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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-09-13, Page 4
Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1945 •r Here Again Folks! The Lions Club Annual Frolic at the Exeter Arena Two Big Nights — Wednesday & Thursday October 3 and 4 man. Amev girls, rayon 4 Proceeds from the Frolic and donations will be used by the Lions Club for their Community Welfare Work. MOEN—MILLIGAN A very pretty wedding was solemnized Avgust 14 in the UniWd Church, Thornloe, when Thelma Hayle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Milligan, Thornloe, was united in marriage to Lester Fran cis Moen, of Kirkland Lake, son of Mrs, P. Moen and the late Mr. Moen* of Rgorkdale, Sask, Rev. H. E» j. Morhouse, of Port Carling, Ontario, conducted the ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by her father and ware a gown of white silk jersey with slippers to match and elbow-length gloves. tHer circular shaped veil of rayon, net was held with a wreath of ■Xlowers and she carried a colonial I bouquet of American Beauty roses. I She was attended by her sister, i Bernice Milligan, wearing a dress of jersey and white accessories. Her* crown veil was held by a wreath of white flowers and she carried a Colonial bouquet of as sorted flowers. QMSS Watson, of the Instructional Code, attached to M.D. 2 Toronto, was best Laura Milligan and Rose Reiandeau acted as flower They were dressed in white crepe trimmed with blue and car ried bouquets of assorted flowers which they scattered before the bride as the wedding party walked down the aisle. Bridal music was played by Mrs. Stanley Poupore and Mrs. Harley Houston sang, 'Til Walk Beside Yj?u,” during the signing of the register. After the ceremony the wedding party motored to New Liskeard return ing later to the bride’s home where a wedding supper was served to some twenty-five relatives. The dining-room was decorated with a white wedding bell with pink and white streamers and the table was centred with a three-tiered wedding cake banked with assorted flowers. After the wedding supper a recep tion was held in the Orange Hall wjhere many friends gathered to extend best wishes and many beau tiful gifts were received. The groom’s gift to the bride was a beautiful set of cut glass boudoir lamps, to the bridesmaid,, and best man, identification bracelets, and to the flower girls, necklaces, and to the soloist and organist cut glass dishes. F’or going away the bride was attired in a tailored suit of ■pin stripe blue with accessories to match. The bride and groom left on a short wedding trip after which they will make their future home in Kirkland Lake. Relatives from a distance included Mrs. F. Milligan, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. P. Carter and family, Latchford. Mrs. Ed. Walker, of London, is visiting at- the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilson and renewing acquaintances in town. ■ « ROWE—ESSERY Spruce Grove, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Essery, was the scene of a lovely early .autumn wedding when, their younger daugh ter, Marjorie Jean, was united in marriage to Charles Alfred Rowe, of Toronto, formerly a Flying Of ficer in the R.C.A.F., and only son of Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Rowe, of Port Stanley. Rev. G, C. Weir, ot Centralia United Church, perform ed the ceremony before a trellis- made altar of pink and white, adorned with flowers and ferns and banked with baskets of gladioli, The bride entered the living-room on the arm of her father who gave her in marriage, to the strains of the Bridal Chorus played by Miss Joyce Ney, of Port Stanley, who wore a floor-length dress of tur quoise blue taffeta and a corsage of roses. The lovely young bride looked charming in her floor-length wedding gown of ivory satin, made with a fitted bodice and full skirt, lace trimmed front panel, sweet heart neckline and long pointed at the wrists. She finger-tip veil of white net held in place by a halo of white white