The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-10-04, Page 4Page 4 «! THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 4, 1945 *!P WANTED Ed’s Machine and Body Repair Shop Owing to the increase in business we have ad<Jed two more Body and Fender men to our stuff and are now pre­ pared to give better service. Machine Work Welding — Body and Fender Work TWO BLOCKS EAST OF MAIN ON JOHN STREET E. HUNTER-DUVAR Phone 38 LETTERS FROM OVERSEAS ' s .. * *STEAM QUICK SERVICE AT ieorge Wright's theWe have installed one of best Steam Pressers that the Hoff­ man Manufacturers build. Under pressure of forty pounds this heavy press forces steam through your ■garments, removing dirt and grime and resulting in a fresh new ap­ pearance to your Suits and Coats. We feel that service of this kind will fill a much wanted need for Exeter and Community as Quick Service and a Good Job is our first concern in developing this depart­ ment. Suits or Overcoats, Sponge, Steam and Press Pants only ............................... CLASH AND CARRY 50c 35c Ahout 500 Citizens’ Committees have been formed all across Can­ ada to look after the problems of returning service personnel. Canada is in the sugar pool with the United Kingdom and the United States. Under the pooling arrange­ ment, Canada gets 4.2% of the; total sugar available to the pool. DANCE e WANTED—A Child’S play pep. Ap­ ply at Times-Advocate. 4* WANTED TO PUBCHASE pullets all ages and breeds. High prices paid. Apply Tweddle Chick Hat- chevies Limited. Fergus, Ont, lltc WANTED-—100 horses, any kind of a cheap horse. Will pay good prices for them. Frank Taylor, Exeter. He REAL ESTATE WANTED TO RENT—1’00 acres with complete buildings. I have a client with a full line of im­ plements and stock who wishes to rent a farm in this district. C, V, Pickard, phone 165 Exeter FOR SALE—Frame house, insulat­ ed, sided, roofed with composi­ tion shingles, hydro, town water, hot water furnace. Immediate possession. W. C. Pearce. . at the Exeter Arena on Wed., Oct., 17th at 9 o’clock under the auspices o£ UNIT 17, EDEN Music supplied by C. K. N. X. Ranch Boys and Cora, Clark Johnson, Irish Comedian Booth in connection. ADMISSION 50c Proceeds for the Red Cross Dear Sir:—I received your most welcome parcel the other day. It came just at a .good time, I haven’t had any parcels for quite some time and, though the canteens are a little better than they used to he, they still don’t have much. A few biscuits and a cup of tea is about, all you can get. Things are must the same over here as far as we are concerned, except there isn’t so much noise. So far as the work is concerned, up until these past few days, we have been just as busy, if not busier than we were before. The first and second ar­ mored brigade, ordinance are work­ ing together, and our job is to de­ mob the Canadian army, of these Vote 9, and major assembly stores, as well as al] the A and B vehicle spare parts. Vote 9 stores are wire­ less and signal equipment of all kinds, and all spare parts of ar­ mament. A vehicles are the fight­ ing vehicles and B vehicles are the transporation and service vehicles. So you can see we have quite * job. We have got the over now though, and have to do is to wait til the outfit go home, turn in the essential stuff are keeping until they do our own turn comes up. to That is going to be a happy day for a lot of fellows. I have a hun­ dred and sixty points, but that really doesn’t mean an awful lot on this job and especially when, you are a tradesman. I guess this is the way they are making us pay for the extra Well, I must thanking you the parcels. I to send any more, that I am ing home. So all the best, Harness. FOR SALE—High class 100 acres, new modern brick house, new Jriveshed, large painted barn with shed, hydro, good water, level rich land, well tilled ana fenced. W. C. Pearce. FARM FOR SALE—100 acres, lot 18, concession 3 Hay Township, 1% miles from Hensall, mile from school; 12 acres bush; 3 spring wells; hydro; good build­ ings; well-drained and fenced. Apply to Wm. Parke,_____27:4’r FOR SALE—-Business Block, Main Street, Exeter. Well located, C. V. Pickard. FOR SALE—House with one and a half acres of land. Apply Glen Baker, Dashwood, Ont. 4;11* FARMS FOR SALE—Three Exeter district farms. These are all good farms with comfortable houses and good barns. 