HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-01-31, Page 8THE TJMESrADVQCATE, EXETW, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 31st, 1946, « Service Is Our Motto VKRA DECTOR TeL 112 Exeter Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Qnt. Phone 135 Exeter Markets Wheat, |14ft Oats, 51c. Barley, 70c. Creamery Butter, 41c. Eggs, A Large, 32c Eggs, A Medium, 30c Eggs, Bullets 22c Eggs, B 25q Cracks 22c Show commences each night at 7.30 p.m. until further notice. THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY January 31st, February. 1st, 2nd Saturday Matinee at ,2.30 p.m* Rhapsody in Blue"44 Jubilant story of George Gersh­ win starring'— ROBERT ALDA JOAN LESLIE ALEXIS SMITH AL JOLSON OSCAR EAVANT HAZEL SCOTT and an all star cast. MONDAY and TUESDAY Februai^y 4th and Sth “What Next, Corporal Hargr M.G.M. feature starring- ROBERT WALKER KEENAN WYNN DANCING OPERA HOUSE, EXETER BOB MOORE and his 8-piece orchestra Dancing? 9 to 12 Admission 50c The Canadian Legion, Exeter- Hensall Branch 167 To the members of Exeter Fair Board me on the 1946. for re-e'lecting Fair Board for best to makeI’ll do my 1946 Fair bigger and better. S. J. Sweitzer Your Hobby Pal. Something New . . . .in Electric Chicken Incubators on display at Massey-Harris Shop ’ main _ i ,mnnrri -innn nu"t--.iu-jijt'niiJ Jensen & Co. (Successor to S. M. Sanders) Woodworking Specialists Custom Eitralture and General Millwork Your Patronage Solicited Chicks For That’s what you will be read­ ing soon. When you get yours call at ROBERTSON’S DRUG STORE and get your ounce of prevention, Many chicken raiserS buy Kews and Red Blood Quick Tablets at the same time they buy their1 chicks for Coccidiosis and allied troubles. Otir treat­ ment is meeting with amassing su'eces.^ Your drugs at ROBERTSON’S ExeterPhone 50 Snell’s Phone 100 Satisfaction Guaranteed Mrs. W. E. Cavers, Prop. Exeter Phene 545 Georgian Beauty Shoppe CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Minister Mrs* J* G. CQcImane, organist 10 a.m,—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—-Public V^prshlP. Mon., 445 p.m.—Mission Band- Tues., Feb. 5, 3 p,jp.—Caven Con­ gregational Circle at the home of Mrs. G. J. Dow. tOMUftU UQCALS Taxi Service Miss Catharine Armstrong accepted a position in London. Mrs. Alien Swain and Miss Betty Coates were in London over the week-end. Mr. Arthur Road, who has been monia, is improving Mrs. Lloyd Taylor last week attending of the Federation of Agriculture. Miss Ruth Brown and -Mr, How­ ard Hostetler, of (London, spent the week-end with Miss Vera Decker. Neil Jones- left for London, last week to take a course in radio at the University of Western Ontario. Mr. Leslie Parker, of Stephen, is ip St. Joseph’s Hospital, where he underwent an for appendicitis. Mrs, Edward Goombes week-end in Dashwood sister and brother- in-law Mrs, Carl Maier and family. Mrs. Martha Smith has returned from Toronto after attending a 3- day child Evangelism Institute held by Seventh Day Adventists. Mr. Ed. Treble is confined to his home through illness. During his illness his work at the James St. church is being looked after by Mr. John Strange. Rev. N. J. Woods gave a very pleasing sketch of the book entitled “The Gauntlet” to an appreciative congregation in Main street church last Sunday evening. Mr. Thos. Jolly, of who recently disposed stock and implements has taken over the blacksmith shop of the late Hillary Horton. Pte. home years sailed which Sgmn. Jack W. Moise, son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. ®. Moise, of Blen­ heim, formerly of Egeter, is among those to arrive home from overseas on the troopship (Scythia which is expected to dock at Halifax Thurs­ day. Jack served with the Canadian forces on the Aleutian Islands be­ fore going overseas. Bundle, Thames ill with pnetv nicely. was in London the convention London, operation spent with , Mr. the her and Chiselhurst, of his farm by auctiofi, Wilbert Penrice arrived to Holland, Man., after three overseas on Jan. 18th. He on the Queen Elizabeth left Southampton January 9. Funeral of the Late Mrs. Moir The funeral of the late Mrs. John Moir was held Friday afternoon of last week from the funeral chapel of E.