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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-09-27, Page 5
Vi the times-advocate, exeter,. Ontario, Thursday morning, September 27,1945 Page 5 Domestic and Commercial Refrigeration Service *—* Domestic and Commercial Units now available EXETER and vicinity GTZ p i PHONE 59W. Fu Crocker day or night AUTHORIZED KELVINATOR SALES & SERVICE Announcem en t I wish to announce to the public that I have pur chased the furniture and funeral business of Mr, R. N, Rowe including the Funeral Home and will take pos session on October 1st, For over three years I was in the employ of Mr. Rowe and am a graduate from the Canadian School of Embalming. It will be my endeavor to give the best in service and quality/ Your patronage will be appreciated. R. C. Dinney YO Vlt Exeter District Co-Op Store THE NEW D.D.T. SPRAY KILLS FLIES AND INSECTS and is now available for farmers for use in bams only. Order earjy. We are handling Shur-Gain and Co-op fertilizers again this fail.,Orders should be placed early. Wire Insulators and Hot Shot Batteries. SPECIAL PRICES ON ROBIN HOOD FLOUR. Exeter District Cooperative P. Passmore, Manager Ed’s Machine and Radiator Repair Shop Two Blocks East of Main on John Street All Types of Repairing — Welding a Specialty We have secured the services of an expert on Body and Fender Repairs and will appreciate your patronage. E. HUNTER-DUVAR Phone 38 TONIGHT—ROLLER SKATING Adniisslon 35c COMING FRIDAY NIGHT IN PERSON ★ The Greatest of Them All! ENNY GOODMAN •IT ★ DANCING 8.30-12.80 ★ HENSALL Wm. White, of London, call friends here recently. Wm. Foster spent a day in & HIS ORCHESTRA with THE FAMOUS SEXTETTE Featuring slkAM grEWART MOREY FELD RED NORVO * MIKE BRYAN____________________ Admission -50. Advance mets now os«os4’« lnEK4sy LONDON ARENA Canada’# fittest Ballroom Mr. ed onMr, Toronto during the past week. Mr, Wm, Slavin, of London, spent the week-end at his home LAC, Carl Daters, of •R.'C,, is holidaying with here. Dr. Joe Cawthorpe spent week visiting, with his mother, Mrs, Jean Cawthorpe. Mrs. Wesley Jones underwent an ■operation in Victoria Hospital, Lon don, last week, Mr. Squires, who resides with his daughter, Mrs. Harris, has been ill for the past week. Mrs. Kenneth -Clark, of Exeter, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Bonthron this week, (. Mrs. Thomas, of Altuna, Pa., is visiting with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paterson. ; Mr. Ronald Hedden, of St. Cath- < arines, is holidaying with his grana- ! mother, Mrs. Catherine Hedden. J Miss Jessie Gillespie returned to her home in Seaforth after a pleas ant visit with Miss Helen. Swan. Miss Mary Hemphill, of London, spent the week-end with her -par ents, Mr. and Mrs, A. W. E. Hemp hill. Mr. Ronald Stephen, of London, visited over the week-end at the home of his mother, Mrs. Pean Stephen. Mrs, Bawden, of Exeter, visited over the week-end with her daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Farquhar. Miss June Saunder-cock, of Lon don, spent the week-end at the home *of her mother, Mrs. Annie Saundercock. LAC. David Sangster has re ceived -his discharge from the serv ice and is spending a few weeks at his home here. ' Dr. Arthur McAllister and Mrs. McAllister, of ’Georgetown, attend ed the funeral of the late Mr. Peter Moir on Monday. Communion service will be held in Carmel Presbyterian church, Hensall, on Sunday, October 7th, at the .morning service. Mr. and Mrs. E-arl Kaiser, of Detroit, spent the past week visit ing with the former’s parents, -Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clemas and family, of London, visited recently with the latter’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Bolton. Mrs. Oke, of 'Usborne, spent- the week-end at the home -of her sister, Mrs. Thos, Harris, owing to the ill ness -of her father, Mr. Squires. Miss Goldie Cross, R.N., of Lon don, spent the week-end with" her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cross. The Field Meet which was to be held here to-day has been post poned until further notice on ac