HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-01-17, Page 6P«ge 6 THE TIMES-AOVOCATB, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 17th, 1946 V Quality Guaranteed SALADA Cyril Strange in the News as Radio Announcer ■■■■k .*■ A The' “Radio Yisioht” published iff Toronto, contains the following in­ teresting write-up of Cyril Strange, son of Mr, and Mrs- John Strange* of Exeter. The article is written, by Pat Buyer, Owing" to the article has been a couple of weeks. One the better lack of space held over for (Laurel) Meetings Caven C.C. Congregational Circle monthly meeting at Mrs. The Caven met for their the home of Mrs. Rose Russell presiding. The meeting opened by singing hymn 399. The devotional exercises were taken by Mrs. R. McInnis. The roll call and minutes were read and adopted. A letter which everyone enjoyed very much was read from Mrs. Clarence Simmons describing the interesting trip they made to their new home in Victoria. Mrs. G. Dow and Mrs. W. Hatter were in charge of the program consist­ ing of two lovely musical tions by Miss Whilsmith, Shall Reign Where’er the and “The Ninety and Nine. W, Hatter read two very inspiringx New Year messages. Mr?. H. Har­ rison moved a vote of thanks to the hostess and all taking part in the program. The meeting closed with the National Anthem followed by prayer after which an enjoyable time was had during the serving of lunch. F, Whilsmith. selec- ‘Jesus Bun,” Mrs.| o Xippen W.M.S. The W.M.S. of St. Andrews Unit­ ed church, held their regular ■monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Thomas Workman on Wednes­ day afternoon, January 2nd with 12 members answering the roll call. The meeting was in charge of the new president, Mrs. Ernie Chipchase and opened with the use ■of hymn 60 and the reading was taken from the Hymnary. Mrs. J. had charge of the topic taken from the Study Book, “Edu­ cation is for 'Living in Angola.” Readings were given on Christmas in Angola and A Congo Christmas. The closing hymn 7 was “O God of Bethel” followed by prayer by Mrs. Chipchase. Lunch was served by Circle No. 2. responsive No. 764 in Henderson which was THE CANADA YEAR BOOK 1945 The IMS edition of the Canada Year Book, published by authoriza­ tion of the Hon. James A. MacKin- and the non, M.P., Minister of Trade Commerce, is announced by Dominion Bureau of Statistics. The present edition continues policy of giving such space as be spared to feature articles of spec­ ial importance. Such articles' give additional meaning and substance to the purely statistical and analytical material that constitutes the basic chapter material. In a very real sense, as a perusal of the lists of Special Articles in this and former editions will show, they -give the Year Book Series an encyclopaedic value apart from its function as a statistical abstract. It has been found possible to in­ clude more than the usual, number of maps and charts in this volume, due to the fact that many of the maps, designed for other reports of the Bureau, were economically printed from existing plates. By a special concession, a limited number of paper-bound copies have been set aside for ministers of re­ ligion, bona fide students and school teachers, who may obtain such copies at the nominal price of $1.00 each. Application with re­ mittance for special copies must be forwarded to the Dominion "‘Stati- cian, Dominion Bureau of 'Statistics. Ottawa. The Ganaaa Year Book (Cloth- Bound Edition) is held for sale Jry the King’s Printer, Ottawa, at $2.00 a. copy. Remittance should be made try money order, postal note or accept­ ed cheque payable to the Receiver General of Canada. Colonel (after reviewing “Hang it all! What’s the parading all the big men of the little men?” “It’s the sergeant’s fault, used to run a fruit store.” Brinsley W.M.S. and W.A. ;The W.M.S. and W.A. of Brins­ ley United Church held their annual meetin. church January 2nd, wif-h'"Mrs. Jack Tre- vethick, convener of group two, in the chair.'ZThfe meeting opened with ,,a Lyrpx ^A Better Day is Coming.’’ The^minutes and roll call were dis­ pensed by Mrs. Earl Morley. The Study Book was given by Mrs. Jas in the basement, -of ’the on Wednesday • ’afternoon, ” Tirl F tx-* /Tur, T/-» nly _ the can Receiver troops): idea of in .front' Lieutenant: sir, He retary,'Miss Gladys Neil; treasurer, Mrs. James Trevethick; ass’t treas­ urer, Miss Kathleen Morley; pianist Mrs. James Trevethick:. xc9,nyer.3rsj Group I, Mrs, Fred. Fenton-. Group -H’,- Mrs^-Tiiarl Morley; Group’ III, Mrs. Clover Lewis; Group” IV, Mr?. Fred J. Neil. Officers for the W.A. are as follows: Honorary-president, Mrs. Alice Lewis; president. Mrs. George Hodgson; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Lin Craven; 2nd vice-president Mrs. , Miss Kathleen Morley; ass’t secre­ tary, Mrs. Earl Morley; treasurer, morrow we may starve sort of ex­ istence. Cy formed a Jance orches­ tra, playing the guitar himself, which he took all over the country­ side, sometime? by horse and cutter wlien the snows were heavy, “We worked like fiends/* laughed Cy, “and sometimes when we split the proceeds, we would get the large sum of twenty-five cents apiece.” The next enterprise of the same three fearless irjagic guys was to or­ ganize games for the fall fairs. They never did make much, hut they had a lot of fun. At the Atwood Fail’ in ’32 they had no money to pay the concession fee, However, an athletic contest that day offered a prize of $10 for a mile run, Without penefit of running shoes or spikes, one of the fearless three ran the mile, won the money and they did a good business that day after all. During the next few years Cy sang over ‘Stratford, Wingham, and London stations, and toured with bands led by Russ Gerow, Ronnie Hart, Ronnie Buchanan and Jack Kennedy, with whom he covered nearly all the college dances in On­ tario and Michigan, The next job found ’Cy as reliable leading man for the Sarnija. Little Theatre. An­ other' stretch with Kennedy’s band led to completed plans to go to England in the spring of ’39, but the war broke it pp. An old ailment kept Gy out of active service so he tried to crack radio dramatics. “And I failed mis­ erably,” he frankly admits. An­ nouncing auditions with every sta­ tion except CFRB also failed until he hooked up with Northeim Broad­ casting and was sent to Timmins as an announcer. This led to a job, as Program Director for CKW'S, Kingston, where his most_ thrilling assignment was to cover the Christ­ mas Mass in the 'Cathedral. Cy had never attended the "service before and he was tremendously impress­ ed by its dignified beauty as he de­ scribed it in. hushed tones from above the altar. Cy went to. CFRB in '43 and has been there ever since doing many commercial shO'ws such as the Corn- stock News, People’s Credit Jewel­ ers, Cities .Service, and the - Vick’s Hollywood Reporter, the only daily Hollywood show in-. Toronto. He wrote and announced part of “To­ ronto Calling”, ‘ the exchange show CFRB sent to Columbia which was carried by the complete CBS net­ work for 26 weeks. He’s the idol of the high school crowd now on j CFRB’s sustainer, “Hi-Variety." After a good deal of experience acting in pictures for the National Film Board, Cy would eventually, like to do full time work, in mo- , tion pictures. His hobbies are golf, James Trevethick; secretary, Trevethick followed by a solo by J-Mrs. Wesley Morley; pianist, Mrs. Mrs. Lin Craven entitled, “His j James Trevethick; flower commit- Guiding Touch.” Scripture was read tee, Mrs. Lin Craven;^ Mrs. Beatrice by Mrs. Earl Morley from Psalm I. |~‘ Rev. A. S. Trueblood then, took the 1 chair for the. election of officers for the W.M.S.: President. Mrs. Wilbert Sholdice; vice-president, Mrs. Eldon Hodgson; .secretary, Mrs. Walter Morley; ass’t secretary, Mrs. David Morley; recording sec- Dixon, Mrs. Wm". Watson, Mrs. Roland'Neil; parsonage committee, Mrs. Geo. Hodgson, Mrs. James Trevethick, Mrs. Wes. Morley, Mrs. .Wilbert -Sholdice. Donation to the j Children’s Memorial Hospital, Lon­ don, by W.A. $10,00; donation to {the M.M. Fund by W.A. $25.00. I (TO OUR FRIENDS FROM THE U. S.) Good hunting and our wise game laws bring more ' and more friendly visitors from south of the border. & They’re doubly welcome as fine sportsmen and f. because they help our economy. It’s up to each one of us to encourage their visits . . . give them a real welcome every time. Every tourist dollar is shared this way: 1. Hotels; 2. Stores; 3. Restaurants; 4. Taxes, etc,; 5, Amuse­ ments; 6. Garages. Ontario profits almost as much from tourist busi­ ness as from gold mining. It’s iip to Us to keep this business growing. rlT^ EVERYBODY'S BUSI HESS >. PUBLISHED IM THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY JOHN LABATT LIMITED One of the better