HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-12-06, Page 8iP^ge 8 THE TIMES* ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, TTHURSPAY MORNING,' DECEMBER 6, 1945 w 1 *r- V’s Beauty Shoppe Mak© your appointments early this Christmas season. “Service is our Motto” VERA £J.. DECKER Tel.; 112 Exeter •—* 197 Zurich Exeter markets Wheat, SI.OS Oats, 51c. Barley, 70q, Creamery Butter 39c. Eggs, A Large 37c Eggs, A Medium 35c Eggs, Pullets 23c Eggs, B 26 c Satisfaction Guaranteed M. Christine McCrae, Prop. Exeter Phone 245 Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont, Phone 135 Show commences each night at 7.30 p.m. until further notice. Phone 100Don’t let the mud freeze on your car. We’ll wash it fpr you for 49c on Saturday at The Ford Garage. WITH AN EYE TO GOOD GROOMING AND BETTER PERMANENTS. Keep in mind the dates Thursday, Friday and Saturday, December 13th, 14th and 15th to see “STATE FAIR” at Leavitt’© Theatre. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rey, Kemigth MacLean, Minister MfS. <L G« Cochrane, Organist -Sunday School. —Public Worship, -Y.P.S, 10 11 7 p.m.- Wed., Dec. 5-*-Prayer service a.m.- a.m*- LOCALS Snell’s Taxi Service Will be held in Caven Church at p.m, Mr, Hunt will speak. Thurs,, Dec, meeting of Caven Auxiliary the W.M.S, will be held at o'clock at the home of Miss Jeckell. Annual reports and election of officers. 13—The Decembei’ of 3 8 / i Sunday School Concert—(Thursday. December 20th, at 8,15. THURSDAY « One Night Only December 6 th ‘West of the Pecos’ starring — ROBERT MITCHUM' BARBARA HALE FRIDAY and SATURDAY December 7th, Sth — Two Features — Mr. J. Willis Powell, of Walker- ville,spent the week-end at his home here. Mr.Jack Cann,of Thames Road visited ovei*the week-end with Milton McCullagh. Mrs.F. McRae,of London,visit- ed over the week-end with Rev. Tomlinson Hairdressing phone 146 Phone 146 ‘Adventures of Rusty’ starring — CONRAD NAGEL TED DONALDSON ACE, the wonder dog ‘Tampico 9 starring— EDWARD G. ROBINSON VICTOR MacLAGLAN MONDAY and TUESDAY December 10th, 11th — Two Features — Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter FOWL BINGO Taylor is spending a Toronto this week and the United Farmer’s annual convention. Rowe, Vera and Reta, OPERA HOUSE, EXETER Thursday, Dec. 6th at 8.30 p.m. 15 Rounds 25c ‘She Wouldn’t Say Yes’ starring — ROSALIND RUSSELL LEE BOWMAN — Featurette Comedy LAUREL and HARDY Wednesday — One Night Only December 12 th — Two Features — ‘Bowery to Broadway’ starring— DONALD O’CONNOR SUSANNA FOSTER K. MacLean and W. C. Pearce. Misses Muriel and Marion Steph­ ens, of Woodham, visited over the week-end with Mary McCullagh. Mr, B. W. F. Beavers and Mrs. Myrtle Brown visited on Sunday with Mr. ana Mrs. J. A. Kirkby, of St. Marys. Miss Edith Taylor has returned to 'Grand Bend after visiting for some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor. Mr, and Mrs. Zurbrigg and Laur- ene attended the Memorial Service at Western. University last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Lloyd few days in will attend Co-operative Mr. R. N. Mrs. T. M. Dinney and Mr. Robert Dinney attended the funeral of the late Mr. D. J. Atkinson in London on Friday last. Miss Jean Elliot, local telephone operatoi- for the past three and a half years, has been transferred to the London office of the Bell Tele­ phone Co., and commenced her duties there last Monday morning. Several district fanners attended the annual ^meeting of Huron County Federation of Agriculture last Thursday in Clinton. V. S. Milburn, of Toronto, Provincial Secretary of the Ontario Federation was special speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner have received word from Maj. J. A. Fal­ conbridge, former minister at the Centralia United church, now the Canadian forces overseas he is returning on the Queen abeth due to arrive in New this week, Ten Special Turkey Rounds Special Door Prize—a Turkey R. E. Pooley, A. M. Easton, Pres. Sec’y MARGARET I. DOUGALL A.W.C.M. School Supervisor, Instruction Studio on Gidley Telephone 174rl3, Musical Street Exeter with that Eliz- Y-ork ‘Scarlet Pimpernel’ starring — LESLIE HOWARD Home From Overseas Pte. Frederick H. McDonald, of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McDonald, arrived home Thursday of week after four years active vice in England, France, the countries and Germany. son last ser- low Coming: 9 December 13th, 14th, 15th May par- May. with Massey-Harris Sales and Service These are some of