HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-01-17, Page 5THE TJMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 17ft, 1946 •»IW Domestic and Commercial Refrigeration Service Domestic and Commercijal Units now available 1 FOR JSALE 1 Used Domestic Kelvinator Toaster (used) 1 Iron (used) EXETER amd vicinity GIZ 1 PHONE 59W. Crocker day or night AUTHORIZED KELVINATOR SALES & SERVICE HENSALL Mr. T. C. Joynt made a business trip to Montreal this week. Mrs, Lome McNaughton returned home after spending the past week in Toronto. . & Miss Ellen Fremlin, of Zurich, spent tlie week-end with Miss Mar­ garet Glenn, Mr, Wm. Slavin, of London, spent the week-end with members of his family here. Mr,* Wm. Callahan, of Detroit, visited recently with his sister, Mrs. Catharine Devlin, Pte. Jim Campbell, of Guelph, was a week-end visitor at the home of Mrs. Jas. gangster. Mr. Jack MacLean and friend, of Detroit, spent /the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Rowcliffe. Mr. Wm, Callahan, of Detroit, visited last week at the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Fred Corbett. Miss Jean McQueen has spent the past few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby and Donna in Blenheim. Miss Norma Cook, of London, spent the week-end with her par-> ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Cook. Miss Gloria Twitchell has accept­ ed a position ip. London‘and com­ menced her duties there this week. Mrs. John Corbett and Connie visited during the pas,t week with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams in Lon­ don. Miss Lucy Wood, of Bayfield, spent the past few weeks with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Middleton. Mrs. Wesley Jones, Patsy and Larry are spending a couple of weeks at the home of her mother, Mrs. Fred Corbett. ’ Mi;, and Mrs- Melvin Moir, Doug­ las and Betty visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Laifig and Mrs. Manson in Exeter. Mr§. Richardson and t daughter, of Strathroy, and Mis‘s Lillian Zavitz, of Strathroy, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Drysdale and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale. . : ; The executive of. the W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian church met at the home of Miss Minnie Reid on Friday afternoon to arrange their meetings for 1946. Presentation at S.S. No. 10 Hay A large number of tlhe ratepayers and friends of S.S. -No. 10 Hay- gathered at the schoolhouse on Friday evening in honor of Mr. and have W.M.S. Of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held on Thursday at 3 .p.m., in the sohool-room of the Church with Mrs. Hannah Work­ man presiding and opened with the call to worship and prayer by Mrs. Workman, The hymn, “Standing at the Portal,” was sung and the scripture, Psalm 103, was read by Mrs., Wm, McKenzie. Rev. ... (Mr. Ferguson presided for the Installa­ tion of officers. The roll call was answered with “prayer” as text word, after which Mrs, Walker led in prayer. Mrs. J, Pater­ son favored with a vocal solo ac­ companied by Mrs. Maldolm Doug- all on the piano. The hymn, “For Tliy Mercy and Thy Grace,” was sung. Mrs. Workman gave a report of the Annual 'Presbytery meeting held in Clinton on Jan. 6th. “ meeting closed by singing, God, Our Help,in Ages Past,” the Lord’s 'Prayer in unison. Arnold Circle The Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian imet at the home of Mrs. Hilton Laing in Exeter on Tuesday evening. The president, Mrs. Melvin Moir, . presided and opened the meeting with the call to worship and prayer. .Hymn, “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah,” was sung, after which Mrs. A-. W. Kerslake led in prayer. The scrip­ ture, Miss Calls sung. Study capably given by Mrs. Stanlake. A quiz on Africa was con­ ducted by Mrs. Moir. The business followed. Mrs. F. G. Bonthron was appointed treasurer for 1946. The roll call, birthday fees and offering were taken. The February will be held at the home Ferguson. An introduction Eagle Series of Books on “Misssion- aries” was given by Mrs. Ferguson. singing Be,” and the Geo. The “O and Acts 1, 1-14, was read by Helen Moir. Hymn, “Jesus Us O’er the Tumult,” was The