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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-09-27, Page 4
mfflWBWWiwaB PERSONAL NOTICES Tuesday, October 2nd This is the house that Lion ‘Jake’ built Hours: 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9.30 pan. Admission- One Lions Club Ticket Purchased on the Premises THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSPAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1945 Mrs. John Preszcator Dies Mrs John Preszcator passed away Saturday at the home of her son Fred in Stephen township in her 77th year, Deceased had been in failing health since February, Her maiden name was Alberta Snell and she was a life-long resident of this community, retiring to Exeter after many years on a farm in Ste phen township. Her husband prede ceased her in December, 1939. Surviving are five daughters and three sons, Mrs. Ted Tape, of Lon don; Fred, of Stephen; Mrs. Roy Coulter, of London; Mrs. Orville Twitchell, of Hensail; Ed., of Lon don: Mrs. Thus. Monahan, Basil, of town; and, Mrs. Gordon Harding of California, also one sister, Mrs. Seacord, of Detroit and one broth er, Frank, of London. The funei*al on Monday was held from E. R, Hopper’s funeral chapel conducted by Rev. N. J. Woods, of Main St.» music, shown 'Canadian books and Chilean paintings and being given a general hoys and girls are taught Canadian picture of 'Canadian life. In Santiago, Chile, there is a “Canada School” where LIONS Place an Ad Here and Watch Results ” —7- - - - - - ey are read by more than 8?400 Times-Advocate readers every week Phone 31 j for an taker FOR SALE FOR SALE —- Power oil burner, electric ignition with controls. W, J. Melville. tfc FOR SALE—Chrysler, 1927, sedan, in good condition, good tires. Apply to Andrew Hamilton, Exeter. tfc Uy AXm Me wvvupj V*- .W < ... . ■ -—. I— church, of which the deceased was|F0R SALE — 100 pullets, started to lay, JsTew Hamp, x Barred Rocks. Apply to Chester Dunn, R.R. 1, Exeter, phone 17r4 Crediton, 27* a member. The bearers were Messrs. Wm. Wareing, J. N. Willis! Jas. Hookey, A. J. Payne, Mark: Mitchell and Chas. Waghorn, X FOR SAILE—150 pullets, Leghorn x New Ha"mp. Mrs. Harry Faber, Hensail, Opt._______ _______27c CORNS instantly relieved with Lloyd’s Corn and Callous Salve —the effective corn remedy. 50c at Robertson’s Drug Store. FOR SALE—1/3, and Vs h.p. motors; farm and tractor tires. Massey-Harris Sales & Service, Exeter. 27c FOR SALE—2-storey brick house, metal shingle rpdf, corner of Huron and Andrew, 2-piec© bath, cistern, wired for range. Posses sion at orfee. W. C. Pearce. FOR SALE —- 55 acres, Stepnen Township, brick house and bank barn. Owner must sell on account of ill health. Quick possession C, V. Pickard, phone 165. 1045 o D o( b I' RE RUBBISH COLLECTION A collection of rubbish by the Municipality will be undertaken Friday of this week. Please have containers placed at the curb., C. V. Pickard, Clerk. FURNITURE FOR SALE — 2 pre war spring-filled studio couches, like new; 1 kitchen set (buffet, table and 4 chairs; 2 bedroom dressers; 1 commode; 1 settee; 1 living room table; 1 end table; 2 small kitchen tables. Apply to Sandy Elliot, Ford Garage, 20c FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LISTS, 1945 Municipality of STEPHEN TOWNSHIP County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that FOR SALE—1 new 1% h.p. gas engine; 1 new Superioi' cook stove; 6 new and used electric motors; 1 used 750 Cream Sep arator (good). Wanted: 1 oil burner for Quebec Heater. R. B. Williams, Massey-Harris 'Sales & Service, phone 88. I; i room suites and springs; bed; springs; wash stand; 2 mattresses: 2 living room tables; dining room 6 chairs, buffet; 4 rockers; rocking chair; 6 kitchen a number of odd chairs; cabinet; fern gland; 2 rug .and carpets; hooked FARMS FOR SALE—Three Exeter district farms. These are all good farms with comfortable houses and good barns. 