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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-09-13, Page 3
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1945 HENSALL COUNCIL The regular meeting of the Vil lage Council was held on Tuesday evening, Sept. 2, ip the council chamber will all members present except Councillor Hyde. The min utes of the previous meeting were read. Fink and Kerslake: that the minutes be adopted as read/Car ried, T. Kyle reported as having ordered the cups for the hall, Cor respondence was read as follows; County Treasurer, > H, Williams, Provincial Secretary, Birks-EUis- Ryrie Ltd,, Navy League of Can ada, Mr, E. M. Winder, National Clothing Collection, Flexrock Com pany, ment inept; Bills and accounts: A- W. Kerslake, expenses V-J Day $38,00; Case, 4.50. 3.30, labor labor 73.80; 11.60: 138.30, express .40. 138.70; Hess, printing 70.50; Hydro hydro hall 9.50; ~ Treasurer, insulin 1.74; total $864." 24. Moir and Fink; that the bills and accounts as read be paid. Car ried. Kerslake and Fink: that we charge the .school, boardz$20,4)0, Hydro Commission 20.00 and the Library Board 5.00 as their share of the auditing expenses. Carried. Moir and Kerslake: that we set the tax rate as follows: Village rate 16.25; County 6; school 10; lib rary .75 or a total of 33 mills less the one mill subsidy, making a total taxable rate of 32 mills. Car ried. Fink "and Moir: that by-law No. G adopting the Assessment Roll and sotting the Tax Rate be given first and second reading. Carried. Kerslake and Fink: that by- law No. 6 be given third and final read ing and finally passed. Carried. Fink and Kerslake: that the Clerk be instructed to add the following charges to the Collector’s Roll: G. McEwen estate $2.00; A. R. Camp bell .50; Mrs. W, Hyde 1.0 0; Bowling Green 2.00; D. W. Foss 2.50; for cutting weeds. Carried Moir and Fink: that we now ad journ. Carried. J. A, Paterson, Clerk County Engineer, Depart- pf Planning and Develop-, same considered and filed.* G. M. streets J, Pfaff, labor park 4,50, 7.80; R, Todd, 3.20; Ray MacArthur, 1.60; T. Kyle, Allen, trucking, J. A. Paterson, part teaming -park 3.30, 7,SO: streets streets streets W. salary streets salary G, R. Comm, Provincial ZION Master Jim aud Miss Ruth Dick- iusop, pi Denfield, are visiting with their aunt, Mrs, Warren Brock, A large number of the commun ity gathered on Thursday evening and gave the newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hern a rousing chivan. Mr. Colin Bowman and Miss Ola Morley, of London, were week end guests with Miss Marjorie Earl-■Sunday visitors ip the community were Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert and Earl, of ILucan, Mrs, L. Kyle, of Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. Eph, Hern-Mrs, M, Knowles, of St. Thomas, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley, of Exeter, with Mr, and Mrs. James Earl. Mrs, E, Hern visited for several days last w.eek with her daughter, Mrs. Allan Westcptt, of Exeter. Decoration service was held on Sunday with a large crowd in at tendance, Rev. Weir, of Centralia, was guest speaker and Mrs. Cook, of Granton, was soloist. OhurcJx Meeting The monthly meeting of W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs, Angus Earl on Thursday af ternoon, The meeting opened with the president, Mrs. Wellington Brock in charge. Hymn 514 was sung and Mrs. Wellington Brock led in prayer, Mrs, Melville Hern gave the scripture reading. The minutes and roll call were read and adopted and business was dis cussed. .Miss Marjorie Earl then took change. Hymn 3 88 „was sung followed