HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-11-22, Page 5rf! *«£>* •W' •*■£□» 0 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22nd, 1945 Page 5- Exeter District Co-Op Store ARI FY r* I 1 Immb ■i A few additional orders are required to make up a carload. We have a supply of Maple Leaf Anti Freeze, Barb Wire and Iron Posts I I %< Exeter District Cooperative P. Passmore, Manager HENSALL visit- rela- Mrs. Wm. DavidsonX is visiting with relatives in Toronto. -Mr. and Mrs. Jack Soldan ed in Toronto last week. Mrs. Meidinger is visiting tives in London, St. Marys and St. Thomas. Mr. Carey Joynt, Osgoode Hall, Toronto, spent the home here. •Mrs. Logan and turned home from in Goderich, Mrs. McClinchey guest of her sister, Mrs. burn over the week-end. A Bazaar will be held in St. Paul’s Anglican church .Saturday at 3 p.m. Tea will be served. Mrs. (Rev.) P. Ferguson ana sis­ ter, Mrs. Fisher, visited with rela­ tives in Hamilton last week. Rev. Wm. Weir and Mrs. Weir, of Hespeler, and Mrs. Weir, of Goderich, called on friends here on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Barbour, Toron­ to, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Hoggarth. Mrs, E Shaddick, Billy and Judy spent the week-end in Toronto with the former's sister, Miss Elvira Churchill. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns and Grace, of Elimville, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. ana Mrs. Roy Mac- Laren ana Donaia. Mrs. W. A. MadLaren spent the week-end at the home of Mr. ana Mrs. Thos. Sherritt and Visited with Other friends here also. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MacLaren and Miss Marion MacLaren, of Goderich, visited recently with Mr. ana Mrs. Thos. Sherritt. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paterson, of Toronto, visited during the past week with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Paterson. Mrs. D. Peacock and son, Terry, spent an enjoyable holiday in To­ ronto and Montreal, where they were joined by Fit, Lt. Peacock. Mrs. Lawrence Baynham, Bobbie and Jimmie returned home after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore, Thames Road. Mrs. Alex Buchanan, well-known Hensall resident, celebrated her 86th birthday at her home here on Monday. Mrs. Buchanan enjoys her usual good health and attends her household duties Young People’s The regular Young People’s uu.uu ...... on Monday evening- with -Miss Ruth Hess presiding. The scripture was read by Charles Fee. Miss Eleanor Cook presided at the piano for the singing of the hymns. Miss Edna Petske gave the topic. Following the meeting a recreation period was enjoyed.- Outlines Work for Young People A meeting of,the Young People of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held on Monday evening in the schoolroom of the church. Mrs. Orr presided over the worship period, which opened by siriging, “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus.” The scrip-. ture was read by Bob Taylor from 2nd Timothy, 2nd chapter, verses 1^15. Mrs. Harold Bell led in pray­ er. Rev. P. Ferguson gave a brief address outlining work for the Young People. ,A. committee com­ prising Mr. Melvin Moir, Ronald Bell, Misses Mae‘Taylor and Mar­ garet MacGregor bring i. meeting .. . “Jesus Shall Reign Where’er ■Sun,” and Mr. Ferguson closed with the Benediction. Refreshments were served by the Arnold Circle. Official Visit Of TIieD.D.G-M. On Monday evening* Rt. Wor. L Carroll, of Mitchell D.D.G.M. Huron paid his official visit Hensall Lodge No. 224 A.F. and A.M, There was a splendid turn­ out of members and visiting breth­ ren. The degree work was exemp­ lified by the regular officers as­ sisted by W. Bros. Glenn, chaplain and A. H. Hyde in a very credit­ able manner for which they receiv­ ed many congratulations. Rt. W. Bro. Carroll gave a very inspiring address, first to the Candidate, G. S. ElliotL and afterwards to the brethren present pointing out the opportunities the brethren hate at the present time to raise the Stand­ ing of morality in their district. The evening concluded With a very sumptuous lunch. W. Bro, Victor Dinnin was in charge of the meet­ ing. Council Meets A statutory meeting of the Vil­ lage council was held Monday eve­ ning In the Clerk’s office With week-end at his Mrs. Harvey re- a pleasant visit Auburn was the F. Har- her daily. Union meeting of , the Union was held the ~ „‘r was selected to in a slate of officers. The concluded by singing the W. for to all members of the Council being present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Moir and Fink; that the minutes be adopted as read. Carried. R. J. Paterson, Tax Collector, reported as having col­ lected .