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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-09-27, Page 6
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24th, 1945 i SNELL BROS. & CO Phone 100 Pinewood. Ont. and Brantford.Let us assist you with your applications WHALEN and Sun- Cliff dur- Mrs. Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson relatives in London on Mrs. Otto Brown and the W.A, evening, of Mills, of Mrs, H‘t Geo. Parkinson with Mr. and Mrs. of Stratford. 'Squire, of London, this week at her Passages of Doreen vis- Wm. Skel- on Sunday. I I Mrs, KIRKTON WOMEN’S INSTITUTE ROYAL WHAT That’s the $64 question today, but we will be glad to give you the answer. If you are eligible to buy new tires, we recommend the new Dominion Royal. "There’s no finer tire built.” But if you are not eligible, let our expert tire men build new life and more mile age into your present tires. You’ll enjoy our Or<oLnge Pekoe Blend SALAM Hve rented our I DOMINION SHIPKA The regular meeting of will be held on Thursday October 4th at the home Geo. Love. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Webb family, of Parkhill, visited on day last with Mr. and Mrs. Russell and attended anniversary services. ' i Mt. and Mrs. J. Scott and family j of Seafoith, visited on Sunday last] at the home of Mr. and Mrs, -Geo. i Love. Anniversary Services Sunday. September 23rd, the an niversary of Shipka church was held. The Rev. A. B. Irwin, BA, of Exeter, (James St.) United church preached inspiring sermons. Deep spiritual messages were brought to the congregations and it will be a long time before such messages will be forgotten. The speaker brought before the attention the coming Crusade for Christ in the entire United Church of Canada. Mr. Scott of Seaforth, sang two fine solos. Mrs. Ross Love sang a duet with Mr. Scott at both services. The choii' Pearl Many were and to the Rev. Irwin for the suc cessful services. sang Ross Love sang Scott at both services, under the leadership of Miss . Keys sang two fine anthems, expressions of appreciation offered to both the singers CENTRALIA Sgt. -and Mrs., Scotty Raynham, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with the former’s parents, «Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baynham, Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs Otto Brown were Mr, and Arnold Kuntz and Eupleen, Dashwood, Edgar, Mr. Woodham, visited Mills on Sunday. Miss Hettie Sweet, of London, visited with Mrs. -Clara Abbott on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Mr. Robert Smith, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs, Smith and Marlene. Mr, Harold Flynn, Miss Marjorie Flynn and friend, of London, "were week-end visitors with Mrs. 'Geo. Flynn. Mr. and visited with Sunday. | Mr. and i Bernice visited recently with Mr, I and Mrs. W. Young, of St, Marys. ' - - penwarden in the H.B. jn London and Mrs. ■of Mr. T. Mawhinney' and of Exeter, and Mrs. Lawrence with The regular meeting of the Kirk ton Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. George Hall -on Wednesday, Sept. 19, one week earlier owing to the Short Course being held on Wednesday : Thursday afternoons of this week. With the president in the chair, the meeting was opened with the Institute Ode and the Lord’s Pray er in unison. Mrs. Hiram Hanna read the second chapter of Jonn as the scripture reading. Three verses -of “O God, -Our Help in Ages Past” was sung. Fifteen mem bers were present and answered roll call with the name of a favorite dessert. [Arrangements were com pleted during the business .period for the short course on “Refresh ments” conducted .by Miss Roy to be held at Mrs. Ross Marshall’s home. Mrs. Robt. Ratcliffe, Jr., and Miss Loreen Russell were chos en as local leader and assistant for the training school’ to be held in Stratford in October and Novem ber. The programme was’ in charge of Mrs. Jim Willis, Home Econ omics convenor. Mrs. Wm. Harding gave a fine paper on the motto: “The way to a Man’s Heart is thru his Stomach.” Mrs. Earl Watson gave a humorous reading. Mrs. Wes. Batten gave a splendid, paper on Home Economics. Mrs. Jim Wil lis and Mrs. Clarence Switzer dem onstrated ideas for a first and sec ond course at a luncheon at which all had the privilege of sampling. The meeting was closed with the National Anthem and Mizpah. Bene diction. Mr. and Mrs. G? F. attended, the songspree Beal Technical School on Saturday evening, Mrs. A. Proctor and ited with Mr. and Mrs. ton, in Lucan. Mr. Gordon Culbert spent a few days with his brother, Mr. Clarence Culbert. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hastewell were week-end guests with Mr, and Mrs, Murray Elliott, Thank-offering Service The annual thankoffering serv ice of the Woman’s Missionary So ciety will be held in the church on and ■ Sunday morning (Sept. 30th) with Miss Vera Decker, -of Exeter, as guest speaker. Special music will be provided by the choir assisted by a trio from the Evangelical Church at Crediton. Service at 10.30. occupy service at The pastor, Rev. Weir, will the pulpit for the evening at 7.3 0. Rally Day Service annual Rally Day service ofThe the Sunday School was held in the church on Sunday morning with a good attendance with Rev. Weir, as leader. The music was provided by the teachers and officers of the Sunday School with Mrs. Penwar den at the pia'ho. scripture were read by the boys’ class and the intermediate girls’ class. A very interesting story was told by Mr. Norman Mitchell. Thu address, “How I May Become a Useful Fisherman for Christ,” was ‘given by the Rev. Weir. . Mrs. J. B. Armitage, of Lucan, and her brother, James Ogden, and nieCe, Miss Jean Ogden, of London, have returned home after spending a month with relatives and friends at Filmore, Sask., Regina, Winni peg, CREDITON The .W.M.S, rally held in Evangelical Church on Friday ternoon and evening was well attended. Mrs. F. AV. Brandauer, gave a very Interesting talk, relating some of her experiences during the three years she and her husband and son were interned in a Japanese prison camp. Sunday School rally services were conducted in the United Church on -Sunday morning with a large attendance, Rev, A. S. Trueblood gave a very interesting talk and the Rally Day programme was followed. On Sept, 23rd, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Win, Roeszler, a din ner was given by the family of Mr, and Mrs. M. England, of Hensail, in honor of. their parents’ 50tn wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs, England were -formerly residents of this community and their friends here join 'with the family in ex tending congratulations and wishes for many more years of health and happiness together. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Lucas and Mr. Melville England, of St. Thom as, visited on Sunday, with Mr. ana Mrs. Wm. Roeszler. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Haist spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Car-man Hodgins, in Blyth. Mrs. Arnold Robertson, of Lon don, visited for a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Beaver. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Clark and Glenn, of Detroit, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schwartz and Betty Lou visited on Sunday with Mrs. Rose Simpson, of Clan deboye. Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz as sisted with the singing at niversary service in St. Church there. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bushel have returned after week at Kincardine. Hodgins* returned with them and will visit-here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Finkbeiner and Mrs. Hugo Schenk spent the week end at Hamilton and Niagara Falls’. Mr. Ed. Yearley, of Windsor, visited last week_ with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Yearley. Mr.- and Mrs. 'Gerald Englana, Mr. and -Mrs. C. W. Sisson, and WO. Jack England, all of London, visited at their home attending the Golden Wedding Anniversary of their grandparents. Lloyd England, of Toronto, vis ited over the week-end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. R. White, Thelma and Frank, of Thedford, also Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Squire. Mr. and Mrs. John Hazelwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hazelwood, of London. Mr. and Mrs. visited, recently Ed. Woodward, Miss Shirley is holidaying home. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen spent Thursday, with friends at Wood- The W.M.S. and W.A. will meet at Mrs. Geo. Lackie’s home on Thursday evening. Miss Elva Morley is spending a few days with Mrs. Arthur Hod gins. of Clandeboye. Mr. Marshall Squire, of Detroit,* is visiting with relatives in the community, Mr, Geo. Millson celebrated his 84th birthday on Tuesday. Mr. Mill- son is enjoying good health. Mr. Arthur Gunning visited ing last week with Mr. and Millson. ^ITtL come in HANDY. BUT THAT 1 WASN'T THE REAL REASON ROOM FOR RENT? The problem of not enough homes is still acute. Any unoccupied space in your house is urgently needed. The Housing Registry will welcome your offer of accommodation. And .you can make a few extra, dollars by turning over that spire room to some homeless wanderer. JOHN LABATT LIMITED London Canada the at" of last week The speaker, the an- James and son spending a Miss Eunice JAMES STREET AFTERNOON W. M. S. after- by the secretary '.call to which a responded. The was given and Convenors of Thursday, Sept. 13 th the noon Auxiliary met in the church basement with the president, Mrs. J. M. Southcott in the chair. The meeting was opened by singing a hymn. The minutes of the August meeting were read followed by roll goodly numbered treasurer’s report the collection taken. committees gave reports. Mrs. Kyle convenor of supply committee ask ed for donations for ditty bags that ar to be packed soon. Mrs. Pybus, Christian Stewardship sec., gave a reading. Mrs. V. Armstrong’s group had charge of the program which was a