by prayer by Anna Brock, Erlma Jaques then gave a scrip: ture reading and explanation. Doris and Doreen Brock then favoured with a vocal duet. Anna Brock gave1 a reading, "How Old Jim Heard the Story.” Watch Tower was giv en. Mrs. George Brock and Mar jorie Karl favoured with a piano duet. Hymn 25 2 was sung. Mrs. Mplville Hern gave a reading, ‘"School* in Africa.” Hymn 261 was sung followed by the Benedic tion. the The tax rate for the town of Mitchell mills on tion of for 1045, was set at 38 the dollar. This is a reduc tive mills from last year. Lapg Mrs. were discussed including Regier’s friends here are hear that he is again con- the hospital. C. O’Brien has returned James St. W. A BRINSLEY Mrs. Marie Youngs (nee Marie Carter), of Detroit, visited at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton* Mr, and Mrs. Allen Carter, of De troit, visited with friends in the neighborhood lately. * Mrs, Vie Manqu/e,.............. of Buffalo’, j who has been nursing her father, My. Wm, Morley, has returned to her home. DAW. Reurson, G.C., and Drum Majorette Hotte, of No, 1 A.C.U., Centralia, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon. Mi’, and Mrs. Geo, Paulson, oi Detroit, visited the past week with the latter’s grandfather, Mr. Hilton Banting. Pte, Harvey and Mrs. ‘Gilbert and daughter, of London, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Glenn. Mr. Earl Dixon is at present un der the doctor’s care. Miss Grace Morley is visiting her aunt, Mrs, Vic Manque, of Buffalo, Sgt, M, Muir and Sgt. M, spent the week-end with Beatrice Dixon. Jimmie (Chambers has MOUNT CARMEL Miss Clarice Regier left for Lon don to. take a commercial course. Mr. and Mrs Harry Sharpe spent the week-end with the latter’s mother, Mrs. M. Regan. Gerald O’Brien had his tonsils removed in St. Joseph’s Hospital on Friday. Misses Mary McCann R.N. and Betty Ryan R.N., of London, spent the week-end at their respective homes here. Miss Susie Hartman is holidaying in Detroit. , Peter sorry to fined to Mrs. from .Grand Bend where she has been working for the summer, PRISONER OF WAR THAI'S viHGfce SOME of MV SUGAfS. W6HT/ .. ... been spending his holidays with Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Cains at Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Sutherland and children, of spent Sunday with and Mrs, „Fred J. Mr. and Mrs, Lieury, spent Sunday with Mr.'and Mrs, Jack Trevethick. Mr, Harvey and Edward Dundas, of Waterloo, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon, Jimmie Chambers, who has made his home„ with Mrs. Beatrice Dixon for some’1 time, has returned to his home in London where he will at tend High. School. Mount Brydges, her parents, Mr, Neil. Geo, Neil, of The September meeting of the James Street Women’s Association was held on Thursday last in the church parlors with th© president, Mrs. H. L, .Sturgis, ip the chair. Mrs. C. E. Zurbrigg read the scrip ture lesson. Various items of busi ness plans for the Harvest Home service on Sunday, Sept. 30th, when Rev, Turnhull, of Goderich, will be the guest preacher. The program for the meeting was arranged by Group III with Mrs. G. A. Cann and Mrs. J. Hodgert as convenors. Rev. Ir win gav’e a very interesting talk on the recent trip which he and Mrs. Irwin took to Alaska. Mrs. Wm. Pybus and Mrs. J, Hodgert played an instrumental duet and Mrs. Gunning sang a solo very ac ceptably. World sugar stocks are dangerously low use less —use with discretion THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD“ r *. - , ... ' ' WOODHAM Church Meeting regular meeting of the took place last Thursday