HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-02-21, Page 4& .* t Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 21st, 1946 ... t 1 Have Yow Visited? the new f+tore (opposite the Post- Office yet?' •We have just obtained a large shipment of lamps of all types, toasters, Dunbar Glassware, Stewart-Warner Radios, hot plates, Bleetropails and many other electrical appliances. Be sure to see me before you trade or buy new -tires fox’ your car truck, tractor, trailer or wagon. We have all sizes of ndw Goodyear Tires now on hand. Snelgrove Tire and Electric Phone 18I Andy Snelgrove, Manager i aaua COMING EVENTS Reserve Friday, March 15 th, for a play, ‘‘Mi*. Bean From Lima,” at the James St. United Church. FOR SALE WANTED—Young woman for gen­ eral housework. Good Temporary job if -desired summer time. -Phone or • (Mrs. 'Mervyn Jones, 192 port Street, London, Ont. phone /Metcalf 79 67. cook, until write Brid- Tele- 21c FOR SALE—Kitchen cabinet, like new, and table to match; setter and chair to match. \R, Grenier, Exeter,. 21* FOR ’SALE—11 pigs, 8 weeks old. Apply to William Triebner, R.R. ’ll, Exeter. 21* WANTED TO RENT—House or 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms for steady tenant. Apply to H. Hockey, or phone 239 Exeter. 14:21*--------------—---------------------- ■----, WANTED IN EXETER — Modern house, will pay cash. Apply at Times-Advocate.---------------14:21* FOR “SALE — A lady’s blue coat, size 16, good as new. Phone 33, Exeter. 21c FOR SALE—One “Playtime” hand washing machine and wringer in 'good condition. Mrs. -0. K. Love, ipihone 39rl4 'Dashwood, or -R.R. 3, Park-hill, 21c BUSINESS WANTED — We have several clients who wish to buy established businesses in Exeter or surrounding district. If you are considering selling your busi­ ness come in and talk the mattei* over or write us. C. V. Pickard, . Exeter. FOR SALE—Valor oats for seed; Valor and No-Barb Barley for ' seed; feed .mixed grain; hay; cow; 13 young pigs; 200 laying ihens and feeding equipment; Viking- cream separator, with or without motor; 1 dog. Apply to ■Wm. Welsh, R. 3, Exeter, phone 174r3. 21c FOR SALE—100-acre far,m in Us­ borne Township, good buildings, ■well-fenced and drained. Posses­ sion immediately. Apply to R. D. Hunter, Exeter. tfc FOR SALE—A. ibaby carriage. Apply ■at Exeter Times-Advocate 21* miCIUNERY FOR SALE 'One Model 60 Combine, Allis- 'Chalmers, 5 ft. 'cut, with scour screen attachment; bagger; clov­ er screens, bean screens and * .straw spreader and win-row at­ tachments. This combine is in good condition and on rubber tires. One Allis-Ohalmers tractor, W.C. model, on rubber tires, complete with starter, lights, pulley and power take-off shaft, in good running shape. One No. 4A disc plow, M.H. in good sh’ape. C. J. Stewart,. Huron Garage, Exeter, 'Phone 15 5w FOR SALE—W. G* Medd offers for sale his residence on Andrew St. The property consists of a 2- storey brick house with 8 rooms, hack kitchen and bathroom* Full -basement and hot water heating. A large barn and garage. Five lots. , The residence is bordered on the north and west by large spruce trees. Purchase of 2 lots optional. Opportunity of obtain­ ing a smaller home is the reason for selling. For terms apply to the owner. .m.4 WANTED—10 0 horses, any kind of a cheap horse. Will pay good prices for them. Frank Taylor, Exeter. tfc FOR SALE OR RENT FDR SALE—(Frame cottage in Exe­ ter, hydro and town water. Well , located. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. FOR .SALE—1501 acres in high, state of cultivation. Best of buildings. Fully equipped. .$4,000.00 cash will .give possession. Balance on easy terms. Two fifties for sale. 