HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-01-03, Page 4TIRE RATIONING ENDED TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER It has boon my privilege pleasure to serve you during trying years that have passed. a rm ,y npH. ■lires: I ires! tires! After January 1st, all motorists are eligible to buy new tires without permits, This must be good news to a great many cur owners who have been anxious to replace worn- out casings with New ehr Tires BE WISE — BUY GOODYEARS’ Snebrove Tire & Electric Andy Snelgrove, Manager I______ _________ _ THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER* ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 3rd, 1946 Election Cards and th®........................................ ‘ I have endeavoured to serve you to the very best of ray ability at all times, I again solicit you? support for reeve that I may be privilege^ to guide the affairs of the village carefully and cautiously during the post-way period, I sincerely wish you a happy and prosperous 1946, BENSON W. TUGKEY annual Christmas entertain* of the Centralia Sunday was held in the schoolroom church on Wednesday even­ last week with the superin- Mr. Cecil Skinner,. aq There was a good pro- jnstr UN­ Classified Directory 3 GOOD REASONS FOR USING WANT-ADS; 1 » > Readers 2 , s Litffe Copt 3 , , Results Midget and Juvenile 'Doubleheader Midgets 8:30 p.m cat the i’ I This is the first Minor Hockey Game of the seasc Arena. Come out and cheer our boys. I Minor EXETER ARENA Monday, January 7th Goderich vs. Exeter 7 to 8:30 p.m. Juveniles Goderich vs. Exeter i 15cAdmission 25c; Students and Personnel in Unifc I wish to inform the public that I have taken over the Coal Business of W. C. Allison and will be pleased to supply all his old customers, also any new customers. We now have on hand Alberta Coal and Coke. W. W. McBride 0 a GOODYEAR and DOMINION Casings and Tubes All restrictions off. Get your order in early . & Phone 100 Exeter, Ontario «nBBUan To the Public Having disposed of my coal business to Mr. Walter McBride I wish to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the splendid patronage that has been afforded me in the coal business and especially for the loyal support during the trying times when coal was scarce. I bespeak for my successor, Mr* McBride, a con­ tinuance of your patronage. Mr* McBride took over the coal business on January 1st. I will dontfrnie to operate my gasoline business, handling gasoline, fuel oil and all B.A, products, Allison TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER I wish to thank my mover and second ex- reeve of Exeter, I also wish to ex­ tend to the ratepayers of Exeter the season’s greetings, I solicit your support on Monday, January 7th, Come out and vote. SWEITZER FOR REEVE TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen:-—I wish to express my thanks in again re­ turning me to the council and I will continue to serve the municipality to the best of my ability. My wish for all is a Happy and Prosperous New Year. c for nominating me for Central^ Sunday Schpol Christmas Entertainment The in ent School of the ing of Undent, chairman, gram of songs, dialogues, mentals and recitations. The choir presented the sacred pageant “King AIL Glorious” inter­ spersed with Christmas carols and Scripture passages read by Bov, Weir on Sunday evening to a fairly large appreciative audience. The choir members each took parts, consisting qf full choir num­ bers* duets and trios by both ladies apd men, exceptionally well. The pageant was directed by Mrs. pen­ warden, During were played by Mrs. A. and Mrs. Penwarden, their choir leader and pianist, the service piano duets Hodgins visiting received Lt. Bessie Bell who is at her home in Elimville,1 notice from the U.S, War Depart­ ment of her promotion from Lt. to Captain in the U.S. Army Nurses Corps. The notice came the dav before Christmas. FOR SALE LOST AND FOUND Nominations and Elections f J. WELLINGTON HERN ------IQ------ TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen:—Having been elected a member of Exetei- Council for 1946 by acclamation I want to thank my mover and sec­ onder for their friendship and con­ fidence in me and I will do all I can to help the reeve and the mem­ bers of the council to work for the benefit of our lovely village. Wish­ ing you all the compiments of the season. I am yours for prosperity.