HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-01-03, Page 2Page 2 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 3rd, 1946 Cxeter tCiinc£i=^lbbocate Times established 187J; Advocate established J8S1 amalgamated November 1924 PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY MORNING AT EXETER, ONTARIO «An Independent Newspaper devoted to the of the Village of Exeter and Surrounding interests District Member of the Canadian Newspapers1 Association; of the Ontario-Quebec Division of the CWNA Weekly Member All Advertising Copy Must be ip Our Hands Not Later Than Noon on Tuesdays SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 a year, in advance; three months /. M. SOUTHCOTT RATE six months, $1.00 60c PUBLISHER THURSDAY, JANUARY 3rd, 1946 Good Sentiment and Sound Business Canala is profoundly grateful to Great Britain for her work in the war just concluded. What Britain did for herself she did for Can­ ada. Loss incurred in that war on the part of Britain was incurred for Canada as well. The loss so incurred Canada shares in the loan she is making’. Many in Canada are willing to make the loan an out and out gift. But the loan is more than an expression of gratitude by Jack Canuck, He wishes to retain the British market. In a way difficult to explain owing to the intricacies of international finance Britain must pay Canada for goods purchased in dollars rather than in pounds, shillings and pence. The business world for some reason that is hard for most of us to understand is divided into ■sterling sections and dollar blocks. For this reason Canada looks to Britain to pay her in dollars. New dollars are the very things on which Britain is short. She must conserve her dollars if she is to stand up against world trade. Hence her regretful choice of requiring her ships to be outfitted in Britain rather than in 'Canada. The loss incurred by this grim neces­ sity on her part, is enormous, even when puted in terms of international finance, loan extended to Britain on the part of Canada is intended to correct this state of things placing a portion of the loan to Britain to Brit ain’s credit qn Canadian banks. In this way Brit­ ain will be" able to pay Canadian salesmen in dollars, thus preserving for Canada the advant­ ages of the British market. That loan, there­ fore, is good sentiment and good business. Every farmer in Canada is advantaged by this timely loan. ft ft ft ft .Must Step Up Lately we have been heading that we not making good as Canadians by meeting are the demands of the, British market, in the pork line, ' for example. This is too bad. The war gave us the chance to capture that market but we are not up to requirements. Why is this thus? We have the feed. We have the climate, Yes, and we have the labor or those reports about there be­ ing more men than jobs are false. If this fine market for our pork is not to slip through our fingers we’ll have, to step lively and to step at once. Will the proposed removal of subsidies do what the subsidies have not accomplished? Denmark, Russia- and a dozen other countries are hot on the trail of this market. Britain her­ self is seeing what may be done in little slackness and a little hard on Canada’s part may work her harm. this line. A bargaining irreparable ft X It’s Just the Thing Citizens responsible for that Christmas tree by the library did the town a real favor. Then that Christmas music given by one of the mer; /chants did us and the town a world of good. It* ’“Was pleasant to hear the comments of visitors .-and of folk passing through the village. "This i town’s awake!” Still another said. "We’ll stop . and see what sort of merchants they have here •when the town has spunk enough for the tree . and the music.” And not one of those inquirers ■was disappointed, for this town has as efficient rmerchants as are to be found anywhere .We’ll do past a little better next year. ft ft ft ft Vote I ’ ! Every citizen is in duty bound to get out and vote at the approaching municipal election. We know the men asking our franchise, We know their loyal quality. We know something of their success in managing their own affairs. .We know, too, in some instances the fitness of the men for council time, judging them by their past achievement. It’s up to the rest of us to . put our brains in steep and vote accorlingly. May the best men win, but they can win only as the citizens vote. * & ft ■» The Reason What is Britain doing in Java, anyway, some querilous isolationists in the limited States and some excited Laborltes are asking in Brit­ ain. Lord Halifax has given the answer, some­ what belatedly be it said. About the time the Potsdam agreements were being concluded, it ■ was agreed by the supreme Anglo-American command that the British should clean things up in Java. Tens of thousands, of armed Japan­ ese were up to their old tricks in Java and these tricks were for the good of no one,Accordingly John Bull was