pre-Christmas radio features was CFRB’s actual­ ity broadcast of Eaton’s -Christmas Parade, Listeners received all the excitement and drama of the color­ ful affair through the seeing eye of Cy Strange,, ‘CFRB staff announcer who was ably assisted by Jack Dawson. Cy effectively reported it in minute detail, as witnessed by many letters of appreciation from shut-ins, One’ such letter reads; “My wife and I listened to the radio, and believe me we saw the Parade. It went right through our front room the way you explained the characters and costumes and the feelings and good humor you put into it was grand.” . Perhaps the reason Cy was able to describe the kids’ parade so „weU is because he loves children. Even though he is a bachelor who “Lives alone and likes it," he knows and understands the youngsters. His godchild, Jane Eden Perry, daughter of Wib Perry, is “the sweetest little girl in the world.” Cy is very re­ ticent about his Christmas activi­ ties, but a few close friends know that his leisure time these days is taken- up with shopping for cloth­ ing and toys for twelve children who otherwise wouldn’t find much under their Christmas tree. Four years ago Cy called up a local Wel­ fare agency to get the names of children whose Christmas was go­ ing to be pretty slim. The agency gave him three families who need­ ed a Santa ‘Claus and he has been looking after them ever since. Cy’s radio friends help him to wrap them up in gay papers and ribbons, but he delivers them personally on Christmas Eve. The shining eyes and happy faces of twelve ragged little boys and girls are ample re­ ward for his time and trouble, Cy Strange packed a lot of varied experience into his first thirty-one years.. Born in the small town of Ailsa Craig, Ontario, where his father owned the general store and post office, they later moved to Exeter, Cy admits he was a very poor student and couldn't answer one ..question after taking algebra for years. During the holidays the whole town worked in the Can­ adian Canners plant, often 19 or 20 hours at a stretch when the crop of peas, beans and corn were at their peak. “That is how the young peo- ( _ . pie of Exeter cut their teeth in in- , baseball and all water sports. Cy dustry,” says -Cy. | lives in a charming o,],d coach house When the blaze of the footlights which -he decorated, himself. It has a balcony all around the inside and a fireplace that takes yard long logs. The original floor with the iron tie rings still in place shows the wear and tear of the horses hooves. Cy attributes his state of single blessedness to the fact that he has always been on the move too much. -Or maybe it’s because he has just never met the right girl. beckoned, Cy and two friends form­ ed an entertainment group, one of them being a very good amateur magician. They played all the lodges and organizations for miles around, impressing the audiences by nailing one of their numbers into a packing box from which he always escaped From then on for a number of years it was a today we eat, to- SCOTCHMER—-BESWETHERICK BAYFIELD —- A wedding took place at Carlton Street United Church, Toronto, when Eileen Merle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Beswetherick, of Guelph, was married to Thomas Harrison Scotchmer, only son of Mr. and Mrs. William Scotchmer, of Bay- field. Rev. J. M. Finlay officiated. The bride wore a street-length dress Of cerise crepe, with sequin head­ dress and brown accessories, and corsage of yellow roses. .Mrs. Oliver Yallop^of Toronto, sister of the groom, was matron of honor, wearing a dress of blue wool crepe with brown accessories and a cor­ sage of red roses. Oliver Yallow, of Toronto, was best man. Aftei’ the wedding dinner the young couple left on a motor trip to Ot­ tawa. On their return they will re­ side on the groom’s farm in Bay- field. The groom “is a nephew Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harrison. Exeter. of of Staffs Buttermaker is First H. H. Lesie, of the .Staffa Cream­ ery, won first place for creamery print butter at the Dairyman’s As­ sociation of Western Ontario an­ nual convention in London on Tues­ day, with 95.9 points. This gave him. the prize for highest scoring and best finished butter. He placed fifth in the November creamery butter .entry, just five points below the -first prize winner. — Seaforth Expositor. , 7’ON •Mrs. Allan Westcott andjLinda, of Exeter, spent several days^during the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eph, Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock and Jean visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dickinson, of Den- field. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern, Harry and Bob visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen, of Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield and Betty, Mr. Jack Duffield, Mrs. Wynn, of Whalen, visited' on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock. Mr. ed at day. The social jorie During the evening, Mrs. Brock, retiring teacher of the class, was presented with book-ends. Harry Hern read the ’ address and Irene Brock made the presentation. Election of officers was' held. The following were elected for the com­ ing year: president, Anna Brock; treasurer, Clifton Jaques. Teachers for the new year are Mr. Harold Hern and Mrs. Morris Hern. and Mrs. Melville Hern visit- Londesborough on Wednes- Young People’s Class had a evening at the home of Mar- Earl on Saturday evening. Warren YOUNG—GEROMETTE The wedding of Phyllis Geromette, only daughter and Mrs. James Geromette, way, and Raymond Wilbert son of Mi’, and Mrs. Wilbert Young, was solemnized on January Sth at Eileen of Mr. Green- Young, TO START AUCTIONEERING Mr. Percy Wright, son of Mr. Mrs. Howard Wright, of Crdmarty, has .juSt arrived home from Decatur, Tndianh, where he has* graduated from the Reppert school of Auc­ tioneering which teaches every phase of the auction Work. This school was established twenty-five years ago by .Fred Reppert known as America's foremost auctioneer. {Associated With him are fifteen Of America’s greatest auctioneers, that explain to the students just how to become successful auctioneers. Bona fide sales are conducted every day in* the auction house so that the students have actual rexperidnce under the guidance Of these instruc­ tors and are really seasoned auc­ tioneers when they receive their diplomas. One hundred and forty- four students from 31 differ­ ent states lit the Union “and nine from Canada attended this winter term of school. / and the Grand Bend manse by Rev. W. T. Cleave. The attendants were Miss Ila Steeper of West McGilliv­ ray, cousin of the bride, and Mr. Ralph Steeper, ’ of Parkhill.. The bride was dressed in a street-length White silk crepe dress trimmed with sequins and a shoulder-length white net veil with a halo of white flowers. Her corsage was pink fOSeS and white mums. Her only “'orna­ ment Was a gold necklace, gift of the groom. The bridesmaid was at­ tired in a lime green dress with a small black hat and shoulder-length veil with lime green dots and her corsage was Of pihk roses and white mums. A reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents where a dinner was served to about nine­ teen guests by Miss Ella BropWey and Miss Evelyn Walper, friends of the bride. The young couple left on a trip to Niagara Falls,’ Toron­ to, and Newmarket, The bride travelled in a pink wool dress with a light blue top coat, white hat and gloves. Oh their return they Will reside at Elginfleld. Professional Cards EXETER, ONTARIO Office, Main Street, EXETER, ONT, J. W. MORLEY solicitor F. W. GLADMAN BARRISTER — SOLICITOR Si? EC I AL Double-Duty Rose Drop J Works Fast Right Where Trouble Is I Instantly, relief from sniffly, sneezy stuffy distress of head colds starts to come the moment you put a few drops of Va-tro-nol up each nostril. Soothes irritation, relieves congestion, makes breathing easier in a hurry. Also helps prevent many colds from developing jf used in time. Just try it! Works fine) Follow directions in folder. VICKS VMRO’WOL Hu ron Presbyterial Elects Officers 'Canada has past, should the future. TOURIST TRAFFIC Tourist business in. been important in the be more important in The estimated receipts for 1929 were $198 million; in 1939, $149 million, and in 1944, $112 million. This represents tourist expendi­ tures in Canada in the years given. It should run, at least, $200 million per annum when business once more settles -down. Even in 1939 the sum received would pay for our entire imports of coal,' raw cotton, cotton products and fresh fruits, twice over and still leave $30,000,000' for other trifles. The figure for imports of these three products in T9 3 9 was $58,393,528, At the annual executive meeting of Huron Presbyterial