HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-10-11, Page 7THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTAR IO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 194S sy THE BRITISH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED ELIM VILLE Rev. Reba Hern, pt Varna, preached, a flue sermon in this church last (Sunday evening to , a. large congregation. Miss Joy Whitlock, of St, Thom­ as, spent the holiday week-end with relatives here, Mr, Clayton Herdman is at hie home here after receiving his. .dis­ charge from the R.C.A.F, Mr. and Mrs* John Whiteford and children, of Clandeboye, moved into, their new home recently pur­ chased from Mrs. Ed, .Johns on Monday of this week, Mr. and Mrs. W, H, Dickey were in Mt. Forest on Wednesday of last week for nn interview with the Regional Supervisor of the Soldier Settlement and Veterans' Land Act. Mr, Carman Herdman, of Inger­ soll, spent the Thanksgiving holi­ day at his home here, Sacrement will be administered at the church service next Sunday morning at 10 a.m. CREDITON EAST Mr. 'Leonard Wein, of London, spent Thanksgiving with his fam­ ily here. Fit. Lt, Jack Anderson spent Thanksgiving with his mother in Sarnia. Mr. Harry Flynn, of Grand Bend, and Mr. J. Flynn, of Zurich, spent the week-end with Mrs. J. Jasney. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Price and Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eckstein, all of Dashwood, visited Sunday with their cousins. Mr. and Mrs. W. Motz. - , Pte. Murray Neil, of Petawawu, is spending a seven-day leave with his wife and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Truemner and Ronald, of London, spent the week-end here with Mr. D. Truem- ner and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein. HARPLEY Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love and family and Mr. John Love visited with friends in Thedford on Bun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Miss Christena Stone, of Chatham, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. L. Stone. Mrs. Ann Ridley and daughter, Mrs. Ed. Stewardson went to Bur­ lington on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Langford Ridley. Ivan Hodgins, of the Mollard line spent .Saturday with his cousin, Alex Love. Mr. and Mrs. John Ridley visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Disjardine. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Love and fam­ ily spent Sunday in London with their daughter, Helen, who is suf­ fering from the effects of a heavy cold. .. . SHIPKA The regular meeting of the WA. was held on Thursday evening last at the home of Mrs. Geo. Love with 15 members present. The meeting opened with the president in charge, by singing hymn Sound the Battle Cry, followed by prayer by Mrs. Jacob Ratz. Scripture les­ son was read by Mrs. Roy Ratz. Roll was called and responded to by a book of the New Testament. Reports were given, It- was decid­ ed that used clothing for the Eur­ opean relief is to be left at the homes of Mrs, Milt. Ratz or Mrs. Geo. Love up until Friday, October L2th. It was also decided to make quilts. After discussion we decided to make Nov. 11 a special W.A, Sunday. More particulars later. Hymn "Onward 'Christian Soldiers” was sung. The meeting closed by Rev. Mr. Trueblood. A very lovely lunch was served by. the hostess. Mr. Karl Guenther held a very successful auction sale on Friday afternoon last. Karl leaves this week fox’ Toronto. The community joins in wishing him every success Mr. Harry Sheppard, of McGil­ livray, has bought the 100 acre farm from Mr. Karl Gueixthei’ and intends moving shortly. Mrs. Humphreys left on Satur­ day fox’ Londoxx and is remaining for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dietrich and family spent the week-end in God­ erich. Mr. and M'rs. Geo. Love spent the week-end in (Seaforth. Mr. Robt. Taylor is at present very ill at his home. Mr. Win. Lockner, who has his discharge from the police force in Vancouvei’ visited here the past week. Mrs. Bassow and Miss Emma Bassow, of Zurich, are Visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Isia Tetreau. Sunday next, October 14 Sacre­ ment of the Lord’s Supper will be held at the United Church. Mr. Jixn Ziler, of Zurich, has purchased the 25 acre farm of the late. Steve Morrisson on the 14th con. of Stephen. ZION Mr, and Mrs, Harold Hern and family Mr., and Mrs. Norman Brock and family visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. George Earl, of Exeter. Rfr. and Mrs, Angus Earl at­ tended the wedding of the latter’s niece at Staffa on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs, Harold Hunter and family, Mrs, E.' Hunter and Mr. Jack Hunter visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Wellington Brock. We are sorry to report that Mrs John Johns Is quite ill at the time of writing. Hex’ many friends wish her a speedy recovery, Misses Laurene Hern, R.N., and Irene Brock and Mr. Arthur Hern, of London, and Miss Jean Brock, of Exeter, spent the holiday at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Brown, of