temperance program conduct ed by Mrs. Irwin, temperance con venor. Mrs. Irwin, was in the chair and opened with the hymn “Rescue the Perishing” and Psalm 705 in the Hymnary, was read alternately. A solo was sung by Mrs. Gunning after which Mrs. Irwin,conducted a temperance quiz program ’ which was most interesting tive. Hymn by a poem and a story temperance, with a hymn and Benediction. and instruc- 408 was sung followed read by Mrs. Zurbrigg by Mrs. Irwin, each on The meeting closed WOODHAM The twentieth fall rally of Perth Presbyterial of the Woman’s Missionary Society of the United Church of Canada was held at this Church last Friday, Sept. 21st. The day was fine, and representatives were present from Mitchell. Lis- towel. .St. Pauls. Toronto. Strat ford, Granton, -St. Marys, Milver ton, Tavistock and Trowbridge. Two hundred and fifty registered and dinner was served in the Orange Hall and it was also served to 3 6 ministers and -laymen of the Perth Presbyterial. The Presbytery meeting of ministers was held at Kirkton United Church, owing to lack of space at our church, but they returned here for dinner. Cfn. ~ to be Mr. drove the latter’s who just returned from Overseas. Rally Day services were observed here last Sunday morning. in the Church auditorium. The Rally Dav programme was followed after which Rev. A, Laing gave a very splendid address and the regular choir furnished the music. Miss Jean Copeland, of the staff of the Bank of Montreal. St. Marys, was a week-end guest at her home here. Miss Olive ThaOker, Who has been convalescing at her mother’s home, Mrs. F Pattison, is week now with her Langford, of Granton. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. baby. Elizabeth Ann. spent the week-end at Mr. M Bruce Pothering is on his way home and Mrs. Leonard to London last week sister, ILieut. the expected Thacker to meet Beattv. spending a sister, Mrs. Essen and of Sarnia, . the home of and Mrs. Delmar Johnson. . Miss Evelyn Wynn, of Aylmer, scent the week-end at the home of Iter mother, Mrs. Nettie Wyph Mr. Jas. Squire visited on Friday of last week with his father who is very ill, at daughter. Mrs. Hensatl. Mr, and Mrs. _ _________ spent Sunday afternoon at the lai' ter’s home at Holmesville* the home of his Mary Harris, of Kenneth Langford DASHWOOD RESIDENT DIES IN STRATFORD Professional Cards A resident of Stratford for the past six years, Mrs. Sophia Kraft, wife of the lat© Henry Kraft, died ip the Stratford Genera lHospitaj, early Sunday morning;. Mrs, Kraft had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. E. Preeter, 449 On tario street, She had been in failing health for about four years and had been seriously ill for nionths. Born in Dashwood years ago, she was a daughter of the Jate Mr. and Mrs. peter Schroe der, She had spent all her life in [Dashwood untij moving to Strat ford. Mrs. Kraft was married 6,1 years ago, and her husband died 10 years ago. She was a member of the Zion Lutheran Church in Dashwood and an Church in aire two sons, Dashwood and E. Preeter, Stratford, and Mrs. Clarence Gale, Dashwood, There are .also five grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The funeral was held from the Heinbuch Fun eral Home Tuesday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock, with Rev. A. Pollex, of Sebringville officiating. Inter ment was in Dashwood Zion ceme tery, where Rev. T. Luft assisted with the service. F. W. GLADMAN BARRISTER, — SOLICITOR EXETER, ONTARIO at Hensail, Friday 2 to 5 p,na. —... - ....... . , ...... , a.. * 4.- S t t two 85 J. W, MORLEY SOLICITOR Office, Main' Street, EXETER, ONT, 4 4- r I fit, Peter’s Luther- Stratford. Surviving Edward and ILouis, two daughters, Mrs. Stratford, and Dashwood. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST Offices, Morley Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon i < i Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.DJS. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36^ Closed Wednesday Afternoons / f i 4 I STORE AND POST OFFICE AT WOODHAM ENTERED Apparently in search of thieves broke into A. Mills’ and post office at Woodham day night, but a preliminary check in the morning indicated that no thing was missing. There was no money on the premises, as it was removed at night to the home of the proprietor, William Mills. En try was gained by cutting a hole in the screen- door, through which the thief or thieves unlatched the door, then jimmied the main door. The post office was left in disor der. The break-in was discovered by Mr. .Mills at 8.00 a.m., Monday when he went to work. cash, store Sun- C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Open every week day except Wednesday k s » 4 ; ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R.R. No. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR i i i i » < i ZION Miss Lauren e Hern, R.N., Mrs. J. Parkinson, of London, ited with Mr. and Mrs. Eph. on Wednesday. Miss Anna and Tom Brock the week-end in Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Ros£ Hern, cis and Keith, Mr. Eph. Her: Mr. Charles Kerslake, spent Saturday at Glencoe Fair. Mr. and Mrs. James Earl and Marjorie visite'd on .