The W.M.S. afternoon in the church basement with the 1st. vice-pres. The meeting usual way ' reading As or midnight, SEPTEMBER 9, 1945, it is unlawful for any person to buy rationed meats and for anyone to sell rationed meats except on surrender of valid ration coupons or other ration documents Sales between suppliers, however, are coupon free until midnight, Saturday, September 15. KIRKTON PLAYER FRACTURES LIMB The third and final game of the League Softball championship ser ies being played at St. Marys, was halted Wednesday evening of last week when Reg. Paul of the visit ing Kirkton team, broke his leg in the first inning of the game with Vos. Amis of St. Marys. Frank Robinson of the Kirkton team was at bat with White on third, Reg. Paul on second and Jack 'Urquhart on first base when Robinson hit a hard grounder through the infield. White scored from third and Paul tried to score from second, though warned by the coach to hold third. The relay from the field arrived at the plate' before Paul and he col lided with catcher Bob Noble, land ing on the ground some feet beyond the plate. Dr. T. J. Mclnnes was called and Reg. was taken by am bulance to Victoria Hospital, Lon don. ' McCourt at Ran- Londoh. BLANSHARD — H. A. has sold his general store noch to 'Clifford Brock, of Mr. Brock, who has also takjen over the mail delivery route No. 1, St. Marys, from Mr. McCourt, takes over on September 4. awKiX'jJP presiding. ; was opened in the with Mrs. Wm. Mills the scripture lesson. The roll 'was called and Miss Louise Hackney acted as secretary in the absence of Mrs. M. Hooper. Mrs. Ben Wilson gave a temperance reading; Mrs. Cecil Camm gave the Study Book reading "Canadian Japanese” prepared by Mrs. Gorby. Mrs. Fred Pattison then gave a reading, after this business was dealt with by Mrs. C. Camm. Ar rangements were made for the 21 of Sept. Rally to be held in this church. Dinner will be served. The meeting, was brought to a close in the usual way. Miss spent the week-end 'age. Mr, and Mrs. visited last Sunday ell’s at Watford. Mr. Wendell ‘Camm left recently •to teach at Tweed High School. Miss Audrey Rodd was a Sunday guest with Misses Rhoda and Dor othy Thomson. Mr, and Mrs. Laverne Stone and daughters, Donna, and Marlene were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Whitefield Switzer are holidaying home of their Sinn. Miss Agnes Marys, was a week-end guest with Ml*, and Mrs. Arthur Rundle. Our deepest sympathy goes out to Mrs. Jra Shier and children, of London, in the passing of her hus band, ' Mr. Ira Shier in Thursday morning of last week. Mrs. Shier is a. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNaughton, of this village. Mrs. Jas. Mills, Misses Blanche and Rhea, Wm. Mills and family and Ray ,MiRs and family the Mills—Brown wedding ■at Mt. Bridges. Marjorie Laing, of Galt, at the parson- Wm. Thomson at Melvin Pow- at Sudbury at daughter, Mrs, Macintosh, of r i * the L. ■St. attended recently DIED IN DETROIT The death occurred in •of (Clayton Charles Hayter, MEAT COUPON VALUE CHART A11 products shown below are derived from beef, veal, lamb, mutton, pork or combinations of them. Any product or cut shown below has the coupon value indicated, whether or not it contains dressing; PORK—Cured Back (sliced) boneless PORK—Smolced COOKED MEAT Back Bacon (sliced) Any uncooked Group Side Bacon (sliced) (rind on or C rindless) cooked • Pork Butt boneless Pork Ham boneless j B item (bone’ in or boneless), when ? 