* JOHN CALDWELL One of the best Sunday School concerts in some years was present­ ed in the Sunday School room of Main Street church on Friday eve­ ning, December 21st. Mr. Frank Wildfong, assistant superintendent, was the chairman and presided over a program of recitations, songs, choruses, dialogues, drills and pageants. Santa Claus was present and presented candy bags to all the boys and girls. TO THE ELECTORS OF USBORNE TOWNSHIP Ladies and 'Gentlemen,- Having served the municipality as reeve for two years I am again a candi­ date for a third term. With two years experience at <the County Council I feel that I am in a better position to serve you for another term. If elected my intention is to retire at the end of the year. I wish to thank the electors for their sup­ port in the past and again solicit your vote and influence in my elec­ tion. To one and all I extend compliments of the season. HUGH BERRY TO THE ELECTORS OF USBORNE TOWNSHIP Ladies and -Gentlemen,- Having served the municipality to the best of my ability for the past, eight years as councilloi* I am now a can­ didate for the reeveship. I will not be able to m'ake a canvass of the- township and I respectfully solicit the vote and influence of the rate­ payers in my election. If elected I will promise to serve you faithfully. I wish for all a very happy and prosperous New Year. CLARKE L’ISHER TO /THE ELECTORSOF "USBORNE Ladies and 'Gentlemen:—-Kindly accept my best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. I have decided to allow my name to stand for the position of councilloi- and if elected wil serve to the best of ability. I solicit your vote and fluence in my behalf. WELLINGTON BROCK ——iQ— THE ELECTORS USBORNE Ladies and Gentlemen:-—In again appealing to you for support in electing me to the council I prom­ ise that if elected I will endeavour to serve you faithfully in the future as I have in the past. Many­ thanks for past favors. Greetings and best wishes for a happy prosperous 1946. GILBERT DUNCAN TO THE ELECTORS OF USBORNE Ladies and Gentlemen:—-I again a candidate as a councillor for the township. I wish to thank those whose loyal support i have enjoyed in the past and I again take this opportunity of soliciting your vote and influence. Season’s Greetings to all. WM. E'LLERINGTON TO THE RATEPAYERS OF USBORNE TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen,- Having been prevailed upon to allow mv name to Stand for the position of councillor I take this Opportunity of soliciting yotir vote and influ­ ence in my election, It is not intention to make a personal vas. If elected I will serve municipality to the best ability. I wish for one and compliments of the season. HAROLD JEFFERY the my in- TO OF and am of all Perfect Attendance James Street 'Sunday Christmas Sunday after- and diplomas were pre- 35 scholars for perfect during the year which Miss Dorene 15 Years At the School on noon seals sented to attendance ended August 31st. Parsons is to be congratulated on receiving a seal for fifteen years perfect attendance, a record that anyone might well be proud of. A story was told by Miss Reta Rowe and a solo was sung by Miss Helen Shapton. Died in Detroit The death took place at Harper’s Hospital, Detroit, on Monday, Dec. 24th, of Beulah W. Laing, beloved wife of Wilfred G. Stewart, of 12761 Corbett 'St., Detroit. Mr. Stewart is an Exeter Old Boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, of town. Besides her husband she is Joan The survived by two children, Elaine and Jerome Warner funeral service was, held from the Berkeyvan funeral home, Gross Point, Mich., onJB^iUTSday,, Dec|. 27. Mr. D. B. Jjte^art left on Christmas Day to be with his broth­ er and family and to attend funeral service. the Death of Mrs. Brooks Arthur Brooks, of 'Centralia, away Tuesday, January 1st, 76 th year. The body has _ " at E. R. Hopper’s funeral chapel where a service will be conducted Thursday evening by Rev. Weir, of Centralia, and will then be conveyed to Windsor for interment in the Windsor Grove cemetery. Mrs. Brook’s maiden name was Sarah Ann King. 'She was twice married, her first husband being the late Silas Brokenshire. Surviving -besides her husband are one daughter and four sous, Miss Iva Brokenshire, of Windsor; Mer- yin Brokenshire, of Hagersville; Arva and Joseph, of London, and Clifford, of Detroit; also two broth­ ers, Albert and Eli. King, of Credi­ ton. , Mrs. passed in her been resting £ FOR SALE—Horsehide robe 57x72 Also a pair of fur gauntlets, all in. good condition. Phone 248* Exeter 3e FOR SALE—New tires, al] sizes, no permits required. 