looked to by the Allies to get things going in Java? the only means that would suffice was the appeal to arms, The much-pitied natives were anything but willing to aid Britain X * ft in her disagreeable task and were so ugly that force had to be applied for the disarming qf the Japanese who were anything hut nice under the circumstances. The Laborites in Britain must sup from their own soup dish, however) they dislike the potion, while the isolationists must eat their own words as Britain carries out the task their own government, has assigned her. Those Women Again Some of the way-ups are telling us that the real problem in the country is not prices or labor or schools or churches but the farm wo­ men. One farm woman is quoted as saying that she is opposed "bonnet and coots’* to having her daughter marry “a hayseed farmer.** For our­ self we have not' seen any hayseed farmers for a whole series of moons. There may be such a person in existence just as there may be a "Counter hopper" salesman. We have seen farm girls do well in city and town. On the other hand while we have seen the farm girl move to city and town and blossom out in bonnet and feather and glittering gear for a season, we have seen these same girls very glad to return to the good old farm with its poultry and bossies in order that they might take on a full meal and get an outfit of undies that bear favorable comparison with their "outies.” We have seen the city youth make off with country lassies at dances and fairly dazzle his country cousin- with his urban­ ity. When it came to what the thrifty regard as real smartness we have heard a Scottish matron sav with a twinkle in the corner of her eye, "We could dae with less mainers and mail’ siller." To this the farmer daddy replied, “Och, Jane Jantet, he’s a’ verra well but he's no verra deep on the ploughin'." Further, in many cases, the farm women is more than three-quarters of the battle and she’s proud of it—and happy about it. «■ «■ * # They’re Doing the Trick Think of these things, fellow citizens. First of all we have had it dinned into our ears for many a waxing and waning moon that Britain is slow. Lately we have been told incessantly that we’ll have to do something about reconversion to peace time conditions. While we have been talking and conferring and having so-and-so tell us what is to be done, Britain has been turn­ ing tlie trick. Take the matter of washing ma­ chines for an example. And this is but illustrat­ ive of what is being done in other industries. One, mark you, one war time factory making washing machines is turning out these machines at the rate of seventy thousand per annum while in less than a year this factory will be turning out machines at the rate of one hundred thous­ and per annum. Then consider this fact. All Britons cannot buy washing machines. What about them? Well! Madam may now take ten pounds, twelve pounds of her wash to a centre, put in her wash, place a shilling in the machine, shop or do as she pleases for forty minutes, re­ turn to where she left her wash to find it washed, dried and all that, only waiting for her to take it home. We pass tliis hint on to some Canadian cleaners. We know of a patron of one of our cleaning concerns that had to wait three months to have his nether garment restored to him. We consider ourselves lucky to get our goods back in a week. Mark you, this case is cited as a sam­ ple of British efficiency that we may well copy in a few hundred particulars. What about the labor situation? Again we are glad to say that the percentage of the unemployed is smaller’ than it is in Canada, the land of opportunity. Further the relations between employer and employee in Britain is decidedly satisfactory with the exception of instances that go to prove the .rule. How that trick is managed is in some such way as this. What we mention, be it ob­ served, is something that is done and not talked about. Management explains to labor just what is wanted. Labor sees that it is to labor's advant­ age to get on with the job. The explanation is carefully given till labour understands what is wanted. On the other hand, management gives intelligent, humane consideration to labor’s needs and does all that can be done to meet the requirements of labor. The result? Good will and a well done job and prosperity. Can you beat it ? We can cite plenty of firms where this is an accomplished fact. Those British refuse to be cluttered up with theories. They see that a job is to be done and get at it with no whining or talky conferences. What a pity that the na­ tions associated with her in the British Common­ wealth of Nations did not join hands with in the matter of reconstruction! X ft * ft She’s Inventive When the first world war was on and submarines threatened the Allies with ruin, said, "What a pity that the Americans were in the struggle with us. Edison would go into his laboratory and in a week he would have the whole