-R. Hopper with Rev. C. W. Down officiating. Mrs. Moir, whose maiden name was Melissa McTag- gart, died Sunday, January 2(0', in her 89th year. The body was held until the arrival of her son, Arnold and his wife from Stettler. Mr. and Mrs. Moir retired a farm in Usborne in 1915 Moir Alta, from and in 19H7 Mr. Moir passed away. The pallbearers were Messrs. B. W. F. Beavers, G. W. Lawson, Win. Ryckman, B. W. Tuckey, Chas. Keddy and V. J. Kestle. Interment was in the Exeter cemetery, Funeral of Mrs. Hind The funeral of the late Mrs. J. R. Hind was held Friday afternoon of last week from her late residence Main St J Rev. Mr. Brooks, of Hen­ sail and -Rev. Mr. Hunt, of town, conducted the service. Interment was in the Exeter cemetery. Mrs. Hind’s maiden name was Minretta Livicia Horney. Arp0I1S those who attended the funeral from a dis- Lyla Miss Lois Miss Mavis tance were: Statham, Statham, Mr. ■ and Mrs. of Kingsville; ______, of Hamilton; Spencer and Mrs. Gordon Davis, of Toronto; Mrs.’ Russel Love, of Owen Sound; Mr. R. Horney and Miss Mary Horney, of London; Dr and Mrs. G. Hind and Haijene, of Walkerton; Mr. Ed. Down and Mrs. Trace, of Shedden; Mr. and Mrs. W. Spencer and Lloyd Mc­ Donald, of Hensail; Mrs. Hall, of Clandeboye; Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher of Kirkton and Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Horney, of Kippen. The flowei; bearers were six nephews and the pall bearers were Messrs. Thos. Pryde, B, W. F. Beavers, G. W. Lawson, W G. Medd, Ge'o. Layton, W, C. Pearce. Former Exeter Lady is Buried at Goderich Mrs. Willidm Bloomfield,of Goderich, died Wednesday, Jan. 23, in a hospital at -London in her 62nd year. 'She had been ill for more than three years. Born in Van­ couver, Harriet Ann McArthur, she had resided in -Exeter after mar­ riage to Mr. Bloomfield and 29 years ago they moved to Goderich where her husband is employed. She was a member of Victoria St. United 'Church and Of the Victoria Home and School Club. Surviving besides her husband ate 12 of 13 sons and daughters, Viola, Jlufle and Gloria, at home; Mrs, Benson Kerf and Mrs. William Mitchell, Goderich; Mrs, Clarence Hoggarth, 'tillscmbiirg; Ptes. Bruce and Harry Bloomfield, of .'London and Goder­ ich respectively; Able Seaman Leonard Bloomfield, of the Cana­ dian Navy at Vancouver; Russell, Oshawa; Arthur, Toronto; and Morley at home. A son, Carl, was killed overseas in the late war, WITH AN EYE TO GOOD GROOMING AND BETTER PERMANENTS. Tomlinson Hairdressing Phone 146 Phone 14« Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter WUERTH’S 1 JUST ARRIVED— Men’s new brown OXFORDS, latest styles and shades. We have plenty of RUBBERS and RUBBER BOOTS for men. Have those skates sharpened and enjoy skating. We guarantee accurate work, New Prices; Longitudinal 20c Crosswise 15c Ankle Supports and Heelers We make our own. Try a pair. We resole and re-heel all kinds of Rubber Footwear. Shoe Repairing neatly and promptly attended tof Wuerth’s Cash Shoe Store Massey-Harris Sales and Service Phones: Cffice 8 8W; House 88J for syrup supply all Having taken agency Grimm Evaporators and equipment we can your needs in this line if order­ ed early. —New and used tractor tires. -Goderich Electric Chicken Brooders. •Exeter-made wheelbarrows. R. B. Williams Lee Jory, Mechanic Mr. E. R. Hopper is returning home to-day after accompanying Mr.^W. 'G. Birney, of Toronto, 'to Winnipeg where they have visited for the past couple of weeks with relatives. MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev, N,. J* Woods, M-A.» Minister Airs. A'* Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—'Public Worship and Church Bchool. “The Cost Discipleship,” The Minister, p.m.