Windsor, Master Kevin Delbridge, of Exeter, visited ovex’ the week­ end with M'r. and Mrs. Wellington Brock, Mi’s, Tom Dickinson and family, of Denfield, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Warren Brock. Mrs. L. Kyle, of Exeter, visited ■on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. EdL- Hern. Mr, and Mrs. Allan Jaques visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gunning, of Whalen. Mr, and Mi’s. Eph. Hern visited on Saturday with Mr, ■ and Mrs. Allan Westcott, of Exeter. Highland Cedar FENCE POSTS LARGE RUN Sound, Straight and Peeled AT LOWER PRICES also Lumber and Shingles A. J. CLATWORTHY We Deliver Phone 12 Granton II ....... . HI.lll.Biui ..................... Ill' I ' ' ' WHEN IN TORONTO Make Your Homo BcrtH WattFtUg LOCATED on wide SPADiNA AVE. , A5 Collogo Street . . . RATES «.■ . . Single $1.56-$3.50 Double $2.50-$7.00 Write for Folder ' We Advise Early Reservation A WHOLE DAY'S SIGHT-SEEING WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE A. M. POWELL, Proildonl WOODHAM The W.M.S. met in tile church basement last Thursday afternoon with the president, Mrs. C. Camrn presiding and taking the devotion­ al. pxercises from the Missionary Monthly and business was dealt with. It was decided to send a crate of eggs to the Earlscourt Home, Toronto, and it was reported tlxeiu was $100 cleared after expenses were paid, at the recent Rally held here. They also decided to donate $15 to the Mission Circle. The roll was called and the minutes of last, meeting were read. Mrs. Mervin Copeland conducted the programme on Africa, taken from the Mission ary Monthly and other readings were also given. A temperance reading by Mrs. Ben Wilson; a reading by Mrs, Delmar Johnson, and Mrs. Whitfield Switzer, and hymns were sung and Mrs. Delmar Johnson and Mrs. Fred Doupe of­ fered prayer. Communion services will be held here next Sunday morning. A week from Sunday last, Oct. 14th, anniversary services will be held at this church. The guest­ speakers will be the Rev. M. tr. ’Cook, of Granton, in the morning at 11 a.m., and the Rev. N. J. Woods, M.(A:., Exeter, in the eve­ ning at 7.30. Special music will be provided. This will .be the 75 th an­ niversary of the founding of our church at Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hazelwood of Vancouver, visited lately with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hazelwood. Norman lias received his discharge from the aiyforce, Mrs. Doris Shier and sons, Garry and Larry, of London, are visiting at the former’s home here, Mr, and Mrs. McNaughton. Miss Campton, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the parsonage with Rev. Mr, and Mrs. A. Laing. Miss Marjorie Laing, of Galt, spent the holiday and week-end at her home here. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Squire spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. La­ verne Stone, of Kirkton. . Some from here attended Whalen Ahniversary oit Sunday last while others attended Thames Road and Kirkton Anglican Church anniver- SciriosMr.* and Mrs. Pettibone and daughter, Mary Gay, of 'Caparol, are visiting at present With Mr» and Mrs. Wm. Thomsen, the latter’s sistoi*Mr.* and Mrs. Jas. Sfluire visitecf at the home of Mrs. Maty Harris, at Hensall,■ on Wednesday after­ noon last to see Mr, Heiiry Squire who Is very ill at her home there. THAMES ROAD Mrs. J. Craig, of Blyth and Miss I. Turnhull spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gardiner. Misses Shirley and Helen March­ ant, of Weston, spent the holiday week-end with Rev. and Mrs. Mail’ Miss Margaret Allison, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end with her parents. • We are all glad to welcome Lt. L. Allen and Leeland Webber to ■our community after spending sometime overseas. Mr. Bert Gardiner, of London, spent the week-_end at his home. Mr. Stuart Mair, of Toronto and Bruce Mair, of Guelph, spent the holiday week-end at their home. A special Conference on “The Crusade for Christ and His King­ dom” will be held in the Thames Road Church on Thursday, October 18. You will find full particulars in another part of the paper. Ev­ eryone is asked to attend this gathering. Miss Helen Morgan, of London, spent the week-end at her home. Mrs. J. Craig, of Blyth, Miss Isabelle Turnbull, of London, Mrs. A. Gardiner, visited at'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rhode on Tuesday of this week. The folks in this community have been busy with the corn har­ vest this past week. Rev. Reba Hern, of Varna, preached very acceptably at all ap­ pointments on Sunday. Rev. Mair took her work on the Varna ap­ pointment. Rev. and Mrs. Mair attended the Golden Jubilee Reception at Main St. church, Exeter, on Sat­ urday evening. Robert M’cCurdy, of London, spent the week-end with his par­ ents. Mrs. E. Coward and Mrs. Clarke of Farquhar, attended the ’Golden Jubilee Reception at Main Street Exeter, on Saturday evening. Miss Helen Howatt Spent the' week-end at Niagara Falls. Miss Margaret Bray spent Friday and Saturday with Miss Betty