HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-08-30, Page 8THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTAR IO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 30, 1945 V’s Beauty Shoppe OUR MOTTO” AH lines of Beauty Culture. Tai. 112 Exeter Vera C. Decker, Prop. EXETER MARKETS Wheat, Cafes, 50c. Barley, 7Do. Creamery Butter 39c. Eggs, A Largo 3.8 c Eggs, A Medium 36c Eggs, Pullets 33c Eggs, B 25c Eggs C 22c Georgian Beauty Shoppe (Successor to Marion Dooley) Satisfaction Guaranteed M. Christine McCrae, Prop, Exeter Phon© CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Mln is ter AD’S. J. G. Codirane. Organist Sunday, 10 a.m,—Sunday School. Sunday, 11 ajn.--Public Worship, Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont Phone 135 Show commences each night, at 7.30 p.m. until further notice. THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY August 30, 31, Sept. 1 w.. MW.-®*. I LOCALS I I VACATION NOTICE Dr. Roulston announces that his Dental Office will be closed for a few weeks commencing Monday, August 20. Sneli^ } Taxi Service j Phone 100 “THE VALLEY OF DECISION Special M.G.M. feature starring GREER GARSON, GREGORY PECK and all star cast. MONDAY and TUESDAY Sept, 3rd, 4th ?‘Belle of the Yukon Special technicolor feature starring GYPSY ROSE LEE, RANDOLPH SCOTT and DINAH SHORE WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Sept. Sth, 6th 2 features “Don Juan Quilligan” starring WILLIAM BENDIX and JOAN BLONDELL “Mystery Feature” Rev. K. MacLean and Mrs, Mac- Lean are holidaying at Bruce Beach. Miss L. M. Jeckell returned home last week after holidaying for two weeks at the island, Toronto, Miss A, Eaoret-t, of Preston, is visiting Mrs. C. E, Moore at the home of Mr. B. W. F. Beavers. Mrs. Robt. Tinney returned home Sunday after spending three weeks in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mrs. Harry Griffiths and little son, Jimmy, of Toronto, are visitors at the home of Miss Annie Hand­ ford. Mrs. Jos. Follick spent a few days last week visiting with her daughter, Miss Pauline Follick in; London. Miss Peggy White, of Stephen, is spending two weeks vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Sandford of Windsor. Mrs. Frank Murdoch, of ton, and Misses Joan belle were guests of Anthony last week. Mr. and Mrs. Grant baby, of Fergus, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Nat. Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brintnell. Mrs. Gertrude Gray, of New York City, is visiting with her sister and brother-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Doyle and with Mrs, David Millar. Mr. and Mrs R. W. Kestle and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sanders at­ tended the Kestle-Abraham wed­ ding in Chatham on Saturday. Miss Saphrcna White has return­ ed to St. Petersburg, Florida, after spending three weeks vacation with 1 her mother, Mrs. Margaret Whitte. Master Pat Beavers returned to his home in Toronto last day after an 8 weeks visit grandfather, Mr, ,,B'. W. F. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid G. of Leaside, Toronto, WITH AN EYE TO GOOD GROOMING AND BETTER PERMANENTS, Rhone 146 Phone 140. STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter White, WUERTH’S *,____*____* receive^ a shipment of Men’s and Miss Ham.il- (Laura- Isobel Griffin and Mrs. this Brad.- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Willard and Mr. and Mrs, Ross Taylor spent Sunday in Stratford. Miss Audrey Bettis, of Toronto, is holidaying with Mr. and Frank Triebner and family week. Mr. and Mrs. B. Booker of well, Sask., are visiting with Mr, Fred Hogarth and Miss E. J. Ho­ garth, Mrs. Zurbrigg is in St. Thdmas this week attending a conference of W.M.S. workers meeting at Alma College. Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wein, had his tonsils re­ moved. at Dr. Fletcher’s hospital Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weido and daughter Shirley, of Toronto, visit­ ed with Mrs. Laura Weido, of Exe­ ter, ’ for the week-end. Mr. E. J. Wethey went to London Tuesday to meet his son Fit. Lt. David H. Wethey who has just ar­ rived home from overseas. Chief Stoker Frank Warnock, of Zurich, a member of the Royal Canadian Navy, has been mention­ ed in dispatches for services at sea. Bruce and Fred Delbridge’, sons of M;r, and Mrs. Horace Delbridge, Winchelsea, had. their tonsils re­ moved at Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital this week. Mrs. T. A. Currie and daughter, Mary Francis, of Wingham, and Mrs, (Dr.) Eric