HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-01-31, Page 5THIS TIMESrAPTOCWTE, MB ONTARIO* THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY W» 1946 Pw f
1936 Dodge Coach, new
1934 dhev. Coach
1927 Essex Coach
1935 Chev. Long Truck
1933 Ford Short Truck
1932 Ford Panel Truck,*-"
new tires and
reconditioned motor
1931 Ford Panel Truck
new tires. *
Hot Water Heaters to fit all cars,
Three licensed mechanics’ to do your repairs —- and do it
right, Have your tractors, cars and trucks reconditioned now.
Highest Prices paid for good used cars,
Sandy Elliot
I wish to announce that I have sold the Huron Garage
io Mr. Fred Newton. I take this opportunity of thanking
my many customers for -past favors and I wish for my suc
cessor1 a continuance of your patronage.
I will continue to operate my Taxi business from the
same office as before. Phone 155w,
Lloyd England, of Toronto, and
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sisson, of Lon
don, visited witli Mrs. L. England
over the week-end.
The congregational meeting
which was to have been held in
the United Church on Friday eve
ning of last week and which was
postponed on account of weather
and road conditions, will be held
on Friday evening, Feb. 1st, at
6.30 o’clock.
Mr. Gerald Smith, who has spent
the past few months in Toronto,
has taken a position with Mr. Gar
net Flynn, of Exeter.
Mr. Lome Voigt, of London, vis
ited over the week-end at the
home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey.
We are glad to report that Mrs.
Lena Cook is much improved. Mrs.
Hewlett-Smith, of Exeter, is in at
tendance. •
Mrs. Herb Fahrner has returned
after spending several weeks in
London with her daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. IL. Hoare.
. IMiss Doris Wuerth, of London,
spent the week-end at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
Mr. Lome Gaiser, of St.. Marys(
visited on Sunday at the home of
his father, Mr. Jno. Gaiser. Miss
Clara Gaiser returned- with him,
where she will visit for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey visited
on Sunday with'relatives in Zurich,
i Mr. 'Lloyd Wein, of Windsor,
spent the week-end with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wein.
Miss Laura Woodall, of London,
visited over the week-end at the
■home of 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jos. Woodall. e'
Mr. Edward Schenk, of Kitchen
er, visited recently with Mr, and,
Mrs. Hugo Schenk.
Died in the West
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hill, of
Stephen, received word last week
of the passing of the former’s
aunt, Mrs. Verne Meade, of Hind
loss, Alberta, on Saturday, Jan. 19.
Mrs. Meade, before her Carriage,
was Miss Mercy Sweet. She was
born and 'raised in Orediton and
was( a daughter of tjie late Mr. and
Mrs. (Robert Sweet, She was of a
kindly and jovial disposition and
fortitude. .Funeral service was
conducted in the Empress United
Church on Tuesday, Jan. 22. Be
sides her husband she is survived
by a sister, Mrs. (Rachel Sandoj of
Crystal City, Man., and two broth-,
ers/ Mr. William iSweet, of 'Olds,
Alta., and Mr. Eli Sweet, of Keyes,
Man., all of whom have the sym
pathy of their many friends here.-
was well and favorably known to
many in this community. Mrs.
Meade had been confined to the
hospital at Empress, Alta., since
October 1944, and. during her long
confinement, bore 'her suffering
with great patience and Christian
The Trustee Board of the Elim-
ville appointment met at the manse
pn^Thursday evening of last week
to’ discuss business' for the coming
year. '
Mr. and Mrs. L. Webber and
Margaret have been staying at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Webber
on the Thames Road this past
week while Mr. and Mrs. Webber
have been on holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Etherington
entertained a number of friends at
their home Friday evening of last
Mr. Bert Gardiner, Mr. Ray and
Glenn Stewart, all of London spent
the week-end with their parents.
