HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-01-24, Page 5DANCE WHERE, WI­EN Si MUSIC BY M Thursd ayz Jan, 31st Dancing 9 to 1 a.m. Alf DRESS OPTIONAL 1934 Chev. 1927 Essex Coach 1935 Chev. Long Truck Hpt Wetter Heaters to fit all cars. LOTS OF TIRES AND BATTERIES NOW IN STOCK London’s Favorite Orchestra featuring GINNY MITCHELL and GAIL GORDON, VOCALISTS Exeter Arena’s Newly decSrated gym THE TIMES»ADVPCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY ?4th, 1946 in Kirkton Aberdeen Hall Friday, Jan. 25 zlchnission 35c and 20c ADMISSION 75c ‘Mr. Bean from Lima’ under the auspices pf the Kirkton A. Y. P. A. Tim Avonbank Dramatic Players will present theh* play ZION Mi*, and Mrs. Norman Brock and family visited oil (Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, George Earl, of Hxeter. Mr. and Mrs, Eph, 'Hern visited on Wednesday with Mrs, L, Kyle, of Exeter. 'Mr- and Mrs, Fred Renwarden and Harold, of iCentralia, Mr, and Mrs. L. Rowcliffe, of Exeter, Visit­ ed on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock. iMr. and Mrs, George Earl, of Exeter, visited in the community on Wednesday. Mr. Harvey (Herbert, of Malton, spent the week-end in the com­ munity. Mr. John Johns, wh.o\ has spent; th<s past few months in Exeter, is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. George Brock. Mrs. e, Hunter, of Exeter, visited during, the past week with .her daughter, Mrs, Wellington Brock. Mrs. Dave iStephens, of Wood-; Jiam, visited on 'Thursday with Mr. • and Mrs. Eph. Hern. Mr. and Mrs, Allan Westcott and Linda, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hern. Mr, Wm. Stephens, of Hamilton, visited recently with Mr, and Mrs, Eph. Hern, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Kerslake, of Exeter, visited on iSunday with Mr.. and Mrs. Melville Hern. Miss Erlma Jaques, of Waterloo, spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs, Allan Jaques. -THE ENTERTAINMENT CLUB Family Group Hospital Plan Canada’s No. 1 Plan for Heads of Families and their Dependents. Pays for both Sickness and Accident for as long as 120 days—when confined to a Hospital. No Medical Examination Needed—Enroll Now! W. H. HODGSON, Exeter, Ontario Please send me without obligation full par­ ticulars about Canada’s No. 1 Hospital & Sur­ gical plan. Name Address or see W. H. HODGSON, Exeter, Ont. vis- Mr. HENSALL Mr. {Royce Welsh, of London, ited recently with his father, Wm. Welsh. Pte. Roy Smale returned home last Week after serving overseas for the past two years. Mr. Jas. Bengough has ibeen con­ fined to his home during the past week owing to illness. Mr. and Mrs..Alfred Hunkin, of Thames Road, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn 'Bell. Mr. and Mrs? Geo. iCowan attend­ ed the High School “At Home” in Brussels on Friday night. The annual meeting of 'Carmel Presbyterian Church has been set attentively for Thursday. Jan. 31st. Spr. Donald Hoggarth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hoggarth, return­ ed home from overseas last week. IMrs. Jas. McDonald visited for a few days during the past week with Mrs. McNaughton in London. Miss June iSaundercock, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Annie Saunder- cock. Gnr. E. W. Faibairn recently re­ turned home from overseas, visited with his .father, Mr. Wm. Fair­ bairn. The many friends of 'Mrs. Annie Blatchford will be pleased to hear she is improving from her recent DANCING OPERA HOUSE, EXETER BOB MOORE and his 8-piece orchestra | Dancing 9 to 12 | Admission 50c | The Canadian Legion, Exeter- | Hcnsall Branch 167 E ’'»• ft 1111111111 i i i M1111 i i liiitHtiiHHiitinHtHiiitHimiHiiiiHHiiHft ■ ■ illness. Mr. and Mrs. iBen Kaiser, of De­ troit, visited during the week with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser. Mrs. Charles Forrest and children ’are visiting with the former’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. Bill Bfoadfoot, at Kippen. iGnr. P. M. McKenzie home .from overseas this is spending a . few days' with his mother, Mrs. Wm, McKenzie.' 'Gdsnfn. J. A. Bell returned home from overseas on Wednesday and is ,on furlough, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Bell. Miss Goldie Dross {R.N., returned to. her duties in [London after having spent several weeks at the home of her parents; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cross. Mr. and Mrs( Jack Corbett and Connie visited with Mrs. Corbett’s sister and brother-in-law, aMr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams in London re­ cently. Mr.