars was - given to Fr. Fogarty for masses for CREDITON EAST Master Barry Hamilton of Grand Bend, spent the week-end with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs H Lewis. , Mfr. and Mrs, Alec Hamilton, of Grant}' Bend, spent Sunday with Mr. arid Mi's. IL Lewis. , Mr* and Mrs. Cliff Kenney and daughter, of Khiva, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Eli ,Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ^Smith and son. of Exeter, visited oil Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .Sam Sims. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Rawlings and Fred, of Ailsa Craig, Sunday^ with Mr. Lewis. Mr. Garnet Rau in London visiting is improving and expects to •come home this week. ■Hello, Homemakers! Many a tiny tot mimics her mother by serving her best-loved dolly sandwiches and tea '“jes’ like Monwnie’s bridge party.” It’s a wonderful opportunity for a child to imitate poise and daintiness. Your junior hostess will be educating herself to take the part of mother’s helper before you know it. Don’t you think these tea parties should be encouraged with out too much concern in the gossip with Dolly. Give your daughter .some dainty sandwiches and tell her 'how they are made and why they’re good to eat. 'Help her to arrange a few sandwiches on her own dolly 'dishes and garnish with carrot sticks. When your back is •turned every word with the same inflection will be whispered to dolly perched up in a great big chair. CHILDREN’S PARTY SANDWICHES 1. Trim the crusts off the neatly sliced bread. 2. Cut a few squares or circles de pending upon the number of chil dren to be served. 3. -Spread with butter mixture: % lb. butter beaten with 1 cup milk and chilled for an hour in the electric refrigerator. 4. Make several open-faced ones: (a) (b) (c) (d) pureed prunes or dates (e) s a whole sardine 5. Make dainty filled ones; (a).............................................. a slice of peeled orange a slice of hard-cooked egg tinted cheese 3 25 degs. for iy2 'hrs. Arrange rolls on hot platter. Make gravy with dripping in pan, using a bit of top milk and strain mixture over the rolls. Bake potatoes at the same time and Choos© an oven-cooked dessert and thus utilize oven heat to the best advantage. Mrs. R. C. asks for a moulded fruit dessert using a small amount of sugar and available fruit. LEMON SPONGE We made this lemon sponge pud ding the other day, adding less sugar and a little more flour than usual. -Instead of 1 cupful of sugar we used % cupful and found it suf ficiently sweet. To the % cup of sugar add the juice and grated rind of 1 large lemon, 2% tbsps. flour, 14 tsp. salt and beaten yolks of 2 eggs. When smooth and well' blend ed, gradually, stir in 21A cups of milk and 1 tsp. melted butter, and fold in the stiffly beaten whites of the 2 eggs. Pour into greased cas serole or baking dish, set in pan of hot water and bake in a moderate oven 35 mins, or until it is firm on top. Serves 4. FRESH ORANGE DESSERT 2 tbsps. granulated gelatin, U cup cold water, 1 cup hot water, Vs tsp. salt. % cup or ange juice, 1 tbsp, lemon juice, orange sections. Soften gelatin in cold water for mins. (Add sugar and salt and hot visited oil and.- Mrs. Harry spent Saturday his father who CROMARTY W.M.S. MEETS The Women's Missionary 'Society met in the basement of the church With the president, Mrs. MacWiL liam, presiding, and’ Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl at the piano, Mrs. *£♦ L, Scott liad charge of the devotional period. The Glad hidings prayer was given by Mrs. Jessie Hamilton-, and an outiihe of the closing chap ter of the Study book, “'British Guiana,’' by Mrs. Item Mditellar* finely- minced meat moisten ed with salad dressing creamed cheese mashed cooked fish with a salad oil chopped hard-cooked eggs and' onion creamed with a little milk bananas mashed with boiled dressing shredded lettuce sprinkled with lemon juice NOTE: Do not Season fillings high ly .for children. .Salt is Suf ficient.-* » *' THE QUESTION BOX Mrs. S. N« requests recipe for cab bage rolls, previously published. CABBAGE ROLLS .Into a mixing bowl put 1*4 to iyz lbs. of ground beef, % cup bread crumbs, 1 ibeaten Ogg, % cup of milk or tomato juice and 1% cups cooked noodles. ^Season and blend thoroughly, Add the centre tender leaves of a small cabbage which have been chopped and sauteed in a little bacon dripping, Blade mixture on the well-washed outer leaves of the cabbage and roll Up each One and fasten With a tooth pick. Brown in a little dripping and' sprinkle with salt and popper, At- range stock Cover (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) in a baking dish. Pour in. to a depth of about 1 inch, and bake in* an eleetric oven .FRANK TAYLOR licensed auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and . Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING 138 WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you of youa property’s true value on sale day- Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton P.O. or Phone 43-2 E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. EXETER, R.R, 1 Phone Zurich 92r7 naBBUc*. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres. ............ WM. A. HAMILTON R. R. 1, Cromarty Vice^Pres............ WM. H. COATES Exeter DIRECTORS Kirkton, R. 1 Mitchell R. 1 . Dublin, Ont. Kirkton, R. 1 5 . ____ __ water and stir over heat until gela tin is dissolved. Add orange and lemon juice, mixing well. Ipour 1 cup of^ the mixture into a lightly greased"* mould -ana chill. When it begins to thicken arrange orange sections in it. 'Chill remaining mix ture and when it thickens whip until frothy and thick, then pouf into the mould. Chill until firm in electric refrigerator. Uninould and garnish with additional orange sec tions. . ' Mrs. J. T. asks how to serve can ned cut beans. .Butter is scarce at her house and they don’t like cream sauce. GREEN BEANS, CREO.LE .2% cups canned green beans, 3 tbsps. bacon fat, 2 tbsps. fine ly chopped onion, 1/3 cup con densed tomato soup or chili sauce, salt and pepper. Drain beans. Melt bacon fat and add Onion, Cook slowlV until onions are soft. Add tomato soup or chili sauce and beans. Toss together well. Cover and liedt through over elec tric element turned “low”. Yield; 4 to 6, * * * >j< A' $ Anne Allan invites'you to write td her % The Times-Advocate. Send in your suggestions on homemaking problems and "watch this column for replies. JOHN HACKNEY .. ANGUS SINCLAIR JOHN McGRATH .. MILTON McCURDY AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS .......... Mitchell THOS. SCOTT ................. Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNE: Woodham SECRETARY-TREASURER B. W* F. BEAVERS ............ Exeter F. W. GLADMAN Solicitor, Exeter KM Once I knew a little girl Who was__ ten going on eleven. Now that dame is thirty-eight, •But going on twenty-seven. Bilious Attacks Liver Complaint Biliousness is just another name for a clogged or sluggish liver. It is a very1 common Complaint, but can. be quickly remedied by stimulating- the flow of bile. This softens the accumulated mass, the poisons are carried Out of the system, and the liver and bowels are relieved and toned up. Milburn’s LaYa-Liver Bills quicken, and enliven the sluggish liver, open ing np every channel, by causing a free flow of bile and thus cleansing the liver of the-clogging impurities. They are small and easy to take. Do not gripe, weaken or sicken. The Jlilburn Co., Ltd,, Toronto, Ont.