topic taken from the Book on Africa,' was very by Mrs. Norman meeting of -Mrs. to' the Mrs. • Basil Edwards, ■ who moved to Hensail to make their home. Progressive euchre was play­ ed during the evening, after which Mr. and Mrs. Edwards were pre­ sented with an electric table lamp and an occasional chair. The mentation was made by Mr. Munn and the accompanying dres3 read by Mr. Robt.. Munn. Edwards, although completely en by surprise, expressed 1 sincere thanks. Lunch was served at the close. Young People Hear Address on “Famous Artists” ■ ■’ The Young People of Hensail United 'Church held their regulai’ meeting Monday evening in" the schoolroom of,the church with Bill Mickle presiding. The meeting was in charge of the Christian Culture group with ’Eleanor Venner, con­ venor, The Scripture Lesson was read by Bill Mickle, and the ex­ planation of the Scripture was given by Eleanor Venner, after which Doris Biichanan led in pray­ er. Arrangements were made to take charge of an evening church service in the near future, also to hold a toboggan party. Eleanor Venner read an introduction to the topic on “Art.” Miss Barbara Michieugave an interesting address on “Famous .Paintings and Artists”. The meeting concluded by singing a hymn and the Benediction. W.M.S. Meets The Ja’nuary meeting of the M & WHY eternity in Hell? THAMES ROAD After having a week of unusually mild weather for January “Old Man Winter” visited us again over the week-end covering the bare ground with a thick blanket of snow followed, by blustery and frosty* weather. Snow ploughs were out and busy again clearing the roads. An epidemic of measles has been in this community these past weeks. W® hope all will soon * be well again, Miss Ella Robinson . ’ received word this week of the death of her cousin, Mrs. Lettie Robinson, wife of Johnsey Robinson, 1809 Shell Ave., Venice, California, pn Jan, 2, 1946. Funeral service was held from “The Church of the Flowers,’ California, at 3 p.m, op January 5, 1946. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. J, Stewart last week were Mrs. Ross of Staffa, Mr, and Mrs. J. .Stewart j and children and Mr. T, Blackpool, j of Toronto, and Mr. E. Baker who i has recently returned from overseas Mrs. H. Rohde is visiting this week in Toronto at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs^W. Turnbull. Misses Gardiner, back and forth they are employed, are now board­ ing in town for the remainder of the winter months. They both spent the week-end with their parents here. James Simpson returned home Monday after spending a few days in Toronto attending the Federa­ tion of Agriculture Convention, The Farm Forums met following places Monday Lumley School House and at the homes of • Mr. and Mrs. L. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ballantyne Mr. and Mrs. .Stanley Coward, All report a good attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weber Tlio Avonbank Pramatiic Players will present their play ‘Mr. Bean from Lima’ In Kirkton Aberdeen Hall Friday/ Jan. 25 under the auspices of the Kirkton A, Y. P. A. Admission 35<) and 20c oine of her Turnbull. Lillie Millei’ and Mary who have been motoring to Exeter where at the night: Johns and CREDITON Lieut* J. N. Paydon who return­ ed from Suam and who visited a few hoys with Rev. and Mrs. Reu­ ben, left on Saturday for Amopolis Maryland. Miss Melita Clark, of Shipka, has joined' the staff of operators at the local telephone office. The inaugural meeting newly elected council was the Council Chambers on of this week with Rev. participating. The congregational meeting of the United Church will be ’ on Friday, January 25th when Pot Luck supper will be 6.30 o’clock. Kindly change of date. Mr, and Mrs, Chas, and daughter Mary, of Beachville, and Miss Kaye Russell spent Sun­ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C, Youngs, /We. are sorry to report that Mr. Frazer Brown is ill with an attack of blood poisoning. We hope for a speedy return to health. Gnr. Morley Bushell,^recently re­ turned from overseas and Miss Lenoys Fair, of Kincardine, visited over the week-end with Mr. Mrs. Max Bushell. Women’s Association J’he regular meeting of the Wo­ men’s, Association church