100, 100 and 150 acres. These farms are priced reasonably and can be bought on liberal terms. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. B53 worst of it now all we around un- so they can that they go, until go home. HOUSE FOR SALE — 1% storey brick with garage. Modern con­ veniences. Well located in Exe­ ter. C. V. Pickard. Exeter. PERSONAL money they pay us. close for this time, all once again for wish I could say not com- Max dia PAIN KILLER for corns! Lloyd’s Corn and Callous Salve ; prompt, sure relief. 50c Robertson’s Drug Store. LOST gives ; at LOST—Between Exeter and Grand Bend or west from Centralia to the Blue truck tire Ted Munn, Hensall. Water Highway, a and wheel. Reward, phone collect 92rl2, 4* I MISCELLANEOUS Place an Ad Here and Watch Results They are read by more than 8t4QQ Times-Advocate readers every week Phone 31 j for an ad taker FOR SALE FOR SALE —- Rower oil burner, electric ignition with controls. W, J, Melville. tfc FOR SALE — 100 pullets, started to lay, New Hamp, x Barred Rocks. Apply to Chester Dunn, R.R. 1, Exeter, phone 171’4 Crediton, 4c FOR SALE—1/3, and % h.p. motors; farm and tractor tires. Massey-Harris Sales & Service, Exeter. 27c FOR SALE—1 new 1% h.p. gas engine; 1 new Superior cook stove; 6 new -and used electric motors; 1 used 750 Cream Sep­ arator (good). Wanted: 1 oil burner for Quebec Heater. R. B. Williams, Massey-Harris Sales & Service, phone S8.________' FOR SALE—Heavy box stove; also ten-year-old horse, every way. Apply Haist, Crediton. 2 parlor chairs; large arm chair; small table; pictures; crocks; sealers; ’basket; table; clock; ■music box; maple bed, mattress, springs; maple dresser and com­ mode; toilet set; sofa; kitchen table; kitchen chair; feather tick, TERMS OF SfALE—Real Estate, 20 per cent, of the purchase mopey to be paid down at the time of sale, balance to be paid within 30 days on good title being furnished. Other conditions will be announced at the time of sale. Chattels, cash. For further information apply to The London, and Western, Trusts Company Ltd., London, Ontario, Executor 'FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, F. W. GLADMAN, Solicitor for Estate. pig crate; M.H, cream separator with power attachment, nearly new; % h.P. motpr; root pulper; 3-drum steej land roller; cultivator; fan­ ning mill ana sieves; buggy; cut­ ter; wheelbarrow; set Of sleighs; sap p&ns; turnip sower; iron vice; power emery; Beatty litter carrier switch; gas drum; 3 oak barrels; car, ropes and pulleys; cedar posts; set of collars; tractor; 35-gal, shovels; other articles. No reserve as farm is sold. TERMS—CASH W, E. NAIRN, Auct. FRANK ROUTLEY, Prop, ’backband harness; horse pulley for Ford Ferguson 32-ft, extension milk can; fork; chains; neckyokes ladder; hoes; and N. at at sound in to Henry ♦ 4c FOR SALE — ’34 Chevrolet panel truck, good motor and good tires; also kitchen cabinet. Phone 9rl0 Kirkton, Earl Hern, Kirkton. , 4* FOR SALE—Sideboard in |A-1 con­ dition. Apply at Times-Advocate. 4* AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at Lot 14, Con. 16, Stephen Townsliip, 1 mile north of Shipka, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5th, 194t> TERMS—CASH CARL GUENTHER, Prop. JIM DALTON, Clerk, ARTHUR WEBER, Auct. R.R. 1, Dashwood, Telephone 57-12. POSTPONED AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Street, Exetei* the Exeter Grist Mill, 20:27 FOR SALE—Girl’s coat, hat, muff, and leggings, wine with white fur trim, size six. Freshly dry- cleaned and in good condition. Apply Middleton’s Bakery. 4* FOR SALE—Good work horse, 8 years old;. 3-year-old hackney colt. Apply to Russell Finkbeiner, R.R. 2, Crediton. 4:11’* FOR SALE—Man’s leather coat; 3- year-old 3-piece winter outfit wine with white fur collar. Apply at Times-Advocate. 4* FOR SALE—50‘ Barred Rock Pul­ lets. Murray Elliot, Centralia, 4c FOR SAILE—Quebec heatei’ with oil burner; also 15 pullets. Apply to Laverne Heywood, Huron St., West. 4* FOR SALE — 20 Sussex pullets, starting to lay; also an outside toilet. Apply to..Luther Reynolds, phone 177r4, Exeter. 