the exclusive features that make Massey-Harris No. 12 the outstanding grain grind­ er on the market today —'Six-inch Plates —-Stationary Shaft —Patented Worm Feed and Pres­ sure Control —Self-aligning Plate-holder —Magnetic Hopper and Mitering Gate —High Quality Ball Bearings See your local dealer for prices and a demonstration T5 WUERTH’S SKATE SHARPENING Lengthwise and 'Crosswise Rubbers and Galoshes resoled and heeled. Shoe and Rubber Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. Receives His Discharge Mr. and Mrs. Warren D. are visiting with the former’s ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.' Warren, has been stationed the R.C.A.F. at Ottawa and has now received his discharge. He will leave for Toronto next week to resume his position with the Canadian Bank of Commerce. R. B. Williams Where Your Dollar Insurance Protest Issuing of License For Dashwood Hotel Several deputations from Steph­ en and Daslrwbod and one from Exeter motored to Kitchener Wed­ nesday to appear before the Liqu­ or Authority Control Board to protest the issuing of an authority to Alvin J. Kellerman for the sale of beer at the Commercial Hotel, Dashwood. Street Y.P.U. weekly meeting of the Main Young People was held at Get Mixed Coke and Pocahontas your supply now while we have it in stock. PHONE' 33 W. H. Exeter, Ont. •mpiHtiltm'lHitiiiiiiiiiiiimimitmmHinHi Main The Street the home of Milton McCullagh on Monday evening, Dec. 3rd. The president, Hugh Wilson, had charge of the business. It was decided ^to hold the Hext meeting at the home of Jack MoKnight on Tuesday, Dec. 11. The worship part of the meeting was taken by the Christ­ ian Fellowship Committee under Lois Sweitzer. The scripture was read by Florence McDonald. A Doem was read by Patsy Hay and a story Hands.” Cullagh. singing the National Anthem after which lunch wag served. on “The Worshipping was read by Milton Mc- The meeting closed by JAS. BOWEY Mother and Daughter Victims (Continued from page one) property. Mrs. Darling was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson, of Elginfield. The funeral for Mrs. Darling and her daughter will be held privately Thursday afternoon from the C. Haskett and Sons funeral home. Lucan, conducted by Rev. A. Gar* dner with interment in St. James cemetery, Clandeboye. You’ll Have to See Them To Appreciate Top Value Boxed and Separate. Relative and General, Your drugs at ROBERTSON'S C.G.I.T. Organized On Monday evening a 'C.G.I.T, group was organized at.James St. church under the leadership of Mary Johns and Vera Decker. The slate of officers for the coming year Anne Lauretta Brirttwell; er; treas., gram committee, Sheila Bailey, Margaret White, Nancy Armstrong; recreation, Anu Louise McNeil, Marie Huxtable, Marie McCarter; pianist,- Maty Hannigan; aes’t plan* 1st, Shirley Taylor, it w'as decided to have “Willing Workers” name for the meeting will be 101th at 7.15 in basement. are as Marie Pym press sec., Maxine Reed* Shirley 'ihompson; pro* follows Rivers; sec., president, vice-pres,, Etta May as a group. The next held Monday, Dec. James St. church BOARD OF EDUCATION The regular meeting pf the Boar4 pf Education, was held in the Public Library on Monday, Decern* ber 3rd, at 8.15. All members were present except E.- R. Hopper. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The High School Principal, Mr, Sturgis, reported for November; No. pn roll, 205. Tests had been held and reports would be issued at end of term, Two Literary meet* ings were held, also a picture on the T.V.A. project was shown by Mr, Hunter. An extensive program including Annual Public School Concert EXETER ARENA MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. J. Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A. X. WiUiu-d. Organist 11 a.m^—Public Worship and Church School, the Minister. 7 p.m,—Missionary Rally in James '“Street Church. Rev, B. S. Smillie of India. Wed., Dec. 5, 8 p.m.—Union Pray­ er Service in Caven Church, Rev. Hunt. Wed., Dec. 5, 8 p.m.—Evening Auxiliary at Mrs. Mabel Skinner’s Thurs., 3 p.m.—Women’s Associa­ tion at the church. Tues,, Dec. 11, 7.30 p.m.