HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-08-16, Page 5THE TIMES-AOVOCATB, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 16, MM5 0 Fage $
r Poultry Profits qo up on
Bven one extra egg per hen per week cuts your production
costs and lifts your profits! You can go after that extra egg
per hen per week and you should, if you are to make the
most of your poultry flock. By feeding your laying flock
grains, balanced with SHUR-GAIN Big 50 Laying Concen
trate, you’ll get those extra eggs—and what’s more, you’ll
get them at less feeding cost per egg than ever before-—be
cause with SHUR-GAIN Big 50 Laying Concentrate you
need only 100 lbs. with every 700 lbs, of grain, to make a
16% Laying Mash,
You get results you can count! For each and_every egg is
produced at a lower feeding cost, and you have more eggs
to sell. Because it makes a balanced ration, for your flock,
SHUR-GAIN Big SO Laying Concentrate helps keep your
hens healthy and rugged right through the year. And healthy
birds mean fewer losses and bigger profits!
Shur-Gain Big 50 laying Concentrate
Made and Sold by
Cann & Sons T. B. Allen
Exeter F arquhar
Rev. R. A. Brook is enjoying a
month’s vacation.
Miss Margaret MacGregor return
ed home following a pleasant visit
in Hamilton.
Mrs. Melvin Moir was the guest
of Mrs. Don Bigby at the Beach O’,
Pines last week.Mr. Bay Patterson, of Toronto,
is holidaying with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. B. J, Paterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beid returned
home from a. pleasant holiday at
Niagara 'F'alls and Toronto.
Mr. Thos. Welsh and Miss Flor
ence Welsh left on Saturday fol’ an
extended trip to Western Canada.
Mrs. Mac Bosser and children, of
St. Thomas, are holidaying with the
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mil
ton Russell,
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blowes and
family, of Exeter, visited recently
with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle
and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Ferris Cantelon
and children, of Schomberg, are
visiting with the former’s mother,
Mrs. Kate Cantelon.
Rev. C. W. Down will preach in
Hillsgreen and . Kippen United
Churches on Sunday, August 19th
at 9.45 and 11 a.m.
Mrs. W. Weber and Miss Mary
Weber, of Auburn, also Messrs. J.
and T. Hamilton, of Goderich, were
■Sunday visitors with Mrs. Luker.
Mrs. (Dr.) Ivan Smillie and
little daughter, of Kamloops, B.C.,
visited during the past week with
Mr. and Mrs. A.lexandei’ Smillie and
Miss Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. J, Dale, Mr. and
Mrs. M. Dale, of London, accom-
panied by tw« young nephews, of
Windsor, visited on Sunday with
Mrs. Meidinger.
Mr. Dan Kinsman, of Macrorie,
Sask., arrived in Hensall last week
with a carload of cattle and horses
for sale.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Paterson re
turned home aftei* visiting with
relatives and friends in Toronto.
While there Mrs. Paterson had the
misfortune to fracture her arm.
Paratrooper Wm. MacLean Honored
A large crowd of neighbors and
friends gathered at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. MacLean Mon
day evening in honor of their eldest
son, Paratrooper William MacLean,
who is home on furlough, suffering
a fractured hand, following service
in Africa, Italy and matty other
places. Mrs. Jack Sinclair presided
at the piano or community singing
which opened the program. Mrs.
Andrew Dougall, Miss Margaret
Dongall and Mr. Harry Dougall
contributed fine selections to the
program in vocal solos, coronet
solos, piano, coronet and bass violin
trios and piano instrumentals. Little
Audrey Walsh sang solos and Mr.
Benson Stoneman favored with
piano and vocal selections after
which “Bill*’ was called upon and
presented with a purse of money.
The presentation was made by, Mr.
■Campbell Eyre and Rev. R. A.
Brook read the address. A very
fitting reply was made by Bill,
thanking all tor their gifts. Lunch
was served.
Sailor is Honored
A very enjoyable evening was
spent on Tuesday, August 7th, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Kinsmen when about fifty neigh-
6 p.m.—Soft Bali Game
London1. Shamrocks vs; Stratford Kroehlers.
7.30 p.m.—-Special Juvenile Concert Contest
The best juvenile entertainers from eleven school
sections will compete for valuable prizes.
9 p.rrt**-—Adult Program
All. Tibbs Orchestra—the original dancing artists;
Gayle Gordon and his violin; Bill Young, accordionist;
The Johnson Sisters with songs of the West; The
' Halloway Sisters, Scotch Pipers and Dancers; Willie
Bell, Scotch comcdieii; William Meyers and Company,
Magician; Hazel Solomon, Dramatic Soprano; AL
Harvey*) Master of Ceremonies and Comedion.
Special Lighting and Sound Amplification
Admission SOc, Children 25c Free Parking
bars and friends gathered in honor
of Norman Jolly, of the RCNVR,
who is cm furlough prior to leaving
for duty in the Pacific, The eve
ning was spent in singing led by
the young people; readings by Mr-
Martin MacTaggart, and contests,
after which. Norman was. presented
with a leather case and pen and
pencil set >by Donald McKay and
Ross Sarirus while Percy Wright
read an address, Norman replied
expressing sincere thanks. All join
ed in singing’, “For He's a Jolly
Good Fellow.” Refreshments were
Bride and Groom Honored
A large crowd of relatives and
friends gathered in the town hall
at Hensall in honor of Mr, and
Mrs. Edioon Forrest, who were re
cently married. Dancing was enjoy
ed to music by Murdoch's orches
tra, During the evening the bride
and groom were presented with a
studio couch. An address was read
by James McEwen,
A very enjoyable evening was
spent in the classroom of the Unit
ed Church on Thursday evening
when the Sunday School executive
and management of the church,
also the Wohelo class, met in hon
or of Mr. and Mrs. Edison Forrest.
Games were played and a social
horn’ enjoyed in which the bride
and groom were presented with an
occasional chair by Messrs. Geo.
Hess and Laird Mickles Rev. Brook
read an address. Mrs. Jack Corbett
made the presentation of a clothes
hamper and wall plaque on behalf
of the Wohelo class and Miss
Gladys Luker read the address.
The groom made a fitting reply
expressing theii' appreciation of the
gifts. Refreshments were served.
NOTICE — Posters have
(placed, in
li all business places in
Crediton asking for donations to
buy gifts for our boys returning
home from the armed services. All
citizens of Crediton and community
are asked to contribute. Watch for
the date of the big community ban
quet to be held when the hoys are
Police Village Trustees
Thanksgiving Services
Thames Road at 1145 a.m
Elimville at 1045 a.nh
Bev. Win, Mair, Minister
at 7 o’clock
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding and
Marilyn, of London, visited a few
days last week with Mr. and Mrs.
G. Wein.
Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley Atkinson
and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cole and
Gibson, of London, visited over
Civic Holiday week-end with
and Mrs. Wm. Oestreicher.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hirtzel
daughter, Helen, of Detroit, spent
the week-end with Mr. and
Jno. Hirtzel.
We are sorry to report
Harry Hirtzel, while playing ball
at Grand Bend last week, suffered
severe injury to his knee which will
lay him up for several weeks. ,,
Mrs. Jno. Wade and baby spent
a few days in London last week.
Mr, and Mrs. H. M. Faist spent
■Civic Holiday with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Down, at Port Dover.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Brown, of
Kitchener, visited over the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Frazer
Brown and Mrs. F, Brown
Recent visitors with Mr.
angeville, and Mrs. M. Finkbeiner,
of Exeter; M'r. and Mrs. H, Jones,
of Kippen; and Mr. and Mrs. B.
(Keys and daughter, Marlene, of
Bayfield. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Parsons and son Bobby, of
'Cromarty, visited with
Finkbeiner,Mrs. Lloyd England h’as
after visiting relatives in
and Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown and
with Mr.
few days.Mr. and
and Mrs. Winnie Krueger and son
Larry, of Tavistock spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Krue
ger and Mr. Harry Fahrner.
Mr. and- Mrs. E. B. Schroeder
and daughters, Jacquelyn and Vir
ginia, of Detroit, are visiting this
week with Mr. and Mrs. Welling
ton Haist ■ and also with Mr. and
Mrs. John Wein, of Crediton.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Willert and
family visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Wellington Haist on Civic Holiday.
of Toronto, are visiting
Henry M. Brown for a
Mrs. Henry Krueger and
Dorothy, of Waterloo,
Mr. and Mrs, E. Marlitt, of Tor
onto, are holidaying with Mr, and
Mrs. John OJufL
Mr. and Mrs. Bussell Morrison
are holidaying at Mt. Elgin, with
Mr, and Mrs, Lome Jolliffe,
Mr. and Mrs, Russell Harries
and son Donald, of Royal Oak,
Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs.
A. Robinson this week.
Mr, and Mrs. Floyd. Pridham and
family are holidaying at Grand
Bend for the week.
Mrs, Maitland Hammond and
•daughters, Joyce and Shirley left
Saturday for Port Elgin, where
they will join Mr, and Mrs. W, <S«
Cluff and hoys to spend some holi
days there.
The most of the cutting of the
grain is completed in this district
and the binder put
other, year,
with her
at Staffa,
holidaying with her cousin. Verna
A family gathering
the home of Mr. and
Robinson’s on Sunday,
Mr. Archie Robinson’s
Mr. I
and Mrs. Harry White.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Barr, of iLon-
don, spent the week-end with Mr,
and Mrs. A. Robinson.
Mirs, H. S. Pettibone (nee Ester
Hanna) and little daughter, Mary
Gay, of Capreol, are holidaying
with the former’s sisters, Mrs. S,
Shier and Mrs. R. Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferguson
and daughter Gladys, of Thames-
ford, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Lome Marshall.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Francis and
family, of London, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fran
Miss Alice Volk, of Toronto,
holidaying with her parents,
and Mrs. Wm. Volk.
Miss Jennette Moffat, of
mosa, is holidaying with Miss
Mrs. L. Funnel] and son Dannie
of Woodstock, are holidaying with
the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Truman Tufts.
Mrs. Jas. Kemp and Mrs. Mabel
Sherman., of London, spent
holiday week-end with Mr.
Mrs. Roy Switzer.
Miss Margaret Holmes, of
ch ell, is holidaying with Miss
rey Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Doupe and
Miss Elizabeth Shier attended the
Kinkade —• Hazelwood wedding at
Stratford on Saturday. Miss Shier
remained for a few holidays.
away for an-
aunt, Mrs.
is holidaying
Lome Hodge
Greason, of London, is
was held at
Mrs, Eldon
in honor of
and Mrs. Wm, Kelk, of
are holidaying with Mr.
J, is
It’s Here!
IzJLz 1 the Miracle
Wartime insecticide
You’ve heard about it , * . read about it ♦ . , now it’s
here, DDT, the miraculous wartime insecticide—-now availr
able to rid Barns, Dairies and Stables of Flies, Mosquitoes
and other pests.
Because of the urgency to increase Canadian supplies
of meat, milk and other food products, a limited supply of
this precious IJDT has been specially released for the manu*
facture of Barn Spray. Thus Canadian farmers will be the
first to reap the benefits of this war-proven insecticide,
DDT does not simply stun flies and mosquitoes . . . it
KILLS them. While its action may be slower it is unfailing,
Any fly or insect which so much as lights on a surface spray
ed with DDT meets certain
deadly effectiveness remains
aftei* application.
Per gallon
death. Tests show that this
for weeks and often months
, $3.50 Per quart $1.00
Just Arrived — Steel Posts, Barbed Wire and Iron Gates
Grow Your Turkeys
Don't neglect your turkeys during the growing
season. They may apear to be doing fine on almost any
kind of feed. The damage doesn’t show up until fall
when they may be underweight. Purina Turkey Grow-
ena is noted for its uniform even development as well
as its fast growing quality.
During our celebrations of this momentous occasion let us
pause and thank God for guiding us to victory.
Mrs. H. Young were Mr. and Mid.
Martin Morlock, of Kitchener; Mr.
and Mrs. L. H. Heidman, of Toron
to; Miss Fred Stock and friend, of
Kitchener. .
Miss Tillie and Madeline Bert
rand, of Detroit, and Ella Link, of
Wyoming, who are holidaying • at
Grand Bend, called on friends and
relatives in town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. -S. Steiran,
Elaine and Ronald, of London, vis
ited recently with Mr. and Mrs.
Jno. Wade.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Krotz, of Kit
chener, and Rev. Walter Krotz, of
Tavistock, visited last Wednesday
with Mr. and Mrs. E. Wenzel.
Miss Melita Wein spent a few
days this week in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Faist, Elaine,
Dale and Glen, of Elkton, Mich.,
spent Tuesday of last week with
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Faist,
Misses Dorothy and Grace Roth-
fuss, of - Pigeon, Mich., spent the
week-end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Smith.
■Mrs. R. Bennett, of Buffalo, is
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Eilber a-nd With her sis
ter, Mrs. Mary Wenzel.
Miss Mabie Bushel and Donald
Bushel and Miss Lenoys Fair, of
Kincardine, spent a few days
Mr. and Mrs. Max Bushel.,
Mrs. Ada Kuhn spent a few
serving overseas,
cuts here upon
Mr. John Roeszler who next Sun
day will celebrate his 90 th birthday,
Mr. Roeszler is remarkably active
for a man of his years and his many
friends extend wishes for
more birthdays.
Miss Mildred Trueblood,
in-training at Toronto East
al Hospital, Mrs. Gerald Trueblood
and daughter, Carolyn, of Toronto,
■are visiting with Rev, and Mrs,
Trueblood and Irene at the United
Church parsonage,
■Mr. Wesley Wein has disposed
of his milk route to Mr, ’Murray,
of Exeter, Mr, Wein served the
people of Crediton and Dashwood
for over 20 years and during that
period of time he very rarely miss
ed a trip during the severe Winter
Pte, Lloyd England, of Can. Post
al Corps, of Toronto, is spending
his furlough at his home.
Recent visitors with. Misses Fink
beiner were Mr, and Mrs. A. Faw
cett and daughter, Diane, of Or*
her father and brother
Kienzle and Bruce.
and .Mrs. (
and Ross,
are visiting
father, Mr.
son Ronald
C. Taylor, Rose-
of .Lloydminster
; with Mrs. Tay-
l, who has
jeined his
his return
ere extended to
Gen er-
and Mrs. Milton Goetz, of
Erie, Pennsylvania are visiting with
his brother Mr. and Mrs. B. 'Goetz.
Miss Ella Martinson, of Toronto.
Spent a few days with friends here
Miss Zeta Nadiger R.N., of How
ell, Mich,, Miss Martha Graupner,
of Detroit, .and Miss Helen Meyer,
of Farmington, Mich., spent a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nad
Mr. and Mrs. F. McLean and
Mary Ellen, Mrs. Mark Miller, of
Detroit and Mrs. Maria Hayter, of
Greenway, were
with Mrs. Bertha
Dr. Taylor and
Anne Spent a few days in London
last week.
Mr. and* Mrs. Harry Cook and
daughter Suzanne, Mrs. McCallum
Cal., were voxuuro wrvrx . m— —
Mrs. D. Tieman on Sunday evening
Rev. J. Burn is spending his
vacation ®ut West.
Mrs. Joe Bruce, of Windsor, is
spending a few weeks with her
mother, Mrs. B. Hayter.
Pte. George Scheffbuch, of Van
couver. is spending his furlough
Chief P.O. Robert Hopcroft, who
has been with the navy for over
three years returned and spent a
few days with his parents, before
leaving for his home in Port. Col-
Son-in-law of Mrs. Chas.
Awarded D.F.M.
Warrant Officer John
man, of Port Colborne,
discharged from the R.C.A.F,
ter five years of service, has been
awarded the Distinguished Flying
Medal by His Majesty, King George
VI. Word of the award, to be pre
sented at a later date was received
by WO. Huffman, now employed at
International Nickel Co
few days ago. Mr
Sunday visitors
Hay ter and.fani-
Mrs. Taylor and
daughter Anne, of Windsor,
Kelso Streets, of London and
Carolyn Chlew, of .Los Angles
were vsitors with Mr. and
T. Huff-
__________ Ltd., a
few days ago. Mr. Huffman is a
son-in-law of Mrs. Chas. Guenther.
The message received by WO. Huff
man was, “The minister for air
personally and the .chief of the air
staff on behalf of hiniself and all
ranks of the B.C.A.F. congratulate
you most heartily 'On the award of
the Distinguished. Flying Medal
made to you this day by His Maj
esty the King. Arrangements will
be made to have this medal present
ed to you at a later dated*
'award was dated July 5, 1945.
Huffman enlisted in April
and after service in ground
graduated as a WAG at Mont
Que., in January of 1944, »_
overseas immediately following his
graduation and serving overseas
until his return to Canada in M
mary last; He was discharged re
' Tile.
. WO.
; Joli,
There will be service in the
church on Sunday morning at 10,80
Miss Mary Glavin attended the
London Normal School daace and i
reports a pleasant evening, ;
wucu 9if SlEllw K
TO lhe writer of this letter and several thousand others who are in the same position,
your Hydro can definitely say that your application for service certainly has not
' ’’slipped our mind.’” Everything that can be done is hieing done to serve as many new
customers as soon as possible.
Even though many regulations have been relaxed, and the War in Europe is; over,
there is little, if any, sign of improvement in the shortage of labour’and materials. The
shortage of only one of the many parts needed to complete a service results in a delay.
The labour and materials available are being, used with extreme Care and planning to
serve as many new rural customers as quickly aS possible.
To those applicants in areas where Hydro lines dre still to be constructed, Hydro
service will be made available ds the supply of labour and materials improves. Already
sufficient applications have been received which will require the Construction of over
2,000 miles of line that cannot be undertaken in 1945. However, your Hydro is making
every effort to complete by the end of 1945 all applications made in 1944 that have
been officially approved by letter.
Youf Hydro has done and is doing everything passible Io extend electricity io
essential rural services* The Hydro rural service that you are Waiting for Will be
completed just as soon as the labour and material Situation permits.
i*w<wwm idet