thing cleared up. The Americans are the inventors. Well, it was the British who met the submarine situation. Americans are the first to acknowledge the achievements of the British inventive skill as it was shown in both Wars. Britain is away behind when it comes to thump­ ing but when- there is a job to be done she knows what to do and gets at it and gets it done. Well may we long for the day when We can purchase British cloth of every kind and British tools of every variety. Our universities will be well ad­ vised to import British brains and to encourage British ideals. As men are they. IO YEARS AGO I Shall We S?e Among th© Christmas honors au- * nountjed by the Attorney-General of Qntaria on Saturday is the ap­ pointment of Mr.’J. G. Stanfaury, of town, to the rank of King’s Ooum sei, A Christmas concert for the children.’ pf Exeter was given in Leavitt’s Theatre Monday evening under the auspices of the Exeter Branch of the Canadian Legion, Mr. been left William Walter, who has employed with Southcott Bros. Thursday evening for Winni- her the we not think in their hearts So Don’t * ft *x Note and Comment forget to write it “1946.”•ft * ft # a man was Sentenced at London to five years in penitentiary for stealing eight hens indicates how seriously the law views chicken thefts, That sacred cantata entitled, "The Messiah’s 'Coming,” was rendered by the members of the James St, choir under the leadership of W. R. Qoulding on ning, « 'Sunday AGO drive of National Films? National films ut school to-mor­ row I With what happy anticipation hundreds of rural school pupils in Huron and other counties welcome the monthly pictures. Films from the National Filin Board of Canada are rapidly becoming the popular medium, whereby through the pain­ less method of sound and sight, new worlds pre opened up formation Js planted in where formerly uninteresting and and in- youthful lectures ineffec- Mr, eve- 15 YEARS The first big jack season took place Thursday .when 38 hunters bagged 91 jacks. $121.25 was raised in Exeter for the Santa Claus Fund, The child­ ren of Exeter were treated to a bag of candy and an orange from a Christmas tree in front of the Town Hall, the treat being spon­ sored by Reeve B. M. Francis and the members of the council. M. W. Canadian Crediton, Saturday the step just outside the postoffice. Wm. Ratz, of Khiva, lost his garage by fire when some gasoline exploded. It was with difficulty that the automobile was saved. John Rollings had a narrow es­ cape from being burned. His clothes caught fire while in the act of lighting the kitchen stove with kerosene. He picked up a mat and wrapped it around his body and managed with the aid of the family to put out the blaze, but not be­ fore practically all'liis clothing had been destroyed. the 'Teller, manager of the Bank of Commerce at had several ribs fractured night when he fell on AGO the staff and High ’School 25 YEARS On Monday evening pupils of the Exeter held a highly successful and enjoy­ able "at home” in the assembly hall of the -school. After the pro- was spent in followed Lunch ■ minds, ■ proved tiye, s The ; some time ago of the Normal School when refer­ ring to films as saying, "that inves­ tigation in the teaching of Geog­ raphy had revealed that the same class taught by the same teacher knew 34 per cent more Geography when taught through moving pic­ tures.” In army training camps it was found that almost twice' as much information can be absorbed from sound movies as from lectures. This method of imparting know­ ledge has been a "dream child” for many years in the minds of many Canadian educators, both on uni­ versity staffs and in, provincial de­ partments of education. This dream actually became a reality in Dec­ ember 1941, when the National Film Board began to take shape, John Grierson, Dominion Film Commissioner and Herbert Lash, Director of Public Information, de­ cided that talking pictures, with the combined appeal of voice and visual image was the best medium of carrying the message of "Fight­ ing Canada to all those communi­ ties of varied racial' origin, that make up rural Canada from coast to coast. Many interested folk will­ ingly .gave their services to further this project. In less than a month 3 01 mobile units were on the road. I Three years later there were 90 of these travelling, theatres across Canada in every province from Nova .Scotia to British Columbia. To-day in Canada a vast rural audience of ‘600,00'0’ people see regular motion pictures every month without stepping inside a theatre. Most of the films are made in Canada, but some are obtained from other countries, thus covering a great variety of subjects and meeting the interests groups of people. The majority of the made for non-theatrical gram a jolly time games and- ’Contests promenade .concert'.; served at til’e^close?