—(Young People’s at Jack McKnight’s. of noon-hour activities including foptball, basketball, etc,, had been carried out, Books for Remedial reading program had been received and a report on the results made. A few supplies were including Award Pins. Per A. O. Elliot and S. lor: adoption of the report The Forge in manual training room is to be looked aftei* and in­ formation regarding projecting ma­ chine to be procured, The Public School Principal, Mr. Blowes, reported for the Public School. No. on roll 177; War Sav­ ings, $128.80. During the illness of Misses Layng and Taylor, Mrs. Jos. Creech and Mrs. Lawrence Wein were the substitutes for one day each. Miss Falconer, P.H.N., began a health survey of the Grade 1 children. Exams had been held and reports sent to parents. The annual school concert is to be held Friday, ~ ‘ had ----- to Room 1. Per R. E. Russell and Dr. Friday, December 7th at 8 o’clock:/ will be needed B. Tay- in full. Admission 35c; Children 10c Domestic and,Commercial Refrigeration Service Domestic and Commercial Units now available — EXETER and vicinity Grr p 1 PHONE 59W. I*. vFOCKer day or night JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. B. Irwin. B.A. Mrs. Wm. Murdoch, A.L.C.M. ' Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. The Minister. “A Recurrent Theme." > p.m.—-Sunday School and Bible Glass. ’ p.m.-—'Union service of Main and James St. congregations James St. church. Rev. B. S. ■Smillie, B.D., of Rasalpara India Mr. Smillie is a Huron boy, nat­ ive -of Hensalil. Be sure to hear this interesting story. 3 7 St. in TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir'Deader, Mr. Middleiniss 2nd Sunday in Advent a.m.—Sunday School. ■Evensong and Sermon. “The Bible in the New Age.” 4.30 p.m., Tuesday—Christmas par­ ty for Junior W.A. and Church Boys’ League. Sunday School Christmas Supper and Concert Friday, December 21st. 11 7 p.m.- ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton M.E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Organist Chas. Hoffman, Choir Director 10 a.m.—“What is Wrong with the Church.” 11 a.m.—Church School. • 7.3 0 p.m.—“On Meeting God.” Friday, 8 p.m.—E.Y.F. Sacred 'Christmas concert, Dec.23. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed. evening—Cottage Prayer meeting at Mrs. T. Jolly’s. Fri., 8.30 p.m.—Young People’s. (Speaker, Rev. Pearson, of Gode­ rich. A fine young Holy Ghost speaker. Sat. evening—Orchestra practice. Sun., 2 p.m.—Bunday School. Supt. Mr. E. Cudmore. Classes for all ages. Please be on time. Sun., 3 p.m.—'“Without the Vision, (We) The People Perish.” Eve­ ning service. We invite you to a half hour of cheerful music and singing be­ fore the service. Subject, “ Name Shall Be Emanuel.” December 7th, A short visit been made by the Inspector p n/xtAi “t iS T71 _ •» Cowen, adoption Of this report. The report of the Public -School Inspector was read by the 'Chair­ man and discussed also intervening correspondence. The secretary was instructed to write to the Depart­ ment for latest amendments of Public and High Schools Act, Per J. N. Willis and Dr. Cowen payment of the following accounts: i Times-Advocate, supplies, G. A. Hawkins, supplies, Robertson’s, supplies, .go;* •Russell, supplies, 20.95; W. supplies, 1.5'0'; S. B. Taylor, Cup, 5.010; Underwood, Fisher, rentals, 36.33; May, supplies, 1.93; supplies, 9.93. Carried. Jones and H. W. $2.70 5.62 R. E Martin Award Elliot & Jones & .Traquairs, AUTHORIZED KELVINATOR SALES & SERVICE Per J. H. Whyte: That the rent of $300.00 be paid to the Arena for 1'945. Con­ sideration of further increase to be left ‘ for the‘1946 Board. Carried. The matter of play equipment on school grounds was discussed with Lions Executive and was left over for the present. The Board expressed willingness to co-operate in every way. K. M. MacFaul, -Secretary The Late Henry Edward Switzer The funeral of the late Henry Edward Switzer was held Monday afternoon from his home on the 4th line Blanshard with interment in the Kirkton Union Cemetery. Deceased passed -away Saturday in his 83rd year. Mrs. Switzer, whose maiden name was Mary Mar­ riott, predeceased him. Surviving are one son and three daughters, Roy, of Blanshaa’d; (May) Mrs. Harry Rodd, of Woodham; (Alicq) Mrs. Wm. McPherson, of Cromarty, and (Myrtle) Mrs. E. J. Watterton, of London. HiiiiniiitiiiiniiiiiiiiHiiiiiHifiiiiiiiiiniiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiHtttiiiiHiiiiniuiiiiHiitiniiiiiitiiiiiiiiiMiHiiu Order Now to Avoid Disappointment. A Potted Plant makes a Lovely Gift;. EXETER Ralph Bailey and Family Give Her Flowers For Christmas FLOWER SHOP Tie’ Him Up For Christmas There’s no need for necktie inferiority com­ plex. You can’t go wrong when you select our large stock, modeimistic or neat ventional patterns. Taman’s Men’s Wear — The Store for Men — from Bold con-