C. Apps, of Kenora, visited- on Tuesday with Mr. Mrs. E. R, Hopper. The ladies sisters. ' -Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Morris son John, of Montreal, spent Tues­ day with ents, Mr. Mrs. Jos. ing this week with her parents. Just Genuine Police Shoes, extra quality. Men’s and Boys’ Oxfords at reduced prices. All kinds of -Shoe Polishes: Liquid Pastes and Cream, including Bunny- White, guaranteed not to rub off, Shoe and Rubber Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. #____♦_____* Wnerth’s Cash Shoe Store and are and Mrs, Morris’ grandpar­ and Mrs, Wm. Fisher. Davis, of Tara, is spend- NOTICE TO FARMERS Owing to the necessity repair work, the mill will closed to all custom work Wednesday afternoons until further notice. of be on CANN & SONS ROBERTSON’S -•Condition 3 lbs. ■— $1.00 9 lbs. — $2.45 Guaranteed no Filler• Results considered, you v?ill find this powder unequalled ns a tonic for all fann stock Your dirugs at ROBERTSON’S ......' —•■—■.............. ----- -------------------------- UNION SERVICES James St. and IMain St. in Jamw St. Church, 10 a,m.—Sunday School in both Churches, 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Rev, A. B. Irwin. "A Dominant qnd Uni­ fied Purpose.” The evening service is withdrawn in favour of Anniversary Services in Trivitt Memorial Church. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, .Miss MacFaul Choir Deader. Mr. Middlemisa 14th Sunday After Trinity “57th ANNIVERSARY” Materials S.30 a.m.—-Holy Communion. . 11 a.m,—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon: The Rector. Anthem: "Dear Land of Home" (from the tone poem ‘Finlandia’) —Jean Sebilius. Solo: "Spirit of God"—jNeid- linger—Mrs. Nina Byers. p.m.—-Evening Prayer and Ser­ mon: The Rev. W. H. Dunbar, IL.Th., Rural Dean of Huron, Goderich. Anthem: "I Will Pray the Fath­ er”—Simper. Violin Solo: Handel’s "Largo"— Allan Elston. Soprano- Solo: Mrs. Wm. Murdoch. A special invitation is given to all to join in this 57th Anniversary of Worship and Musical Service. 7 Dinnerware In animal figures, ,cups and saucers, tea pots, new glassware, tea and dinner sets, We are always glad to show you these new lines suitable for gifts. We offer a full range of sizes in a good pattern Gold Seal congoleum, suitable for bed­ rooms & living rooms. They come in sand ground with floral decoration. 9x9 .. 9x12 .. 9x13*6 «• 7. 6 10.50 11.50 Suitable for dresses or skirts. Two very- nice materials at Astoria Shoes for men For the man who wants a good shoe, As­ toria Shoes are hard to beat. Black and Brown. at per pair $8.50 Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday CORN STARCH “Canada” 2 pkgs............................................. PREPARED MUSTARD, Heinz 6 oz. jar .................................... RUBBER RINGS Per pkg............. ......................... VINEGAR, Cider or Spirit xxx Per gallon ................................... 19c40c lb.ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH CrediionMisses Eileen Snell and Barbara Dinn-ey are holidaying at Grand Bend, Miss Ella Sanders was in Toronto last week and under the care of a doctor owing to eye trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brierley visited last week in Toronto with their nephew, Dr. and Mrs. Jack- son and son Michael, Miss Olive Schilbe, of Zurich, and Mr. Norman Ferguson, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Hodgert, of town. Mr. J. A. Gordon Bell, of St, Catharines, who has spent the past three months at the .home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sillery returned to M.E. Reuber. B.A.. B.D., Minister Mrs. F. VV. Moriock. Organist a.m.—Morning Worship. a,m.—Church School. 10 11 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship. Important Administrative Coun­ cil meeting following service. 16c 10c • TENDER LEAF TEA Superior Quality ...... POST BRAN FLAKES Large pkg. ................ NEWPORT FLUFFS (with premium) Large pkg............................................... 39c DEW KIST TOMATO JUICE Per tin 6 for 25c 9c 40c Wednes- with his Beavers. Turnbull spent the week-end with Mrs. Elizabeth Turn­ bull and Millar. Mr. L. T. Bell Detroit, visited Exeter with friends. Miss A. Hack-, missa UL ^UUUU11> ia ney returned with them and spent j spending .the week with her parents last week with friends. I Mr. and Mrs. W. Fraser. Mrs, A Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Steiner and I Andrews, of Windsor, was a guest I at the home this week. Mr. Chas. Kerslake .and Josie, Mr. and Mrs. Howard "Kerslake, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor attended the Hern-Camm wedding in Wood­ ham United Church on Saturday, August 25th. Mi". Sam’l Johns, or town, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mr.and Mrs. David and daughters, of in Seaforth andj his home on Tuesday. Miss Ruth Fraser, of London, is PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick. Pastor Wed., 8.30 p.m.