HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-09-06, Page 3Weddings
A quiet but pretty wedding of
the season was solemnised in the
James Street parsonage, Exeter, on
Saturday, September 1st, at 2 P.m.
when Miss Clara Jean Ruth Fraser,
only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wil
liam Fraser, of town, was united in
marriage to Ml'. Gordon William
Emmett, son of Mr, .and Mrs, W. R.
Emmett, of London, Rev. A. B. Ir
win officiating. The bride chose for
her wedding costume a
blue crepe and
with Butterfly
mums with her
charming, The
ed by the groom’? sister, Mrs. J. C.
\ Munro, of London, looking charm
ing in a gown of rose crepe with
brown accessories, Mr. J. C. Munro
assisted the groom? The wedding
reception was held at the home of
the bride’s parents. Flowers in
lovely profusion decorated both liv
ing and dining rooms. The bridal
table was prettily laid with snap
dragons and streamers of pink and
white while in the centre hung a
mass of bridal bells. A lovely set
of china dishes
years old handed
bride's grandmother
table. In the centre
wedding cake with
mings and also the
was the centre of attraction. Toasts
to the bride and groom were pro
posed by the groom’s father and
brother-in-law and were responded
to by the groom. For her going
away .gown the bride wore a brown
suit with matching accessories. The
young couple will take a motor
trip to .Windsor and Detroit and on
■ their return will reside in London.
Among the out of town guests
' were Mr, and Mirs. W. R. Emmett,
and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Munro, of
London; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fraser,
of Detroit and Mrs. Caul Kett, of
Port Huron, brother and sister of
Mr. Wm. Fraser.
Robin’s egg
and baby
coat looked
■was attend-
over seventy-five
down by the
adorned the
was a ^lovely
quaint trim
groom’s cake
A quiet wedding was solemnized
at Metropolitan United Church,
London, on August 3 0th when Rev.
Di*. ,W. E, MacNiven united in mar
riage Grace Frances, elder daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Wein,
Dashwood, to Cpl. J. H. Robinson,
R.C.A.F., youngest son of Mr. Wil
liam Robinson and the late Mrs.
Robinson, North Vancouver, B.C.
Gladioli and fern graced the
altar of the United Church, Wood
ham, on Saturday, August 25 th,
foi- the wedding of Dorothy K.,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil J.
Camm, .Woodham, to Morris Hector
Hern, son of Mr. Ephriam Hern
and the rate Mrs. Hern, of Granton.
Rev. Andrew Laing was the officia
ting minister, Miss Rhea Mills
presided at the organ playing softly
•during the ceremony and Mrs. Cole
sang “Through the Years” during
the signing of the register.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, was lovely in a gown, of
traditional bridal satin fashioned
with a cavalier neckline, long
sleeves terminating in points over
the hands, a shirred basque bodice
and long full skirt with a short
train. Her long bridal veil of Ital
ian appliqued and embroidered net
was caught by a Mary Queen of
Scotts headress of shirred net and
seed pearls. Her only ornament was
a pearl pendant, the gift of the
•groom and she carried a shower
bouquet of Johanna Hill roses and
maiden hair fern.
There were three bridal attend
ants dressed alike in royal tur
quoise two-piece taffeta suits with
matching headress of braid flower-
ettes and shoulder veils. Miss Edna
Robinson, Burlington, as maid-of-
honor carried a cascade bouquet of
bronze roses. Miss Evelyn Camm,
’cousin of the bride and Miss Laur-
ene Hern sister of the groom acted
as bridesmaids carrying cascade
bouquets of rose and copper roses.
Orville Snell, of Exeter, was
best man, while Jack Urquhart, of
Kirkton and 'Clifford Oul'bert, of
London, Were ushers. Following the
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RATE*■J1.50 * J3.5D
$»,B0 * >7.00
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atceremony a reception was held
the home of the bride’s parents.
Mrs. Camm received in a two-piece
dress of brown crepe with matching
accessories and wore a corsage of
talisman roses. Mrs. Hern received
in a gown of violet crepe with black
accessories and wore a corsage of
pink roses. For travelling the bride
donned an ensemble of Heaven
Blue wool bucle detailed with tro-
punto work, matching model hat
and black accessories,
The wedding took place Saturday,
September 1, at the Evangelical
parsonage, Crediton, with Rev. M-
E Reuber, B.A., officiating, of
Mary Irene, youngest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank King, of Exe
ter, and Henry Emerson Finkbeiner,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fink
beiner of rural Exeter. The bride
looked becoming in a two-piece
dress of blue crepe, with a gaffire
two-piece suit of pink crepe with
brown and white accessories and a
corsage of yellow roses. The best
man was Elwyn Kerslake, of Exe
ter. After a reception held at the
home of the bride’s parents, Mi.
and Mrs Finkbeiner left on a
honeymoon to Niagara. On their
return they will reside on the
groom’s farm in Stephen township.
heart neckline and finger-tip veil.