6ia>VF;-B .A>% LBS; PER COUPON >3 OZS. PER>:T<6kEN BEEF—-Fresh or Cured Round Steak or Roast bone in Round Steak or Roast boneless Round Steak, Minced Sirloin Tip boneless Sirloin Tip, Cubed or Minute Steaks boneless Sirloin Butt boneless Flank Steak boneless Strip Loin boneless Rib Roast, 7 Rib Bones (rolled whole) boneless Prime Rib Roast, 5 Rib Bones (rolled) boneless Rib Roast Rolled, 6th and 7th Rib Bones—Inside Roll bone less Tenderloin VEAL—Fresh Cutlets or Fillet Roast boneless Strip Loin Steaks boneless Front Roll boneless Leg Roll boneless Loin Strip boneless Tenderloin ? LAMB or MUTTON-Fresh Frontquarter (rolled) boneless PORK-Fresh Butt, Whole, Pieces or Chops (rindless) bone in Butt, Whole, Pieces or Chops (rindless) boneless Ham, Whole, Centre Slices bone in Ham, Whole, Pieces or Slices bone in or boneless Picnic, Hockless boneless Back, Whole, Pieces or Slices boneless Side Pork, Whole, Pieces or Slices boneless Trimmings, Extra Lean (skinless) Tenderloin PORK—Cured Cottage Roll or Butt, Whole or Pieces boneless Picnic, Hockless boneless Ham, Wh°le> Pieces or Slices bone in or boneless Ham, Centre Slices bone in Back, Whole or Pieces boneless Skinless Roll boneless Ham Butt Roll boneless Cottage Roll or' Butt, Whole or Pieces boneless Skinless RoH boneless Ham, Centre Slices bone in Ham, Whole (skin on or skin less), Pieces or Slices bone in or boneless Back, Whole or Pieces boneless Side Bacon (rind or on rindless), Whole or Pieces BEEF—Fresh or Cured FORK—Smoked Picnic, Hockless or Hock on boneless COOKED MEAT Any uncooked Group C item (bone in or boneless), when cooked. 0R01JP;'C;^'2 LBS. PER COUPON - 4 OZS. PER TOKEN THE PICK OF TOBACCO It DOES taste good in q pipe Detroit son of Mrs. Blanche Hayter and the late Charles Hayter, of Clandeboye. He suffered a heart attack and passed away before medical aid reached him. Surviving are his wife, his mother, three brothers and three sisters. Shankj Hindquarter boneless Rump Roast, Round or Square End bone in Sirloin Steak or Roast bone in Flank, Trimmed bone in Porterhouse Steak or Roast bone in T-bone Steak or Roast bone in Wing Steak or Roast bone in Rib Roast, 7 Rib Bones, Whole hone in Prime Rib Roast, 5 Rib Bones bone in Rib Roast, 6th and 7th Rib Bones bone in Rolled Rib Roast, 6th and 7th Rib Bones, Outside Roll boneless Plate Brisket (rolled) boneless Brisket Point (rolled) boneless Rolled Shoulder boneless Short of Cross Rib Roast bone in Blade Roast, Blade and Back- strap out bone in Chuck Roast boneless NeCk boneless Shank, Centre Cut bone in Shank Meat Stewing Meat boneless Hamburger VEAL—Fresh Shank, Hind boneless Rump, Knuckle Bone out bone in Sirloin Butt Roast bone in Sirloin Butt Steak bone in Leg, Sirloin Butt End bone in Loin, Bull Cut, Blank off, Kidney and Suet out bone in Loin, Short Cut, Flank off, Kidney and Suet out bone in Loin Chop or Roast, Tenderloin End bone in Loin Chop or Roast, Rib End bone in Round Bone Shoulder Chop or Roast bone in Shank, Front boneless Neck boneless Veal Loaf or Patties Stewing Veal LAMB or MUTTON—Fresh Sirloin or Chump Chop bone in Loin, Whole, Flank off, Kidney ana Suet Out bone in Loin Roast or Chop, Tenderloin End bone in Patties PORK—Fresh Picnic, Hockless bone in Butt (rind on), Whole, Pieces or Chop bone in Butt (rind on), Whole or Pieces boneless Ham, Trimmed, Whole,. Butt End or Shank End bone in Loin, Trimmed (rindless), Whole, Pieces or Chop bone in Side Pork, Whole or Pieces bone in Ham, Trimmed or Skinned, Whole, Butt End or Shank End bone in FANCY MEAT Liver Kidney Sweetbread PORK—Cured Picnic, Hockless bone in Ham, Trimmed, Whole, Butt End or Shank End bone in Side Pork, Whole or Pieces bone in Shoulder Roll (skin on) boneless Dry Salt Belly boneless Dry Salt Lean Backs