100, 100 and 150 acres. These farms are priced reasonably and can be bought on liberal terms. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. HOUSE FOR SALE — iy2 storey brick with garage. Modern con veniences. Well located in Exe ter, C. V. Pickard, Exeter.. WANTED WANTED TO PURCHASE pullets all ages and breeds. High prices paid. Apply Tweddle Chick Hat cheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. lltc AUCTIQN SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction at CLANDEBOYE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9th, the following' 2 cows milking good and both supposed to be in calf; 2 sprint, calves 14 hens, 2 buggies; cutter; scuffler; light wagon; blacksmith forge; black smith tools; carpenter tools; fence stretchers; single harness; double harness; cream separator; cro-bar; quantity of household furniture; quantity of grain and hay; recking bar; quantity of lumber; .forks;- hoes; shovels; chains; boxes, bar rels and other articles. MRS. CHAS. CARTER, Prop. jWRANiK TAYLOR, Auct._____ AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in structions to table, child’s chairs; china couches; rug .and carpets; hooked mats; sleeping bag; quilts and bed spreads; trunk; set of dishes; odd dishes; number of pictures and. frames; crocks; 7 doz. sealers; coal scuttle; boiler; tubs; lantern; lamps; lawn mower; garden tools and shovels; 'quilting frames; Stewart clipper; Coleman gasoline lamp; 3-burner coal oil stove with oven, TERMS—CASH WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer. Phone 43r2 Qrediton, E. SMITH, Clerk, RODNEY BOWMAN, Executor WANTED—100 horses, any kind of a cheap horse. Will pay good prices for them. Frank Taylor, Exeter. ' tfc NOTICE TO CREDITORS sell by public auction on Street, Exeter the Exeter Grist Mill, I have complied with Section 8 of The Voters’ List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Cen tralia, Ontario, on the 17th day of September, 1945 the list of all ■persons entitled Municipality, at and that such for inspection. And I hereby to take immediate have any errors or reeled according to day of appeal being October, 1945. Dated at Centralia, this 17th of September, 1945. LLOYD B. HODGSON, Centralia, Ontario. to vote in the said municipal elections list remains there call upon all voters proceedings to omissions cor- law, the last the 8th day of day % STRAYED STRAYED—Onto the premises of Roy Ballantyne, Usborne Town ship, 2 steers and 3 yearling heifers. Owner may have same by proving property and paying ex penses.3tc STRAYED — From Hay swamp three last winter calves, nick in bottom of right ear. Please noti fy Garnet McFalls, phone 173rl3 Exeter. tfc REAL ESTATE In the Estate of Ahnina Parsons, late of Exeter, Ontario, widow de ceased. All persons having claims against the late Almina Parsons who died on or about August 13th, 19 45, are required to send particulars of their claims duly verified to the undersigned solicitor for the Execu tors on or before October'1st, 1945 after which date the assets will be distributed, Dated September 12th, 1945, W. B. PARSONS) CLARENCE A. HEYWOOD, Executors, J. W. MORLEY, Solicitor 'for Executors, Exeter, Ont 13:20:27 Main qcross from MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1945 the following: Kitchen stove; heater; dresser; commode; bed; springs; mattress es; large kitchen table; lawn chair; 2 small tables; feather tick; dining-room suite; book-case; small stand; end • table;’ kitchen chairs; china cabinet; settee; rock ing chair; floor lamp; table lamps; linoleum; toilet set; gasoline stove; wash tub; coal pail; holler; clothes rack; ironing board; drop-leaf table; pots; pans; dishes; tools; HAPPY THOUGHT range; 2-burner hot plate; 2 