'C. V. 'Pickard, Exeter. FOR SALE—To settle, an estate. 1'5 0 acres of good grass land on the 18th concession of Stephen, approximately two miles north of Corbett. On the farm there is a never--failing ro-c-k well, with windmill and supply tank, also abou-t eight acres' of good bush. For further particulars apply to Arthur -G. Webb,’ Parkhill, Box 537, Executor of the Samuel W. Welb/b Estate. 21-3tc FOR SALE—'7-tube Marconi console radio in. perfect condition. Apply to W. J. Melville, phone 61, Exe­ ter. 14:21* FOR SALE — The mqdern farm home known as “Myr-Gliff Farm” or better known ‘in this district as the “Oke Farm” on No. 4 .Highway near Centralia, If you want .a farm why not buy -a good one? For further particulars corn tact Roger Brown, 24 Thornton )Ave., London. Phone Met. 39 39'M. 21c FOR BALE—Kitchen cabinet and table to match: settee and chair to match. & Grenier. Exeter. 14 s" FUMR FOR SALE—-Hand pump and 25 feet of pipe, $20.00. Ford- Garage, Exeter. FOR SALE — Wheelbarrows, oak frame, pine and spruce box at { $9.00. S* M. Sanders, Exeter. 7:14:28c . FOR SALE—New tires, all sizes, no permits required. Sandy Elliot. WANTED WANTED —• By ex-serviceman, a "■good car, 36 to 38. Cash. Apply to H. S. Walter, opposite Post Office. 2(1* .WANTED—10 tons of mixed hay. Phone James Airth, 171r2i Exe­ ter. 2 Id WANTED TO RENT—Furnished or unfurnished house. Mrs* K. Fraser. PO. Box 118, EXeter. 14:21* HEILiP WANTED — Girl to keep complete set of books, handle cash, etc., for -local firm. Reply in writing stating education or experience, age, salary. Apply to Box J, Times-Advocate. 21* proper Henry Propped A Farce in Three Acts Will be presented in CENTRALIA * UNITED CHURCH postponed to Fridayz March 8th at 8:80 p.m. — Presented by — Thd Centralia Young People Special Numbers Between Acts Admission: • 35o mid 20c ■» Place an Ad Here and Watch Results They are read by more than 8,400 Times-Advocate readers every week Phone 31w for an ad taker 1 4 A i K <3 FARMS FOR SALE 10 Q Hibbert, clay loam, some bank barn, brick house, roof, good water supply, Logan 125 acres, level clay large bank barn, water ip, house, W. C- Pearce, Exeter, acres, bush,. slate loam, brick IMPROVED FARM—130 acres, tile underdrained, well fenced, 100 acres seeded down; hardwood bush, apple orchard, good barns, (modern cottagfeA with hardwood floors and three-piece bathroom; hydro and water under pressure in all buildings; % miles east of village of Varna on paved Bay- field road; possession first of March. Write: Dr. Lloyd Moffatt, London, Ont. ,, 7:14c MISCELLANEOUS BUILD RESISTANCE against IN­ FLUENZA, by using NAMELESS Cold Remedy, nite and morning, jars 60c, pocket size •Browning’s, Robertson’s, and Sanders’ stores . 35c, at Grigg’s 14:21 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE — Cook stove, extension couch, sldO' board, dining-room table, kitchen table, 2 small tables, kitchen cabi­ net, writing desk, 3 dining-room chairs, 3 rockers, 2 walnut parloi' chairs, Morris chair, iron bed and springs, single bed and springs, mattresses, dresser, commode, fea­ ther tick, pillows, quilts, chamber set, crochet table cloth, cushions, braided mats, hooked mats, new large bevelled mirror, small mirror, electric iron, toaster, fan and 2 hot plates, 2 aluminum tea kettles, cooking utensils, crocks, a set of dishes, odd dishes, floor lamp, table lamp, coal oil lamp, dust mops, broom, 3 burner coal oil stove, cradle, coal skuttle, clock, table oil cloth, 2 umbrellas, trunk, pictures,, kitchen stool, curtains and rods, quantity1’ coal and split wood and numerous other articles. TERMB—Chatties, cash. Terms real estate made know on day sale. of of r. harness; 2 horse collars; 8 or 10 single cords of wood,; soft coal; 120-0' lb. cooker. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS- 3 j Q M4 A V quantity of extension ladder, 32-ft,; scales; 2 iron kettles; •Cream separator, new; rocking chair; toilet* set; kitchen cabinet; kitchen stove; linoleum, 4x6; extension table; settee; round table; 5 kitchen chairs; 6 dining-room chairs; wash­ ing machine; 8-day clock; bed-room suite; 2 white beds with springs and mattresses; quantity of sealers; tubs; barrels; 3 lamps; 2 lanterns; vinegar jug; pots; pans; pails; rug 11x12; rug 9x10; rug 7x9; chest; trunk;’ coal scuttle; quantity, of dishes and numerous other articles. TERMS GF (CHATTELS—Cash. MRS. MATT. CLARKE, MR. LEWIS D. CLARKE, Jr., Executors "of the Estate of the late Matt. Clarke, ADDISON TIEMAN, Clerk, ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Dashwood, Tel. 57rl2 Field Crop Competitions The South Huron County Fair announce two field crop competi­ tions for 1946. One will be for Beaver Oats and the other for Galord' Barley. Anyone desiring to compete and in need of seed should get in touch with the secretary not later than February 18th. Clark Fisher, Sec.-Treas. R.R. 3, Exeter. MRS. JOHN FORD, Prop. , GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk. FRANK TAYL/OR, Auct, An Opportunity- Established Rural Watkins Dis­ trict available. If you are aggres­ sive, and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit,' this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable busi­ ness of youi’ own. For full particu­ lars write today to: The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-E-6, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 7-4t COST 3c DAILY. VitaDiet Multiple Vitamin Capsules 'contain vita­ mins A, Bl, C, D, Niacine Amide and Riboflavin. Ninety day supply $2.70. Trial thirty dhy supply $1.15. Sold at Independent Drug Stores. • 7-4tc FOR SALE-—3 acres, exceptionally good garden Hand with quantity of berries, white brick house,hy- dro^ 3-piece. bath, barn on brick foundation, nicely located beside river and park, spring possession. Apply to Ralph W. Batten, Exeter. 21* FARM FOR SALE—100 acres pro­ duction’ soil, 30 acres ploughed, 6 acres fall wheat, 35 acres in , grass and hay, bank barn 70x42, steel roof, hen house in barn, good well and water in barn, 2- storey brick house, garage, one mile from .Hensail, opposite school, possession April 1st.’ Ap­ ply -to Glenn Bell, R.R. 1, Hen- sall, phone 9 2r23. 21c STORE FOR BALE—Crediton‘ (Hol­ tzmann) store with living rooms above. Immediate possession of part. W. -C. Pearce, Exeter. PASTURE FARM—100, well loc­ ated; good water supply. C. V. Pickard. FOR RENT-—Lower furnished ap­ artment, heated, private entrance. Phone 15, Exeter. 21c or less; 50 x 72 ft. bank pig stable, hen stable, gar- driving shed, brick house brick kitchen with cellar, cupboards, hydro in TOP PRICES PAID for brick or frame buildings to be wrecked. Ivan Lankin, 149 .Langarth St., Londqn, Met. 8280W. tfc. FARM FOR SALE—Situated 1U jniles West and miles north of Dashwood, being lot 8, conces­ sion 14, Hay Township, 145 acres more barn, age, with built-in house, 'barn and henhouse. Plenty of hard and soft water, Land is black loam, 12 acres of bush more or less, 23 acres of wheat, 25 acres balance given at ticulars Frop., Dashwood 92 or Arthur Weber, auctioneer, R. R. 1, Dashwood, 57rl2, • 2-4-6tc ready for ■ spring crop, in pasture. Possession once. For further par- apply to Floyd Wein, R. R. 1, Dashwood. Tel. FOR BALE OR RENT—100 acres, lot 19, Con. 7, Kay, good build­ ings; plenty of water; posession April 1st. Apply to Jas. Green, ■Exeter. 