She were a beautiful locket, a sou
venir from Italy, the gift of the
groom and •carried a bouquet of red
roses and. gladioli, Her only attend
ant was her younger sister, Miss
Doris Skinper, as bridesmaid, wear
ing a floor-length gown of pink
crepe with matching headdress .and
carried a bouquet of pink roses and
gladioli. Mr. Robert Blair assisted
the groom, The eeremony was per
formed by Rev, G. C. Weir, of Cen
tralia. The bridal party motored to
St. Marys to have their photos tak
en, following which a wedding din
ner was served, the guests being
the immediate relatives of the con
tracting parties. The table was
decorated with pink and white,
with silver candlesticks and pink
tapers centered with the bride’s
cake, The waitresses were Misses
Isabelle Blair and Hazel Buswell.
Sgt. and Mrs. McAllister left on a
wedding trip to Hamilton, the
bride’s going-away dress was an
apple-green wool with brown acces
sories. The groom has recently re
turned from overseas and is now
awaiting his discharge,
and Mi#* Grant Love, of
Micb., viisited recently with
veiled cap and white gloves,
wore a corsage of pink rosea,
only attendant, as bridesmaid,
her sister, Ruby, who wore a
wedding took place on 'Sat-
September 1st at the Main
Church parsonage of Verna
youngest daughter of Mr.
Mrs. Norman Heaman, of
’ and Pte. Harold Alvin
The home of Mrs. Jane Brown
and the late Albert Brown, Hill
crest Favin, Mt. Brydges, was the
scene of a lovely wedding on Wed
nesday August 29th, when their
youngest daughter, Alice Myrtle,
became the bride of John Russell
Knox Mills, only son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Mills, Woodham.
Rev. Malcolm Gillies of St. Andrews
Presbyterian Church, Mt. Brydges,
officiated at' the ceremony which
took place in the garden before an
evergreen arch which was banked
with gladioli and garden flowers.
The wedding march was played by
Grant Mills, cousin of the •groom,
who also accompanied the soloist,
Kenneth Mills, also a cousin of the
groom. The charming young bride
was given in marriage by her
bijothei’ Cecil. Her floor-length
gown was of fine net with white
shimmering satin bodice designed
with long molded sleeves and point
ed waistline. Her long veil of deli
cate net was caught in a crownless
sunburst headdress of figured lace.
She carried an arm bouquet of pink
colonial roses with white satin
streamers. White kid slippers com
pleted her costume. Her only or
nament was a double string of
pearls, gift of the groom. As matron
of honor, the bride’s sister, Mrs.
Sidney Castle, wore a long gown
of blue net with blue satin trim.
Her headdress was white and blue |
satin flowers with shoulder-length
veil. She carried a bouquet of pink
gladioli each floweret holding a
pink rose with satin streamers.
The bridesmaid, Miss Florence
Kirk, cousin of the groom wore a
long gown of carnation pink crepe'
with a shoulder-length veil. She
carried a bouquet of gladioli, each
floweret holding a cream rose with
satin streamers. Mariliyn Brown,
the bride’s niece, was her flower-
girl, a dainty figure in hei’ pink
satin frock trimmed with blue. She
carried a nosegay of glalioli and
roses. Lome Elford, of Woodham,
was best man. Ushers were Edward
Runnails and Howard Brown. Mrs.
daughter b
dress with
red roses.
Mrs. Mills wore a blue silk Fay
dress with black accessories and
a corsage of white and yellow roses.
After the ceremony a reception was
guests. The
and Mrs. Norman Heaman,
Exetei* and Pte. Harold
Wurm, second son of Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Wurm, of Hensall. Rev. N. J.
Woods performed 'the ceremony.
The bride looked charming in a
lime green dress-makei* w suit with
brown accessories and wearing a
corsage of pink roses. She was at
tended by Mrs. Edgar Wurm, as
matron-of-honor who wore a brown
tailored herringbone tweed suit
with green and brown accesories
and a corsage of yellow roses. The
groom was attended by his brother,
the groom
Mr- and Mrs. John e. McEwen.