satin slippers and carried a shower bouquet of red roses and white gladioli with long streamers, Miss Helen Essery, cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid, wearing a floor-length gown of pale blue faille, blue net shoulder-length veil, long white gloves and carried a colonial bouquet of roses and gladioli. Miss Betty Rowe, sister of the groom, was maid-of-honor, wearing a floor-length gown of pink taffeta with an over-skart of pink net. Her shoulder-length veil was of pink net. ’ She wore long white gloves and carried a colonial bou quet of roses and gladioli, Essery, brother' of the bride, was best man. Miss Peggy Rowe, sis ter of the groom, sang very sweet ly, "O Perfect Love”, before the ceremony and ‘‘With This Ring Do Thee I Wed,” during the signing of the register. She wore a floor length dress of white net and cor sage of roses. The wedding party was assisted in receiving by the bride and groom’s parents, Mrs. Essery wearing an orchid crepe dress and corsage of yellow roses, and Mrs. Rowe wearing a black crepe dress with blue trimming and hat to match and a corsage of red and /White roses. The groom’s girt to the bride was a. chest of com munity plate silvei’ and to the best man, a bill-fold. The bride’s gifts to her attendants, soloist and pian ist were pieces of chinaware. A buffet luncheon was served by the Leach caterers, of London. The bride’s table was set with a lace cloth centred with a four-tier wed-, ding cake, vases of red roses and tall pink and white tapers. Toasts were proposed to the bride ana groom, to which the groom very ably replied. Mr. Ney, of Port Stan ley, a former school teacher of the groom, spoke on his behalf, and Mrs. Anstie, of London, spoxe on behalf of the bride. Later the bride changed to' her travelling suit of brown gabardine with accessories to match ahd corsage of roses, Mr. and Mrs. >C. A. Rowe left amid showers of good wishes and con fetti to spend their honeymoon in Niagara Fulls and points east, after which they will reside at 182 Ran dolph Road, Toronto. The young couple received many useful and beautiful gifts showing the high esteem in which they are .held. “Chuck,” as the groom is known in this community, served' his coun try by making a tour of operations overseas in the European War. Guests were present from Stanley, St. Thomas, London, troit, Exeter and Centralia. sleeves wore a f lowers, Bill V Classified Directory 3 GOOD REASONS FOR USING WANT-ADS; 1 , , Renders 2 . . Little Cost 3 , * Results WANTED WANTED —- GirJ for restaurant. Phone 11, Exeter. tfc HELP WARTED—-Capable woman to do plain cooking and house work for adult family in London; live in; evenings free. Apply to Box T, Times-Advocate. 13:20* FOR GjAILE—100 acres of choice lapd, well-drained, good bum with excellent stabling, drilled well, water pressure system, hen house, drive-shed and fram» dwelling; hydro, situated uu county road, quarter mil© from school; possession Noy. 1, 194b, Apply Robert Ross, Kirkton, Ont, 6:1b* FOR SALE FOR SALE—A phonograph, four albums and a few records. Ap ply at Times-Advocate._____13* FOR SALE—6 acres, second cut ting alfalfa still standing in field. Apply to Arthur Rundle, R.R. 3, Exeter. 13* FOR SALE—About 100 year-old- hens, laying about 60% at pres ent, Leghorn and Sussex. Apply to Milton Luther, phone 172r22, Exeter. 13 * FOR SALE—12 pigs, 8 weeks olcl? Apply to Ray Morlock, Crediton. 13* FOR SALE—Portable battery radio in good condition. Apply to Mrs. L. England, Crediton.13* FOR sale—No. 1 Dawson Golden chaff wheat, $1.50 per bushel, sacks free, grown from registered seed, field inspected, power cleaned. Scott’s Elevator, Lucan- 13e FOR SALE—About 10'0' spruceleigh leghorn pullets, April hatched. Apply Roland Neil, Ailsa Craig, Ontario. 13:20c FOR SALE—A used furnace, cistern pump and sink. Apply to R. D. Hunter, R. R. 3, Exeter, phone Kirkton 39r7, 13*- FOR SALE—1 bull calf. Oliver Rowcliffe, phone 85r43 Hensall. 13* FOR SALE—Boy’s navy chinchilla overcoat, size 14 or 15 years $5.00. Phone Kirkton 44-6. 