4* FOR SALE—A Findlay kitchen stove, nearly new, ’burns coal or wood, with water front. Apply Miss A. Andrew, Huron Street. 4c Mrs. Smith: “How on earth Mrs. Jones get that black eye?” Mrs, Brown: “Well, her husbana came out of prison on his birth­ day.” Mrs. Smith: “I don’t see how that could result in a black eye?” Mrs. Brown: “No? Well, she wished him many happy returns!’ .- ..... -~-n RENFREW SALES And Service— Anyone in need of a hand or el­ ectric cream separator or stove, call Hugh Thiel, Zurich, 93r4. 8t* FOR 'SALE—10 York pigs, six weeks old. Wm. Boa, R.R. 1, Hensall. 4* SUNSET BOWER This well may be my final hour, On west side porch of Sunset Bower, To make a simple, rustic rhyme, And thus improve the precious time. For fear my mind falls fast asleep, I must a constant vigil keep, Tonight I bid a glad farewell, To sunsets more than I can tell. If change .but gives me quickened powers, Come home I will, when bloom the flowers, Once more to see the sunset bright, From Sunset Bower, some summer night. So when our life’s short race is run, And we, beyond the setting sun; There may we meet a glad surprise, And find sunset to be sunrise. —Written by Rev. J. W. Down before leaving Exeter Thursday of last week to spend the winter at Belleville. PROFIT WITH PLEASURE—Wool $9.00 a pound. Raise' Angora rabbits. Apply at Times-Advocate. w CEMENT SLABS, free for drawing away. Spruce Grove Gas -Station*. FURNITURE FOR .SALE—1 pre­ war spring-filled studio couch, like new; 1 kitchen set (buffet, table and 4 chairs); 1 bedroom dresser, 1 settee; 1 small kitchen table. Apply to Sandy Elliot, Ford Garage. 4c FOR RENT STRAYED STRAYED ■ three last bottom of right ear. Please noti­ fy Garnet McFalls, phone 176rl3 Exeter. — From Hay swamp winter calves, nick in FOR RENT—Bright rooms furnish­ ed and heated. Apply at Times- Advocate. 4* I t tfc NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICES FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ [LISTS. 1945 Municipality of STEPHEN TOWNSHIP County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that c. “of™ registered herefords The undersigned will sell by public auction for Stutt Bros. 2 miles north-east of Forest on Saturday. October 13th Mile East of Highway 21 9 to 16 mos.; 10 open Heifers around one year; 8 bred Heifers, Accredited, Sale Cattle Blood-Tested Carlos Domino 17th, C.F. 12'0824 - Repeat ■ - Ellis Domino 18th, C,F. 152208. ~ Mich,, Catalogue on request E. M. LESTER AND W. 8. O’NEIL Auctioneers % 84 Lots—19 Bulls, Herd Fully HERD SIRES: C___ Domino 18th, C.F. 120823 Bred by Crapo Farms, Swartz Creek Sale at one p.m, sharp C.F. C,F. U.S.A, NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section. 8 of The Voters’ List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Cen­ tralia, Ontario, on the 17th day of September, 1945 the list of all •persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality, at municipal elections and that such for inspection. And I hereby to take immediate have any errors or rected according to day of appeal being October, 1945. Dated at Centralia, this 17th of September, 1945. LLOYD B. HODGSON, ' Centralia, Ontario. list call remains there upon all voters •proceedings to omissions cor- law, the I&st the 8th day of day Trusses, Belts, Supports! 6f all kinds. loosening the phlegm and stimulating the bronchial organs, and when this is done the troublesome irritating cough may be Relieved. Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup has been on the market for the past 48 years. The Trade Mark “3 Vine Trees”. Price 35c a bottle; large family size, about 3 times as much, 60c at all drug counter^. _ ■ The T. Milbiirh <3d., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Troublesome Night Coughs Are Hard on the System It’s the cough that sticks; the Cough that is hard to get rid Of; the cough accompanied by a tickling in the throat that causes the nerve and throat wracking trouble that keeps you awake at night, Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup helps to relieve this coughing condition by soothing the irritated parts, loosening the phlegm aha stimulating the bronchial Are You Ruptured? OUR SERVICE IS DIFFERENT. WE SELL YOU A FIT IN OUR PRIVATE TRUSS ROOM. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Over 15 years experience. • Your drugs at ROBERTSON’S I Phdno 150 Exeter In the Estate of Fanny Bissett, late of Exeter, Ontario, Spinster deceased. All persons having claims against the late Fanny Bisset who died on or about August 3rd, 19 45, are required to send particulars of their claims duly verified to the undersigned solicitor for the Execu­ tor on or before October 1945, after which date the will be distributed. DATED September 17th, 1945. HERBERT B. BISSETT, Executor. by J. W. MORLEY, Solicitor for Executor, \ Exeter, Ont. . 20:27:4 AUCTION SALE OF FARMS IN HIBBERT TOWNSHIP AND VALUABLE FARM MACHINERY The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at J. Stewart’s Garage, Exeter on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1945 at 2.00 p.m,, the following: lA'llis-Cha liners tractor, model WC, on rubber with starter and lights, slightly used; Allis-Chalmers 5-ft. combine on rubber with scour screen attachment and bagger, runs like new; Allis-Chalmers win-rower attachment; Allis-Chalmers power take-off assembly, slightly used; 3-section Allis-Chalmers drag har­ rows; 4-section diamond harrows; 1 harrow draw-bar, new, for 3 sec­ tions; 1 harrow draw-bar, new, for 4 sections; 1 Case double disc, *9- ft., 2 years old; 1 Case fertilizer disc drill, 13-hoe, with grass­ seeder attachment never used, only 2 years old; M.H. 4-disc plow in good shape; Wallis tractor, model 20-30 on steel, very slightly used; 2 rolling coulter discs ,for Case plow, size 18-inch, like new; wagon, flat top 7x12, on rubber tires with short and long tongue; stone boat; Maxwell hay rake with dump; Mc­ Cormick 3-furrow plow; hand grass seeder, nearly new; Chrysler motor, model C2-8, suitable for car, truck, tractor or boat; storage tank, 206-gal. capacity; Norge electric refrigerator; large -cabinet radio, electric, 9-tube; writing desk and book case; tin stove, heater. TERMS OF CHATTELS—.CASH Farm at Staff a—(Lot 16, Con. 6, Hibbert Township, 100 acres more or less; bank barn, hpuse; orchard; partly seeded, ploughed; about 5 acres bush; good water; school on cor­ ner of farm. Farm at Cromarty—Lot 16, Con. 10, Hibbert Township, 100 acres more or less; bank barn, silo, house and garage; 50 acres seedea; good bush; plenty of good running water for pasture. These farms will be sold subject reserve bid. C. J. STEWART, Prop. GEO. LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct.' Main -across from WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10th the following: Kitchen stove; heater; dresser; commode; bed; springs; mattress­ es; large kitchen table; lawn chair; 2 small tables; feather tick; dining-room suite; book-case; small stand; end table; kitchen chairs; china cabinet; settee; rock­ ing chair; floor lamp; table lamps; linoleum; toilet set; gasoline stove; wash tub; coal pail; .boiler; clothes rack; ironing board; drop-leaf table; pots; pans; dishes; tools; HAPPY THOUGHT range; 2-burner hot plate; 2 chairs; davenport; cupboard; Quebec heater with oven and other articles. TERMS—CASH ARTHUR TAPP, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR,' Auct. i I some partly mixed to 10 th, ■assets AUCTION SALES Strathroy, Saturday, October 6th. 250 Western stock cattle including feeder and stocker Steers; a choice run of Herefords, also heifers and stock cows. Sales every Saturday; trucks to deliver; private sales in the week. A, G. McAlpine, auct. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY AND CHATTELS (The undersigned Executor of the Estate of the late Catherine Gidley will offer for sale by public auction, subject to a reserve bid, on THURSDAY, OCT. 11, 1945 at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon, at the lands and prem­ ises to be offered for sale.' House Property being Lot 52« West Side of William Street, Exeter, Ontario White brick 2-storey building, 10 rooms. Lot 150, 6“,ft. frontage with a depth of 264 ft, The following .chattels' will also be offered: Walnut bedroom suite, walnut parlor table with marble top; 6 dining room chairs, walnut; AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to Sell by public auction on Lot 3, Con. 5, Blanshard, Vz mile east of Kirkton, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1945 the following: HORSES — Team of good work mares, aged 8 and 12 years. QATTLE — Durham cow, fresh; Durham cow, due time of sale; Durham cow, due Oct. 25; Dur­ ham heifer due Dec. 2; 2 Durham cows due in March; Durham cow due in June; 2 farrow cows; steer, 2-year-Old; 2 heifers rising 2 years; 5 steers rising 2 years; 2 heifers rising one year; 4 one year; 4 spring calf. HOGS—Sow due sow due November 100 lbs. SEED—1,000 bushels barley and oats; 20 rows of mangels and tur­ nips in field. IMPLEMENTS—2 M.H. binders, 6-ft. cut, sheaf carrier and truck; McCormick-Deering mowei’, 6-ft. cut; M.H. side rake; Maxwell hay .loader; New nearly new; and plough, spring-tooth M.H. seed truck wagon 4-section drag harrows; 2-i’ow corn scuffler; corn binder; Wilkinson earn hlower ahd pipes, in good shape; scufiler; walking plough; Universal milkiiig machine, used 6 months; set of scales, 2,000 .lbs*; steers calves; rising small sale; 8 chunks, time of 5; Idea manure spreadev, Ford Ferguson tractor nearly new; 3-section harrows; tractor disc; drill and fertilator; and rack; wagon box; auction sale of farm, STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS" The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at Half Lot .11, Con, 5, Stephen Crediton, just north of the river bridge, on TUESDAY, OCT. 16, 1945 1.30 p.m., the following: HORSES—'Gray work team; gray mare, 5 years old.CATTLE—3 cows due in Febru­ ary; 4 yearlings; 3 spring calves, 30 pullets; collie dog. IMPLEMENTS — McCormick- Deering binder; McCormick-Deer­ ing mower; Frost & Wood seed drill; McCormick-Deering manure spreader; 2 cultivators; 10-ft. Jiay rake; ' ’ " plow; walking plow; rows. " . ' ' . tire wagon; buggy; light wagon; rubber tire two' seated sedan; 2 cutters; set sleighs;1 root pulper; gravel box; grind stone; hay rack; fanning mill lbs.; forks chains; wheel disc; Oliver riding "■ ; set of har- roller; 'steel wagon; rubber buggy; -set of scales, 2000 18-rfoot ladder;, hay and pulleys; cow double harness; 2 sets of single harness; cream separator; forks; shovels; neckyokes; whiffle- trees; chains; boxes; barrels; pails; and many other articles. 10 tons of hay; 3 tons of sweet clover. 50 ACRE lot 10, con. o, IOwpuOu uunxwmy, brick house, bank barn, new drive­ shed, 18x40; well-fenced; _ Sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS—Chattels, cash. Terms real estate made known on day HENRY DEARING, Prop. GEO, DAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. scuff! er; ropes FARM—North half of 5, Stephen township; 15 acres seeded down;, plenty of water. of of fl AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at CLANDEBO YR TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1945 the following- 2 cows milking good and both supposed to be in calf; 2 .sprints calves 14 hens. 2 buggies; cutter; scuffler: light wagon; blacksmith forge; black­ smith tools; carpenter tools; fence stretchers; single harness; double harness; cream separator; cro-bar; quantity of household furniture; quantity of grain and hay; recking bar; quantity of lumber; .forks; hoes; shovels; chains; boxes, bar­ rels and other articles, MRS. CHAS. CARTER, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC. Win. H. Smith, auctioneer, has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction at the residence of late Wm. Bowman in CREDITON SATURDAY, OCT. 6, 1945 at 1.30 p.m., the following: Kitchen range; 2 three-piece bed­ room suites and springs; bed; springs; wash stand; 2 mattresses: 2 living, room tables; dining room table, 6 chairs, buffet; 4 rockers; child’s rocking chair; , 6 kitchen a number of odd chairs: cabinet; fern stand; 2 ; rug and carpets; hooked quilts and bed­ trunk; set of dishes; odd number of pictures and crocks; 7 doz. sealers; coal boiler; tubs; lantern’, lawn mower; garden tools shovels; quilting frames: Stewart clipper; Coleman gasoline lamp; 3-burner coal