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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-03-07, Page 4
X Phge 4 'l"*?’?!!! '..."I,i"il1.1. 'a THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, dNTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 7th, 1916 1 Goodyear Tires PASSENGER, TRUCK & TRACTOR FOR SALE—50 acres pasture land being N% Lot 3, Con. 7,, Hay Township; farm has plenty of water. A few acres of young bush. New Beatty windmill, selLoiling; new fences. -For particulars apply Geo. Link, Dashwood, or Henry Adkins, Hensall, or Arthur Weber (Auctioneer,, Dashwood, tfc Be out in front with your work this year* by installing new Goodyear Sure-Grip Tractor Tires with that now famous self- cleaning open-centre tread design that is always ready to dig in anti go to work for you. If you peed new tires, larger qr over-size tires on your trac tor be sure to see us for a square deal. ’ You can now change over your tractor from steel to Synthetic Rubber Tractor Tires. I have the equipment and. facilities for loading your tires with calcium. * . FOR SALE—15 O' acres in high state of cultivation. Best of buildings. Fully equipped. $4,000,00 cash will give possession. Balance on easy terms. Two fifties for sale. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. -'x-- ■- Wf • '•**»« II .ML. i.Jwiwwr Place an Ad Here and Watch Results i1■ 1 I TTjey are read by more than 8,400 Times-Advocate readers every week Phone 31wit’ ; . ' ............................ . •.......................... ■»......................................... ... a J* Snelgrove Tire and Electric Phone 18Andy Snelgrove, Manager FOR SALE — Pigs, 25 stockers weighing about 40 pounds. Ap ply to Chas. S. Bedard, 98rl5, Zurich. _ 7 * FOR SALE—To settle an estate. 150 acres of good grass land on the 18th concession of Stephen, approximately two miles north of Corbett. On the farm there is a never-failing rock well, with windmill and supply tank, also about eight acres of good bush. For further particulars apply to Arthur G. Web'b, Parkhill, Box 537, Executor of the (Samuel W. Webb Estate. 21-3tc COMING EVENTS Reserve, Friday, March 23xi<l* for the play, “Maid of Money,” to be presented in iCeUtralia (Church by the Grand Bend players. RESERVE Friday, April 5th, for a play “Maid -of Money” to be presented in the James street church by the Grand Bend play ers. ENJOY THESE FOR SALE—A Holstein cow, car rying third calf, now due. Apply to James ’Earl, Phone Kirkton 41rl0. 7* PASTURE FARMS FOR SALE— 100 acres, McGillivray ‘Twp. Ex cellent farm, running water some wood. Also 110’0 acre 50 acre farm close Both with good water V. Pickard, Exeter. LOST AND FOUND floor rug, 3x4 yards; floor rug 3x3% yards; 2 hall carpets; cpn- -golexim rug 3x2% yards; drop-leaf table; electric washing ijiachine; 6 kitchen chairs; cook stove; 2-plate burner; electric iron; coal-oil stove; tea, kettle; lawn -mower; pictures; dishes; garden tools; shovel; axe; grinding stone; scythe; 2 piles ot dry wood; cupboard; 3 cane bottom chairs; toilet set; curtains; mirror; and many other articles. TERM'S—CASH "JOSIAH KESTLE,1 Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct, couch; 3 beds and springs; bed room suite; parlpi* settee; two tables; five rocking chairs; six kit chen chairs; two chairs; child's wagon; etc. No reserve as the proprietor giving up farming. TERMS—CASH JOHN F. CAMiM, Prop, W. E. NAIRN, (Auct. is FOR SALE—Feed turnips. Wm. E-. Welsh. Phone 174r3, Exeter. 7c farm and to Exeter. supply. G. STORE FOR -SALE—Crediton (Hol tzmann) store with living rooms above. Immediate possession of part, W. C. Pearce, Exeter. FOUND—About 65 feet of new rope between Devon and Eden school corner.' Owner may have same Iby proving property and paying for advt. Hubert Hunter, R. R. 1, Gentralia. c LAST WEEK’S WINNER FOR SALE—One steam up right New Beatty windmill, self oiling Drake for laying purposes, ‘Ches, Can supply you with chicks with Built-in cupboards, hydro in Out-lbuildings. A-pril posses sion. SUBMITTED BY . . . Mrs. Harvey Hyde, B.R. 1, Hensall, Ont. Your Ad-Briefs in THE Times-Advocate FOR SALE FOR SALE—We have on hand 2 new Tweed Evaporators 2x8 ft. at $6.1010 2 8 cents; new No. $165.00; R. B. Williams, Exeter. plus freight. Buckets, spiles 2iJ cents; one 10 manure spreader, 2 M.H. 6 ft. binders. c FOR SALE'—'One gobbler. Apply to Wm. Fischer. 