Miss Margaret Allison returned
to London on Monday of this week
Mrs. H. Rhode returned home on
Sunday after spending several days
visiting with her brother, Mr. Wil
fred Turnbull and relatives in Tor
The Y.P.U. will meet in the
basement of the church Friday
evening at 8..„30 p.m
Thames Road School re-opened
Monday of this week after being
closed for 10 days owing to the ep
idemic of measles in this commun
ity. Some children are not yet able
to return to school .but next week
we expect the attendance will be
back to average.
Miss Helen H'owatt spent last
week-end with her parents near
Bly th. V
•Only two Farm 'Forums met in
this district Mpnday night. One at
Lumley School House and the
other at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Keith Weber. The other two were
cancelled owing to sickness and
blocked roads. • ; *Mrs. James Simpson’ is spending
a few days with her mother, Mrs,
Flemming ’at Malvern.* Mrs. Flem
ming is confined to bed with sick
.We are glad to report that Mrs,
Jas. Cottle,, who has been on the
sick list, is now able to be up and
around again.
Sunday services as usual.
Mr. J3. L. Mickle spent a day
last week in Chatham on business.
Mr. Al. Pearson, of Toronto*
spent the week-end with friends
Miss Fayme Logan left oh Frj-
day for London where she intends
spending several weeks.
Miss Minnie Reid left Monday i
for London where she intends
spending the Remainder of the win
Miss Barbara Michie spent the,
week-end af the home of her par
ents, Ml and Mrs. J, Michie Brus
s.s, No. 1 Tuckersmith held
their annual toboggan party recent
ly, A bon-fire supper was much en
joyed. Mr. Wesley Greene very
kindly furnished transportation.'
The Young People’s Society of
the United church enjoyed a tob
oggan party on Tuesday evening.
The weathei’ being ideal for thp
occasion, All report a very enjoy
able time,
Mr. J, W. Bonthron and Son
recently purchased the property ot
the Davis Estate now occupied by
Mr and Mrs. Norman Jones. We
understand they intend remodelling
for an up to date funeral home.
The auction sale held on Satur
day of the household effects and
property of Mrs. Robt, Elgie was
well attended and good prices were
realized in spite of the wintry
weather. Mr. Robt.‘ McDougall, of
London, purchased the property.
The annual meeting of Carmel
Presbyterian church will be held in
the schoolroom of the church on
Thursday, January 31st at 8 p.m.
Every member* and adherent of the
congregation is requested to be
present. Refreshments will be ser
ved at the close of the meeting.
The annual congregational meet
ing of the Hensail United church
will be. held in the Sunday School
room, Friday evening, February 1.
As formerly, a pot luck ’supper will
be served at 6.30 p.m. under the
capable management of the Wo
men’s Association. A large attend
ance is requested.
Rev. R. A. Brook will preach at
the morning service in the United
church at 11 a.m. At 7 p.m. Rev.
A. Hinton, of Kippen, will be the
guest speaker. You are invited to
attend this inspiring service which
will be conducted by the Young
People’s Society; Special musical
numbers will be rendered.
Institute Letters
Dear Gladys:
This is to inform you that I re
ceived the parcel the Institute sent
for Christmas a few days ago and
would like if you could let. them
know how well I appreciated'it, so
please thank them all for their time
expense and trouble in making up
this parcel.
The weather has been Quite cold
but. so far ; we 'haven’t had- any
Snow, quite a difference from the
weather at home, isn’t it?
Well Gladys, there isn’t, much
else to say for this time, so again,
thank you all.
Al. Soldan
Dear Ladies of the Hensall Institute
I wish to thank you all very kind
ly for the Christmas box I received
from you. Everything was in per
fect condition. ,
My pals and I all received plenty
of parcels at Christmas. They help
ed to make a brighter Christmas, a
Christmas that would not have been
so bright,' had it not been for the
folks back home thinking of us.
Special thanks to Mrs, Beer, Mrs.
Norminton, Miss Welsh, Mrs. Pat
erson, Mrs. Sherritt and you, Gladys
fox- the candy. It was delicious, and
we certainly enjoyed it.
May you have 'the best of luck in
the fine job ,you are doing.