'Sandy Elliot. FOR SALE —, Northern Electric, late model 7-tube battery console radio; also 1% h-P. International engine, both in good working condition, Ray Cottle, R.R. 1, Woodham, phone 37rf2, Kirkton. 3* FOR SALE—Blue corduroy velvet skating dress with red trim and red lined, size 15. Apply at Times-Advocate, 3* FOR SALE—Model C 'Case tractor, cab, lights, power take-off. Apply C, J. Walker, R.R. 1, Cromarty. 3:10c FOR SALE—A cutter, also a root pulper. Apply to Geo. Barkner,, Exeter North. 3 c FOR SALE—Two collie pups, also a hand washing machine. Apply to Leonard Harris, phone 33rl8, Kirkton. 29* FOR SALE—80 Rock pullets, lay­ ing. Apply to Clarence Reid, Silas Stanlake’s apt., Exeter, two blocks west of Main Street. 3* FOR SALE — Two well-bred male collie pups. Apply to Chestei- Dunn. Phone Crediton 17r4. 3* REAL ESTATE FARM FOR SALE—10i0 acres, bx-ick house, bank barn, drive shed. Lot 8, South Thames Road on 83 Highway. Apply to Mrs. Frank Hutchison, R.R. 1, Staffa. 3:1'0* FARMS FOR SALE—120 acres, 1 mile from highway, suitable for crops or pasture, moderately priced. 170 acres on highway, full set of buildings, close to schools, churches, canning factory; spring possession. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. VACANT Lots suitable foi’ building sites in Exeter. Buy while there is a choice. W, C. Pearce. FARMS FOR SALE — 150 acres, with good well equipped build­ ings, hydro and water through­ out; close to school and churches: Also 100 acres and two fifties. See these farms if you are inter­ ested in buying. C. V. Pickard. Exeter. PASTURE FARMS—We have three good pasture farms. Buy now. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. NOTICES LOST — In Usbprne Township a black collie pup about six months old. Finder please notify Thos. Allen, phOUe 173r6, Exeter, 3c LOST—A speckled black and white hound with one clear black spot on one side, tan ears. Finder please phone Jim Powers, 24r41 Cargille (collect), 3* LOST—Will the person who wag seen picking up a 90* pound bag of beans near Dashwood about three weeks ago please return to Times-Advocate. 27* LOST-—A gent’s dark overcoat'with • two ration books, between Credi- ton chopping mill and a mile south, Irvine Stahl, Crediton. 3c FOUND—In Exeter, a fountain pen belonging to F, J, Dagg, Please cal] at Times-Advocate. LOST—In Exeter, on December 19 a girl’s billfold with small sum of money, snapshots and regis­ tration card, Billfold and snaps are valued as keepsakes, Finder may keep the money by returning the billfold to the Times-Advo- ate. • 3 c WANTED WANTED—A middle-aged’ or older woman to do household duties for elderly couple in the country, Protestant preferred. Apply at Times-Advocate. 3 c TOWNSHIP OF usborne NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice 1$ hereby given that ..... meeting of the Electors of the Township of Usborne will be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL, ELIMVILLE On MONDAY, DEC. 31st, 1945 at 1 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of making and receiving Nomina­ tions for the offices of Reeve and four Councillors. And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular office, than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, JANUARY 7th( 1946 when polls will be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. at the following places with the under­ mentioned officers in charge as fix­ ed. by Township by-law, viz: No. 1, School House No. 4, Eden, J. J. Hunter, Fred Ford; No. 2, House of ILloyd Stewart, C. B. Alli­ son, Chas. Jeffery; No. 3, School House No. 1, Hurondale, Wm. Jeffery, Wm. Sims; No. 4, Public Hall, Farquhar, Leonard Harris, Roy Ballantyne; No, 5, Township, Hail, Elimville, Lloyd Johns, Wes­ ton Horne; No, 6, House of Ross Hern, Ross Hern, Norman Brock; No. 7, House of Russell Morrison, Oliver McCurdy, Ray Mills. And all * ' quested to themselves £ WANTED—A. second-hand Hudson seal coat or jacket. Mrs. N. Hockey, phone 239 Exeter, 3:10* electors are hereby re­ take notice and govern accordingly. A. W. MORGAN, Clerk. R. R. 1, Hensail, Dec. 10, 1945 WANTED — R.C.A.F. officer, wife and baby boy desire a furnished apartment. Apply at Times-Ad- vocate. 3*'a WANTED—Egg grader, full time employment. Apply at Times- Advocate. 3 c WANTED—Girl for general office work, typing, filing, etc. Experi­ ence preferred. Part time or full time. Apply at Times-Advocate. WANTED—At once, reliable house­ keeper, for business woman's house. Three adults, no mid-day meat Mrs. Carr-Harris, 445 Pic­ cadilly, London. Telephone, Met- calf 599, y/_______ 20:27:3* WANTED—Youlg^gifT“'"or"’’ womaiT for dining room and light house work, good wages. ■ Telephone, Dominion Hotel, 70, Zurich, Ross Johnston. 