chairs; davenport; cupboard; Quebec heater with oven and other articles. TERMS—GASH ARTHUR TAPP, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. EXECUTOR’S AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub lic auction on the premises on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1945 at 2.00 p.m., the following real estate: Lot “C”, concession 6, in the Township of U-sborne in the -County of Huron, containing 100 acres more or less. The farm is seeded in grass ana is well watered. On the property is a brick house and a frame barn, 36’ x 52’, TERMS OF SAILE: The property will be put up subject to a reserved bid. 10% of the purchase money shall be paid on the day of sale and the balance in 30 days. FRANK ANDERSON, Executors John T.‘ Hicks Estate FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. 13:2-0:2? The Exeter Lions Club will hold their Eighth Annual Frolic in the EXE!ARENA Wed.,-Thurs., Oct. 3 & 4 Enjoy the Games as You Donate Your Money for Lions Welfare Work Entertainment 1st ' 2nd 3rd 4th IN PRIZES both nights at 8 p.m. WANTED TO RENT—1'00 acres with complete buildings. I have a client with a full line of im plements and stock who wishes to rent a farm1' in this district. C. V. Pickard, phone 165 Exeter FOR SALE — 100 acres of land situated on No. 23 Highway, lot 21, concession 10, ,W.B. Blan- shard, one mile from Whalen, one'mile from school and church: land is well drained and fenced, buildings in good condition, ex cellent stabling; hyrdo and good water supply. For further par ticulars, apply to Frank Gunning, phone 17-3 Kirkton.13 ■a FOR SALE—Frame house, insulat ed, sided, roofed with composi tion shingles, hydro, town water, ■hot water furnace. Immediate .possession. W. C. Pearce. FOR SALE—High class 100 acres, new modern brick house, new driveshed, targe painted barn with shed, hydro, good water, level rich land, well tilled ana fenced. W. C. Pearce. FARM FOR SALE—100 acres, lot 18, concession 3 Hay Township, 1% miles from Hensall, % mile from school; 12 acres bush; 3 spring wells; hydro; good build ings; well-drained and fenced. Apply to Wm. Parke. 27:4- AGENTS WANTED awarded as follows: X Prize—Electric Stove, value $150.00. Prize — Electric Washing Machine, value $110.00 Prize—$50 War Savings Certificate . Prize—$50 War Savings Certificate and 6th Prizes — $25 War Savings Certificates • 7th Prize—$10 War Savings. Certificate The draw for these prizes will be made Thursday night $25 in DOOR PR! 5 PRIZES OF $5.00 EACH Wednesday Night One hour and over of top-notch entertainment. DIFFERENT PROGRAM EACH NIGHT Dancing each night commencing at 10 o’clock GOOD MUSIC IN ATTENDANCE The Entire Net Proceeds for Community Welfare Work. Admission 25c; Public School Children 100; Service Personnel Free . "God Save The King’' JCT3KMM! o 800 Dealers earn a comfortable in come by selling Familex Products from door to door’. How about starting a business of your own, in your spare time, with the same advantages, in the district of your choice? For free details and catalogue: FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 8:23:5t * MISCELLANEOUS MISS WINNIFRED O’NEIL, Fuller Brush representative, will be in Exeter in October. If interested in special line for 'Christmas leave name at Times-Advocate or phone Clinton 75. 3tp Local Veteran, has PRIORITY, to OWN BUSINESS, selling “ROLLS OF HONOR.” This district is VIRGIN TERRITORY, 100% COMMISSION. Write to H. Gil bert, 301 Cheapside Street, ILon- don, Ont. 4tC l 1 1 RENFREW SALES And Service— Anyone in need of a hand or el ectric cream separator or stove, call Hugh Thiel, Zurich, 93r4. 