^and Mrs. Ivan Kipher return­ ed home after spending' several weeks with the latter’s parents, iMr. and Mrs. Robt. Green in St. Thomas. The Ladies’ Aid of Carmel Pres­ byterian Church held a pot-luck supper and quilting at t'he home of (Mrs. Robt. ^Cameron on Wednesday afternoon. Miss Margaret Glenn spent the week-end in 'Exeter at the home of her uncle and aunt, Dr. A. MacTag- gart and Miss Nettie MacTaggart. A meeting was held in the school­ room of Carmel Presbyterian 'Church on Monday evening for the purpose of organizing a Junior Young People’s Group. Rev. iP. A, Ferguson was in charge of the meeting. Successful Skating Party The Boundary Group from iChisel- hurst held a most successful skating party at the IHensall rink on Wed­ nesday evening vrith a large crowd attending. The following is a list of prize winners: Youngest on skates, Patricia Horton; oldest on skates, Mr. Joe IFel’guson; young boys’ race, Gerald Bell; young girls’ race. * “ race, race, Keith MacLean; married ladies1 race, Mrs. Thos. Brintnell: married and Mrs. returned week and Elaine Beer; single ladies’ Mildred IDietz; single ‘ men’s WINCHELSEA that Mrs. u,p again of Dela- and Mrs. at- iWe are glad to report H. Bailey is able to be after her recent illness, Mrs, Edward Hotham, ware*Mrs. Jack Hotham George McGavin, of iSeaforth, tended the funeral of their father, the late Francis Davis on Monday. The children of the village have been ill with measles will 'be back to school again. IMiss 'Gladys Batten visited friends in (London Saturday ning. Miss Ethel 'Tooley spent week-end with her sister, Irene Pooley, of London. The Winchelsea skating rink is in full swing again 'after the mild spell. Hockey games and skating are being enjoyed by all. that soon with eve- the Miss MacLean. the men’s race, Kenneth Lunch was served at the close of skating. 'Cannel Church Young People •The Young Church of the with Bob Taylor opened by singing, Tell The .Story.” from Acts ill, - read by Bob Taylor. The minutes and business followed, after which Rev. P. A. Ferguson, took charge of the Bible 'Study. Mrs. Harold Bell then “We Can closed by iMeek and tion. Former Hensail Resident Dies in Waterloo John Henry Price, a former well- known resident of Hensail and dis­ trict, ipass&d away -at his home, 114 Schneider (Rd.. Waterloo, Ont., on Tuesday, January 15th, in his 55th year. The deceased was a son of Mrs. 'Caroline Price, Waterloo, and is survived by a family of six: Bruce of Almira, Mrs. Donald Nowlen of Barrie, Lorrie and Jack of Waterloo, Audrey and Gloria of New Hamburg. The remains rested at the Ratz- Bechtel Funeral Home, 178 Queen St. South. iKitchendr, until Thurs­ day morning, when it was brought to the Westlake-Brokenshire Funer­ al Home, Zurich, where funeral ser­ vice was held on 'Friday at 2 p.m. Interment in iSt. iPeter’s Lutheran Cemetery, Zurich. Public Library Board Meets The first meeting of the 19 46 Library Board was .held on Tuesday evening at 8 p.m., in the Council Chamber with the following mem­ bers present: Rev. R. A. Brook. ■ Miss Ellis, Mrs. Joynt and Mr. Cowan. iRev. Brook, the member ap­ pointed by the Council for the years 1946-7-8, took his declaration of office. Miss Ellis and Mrs. Joynt: that 'Rev. 'Brook 'be chairman for the evening. .Carried. Mr. Cowan and Miss Ellis: that IReeve R. iE. 'Shad­ dick be chairman for the year 1946. ■Carried. Minutes o.f the preyious meeting were read. Mrs. Joynt and Mr. Cowan: that the minutes be adopted as read. .Carried. Librarian’s report was read as follows: For Dec. For 307 134 22 5 regular meeting of the People’s iSociety of Carmel was held in the schoolroom church on Monday evening presiding and “I Love To The Scripture verses 30-40, was gave the topic entitled, Advance.” The meeting singing, “Gentle Jesus, Mild,”- and the Benedic- I I Adult 'Fiction Juvenile Fiction Adult Non-Fiction Juvenile Non-Fiction 1945 3132 2176 244 59 5611 CREDITON epidemic of measles has pur town and the attendance Public School is very smell A Help to Those Who Are Past Middle Age When men and 'women get past middle age their energy and activity, in many instance^ begin to de­ cline, and their general vitality is on the Wane. Little ailmehts and sicknesses Seem harder to shake off than formerly, and, here and there, evidences of a breakdown begin to appear. t «...Now is the time those wishing to help maintain their health and vigour should take a course of Milburn's Health and Nerve Pills.... They help tone up and invigdrato the patient by their tome action on t 6 FrlceSOc a box, 65 pills, at all drug counters. Look for our trade mark a “Red Heart” on the package. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto. Out. WHALEN * Mrs, Henry 'Bilyea, of Devizes, !is caring for Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millson 'Who have been quite ill, At the time of writing both are im­ proving. IMr. and 'Mrs. Gordon Docking, of Munroe, were Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, (Frank Parkinson. Miss Sara Fitzgerald, of London, was a week-end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire. Euchre A euchre party was held at school house on Friday evening. Owing to weather conditions the attendance was not so large. Prizes went to the following; Ladies’ high, Mrs. E. Foster; gent’s high, Mr. Gerald Chapman; lone hands, Wm. Ogden; consolation, Grant Knowles. Refreshments were served. Annual Meetings The annual congregational and Sunday School meeting was held in the Sunday School rooms of the church with (Rev. Weir as chairman and Mr. Earl Johnson as secretary. Reports from the various organiza­ tions -were 'given which showed a decided increase. Mr. Edgar Squire was appointed trustee in Mr, -Geo. Lackie’s' place. Mrs. John Hazel­ wood was re-elected to the session. Three new stewards were appoint­ ed, Messrs. Melleville Gunning, Ernest |Foster and Alton Wallis; Sunday School officers are: Supt., Geo. Squire; ass’t supt., William Hodgson; secretary, Wilfred Her­ bert; treasurer, ganists, Misses Merle Squire; class, Mrs, E,’ Geo. Squire; Wm. Morley and Mrs. Milne iPullen; adult bible class, Messrs. John Hazelwood, Frank Gunning, Wm. Hodgson and IMrs. Alex Baillie. W.M.S. and W.A. The W.iM.'S. ana W.A. met at the home of Mrs, Bert Duffield . on Thursday afternoon with 17 mem­ bers and twp^j^gitors present. Mrs. Geo.. 'Squire‘"wa#' in charge of the W.M.S. which opened with singing followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. iPsalm 696 was read. Mrs. Milne iPullen favored with a piano solo. Mrs. Wm, French gave a , j reading. Mrs. Ogden gave the • Treasurer’s report for 194?, also the chapter from the study book. j Rev. Weir offered prayer. Mrs. Wm. Morley presided over the W.A. A hymn was sung and a psalm read. Letters of appreciation were read from Mr. Currie. Mrs. Cameron and Mr. Alton Wallis. Mrs. E. Foster gave a reading and Mrs. F. Squire, a solo. During the business part of the meeting some plans for a bazaar were made. Mrs. Cann was appointed to take the work IMrs. Lackie had last year in connection with the bazaar. Mrs. Morley closed the meeting. At this time Rev. Weir presided over the election of officers which are as follows: President, Mrs. Wm. Mor­ ley; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. Wm. Hodg­ son; 2nd vice-pres., Squire; secretary, French; treasurer, Gunning; pianists, __ 468 The secretary-treasurer presented his annual statement and stated that. $338.54 ihad been spent in books during the year leaving a cash bal­ ance of $217.87 on hand. 'The sec­ retary also Stated the request for better lighting in the Library had been granted by the property com­ mittee of the Council and will be installed as soon as possible. Miss Ellis and Mrs. Joynt: that the treasurer’s statement be adopted as read. Carried. Correspondence was read as follows: W. DaWson, sub­ scription service, Village of I-Iensall, Ryerson (Press,. Inspector of Public Libraries re annual report., Mr. Cowan and Miss Ellis: that J. A. Paterson be re-appointed secretary* treasurer at the same salary. Gar- ried Mrs. Joynt, that Mrs. Cameron be rb-apopinted Librarian for .1946 at the same salary. Carried, Miss Ellis and Mr. Cowan: that we now adjourn .to meet iMhrbh 12th at S p.m. Carried. > J, A. Paterson, Sec.