6:13:20:27* HURON COUNTY COUNCIL' The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, January 15th, at 2.00 p.m. Al] accounts, notices of deputa­ tions and other business requiring the attention of Council should be j in the hands of the County Clerk | not later than 12.00 o’clock noon, Saturday, January 12th. i N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. 3:10 MISCELLANEOUS TOP PRICES PAID for brick or ■frame buildings to be wrecked. Ivan Lankin, 149 Langarth St., London. Met. 82SOW. tfc. NEUHAUSER NEW HAMPSHIRE^ Sired by Pedigreed Males from Forest Hill and Pine Top breeding farms, New Hampshire. 'Sired Dams Records 26 7 to 307 eggs., Wonder­ ful colour and size. $15.00 per 100. Pullets $25.00. Hatching now. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES, 81 King Street, London, Ontario. (Now operating under new management) VILLAGE OF EXETER NOMTNATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that meeting of the Electors of the Village of Exeter will be held in THE TOWN HALL, EXETER, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 31st, 1945 at the hour of 12.00 o’clock noon for the purpose of making and re­ ceiving- nominations of Candidates for the offices of Reeve and 4'Coun­ cillors, Public Utilities Commission and four for the Board of Educa­ tion. And further Notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qual­ ifying for any particular office, than required to be elected, the MONDAY, JANUARY 7th, 1946 when polls shall be opened from 9. o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. at the following places with the undermentioned officers in charge as fixed by Village by-law viz: Polling Sub-Div. No. 1 at the residence of Wm, Baker, Main St. Edward Treble, D.R.O., and Earl Parsons, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Div. Town Hall, Main Welsh, D.R.O., and Poll Clerk, Polling Sub-Div. No. 2A at the Street, Richard Kathleen Fuke, 3c am a of be TO THE ELECTORS OF STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen,- I candidate for the reeveship Stephen Township. As I will not able to call on each of you person­ ally I solicit your vote and your support in the coming election. If elected I will serve you to the best of my ability. Wishing you one and all a very happy and prosperous New Year. ROY RATZ Mr. Leonard Harvey, recently discharged from the R.C.A.F^ taken over the Red & Grocery, that tor a number years has been conducted by mother, Mrs, Laura Harvey. has White of his NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 2-B at the Town Hall, Main Street, John Camp­ bell, D.R.O., Ila Snell, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Div. No. 3 at the resi­ dence of Mr. Roy Webber, Main Street. George Jaques, D.R.O., and Margaret Fletcher, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Div. No. 4 -at the residence of Mr. William Webster. John L. Kydd„ D.R.O., and Reuben Mclnnes, Poll Clerk, And all electors are hereby re­ quested to take notice and govern .themselves accordingly. C. V. PICKARD, CLERK ’ Exeter, December 10th, 1945. mv can- the my the a — -o— TO THE ELECTORS OF USBORNE ‘Ladies diid Gentlemen:-—Having served the inunicipality for two years as councillor I am again a condidate and take this 'opportunity of appealing to the voters for their support and influence. If elected I will give my best efforts for welfare of the inunicipality* I tend to all the compliments of season OSCAR TUOKEY the ex* the TO THE RATEPAYERS OF STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen,- Having served the municipality for the past six years as Councillor I have been nominated for the position of deputy-reeve. Your vote and in­ fluence is respectfully solicited. If elected I will endeavor to serve in th© future as I have in the past. I wish for all a happy and prosper­ ous 1946, ARTHUR J. AAIY ——- TO THE ELECTORS OF STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen.:-—I this opportunity of appealing to the electors for their support and in­ fluence in electing me to the muni­ cipal council. If elected I will spare no time Or labor in furthering the township’s best intei’ests* May 1946 be a happy and prosperous one all. Mack—Grant A double ring ceremony place in the Evangelical church, Zurich, on Saturday, December 29, when daughter the late formerly to Bryce and Mrs. Rev. Heckendorn officiated. The bride wore a white street­ length