boneless PORK—Smoked Picnic, Hockless bone in COOKED MEAT Any uncooked Group D item (bone in or boneless), when cooked. Loaves made from\chopped or minced taeat. Cooked meats, j ellied meats, in loaf form or otherwise (excepting those cooked or jellied meats listed in Group D). Bologna Wieners Sausage, Smoked or Cooked V PtMl MODERN, WELL* CONDUCTED CONVENIENTLY* LOCATED HOTEL PRtii<it>nvtA. M< FOWsn.t iji-.Yiiu ulii.i ii.j'-f MAKE YOUR HOM HOTEL WAVERLEY SPADINA AVI. «tl CQLLtGB FT. RATES Slnjl»: 11.60 * S3.6O Dosbli: >2.50 * $7.00 WfUTK row roLOKn WHOtt. DM*1 SiflHTSEEIKD WITHIN WALKIN Q ( DttiANCe ENGAGEHWNTS The engagement is announced of Helen Hazel, only daughter of Mrs. Wm, Haines, of Parkhill, to Gordon Alexander, elder son of >Mr. and Mrs. G.. S. . Gooderham, Oakville, the marriage to take place the middle ef September. , and Mrs. Siegmund Kauf- Torotito, wish to announce engagement of theh’ only Margit, to LAC. Alfred R.C.A.F., Amiphitrite Pt,, B.C., second son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hodgins, Lucan, the wed ding to take place ill Toronto 'Sep tember 15, Mr, and Mrs. William Darling, of Clandeboye, announce the engage- merit of their oldest daughter, Grace OaVell, to Robert Arthur Erskime, only son of Mr, and Mrs. (Andrew Erskine, ILieury, The wedding will take Jilace late in September. Mr man, the daughter L. Hoggins, B.C., BEEF—Fresh or Cured Short Ribs, Braising bone in Plate Brisket bone in Brisket Point bone in Round Bone Shoulder Roast bone in Blade Roast bone in Chuck Roast bone in Shank, Frontquarter, Whole Shank Knuckle End bone in Leg, Long Cut bone in Leg, Short Cut bone in Leg, Shank End bone in Loin, Full Cut, Flank on, Kidney and Suet out bone in Flank bone in Blade Chop or Roast bone in Breast bone in Shank, Front bone in Neck bone in Forequarter; Whole, 7 Rib Bones bone in Rack, Whole bone in Rack, Shoulder off, Knuckle Bone out bone in SAUSAGE—Fresh or Cured Pork Sausage Commercial Sausage LAMB or MUTTON—Fresh Leg, Full Cut, Whole or Half bone in Leg, Short Cut bone in Loin, Whole, Flank on* Kidney ana Suet out bone in Loin Rib Roast or Chop bone in Flank bone in Frontquarter, Whole or Half bone in Rack or Shoulder, Neck on bone m Rack or Shoulder, Neck off bone in Rack Or Shoulder Chop bone in Breast bone in .Neck bone in VEAL—Fresh Shank, Hindi bone in FORK—Fwslv Lacone bone in Hock bone in Jowl Mess Pork bone tn Short Cut Back bone in Jowl CANNED MEAT (sealed containers) PORK—Fresh Picnic, Hock on boneless Loin (rind on). Whole Pieces or Chop bone in PORK—Cured t>ry Salt Long Clear boneless Dry Salt Short Clear boneless Dry Salt Clear Back boneless PORK—Smoked Picnic, Hock on bone in Jowl COOKED MEAT Any uncooked Group E item (bone in or boneless), when cooked. Brawn or Headcheese Liver Sausage, all types Blood Sausage, all types Cretons Francais Sausage PORK—Cured Hbck bone in FANCY MEAT Heart Tongue OclUSHgC« » * *#*.*• * *’’* ■* X.♦ X* • Comminuted (Ground) Pork . . Comminuted (Ground) Pork.. Roast Beef..,....»»,»,,» Stews; boiled dinners, hashes.. Stews, boiled dinners, hashes.. Pork Tongues.*.............. Contninei' 1—14 oz,—4 tokens 1—12 or.—3 “ 1—16 Oz.—4 “ 1—16 oz.—4 “ . 1—15 oz.—2 « • 1—16'02.-2 « . 1—12 oz,—3 ♦♦ Meat Sandwich Spread.«.. Meat Sandwich Spread. »*« Ox Tongue............... Meat Balls.»..»»» *»»< * Beefsteak with Mushrooms Beefsteak With Oniotis . Beefsteak with Kidneys MEAT PIES Container 1— 7oz.—2 tokens 1— 3 Oz.—1 " 1—32 oz.—1 coupon 1—16oz.—3 tokens 1—16oz.—3 " 1—16oz.—3 1—16oz»—3 /UHhis WA»ti:irfWferqlE.S'fY' .....L. .................................................. jMRA*!S ■ti n