count of the ^weather. o Mrs. Fished and ■ son Bryne from Western Canada are holidaying with her sister and 'brother-in-law. Rev. and Mrs. Percy Ferguson. Rally Day services will be held in the United Church on Sunday, Sept. 30th. Members of the Sunday School will assist with the services? Saturday, Sept. 29th, is ‘‘Tag Day” for Educational purposes for returned men who have lost their eyesight in the war. Give -generous ly. The Mission Circle of the Hensall United church,- held a most suc cessful Pot Luck Supper at the home of Mrs. Mary Buchanan on Wednesday evening. Following the supper everyone enjoyed croquinole. The winner was Miss Erma Kipfer. Anniversary services will be held in Chiselhurst United Church -on Sunday, .Sept.; 30th, at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m, Rev. Ralph Turnbull, of North Street United Church, Goderich, will foe the -guest speaker. The choir will be assisted by members’ of the Hensall United -Church choir. Rally Day srvices will be -held in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday, September 3 0th. The Sun day School will meet at 10.30 a.m. and -continue worship in the audi torium of the church at 11 o’clock. The service will be conducted by the minister, Rev. Percy Ferguson. Mr. Kennedy, of the R.C.N.V.R., now stationed at Toronto, accom panied by* Mrs. Kennedy (nee Irene Hoggarth) and baby spent the week-end with Mrs. Kennedy’s parents, Mr,' and Mrs, Jas. Hog garth. Mrs. Kennedy and babe are remaining -here for the present time. * Peter Moir Passes Mr. Peter Moir, a well-known and highly respected resident of this community passed away at his -home early Saturday morning in his 71st year. Mr. M-oir was born in Usborne Township and farmed in that district until he moved to Hen sall several years ago. He was a valued .member of Carmel Presby terian Church, where he was -Sun day School superintendent for a number of years, and served as an elder of the church. He was also a. former member of the village -coun cil and also Usborne Township Council. His w.ife predeceased him three years ago. soils and foul’ daughters, '< and Melvin Moir, Hensall Alvin Passihore, Thames Mrs. Oscar Tuckey, Exeter. Helen Moir and Mrs. Lawrence Baynham, Hensall. Funeral service was held at the -home on Monday at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev. P. Ferguson who chose as his text, ‘‘for me to live is Christ,” A mixed quartette comprising Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Jas. Paterson, -Mr. R. Y. Mac- Laren and Mr. Jas. Bengough sang “Abide With .Me” and "Peace, Per fect Peace.” The floral tributes were very beautiful, showing the esteem with which the deceased was held. The flower bearel’s were sik grandchildren, Helen Passmore, Douglas Moir, Wayne and Billie Tuckey, 'Gordon and Kenneth Moir. The pallbearers were Messrs, W. R. Davidson, John -Stewart, sain Dong* alj, Jas, Smillie, Ben Case and Dr. Jas. Bell, interment in Hensall union Cemetery. PASHWQOP Rally Day will be observed the Evangelical Sunday School Sunday, Sept. 30th. A program being prepared, here. Victoria, friends the past •Surviving are two Clifford Mrs. Road, Miss Used Cars and Trucks 1935 INTERNATIONAL LONG TRUCE, good motor and tires 1938 ford SHORT TRUCK, heavy duty 1931 FORD i ton PANEL TRUCK 1930 FORD A COACH 1028 FORI) A COACH 1 SUGAR BEET FORK The man in the restaurant was, having trouble cutting his steak. Finally he called the waiter. “I can’t cut this steak. Take jt back: and bring me another,” ‘‘Sorry, sir,” said the waiter, after closely inspecting the steak, “I can’t take it back. You’ve bent it.” twYUHaMI|HaHaunI|aiBal|a||anHHuai,uMuuraaaaBawaMHMan^ Mr, and Mrs. White,: of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Burns, of Port Huron, spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. Witzel. Mr. and Mrs, Win. -C. -Schult?, of Mt. Clemens, visited with Mr, and Mrs. E« Nadiger and other friends j last week.Donald Restemeyer, of Debert, I N.S., and Russelj Tieman, of Camp I Borden, are home on a leave. I Glen Haugh has left for London where he will attend Technical