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percv Passmore, of Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Pullen and Ross, of East Zorra. and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pullep, Joy.ce and Gor don. of West Oxford. Sunday with Mr. and Hern. A number of ladies community attended the Convention ' held at Woodham Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert and Earl, of Lucan, spent Sunday eve ning with Mr. and Mrs. Ros^Hern. Aggregate Corporation amounted to ana , vis- Hern silent 'F’ran- n and of Exeter, visited on Mrs. Ross from the W.M.S. on sales by War Assets up to August $28,826,230. 15 MOUNT CARMEL Miss Margaret Ryan left to tend College in Toronto. Miss (Shirley Regan, training, i . . .. spent the week-end at here. Mrs. Jno. Barry, Mrs. Abbot and Mrs. McMillan, all of Detroit, attended the funeral of their aunt Miss Nora Collins. At the House of Providence on September 21st, Miss Nora Collins passed away at the age of 84 years She was born near Khiva and was a member of this parish all hei- life. Tli*6 funeral took place Mon day from the home of Jack Mor rissey. Interment in Mt. Carmel cemetery, sisters, Carmel Detroit. at- ------j Regan, nurse-in- at St. Joseph’s Hospital, her home Interment in She is survived by two Mrs. A. Mulligan, Mount and Mrs. K. Mclsaac, of BRINSLEY Confirmation services were held in Christ Anglican 'Church, McGil livray, on Sunday last by Rev. Charles |A-. : Seager, Archbishop of Huron, with six candidates as '^o^‘* lows: Mrs. ’Coxworth, Mrs. Alvin Faulder, Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins, Mrs. Alvin Lewis, Mrs. Lawrence Scott, Mrs. Levi White. Rally Day service will in Brinsley United Church day next, September 30th, p.m. Thanksgiving services held in St. Marys Anglican Church. Briimley, on Sunday next, Septem ber 3 0th, at 11 a.m. and Gunner Cyril Morley, been’ sei’ving with the Army overseas, returned Saturday last. A large number 'from attended the Parkhill Fall Fair on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Trevetliick and children, of St. Thomas, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trevethick. Mrs. 'Fletcher Gower and Reta spent Saturday with Mrs. Bishop. Mrs, Hess; of Zurich, is spending some .time with hef daughter, Mrs. James Trevethick. ■Mr. and Mrs. Painter, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with Mil and Mrs. Wes. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo liodgins, Mr. and Mrs, Lin Craven spent day afternoon with Mr. and Xloy Watson, of Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rosser, and Mafy, of Aiisa Ci'alg, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Joe be on at will held Sun- 2.45 ibe •5 7.30 pan. Who has -Canadian home on Brinsley ■Sun- Mrs. •Tacit Joe LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex farm SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING 188 t i < I 4 WM. H. SMITH LICENSED For Huron Special training property’s true ■■ Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton P.O. or Phone 43-2 AUCTIONEER and Middlesex assures you of your value on sale day. E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. EXETER, R.R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres................ WM. A. HAMILTON R. R. 1, Cromarty Vice-Pres............ WM. H. COATES Exeter DIRECTORS THOS. G. BALLANTYNE: Woodham JOHN HACKNEY .... Kirkton, R. 1 ANGUS SINCLAIR .... Mitchell R. 1 JOHN McGRATH ..... Dublin, Ont. AGENTS JOHN ESSERY ................ Centralia ALVIN L. HARRIS .......... Mitchell THOS. SCOTT ........ Cromarty SECRETARY-TREASURER B. W. F. BEAVERS ........ Exeter F. W. GLADMAN Solicitor, Exeter lA'mos. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morley motor evening his brother Cyril returueu from overseas. Ed. Vincent of Trenton Hos- was a visitor with Mrs. Bea- ed to London Saturday when home Mr. pital, trice Dixon on Sunday. Mr. Vincent was a member of Jack Hawkey lost his .life plane accident in England two years ago. _ Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Scott visitors On Sunday with Mrs. trice Dixon, the crew When in a about were B'ea- t V7nanm3)?ii!iii.iiiM'si awiiaiiBMtxwwwaw t Many women have to do their own housework, and tho constant bend ing over, lifting, malting beds, sweeping, ironing, sewing, so neces sary to perform their household duties puts a heavy strain on the back and kidneys, and if there Were no kidney weakness the back would > be strong and Well. Doan’s Kidney Pills help to give relief to weak, backache, kidney suf fering women. Doan’s Kidney Pills are put up m an oblong grey box with our trad© ' ' ~ *‘ ■ themark a '‘Maple Leaf” on wrapper. Don’t accept a substitute, sure and get ''Doah’s.” Tlio 1*. Milburn Oo., Ltd., Toronto, BO Ont. f i i t 4 i f 4. I * i 4 J I I- i 1 4 f I f < 1 ’ » » 4 I 4