Ron, Parker
I Medical and Hospital f
j Reimbursement j
= For the Passengers in your j
j Automobile. |
| -—o—- |
| W, H. Hodgson I
i General Insurance I
e Phone 24 |
mill,,, J
Your New Car!
Call at the Blue Sunoco and
arrange for your new car or
truc|c> We expect some deliveries
in the month of February and
will be pleased to acquaint you
with the many new improved
features built in this new model.
Would like to buy some good
used cars.
- —
Exeter Motor Sales
Fred Dobbs
I Announcements
Mr. and Mrs. Addison Tieman are
spending a few weeks with friends
in Detroit,
Mrs. Elgin Merner was on the
sick list last week.
Mr, Garnet Weiberg has received
his discharge after being with the
army four and a half years, Mr. and
Mrs, Weiberg will leave for Kit
chener on Friday where they in
tend to reside, he having secured
employment there, j
Mrs. .Edgar Restemeyer spent a
few days in Kitchener and Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wildfong
and family have moved in Valen
tine Becker's house on Main Street.
Mr. and ^L’s. Wm, Haugh and
Mrs. Amanda Shoemaker attended
the funeral of a relative in Pigeon,
Mich., last week,
Pte, Lloyd Guenther has returned
from overseas having served in
Belgium, Holland and France.
A banquet will be given on Wed
nesday evening at 8 o’clock for the
returned servicemen, their wives
and parents of the Evangelical
church aftei* which a prograft will
be given by the young people of the
Mr. Dunean Snider is on the sick
list, We hope -for a speedy recov
Mrs, T. Rinker, of Thedford, is
visiting with relatives here at pres
Mr, and Mrs. Graham Arthur, of
Exeter, were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Hopcroft.
Mi;, and Mrs. Gordon Ulemas and
family, of London, and Mr, and Mrs.
Jack Soldon of the Parr Line, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Hoffman.
Mrs, Hy. Hoffman and IMrs. Mc
Crae and T. Harry Hoffman attend
ed the funeral of a relative in St.
Thomas last Friday.
Mr. Chas. Cudmore, of Sasketeh-
ewan, has been visiting relatives
The young men of the eommun-
ity chivaried Mr. and- Mrs. Roy
Hunter, newly-weds* at the hpme
of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skinner
on Friday night of last week.
Mr- and Mrs, Allen Johns and
Shirley visited with Mi’- and Mrs.
Cecil Harrison at Mount Pleasant, last Wednesday evening.
Mrs, Harry Ford is visiting hex
sister. Miss Joy Whitlock in Si.
Thomas this week.
Farm Forum
Sixteen Farm Forum members
met at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Keith Weber on Monday night.
The subject discussed was “What
dp Forums say about Farm Organ
ization” which was a review of
subjects discussed at previous
meetings. Lunch was served and a
social tiine spent. The next meet
ing will be held at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Elford.
Free Pick-up nnd Delivery
Stratford Upholstering Co,
(Successors to the Clifford
Upholstering Company)
42 Brunswick Street
Phone 579
Enquire at
E, R. Hopper
You are advised to get your
Poultry Supplies Now
We are already feeling the effects of the steel strikes.
The large demand for brooders this year has left us in short
supply and it doesn’t look as if we’ll get more. There are
several left including the Warner Deluxe and Spacemaker
and the smaller Collin’s model. Don’t delay — order your
Mr. and <Mrs. Wesley Mellin, of
Corbett, spent Thursday evening at
Mr. Joseph Carruthers’.
, Miss Helen Love, purse-in-train-
jng at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon
don, spent a few days last week at
her home here. . *
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Farrell, of
the -B-line, spent Sunday evening'
with Mr. and Mrs. John IRidley.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Whiting and
family, of Centenary, visited on
iSunday at the home of her father,
Mr. Wm. Love.
Miss Donna ’Hayter, of London,
spent the week-end at her home
The carnival sponsored by the
W.I. is to be held on Friday eve
ning, February 1st on Grand Bend
rink. If owing to weather conditions
it has to be postponed it Will be
announced Over O.K.N.X. Wingham
on Friday. The next meeting will
ba held at the home of Mr. Ed. Gill
On the first Thursday in February
at .2 O’clock in the afternoon., Dr,
Dunlop, of Exeter, will be the guest
Casings and Tubes'** ,
All restrictions off.
r- Get yotir order in early —«
Snell Bros. & Co.
Phone 100 Exeter, Ontario
Mother arid daddy and wee David
going to Winnipeg were snugly
settled down in their sleepers,
when David in the uppei’ birth,
feeling lonely, called down, “Moth
er, are you there?’’ “Yes, darling.”
“Daddy, are* you there?” “Sure I
am, David; go to sleep like a good
boy?’ Not fully assured, repeated
cries came asking the same ques
tions with the same answers. Ex
asperated, a man two berths further
down called out: “Yes, David, yotir
dad is here, your mother is here,
your grandparents, uncles .arid
aunts and cousins are all here, and
Would like to get some sleep?’ Sil
ence reigned for Some moments,
Then, loaning over, he whispered,
“Daddy, Was that GOd who spdko?”
? Birtli, Death and Marriage . 2
I Notices are Inserted free of I
s charge. Card of 'VhankH 50c, In 2
I Memoririm Notieew 50e for Nlntyle j
| verNC, 25c extra for each addi- j
| tlonni verse. UnuagemcntH 50c I
lllu ? —lr ~ ~~i~r ~
JOHNSON—In St. Boniface Hospit
al, to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Johnson on Jan. 26th (nee
Laura IPenrice) a daughter,
Carolyn Willma.
MUNN—In Scott Memorial Hospital
Seaforth, on Tuesday, January
22, 1'9 46, to Mr. and Mrs, A. E.
Munn, a son.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Greive, Ailsa
Craig, announce the engagement of
their only daughter, Marion Lavina-
to William John Elliott, younger
son' of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Elliott,
[Mr. Jos’. . Wildfong and* family
wish to express their sincere thanks
to the many friends for theh- kind
enquiries and for the gifts of
flowers, cards and treats during
Mr. J. Wildfong’s illness. *
Mr. J. R. Hind wishes to express
his sincere thanks to the friends
and neighbors for the kindness and
sympathy that has been extended
during Mrs. Hind’s illness, and in
his bereavement, with special
thanks to Rev. 'C. W. D°wn and
Rev. Mr. Hunt. *
I wish to thank the Exeter Dis
trict Wai’ Time Committee for the
parcel received while overseas.—
Pte. Harold Edwards, Crediton. *
Mr. Robert J. Taylor wishes to
extend his sincere thanks to the
friends and neighbors' for the kind
ness and sympathy extended during
his bereavement., special thanks to
Rev. A. Trueblood, Rev. W. Cleve
and T. Harry Hoffman, also to the
Ladies Aid of 'Shipka for flowers.’ c
The family of the late Mrs. John
Moir desire to .express their deep
appreciation for the kindness and
sympathy extended by the neigh
bors and friends during their rec
ent bereavement. *
Mr. John R‘. Hind, sisters and
brother of the late Mrs. Hind wish
to extend their heartfelt thanks to
the neighbors and friends for the
kindness shown during*their recent
sad bereavement. Appreciation is
also extended for the many floral
tributes and sympathy cards. Spec
ial thanks to the Reverend R. A.
Brook, of Hensall, the Reverend
M. A. Hunt, the pallbearers and
those who loaned carp. *.
BISHOP—In loving memory of our
dear mother,, Effie 'Bishop, who
passed away one year ago, Jan.
31st, 1945.
(Beyond the gate our dear one passed
Her pain and suffering o'er,
And there is comfort in the thought
That loving God knows best.
■—Ever missed by her daughters,
Gwen and Mabel. ♦
PASSMORE—-IP lovirig memory of
our dear son and brother, FO.
Gerald Passmore, Who lost liis
life on air operations over Ger
many, one year ago, February 2,
A beautiful memory of a son so dehr
We cherish Still With lote sincere,
A dhy that comes With Shd regret
And one that we Will never forget.