oil stove with oven chairs; china -i couches; mats; sleeping bag; spreads; •dishes; frames; scuttle; lamps; and the TERMS—CASH WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer, Phone 43r2 Crediton, E. SMITH, Clerk, RODNEY BOWMAN, Executor AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE on Main Street, Exeter on FRIDAY/OCTOBER 12, 1945 ; 1.30 p.nl, The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction the following: Gourley piano, chesterfield and two chairs; walnut end table; knit­ ting machine; book case; card table; tri-light floor lamp; flower stand; desk; 2 chairs; Ozite pad; pictures; 2 .bed. springs; mattresses; 2 dressers; commodes; homemade .bunk; roller skates; electric stove, nearly new; kitchen table and 4 chairs; washing machine; boil­ er; boy’s sleigh; wheel-barrow and rug; garden tools; quantity of car­ penter tools; Sealers; dishes of all kinds; pots; pans; Kroehler’s sofa bed; lounging chair and footstool to match; kitchenette extension table with red leather seat chairs; Singer sewing machine. TERMS—'CASH CLARENCE SIMMONS, Prop, GEORGE DAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. at AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS on Lot 22, North Boundary, Stei>hen Township, U miles east of Dashwood, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1945 at 1 o’clock p.m. sharp. HORSES—1 bay Clyde horse, 11 years old; 1 bay Clyde horse, 10 years old; 1 bay Clyde, horse, 6 years old. CATTLE—Roan cow due in Nov.; red heifer due in Nov.; red cow due in Jan.; black cow due in Jan.; roan cow due in Jan.; roan cow due in March;. roan heifer due in. Jan.; roan heifer- due in Feb.;, white cow in calf still milking; white heifer, fresh; white heifer Supposed to be in calf; red heifer in calf; Wack cow, still milking,, in calf; red cow due in Jan.; dark roan .bull, 2 years old, bred by Roy F. Pepper, Seaforth, registered; 3. baby beef steers; 2 baby beef, steers; 2 baby beef heifers; 2 small calves. All cattle are tested for Bongs Disease within one month of. sale, and all heifer calves vaccinat­ ed. HOGS — Pure bred Registered Yorkshire sow both sire and dam o£ the sow are qualified in Advanced Registry, sow is in pig; 2 pure bred Yorkshire sows due to farrow 3, 5, and 7th of December, all are daugh­ ters of the above sow and sired by a boar, also qualified in Advanced - Registry; York sow with litter at. foot; 11 stocker pigs, 2 months old; 5 stocker -pigs weighing about 150- lbs. each. HENS—20 New Hampshire cross, with Leghorn pullets. ■GRAIN—175 bushels of fall wheat; 100 bus. Galore .barley suit­ able for seed; Ajax oats, 500 bus.; 50'0 bushels of Erben bats; 500 bus. of mixed grain; * quarter ton of oil cake. • HAY—40 tons of mixed hay. IMPLEMENTS — International H. tractor, one year old; 2-furrow International plow, new, both if not previously sold; International binder, 7-ft, cut, purchased in 1940; M.H. mower, 6-ft. cut; McCormick 11-hoe fertilizer drill, practically new; stiff-tooth International cul­ tivator; International manure sprea­ der bought in 1939;. International side delivery rake -bought in 19 40; Cockshutt 4-row bean and beet scuff let; 3-drum steel roller; walk­ ing plow; Oliver bean scuffler and puller combined; M.H. hay loader; rake; cutter; cream separator Ren­ frew; 16-ft. loader, electric fencer; bob sleighs; fanning mill; wheelbarrow; tension ladder, oiiy house, 8x12 ler; .bag truck; logging chains; yokes; forks; hoes; l ' ’Work behch; ipers; steel pig troughs; oil burning brooder stove; 4-section drag har­ rows; fire extinguisher; set heavy britchen harness, brass mounted; set of heavy plow harness; single harness; 5 horse collars; 2 horse .blankets; grain, .bags; twine bags; 1 bed room . suite; and numerous other articles. No reserve, as the proprietor has sold his farm. ARTHUR WEBER, Auct. ADDISON TIEMAN, Clerk, LEONARD BIRK, MISS VERNA BIRK, Proprietors*. out-throw disc; 10-ft. steel hay wagon; quantity of planks; flat hay rack; also 1-man. 1200-lb. cap. scales; Coleman lantern; ex- ‘ small ladders; coh ft., 1-horse scuff- block and tackle; ; eveners; neck- shovels; spades; grass seeder; cross-cut saw; ; mangels; feed hop­