dress with black sailor hat and black accessories? Miss Ellen Fyemlin, as bridesmaid, wore a flowered two-piece silk jersey. Mr. S. C. Brown, of Zurich, was grooms­ man. They will reside in Zurich. of the Estate of of the Village of Comity of Huron, deceased. ’if take for took Elizabeth Marjorie, eldest of Rev. A, M. Grant and Mrs. Grant, of Bothwell, of Kippen, was united in Johnson Mack, son of- Mr. Wilbur Mack, of Crediton. DIES Vincent, well by TOWNSHIP NOMINATION Public notice that a meeting­ tile Township of Stephen will he held in the TOWN HALL* CREDITON oil MONDAY, DECEMBER 3.1st, 1915 at 1 o’clock in the afternoon for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for Reeve Reeve, Councilmen and OF STEPHEN AND ELECTION is hereby given of "the Electors of .In the matter Peter Moir* late Hcnsall, in the Retired Fanner, ALL PERSONS having 'claims against the Estate of the late Peter Moir, who died on the 21st day of September 1945, are hereby noti­ fied to send them to any of the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 15 th day of January 1946. AFTER the last-named date the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among the persons en­ titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. DATED at Exeter, the 22nd day December 1945. J. CLIFFORD MOIR, Hensail P. MELVIN MOIR, Hensail Executors *F. W. GLADMAN, Exeter Their Solicitor. 27:3:10c Of Deputy also 1 Trustee of the Township School ' 4, 6, 7,Area coinprising 12 and Union 8, And further __ _ ... _____ given that in the event of more candidates qualifying fice, than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned until * MONDAY, JANUARY 7tll, 19.46 when polls will be open from 9- o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m., at the following places as the Township by-law; 1, Mrs. Mill’s Shop, lot " W. B. Willert, Gordon Penhale’s Kitchen, lot Preston Dearing, George Council Chambers, Trovethick, F. sections 3, 2 to be elected, notice is hereby being for proposed an* any particular of- MALCOLM VINCENT Mr. Malcolm (Mack) who will be remembered the older residents of Exeter, passed away in Detroit, oii Wednesday, Dec. 26, ■ and his remains were brought to Exeter where a funeral service was held at E. R. Hopper’s funeral parlor.. Rev, K. MacLean officiated. He died at the Henry Ford Hospital, death being due to pneumonia. Deceased was in his 74th year and unmarried. His many friends will remember him as a talented singer and entertainer. He was a member of the Exeter lac­ rosse team hi the days of that sport and he belonged to I Knights Templars. For the past 28 I years he lias been living in Detroit fixed by ELMER LAWSON —-0— THE ELECTORS STEPHEN m6 ®6ve:f,01 [and was a retired barber. His sister* Stephen* If elected I Will servo Hie jn„]aw >jfrs. Ruvy Vincent and her TO OF the municipality to the best of my is to a I ability* Your vote and support solicited in my election, I wish extend to all best wishes fot Hajipy New Year, NELSON SCHENK daughter Ethel, of Pontiac, Mich., accompanied the remains to Exeter, The pearers were Messrs, B. W» F. Beavers, ltd* Davis, R. N. Creech, !R, G. Seldom G. A. Hawkins and !j. M, Southcott. I In the matter of the Estate of Henry Squire, late of the Village of IlcnSall, Retired Farmer, deceas­ ed. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the late Henry Squire, who died on the 20th day Of October, 1945, are hereby noti­ fied to send them to either of the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 7th day of January, 1946. AETER the last-named date the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among the persons en­ titled thereto, having . regard only to claims of which the Fxecutor shall then have notice. DATED at Exeter, the 13th December 1945. JAMES SQUIRE, Exeter Executor F. W. GLADMAN, Exeter His Solicitor, of day S to 28, con. Wilson;- 2 0, con. Walker;- Crediton, W. MOrlock; 1 2. 2, 3] TllOS. * * *. * x' . vv > ivxvriuuiv, 4. Town Hall, lot 10, con. 7, Alvin Baker, J. H. Gaiser; B. O’Rourke’s- Kitchen, lot 10, -coil. 12, Pat Sulli­ van, James Mawhinney; 6* Koeh­ ler’s Store, Lot 23, Con. N.B., Ei G. Kraft, Chester Gaiser; 7. Sweit­ zer’s Kitchen,> lot lo, con 17, John- Houlahan, M. 0. -Sweitzer; 8. Pol­ lock’s Store, Lot 40, Con, S.B., Mansell Hedging, Wm. Hicks; 9; Havelle’s Store, Lot 1, Con, Sauble, Colin Love, Leland Desjardfne, And all electors are hereby re­ quested to take notice and govern? themselves accordingly, LLOYD B* HODGSON, Rcturnihg Officer;.Centralia, December 6t!i„ 194&.