was held on uary 101th at the an attendance of vice-pres,, Mrs. C. Youngs, presided and the sc'ripture lesson was read by Mrs. S- King, after which Rev. Trueblood offered prayer. After some discussion it was decided to hold a bazaar in the fall of 1946, It was also agreed to donate ten dollars to the Missionary fund of the church. Plans were made for the coming Congregational supper and two new members were added to the roll. Rev. Trueblood gave an interesting talk on Missions. The hostesses, Mrs. Trueblood and pf the held in Monday Rentier held a served nt note the Matheson KIRKTON Returned Mett Honored Some 200 people met in the Aberdeen .Hall, Kirkton, Thursday evening to do honor to two of our Kirkton hoys who have just recent­ ly returned from overseas, Mr. Maitland Hammond and Mr. Gerald Paul. Dr. G. H. Jose acted as chair­ man and a varied program was giv­ en by local talent. Leon Paul led in sing-songs with his mother at the piano; readings were given by Miss Middleton, Mrs. Earl Watson and Harold O’Brien- violin num­ bers by Miss Mary Urquhart, Chas. Paul and Edwin Tufts; violin and piano numbei’ by the Allen brothers. Dr. Jose then called Maitland and Gerald to the platform and’a well- worded address was given by Ross Marshall. Lavern Stone presented Mait. with a living room mirror and Harold O’Brien presented Gerald with a living room table. The boys made suitable, replies, served by the Institute Mr. Wm. Stephens, of is holidaying with his- Orville Roger. Miss Velma Doupe, spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B'. Doupe. Gerald (Paul spent a few days in Montreal this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis ..en­ tertained some 25 young people’to a*euchre party Friday evening. At the conclusion a dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. G. h. Burgin and sons George and Harold were Sun­ day guests with Mrs. F. Pridham at Russeldale. Reeve Hugh tserry attended County Council at Goderich this week. The annual meeting of the Kirk­ ton United Church was held Wed­ nesday, Jan. 9th, in the basement, of the church when a pot luck supper was served after which Rev. W. D. Goodger conducted the business with Dr. G. H. Jose as secretary. The reports from the various de­ partments of the church were given which showed# a slight increase over _ last year^ 'givings. The of­ ficers accepted their positions for the coming year and a vacancy of the late H. * V. Crago was taken by Mr. R. Hazlewood as a steward. A discussion of a new heating system and the moving of the organ out of the choir loft was left to a commit­ tee to look after. # A.Y.P.A. The A.Y.P.A. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Switzer Tuesday evening/ Jan. 8th. Mrs. Harold Davis led in prayer. Alice Blackler read the scripture. The roll call was answered by a New Year’s resolution. A recreational period followed and a dainty lunch was of the United Thursday, Jan- parsGnage with twenty. First Elsie 49 years ago, Her husband survives, along with a daughter, Mrs. B. Garvie; two brothers, Chas Rinher and Louis Rinher, both of Dashwood. She was a member of the Lutheran Church in Dashwood. The body rested at the Harry Hoff­ man funeral home where a private funeral ’service took place on Sat­ urday at 2 pan, Interment followed in Exeter Cemetery, Rev. T. Luft, officiating. A Welcome Home and Social Evening will be held at the Grand Bend United Church Sunday School Rooms Fri. Evening. Jan. 18th at 8:30 p.m. to welcome a‘further number of our Returned Boys Please Bring Your Own Lunch Grand Bend Welcome Committee Lunch was ladies. St. Thomas, sister,- Mrs. Jones: “But you can’t leave your wife without reason.” Smith: “Why not? I always leave things just the way I found them.” at­ tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Traquair in Hensail last Saturday afternoon. The many friends of • Mrs. Robt. Kydd will be pleased to know that she returned to her home in Shal­ low Lake from the Marine General Hospital, Owen Sound, last Satur­ day. Mr. Fred Dawson,the newly elect­ ed Master of Exeter Masonic Lodge conducted the meeting in Exeter Monday evening foi* the first time. Church services will be at the usual hour School at 10.15 11.15 a.m. Let gether at these Annual Meeting The annual church meeting was held in the church basement Tues­ day evening of this week with Rev. Mair acting as chairman. All organ­ izations reported a very successful year. Tlie treasurei' reported after all expenses were paid there was a .balance "of $5 3 2.03 on hand. The two new members elected to the the year . 