8t* FOR RENT TO RENT — small .heated apart ment; private kitchen with sink and electric stove; small living room; dinette; double bed With spring muttfeiss; semi-prlvate bath room; and electric hrator, $30.00 per month; like,.yearly contfact, Sandy refrig- would. Elliot. In the Estate of Fanny Bissett, late of Exeter, Ontario, Spinster deceased. All persons having 'Claims against the late Fanny Bisset who died on or about August 3rd, 1945, are required to send particulars of their claims duly verified to the undersigned solicitor for the tor on or before October 1945, after which date the will .be distributed. DATED September l'7th, HERBERT B, BISSETT, Executor. by J. W. MORLEY, Solicitor for Executor, Exeter, Ont. 20:27:4 Execu- 10 th, ■assets 1945. i 1945 PRIVATE SALE Kitchen range, white and green enamel; 3-burner oil stove, with oven; baking cabinet; kitchen table and chairs; rocker; card table; dining suite (table, iron bed, springs, mattress, ing table; den table, 2 chairs mat ching'; 5 small stands; Congoleum rugs; electric fixtures; lawn mow er; second hand clothing; quart sealers. Articles may be viewed evenings from September 20th and Wednes day afternoon, Septembed 26th, at my present residence on John St. A. E. BUSWELL small table;small room 6 chairs, buffet); dress- AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction in LUCAN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, the following: CATTLE—Cow due in June; cows due in May; 3 heifers rising 2 years; 3 spring calves. 2 pigs five months old; brood sow due in October. 15 hens. IMPLEMENTS—'Fbrd tractor in ■good condition; tractor plough; Frost & Wood .binder, 8 ft.; Mc- -Cormick-Deerin-g .mower, 5-ft.; -cul tivator; roller; pulper; disc har row; 3-section harrows; 2-wheel trailer; 4-wheel trailer; hay rack; scuff ler; wheelbarrow; 2 ladders; tractor cultivator; set of scales; bee boxes; brooder stove; ’forks; chains; whiffletrees; boxes; ibar- rels; pails; cream separator; and other articles. 5 acres of sugar beets to .be sold on the field. 14 cord of wood. FURNITURE—2 new kitchen stove; machine; 6 kitchen cabinet; .kitchen chair; clock; linoleum. TERMS—CASH PHILIP MITCHLER, ’GEORGE LAWSON, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. dressers; heater; chairs; table; bed;' sewing kitchen rocking Prop. Clerk, AUCTION SALES Strat-hroy, Saturday, -September 29th, 150' Western .stock cattle in cluding a nice run of Hereford steers. Trucks to deliver; sales every Saturday; private sales in the week. A. G. McAlpine, Auct. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction on Main Street, Exeter, across from Tom Coates gas station on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, at 1 o’clock sharp. Kitchen Stove; kitchen couch; mirror; floor lamp; tables; linoleum; clock; 6 Chairs; kitchen cabinet; springs; mattresses; dresser; mode; carpet; sewing machine; 5 rpekers; chesterfield; pictures; book-case; 1945 table; small2 kitchen bed; com- number of jjXGburcs, uuun-vtise; Settee chairs; Wilton rug;' small hall rack; chs© of stuffed step ladder; 3-burnef oil with rugs; birds; stove; quilts; blankets; wash tub; garden tools; quantity of sealers; crocks; Clarinet and piccilo dition; Hudson seal new; dishes of all pots; pans; Quebec in good Con- coat, gooR as kinds; pails; heater stove; Bissel) carpet sweeper; Brussells carpet; walnut parlor1 suite; elect-* ric iron; electric toaster; outside 16-ft,; and other articles numerous to mention, TERMS—CASH JOHN BBAUND, Prop. GEORGE LAWSOJL Cletk, FRlANK TAYLOR, Auct iron; ladder, too AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction at Lot .14, Con. 16, Stephen Township, 1 mile north of Shipka, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5th, 1945 at 1 p.m. sharp, the following: HORSES — Percheron horse, 6 years old; Percheron horse, 5 years old; bay mare. 10 years old. “* CATTLE — Roan cow due in 2 I March, still milking; Durham cow, ‘fresh; Durham cow due in March, still milking; Durham cow due in April; Durham cow due in March; blue roan cow due in April; 