*Treas. ’ the Alton Wallis; or- Elva Morley and teachers: Primary Johnson and Mrs. intermediate, Mrs. I Frank William Walter Elva sun- and was , Mrs, Mrs. Mrs. Misses Morley and Mary Johnson; shine committee, Mrs. Pullen Miss Elva Morley. |Lunch served. Servicemen Honored iSome 100 people were present at a banquet in Whalen church on Thursday evening of last week to do honor to the following boys: William Ogden, Roy Hodgson, Norman Brooks, ‘Granton Jones, David Hodgson and Joe iLamphier. David and Joe were unable to be present. The tables were beauti­ fully decorated with red, white and bliie. ' The servicemen »'with their' families were seated at a special table with (Rev. Weii’ as chairman. A program of local talent was giv­ en. Community singing with Mrs. Duffield, as accompanist; musical selections from the Johnson fam­ ily; readings by Miss Anna Brock ;f vocal duet by Ken Hodgson and Bill Morley accompanied by (La­ verne Morley; solo by * 'Shirley Squire; trio Humber, Mrs. Cahn, Mary Johnson and (Mrs. E. John­ son; chairman’s address, .Rev. Weir welcoming the boys home; a short speech by Mrs. Alex (Baillie. At this time, Mrs. (Laverne Morley read an address, and Mi’. Wm. Dobbs presented the boys with a leather bill fold and a sum of money enclosed «in each. The Pro­ gram they “God closed with singing, are jolly good fellows,” $ave tile King,” “For and KIPPEN (Bud) Cooper, youngest son of W. R. and Mrs, Cooper, of Kippen, has received his discharge from the Navy after spending over two years on the fighting frigate Thetford Mines stationed at Lon- donderty, tveland, R.G. A11 struck at the in consequence. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Lena Cook, of Camlachie, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Mary Roeszler during the winter months, suffered a slight stroke op Sunday and is now under the Doctor’s care and much improved. Mrs. Clayton Ldwrie of Camla- chie, spent .some time this week with her mother, Mrs, Dena Cook. Misses Audrey and Rliena Year* ley, of London, visited over the week-end with their parents, Mr< and Mrs, Thos. Yeariey, . Mrs. Garfield Hill, who received severe injury to her hand a few weeks ago, has recovered sufficient* ly to have the cast removed. Miss Mary Chambers left on Tuesday for an extended visit with relatives in Pennsylvania. Miss Marion Brown, Mr. Chas, Brown and Mr, Fred MorlOck, of London, spent the week-end’ at the homes of theii’ parents. Mrs. Herbert Jones, of Kippen, is at present with her sister, Mrs. John Wein. We regret to report that Mr. Wein’s condition does not improve as rapidly as his many •friends had anticipated. Mrs. Elmer Lawson was in Lon­ don on Thursday of last week to welcome home her nephew, Lt. Ross B several Mr. painful cently when he fell and dislocated bis shoulder. Mr. Nicholson was a- lone at the time and it was some time before he was able to reach the home of his neighbor, Mr, G. Wein, who summoned the Doctor. Mr. Nicholson has been removed to the home of his daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Mack. Messrs. Lewis Faist and Ken Lillow, of Chatham, and Lloyd Wein, of Windsor, visited over the week-end at theii’ homes here. Mr, Ezra Faist, Misses Nola and Rauline Faist and Miss Betty Lou Schwartz, who have been on the sick list, are we are glad to report, much improved. Mrs. L. England Spent, the week­ end in London at the home of her daughter,, Mrs. C. W. Bisson. Severely Burned. Word has .been received from Mrs. Dr. Ybakam (nee Myrtle Law- son), of Homer, Ohio, that her hus band, Dr. Wayne Yoakam, was severely burned when he became enveloped in flames when his bath­ robe took fire while he was adding fuel. Dr. Yoakam is at present iu Mt. Vernon Hospital where his con­ dition is considered critical. home her nephew, McIntyre, who had spent years in service overseas. Godfrey Nicholson had a experience in his home re- KIRKTON .Mrs. M. Gregory is visiting with friends at Motherwell. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Switzer enter­ tained a number of their friends Tuesday evening. The evening was spent with euchre and music. The hostess served a very dainty lunch. •Dr. C. A. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, who were married Jan. 12th, at Sarnia returned to their home this past Thursday. . Mr. Maxwell Gray has returned to his home in the "village having spent the past month in Toronto with his son, Mr. Harvey Gray, Mr. Gordon Burgin, who spent the past two years overseas return­ ed on the Queen Elizabeth and spent a few days with his brother, G. H. Burgin and family before going to visit his wife and children in New Brunswick. Entertained Young People 'Some 60 young people from this community met at the home of Dr. Campbell to welcome he and Mrs. Campbell who were recently mar­ ried, to the village. The evening was spent with music and sing songs. The hostess served a