Misg Joyce Scruton, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with
er, Mrs. A< Scrnton,
Messrs. L. E. Johnston
Shortt, of St, Hyacinthe,
iter with their aunt, Miss E. John
ston over the holiday week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H- Shaddick and
family visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Scruton at Port Dover over
the week-end,
Mr, and Mrs. ILprne Elder and
little son Kenneth, of Hamilton,
spent the week-end with- their par
ents, Mr, and Mrs, John Elder and
Mr, and Mrs. John Passmore
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brydgman
and family, of Guelph, spent a day
recently with Mrs. D, Walks and
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McEwen
spent the week-end at the home Qi
the former’s brother at Sarnia
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Davidson, of
Sarnia, are holid'aying at the home
of their parents,
R. Davidson and
ville Twitchell,
Mrs. Ed. Fink
eration for appendicitis at Scott
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. F. G, Bonthron
visited over the week-end with the
former’s sister,
Mr. and Mrs.
holidaying with
her moth-
and J. M.
Que., vis-
Mr, and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs.
underwent an
Mrs. MacMartin in
J. W. Bonthron are
the latter’s sisters.
Edgar, as best man. A
was held at the home of
in Hensall.
Brown chose for her
wedding a wine crepe
satin trim and black
She wore a corsage of
held fox’ about 70
bride's mother and ' the
mother received with the bride. Mr,
and Mrs. Rusnell Mills left for
Muskoka and points north. The
bride wore a dark blue suit With
powder blue blouse and gloves and
black accessories,
sage of roses’. On
will reside near
White gladioli, palms
formed the setting in St.
the-Garden, Byron, Saturday after
noon at 4.30 o’clock when Aldythe
Myrta, daughter of Mrs. Margaret
Eacrette. Sm-ingbank Drive, and the
late Robert Eacrette, formerly of
Hensall. was united in marriage to
Frederick Hancock, son of > Mrs.
Louisa Hancock and the late 'Chas.
Hancock, of Toronto.
Rev. J. H. Slimon, of Adelaide
Street Baptist Church, officiated at
the wedding. Stafford Churcher
played the organ throughout the
ceremony and accompanied the
soloist, Mrs. Clifford Putherbough,
who sang, “Through the Years”.
The bride, given in marriage by
her mother, wore a gown of white
moire taffeta with a veil of French
illusion extending beyond the train.
She carried a bouquet of Killarney
roses and gladioli.
Mrs. E. IL.V Borger, of Detroit,
sister of the bride, was matron of
honor, wearing a floor-length gown
of dusty rose jersey and net. Her
niatching shoulder-length veil was
caught to her head in a ruffle and
she carried a colonial bouquet of
Talisman roses.
The , junior bridesmaid, Miss
Berkeley Childs, of Toronto, cousin
of the bride, was attractive in a
heavenly blue taffeta frock. She
carried a nosegay of Butterfly
The groom was attended by his
brother, Leonard Hancock, of To
ronto. The ushers were D. F.
Borger, of Romulus, Michigan,
brother-in-law of the bride, and
Jack Booth, of Toronto, brother-
in-law of the groom.
Following the ceremony a "’recep
tion was held in the Piccadilly
Room of the Cobblestone Inn. As
sisting the bride and groom in re
ceiving the guests were the bride’s
mother, wearing a redingote style
dress of navy blue sheere and a cor
sage- of Better Time roses, and the
groom’s mother, dressed in pearl
gray crepe with a corsage of pink
Delight roses.
Later Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Hancock left by motor for North
ern Ontario. For traveling the
bride wore a cinnamon dressmaker
suit with dark brown accessories,
an A a corsage of Johanna Hill roses.
On their return they will take up
residence in Toronto.
She .wore a
their return
wedding Wag
A very pretty
quinized Saturday, September
at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Skinner, Centra
lia. when their daughter, Alma
Gertrude, was united in marriage
to Sgt. John McAllister, son of Mrs.
McAllister and, the late Wm. McAl
lister, of Owen Sound. The cere
mony took place nt eleven o’clock
uuder an arch of maple boughs
banked with gladioli. The bride,
given in marriage by her father,
entered the parlor to the strains of
Lohengrin’s wedding march played
by her sister, Miss Beulah Skinner,
R.N., of Sarnia, She was lovely in a
floor-length g^wn of embroidered
not over white satin with sweet-
Mr. and .Mrs. W. Bailey and Mrs,
Ada Newton, of Toronto, spent the
week-end at the home of Miss
Annie Handford,
Miss Margaret Henry has return
ed from Summer School at Western
University and hag received word
that shq made 'Grade “A” standing
in all her subjects. She wag taking
courses in Social Psychology, Phil
osophy, English and typing. Con
gratulations, Marg!