13c FOR SALE—19 29 Essex coach, u good tires. Apply to Wm. Lav erty, Huron St. E., between 7 and 10 p.m. 13* FOR SALE — One 2 h.p. Woods grinder; one oil bath pump jack. Apply to Morris flern, phone 4r9 Kirkton. 13:20* FOR SALE — 55 acres, Stephen Township, brick house and bank barn. Owner muS't sell on account of ill health. Quick possession 0, V, Pickard, phone 165, MISCELLANEOUS MISS WINNIFRED O’NEIL, Fuller Brush representative, will be In Exeter in October. If interested in special line for 'Christmas, leave name at Times-Advocate ■or phone Clinton 75, 3tp Deering seed drill; 2-furrow riding plough; single furrow riding plough; 2 walking ploughs; 3 gets narrows; wagon; flat rack; set of sleighs; 2 buggies cutter; root pulper; Clinton fanning mill; set 2,000 lb, scales; cream separator, Ankerholt; 2 gets .double harness; set new collars; bags; feed sacks; colony house, brooder ter for shovels; chains; articles. Quantity of mixed grain; barley and oats. FURNITURE — Davenport; bed;, mattress; arm chair; rock/er; par lor table; quantity of dishes; Good Cheer rug; new. Single harness; 2 hay forks; 16x12, on spider: feeders; rain shei las barrels; forks; neckyokes; barrels; and other stove; hens; _ whiffletrees; boxes; white enamel kitchen range; Williams sewing machine. TERMS—GASH PERSONAL ALBERT MITCHELL, Prop. " GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct, CORNS instantly relieved with Lloyd’s Corn and Callous Salve —the effective corn remedy. 50c at Robertson’s Drug Store, EXECUTOR’S AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE NOTICES If the men that ran into the ditch and broke the fence one of Hensail on Saturday and fix it there will be their number is known. mile south don’t come trouble as 13* NOTICE ■—■ Will the person who borrowed my barn jacks, return “them. at once. Your name is on by calendar yet. I hope you, will bring these soon and save fur ther trouble. Mrs. Jas. Brintnell, Sr.. 13* The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub lic auction on the premises on. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1945 at 2.00 p.m., the following real estate: Lot “C”, concession 6, in the Township of Usborne in the 'County of Huron, containing 100 acres more or less. The farm is seeded in grass ana is well watered. On the property is a brick house and a frame barn, 36’ x 52’. ■ TERMS OF SALE: The property will be put up subject t'o a -reserved bid. 10 % of the purchase money shall be paid on the day of sale and The Township Council of McGili- vray allow ratepayers residing Township road cutting weeds front of their tional 1 cent fence fence, later road his foreman in the district. on 2 cents per rod for on the roadside in farms and an addi- per rod for cutting 3 feet insidebottoms Work to be completed than Oct. 1. Subject to superintendent’s approval 6:13c the not the or Fred J. Neil, Road Superintendent, R. R. 3, Ailsa Craig. the balance in 30 days. FRANK ANDERSON, ’ Executors John T. Hicks Estate FRANK TAlYLOR, Auctioneer. 13:2-0:27 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction on Main Street, Exeter, across from Tom Coates gas station on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, at 1 o’clock sharp. Kitchen stove; kitchen couch; mirror; floor lamp; 2 tables; linoleum; chairs; kitchen springs; mattresses; mode; 1 rockers; pictures chairs; hall rack; ’case of stuffed birds; step ladder; 3-burner oil stove; quilts; blankets; wash tub;, garden tools; quantity of sealers; crocks; clarinet and piccilo in 'good con dition; Hudson seal coat, good as. new; dishes of .all kinds; pails; pots; pans; Quebec heater stover Bissell canpet sweeper; Brussells; carpet; walnut parlor suite; elect ric iron; electric toaster; outside ladder, 16-ft.; and othei* articles numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH JOHN BRAUND, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, .FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. 