$3,551.95 off the tax roll. Reeve Shaddick reported re the County Engineer and the road work done by the County. J. A. Paterson reported as having prepared the annual financial statement and the same 'being in the hands of the printer. Correspondence was read as follows: Dept, of Health re Medical Officer of Health, Bert Worth, Municipal Council in Ontario, that we nicipaj Carried. follows: Municipal World, supplies 3.02; -- - • 9.60; ........... ................ - 1.16; $13.78. Fink and Moir; the accounts as read be paid, ried. Fink and Hyde; that,-we adjourn. Carried, Observe Education Week A pleasant time was spent day afternoon, Nov. 16th, at No. 10 Hay when the pupils teacher entertained the teachers and pupils of S.S. No. 1 Tucker­ smith and S.S. No. 2 Hay. The oc­ casion was held in connection with Observance of Education week. Ross Corbett, •president of the Junior Red Cross conducted the meeting. The program was opened by a unison chorus of “God Bless Our Canada.” This was followed by a short welcome to the guests and explanation of the purpose of Education week by 'the president. A short program consisted of a solo by Shirley Bell, a folk dance by eight girls of S.S. No. 10 Hay, and a dialogue entitled Naughty Mouse.” Neil Taylor intro­ duced Rev. Mr. Ferguson who spoke very capably to the children. This was followed by a programme put on by S.S. No. 2 Hay. It consisted of a short 'play, “The Elves and the Shoemaker,” and a Chorus by the school. The pupils of S.S. No. 1 Tuckersmith rendered a very in­ teresting and varied program il­ lustrating a few of the many phases of education. Jean Ingram intro­ duced Mrs. Harry F'aber, who spoke of her work in Labrador. The child­ ren derived a great deal of pleasure examining the concrete articles Mrs, Faber had to show them. On behalf of Chapman thanked Rev. Mr. Ferguson and Mrs. Faber for coming to entertain 'them so well. -Mrs. Ellis moved a vote of thanks to the teacher and the pup­ ils of S.S, No. 10 Hay for their hos­ pitality, by the Anthem. Correspondence was j Dept, of Health Officer of Health, 2 Queen’s University re the and Councillor Kerslake and Hyde: order 10 copies of the Mu-. Council and Councillor. Bills and accounts read as Canadian Legion, wreath Provincial Treasurer, insulin * ' ’ that •Car­ now “The the children, Shirley the speakers, The meeting was closed singing of the National KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Dav. Blair, of Elbo, Sask., visited her sister. Mrs. J. C, Bell last week. The many friends of Mr. W. L. Meilis will be sorry to learn he is confined to his room through ill­ ness Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride family visited on Sunday- with neice and nephew, Mr. Harold Jones Messrs. Robert Cooper ert MacGregor who have and and their Mrs, Rob- EUMVIWg Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Johns, Mrs. Garnet Johns, Mrs. Gilbert Johns and Grace, Mrs. Allen Johns and Shirley were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long and family, of At­ wood, on Thursday of last week, Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thom­ as, spent the week-end with rela­ tives here, Mr. John Johns, of Zion, who has been ill ’ Hunter’s few days Johns. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Murch and children, of London, were in the village over the week-end. Several men of this vicinity were on a hunting trip up north the first of this week, Sympathy of friends is extended to the family of the late Mrs. Sher­ wood Hunter whose funeral was held on Monday afternoon. Mr, Lew Woods and Jas. of London, were week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Phil Murch London last 'Sunday. Miss June Sinclair spent the week-end with her aunt Mrs, Shier in Bryans ton. Mr, and Mrs. Jackson .Woods and Bobby, also Jas. and June •Sin­ clair attended the funeral of the latter's grandmother, Mrs. Wm. ■Sinclair on Monday. Interment was in Kirkton Union Cemetery, Mr. and Mrs. John Pfeiffer, Miss Eva Murray and Miss Edith Alles, of Tavistock, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johns. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weber last Mrs. Dan Dashwood, liams, Mr. Anniversary Services Centralfa Sunday Schopl Synday, November 25th at 10.30 a.m. and “7 p.m, with pneumonia at Mrs. in Exeter is spending U with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis WM. WAGHORNE, of SARNIA, prominent Sunday School worker Will give the address morning service at and JAMES SE'UNARINE, from Rev. H. Swan’s training col­ lege in Trinidad, who is now study­ ing for the -ministry in Victoria College, Toronto, Will bring us the message at the evening service at 7.00 p.m. a MM at the 10.30 a student Sinclair visitors Woods, were in and of Wil- Wil- Sunday were Mr. Weber and Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. Ben and Mrs. Roland liams and Ona, of Exeter. Mrs. Earl Parrish and Mr. Harvey Sparling, of spent the week-end with Mrs. Harry Sparling. North Elimville Fann Forum Mr . and Mrs. Wesley Johns, Exeter were host and hostess the North Elimville Farm Forum Group last Monday evening when about forty were present. A round­ up of previous broadcasts was heard and questions on‘Rationing were subjects for discussion. Con­ tests and riddles filled in the even­ ing followed by lunch. It being Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Johns thirty-second wedding anniversary the group ex­ pressed their best wishes for con­ tinued happiness for years to come. Next week an invitation to meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben liams in Exeter was accepted, discussion will be on “Poor Produces Poor Food.” andson London, Mr. and 4 of to Wil- The Soil WOODHAM and’ spent sew eral weeks in the west returned to their homes here over the week-end Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer, of Hensall, Mr. and John Hunkin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Westlake and family, Mrs. Rhoda Westlake and Miss Marv Westlake, Ken- rela- 'Graydon Camm received his dis­ charge from the R.C.N.V.R. on Oc­ tober 29 th after serving on the 'Corvette Peterborough on North Atlantic convoy duty. Mr. John Tomlinson and Mrs. Chatten visited Friday evening last at the home of Earl, of Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Sunday evening last with Mr. and Mrs. Everard Miller, of Zion, and also spent part of the day with Mr. and Mrs., Laverne Stone of Kirkton. Mrs, Mary Talbot, of Brucefield, spent last week with Mrs. Minnie Routley. Miss Jean Humphrey, of Kirkton was a Sunday guest with Misses Muriel and Marion Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. David Spence, Anna Jean and Billy were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomson. Pte. Gladwin Langford is expect­ ed home from overseas this week. Pte. Charles Law, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. W'esley Shier, is also expected home from overseas this week. The Young People’s Union had a good turn-out Sunday evening last with twenty-four present. The guests who also took the program was the executive of the Y.P.U. of the first Presbyterial consisting of young people from Motherwell, Mt. Pleasant, Kirkton, St.‘ Marys and Avonbank. The program was very interesting 'and worth-while. Our sincere sympathy goes out to Mr. Wm. Sinclair and family in the passing of Mrs. 'Sinclair on Friday morning last. Miss M'arjory Laing was a recent guest at the Parsonage. Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Mackintosh and baby, Becky, and Mrs. W. O. Stewart, of St, Marys, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jas. Squire spent CREDITON Deepest sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mrs, Mary Wenzel, who passed away at her home on Friday, following a brief illness. Misses Una Hodgins and Neola Fail’, Messrs, J, Fair and D. Mc- Celland, of Kincardine, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Herrod and daugh­ ter, Anne Louise, of Hagersville, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Max Bushell. Mrs. D. Geil and Miss Clarissa Hill, of Detroit, called on friends here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Down, of Port Dotver, were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Faist. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Yates and daughter spent Sunday with friends in. Kitchener. Mrs. Roy Bennett and Mr, Fred Haumueller, Mrs. L. Morrison and Mr. Russell Eilber, of Detroit, spent the week-end with relatives and attended the funeral of the for­ mer’s sister, the late Mrs. Wenzel. Mrs. Lena Cook, of Camlachie, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Mary Roeszler. Mrs. Arnold Robertson and little daughter, Anne Carolyn, of Lon­ don, are spending a week with Mrs. Robertson’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Beaver. Mrs. Beaver, who spent last week in London, has re­ turned. Mrs. Roy Bennet and Mr. Fred Eilber, of Detroit, visited a few days last week at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert King. Miss Clara Gaiser, of ’Grand Bend, spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Ella Link, of Watford, vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber. Rev. A. <S. Trueblood gave an un­ usually fine address in the United Church on Sunday evening last, taking for his subject, “The Minis­ try of Little Things.” Mr. True­ blood very kindly excused all men of the congregation in order that they might render assistance at the fire at Mr. Roy Schwartz’s. The ladies of the United Church congregation held a very successful bazaar in the Sunday School rooms of the Church on .Saturday last. Miss Pearl Vannatter, of Wind­ sor, vis.ited over the week-end at the home of Mrs. L. England. PASHWOOD We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mre, Emil Becher who were recently married. Mg and Mrs, Can Bosch, of De­troit, spent the week-end with rela­ tives here, We are pleased to report that Mrs. S. Currie who recently under- wrent an operation has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Merper visited in Clinton on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Miller spent the week-end with friends in Michi­ gan. Mr. visited Pte, Borden, spent the week-end at his home here. Miss Antionette Ziler, of London, is spending a few days with her parents. The annua) Thank Offering serv­ ice of the W.M.S. will be held in the Evangelical church on Sunday night. Miss Vera Decker, of Exeter, will be the guest speaker. She serv­ ed as missionary in the Indian Mis­ sion school in Saskatchewan and is an interesting speaker. Everyone is invited to this service. Death of Mrs. William Davis In Toronto at the home of daughter on Monday, November Elisabeth Smith, widow of the William Davis passed away in 82nd year after suffering a stroke. Her husband predeceased her eight months ago and) she was a member of Dashwood Lutheran church. She is survived by two daughters .(Laura) Mrs. Fulton, of Toronto, and (Beatrice) Mrs. O'Rourke, of Detroit, and one son William/ of London. The funeral took place from the T. Harry Hoffman funeral (home on Wednesday afternoon with Rev. T. Luft officiating, Interment in Exeter Cemetery. Evangelical Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. The regular meeting was held Thursday evening with Mrs. Geo. Link’s group in charge. The meet­ ing opened with a prelude of music played by Mrs. M. Klumpp followed by a hymn, “O Worship the Lord.” The' scripture was read responsive­ ly. Some expressions of faithful hearts was read by Mrs. G. Wild­ tong, Mrs. M. Tieman, Mrs. M. Haugh. Mrs. Simpson favored with a solo, Hymn prayer by Mrs. Burns. The chapter in the \ ~ ‘ Mrs. A. Willert. Mrs. G. Wildfong then presided for the business. Roll was called with 19 present. The meeting closed with a hymn fol­ lowed by the Mizpah Benediction. Bill Burke, of Kitchener, with Mrs. Witzel on