* On Tuesday, the dentralia o£ U.F.O., p$rcha£ed from. Mr. R. G. Seldon hiigWaf'ehouse and grain and coal, bJeJBk&.at. Centralia. The following men will have charge of the affairs of the town for the following year: 'Council, Reeve, Beavers; Councillors, Wm. Penhale, Jos. Davis, Jesse Elston, C. B'. Snell; H. E. Board of; Education, F. W. Glad- A. H. G. by a was 'Club year •Councillors, pavis. Utilities Commission, Huston and J. R. Hind; man, R. N. Trumper, Greive, E. Stanbury. Messrs. John Norman Norry, Creech, Rev. A. Jos, M. Harvey, J. Dignan and J. Norry, Bred Wells, Ernest Wells and Harold Kuntz are home from Wat­ ford where they were engaged for several weeks, on contract work for Mr. Hollingsworth. The Public Utilities Commission of Exeter has received an addition­ al allotment of forty-three horse­ power from the Hydro Commission making Exeter’s total allotment 193 horse-power. Stratford Beacon reported ; Herald a Master of varied 1 Mrs Rd. has returned Hurdon of the those home for Christ- Thos. Heaman and wife, and wife, Edwin Bfaund all of Brantford; Edward Toronto; AqUilla 'Snell, Will Clarke, Toronto; films are showings. These special films deal with many different subjects but aim at defin­ ite communities of thought and in­ terest. The principal purpose of film showing throughout the Dom­ inion, is to bring by sight and sound a thorough coverage of cur­ rent affairs, national and internat­ ional' to the .people who will bene­fit most from this typo o£ tion. In this way Canadians become aware that their problems are sim­ ilar as well as, interdependent. This makes for better understand­ ing and creates a more 4‘'-1-----* attitude, so that problems ved with more harmony the mutual benefit of all. The National Film Board oper­ ates 3 different types of circuit, Rural, Industrial and Trade Union. In Huron County Iras been chosen Through the efforts of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture the National Film Board has plac­ ed a sound motion picture machine with equipment in the county. Pictures are shown each month in the schools of the various town­ ships and towns of the county. Among the films chosen are those which 'Cover the social studies of the current school term. Films of geographical features, resourses, and industries -have .popularized the geography and planted of patriotism and good in many a young mind. Pictures of food and nutrition have been a boon in helping to per­ suade children to choose a health diet which includes plenty of vege­ tables and milk. Interest has been in the 'establishment of rural den­ tal clinics through films. The new era upon which we have entered' demands revised thinking and new ,methods. And visual education is rapidly coming to the fore in our educational sys­ tem as a method of imparting knowledge that shall be retained. Stephen Townshiii Federation of* Agriculture. tolerant are sol­ an d to types of circuit. the Rural Circuit as most suitable, natural of 'Canada study of the seeds citizenship HAPPY NEW YEAR Once more "the wheel of Time her annual round hath driven” and we are on the threshold of another year, A year that holds great ex­ pectations for the people of Canada and the allied nations and perhaps too, for many down trodden people in the over-run Yes, this is But this time different world world torn and and anxious for the morrow. But it’s a brave New Year, Just the same—for men and women face it with courage and with' a determina­ tion to remain free in a free world. As we face the duties and occu­ pations before us, we are reminded that it’s our world, after all, ahd that its destiny is wholly in our hands—in the hands of the least of us, fop none can shirk his duty and his privilege while they are so clearly set before him, It's a "One World” as never be­ fore,.But it is not a big enough world in which to hold a human being enslaved, enough to house hate. Within the) shadow that celebrated the countries of Europe, another New Year, it has come into a than ever before. A bleeding, distraught Nor is single it big event the seeds the boys the war and how at home. called upon to live. Xn our own in* dividual Jives the same joy can be mingled with our fears but that, joy can only be realized as we live the life of godliness and sow of goodwill. It is left to and girls returning from to tell us how blindly blundering we are living The passing year has found many of us in the midst of trouble. The icy hand of war has touched us and chill grief has entered into our souls. Many have stumbled here. It may be that during the past weeks you have been scheming for your own welfare. You have found it difficult to decide what to do for the best. You have been very wor- tied, Your difficulties have haunt­ ed you like ghosts, They have in the background and with little encouragement they jumped into the foreground, stand, at this time, before a unknown stretch of the pilgrim's highway. What will happen to us in the New Year? What trials and disappointments will be mingled with our joys? But may the New Year inspire hope and fresh cour­ age to tackle all that may be before us and frequently provide a vision been very have We new of -tile birth .of the Prince of Pebce we enter this new New-bofn Ypar and our prayer is of new enterprises to be attempted, that before ’another of these sacred And at this time of new beginnings celebrations | may peace come per- let ns all resolve . to do the things "J We ought fo do. Will try to be a - little wiser—a little kinder—a little more diligent. We may fall down on the less important things but will get up again and carry on, realizing that "the .only time we have is the pres­ ent.” —If a thousand ages are but as an evening gone, let’s try to make the very best of our two minutes here, So, a Happy New Year to all. Contributed manently tci this war-torn world.! A just and ‘lasting .peace in which human value shall be appraised above all others and security to the humblest in .the minds of . all those Who formulate that peace. It is suchf a" temptation to lose heart, to bedome embittered, or to complain dui'ing these trying and testing days, | but all this is s’wept away from our minds as we think of those who are giving of their life blood to Ireep this a free world. And so this new-born year is a call to courage, to all the faith that is within us and a challenge to prove the right of ownership to the prec­ ious heritage of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” bequeath­ ed to us by our forefathers. We can each do our share in making this a "brave New Year”. One constant effort on the part of each one of us must be to defeat defeat within ourselves. Perhaps that is suggestive of what should comprise the "one increasing pur­ pose” within our minds as the rays * of .this new-born year shine upon It has been said that the end of a year is a time when we stand still for a monent and look back and then forward,' which suggests the powers of reflection and vision, of retrospect- and prospect. As we come to the threshold of the year 1946 we not only look backward but forward and in so doing we face the future with fear, but not with our confidence, year will call for far-sighted, hon­ est, wise statemanship if we are to see peace take the place of revolu- down-trodden ST. MARYS MAN, JOSEPH RAE, DIES SUDDENLY ON STREET Joseph 3- Rae, of .St, Marys, dropped dead on the sidewalk in front of the Baptist Church short­ ly after 10 o’clock Thursday morn­ ing, of last week, He was returning from downtown. Mr. Rae had not been in good health for some time, suffering from a heart ailment. •His wife, the former Mary Creigh­ ton, died after a brief illness, six weeks ago. Mr. Rae was born on ship, son of the late Mr. and Mrs? Andrew Rae, He was a farmer and moved to St. Marys 30 years ago, and was employed for many years in a flour mill. that at the end our fears will tion among the people of Europe. We can only hope of the 'coming year be turned into great joy as we see the years of sacrifice and death giving place to resurrection of a new life which will vitalize any new order under which we shall be The coming When Mother Is Sick The tired, worn out mother cannot make a happy home if she is sick and worried by the npver ending household duties. , , ,'She gets run down and becomes nervous and irritable, downhearted and discouraged, can’t rest at night, and gets up in the morning feeling as tired as when she went to bed. Women suffering in this way may find in Milbum’s Health and Nerve Pills a remedy with which to help recuperate their health, build up the run down system, and assist them back to health—happiness again. Price 50c a box, 65 pills, at all drug counters. Look for our trade -mark a "Red Heart” on the package. The T. Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont. 50 YEARS AGO Mrs. Jas. Westcott, of Douglas, Man., is here to spend a few weeks with her daughter, Coates. W. Hr Nellis, who recently was transferred to London to relieve N. D. Molson’s Bank, who is ill. Wm, Dearing, iSr., of Stephen, left Monday for Flushing, Mich., to visit his cousin, John Horn, who is ill. Among mas were Ed. Dyer and wife, Harwood, London; Robt. Ferguson and J. W. Harrison, Detroit Medical 'College; Ed. Bish­ op, of Toronto; Ed. Sanders and Wife of Elora; John Luxton "and Nelson Gobbledick, of London; H. Kinsman and sister iLaura, of Lon­ don; D. Tt. 'Gill, of Cleveland; Theo. Sweet and wife, St. Catharines; J. C. Gould, of London; Ed. Spack- man, of Blenheim. Smiles Woman; "I was to have mot my husband here three hours ago. Have you seen him?” 'Floorwalker? "Pos­ sibly, madam. Anything distinctive about your husband?’* Woman; "Yes, I imagine he*s purple by this The sergeant .had just given his wife a lovely skunk coat as a gift. "I can’t Understand,” his Wife said, "how such a nice coat comes from such a smelly beast,” Hopelessly, the 'sergeant replied: "I- don’t ask for thanks, dear, but I do think you ought to give me some res* pect,”