'Phone 'Dashwood 41rl2, R. 1, Dashwood. 7* FORj.SALE—One mow of red clover hay. Apply to Albert 'Morgan, con. 9, McGillivray, phone Ailsa Craig 616rl2. 7:14* FOR SALE—2 double sets of lea ther harness. Apply to Box 204, Exeter. 28:7* •SEED GRAIN Reg. Ajax grades Ajax, Oats, Galore Nobarb Barley, yielded all other the O.A.C. -Guelph, FOR -SALE—-NO. 1 Oats, Commercial Cartier and Alaska iO.A.C. No? 21, and Ajax Oats out varieties at Field Peas. ENSILAGE FOR SALE — Bruce Tuckey. Phone 174r4, Exeter. 7* FOR SALE—Colony house, 10x12. Warner electric brooder. Apply to Benedict Dietrich, phone 31r5 Dashwood. 7* FOR SALE—Four wheel trailer in good condition. Apply to John •Caldwell, phone 13rll, Exeter. 7* T V. FOR -SALE—Baby strollei- with springs. Apply at Times-Advocate 7* FOR SALE — A quantity of seed turnips. Phone Elmer (Lawson, 47rl4 Crediton. 7c FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE—House, 2-piece 'bath,, hard and soft water, barn garage hydro, 5 acres, Elimville. House, hydro, town and soft wat er, ibarn, 4% acres land, Exeter, W. C. Pearce, Exeter. FOR iSALE—Modern 2-storey- (brick house in -Exeter; ideal central location. (Apply at Times-Advo cate. „• 7* FOR SALE—100 acres on No. 4 highway, within mile of Hensall schools, grain from large house large 40 head of cattle, 3 hog pens, 3 laying erate chicks, cellar; water softener, house, Must be seen to be appreciated. Owner, has other interests in view. Russell Broderick, R.R. 2, Hensall. 7* chopmills, six miles factory; brick churches, and bean mills, EXeter canning , modern equipped and garage combined, also bank barn, room for over pens upstairs, 4*0X18, sep- colony house for 1000 drive shed, silo and root hydro, three piece bath, water on tap in barn and colony house. FARM FOR -SALE—50, acres, frame house, bank barn with steel roof, hen house and implement shed. 'Good well, water in barn. 'Posses sion in April. Apply to 'Samuel Rollins, ■'R.R. 1, 'Crediton, Ont. 7:14* FOR SALE—Frame cottage in Exe- ‘ ter, hydro and town water. Well located. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. FARMS FOR SALE—170 acres No. 83 Highway, few acres in Exeter so handy to schools, churches, canning factory, markets. Water pressure system, electricity thro’- out buildings. April possession. Other tillable farms and pasture farms. W. C. Pearce. Exeter. FOR SALE — IOiO aejes, more or less, being lot 23, Con. 7 -Stephen Twp.; 40 acres plowing done, 8 acres of wheat, 6 acres of push, - .brick house, -bank barn, excellent water. Apply to tenant Clifford -Salmon, phone 'Crediton 19r33, Dash-wood P.O. 28:7* FARM FOR SALE—Situated 1% miles west and 1% miles north of Dashwood, being lot 8, conces sion 14, Hay Township, 145 acres more barn, age, with built-in house, barn and henhouse. Plenty of hard and soft water. Land is black loam, 12 acres of bush more or less, 23 acres of wheat, 25 acres balance given at ticulars ; Prop., R. Dashwood 92 or Arthur Weber, auctioneer, R. R. 1, Dashwood, 57rl2. 2-4-6tc FOUND—-In Exeter a pair of bolt cutters. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for advt. 7c AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction on Lot 18, Coil. 5, Usborne Township, on MARCH 13, 1946 WANTED or less; 50 x 72 ft. bank pig stable, hen stable, gar- driving shed, brick house brick kitchen with cellar, cupboards, hydro in ready for spring crop, in pasture. Possession once. For further par- apply to Floyd Wein, . R. 1, Dashwood.. Tel. FOR SALE OR RENT—10 0 acres, lot 19, Con, 7, Hay, good Ibuild- ings; plenty of water; posession April 1st. Apply to Jas. Green, Exeter. 