21-3tn The Tjmes-Advocate Classified section is where you get sure-fire tesuts, BABY CHICKS NEUHAUSER NEW.' CHICKS Start with Neuhauser this year end get that extra breeding that only pedigreed sires can give. All our 3A chicks are sired by pedigreed Males from the progeny strain. We can supply you with chicks With the finest breeding in the •U.'S.A. and Canada behind them. New management, new ’breeding program and a new kind ■ of chick. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES, 81 King Street, LONDON, Ontario. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by at Lot 25, Con. 8, 2 miles north of the School, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1946 at 1.00 o’clock the* following: HORSES—Black gelding. CATTLE—Cow due April 28; 3 cows milking good; farrow cow; Durham pedigreed bull. • 32 chunks. 95 hens. IMPLEMENTS — 20-30 Wallace tractor,, as good as new; tractor plow; ' Massey-Harris binder, 6-ft.; Massey-Harris mower, 5-ft.; .Massey- Harris hay rake; Frost & Wood rake; hay loader, new type turn down head; Massey-Harris cultiva­ tor; steel roller> disc harrow, 14- ■plate; Frost & Wood seed' .drill; Cockshutt riding plow; 2-furrow, walking plow; *2‘ walking plows; hand cutting box; set harrows, 4- section; Wild Oat separator; Clin­ ton fanning mill; set of scales; hog scales and crates; set of sleighs; good wagon; hay rack; wagon box;, gravel box; created separator; roll­ ing rack; cutter; - 2 sets of double harness; 5 collars; single harness; quantity of lumber; plank; scant­ ling; stone boat; 2 iron kettles; steel trough; 2 wheelbarrows; 36- ft. ladder; ’John Deere spreader; 10-inch grinder; speed jack; rub­ber belting; 40’ good grain bags; 3 horse blankets; robe; 2 sap pans; 100 buckets* forks; shovels; hoes; tools; chains; Stewart cart; wooden trough articles, tons of hay.; seed potatoes; turnips. public, auction Usborne Thames Road whiffletrees; neckyokes; boxes; barrels; bag truck; horse cli-ppers; 3-wheel portable milk stand; and many 21c NEUHAUSER NEW HAMPS Two pure strains. Breeding cockerels imported direct from New Hampshire. Triple blood tested. High egg ■record stock. Unusual value at the prices we quote. $15.00 per hundred; pullets $25.00. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES, SI King Street, LONDON, Ontario. INSULATION 21c withFLEECE-LINE your home blown Rockwool insulation; saves fuel with more comfort; ‘ done anywhere. For free mate phone 31w, Exeter, or write Rowland C. Doy, 5 Thornton Ave., London. 7tp TENDERS WANTED work esti- TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to March 9. 1946 for redecorating the Auditorium and Halls of the 'Crediton Evangeli­ cal Church. Work to be completed by 31st of next August. Tender to state price including scaffolding or without. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ■ H. K. EILBER, Secretary of the Committee, ■Crediton, Ont. AUCTION SALES 14-3tc AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND LOTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE at EXETER NORTH on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, at 1.3'0' the following: REAL ESTATE—Lots 799, 801, 802, 803, 848, Plan 20, Exeter. On tlte property is a frame cottage with hydro and town w&tor. 1946 800, milk pails; other 10 some . HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE — Sideboard; combination buffet and cabinet; wardrobe; table; 6 chairs; rocking chairs; heater) radio In good condition; 3-piece bed room suite; toilet set; 2 odd beds; wash­ ing machine; Coleman stove; Cole­ man iron; 2 hanging lamps; 2 lan- - " J jugs; crocks; churn; dishes of all