We miss his love, his cheery Ways,
With him we spent our happiest
The face of our deaf Son arid brother
Framed so deep in our memory.
Loved dearly in life and living yet
In tjie hearts ot those who can
never forget,
-—Ever remembered and sadly
missed by his mother rind father*
brothers and sisters, ,c
Mrs. John Cluff has returned to
her home having spent part of the
past week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. S. Cluff at Kitchener.
’ Mr. and Mrs. Roy McNaughton
entertained quite a number of
young married couples to a euchre
party Thursday evening. The host
ess served dainty refreshments.
Mr, anu Mrs. Lewis Fletcher at-,
tended the funeral of their sister-
in-law, the late Mrs. John Hind, at
Exeter Friday.
The community skating rink has
been a busy place this past week
With hockey games and skating
The Plugtown school with Mr.
Edwin Tufts - as teacher, has been
closed for some time, as nearly
every home has, been visited with
Mr. Mac Howe, of London, visit
ed with friends in the village Sat
Mrs. I. N. Marshall is holidaying
with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Lankin
at Granton.
Institute Meeting
Mrs. W. D. Goodger was hostess
when the Women’s Institute held
their January meeting at her home
in the parsonage. The meeting open
ed with the Institute Ode and Lord’s.
Prayer» repeated in unison. , Mrs.
Nelson Watson read the lesson. The
Institute are to have an auction sale
at the February meeting. Mrs. N.
Watson, Mrs. Bickell, Mrs. Willis
are the program committee for
Mar. 17. Mrs. Earl Watson gave a
report on the London Convention
area. Mrs. A. Bickell gave a short
paper on the motto, “Scatter glad
ness, joy ana with all along the
way of earth.” Mrs. M. Dobson,
convenor of Agriculture and Cana
dian Industries, gave a talk. Lunch
was served by the committee.
Rastus (throwing down four
aces): “Dar, guess I wins dis ole
pot, all right.”
Sambo (angrily): “You play dis
game honest, big boy, play it hon
est. I knows what'” cards I dealt
brooder immediately.
Deluxe, 500-chick capacity ........................... $47.30
Deluxe, 350-chick capacity ........................... $36.35
Spacemaker, 500-chick capacity ................. $42.70
Fountains and Feeders
Bight now we have a very large stock of fountains and
feeders in all sizes. These, too, are made of galvanized metal
and may be hard to get later on. Our advice to poultry
raisers is to secure their needs immediately.
Get vour birds into
Feed Your
Birds for Extra
early production. Feed them
Purina Lay Chow. It costs no more to feed a good well ,
balanced ration that will produce steady, high produc
tion over a long period of time because on an inferior
ration the pullets or hens eat more and produce less.
Naturally a ration made up of carefully selected in
gredients cannot be prepared for the same price as the
inferior ration. Yet, measured in feed cost per dozen
I eggs, it is much cheaper. And don’t forget to feed the
| CHECKERS or lots of the mash in the hoppers to get
those extra eggs.
One Door South of Post Office
Monster Carnival
Exeter Arena
Friday, February 8th, 1946
at 8 o’clock sharp
Prizes Will be Awarded for the Following:
Ladies' Comic ............... 2.50 1.50
Boys’ Fancy Costribinc, 10 & tinder 1.50 1.00
Best Dressed Couple ......u.
Gout’s Fancy Costume 2.50 1.50
Ladies’Fancy Costume ......2.50 1.50
Gent’s Comic 2.50 ■1.50
Girls* Fancy Costume, 10 & tinder 1.50
Comic, Boy or Girl, under 16 yrs. 1.50
Open Race, Men ............. 1.50
Open Race, Girls .......................... 1.00
Best Fair Clowns 2.50 1.50
(Performance and dress considered)
l»00 .
Races for Boys and Girls -*• Godd Prizes
Grand Parade at 8.30 for those in costume, followed by judging.
Eketer Band in Attendance
Ice reserved For those ih costume uhtil aftei* judging* *
Two Hours .^Skating Admission 25e; Children 15c