21-3 tn FOR SALE—W. G. Medd offers for sale his residence on Andrew St. The property consists of a 2- storey brick house with 8 rooms, hack kitchen and bathroom. Full basement and hot water heating. A large ibarn and garage. Five lots. The residence is bordered on the north and west iby larg^ spruce trees. Purchase of 2 lots optional. Opportunity of obtain ing a smaller home is the reason -for selling. For terms apply to the owner. FOR SALE—100-acre farm in Us- faorne Township, good buildings, well-fenced - and drained. Posses sion immediately. Apply to R. D. Hunter, Exeter. tfc BABY CHICKS NEUHAUSER’S NEW CHICKS iStart with Neuhausers this year and get that extra breeding that only pedigreed sires can give. All our 3A chicks are sired by pedi greed males from progent tested strain. We can supply you with chicks with the finest breeding in the U..S.tA. and Canada 'behind them. ’ .New management and a breeding program and a new of chick. Reasonably priced too. Neuliauser Hatcheries, 81 King Street. London, Ontario. • the new partnership of E. R. Hopper, who has been operating a Furniture and Funeral Business in Exeter for the past 18 years, announces that he has sold a part interest in his business to Kenneth G. Hockey. Mr. Hockey has been working with Mr. Hopper for the past eight years, with thei exception of two years spent in the R.C.N.V.R. He received his Embalming License in 1940. $ The Hopper Furniture Store takes this opportunity of thanking their many cus tomers for the splendid patronage afforded them in the past eighteen years. They feel that they will be better equipped to give you even better service in the future. ’ E. R. Hopper . Hopper-Hockey Furniture Store Kenneth G. Hockey new kind 7tfc 1 WANTED TO RENT—50 to 100 acres of good pasture. Apply at Times-Advocate. tfc WANTED to -buy—fEwban seed oats Cann’s Mills, Whalen Corners and Exeter, phones Kirkton -35-15 and Exeter 35W. WANTED —r Furnished house or large apartment. Mrs. Fraser, P.O, -Box 118, Exeter. ■ 2'8:7* BUSINESS WANTED — We have several clients who wish to buy established businesses in Exetei- or surrounding district. If you are considering selling your busi ness come in and talk the matter over or write"”Us. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. WANTED—10 0 horses, any kind of a cheap" horse. Will pay good prices for them." Frank Taylor, Exeter. tfc NOTICES NOTICE: re lost crosscut saw. Will the party who lives at Dashwood and drives a Ford V8, who was seen to -pick up the saw, as ad vertised in the Times-jAdvocate of •Dec. 6th, belonging to Asa J. -Penhale, return it'iu 5 days and avoid further trouble.’ c TENDERS WANTED ' The Huron County Home Com mittee are asking for Tenders foi’ the re-wiring of the East Wing of the Huron 'County Home at Clinton, Ontario. Please contact the 'Man ager at the* Home for information and specifications. Tenders in the hands of the County not later than March 30'th. lowest or any Tender not sarilv accepted. N. W. -MILLER,^ County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS to be Clerk- The neces- 7:14c RENFREW SALES & SERVICE Hand turned or electric tors, also enameled stoves, Hugh Thiel, Phone 93r4 separa- Zurich. 7-4tp 'EVER try NAMELESS Cold Remedy for Sinus, Headcolds, Hayfever, 'Deafness, Asthma? Soon as ap plied, it -goes right .to work. Use nite and morning. Sold by Brownings, Robertsons, Griggs, 'Sanders stores. 28:7 Slender Tablets are effective. 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks’ .$’'5, at Robertson’s and all druggists. AN OPPORTUNITY ’ Established -Rural Watkins Dis trict available. -If you are aggress ive, and between the ages of 25 and 55—have Or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable busi ness of your own. For full particu lars write today to The J< R. Wat kins Company, Dept. O-E-6, 2177 Masson" St., (Montreal, Que. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Lot 8, Con. 5, Stephen Township on THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1946- TERMS—CASH CHARLES HOBPM'AN, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in structions to een by (public auction in EXETER oil SATURDAY, MARCH 9th, 1946 at 2 p.fti., the following: 'Chesterfield suite, parlor Suite, couch, extension table, dining-room chairs; 2 rocking chairs* sideboard; 2 small tables; -bedfoom suite; 2 beds; 2 dressers; 2 mattresses; WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1946 at 1 o’clock, the following: HORSE'S—6-year-old gelding; 6- year-old -general purpose horse; aged horse. CATTLE—-Cow due Mar, 1; cow due iMar. 6; gray cow due Mar. 10; gray cow due (Mar, 13; 6-year-old cow, milking; 3-year-old., heifer, milking; 2 fat steers, 2 years old; 2 fat heifers, 2 years old; 4 year ling heifers; 2 yearling steers; 2 small calves. 100 hens; good Collie dog, 3 years old. iIM'PLEMENT-S -— MaSsey-Harris binder, 6-ft.; Frost & Wood mower; Massey-Harris 'hay .loader; Cock- s’hutt cultivator; 3-drum steel 'roll erdisc harrow; hay rake, 10-<ft.; riding ©low; walking plow; 4 sec tion harrows; seed drill; bag truck; wagon with 2 sets of wheels; 2- horse scuffler, new; set of sleighs; wagon box; stock rack; top -buggy; open ibuggy; cutter; fanning mill; 1-horse -scuffler; sleigh bunks; set of scales; root pulper; wheelbar row; hay rack; extension ladder; cultivator; sling ropes; set of brit- chen 'harness; single harness; odd collars; halters; some planks; post; cedar post; colony 'house, 8x10; 2 shelters; feeders; brooder stove; water 'fountains; cream sep arator, bags; sacks; forks; shovels, hoes; whiffletrees; chains; boxes: other articles; capacity. Quantity of hay; 100 bus. of Erban oats; 250 -bus. mixed grain; 40 bus. of barley; quantity of man gels; 50 feus. oPwheat; quantity of turnips; 5 bus. of seed beans; 4 bus. of feed beans. FURNITURE—'Coal oil heater; lam-ps; rocking chairs; trunk; pic tures; window frames with glass; bed springs; stand; cupboard; kitchen tables; Daisy ’ churn; washing machine; milk pails; water pail; crocks; jars; sealers; dishes; lan tern. iron -----; neckyokes; barrels'; and many incubator lOO.-egg TERM'S—CASH WILLIAM WARREN, Prop. GEORGE LAWjSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. CLEARING AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND FEED W. E, Nairn, auctioneer, will sell' by public auction on Lot 12, West Boundary BlanShard adjoining Woodham Village, on highway No. ,23, 12 miles sbuth of Mitchell, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1946 Sale commences at 12.30 o’clock. HORSES—General purpose mare, 11 years, reliable single or double, offspring have been sbld to schools; Clyde mare, rising 8 Clyde-Belgian filly, rising 3 Clyde work mare. CATTLE—9 choice high Holstein cows, fall and freshening, -bred again; _____ cow, due in March; 3 Holstein heif ers, 2 years, due in October; 2 yearling heifers; heifer calf; 'Polled- Angus bull rising 3 years. H-OGS—-2 Yorkshire sows, young ana bred; 23 pigs, 5'0' to 7-5 lbs.; 7 pigs, 125 libs.; -Berkshire hog. HAY and GRAIN—20 tons of choice clover hay;, small quantity of timothy; 4 ions mixed grain; 50 bus. wheat; some feed millet; seed potatoes. IMPLEMENTS—Massey-Harris 12- furrow disc plough; Quebec sulky plough; two walking ploughs; in- tlirow disc; out-throw disc^ spring** tooth cultivator; stiff-tooth" cultiva tor; 4-section harrows; cart; 13-hoe seed drill; Deere manure spreader; Massey-'Hautis side-rake, for .tedding; Harris hay rack; -McCormick and 'box; wagon box; fanning- mill; ton scales; grain bags and sacks; hay fork; slings and sling ropes; 50 I'bs. binder twine; posts; oak barrel; 3 window casings, 6 ft. (by 2 ft. by 8 in.; 6 joist, 15 ft. 6 ins, by 8 ins. by 3 ins.;cutting box; 'De- Laval cream separator and motor; pails; two cement hog troughs; one Iron hog trough; two hog crates; two set of team harness; single hhrness; set of breechings; horse collars and blankets; -SteWart clip*- pers; neckyokes; whiffletrees; ctiL ter; biiggy; gent’s bicycle; sleighs; rent pulper; 309 chick coal brood er; hen crates and feeders; chicken wire; logging chains; one 10 ft. tree pruner’; forks and hoes; etc. FURNITURE — Cast iron range; riding years; years; -grade winter ‘Holstein 4-section harrows; harrow 3-drum roller; two scufflers; fertilator; John D -mower; reversible sulky rake; Massey- loader; shifting hay binder; wagon springs; gravel bag truck; one CLEARING AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND FEED W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, has re ceived instructions to sell by pub lic auction on Lot 7 North Boundary of Middlesex 2% miles west of "No, 4 Highway, on THURSDAY, MARCH 14tli, 1946 at l.OOi o’clock the following: HORSES—Belgian gelding, 6 yrs, old, 1800 lbs.; brown general pur pose gelding, 6 yrs, old, good in all harness. ». •CATTLE—40 high-grade Short horn cattle consisting of—9 fresh cows; 7 cows due in March and April; 3 heifers due in September; 4 steers, 2 years old; 8 steers and heifer,' one year old; 8 calves; reg istered Shorthorn bull (Mandarin Chief), 3 years old. FEED AND GRAIN—15 tons of mixed hay; 10 tons cut hay; 100 bus. Ajax seed oats; 1'00 bus. Van guard oats; 150 bus, seed barley. PIGS—'2 Yorkshire -brood sows, due in April; 4 young sows, due in March and April; 23 shoats. POULTRY- Hampshire -pullets; New Hampshire roosters. IMPLEMENTS — Allis-Chalmers U model 1941 tractor, on rubber, lights and power take-off; 3-furrow International ©low on rubber; Allis- Chalmers 60 all-crop harvester; Case 16-plate disc with power lift; International stiff-tooth cultivator; International "cutting box, No. 4A; 3-drum steel .-land roller.; Inter national fertilizer hoe drill; steel hay rake; Massey-Har.ris 6-ft. hay loader; International mower, 5-ft.; Frost & Wood binder; corn culti vator; sugar beet lifter; Interna tional manure spreader; set of iron 'harrows; 2 rubber-tired wagons; 'set of sleighs; cutter; 'buggy; set of scales; Martin ditcher; 2 gas en gines; car motor; root pulper; 100 ft. drive belt; hay rack; dump rack; 2-wheel trailer with rack; 20'0i ft. snow -fence; 2 colony houses; shel ter; brooder stove; feeders; 'foun tains; 2 sets double harness; col lars; cream separator with power attachment; milk pails; 100 sacks; pump jack; hay-knife; hay fork; chains; whiffletrees; wheelbarrows; forks; shovels; also a quantity of furniture and other articles. This is a high class sale, cows are a cihoise lot of milking. Shorthorns and have two clean tests for T.B. and Bang’s disease. The implements are nearly new, haying been purchased since 1940. 'Positively no reserve as the farm sold. 'TERM'S—CASH FRANK MATHERS. Pron. _W. E. NAIRN. Auct.______ AUCTION SALE OF TWO ADJOINING 50-ACRE FARMS IN USBORNE TOWNSHIP There will be offered Jjor sale by public auction on the premises on MONDAY, MARCH 18th, 1946 at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the following: The north half of Lot Number 2 in the 4th Concession of the Town ship o.f Usborne, in the -County of Huron, containing 50 acres more or less. On this 50 acres is a, good brick house containing 9 rooms, hard and soft water. A good bank barn, hip roof, 45x48, chicken driveshed, windmill, spring crop, 3 acres rest in grass. ALSO 50 acres, being the east half^of Lot Number 3, in the said 4th Con cession of the Township of Usborne. There is a good well oh .this 50 acres and 25 acres or more is said to be in grass. It is immediately north of the first mentioned 50 acres from which it is separated by a road. , These properties will be sold sub- pect to a reserve bid. TERM'S—10% • on date of sale and balance within 30 days there”, after. Further terms and conditions' of sale will be made known'on the day of the sale or may be 'had from JOHN PROUT, Exeter; F. W. GLADMAN, Exeter, Solicitor, FRANK- TAYLOR, Auctioneer. 6 ft.*, M.H. side rake; 2-hqrse culti vator; 2-horse 'scuffler; rubber- tired wagon; set sleighs; 2 walking plows; tractor drive plow; cream separator; fanning mill; set brit- chen harness; collars; collar tops; set plow harness; M.H. manure spreader; 1-man hay rack; flat rack; sugar beet rack; light wagon; buggy; wiffletrees; forks; chains some oak plank and many other articles, TERMS—C^S'H HARRY 'SCHWARTZ, .Prop. ' GEO. LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in structions to sell iby public auction on Lot 31, Concession 2, Stephen Twp- 1 mile west of Exeter, on TUESDAY, MARCH 26tli, 1946 at one o’clock the following: CATTLE—2 fresh cows; roan cow due time of sale; roan cow due 2 3 heifers? yearling heifers; -2 small calves^ is 15 store hogs; ■200 pure-bred New 14 pure-bred May 16; roan cow due June 10 steers rising 2 years; rising 2 years; 2 3 yearling steers; 21 chunks. IMPLEMENTS Deering -binder, mower, 5 ft., new; bucinc, vator; Maxwell hay loader; McCor-0 mick-Deering manure spreader; disc; 4 section harrows; 3-drum steel roller; McCormick-Deering disc; disc seed drill; 2 disc Massey- Harris plow; Clinton fanning -mill; set of scales; side hay rake; 10 ft. dump rake; 3 walking plows; scuff- ler: truck wagon; roller; steel tL_J wire; wagon -box; cutters; set of sleighs; . electric clippers; electric power grinder; 45 gal. drum; set of double harness; McCormick- Deering electric . cream separator; root pulper; wheelbarrow; quantity of old iron; Warner 5 00-chick capacity, 20 tons of hay. FURNITURE — kitchen chairs; rug bedroom suite; stove; churn. TERMS—CASH WILLIAM SANDERS, Prop. GEO. LAWSON, Clerk, ’FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. — McCormick- 7. ft.; 'Beerway Beerway cultL tired hay rack with, wagon; some 3 buggies; 2 ■Stewart fence; electric brooder Writing desk; 9x12; complete 3 burner coal oil The house 36x12, 12 acres for of bush, the AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction Oh ,> Lot 6, South Boundary Stephen 1 mile south and 1% miles west of Centralia, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1946 at one o’clock the following: HORSES—6-year-old marO, cheron, 4 years old. CATTLE—12 hows, Par- some with calf at foot and some due time oi sale; yearling steers and heifers. 2 Hereford .bulls, PIG'S—-10 stocker nigs. 900 lbs.; 6 stocker pigs, 800 lbs; 16 chunks SOI lbs.; 5 small chunks; sow due last of March, IMPLEMENTS—'F, & W. hinder, 1946 years tblac’k • AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned -has received in structions to sell by public auction on N. Half Lot 27, Oon. 3, Usborne on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, at 1 o’clock sharp: HORSES—Brown mare, 9 old; black mare, 8 years old; mare, 5 years old. CATTLE — Roan cow, fresh, 5 years old; cow, 5 years old, due in April; Hereford cow, fresh, 8 years old; fat heifer; fat steer; fat steer,, 2- years old; beef ring heifer; 3' yearlings; 3 small calves. 10 chunks; 9 pigs close to 200- lbs.; sow due (April 9; sow due May 8. , IMPLEMENTS—-McCormick bind er, 6 ft.; M.H. mower, new; M.H. fertilizer drill, nearly new; roller; 10 ft. hay rake, new; iM.H.. disc, manure spreader; cultivator; corn cultivator, new; disc plow; 2 walking plows; riding plow; gang plow*, set of harrows; sleigh; steel- tired wagon; rubber-tired wagon,- hay rack; gravel box; fanning -mill; set scales; cream separator; pig scales; 2 pig crates; cutting box; cutter; buggy\72 sets. double har ness; single harness; roll of barb wire, colony house 10x12; colony house, 8x1101; -3 shelters, new; 2; coal brooders, 500 chick capacity; root pulper; % h.p. motor, 3-piece bedroom suite; cupboard; commode; Daisy churn; butter set; toilet set; kitchen range; forks; chains; whiffletrees;. neckyokes; boxes; (barrels; pails; and many other articles.- TE'RMIS—CASH LUTHIER REYNOLD'S, 'Prop. GEiO. LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. steel AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS .The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction on Lot 11, Con. 4, Stephen Township THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1946 at one o’clock sharp, the following: HORSES -—■ IPerchpron -mare, 6‘. years old; black Percheron mare, 4 years old. CATTLE—2 cows due in April cow due in July; farrow cow; 2 yearlings; 2 calves. v • PIGS — iBrood Sow; 5 pigs, 10 weeks old. 20 chickens; 3 ducks. IMPLEMENTS — -Massev-iHai‘ris binder; Frost & Wood mower; sulky rake; seed di’lll; roller; disc, cultivator; diamond harrows; 2 wagons; bob-sleigh; cutter; cutting H20()u lb, scalds, p'ress; forks; boX; root Dulper; j boat; meat grinder; lard kettle; bag truck; twine; shovels; doubletrees; chains; and other articles; also Sulky plough; 2-fufrOW plough; walking plow, TERM-SrHClAS-H ED. 'SWEiITZElR, prop. •GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR, Auot, 4 ‘ »