Sunday. George Wolfe,of Camp J* Games an d Toys at Traquairs Toyland » • There’s lots of toys and games at Traquair’s this year. So drop right in the next time your by and do your Christ” mas shopping early. Games include the old popular Parches! and a smart new game, Race Around America, Then there are ring tosses, building blocks, sectional animal pictures, bubble sets, quiz sets, dolls, archery sets, pastry sets, shovels, fold-away doji’s house in three sizes, glass baking sets and repeating all-steel cannon. Besides these we have some good table tennis sets and model airplane kits that make dandy gifts. “The Stranger of Galilee.” 398 was sung followed by Study Book was given by mov-' all, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. IT. Damm and neth visited on Sunday with tives in Walkerton. MG and Mrs. H. McMurtrie ed last week from the town line to their home in Hensall, Mi\ (Robert Elgie is wearing a broad smile—a to their homo Mr. and MrS, ited on Sunday father, brother, Mr. and Mrs, Gackstetter, of Dashwood. Mrs, H. Jones Spent a few last week with heb daughter, and Mrs. B, Keyes, of Varda, Mr. and Mrs. Robert MScGregoi’ spent the week-end in Toronto. Mrs. A. Anderson and Mrs. E, Anderson returned home last week after a pleasant visit in London. Many local men are taking ad­ vantage Of the open deer’ season In iittron, We Wish them luck, Mrs. I. Jarrott visited recently with her son and daughter-hiAlaw Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert larrott In Stratford. daughter has come A. Gackstetter vis- with the former’s Mr. John Gackstetter and Mr. and Mrs. Elmore days Mr. CRED1TON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Machan, of Grey Township, and Mr. Porter Dennis, of Walton, spent Sunday with the latter’s daughter and _son- in-law, at the Sims. -Mr. Grand . . Cecil 'Smith and Frederick, of Exe­ ter, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Neil and Miss Doris Sims in iLondon. Mrs. Lawrence Bobby and Jimmy, ited Sunday with Sam Baynham, Miss Clara Sims, turned home from . at North 'Bay, Cobalt, Tomagamt ahd stopped at Callander, Brace­ bridge and other points with friends from Thedford and Windsor. Al! had a wonderful time oh the trip. Miss Sims also received a cable from Pte. 0. E. X Coward stating that he had arrived safely at Hali­ fax on Monday on the Queen Eliza­ beth. Mr. and Mrs. home of Mr. and Alvin Sims Mrs. Sam and Mrs. Tom Bend, and Mr. Baird, of and .Mrs. spent Thursday Baynham and of Hensall, vls- Mr. add Mrs. of Crediton, re- a hunting trip KHIVA Misses Helen and Dorothy have left for London where have secured positions. Mrs. Albert Regier and the week-end in Wind- Ziler they Mr. and Leo spent sor. ■Mr. and Elaine and Cann and family spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. 'Gelinas, of Zur­ ich. Mrs. McCann and family are remaining for a few days. Mrs, N. Dietrich, Benny and Martina spent Thursday in London. Miss Catherine Sullivan has Stratford. Mrs. Earl Dietrich and. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Me­ for left HARPLEY and Mrs. J. Herrod of Hagersville, spent and the Mr. baby, week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love. Mrs. Maria Hayter has gone to Detroit to stay with her daughter for the winter. Mr. and Mrs, Fred McLinchey visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. McGenniS. Mr. Morley Love spent at Port Huron. Mr, Chas, Hodgins, who ving with the police force Canadian Army at ^.Montreal, has returned to Montreal after visiting for a short time with his brother, Mr. Hugh Hodgins, of the Mollard Lino THAMES ROAD Mr. Miller, Sr., is visiting with relatives in Napanee. Mr. moved liams. The following places Monday night, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Johns Exeter, Mr. and Lumley Mr. family, Mr. and day. Mrs. June Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coward. Miss Helen Howatt visited Miss Burdene Clark, Winchelsea over the week-end. Mrs. Baynham. and boys have been spending this past week with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore. Sunday visitors with Mrs. A. Passmore were, Mrs. Tuckey and family, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Exeter. Mr. James Cottle attended the funeral of Mrs. Sherwood Hunter on Monday of this week, Rev, and Mrs. Monteith of Font­ hill, visited with the former’s mother and relatives a few days last week. Signm. Ronald Gollings visited with friends in this district Wed­ nesday of last week. Ray McCurdy returned home last week after spending several weeks in the west. Miss Helen. Morgan, of London, spent the week-end at her home. Misses Shirley and Leone Duncan a few days last week in To- and Mrs. Keith to the farm of Farm Forums Sunday is ser- of the Weber have Mr. B. Wil- met at the and Mrs. J. Stewart School House. Mre. Thompson Kippen, visited and of Mrs. Chas. Allison on Wm. Hodgert and Coward spent Sunday Mr. Mr. and with Sun- Miss with with and and of Exeter Green, of CHESTERFIELDS and OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Repaired and Re-covered Free Pick-up and Delivery 42 Brunswick Street STRATFORD Phono 579 Eiicpiire at E. R. Hopper Finish Turkeys for Profit Don’t let your turkeys go to market improperly finished. You can’t make money that way. About four weeks before market time if you switch to Purina Turkey Chicken Fatena Checkers you’ll have birds with a smooth plump finish when you come to sell them. This feed contains special fattening ingredi­ ents that turkeys really like. You’ll get top market prices by finishing them on Purina, -------------------H ard w are One Door South of Post Office SPECIAL PRICES for Geese, Ducks, Chickens & Turkeys Live or Dressed For Christinas We also buy geese and duck feathers. PARKDALE POULTRY Phone 152;MITCHELL 3tc .4. Mrs. Frank Gollings, of Granton, is spending a few days with Mrs. Percy Passmore. Report of W.M.S. .W.A. and Red Cross meeting will appear in next week’s issue Sunday services will be at the usual hour on .Sunday. Sunday ■School at 10.15 a.m. and church at 11.15 a.m. Lecture pictures in the church in the evening at 8.30 p.m. on Africa. The Kirkton Red Cross Society will hold a DANCE Good Prices Realized at Sale There was a large crowd at the auction sale of William Welsh’s farm stock and implements Tues­ day afternoon. The sale netted $5,600. Mr. Welsh recently disposed of his farm and plans to move to Exeter. i Friday, Nov. 23rd at 9.30 p.m. MURDOCH’S ORCHESTRA Modern & Old Time Dancing Admission 50c spent ronto. We Robt. home Walter Rydall, . had the misfortune to fall last week and broke hei’ hip hone. She was admitted to Owen Sound Hos­ pital. Her many community wish covery. The Mission morning in the church during church service hour under the leadership of Miss Mary Gardiner and Miss .Lillie Miller. Mr. Kenneth Johns and Edwin Miller • returned spending a few the north. A lecture and lantern slides on Africa will be given in the Thames Road church by Rev, Woods on Sunday evening, Nov. 25th at 8.30 p.m. This is ‘Under the auspices of the1 W.M.S. and will be their Thank offering meeting. Everyone is cordially invited to attend this meeting. There will be a special picture for the Mission Band so We hope to see all the children there. Mr. aftd Mrs. A. E. London, visited last Saturday Mr. and Mrs, Len Harris. Mr, and Mrs. Hay Clarke Kenneth visited on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Bray. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Smale, Mr, and Mrs. Les. McClure of Seaforth spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore. regret to report that Mrs. Kydd, who is making her with her son-in-law, Mr, of Shallow Lake, friends from this her a speedy re- Band met ‘Sunday basement of the Tuesday after days hunting in A New Line of Contis’ Famous Cards Harris, of with and with It’s not too early to choose your Christmas Cards, In fact we would urge you to do So as soon as possible. At The Times-Advocate you will find beautiful etchings, quaint old English subjects and scenes, re­ productions from original paintings, religious cards, greetings from the writings of Edgar Guest and other attractive assortments including an excellent variety of odd cards. We will neatly personalize your cards at a small extra charge. The Times-Advocate