1945 Commencing at 1.15 p.m. Sharp at the South End Pillars* Prizes for the Following Best Float Decorated Car Exhibits Must Remain on Grounds Until 5 p.m Children 15c Fred Funk and his New Band of nine pieces £ Freak Outfit Decorated Bicycle Best Dressed Comic (Man or Woman) Best School in Costume Monster Parade STRAYED FOR RENT LOST Admission 25c AGENTS WANTED Exeter Fall Fair W. C. F. Oestreicher, Pres. Trials of Speed on the Newest Track in Ontario Softball at 3 o’clock St. Marys vs. Kirlcton 2.25 Trot or Pace * Pulrse $150.00 Eyery Heat a Race Rain or Shine — 5% to Enter Frizes — $49; $39; $29; $19. FOR SALE—|AI man’s bicycle. Ap ply at Times-Advocate.13* FOR SALE — An electric wooden tub washing machine and wringer, price $15.00. Apply to Exeter Times-Advocate. 13* R. B. WILLIAMS, Massey-Harris Dealer, Leland Jory, Mechanic ,We are now in a position to you service on Tractors or machine in the field or shop when needed. .For Sale—One used Culta Packer in good shape; one used Cream Separator. give any Wednesday & Thursday, Sept. 19th-20th Attractions This Year are on a Larger Scale Than Ever Before London Band and the Exeter Band C.K.N.X. P. A. System Port De Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bedford Barbara, of Detroit, spent week-end visiting with. Mrs Valeria Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs, 'Gor don Heywood Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Roberts and Judith having spent the last two weeks visiting Northern Mich, returning by Sarnia where they visited Miss Feme Welsh R.N. and Mr. Robert’s par ents. and the have returned „to Exetei' relatives in Flint, and School Drill (Open to Schools in Usborne, Stephen and Hay) Motorcycle Races Bicycle Races Foot Races Meet Your Friends at Exeter Fair Increased prizes in many classed. Write for Prize List. Clark Fisher* Sec’y-Treas. STRAYED—Onto* the premises of Roy Ballantyne, Usborne Town ship, 2 steers and 3 yearling 'heifers. Owner may have same by proving property and paying ex penses, 3tC TO RENT — Modern, self-contain ed furnished apartment. Apply to Mrs. L. F. Howey. 13c TO LET ON SHARES—Two York/ sows due October 25th. Apply to Art Broderick, Exeter, 13* LOST-—Brown fountain pen, pos sibly in Caven church areal Re ward to finder. W. C. Pearce. LOST—Between Kirk con and Elim- vllle oh August 3 Oth, three pap ering boards, 7 ft long by 11 inches; also step ladder. $2.00 reward, iplease call Mrs. Hubert Heywood, 32-14 KirktOn, 13c 800 Dealers earn A comfortable in come by selling Familex Products from door to door! HoW about starting a business of yotir own, in your spare .time, with the same advantages, In the district of your choice? For free details and catalogue; FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 8:23{5t FOR SALE—A. table model -Philco radio 1940 set; a twin oil burn er and stove; a white enamel kit chen cupboard in good condition. Apply to Mrs. Norm Hockey. _______„ 13:2.0*' FOR SALE — 6 young sows due within a few weeks; also sonif older ones coming due. Apply to Reid’s Poultry Farm, Dashwpod, __Ont.____________________6:13* FOR SALE—Young Yorkshire hog, about ready for service. G. W. Miners, phone Kirkton 32r9. 6:1b" ! table; small clock; 6 kitchen, cabinet; dresser; carpet; 'Sewing machine; ; chesterfield; 5; book-case; Wilton rug;s small rugs; bed; com- 5- number of settee with NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE—A White threshing ma chine, 28x50, new roller bearings for cutting box. Apply to John Kabot, R.R. 1, Lucan. 6:13:20* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—50-acre farm, 2 miles southwest of Dashwood; agood buildings, hydro -available. Pro ductive soil, abundant water. W. C. Pearce. Di the Estate of Almina Parsons, late of Exeter, Ontario, -widow de ceased. All persons having claims against the late Almina Parsons who died on or about August 13th, 1945, are required to send particulars of their claims duly verified to the undersigned solicitor for the Execu tors ,on or 'before -October 1st, 1945 after which date the assets will be distributed. Dated-September 12th, 1945. W. B. PARSONS, CLARENCE A. HEYWOOD, Executors, J. W. MORLEY, Solicitoi* for Executors, Exeter, Ont. 13:20:27 too 4 FOR SALE—100 acres, corner lot 23, North Boundary, Middlesex, brick house, hydro, large barn, driving shed, hog pen '17x4a, large water tank with electric pump. Apply to Mrs. M. Doyle, 85 Thornton AVe., London. 