kinds; kitchen linoleum; tapestry rug! bureau; quilting frames. TERMS—CASH WM. STONE, Prop. GEO. DAWSON, 'Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. JLLLcXIjL 11 vJllj JL terns; sealers; scales table; 9x10; AUCTION SALE OF FARM, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSE­ HOLD FURNITURE The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction at Lot 12, Con. 13,' Stephen Twp. 3 % miles south of Dashwood, on FRIDAY, MARCH 1st', 1946 at 1 o’clock the following: REAL ESTATE—100 acres land, more or less; bank barn, water in barn, good galvanized roof; galvan­ ized driving shed; brick house, also brick kitchen, both have upstairs, 2 sun verandahs; colony house 12x14; wood shed; smoke house; 7 acres of maple bush, more or less; well-fenced; well-dr aided; 15 acres ready for spring crop, with rest all in good grass; plenty of soft water and also a supply. TERMS 10 % to be balance in a reserve bid. HORSES — Bay AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received.in­ structions to sell by public auction at East Half Lot 15, Con. 2, Jflay Twin l1^ miles south o.f Hensail, % mile west, on FRIDAY, MARCH 1st, 1946' at 1 o’clock the following: HORSES — Matched Percheron team; 3,000 lbs., 5 and 6 years old; aged Percheron mare; black .horse, 11 years old, 1,700 lbs.; Belgian horse, 7 years old, 1,70'0 lbs. CATTLE — 3 fresh Shorthorn cows, 5 years old with calves at foot; 1 fresh.part Jersey cow with calf at' foot; 2 Shorthorn cows, 7 years old, due in April; 3-year-old Shorthorn cow, milking: 5 heifers, 1 year old. PIGS—8 chunks, about 100 lbs. 4 breeding ewes, supposed to be in lamb. 2 geese; 1 gander. .IMPLEMENTS — Massey-Harris binder, 6-ft., in good working con­ dition: Massey-Harris mower, 5-ft.; International manure spreader; Massey-Harris .hay loader; Massey- Harris side rake; Massey-Harris dump rake; McCormick seed drill; stiff-tooth cultivator, Cockshutt; Cockshutt bean scuffler with puller attachment, nearly new; rubber tired wagon, nearly new; 16 ft. rack, nearly new; light wagon; 2 Cockshutt riding plows; Cockshutt 2-furrow disc plow: walking plow; 4-section harrows: Lester cream separator, power attachment; out- throw disc; set of bob sleighs; spring-tooth cultivator; gang plow; buggyf Oliver ‘ scuffler; 'Clinton fanning mill with complete set of sieves; power pulley attachment; set of 2,000 lb. scales; good bag truck; % h.p. electric motor; Cyc­ lone grass seeder; hand corn plant­ er; steel barrel; mixer for treating seed grain; mould for making 18- itfch cement tile; quantity of grain sacks; forks; shovels; whiffletrees; neckyokes; logging chain; 22-inch jack screw; quantity of 2-inch plank, rock elm: 6 sawed wagon tongues; quantity of 1-inch lumber; 2 sets of double harness; 2 Buffalo robes; gravel box; 40 gal. steel barrel; 2 chicken rqin shelters; 10 ft. x 12 ft. good colony house; 4 sling ropes; hay fork; cutter. ' 20 tons of hay; quantity of Urban oats, cleaned and bagged, ready^ to sow; also Galore barley, cleaned and bagged, ready to sow. \ HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE — Doherty kitchen' range, wood or coal: gasoline 3-burner stove, in good condition; coal oil heater; kit­ chen table; bed; kitchen chairs; davenport;, 2 kitchen cupboards. TERMS—CASH W. R. DOUGALL, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON. Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. tired buggy; cutter; root pulper; 2. hog crates; steel«drurns; oak bar- relg; hay fork, car, rope -and pul­ leys; sling ropes; wire stretcher; worlc bench; vise; /fanning mill; quantity of luinber; 12 cord of 12” hard maple wood; stone boat; bag truck; 70 sap pails, spiles, sap pan and heater; sugar kettle; DeLaval cream separator; colony house, 10x8; 3 shelters; feed pan and fountains; 250 3-inch tile; set of team harness; set of single harn­ ess; collars; blankets; robe; 300 feet of snow fence; iron posts; 40 feet of %-lnoh gal. pipe; emery stone; buggy pole; 2 front wheels for W-30 tractor; forks; hoes; shovels; etc.FURNITURE—Washing machine and 1% horse gas engine; studio couch; chairs; suite; complete with batteries; crocks; dishes; small articles. THE FARM—/Consisting of 100 acre's more or less, being lot 3, concession 14 Tuckersmith; 10 acres good bush, balance in grass; abundance of water; good shade; bank barn 38x60; cement block­ house; 'terms -made known day. of sale; on chattels, cash. Positively no reserve. Everything offered will be sold to the highest bidder, R. D. BELL, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer. rug; 2 extension tables; china cabinet; bedroom living room table; radio sealers; lamps and 'several AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot 2, Con. 7, Usborne Township 2 miles south of Elimville, on TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1946 at 1,30 p.m., the following: horses, 17 ‘and 15 5 black cows with red. cow due April cows with calves at HORSES—2 years old. CATTLE — calves at foot;2 0; 2 burham foot; Herford cow with calf at foot; 3 Holstein cows with calves at foot; 11 steers, rising 2 years old; 4 heifers, rising 2 years' old; 15 year;~ —.1 i.^4Pi»„~. smallling steers and heifers; 7 calves; Polled-Angus bull. PIGS—12 pigs, 75 lbs.; 15 pigs, 5 0 l'bs.; 20 small , chunks; chunks, all sizes; 81 weaners. IMPLEMENTS — Massey-Harris binder, 6 ft.; Massey-Harris disc plow: cutting box; open buggy; 2 walking plows; 2-furrow plow and other articles too numerous to men­ tion. 27 TERMB—'CASH WELLY AND RAY -BROOKS, Prop. GEORGE DAWSON, Clerk, Frank taylor, Auct. CATTLE — Grey cow, milking, . bred again with calf at toot; red cow with calf pt toot; 2 red cows, milking; black cow, milking,4 bred again; black cow with calf at foot; red cow with twin calves at root; grey cow /with calf at foot; grey cow, milking; 3 red steers, rising 2 years; black heifer, rising 2 years; 4 heifers, rising. 1 year; 2 'baby beefs ' about 650 lbs,; 2 small calvest IPIGS—York sow, sale; York sow due -9 chunks, weighing ichuniks albout 80 lbs, IMPLEMENTS model B tractor power ipulley, P.T.O,, with scuffler and bean puller attachment; ’Inter­ national combine, 4 ft. cut, practic­ ally as good as new; Massey-Harris power lift spring-tooth cultivator; 3-furrow McCormick-Deering trac­ tor plow; IMcCormick-Deering bind­ er, 6 ft.; 'Mjassey-Harris -mower; 3- horse cultivator with eveners: Massey-Harris disc fertilizer drill >witlr grass seeder, nearly new; Mc­ Cormick-Deering -tractor manure spreader on rubber, nearly new; 4- section drag harrows: in-throw horse disc; rubber tire wagon; low down farm wagon; 16 ft. flat rack,, also with one man loader: ?M.H, hay loader; 10 ft. steel rake: Deer­ ing 3-drum steel roller; ’ walking plow;, farm plow; 1-horse scuffler; cutting box; root pulper: fanning mill; wheelbarrow; pair of ■bob-sleighs;-buggy; cutter; stone­ boat; Fleury 10 in. plate chopper; •chopper belt; bag truck; 1,200 lb. scales; grain bags; quantity of twine sacks;’’20 ft. ladder; "team harness; horse collars; single set harness; chime bells; team Ibells; McC.