W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, held in Clinton, the following of­ ficers were elected; president, Mrs. W. J. Thompson, of Seaforth; vice- presidents, Miss 1A. M- Toll, of Blyth, Mrs, H, C. Dunlop, of God­ erich, Mrs, E. Lawson, of Auburn; secretary, Miss B, Campbell, of Sea­ forth; treasurer, Mrs. J. B. Russell, of Seaforth; Y.W. and girls secre­ tary, Mrs, Harold Rivers, of Goder­ ich; Mission Band secretary, Mrs. D. J, Lane, of Clinton; home help­ ers and students, Miss L. M. Jeckell of Exeter; life membership, Mrs. G. Walker of Hensail; Glad Tidings, Mrs. F. Ross of Auburn; press, ‘Mrs. A. Taylor of Goderich; welcome and welfare, Mrs. C. Hudson of Hensail; supply, Miss M. E. Brown of Exeter. The treasurer reported that $3,071 had been sent to the provin­ cial treasurer, exceeding the alloca­ tion ,by $138, The total membership" for the year was 672. There were 11 auxil- named the key woman, iaries, one Y.W., four 'girls’ groups — and five Mission Bands. Besides the amount sent to the provincial treasurer, $200 was con­ tributed to the peace thankoffer­ ing fund. The sum of $328 was contributed by 193 home helpers; $140 for supplies; $600 to life mem­ berships. The .Presbyterial went on record as favoring a synodical division in-) stead of one provincial group, and Mrs. K, McLean, of .Seaforth, was 2$ at lfensall, Friday & to 5 p.m. DR, F. J. MILNER Physician and Surgeon Corner of William and Sanders Streets, opposite the residence of the Jate Dr, J. W. Byowning. Phopes; Office 295W, Res. 2?5J EXETER, ONTARIO Dr. G. F, Roulston, L,D,S., D.D.S. ^DENTIST Offices, Morley Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon Dr, H. H, Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. dental surgeon Maili Street, 'Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res, 36j Closed Wednesday Af.ternoons C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Open every week day except Wednesday The officers were installed by­ Mrs, W. A. Wright, of Seaforth. i Hello, Homemakers’ Did .Santa Claus .leave everyone a pressure cooker? tNo doubt you have been experimenting with yours. We have been busy making tests so" that we may answer the innumerable in­ quiries which are flooding in. One fact that has been established is that, irrespective of your cooking skill, this method requires special knowledge and forethought. Be sure to paste the cooking time table (that comes with your cooker) on cardboard and hang it in your kit­ chen. Pressure cookers, irrespective of price, operate on the same prin­ ciple, namely, fast cooking under pressure. Although there are two or three kinds on the market now, differing primarily in the way the steam is released, other types are being manufactured. These sauce­ pans the modern, easy to clean and durable. The operation of a pressure cooker is streamlined to assist the busy homemaker in preparing nut­ ritious meals quickly. It requires only a few minutes to cook a delec- able, supper dish for the whole family or two or three vegetables may be cooked in the saucepan without the mixing of flavours’or colours. The saving of fuel is consider­ able. Cooking a pot roast or less- tender meat is accomplished with speed as it cuts the time per .pound in half. The use of electricity as a fuel assists in processing since the heat should not fluctuate". Because inexpensive- meats are cooked so deliciously,, a tremendous saving in food costs'results. ■ » to the same extent as they are in longer cooking. BEEF STEW WITH NOODLES 2 lbs. beef brisket, 6 onions ' 1 cup. celery, cup wide noodles salt and pepper. Cut beef into serving pieces, dredge with flour and brown in, a greased frying pan. Put in tile ■pressure, saucepan and add a cup of water. Adjust lid of cooker and when pressure is 15' lbs. time the cooking 15 mins. Release pressure according to directions, Add onions celery, noodles and salt. Again wait for the pressure to indicate 15 lbs. and time the cooking period for 10 mins. BAKED BEANS 1 lb. navy beans, 1 tsp. salt 2 tbsps. .molasses, 6 tbsps. of brown sugar, 14 lb. pork, 4 cups, water. Wash beans. Soak beans for 1. 2 * * * * TAKE A TH’ Care should be taken not to fill the cooker too full or with over­ sized portions that will close the vent pipe When the id* sealed. Whdn thb desired reached—which is cooker cover ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron- and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY " PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R.R. No. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER' P.O. or RING 138 WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you of youc property’s true value on sale day. Graduate of American Auction College . Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction. Guaranteed Crediton P.O. or Phone 43-2 2 hrs. in enough water to cover. Put all ingredients into pressure sauce­ pan and mix. When pressure g'auge' is 15 lbs. cook 40 mins. BOSTON BROWN BREAD 1 cup cornmeal 1 cup white flour, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. soda, 2 tsps, baking powder,, 1 cup whole wheat flour, 1/3 cup brown sugar, £ -cup molasses, 2 cups buttermilk, IB cups raisins. Sift together cornmeal,___ ____ _______, white flour, salt,, soda and baking powder add whole wheat sifting; add sugar, E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. EXETER, R.R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7 * a J SK». USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, ■ Ontario Pres. ,............ WM. A. HAMILTON R. R. 1, Cromarty " Vice-Pres. ........ WM. H. COATES Exeter DIRECTORS THOS. G. BALLANTYNE: "Woodham JOHN HACKNEY .... Kirkton, R. 1 ANGUS SINCLAIR .... Mitchell R. 1 JOHN McGRATH ...... Dublin, Ont. AGENTS JOHN ESSERY ................ ............... ALVIN L. HARRIS Mitchell THOS. SCOTT Cromarty SECRETARY-TREASURER W. F, BEAVERS .......... F. W, GLADMAN Solicitor, Exeter flour without ____ ______ ___ , molasses, but­ termilk and raisins and beat thor­ oughly. Pour into 4 tin cans, filling each one-half full. Place in pres­ sure saucepan and adjust lid. When pressure is . indicated as 15 turn electric element to lov-r process 45 mins. FIG BREAD PUDDING 2t cups dry bread crumbs, cup milk, 2/3 cup sugar, tbsps. melted butter ctit figs, 2 eggs (beaten), salt i cup chopped nuts. Add bread crumbs to hot and add into sure. 15 lbs. for lbs. and B, Centralia .. Exeter 1 3 1 cup Anne Allan invites you ‘to write- to her % The Times-Advocate. Send in your suggestions on homemaking problems and watch this column for replies.. pressure is indicated by a pointer on a gauge or by a slight hissing sound and move ment, of Weight—the 'heat be lowered immediately. Foods With short Cooking tinfeS will be over-cooked unless the temperature is rapidly reduced. Some cookers may be placed in a small amount of cold water to release steam, 4, Because some foods> as less-ten­ der meats, soups" and the like can use longer cooking times, in­ stant pressure "reduction is not necessary. A better result is ob­ tained if such foods as dried beans of whole oniohs are allow­ ed to drop pressure by cooling normally, as a sudden tempera­ ture change may cause, splitting of the skins, A few minutes too long in the pressure pan can cook vegetables into an unrecognizable mass. 6. The short cooking time also pre­ serves food Values by shortening the time of exposure to heat. Vitamins B-l and C are not de­ stroyed in ptessuro-cooked foods should 3. J 5. Ulilk cool, pour pres- after indicator records 25 mins. set aside to cool. When all other ingredients and greased pan. Process in cooker & 4 $ QUESTION BOX Mrs. J, K. asks: What pressure do you use for green pea soup and f6j* THE how much time is required cooking,AnSWef: If the ’ dried peas are qtiick cooking, it is not necessary to soalt them; the pressure should be 15 lbs. and the cooking period about 60i mlns, for 6 servings Dried peas, which have been soaked cook in 35 minutes- Mrs, S, T. suggests that apple­ sauce, stewed tomatoes, spinach, should not be cookdd tn a pressure saucepan. MI’S. A. B. says: A pressure cook­ er can be Used with inSet pans for soft io.ods such as Boston bread or Steam puddings. j * » -x- * Many women have to do their own., housework, and the constant bend­ ing over, lifting, making bods,, sweeping, Ironing, sewing, so neces­ sary to perform their household duties puts a heavy strain On the back and kidnoys, and if there Were’ no kidney weakness the back Would be strong and well. Roan's Kidney Pills help to give/ relief to Weak, backache, kidney suf­ fering women. Doan’s Kidney Pills are put up in an oblong grey box with our trade* mark a “Maple Leaf” oh the wrapper. Don’t accept a substitute. Bo sure and get “Doan’s.” 1116 It Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. .