-—-Public Worship. The Minister. Wed., Jan, 30—Mid-week service Main Street. Rey, M. A, Hunt, Thurs., Jan. 31, 8 p.m.—Official Board meeting nt the church. Fri., Feb. JU, 8 p.m.—Congregation­ al meeting at the church. 7 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, A. B. Irwin, B.A. Lawrence A. Wein Organist and Choir Leader . a.m.—Morning worship; the ■Minister. “Up Against Iron * Gates.” p.m.—iSunday ‘School and Bible Classes. p.m.—Evening Worship, Rev. C. Heckendorn, of Zurich Evangel­ ical Church. 8.15 p.m.—YJP.U., Missions. 11 3 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 4th Bnnclay after the Epithany 10 a.m.—'Holy Communion. 11 a.m.—Sunday (School. 7 p.m.—Evensong and sermon. “God's Approaches to Men.” Thurs., 8 p.m.—The Ladies’ Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. Clarence Heywood. Remanded in Grand Bend Raid’ Four1 youths, Henry Ttedman, 2(1 Grand Bend; Roy Coynisli, 18, Stanley Jones, 18, and Jack Histone 17, all of London, charged with an attempted safe-breaking at the Grand Bend post office w&re re­ manded Thursday of last week, when (hey appeared before Mrs. Mabel Gray, LB., .at Goderich, TJedman also faces a charge of car theft, They were brought to Goderich from London, where they were sentenced to prison terms on two charges of car theft, They will appear before Magistrate A. F. Cook this week Joseph Brokopsky and William Ross Kribs, both of Toronto, charg­ ed with breaking and entering with intent the Brussels Creamery own­ ed by Reeve R, B, Cousins, were remanded until Thursday, They were arrested last Wednesday morning by County Constable Gor­ don Deyell, of Wingham, after he had a speedy ride over 14 miles of snow-covered road and have been in custody at Goderich.. Friday Evening, Feb, 1 Skating Wednesday; Thursday and Friday Nights GOOD ICE of in 1 his fore­ dynamite REGULAR PRICES Store for Men A new hat styled by Morgan will be a smart addition to your wardrobe. Various de­ signs and colors. rats,.. Charlie was found by man to be smoking near a dump. . “Whatever are you cried ,the foreman. “Don’t yen know that the last time a man ■ doing?” you smoked here he blew up twelve people?” “Yes, but that can’t happen here,” answered the smoker. “Why?” asked the foreman, “Because there’s only you and me,” said Charlie, The Entertainment Club*s » s ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton M. E. Renber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Moidock, Organist Chas. Hoffman, Choir Director .10 a.m.—“Companionship and Power.” 11 a.m.—Church School. 7.30 p.m, — -Denominational Day Prayer. Ladies in charge. —— Fri,, 8 p.m.—'3rd Quarterly Confer­ ence Session. raffinasni PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Fri., 8.30 p.m.—Young (People. Sun., 2 p.m.—Sunday School. Supt. Mr. E. Cudinore. Sun., 3 p.m.—‘Bread .from Heaved’. Communion Service, the Pastor. Sun., 7.30 p.m.—Singspiration. Sun., 8 p.m.—Systematic giving or does it pay to pay, The Pastor. Marooned on a sandy South Paci­ fic island, two sailors were making a careful search .for anything edible “With all this sand,” muttered one, “I’m sure there must be spinach around here!” Young Man:' “How about olr fashioned loving?” Sweet Young Thing: All I’ll call grandmother down foi| at the ARENA, TONIGHT (Thursday) Dress OptionalAdmission 75c i softie some right. and don’t forget HER on February 14th, I Minor Hockey EXETER ARENA Monday, February 4th, 1946 — Midget and Juvenile Doubleheader —- Midgets Juvenile Goderich at Exeter Blyth at Exeter 7 to 8:30 8:30 Admission: 25c; Students and Personnel in Uniform 15c . — Come Out and Enjoy a Good Night’s Fun May we suggest a Corsage for formal Ralph Bailey and Family Phone 276 EXETER FLOWER SHOP