13:20c FOR. SALE — 100 acres of land situated on No. 23 Highway, lot 21, concession 10, W.B. Blan- shard, one mile from Whalen, one mile, from school and church; lland is well drained and fenced, buildings in good condition, ex cellent stabling; hyrdo and good Water supply. For further par ticulars, apply to Frank Gunning, phone 17-3 Kirkton. 13 FOR SALE'—2-storey brick house, metal shingle roof, corner of Huron and Andrew, 3-piece bath, cistern, wired for range. Posses sion at once. W. C. Pearce. FOR SALE — BriCk cottage with bathroom, hot water heating, wired for range. 4/5 acre planted to fruits. Fail possession. W. G, Pearce, HOUSE FOR SALE — 1% storey brick with garage. Modern edn- veniences. Weil located in Exe ter. C, V* Pickard. Exeter. FARMS FOR SALE—Three Exeter district, farhis. These ate all good farms with comfortable houses and good 'barns, 100, 100 and 160 acres. These farms ftre priced reasonably and ban be bought on liberal terms. 0. V» Pickard, Exeter, AUCTION SALES Strathroy, Saturday, September 15th. 200 Western stock cattle in cluding choice two-year-old Here ford steers and a load of western stock cows. Trucks to deliver. Sales every Saturday. Private sales in the week. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has.received in structions to sell by public auction at ' Lot 2, Con. 3, Biddulph Twp. on MONDAY, SEfPTEMBEB 24, 1945 the following; HORSES —— Matched black team, five and seven weighing 1600 roan mare, Seven years old* in loan horSe, 10 years old. CATTLE—2 fresh cows calves at foot; .Durham cow calf at foot; Durham cow, fresh la July; Durham cow, due May 15; Durham heifer, due May 5; Ayr shire cow, due March 20; Ayrshire caw, due May 30; 20 yearling steers and heifers; 12 calves, ;alik white faces; 6A1V&S* 1 ' * ..* -31 chunks from 75 to 16 0 75 yearling hens, laying. 25 cockerels, IMPLEMENTS — Frost & Wood binder, 7 ft J TudhopS manure spreader; Coekshutt mower, new'; 12 ft, hay rake: 3 drum steel roll* er; 18 biate disc; cultivator; 2- horse scuffler; 13-ho© McCormick- 2 1 fat calf, 4 months witn with Spring July s old. I lbs. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in structions to. sell by public auction on Ix)t 28, Con. -3, Usborne Twp., on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1945, at 1 o’clock sharp: STOCK—Good work team; cow due Oct. 12, carrying calf; Jersey cow due in Feb.; spot cow due in. March; gray cow due in Aprils fat cow; Jersey cow due in Jan.; heifer rising 2 years old; steer rising - Z years old; 4 spring calves. 20 pullets. IMPLEMENTS—)M,H. binder, 6- ft.; Brantford mower; stone boat; cultivator; disc; wheelbarrow; hay riding plough; 2-furrow walking plough; hay rack;’ set of’ wagon box; pig; ‘ ‘ \. 4 cutting box; drum with-, light wagon 3 cedar lad-- 2 Ron ket-- hoes; . . chains; single harness; lb. scales; loader; plough; manure spreader; hay rake;* set~4- section ' - sleighs;' rack; top buggy In good shape: cutter;’ root pulper; 2 steel drums; steel quantity of molasses; w with pole; quantity of lumber tension ladder, 32 ft,; ‘ ders; electric brooder: ties; forks; shovels; trees;' neckyokes; barrels'; harness; 2,000 scales; ahd other articles. EURNITURE *— Kitchen range; day bed; 8 chairs; 3 rockets; 2 small tables;., sewing cabinet; kit chen table; dialled of all kinds; wood stove* coal oil heater; feath er mattrCss; feather tick; 2 thio robes; fernery; bedding; estry rug, “ J" stands; pictures; springs; ter scuf fieri harrows; wagon; whiffle- boxes; double- pig 2 but- . ., --------«,; tap- 9x12; dresser; 3 wash 2 toilet sets; number of 3 beds; mattresses; churn; bnthr bowl; but— worker.- TERMS—GASH dHAS, KEDDY; Prob. GEORGS LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct.