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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-08-30, Page 5
I f 4 P-' T THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSPAY MORNING, AUGUST 30, 1945 '"Mir?t***H-ffi A < * I A .b DASHWOOD CpL George Scheffbuch left for Vancouver after spending his fur lough here. ; Mr. and Mrs, Neil Ferguson, of Saginaw, spent a few days with f Miss Beatrice Graybiei and Mr. and Mrs, Wesley England. Mr. and Mrs, P. Moffat and Janie, of Seaforth, called on friends here on Monday, Miss Helen Spellman, of Kitchen er, is spending her holidays with Mr. and Mrs, T. H, Hoffman Mrs. E. Kleinstjver and » 1 / * < 1 V Wm. Willert spent the week-end with friends in Windsor and Detroit. Mrs. Bertha Hayter was taken to London Hospital last week where she underwent an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph© Miller left last week to visit friends out West. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Restemeyer and Brenda and Misses Oneida Restemeyer, R.N., and Mary Mc Grath, R.N., all pf London, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer. Mr, and Mrs, Melton Walper and Mr. and Mrs. C, Routledge and family, of Ingersoll, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. Fas- sold, < Mrs. Catt and family are visiting in Ingersoll this week. Rev. J, Burn has returned after spending a. few weeks with his sis* ter in Leader, Sask. Mr. gad Mrs, Herb Keller, of the Haig farm, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Keller and son, of Hxeter, spent- last Sunday with Mr, Charles Kel ler. Stoker First Class Leo. Gibson has retvjrned to Halifax after spending 21 days leave with his wife and baby1. Mi\ and Mrs. Fred Gibson and j Phyllis, of Thedford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, and Wayne, a * 4, * V I ¥ 4. y i ¥ ¥ ■* .4. ¥ *■ Y V Y. 1 y Y i ■ ! K. a 0 Leo, spent with EL1MVILUE Mrs. Wm. Spry, of London, couple of days this week relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ford and sop John, of Flint, Mich., and Mrs. 'Jno. Ford, of Exeter North, were visitors at Monday. Mr. and children, of visitors with relatives here. Master Dalton Skinner spent the week-end at Mr. Arthur Rundle’s. Mr. Harry Ford’s on Mrs. Fred Long and Atwood, were Sunday Tf k. GRAND BEND Dancing to STAN PATTON’S orchestra MIDNITE DANCE Sept 3rd 12:05 a.m Last Big Dance - Labor Day Night Softball Tournament LABOR DAY Brass Band & Street Parade Games start at 2 Finals at 6.30 SUNDAY, SEPT. 2nd FRED FUNK'S VARIETY ENTERTAINERS 14 Artists COME EARLY!A F •« HENSALL Miss Beatrice Grant, pf Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker. Bill Mickle is spending a week at the’ home of BiR Campbell in Guelph, Mrs. Helen Row, of St. Marys, was visiting during the past week with friends,iu the village. Mr, and Mrs. 'Roy MacLaren anu Ronald yisited recently with Mr, and Mrs, Keith MacLaren arty. Miss Joyce Broderick, don, spent the week-end parents, Mr. an<i Mrs. RusseJ Brod erick. Miss Goldie Cross, R.N., of Lon don, visited oyer the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Cross, at Ciw of Loii- with her M Grand Centralia, and Mrs, CREDITON Canvassers will be collecting in aid of the blind on Friday after- noon. Please he generous, Br 1! JWJ lip <. I Page 5 SaWHWWItMliaffO!Lrl'Jilll!8«m»-l!!L‘J|!<.BII*!ia>Wg»4ltll|!'MtW 1Ford Ferguson Tractors and Implements Misses Audrey Bettis and Doreen Triebner visited with-Misses Helen and Bernice Haist over the week end, Mr. and Mrs. Max Bushel and Donald are spending a week in Kin cardine. Mr, and Mrs, Wm, King and son, pf Chicago, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs, A. King and Mr, and Mrs. T. Yeprley, Rev. and Mrs. Reuber and daugh ter Anne returned last week after spending a pleasant vacation with friends in Chicago and Nebraska, on Saturday last Rey’ and Mrs’ A’ E‘ PletcU’ We h0De 7for aiChesley’ vjsited with frien?3 here pp 41 over the wee]t_end. Pletch was j the guest speaker at the church jservic© at Grand Bend on Sunday evening. The male quartette from the Evangelical Church furnished music at the service, Mr. Victor Kestle and Janet, of Exeter, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark, Mr and Mrs. Wesley Krotz and family, of Millbank, and ■ Mr. and Mrs, George Richmond and family, of Norwich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, E, Wenzel. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Domm, of Pigeon, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Deitzel4 of Elk ton, Mich., visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fahrner and other relatives. Miss Mildred Trueblood, nurse in-training of East General Hospit al, Toronto, will return to her du ties this week-end after three weeks vacation at the parental home, Rev. and Mrs. Trueblood. S/Sgt. A. G. Trueblood, of Head Quarters’ staff, North Bay, Ontario, spent several days with his parents, Rev^ and Mrs. Trueblood. Mrs. A. 'G. Trueblood and daugh ter Carolyn, of Toronto, will return to Toronto aftei’ spending three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Trueblood at the manse. The Crediton United Sunday Schoo] will meet at 10,30 next Sun day morning, Sept. 2nd, and the worshin services will be held at 11.30 instead of the evening hour of seven thirty. Please note the change of worship service from eve ning to morning hour, for Septem ber only. The anniversary services of Brinsley will be held on. Sunday. September 9th, with Rev. Duncan McTavish as the guest preacher. Mr. McTavish is the President of the London. Conference •United Church. Misses Delores and Schenk visited for a week ilton with Mrs. Beatrice Tate. .Mr. and MVs. Earl Young, of Montreal, visited last week with the latter’s mother, Mrs. D. Mclaac. Mrs. Mclsaac and Mrs. Young are visiting this week in Detroit, Mr. Young has returned to London. ‘ A/S. Robert Wolfe arrived home on Wednesday last. Bob’s man} friends are glad to see him much improved after being wounded on duty overseas. Pte. Harold Wolfe, of Halifax, is also spending furlough at the home of his ents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark Glen, of Detroit, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark. Glen is remaining for a "week’s vis it with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Berg, of Detroit, are visiting with Mrs. M. Wenzei and Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Fahrner. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Bowman and Miss Nola Faist spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Martin M'oi’lock in Galt Miss Pearl Haist, R.N., of Ann Arbor, and Mrs. Wm. Watson, of Brinsley, called on friends in the village last week. Mrs. Maui’ice Beaver and. Jean ette sepnt -a few days last week Grand Bend with Mrs. S. Taylor, Exeter. Mission Band Meetinc The Mission Band meeting .August 24th, was held at the home of the Mission Band leader, Mrs. Earl Haist. The meeting was open ed by everyone singing, “Work for the Night is Coming,” followed by the scripture, Psalm 121, read by Betty Lou Swartz. Betty Ann Roesz- ler, who was in charge of the meet ing, led in prayer. Another song. "Jesus Loves Me,” was sung fol lowed by a poem, read Ijy Grace Gaise»\ Ronald Wein read a story entitled, "How Joe Helped.” The president conducted the 'business. The Study Book was given by the leader; Mrs Ross Krueger. The next meeting will be held in the form of a summer -Christmas tfOe party. The Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. menv bers are being invited at the home of Mrs. Ross Krueger on Angust 30. A dainty luncVwas served add a hearty vote of thanks was given to the* hostess and her oomlnittee in -charge. WINCHELSEA Miss Wilma. Veal has returned home after holidaying Bend for the past week. Mr, David Clarke, of spent Sunday with Mr. Wm. Walters. Mr, and Mrs. Freeman Horne and family, Miss Joy Whitloch and Master Ronnie Spry visited on Sun day with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Ford, of EJlimville, Master Ross Veal and Miss Non ma Veal are spending this week with Miss Aldeen Pym of Elixnvjlle. Mr, Archie Hocking and Gordon, Mr, and Mrs. -Leslie Miller and Mrs. Miller. Of Munroe, visited on Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. R.E, Pooley? Master Billie Gilfillan had the misfortune to get a couple of fin gers badly ent playing.; whileMiss Norma Cook, of London, j speedy recovery< ent the week-end visitina with' _ Byron, days last week with Mi’, and Mrs, George Davis. Mr. and Mrs, Jno, Prance, of Exeter, and Mrs. Cliff Moore and family, of Stratford, spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Prance. spent the week-end visiting with ( her parents, Mr, and Mrs. N. E.' Cook. Mrs. -Gus Voth and daughter Gwendolyn, of Detroit, are visiting the former’s mother, Mrs. Lou Simpson. Miss Olive Walker R.N., of Al bany Hospital, New York, is visa ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker. Miss Joyce Broderick has taken a position at the Darrough Photo Studio in London as a photo finish er and printer, Miss Helen Passmore, of Thames Road, visited during the past week at the home of her grandfather, Mr. Peter Moir. Billie Fink returned home after •spending several weeks with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Flet cher at Moorfield Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Stewart, of London, called on Miss Elizabeth Slavin on Tuesday. Mrs. Lome Scott is spending several weeks at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold White in Guelph. ■Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McConell, Marion and John, of Toronto, were week-end visitors with Miss Han nah Craig and Mr. John B. Craig. Mrs. Ted Taman and Toni, oi Listowel, are visiting with Mrs. Taman’s mother, Mrs. Chas. M-c- Donell and sister, Miss Dorothy McDonell. Rev. and Mrs. John McCartney, of Sundridge, and Miss Lillian Ful ton, of Toronto, visited: recently with Miss Hannah Craig and Mr. John B. Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Thompson and family returned to their home in Toronto this week after visiting with Mrs. Thompson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher, An induction service will be held in Carmel Presbyterian Church Friday evening, Sept. 7 th, when Rev. Ferguson, of Wiartoa, will be inducted as minister of the con- ■ gregation. Rev. David Wren, B.A., B.D., of Stratford, conducted the services at the. United Church, Hensail, and also in Chiselhurst on. Sunday and preached most inspiring sermons at both services. .Dr, D. G. Steer has disposed of his practice in Hensall to Dr. Sliurk, formerly of Wroxeter and Toronto, the change to take place Sept. 15th. Dr. and Mrs. Steer and Patsy Will take up residence in London. The Hensall Public School will re-open on Tuesday, Sept. 4th, with Mr. Judd, of London, principal, in -charge of grades 6, 7 and 8; Miss Juen Brandon, of Bayfield, teacher of Intermediates and Miss Barbara “ • ofMichie, of Brussels, as teacher Juniors. KIRKTON Miss Doris Boyd, of Mitchell, with Miss Donna Mc- is and Mrs, of Toledo, Luther Pym and Ohio, spent a few underwent returned Mrs. Enos s-pent a. couple of home last KIPPEN Mrs, John Anderson, who several weeks in Clinton Hospital where she operations, week. Mr. and Elimville, and Miss Doreen Morden and brother Glyne, of Toronto, spent an evening last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney. Mr. Elmore Somers, of Seaforth, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Butt. Mir. and Mrs. Lew Mathews and son, of Detroit, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. (Archie Parsons and family. Miss Isabelle Alexander is spend ing a few days with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexander at Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Gackstetter and family and Mr. John Gackstet- ter of Dashwood, and Cfn. Edward Gackstetter, of Vernon, B.C., and Mr, John Schumacher, of Parkhill, visited on Sunday with Pte. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. Miss Ruth Medlock, who has been visiting her friend, Miss Ruth Alexander, returned to her home in Toronto on Mr. and visited on Mrs. Thos. Miss Leila Hall, of Essex, spent •th/e week-end with Miss Isabelle Alexander. The ladies of the congregation of the United Church are busy every night redecorating the manse. Dr. Gilbert Jarrdtt, of Stratford, ‘visited on Friday with his mother, Mrs. I. Jarrot. Tuesday, Mrs. Smith, of Blyth, Sunday with Mr. and Butt. I SHIPKA Sunday dinner guests at home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bassow near Zurich were Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Tetreau and son Emery, Miss Gladys Pratt, of Royal Oaks, Mich., and Mrs. Roy Task, -of Clawson, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mil ler and family, o.f pashwood; Mr. and Mrs. Harry McAdams and son, Wittmei Mrs. Eli Coultis of Exe- guests with their niece, Marshall this week. holidaying Naughton. Mr. and ter, were Mrs. I. N. Misses Jean Humphreys, ’Marian- Copeland and Christine Dobson ac companied by a, number of Wood ham girls are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mjisses Audrey and Jean Arksey spent a few days last week with Lorene and Marian Copeland. Mrs. John Watson, of Toronto, is holidaying with Miss Sadie An derson. Miss Procter, of Sarnia, spent the past week at the home of Dr, C. A. Campbell, Master Jimmie McCurdy spent the past .month with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCurdy. He has returned to his home at Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Switzer, of Ladner, B.C., where Bill has been stationed on service, are holidaying with Mi’ and Mrs. Reuben Switzer. Bill expects his discharge from the ainforce in the near future. Mi’s, Myrtle Brown, of Newmark et, visited her friend, Mrs. Oliver McCurdy this past week. Mr’s,. Violet .Ekker, t of Hxe>tei’, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Lewis Fletcher this week. Mr. and Mrs,,. J. P, O’Callaghan, of Stratford, dtfd Mrs. Margaret Wilson, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. Boris O’Callaghan. Mrs, Wilson remained for a holiday with her niece. ? the and Mrs. Harry McAdams also Mr. and Mrs. Fred and family, of -'-Monkton. Mi*. Jos. Houlaha-n was St. Joseph’s Hospital last where he is very ill. Mrs. John Merriott was taken to a London hospital Monday night. While Mr. Roy Dietrich was un loading wood at his mother’s home in Dashwood, Vera had the misfortune to struck quired wound, ed it. Word has been received from De troit, Mich., of the death of Grover Keyes, He had been in poor health for the past year at the age of 52 years. He leaves a wife, three daughters and one son. Grover was born, and lived the younger part of his life in this community. Mr. L. Schrader returned after a few days holidays with his daugh ter in (London, Mrs. McDougal. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ratz ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Wein, from Exeter, spent the week-end on a trip to North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Roht. Taylor visit ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Latta at Grand Bend. Rev. and Mrs. Pletch were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (Albert Gaiser. Quite a number are confined to their homes with holds. Mr. Karl Guenther spent the week-end in Chatham. Mr. and Mys. Arthur Dinsdale and MisjS Qretrude Di^dale, ol? London, spent Sunday last with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Ratz, Mr. .Harry Lockner, of Windsor,' visited last-week with friends here. .Services oft Bunday next will be as usual: Preaching at 10.30 a.m. and S.S. after, Missionary instruc-, tiops will bo. given, in S.S. Mns, Vanstemkists has been ap pointed caretaker of the Public School and the United Church. taken to week his little daughter be above the eye which re- three stitches to close the Dr. Doyle, of Exeter, dreso- The War is Over—We have just received notification of our 1945 and 1946 allotment of tractors and implements* The allotment is increased about 10Q% over last year. BUT—- They are half sold now and there will not be enough to supply the depraand. We 'will accept orders now for Winter and Spring delivery. Get your order in early. A good number of trucks are coming through now, Come * in and talk over your truck problems. Your Ford Dealer SANDY ELLIOT Exeter District Co-Op Store THE NEW D.D.T. SPRAY KILLS FLIES AND INSECTS and is now available for farmers for wse in barns only. Order early. We are handling Sbur-Gain and Co-op fertilizers again this fall. Orders should be placed early. Wire Insulators and Hot Shot Batteries. SPECIAL PRICES ON ROBIN HOOD FLOUR. I”” -r-.:- . .-—i . -r if - ■■ - - Exeter District Cooperative P. Passmore, Manager i of the Jeanette in Ham- SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONTARIO Enroll for Fall Term Starting Sept. 10th Be ready, in a few months, to do valuable and necessary 5 Office Work. Courses — Clerical, Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, B. F. WARD, B.A., Vice-PriHcipal Principal •- & ^ALANCiD FEED MEANS MOKE EGGS THE SHUR-GAI WAY ■ 1 e 1 ii From eight weeks of age until the time your growing flock " is ready for the laying pens is a critical period in the life of § yotti’ future laying flock. It*s up to you to see that your !“ young birds arc built up into strong, healthy birds—so that i they go into the job of laying next fall as vigorous, well- j developed pullets—Capable of high, steady egg-production, j The results you get next fall and winter depend upon the ! care and the feed your flock gets NOW. Make no mistake. Start now to build’ for the future—build your high produc tion pullets on SHUR-GAIN Growing Mash. SHUR-GAIN Growing Mash is plentifully supplied With all the ingredi ents so necessary for top-flight growth and development- tasty animal proteins, body-building minerals, and health promoting vitamins. !| B g i■=3 a i i There Was a timid knock at the 1 door. VIf you please, kind lady?* said the beggar, ’I’ve lost my right leg.” "Well, it ain’t here,” exclaimed 'the woman. Exeter Farquhar