Mr. Harry Griffith, of Toronto,
spent Sunday with his wife at the
home of his aunt, Miss Annie Hand
ford, returning Monday accompan
ied by his Wife and little son,
Jimmy, also liis parents, M'r. and
Mrs, George Griffith who have been
spending two flfcnontlis with the lat
ter’s sister, Miss Annie Handford.
Mrs. Peppier at her summer heme
at Southampton.
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Patterson, of
Toronto, spent the week-end
the former’s parents, Mr, and
R. J. Patterson.
Miss Pearl Reid, of London,
the guest of her aunt, Mrs.
The Quality Tea
McDonald and, Miss
over the .holiday.
Miss Norma Cook,
spent the week-end at
her parents, Mr, and
Mi', and Mrs. Harold Shepherd,
of Toronto, visited over the holi
day week-end with the latter’s
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. SmilUe.
Miss Mae McNaughton, of Toron
to, wag
home of
law, Mr.
visited last week with Mrs. Han
nah Workman,
Billie Mickle returned home after
holidaying with Billie Campbell at
Miss Eleanor Cook visited recent
ly with Miss Ruth Young in Fer
Mr, Gus. Voth, of Detroit, spent
the week-end
Lou Simpson,
home by Mrs.
who spent the
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Slavin and
Miss Elizabeth Slavin visited on
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer
Stewart at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs, A-. J. Hunkin and
of London,
the home of
Mrs. N, E.
a week-end. visitor at the
her brother and sister-in-
and Mrs. Lome JJJcNaugh-
MacGregor, of Seaforth,
at the home of Mrs.
He was accompanied
Voth and Gwendolyn
past two weeks here.
TP WS /k* llMB MH
Miss Eleanor Hunkin. of Thames
Road visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Roy MacLaren and Ron
The Hensall Senior Institute will
commence their fall meetings on
Sent. 12 when a pot-luck supper
will be held at the home of Mrs.
John McEwen with Mrs, A- Orr, co
hostess. Each member is asked to
bring refreshments suitable for the
supper as well as their own silver
The Want Ads aye your depart*
nient.—-Use them.
Had Another Bad Night?
Couldn’t You Get Any Nest ?
To those who toss, night after night, on sleepless
beds. To those who sleep in a kind of a way, but
whose rest is broken by bad dreams and nightmare.
To those who wake up in the morning as tired as when
they went to bed, we offer in Milburn’s Health and
Nerve Pills a tonic remedy to help soothe apd strengthen the nerves.
When this is done there should be no more restless nights due to bad
dreams and nightmares.
Price 50c a box, 65 pills, at all drug counters.
Look for our registered trade mark a “Red Heart” on the package.
The T. Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont.
and ferns
•:>x» <«5ozx^xc;x«>■;<z.-A^v.‘C*y^yx
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■ :• *A*A%W. z -A* v: x-xaa*a’>ava<*x*:,>x*:*x ■:•:*.
............ ........ ..
still confronts the textile in
dustry of all Allied countries.
other sources for raw materials
and for some yarns and
required by occupational
Domestic demand for textiles
increased sharply during the
war. It is still going up.
met. It will take months before
production resumed
><*..*AN<<'yx*x*>>y‘^>x< •Z-aX«->.<*X
But directives alone cannot cure a situation arising
from world conditionsrd bas
•a,.*an<*x*x*x*x<<,x*zx< .*x x<>;«>-X»a-a«X-a*X>>zzzzA zXaK-zv:! i»9WWWWKWK»V«7<’X'?A
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^-s - < s v' -s ■ \
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The supply of textiles is not adequate to the demand;
Fox six years, most of the world output has gone to war
Victory has not improved the situation.
There will not be enough textiles in Canada for many months to
Canada depends largely on
Substantial quantities of all
kinds of textiles
A serious manpower shortage Shortages overseas must be
x^/<z»c*m*;c4£ ;-;-X'.,’X*x«»x«nx»»
Civilian clothing needs of
returning servicemen and wo
men are swelling the demand
here at home.
This year, production directives have again been
issued to the textiles industry
They are intended to divert output to more
essential goods
The answer lies in conservation. More than ever;
the need is to conserve, to fake care of what
there is, to mend, make-over and make-do;
•xyxox-x •>Z-XX»>X<X •X^XtaVA^
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