School. Mr. Otto Schatz, of Detroit, spent a few days with his brother last week, Plans are underway for celebrat ing the 50th anniversary of the Evangelical church on Oct. 28th. The guest speaker will be Rev, Jacob H, Ehlers, of Harrisburg, Pa. Former members will be the guest soloists for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Earl gchlunt and family, of Pontiac, MJch„ and Mrs, ’ Elizabeth Beck,t of Mt. Mich., were visitors at the Mr, and Mrs. Fred -Schlunt week-end. Clemens, home of over the NOTICE © Mrs. Godbolt’s Hospital -will remain open during the time of moving to their new prem ises in Exeter and will not be closed as had been previously stated. Accommodation will be furnished for those who re quire it. Thank The Exeter Fair Board wish to express their sincere thanks for the splendid co-operation ind loyal support given the Exeter Fair. Special thanks to the teachers and scholars who -participated in the parade and. drills; to the exhibitors for their splendid -displays; to all who participated in the ■parade and to the merchants for -closing their stores, all of which helped to make the fair the grand success that it was in spite of' the weather, c Grand Bend Community Welcome Friday, September 28 8.00 p.m. FOR RETURNED PERSONNEL of this area, at Brenner Hotel Dining Room Your Committee hopes you will be present to say ‘‘Thank You” and ‘‘Welcome Home” to each lad. Please bring your own lunch; Tea and Coffee will be supplied. Your Community Welcome Committee Teeswater Fair October 2nd & 3rd 75th Anniversary of Canada’s Largest Rural Fair Prizes increased to $40(00- - Seating accommodation ‘more than doubled - Outstanding horse show - Here ford, Aberdeen-Angus and York shire Breed. .Shows - .Sensational Racing Events - Roman Chariot Race - Hanover' Brass Band - Luck now Pipe Band - Highland Dancing - Merry-Go-Rn’und and Chairplane - Hurdle Jumping - Pony Classes, etc, etc. THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. E. Mclntrye, London, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Ballantyne. Miss Jean Allison, of Regina, has been visiting with relatives in this community this past week. Mr. and Mrs, C, Harris and Mr. A. Musser, of Exeter, attended the church service here on Sunday.Mrs. I . - . . . over the week-end with Mrs, Leonard Harris. Miss Anne Morgan, of spent the week-end with ents. Mrs. Robert Kydd and Mr. Mrs. Jack Rydall were on a ness trip to the farm of Mr, Mrs. Robt. Kydd last week. Mrs. G. W. Smith, of Uxbridge, is visiting at her son’s home, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith. Mr. Bruce Mair spent the week end in Toronto and Weston. Don’t forget that Standard Time begins Sunday -morning Sept. 30th. Many of trfe people from this community attended the Exeter Fair last Thursday and although the day was wet the fair was en joyed by all. , Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Richard and family, of Crediton, visited on Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. John Bray. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Earl and Mar jorie, of Zion, visited on Sunday with Mr. and,. Mrs. Percy Passmore Miss Helen Howatt visited on Sunday with Miss Mar-ion Hodgert. Mr. and Mi's. Wm. Smith visited on Sunday with Mr. .and Mrs. John Bolton, of Hensail,. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be observed in the church this Sunday morning. Sun day School at l-0'.15 a.m., Church at 11.15 a.m. This will be Stan dard Time. The sympathy -of the community is extended and family father, Mr. Friday. , The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Circle met in the Church basement on Friday eve ning. In the absence of the presi dent, Mrs. Mair -presided. Meeting opened prayer, minutes cussed, member icle of Drive for those in the European Countries and same to be in be fore the next meeting. Another hymn was sung and all repeated the Mizpah Benediction which brought the business part of the meeting to a close. The boys were invited to this meeting so the re mainder -of the evening was spent in the form of a social. A program consisted -of musical