very dainty lunch. On their departure, the doctor gave the boys $25.00 as a donation for the Kirkton Com­ munity rink. The boys thanked the doctor for such a pleasant evening and wished the newly-weds much joy and happiness. WOODHAM Spr. George A. Webber, who serv,ed with the Royal Canadian Engineers overseas since July of 1943 arrived home the past week. .Welcome home, George. His wife, formerly Miss Hazel Ruch and son, Robert John, have resided in iStrat- ford for the past few years. .L.Cipl. ILeroy Jones, formerly of Woodham, arrived home the past week on the Queen Elizabeth after quite some time overseas. Welcome •home, Leroy. Quite a number in this commun­ ity ai’e ill With the flu. THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johns were in London Wednesday of last week to welcome home Mrs. Johns’ brother, Andrew Beirling, who has been overseas these past four years Misses Helen fend Anne Morgan, of London spent the week-end with their parents. *• Miss Margaret Allison, who was ill With the measles in London came home 011 Saturday and we are glad to report she is better again. She is spending this week at home, The Mission thia Saturday, manse at 2,30 The Y,P.U> "church basement Friday evening of this week at 8,30 p.ih< We regret to report that at the close of the babbit hunt last Week an accident happened south of Ex* Circle will be held January 26, at the p.m. will meet, in the 1936 Dodge Coach, tires. pew 1933 Ford WPIt Truck 1932 Fprd Panel Truck, new tiros and reconditioned motor 1931 Ford Panel Truck new tires. Three licensed mechanics to do your repairs — and do it right. Have your tractors, cars and trucks reconditioned now. Highest Prices paid for good used cars. etei’ when a north bound car ran into the truck in which the men were in on No. 4 Highway and we are glad to report that none of the men were seriously injured al­ though some had slight injuries which had to have medical. atten­ tion, During the drive Edwin Mil­ ler bagged his first fox. Miss Helen Howatt is spending this week with her grandparents, Mr. arty. Farm Forums met at the follow­ ing places Monday night, Lumley School House and the homes of Mr and Mrs. Richard Johns and Mrs, Jas. Simpson. Messrs. Glenn and Ray of London, spent the with theii’ parents. Mr. Bert Gardiner, of* London, spent the week-end at his home. Thames Road School has been on ac- measles and Mrs. Gardiner, of Crom- and Mr- Stewart, week-end closed these past few days count of the epidemic of in this community. Sunday services will be usual hour on Sunday. School at 11.15 a.m. at the Sunday 10.15 and Church at B v; CHESTERFIELDS and OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Repaired Re-covered Free Pick-up and Delivery Stratford Upholstering Co. (Successors to the Clifford Upholstering Company) 42 Brunswick Street • STRATFORD Phone 579 Enquire at Exeter er Poultry Supplies Protect your chickens by dropping one Chek-R-Tab in each quart of drinking water. Disease germs, internal fungus growths, and intestinal troubles kill thousands of baby chicks every season. Here is the thing to stop its spread. It’s cheap, handy and effective insurance. Wafer THERMOSTATS Made of high­ grade brass and •made standard of brooders. to fit all makes Thermometers To fit electric or coal brooders. FOUNTAINS These range from the quart jar founts that hold the standard glass jar to the more elabor­ ate 41/2 gallon size. In between there are the % gallon, gallon, and 214 gallon sizes. These are made of heavy gal­ vanized iron. FEEDERS Made of heavy galvan­ ized iron they range in size from 12 inches to 60 inches. Some slide tops while the elaborate feeders hinged grill tops and are spot-welded. They also have adjustable legs. liave more have I PURINA CHICK 5iartena Chicks the Purina Way To insure a healthy brood of young chicks feed them Purina Chick Startena. This is an all-mash . complete feed; fed dry, without any extras. Amount needed; 2 lbs. per chick. After the chicks have eaten 2 lbs. apiece; they are ready to switch to growing feed. Order 200 lbs. of Startena for each 100 chicks you buy. Chek-R-Tabs Ensure good healthy chicks by giving them good feed in proper sanitary equipment. We* have a very large stock of feeders and fountains. Whether you are a large or small chicken raiser you will find poultry supplies to meet your requirements. Traquair’s I ! I ■ilil 1/89 B8 Hardware One Door Sbuth of Post Office I I