—Bible Study on the Holy Spirit. You are invitea. Fri., 8.30 p.m.—Young People’s. '• Speaker, Miss J. Triebner. Sat., 8.45 p.m.—Open Air (weather permitting). Sun., 10 a.m.—Sunday School, >Supi. Mr. E. Cudmore. Come and hear the specials. ■Sun., 11 a.m.-—"A Fundamental Church.’’ Communion service. Sun,, 7.45 p.m.—A Gospel that Saves Today. "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the Power of God unto Salvation I Tom returned on Monday from a Visit with relatives in Morton and Rochester, N.Y. Dr. Steiner’s moth­ er, of Rochester, returned with them. Fit. Lieut. W. and Mrs. Ballan- tyne returned to Toronto on Sun­ day after a two week’s visit with, their parents, Mr. John Ballantyne! and Mr. and Mrs. Mose Beckler, of | Kenneth Johns, of Elimville. Mr. Usborne. I Mrs. Armstrong, Irvine and Miss Catharine, and Mrs. Orville Web­ ber, Diane and Nancy are holiday­ ing at Grand Bend, Irvine will spend the latter part of the week in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs, L. H. Bucknell and Sylvia, of Hornepavne, and Miss Lois Bucknell, of Ottawa, recently visited at the home of their son and brother, Mr. H. L. Bucknell and family on W. Huron Street. Mr, Archie Z. Hicks, of Okotoks, Alta., is visiting at the home of his sister, Mi’, and Mrs. Jos. May and will also visit with relatives at Munro and Atwood, He spent a few - days visiting with relatives in- don. Mrs, John Grieve and son, • of Wilton GroVe, spent a few last week with Mr. and Mrs, George Leslie returning home on Sunday with Miss Margaret Grieve, of the teaching staff of Empress Ave. School, in London. Recent guests of Rev, J. W. Down and Miss Florence Down were Rev. R. A, and Mrs, McLaugh­ lin and Dianne, of Bancroft, Ont., Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Down, of Ot­ tawa, and C.S.M. Bill McLaughlin and Mrs. McLaughlin, of Peterboro. Sgt. Warren May and his wife, also a Sergeant in the Women’s Division of the R.C.A.F., stationed at Ottawa, are spending this week with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, F, A. May. Miss Marjorie May, of London, is also spending the week with her parents. Miss Margaret Heywood, daugh­ ter of Alonzo Heywood, of Edmon­ ton, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Edward Yellow. While here She called on friends and relatives. Miss Heywood is on her" way to Keaoru where she has accepted a position as Homo Economic inotruc tor in the Kenora High School, Johns is much improved in health and in walking back over the farm took .the longest walk he has had in three years. Pte. Harold Campbell, of Niagara- spent the week-end and Mrs. Earl Campbell, of on leave fol- to his father To Erect New Home Mr. Jas. Grieve has purchased a lot on William street and expects to erect a new house on it. 1 Lon- Bill, days on-the-Lake, with his parents, Mr. Campbell. Pte, Roy Vancouver, is home lowing an accident who had his right arm fractured. Holiday visitors at the home of Mrs. Margaret White, of Stephen, include: Miss Lee Grossetti, of Windsor; Mrs. T. Wheelei’ and Mrs. Blanche White, of Milton West; Cpl. L, A. Bussell, of Edmonton, Alberta, who has just returned from three years overseas with the R.C.A.F.; also Mrs. White’s grand­ children, Arthur, of Farkhill, ana Kathleen, of Windsor. Sgt. Eleanor Trevers, B.E.M., of Ottawa, visited for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Southcott. Miss Trevers, 'of Monc­ ton, N.B., was formerly posted at No. 9, Centralia, and was trans­ ferret to headquarters of the R.C. A.F., at Ottawa. She has been awarded the British Empire Medal and the investure took place at Government House, Ottawa, in June. Two rinks of bowlers are to-day (Wednesday) taking in the Mer­ chants and Manufacturers bowling tournament at Stratford. Mrs. John Taylor, of St. Clair Shores, Mich., and Mrs. Alice Holtz­ man, of Pontiac, Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. W, H. Wood re­ turned home the end of the week after enjoying a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood at Orchard Beach (Port Stanley), Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ford and daughter, Dianne, of