-D. separator, nearly new, .with electric motor; grind stone; eveners; cow chains; chop Ibox; forks; shovels; spades; neck-yokes; quantity of icedar posts; steel posts; 300 ft. snow fence; 2 hydro poles; chicken feeders; pig feeders; colony house, 8x12; colony house 4x8; 2 shelters; electric brooder stove; coal brooder stove, nearly new; stock rack: wagon box. ■HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Beach stove, practically . new; Renfrew stove, practically new; davenport; 6 kitchen chairs: 2 dressers; 2” stands; bedsprimg; roc-kihg chair; 2 linoleums; fruit jars; iron kettle; ■kitchen table; electric stove; cellar table; coal-oil can; dairy churn; lamps; lanterns; 3 pair s-kates, sizes 3, 4 and 5; phonograph; and other articles. HAY and GRAIN-—-10 tons -mixed hay; 100 bus. mixed 'grain; 200 bus. oats; 4 bus. grass seed. Every article will be sold to the highest sold his due time of 3rd of April; 125 lbs.: 6 — Aillis-Olialmers on rubber with with scuffler Clinton * i * t * » ) * i f r i 4 I r i r 4 * t > < »■ <? 4 I »■ I never-failing hard water OF REAL ESTATE — paid on day of sale and 30 days. Sold subject to HORSES — Bay horse, 7 years old; black mare, 10 years old. IMPLEMENTS Massey-Harris binder, 7-ft. cut; MftCOrmick-De&f- Gng mower, 6-ft.; International hay loader, new; spring-tooth cultivator) International disc; fertilized drill; 3-section spring-tooth- harrows; Massey-Harris side delivery rake, new; 13 disc Massey-Harris grain drill; 4-seetion harrows, petv; low down farm wagon; 2 16-£t. flat hay racks, new; twin plow; walking plow; Massey-Harris 1 and puller combined; I ier; 10-ft. steel rake; ' root pulper; fanning sleighs; gravel bex; colony hbuse, 12x14; ouantity of lumber; i bean Scuffler i-horse scuff- wheelbarrow; mill;: set of sling ropes; pig crate; set of heavy CLEARING AUCTION SALE 100 ACRES LAND, STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED AND FURNITURE . W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will 'sell by public auction on Lot (>, Con. 2 'Tuckersmith 1 miles east of Hensail, on TUESDAY, MARCH 5 th, 1946“ Commencing at 12.30 o’clock sharp, the following: HORSES—Bay mare, weight 1800- lbs.'; Bay years old. CATTLE—Shorthorn time of sale; in May; June; farrow 1,100 l'bs. each; Old; 3 heifOrS, 2 ycaio uauj xau calves, 500 lbs.; 2 calves, 7 months old. HOGS—Sow, bred; 8 pigs, 2 months old. FOWL—50 White Leghorn pul­ lets; 60 hybrid pullets. HAY and GRAIN — 25 ton of mixed hay; 500 bus. mixed grain; 200 -bus. Alaska oats, fit for seed. IMPLEMENTS —1 Massey-Harris binder, 7 foot cut, tractor hitch; MicC.-D. mower, 5 ft. cut; Cockshutt spreader; culta packer; hay tedder; steel hay rake; spring tooth culti­ vator; Cockshutt fertilizer drill, 13- disc, new; M.H. seed drill, 13-disc; 4-sectioh 'diamond barrows; SCUff- ler; out-throw disc; 10” grain grinder; M.H, corn cultivator, 2- row; set of scales; new Walking plow; wagon; hay rack; gravel box; set of sleighs; flat rack; rubber- 7 years old gelding, 10 cow, dUe at Shorthorn cow, due Shorthorn cow, due in cow; 4 fat steers, ; 5 steers, 2 years 2 years old; 2 fat AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned 'has been in­ structed to sei] .by public auction on the Fann of Win. D. Glenn 2 miles north of Hensall on No. 4 Highway, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6th, 1946 at one o’clock the following: HORSES—2 good- work horses. CATTLE ’— 7-year-old cow with 'calf at foot; 8-year-old cow due in (April; 8-year-old toaw due in May; 7.