Allison. Church services will be at the usual hour ,’on Sunday. Sunday School at 10.15 a.m. and church at 11 a.m. W.M.S., W.A. and Red Cross The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S., W.A. and Red Cross met at the home of Mrs. Percy Passmore on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Chas. Allison, vice-pres., of the W.A. presiding. The meeting opened with hymn 577 followed by prayer by Mrs. C. Allison. Mrs. ■Lloyd Ballantyne read the Scripture lesson. Hymn 41 *was sung. The , W.A. was asked to Drovide the sup- pei* in the church for the Confer­ ence on “The ’Crusade Foi’ Christ and His Kingdom” which is to be held in the basement of the church on Thursday, October 18. The four group leaders. Mrs. P. Passmore, Mrs. R. Duncan, Mrs. N. Hunkin and Mrs. J. Simpson were appointed to be a committee in charge of ar­ ranging foi’ the supper. A commit­ tee was named to collect the clothing1 for the "Clothing Drive” foi’ the Red Cross, namely; Mrs. L. Webber, Mrs. M. McCurdy, Mrs. W. Stone and Mrs." Chas. Allison. Any­ one having clothing are asked to either leave it with one of these ladies or ask them to call foi’ it. The minutes of the W.M.S. were read and the Roll Call taken. It was decided to have a Sacred Con­ cert in the church some evening in November and that Rev. Williams, of Seaforth be invited as guest speaker to give his experiences as Chaplain on the Alaska Highway. Mrs. A. Morgan and Mi’S. Wm. Cann were appointed to look after the music. This service is fox* the fall Thankoffering meeting. Dele­ gates to Presbyterial wlilcii is to be held in Hensall United church Oct. 17 are Mfs. A. Morgan and Mrs. W. Etlierington. 1'lie program consist­ ed of piano solo, Ilia Harris; Thanksgiving reading, Mrs. Mair; solo, Mrs. Harris; reading, Mrs. Sl- ford; piano solo, ‘Doris ElfOrd; topic on Africa, Mrs. Wiseman. Collection was taken. Hymn 15 was sung and the meeting closed with tlxo Misspah Benediction. GREENWAY Thanksgiving visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Byron Brown, of Torontp, at the home of his father, Mr. W. J. Brown, Mr. and Mrs Russell McIntosh and Miss Margaret Sinith, of De­troit. with relatives. Miss Viola Curts, of London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Curts. Mi*, and Mrs. Harry steeper, of Orillia, with his father, Mr. Frank Steeper. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Ulens, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Woodburn and family, Miss Shirley Isaac, of London, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Isaac, Mr, and Mi’S. Russell Pollock, Margery and Peter, of London, and Mr, Harold Pollock, of Detroit, with relatives. Mr, Dawson Woodburn,, of To­ ronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chid Woodbui’n. Miss Lillian Ulens, of Windsor, Miss Ula Ulens and Mr, Dorman Ulens, of London, with MrS. W- T. Ulens, Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Lightfoot, of St, Marys, and Mr. and Mrs. John Allister, of Hamilton, with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Pollock. Mr. Seibourne English, of De­ troit, with Mrs. R. English and Mrs. R. L. Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. E. Harris, of Brins­ ley, and Misses Pearl and Mae Har­ ris, of Parkhill, with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Woodburn and Leona. Mrs. >Chas, Wareham, of Sarnia, with Mrs. E, Mason and Miss De- vina Mason. Miss Frances Brophey spent the week-end with Miss Marion Wood­ burn. ■Mrs. Ross Brown is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pollock, of Kerr- wood. Mrs. Russell Brown and Gordon are visiting relatives in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brophey, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brophey at­ tended the Brophey-Ludwig wedding at Tilbury on Saturday and spent the week-end in Chatham. KIRKTON Miss Annie Roy, of Stratford, is holidaying with her niece, Mrs. Garnie Doupe. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tufts and family, of Toronto, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Truman Tufts. ■■ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whan, of Tor­ onto, were week-end guests with Mr., and Mrs. John Cluff. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall spent the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cluff at Kitchener. Miss Margaret Nairn, of Mother- well, is nursjng Mr. Milton Gregory who is quite ill at his home at the time of writing.. Rev. and Mrs. Bulteel and daugh­ ters, of Clinton were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. Humphreys. Mr. and Mrs. iRussell Brock and sons, Don and Bill, of Burgessville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Humphreys Monday. Mrs. Alice Clark, of London, spent part of the past week with her brother-in-law, Mr. Walter Hazelwood. KIPPEN The Congregation of st. Andrew's United Church are holding their annual fall anniversary en Sunday, Oct, 21 at 11 ami, and 7 p,m. The guest speaker at the morning serv­ ice will he Rev, R. A. Brook, of Hensall, Rev. Albert Hinton, re­ cently inducted minister of Kippen and Hiii^green Pastoral charges, will be in charge of the evening; service. Cpl. Glen Sujners, of the R.C.R., who returned home on the New Amsterdam last week after five years overseas, is visiting his moth­ er, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butt. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Ulcli and Mr. Clarence Bell, of Windsor, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long. , Mr. Edgar .Smith, of Guelph, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, John Jarrott. MrS, Smith, who has spent the past week with her parents, returned to Guelph with him.* Mr, and Mrs. Jack Cochrane vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fuss, of Zurich, Quite a number from here at­ tended anniversary services at Hillsgreen United Church on Sun­ day. Mr, and Mrs. Alec McMurtrie and daughter, of Toronto, spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Parsons and Walter spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. G. E. Thompson. The AV,M.S, Holds October Meeting The W.M.S. and W.A. of St, Andrews United church held a joint meeting on Wednesday after­ noon, October 3rd, at the home oi Mrs. Norman Long. Mrs. A. Mon- tieth was in charge of the meeting which was opened by a hymn and followed by prayer by Mrs. Wm. Alexander, The scripture reading was taken by Mrs. Herbert Jones, TWenty-one members answered the roll call with the text word "Thanksgiving,” A letter was read by Mrs, Thos. Kay from Mrs. Ton, of Blyth, reminding the Auxiliary of the need, of remembering the children by way of Mission Band work and urging that they be fur- mished with the World Prienas magazine. Mrs. |A, Gackstetter was elected as president of the Mission Band , with Mrs. Wm. Alexander as assistant. Mrs. Harold Jones was in charge of the topic taken from the Study Book on Africa. This was followed by a closing hymn and the benediction by Mrs. A. Montieth. The W.A. held a short business meeting in regards to a fowl supper to be held at St. Andrew’s United Church the third week in October. A dainty lunch was served by Circle No. 3. Cameron—Cochrane The marriage was solemnized in Brucefield United Church on Wed­ nesday, October 3rd, at 12 o’clock noon of Audrey Elizabeth Janette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. .Cochrane, of Kippen, to Mr. Lloyd Elmer Cameron, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Cameron, of Tucker­ smith. Rev. O. F. N. Atkinson of­ ficiated. Mrs. J. Murdoch played the wedding music. Tall standards of gladioli and other autumn flow­ ers made an effective setting for the bride and her attendants. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a graceful full- length gown of white satin and long white veil with cornet headdress and carried a colonial bouquet of red roses and fern. The matron of ROYAL If you’re worried about tires, best thing is to drive in and expert advice. You may not eligible for new tires, but there are many other ways we can help you. We specialize on repairs that will make your present tires last longer; DOMINION honor, Mrs. (Alister Broadfoot, wore a floor-length gown of blue taffeta and blue shoulder-length veil and carried pink roses.' The bridesmaid was Mrs. John McLean who wore pink sheer over silk with pink shoulder-length veil and bou­ quet of Johanna Hill roses. The flower girls were Miss Donna Mc­ Bride, of Kippen, and Miss Marion Makins, of Bayfield. Both wore floor-length gowns of yellow and green taffeta. They carried bronze baby mums. Following the wedding ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride’s .parents. Later Mr. and Mrs. Cameron left for a trip to Detroit and Chicago. For travelling the bride wore a brown wool dress and accessories to match. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Cameron will reside in Tucker­ smith. To Those Convalescing After Severe Illness After many severe illnesses or serious operations the patient is very often left in an extremely weak, nervous, run-down condition.To all those convalescents who need some kind of a tonic to stimulate and build up the weakened system, we would recommend Milburn’s Health and them back to health—happiness again.These pills help supply elements necessary to assist the convalescent in bringing back bodily strength and vigour. Price 50c a box, 65 pills, at all drug counters.Look for our registered trade mark a "Red Heart on the package. The T. Milburn Co.. Limited, Toronto, Ont. Nerve Pills to assist a, 1 Remember—Night rates begin at 6 p.m * X F. ROLFE, Managei Manager. You can help, too, by placing as many calls as possible during off-peak hours: Before 9:30 a.m/, between 12 noon and 2:30; between 5 and 7 and after 9:30 pan. cOivms- . .......... Here’s how you can help speed IMG DISTANCE CALLS HTHE lines are still loaded. Please A continue to use Long Distance as sparingly and efficiently as you can. For instance: Do you use this sequence when placing an out-of-town call? It is important, saving both the operator’s time and yours— ♦elepb°ne’ SW8 ■WO