numbers from Arnold Gann, Orland Squire and Dorothy Squire; instrumental by fna Harris; reading by Helen Web ber and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner, The remainder of the evening was spent in games and -contests. A dainty lunch was served and all report a good time. There were 34 in tendance. E,of Lawson, of Exeter, visited Mr. and London her par- and busi- and to Mrs Alvin Passmore in the -passing of her' Moir,, of Hensail, last with hymn followed with Roll call was taken and read. Business was dis- It was decided that each donate or make one art clothing for the Clothing at- CREDITON and Mrs. A. G. Holtz and family and Miss Myrtle Brown, of Kitchener, spent‘ Sunday with Mr. and Mr.A. G. Mrs. Emery Fahrner. Classes, Admission: Adults 25c; Children Pre-school age Children 15 c free. T. P. McDonald, President, Alex B. McKague, -Sec’y-TreaS. ............................................................ii'_Ti‘ NOTICE TO FARMERS Owing to repair work, closed to all Wednesday further notice. of be on the necessity the mill Will custom Work afternoons until CANN & SONS KIRKTON Nellie Shier, of Bryanston,Mrs. _ and her son Howard spent Friday with friends in the village. Mr. -and Mrs. John Cluff. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ryckman. of Exeter,_ vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. at Kitchener Friday. Miss Millie Turner Prince Albert. Bask,, has been daying Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Gunning, at Granton, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, I, N. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hazlewooa and son, Edison, and Mr and -Mrs, Ray Moulton, -of Detroit, spent the1 week-end with Mr, waiter Hazle- wood,Mr. and Mrs. John Veitot, of London, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. R. Humphreys. Mr, aiid Mrs. Norman Haufschlld and little daughter Joyce, of Badon, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Derry and also called on friends In the village. w. s.Cluff R.N.i of lio II* With her aunt. Mrs. A. L. National Clothing Collection Oct. 1 - 20 BUY YOUR WINTER SUPPLY OF GRAIN NOW Due to drought conditions, Alberta and Saskatchewan crops are short. There is a great supply of 1944 oats to be had in September and October which are of excellent qual ity. The new 1945 crop will be inferior. Barjey and wheat are also available. We are in the market for field peas. Highest market prices paid. FERTILIZER IN STOCK CANN & SONS EXETER and WHALEN E3 For Comfort in the home F 1 * Whether you are building a new home or modernizing \ your present heating plant on Air Conditioning System is the logical answer. With an Air Conditioning Unit you’ll know the benefits ■ of lower cost, by using less fuel; you’ll enjoy dust-free • heating with even temperature and ample humidity in every room in the house. Your home will be correctly warmed in winter—r-fully circulated in summer. You can enjoy these comforts with your present fur nace. The Air Conditioning Units are easily installed with any warm air furnace. We have a good stock of Quebec Heaters in sizes to fit every need made by McClary, Findlay and New Idea. Your Turkeys on Purina Did you ever see a turkey raiser who sold his birds half finished and made money on them? Probably not, for it’s the finish that counts! We’ve got a feed that is famous for putting a smooth, plump finish on turkeys. It’s Purina. Turkey Fatena Check ers. This feed, contains special fattening ingredients turkeys really like. It’s made to finish the bird out hurry and help you get top market prices for them. Change over to Turkey Patena Checkers about weeks before market time, You’ll be glad, you did. that in a four Open Your Hearts and Your Clothes-Closet Doors! < for the ■' NATIONAL CLOTHING COLLECTION — Support the Exeter Lions Club — Community Welfare Fund This is your opportunity to assist the Exeter Lions Club in their drive to raise funds for their Community Welfare work. Donations and proceeds go to this worthy cause. Please be generous. Traquair’s ■ ■ .——— Hard ware One Door South t>f Post Office Jr