1946 William Carin and Mr. Wilfred Hunkin. After business was discussed a lunch was served by the ladies. of London, Mrs. F. W. Clark served elaborate oh Sunday. Sunday a.m. and Church at us all worship to- Services. —o— The cute young thing had broken her glasses and took the remains back to the optometrist. “Will I have to be examined all over?” she.e asked. “No,” he replied, “just your eyes.” ( refreshments and a social time was enjoyed. Mrs. Ed. Lamport ex­ tended an invitation to the society to meet at hei’ home in February. Following is the slate of officers for 1946. Honorary president, Mrs.! F. W. Clark; president, Mrs. A. Baker; 1st vice-president, Mrs. C. Youngs; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. T. Yearley; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. Ed. Lamport; secretary, Mrs. Wil­ fred Mack; ass’t secretary, Mrs. R. Hill; treasurer, Mrs. Thos. Treve- thick; pianists Mrs. E. Lawson and Mrs. J. Woodall; convenor of Good Cheer, Mris. A. King; convenor of Parsonage committee, Mrs. T. Year­ ley. Ladies’ The Ladies’ Evangelical church the home of Mrs. H. K. Silber on Thursday, January 10th ’ with a good attendance. Mrs. F. W. Mor­ lock was in charge of the worship with emphasis on Stewardship and Self-Denial. The. meeting opened with a piano solo by Mrs. E. Fahr­ ner followed by the hymn, “Have Thine Own Way, Lord” and prayer by Mrs. F. Morlock. The scripture: 13, was read by Mrs. J. Mor- Mrs. Royal Gaiser gave a meditation and Miss Nola Youth: “What is courtship?” Oldster: "That short interlude be­ tween lipstick and broom stick ” If you are interested in raising turkeys you are invited to attend the Turkey Meeting at Belvedere Hotel, London, on Tuesday* Jain. 22nd Two outstanding speakers will be present. and The M .................. 1 ........... .................. . ............... .......... Family Group Hospital Plan Canada’s No. 1 Plan For Heads of Families and their Dependents. Pays for both Sickness and Accident for as long as 120 days—when confined to a Hospital. No Medical Examination Needed—Enroll Now! - . ; W. H. HODGSON, Exeter, Ontario Please send me without obligation full par­ ticulars about Canada’s No. 1 Hospital & Sur­ gical plan. Address ........................................................................ IM—............... or see W. H. HODGSON, Exeter, Ont. Aid and W.M.S. regular meeting Aid and W.M.S. was the the at the of heldThe meeting closed by “Take My Life and Let It prayer by Mrs. Moir. Evening Auxiliary Meets The Evening Auxiliary sail United Church met on Monday evening at the home of Miss Edna Saundercock with Mrs. Byron Kyle presiding, and the meeting opened by singing, “Yield Not to Tempta­ tion.” The jninutes were read and the roll call answered by payment of membership fees. Scripture les­ son, Luke 10, verses 1-9, and De­ votional, Visitation, ■’•Evangelism were taken- by Miss Violet McCly- rnont. - The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. ‘E. Geiger, this kind invitation’ ’being extended by Mrs. Spray. (Layettes were distrib­ uted to Mrs. Sanders, Mrs. B. Kyle, MVs. McLarnon, Mrs. .Stephen. Those when finished,, to be handed into the Red Cross in February. In this connection knitting was assigned to . Mrs. B. Kyle, Misses Margaret Glenn, Edna Saundercock, Barbara Michie and Mrs. Townshend. Miss Ellis presented the topic taiteu from the first chapter of 'the W.M.S. Study Book, referring to the Mis­ sionary Currie’s work in lAjfrica. Mrs. Kyle moved a vote of thanks to the hostess. The’meeting closed by singing “I am Coming Lord,” and’ the Mizpah Benediction. Re­ freshments were served. Mrs. Robert Traquaii- Mrs. Mary Traquair passed away suddenly at her (home, second con­ cession of\ Tuckersmith, on Thurs­ day in her 74t.h year. The deceased had just returned home from the hospital at