-year-old cow, milking; 10-year-old cow due in MaVch; 'aged cow due in April; 7-year-old cow due in March; jersey cow, -milking; 2 4-year-o'ld cows due in April; 2 2-year-old heifers due in April; '4 .yearling heifers; 3 yearling steers; Durham Ibull, 2 years did in April; 2 year­ ling heifers and i3 calves. PIGS—•'Sow bred ' .chunks. POULTRY—.250 hens, 1-year-old. IMPLEMENTS—1 ver 60 tractor on rubber, one year old, equipped with 2-row scuififler, ipowei' lift and pulley road 'gear, starter and lights and bean puller; Oliver team scuffler; 2-furrow Oli­ ver plow, new; McCormiek-Deering stiff tooth cultivator; Massey-Harris 6-ft, binder; Frost & Wood mower, 6 ft.; dump l'ake; steel roller, 3- drum; 5 sections 'harrows; walking plow; disc; wagon; set of sleighs; Massey-Harris fertilizer 11-run drill; gravel’box; wagon box; hay rack; flat sleigh rack; buggy; cutter; fanning mill; 2,000 lb. scales; root /pulper.; Frost & 'Wood manure spreader; set double 'harness; good colony house 10x12; brooder stove; 3 range shelters; elebtric water warmer; sling ropes; /pig trough; _ wire stretchers; forks; 'whiffletrees;, neckyokes;, fencer; Cyclone grass seeder; butcher kettles1; two-wlieeled er, and many other articles. ' tity of hay and quantity of 1 grain, wheat and oats. . TEIRIMB—JCTAiSH WM. D. GLENN, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct E. CHESNEY, Clei'k. Jan. 21st;17 Sussex-ILeghorn row crop Oli- elebtric chain; steel quantity Of lumber; shovels; electric ; iron trail- Quan- mixed CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLE­ MENTS, TRACTOR AND COMBINE ■ The Uhdersigned lias received in­ structions to sei] by public auction on Lot .19', Lake Rohd, East, on Highway No. 21, ■miles south of St. Josepiii and miles north of Grand Bend,' on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6tli, 1946 at 1 o’clock sharp the following: 2 5 •bidder as proprietoi’ has farm, TERMB—BASH WM. JENNIBON, Prop. EARL WEIDO. LEONARD SURARUS, Clerks, ARTHUR W1EBEIR, Auct.■R. 1, Dashwood. Phone*57rl2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The 'undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction . on Lot 8, Con. 5, Stephen Townsliip on THURSDAY, MARCH 7, at 1 o’clock the following: HORSES—2 good work CATTLE—'Cow due time 1946 horses. .of sale; 2 cows due March 5: cow due Mar. 15; cow due in April; cow due in June; cow due in July; 2 cows milking; 2 cows due in August; Shorthorn-Durham bull; 4 2-year- old steers; 4 2-year-old heifers; 9 ■yearlings; 3 fall calves. PIGS—Sow due March 25; sow clue April 15; 9 chunks. 100' hens. IMPLEMENTS Deering binder. Deering spreader, manure drill; ■—■ McCormick- 6 ft.; McCormick- mower, 5 ft.; manure hay leader, McC-Deering spreader; fertilizer seed . land roller: set of harrows: MeCormick-Deering tractor cutiva- , tor, c7 ft.; 2-furrow tractor plow; Case tractor, good as new, on rub­ ber, self starter; wagon box; hay rack; 2-furrow plow; 30 plate double disc; hay rake; 1-furrow walking plow: McCormick-Deering bean scuffler;. fanning mill; set of scales; 10 inch grinder; Allis Chal­ mers 40 combine; wagon; set of sleighs; cutter* cart; double har­ ness; root pulper; electric cream separator; 3 hay forks; sling ropes; chain; 32 ft. ladder; steel .pig trough; quantity of lumber; stall post; 2 rain shelters; stretchers; barb wire; cedar posts; 22 steel fence posts; cow chains: horse clippers; forks; shovels: chaiiis; Whiffletrees; neckyokes; boxes; barrels; pails; electric fenc­ er; 45 feet of 5-inch rubber belting; Cyclone grass seeder; pick-up foi- combine; iron, butcher kettle; and many other articles. 20 tons of mixed bay; 300 bus. of mixed grain; quantity of man­ gels. HOUBElIOLiD FURNITURE — 3 chests of drawers; 6 dining-room chairs; toilet sets; kitchen range; settee; small tables; arm chairs; 3 rocking chairs; 2 beds; springs; mattresses; -2 tables; side board; Wash stand; kitchen chafrs; churn. TERMS—'CASH QUARLES HOI FMAN, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, AUCt. oak wire * » » t o' I I e i i. i < 4 ? » * «r 4 IT 4- a » » V Ji r z i f •»