Detroit, Mrs. Chas. Box, Mrs. Frank Taylor, Jean and Jeanette were camping at Bush Gio cottage, Grand Bend, last week. Mr. and Mrs, W. Fred Mitchell, Marion and. Douglas, of London, visited this week with Mr, Fred Hogarth and Miss E, J. Hogarth. Also recent visitors were, Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Anderson and son Ron­ ald, Of -Orillia. Overheard in a,.bus: "Hello, .Tack, beastly weather, isn't it? And how’s the wife—” "About the same,” was the answer. EXETER and vicinity Domestic and Commercial riaeration G. K. Crocker AUTHORIZED KELVINATOR SERVICE Phone 16 Southcott Bros NOW FOR FALLiand Mrs. Lon- and ter, was talcen to ronto Sunday in ambulance. Alex Lloyd of Toronto; Mr. and -Mrs. two daughters, Wilfred Miller and two sons, don; Mr. and Mrs. Wilding two daughters, of Sault Ste. Marie, visited over the week-end with Mr. Louis Day. BOYS FROM OVERSEAS ACKNOWLEDGE PARCELS We have a few pair of light­ weight grey and brown summer trousers. | W W. Taman Mrs McCrum, of Toronto, who has been convalescing for the past five weeks at the home of Mrs. Burnette a few miles north of Exe- her home in To- E. R. Hopper a The Exeter District War Time Committee has received acknow­ ledgement and thanks from the following boys overseas for parcels received: Sgt. I. R. Disjardine in Holland, enclosing a field-day sports program; Pte, M. E. Har­ ness in Holland; Capt. E. F. Taman in Holland; Pte. A, Rohde; Tpr. S. Bower; Cpl. Alvin Rowe, in Hol­ land; Sgmn. W. R. Higgins -in Hol­ land; L.Cpl. J. C. Brintnell; L/Tel. ■S. Mair on HMCS Niobe at Glas­ gow; Pte. |A.N. 'Miller in Holland; Sgmn. 'C. F. Heywood in Holland; Pte H. E, ^Preszcat-or in Holland; A/B E. P. iFinkbeiner on HMCS Ontario ling in in London; Tpr. A. F. Dar- Holland; Lt. L. IL. Allen., Sirs; I have your lovely just received boxes and I very much. , Dear one of wish to thank you Those little articles are really the things a person misses most. Our padre on board says we come from a big country of big people but we don’t miss ’big things so much -as we miss going around the corner for a coke or an ice-cream sundae. Up until now we have been doing our work-ups and in doing so we travelled close to 9,000 miles. We left Belfast, Ireland, ahd went to Seapa Flow, At the beginning of the war German submarines camo in there and sank the Ark Royal, But Bcapa Flow was only the start of our Work-ups< We took on a lot of supplies and wo all knew that we were in stote for lots Of dried potatoes and other vegetables. We came into Gibraltar at sun-down so We did not get gttOh a good look at it but it is suro a solid fortress '< ?■ If you are interested in a new Tip Top for this fall we would strongly advise you to order it now. Some new patterns have just arrived and from these you can choose- the cloth * for a smartly tailored, attractively styled suit that will win the friendly glance of approval. Special patterns and service for discharged men. and after seeing it a person can see the advantages of Britain hav­ ing it even though it is only a small place. The next day our captain sailed close enough to shore to see Bizerte where the British were al­ most beaten. The only thing that saved them was 'by -turning salt water Water main and they had to give in due to lack of believe m® down important factor Malta is a fleet here took quite first years of the war. When we first sailed in, everyone was an^ xioUs to get ashore but now every­ one our and I’ve Stu into the German’s fresh fresh water. And here water is an in everyday life, island and people a heating in the is anxious to move to Egypt, next stop, I am going to try see Schroeder in Ceylon. Since been overseas' I’ve only seen Mair and Bob Fields. Bob is on the Ontario now lot of each other, close for new but I you again for the We 'boys certainly boxes froni the Wartime Committee. Sincerely, Eugene Finkbeiner. and we see a Well, i must want to thank lovely parcel, appreciate the TUOKERSMITH MAN HOME Cpl. Pletcher Whitmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Whitmore, of Tuckersmith, returned to his home from overseas. Cpl. Whitmore serv­ ed two and a half years with the R.C.A.F, and was attached to the Lion Squadron. Mother was helping John With his arithmetic, and to impress it On hig mind she said, "Now, John, take the Binkg family next door. There’s Mr, Bink and Mrs. Bink and the baby. How many is that?’’ "Oh, that’s easy, Two and one to carry.” TIME TABLE CHANGES EFFECTIVE Tuesday, Sept. 4, 1945 and other, specific dates Full information from Agents