Christmas after recover­ ing from a fractured hip which she suffered in a fall. She was a life­ long | resident of this district. At the time of her marriage to the late Robert Traquair, she moved to the second .concession of Tuckersmith where she has resided for the past 53 years. She Wag the former Mary Robertson and a member of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensail. Sur­ viving are two daughters, Mrs. of Hen-Church Board for were Mr. and KHIVA Mrs. Orland Durand t pre- Ed. ad- . Mr. tak- their “He that believe th on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life: but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:36 Tune In: PILGRIM’S HOUR 7 - 7.30 E.D.S.T. Sunday evenings Local Station —* CKLW, Windsor Old-fashioned Revival Hour—-rebi’O ad casts oh many station at various times. P.O. Box 123, Los Angeles 53, CaliforniaCbas. E. Fuller i Mr. spent the past week with the form­ er’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gelinas. Mr. Durand has recently been released from the Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Dietrich, of Union, were recent visitors with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Earl /Dietrich and’ Elaine and Mrs. L. Leonard called on relatives in Lon­ don on Wednesday of last week. < Dietrich and served at the close. Arthur Jones, St, Thomas, and iMrs^ Roland Williams, Exeter; a son, Richie, at home; and one sister, Mrs. John Newell, Foam Lake, Sask., A public funeral service was held from Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, on Saturday at 2.30 p.m., conducted by Rev. P. A. Ferguson. The choir .sang, “Peace, Perfect Peace.” The floral tributes were very beautiful. The pallbear­ ers and flower bearers were Messrs. John Stewart, John and Watson Wood, R. *D'. Bell, John (Pepper, i Wm. Buchanan, - Glarence Volland, John Pfaff, BloSs and Roy Pepper, Glenn Bell, Wilbert and Clarence Dilling. Interment was in Hensail Union Cemetery. Institute Hears (Address bn -“This Canada of Ours.” •*. The January meeting _ HI Hensall Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. G. M. Drysdale on Wednesday evening with ■ Miss Greta Lammie, co-hostess. Mrs. A. W. Kerslake presided over the pro­ gram which opened with the sing­ ing of “The Ode” and “O Canady”. The motto, “Putting Unity into the Community,” was ttriost capably given by Mrs. ®. Geiger* The roll call was answered by “Things to avoid in the coming year.” The minutes were read by 'Miss Gladys •Luker in the absence of the secre­ tary, Mrs. E. 'Chipchase. Mrs. Len- riis O’Brien, of Zurich, gavb an in­ teresting demonstration on making a variety bf sandwiches. Mrs. Hess gave a brief introduction demonstration. Mr, Victor Public School (Principal, of was the guest speaker and Splendid address bn “This of Ours.” A committee comprising Mrs. A* W. Kerslake, Mrs. G. M. Drysdale and Mrs* W. B. Cross were appointed # to interview the Council re the building of a “Community Building*’, Miss Mattie Ellis favored with a humorous reading which was much enjoyed. MrS. G* Schwalm gave th'e recipe. A vote of thanks was extended to the hostess, co-hostess and all tak­ ing part by Mrs. H. Faber. The meeting closed With the Lord's Player, repeated in unison, Refresh­ ments Were served. GRAND BEND Games and cards and a sumptu­ ous lunch were enjoyed by some 5 0 neighbors and friends Friday evening, Jan*. 11th, -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Turnbull, when they met to honor their son Jack who has just returned from service overseas. During the evening Jack was asked to come forward, while Lloyd Fahner read an address of presentation, with Arnold Gaiser presenting a gift. Jack, in a few well chosen words, thanked all kindly. The gift included an elect­ ric 'razor and leather billfold con-ric 'razor and leather billfold taining money. of the to the Dinnin, Zurich, gave a Canada GREENWAY The Bible Society of the Anglican and United Churches are holding a‘pot luck supper in the United church basement on Tuesday eve­ ning, Jan. 22nd, The supper will be followed by an address and movirig pictures ,by Key. -Denny Bright, of London. Admission 25c and 10 c. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Harrison, of Bayfield, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartle, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hartle and Howard, Mr: and Mrs. Stanley Hartle visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hartle and Leslie of West Corners. * Miss Gladys Stewardson, of (Lon­ don, spent tlie week-end With her parents, .Mr. arid Mrs. Lloyd Stew­ ardson. Mr, and Mrs. Dean Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Russell BroWn and Gor­ don, Mr. and Mrs. 'Carman Wood­ burn and Marion visited on Sunday evening’. with Mr. and Mrs. Elzaar Mousseau and Marilyn, of Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Rbss Griffith and Billie are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Ilonsberger and family of Vineland. Mr. mid Mrs. Raymond Kollock, of KerrWood, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Pol- lock. Little Miss Heather McGregor visited last WOelc with her grand- ■ parents, Mr, and Mrs. L H, Me* |Grogor, of Exetoi*. I Luke lock. short Faist sang a solo, “Building Day by Day”. Brief prayers were offer­ ed by several members and the hymn, ‘Blest be the Tie that Binds’ was sung. Miss Clara Gaiser re­ viewed two chapters of the' study book “Christianity where we live”. A lovely piano selection was ren­ dered by Mrs. E. Fahrner and Mrs. F. Morlock. A presentation of self­ denial was .given by five • of the members, closing with hymn “Take my life and let it be.” Mrs. Albert Gaiser, president presided for the business session. The Committee reported out twelve boxes to at Christmas. Letters tion were read from the recipients of these boxes. The names of Mrs. Ezra Faist, Mrs. Eva 'Grant were mittee. It was books for the Course for 1946. Plans were made for the observance of the Day of Prayer to be held the 3rd of Feb­ ruary. After the singing of a hymn lunch was served by Mrs. H. M. Faist and Mrs. C. Haist. Mrs. Ross Krueger expressed appreciation to the hostess and the groups in charge. FOUNTAINS and FEEDERS Good Cheer having sent the shut-ins of apprecia- A. Amy added to decided W.M.S. and Mrs. this com- to order Reading What did MILDRED PIERCE do? DASHWOOD LAC. Howard Klumpp returned home from overseas last week and Pte. Glen Walper and Pte. Albert Miller are expected this week com­ ing home on the Queen Elizabeth. Mr. Roy Neeb, of 'Pontiac, Mich., spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Mary Neeb. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harris, of 'Sarnia, and Mrs. Rinker, of Thed­ ford, attended the-funeral of the late Mrs. H, Elsie last Saturday. Miss Dorothy Wein,. nurse-in- training in Victoria Hospital, Lon- • don, is spending a few, days at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Art Seldon and sister,, Miss Annie Seldon, of Inger­ soll, and Mrs. J. Wilkinson, of Till* sonburg, attended the funeral of the late Miss Fannie Preeter last week. Miss Dorothy Wild, of London, Spent the week-end with her par­ ents. Mrs. George Thompson, of De* troit, is visiting with Mi’S. Klumpp and Other friends. I Mrs. Hartman Elsie I o Mrs, Hartman Elsie passed away I at her residence in Dashwood, in I her 73rd year. Formerly Pauline L liinhef, she was married to Mr. V; Raise* chicks profitably and reduce the mortality rate by using these new improved coal brooders. Distinctive features make these brooders new and up-to-date. They burn hard coal, soft coal or coke satisfactorily. Also extra heavy grates, extra coal capacity, and scientifically-shaped fire boxes. 500 and 1,000-chick capacity. It pays to provide good sanitary equipment to raise healthy chicks. We have a large stock of galvanized metal fountains feeders. fountains eome in sizes up to 4-gal- lon capacity and feeders in a wide range from 12 to 60 inches. Purina Mills now put the necessary ingredients into this chow to "feed the embryo” and produce the highest possible number of strong, vigorous chicks. So if you are producing hatching eggs, feed Purina Breeder Lay Chow with good scratch grain. Remember, the quality of your chicks is largely determined by the breeding and feeding of their parents, before the eggs go into the incubator. -—........ - Hard ware One Door South of Post Office