2 pure bred Jersey cows, eligible for regis tration, both due in January; Here ford cow, bred 2 months, milking; Hereford cow, milking; Hereford baby beef; heifer, 2 years old; Durham steer rising 2 years; Here ford steer, 18 steers, 1 year ling heifer; 5 small calf. PIGS—York foot. 10'0 Hybrid IMPLEMENTS — Deering binder, 7-ft. McCormick-Deering spring months; 6 Durham old; Durham year- Durham calves; 1 sow with litter au AUCTION SALE OF FARM AND FARM STOCK The undersigned has received in structions to sell iby public auction at. Lot 12, Con. 13, Stephen Township 3% miles south of Dashwood, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1945 at 2 o’clock the following: REAL ESTATE—-Lot 6, Conces sion 11, Township of Stephen; grass farm containing 100 acres more or less; 60 maple trees around the farm; well-fenced; well-drained; windmill and plenty of water. -CHATTELS—2 white cows with calf at foot; 1 dark grey cow in calf, with calf at foot; red cow in calf, with calf at 'foot; roan 'open cow; 3 roan -steers, rising 3 years; Hereford heifer rising 2 years; 2 Hereford steers rising 2 years; 9 heifers and steers rising 1 year, Also 13 acres of clover and 15 acres of beans if not sold previous ly. Every article Will be -sold to the highest bidder as -proprietor is giv ing up farming, TERMS — Chattels, Cash, -of Real Estate: 10 per cent of sale and balance in 30 -days. Sold subject to a reserved -bid. ARTHUR WEBER, Auct. R.R, 1 Dashwood; Tel. 57-12 ADDISON TIEMAN, Clerk, MATT, CILARKE, Prop. pullets; 27 -ducks,. McCormick- ., nearly new, _ mower, 5-.it.; spring tooth cultivator; 4-section- harrows; ° McCormick-Deering bean scuffler with puller combined; 10- ft. steel rake; 14-plate disc; riding plough; walking plough; low down wagon; 16-.ft. flat hay rack; sliding, rack and tracks; fanning mill; sling ropes; 32-ft. extension lad der, new; set of sleighs; set or hunks; 3 wagon tongues; lumber for gravel box; quantity of lumber; 2 sets of heavy harness, 1 set new; 4 horse collars; wheelbarrow; root, -pulper; separator;*' fork’s; shovels; 3 •logging chains; 2 whiffletrees, new; steel farm wagon; wagon gear;'"wagon of twine; -grain bags Terms on day AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC. Whi. H, Smith, auctioneer, has received instructions to sell by pub lic auction at the residence bf the late ‘Whi. Bowman in CREDITON SATURDAY, OCT. 6, 1945 at 1.30 p.m,, the following: Kitchen range; 2 three-piece bed- % h.p. motor; milk pails;- 2. sets of double- 3 neckyokes; 2-wheel trailer; reach; quantity gram Dags; and many other articles too numerous to men-, tion. 1928 Chrysler coupe with 4 new tires; 40 bpshel Carter oats; 500 bushel Banner oats; 60 bushel barley; red clover seed; timothy- seed; 1 acre of turnips. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Cofield electric washer; electric clock; electric iron; electric toaster; z- burner electric plate; electric floor tamp; 6 electric table tamps; elec tric radio; quantity of blinds; Singer drop .head sewing machine; book case; hall tree; studio couch,, practically new; kitchen cabinet; kitchen table; cupboard; writing desk; copper boiler; galvanized tub; ironing board; 2 electric heat ers; 9 kitchen chairs; arm chair; small tables; -potis;, pails; pans; quantity of dishes; knives and. forks; crock's; churn; 10-gallon oak barrel, new; mahogany dining room suite; chesterfield; occasion al chair; dining room table; mir rors; -pictures; 2 walnut bedroom, suites; 2 linoleum rugs, 6x9; bed ding; quantity of sealers; heater; alarm clock; quantity of 16-inch Wood; buffet; table; chairs; single bed; sprfng-f-illed mattress, new. Every article will be sold to the highest bidder Us proprietor has Sold his farm. TERMS—CASH CARL GUENTHER, Prop. JIM DALTON, Clerk, ARTHUR WEBER, Auct. R.R, I, Dashwood, Telephone 57-12, 20:27’