HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-08-16, Page 3THE TWES-APVPCATE, EWER, ONTARIO, TOURSPAY mORNIMO, AUSUST 1& IMS i Iff flW SALADA’ was kirkton "Women’s Institute A very enjoyabla afternoon spent on Thursday July 26th when 14 members 5 visiters and 6 cjiild- i'en were in attendance for the an­ nual Institute picnic at the home of Mrs> Nelson Watson, and Mrs, Earl Watson. The sports under the leadership of Mrs, Emerson Paton, Mrs, Bari Watson, Mrs. Clarence Switzer began with the bean bag throwing contest. Mrs. Albert. Bick- eli and Mrs. Harold Tufts received highest scores. Macaroni race, Mrs. Robt. Ratcliffe; cow ripping in paper, Mrs, M, Dobson, Mrs. Wm. Harding; throwing rolling pin, Pauline Paton; art gallery, Mrs. Robt. Ratcliffe. Mrs. W. Harding. Mrs, Paton then took charge of a short program. Mrs. R. Ratcliffe gave a reading Mrs. H. Tufts sang a solo, Pauline Paton gave a dem­ onstration on a novelty bed acces­ sories, Blanche and Muriel Switzer sang a duet, Mrs. T. Near gave a reading, Mrs. N. Watson gave a demonstration on crocheting a neck lace. A pot luck supper was served after which votes of thanks were tendered the hostesses and all those taking part. i all iiimiimiiniiniMiiiitmiiiinBrtiMBTnnMTMTiiriiiiii n ii,^‘iii—rnrp~i~ •'illijtKNrFCTMW'.' 1“ ,--r J..rrr-|.. BODY 014 ALLAN MacDOUGALD, HIBBERT, PIPED TO GRAVE A- * funeral service for Allan MacDougald, sr,, wag held at his hoine, lot 6, con. 13, Hibbert town­ ship, on Thursday afternoon, Aug. 10, with ,Rev, F. G. Risdon, Staffa, officiating, assisted by Rev. Wil­ liam Mair of Thames Road Church, It was one of the largest funerals seen in the neighborhood' for a long time, with friends ;and relatives present from London, Goderich, Stratford, 'Seaforth, Mitchell, Dub­ lin, Kirk,ton, and the surrounding community, and a profusion of Jovely ’floral tributes voicing the esteem in which he had been held, In his earlier years, Mr. MacDoug­ ald wag a gifted player on the Scotch bagpipes, and as the casket was being removed from the home, two pipers and a drummer played the music lie so much loved. On the arrival of the cortege at Roy’s cemetery, they played a second se­ lection, as the body was being •borne to the grave by three sons, JA'llan, Colin and John, and three sons-in-law, Cameron McLean, Hugh Norris, and Horace Salt. The flower-bearers were Mack Lamond, Neil Lamond, John Lamond, Donald Egner, Fred Egner, Howard Mc­ Curdy, Hector McPhail, and Dalrymple. Hugh CENTRALIA Mrs, Ed- Willard and family, of Mount Hope, and Mrs. Joe Burges, of Windsor, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lewis. Mrs. Wm. Skelton and Donnie, of Lucan, and Mra* Ewart Powe, of London, visited a few days with Mrs. A, Procter last week. Mr, and Mrs. Andrews, Saskatchewan visited a few with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson, Miss Shirley James, of London, spent the past week with Mr, and Mrs. e. Lamport- Visitors during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard were Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Brooks, Harold and Tommie, of Lucan; Mr, and Mrs. A. Tapp and Allan, of Re­ gina, Sask.; and Mr. Verne Tapp, of Edmonton, Alta. Mi$s Evelyn Wright visited last week with her cousins at the home of Mr« and Mrs. Ed* Faulder, Mr. Pat Hanlon, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs, D- L. O’Brien their daughter, Francis, cof Marys, called on Mr. and Mrs. drew Hicks last week. Mrs. George Hay, of Exeter, a vjpitpr of Mrs, H. Mills on Thurs­ day evening of last week. Miss Am.y Lammie, of London, visited a few days last week with her brother, Mr. “ mie, Miss Evelyn this week with in London, Mrs. Jack Mugan, of Chatham, called on friends in the village on Saturday. • Mrs. Brock, of Zion, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pen­ warden. Mr, and Mrs., Garfield Neil and family, of Bad Axe, ■ Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Cooper McCurdy over the week-end. Mrs. John Essery spent a couple of days last week‘with her sister, Mrs, Heigh way, in_ London. Mr. Truman visited with his Mills on Friday Mrs. R. Smith from days and and St* An- was and Mrs. Ray Lam- Wright is visiting Miss Edith Bowey Memorial Service at Brinsley United Church BRINSLEY in A memorial service was held at Brinsley United Church Sunday, August 5th, for PO. Harvey Daniel Lewis, age 26, son of Mrs. Lewis and the late Daniel Lewis, of Ailsa Craig, Ontario, who as a wireless Halifax bombtn failed air-gunner on a with the 43 2nd Squadron to return after a raid over Ham­ burg, Germany, on July 29th, 1944, and who, along with the entire crew, has only recently been, pre­ sumed to have died on that mission. The many friends and relatives paid tribute to his memory in a beautiful setting of flags and flow­ ers. Special music was provided by the choir, the solo selections being sung by Mr, Erank Taylor, Exeter. Rev. A. Trueblood, of Crediton, conducted the service, accompanied by Padre F/.L Cowper-Smith, of Centralia Airport, who gave a thoughtful message on the great sacrifice made by our men in uni­ form. A guard of honor was form­ ed by the following life-long frie'nds of PO. Harvey D. Lewis: Murray Hamilton, Merton Neil, Jack Boland, Stanley Scott, Donald Watson, Thomas Fleming, Earl Neil and Jack Hodgson. Education for Reconstruction More trained leaders, scien­ tists and men and women of high academic and professional training are needed in all parts of Canada. The University of Western Ontario is training men and leadership and for and responsibilities ship, Special Courses: Administration for t who plan a business career; Journalism, a new course for Writers who desire to enter this fascinating profession; Profes­ sional and General Courses in Arts, Sciences, Medicine, Nurs­ ing, etc., leading to the degrees of B.A., B.Sc., B.D., LL.B., M,A. M.Sc., M.D., D.D. FALL TERM REGISTRATION 1945-46 September 10th—-Public Health arid Nursing Students; Medical students of the sec­ ond, third* and fourth years, September 22nd, 24th, 25th—— Students in Arts, Science, Business Administration, Sec­ retarial Science, Journalism and Pre-Medical students of the first4 year, For further Information re­ garding scholarships, matricu­ lation requirements, loan funds, courses of study, etc., write the registrar The UNIVERSITY of WESTERN QNTARIO LONDON ~ CANADA Telephb'ri&I Metcalf 8080 ........... ...,,44’S, devoted to women for the duties of citizen- Business young men * A social evening was spent West McGillivray Hall on Friday evening, August 10tli, in honor of a number of boys from the com­ munity who arrived. from overseas, who were as follows: Nursing Sister Lieut. Marion McCarthy, of Mount Cannel, Pte. Merton Morgan, Pte. Jack Bradley, Pte. Garnet Pierce, Pte. Sid. Bentley. Miss McCarthy was presented With a large mirror and ,Sid Bently with a card table and book-ends, and the other three boys with a Den and pencil set each. Addresses were given by Rev. Wells of Aailsa Craig, and Rev. A. S. Trueblood of Crediton. A duet, was given by Ruby Thompson and Mar­ garet Boland. Capt Cameron, of. Parkhill spoke on behalf of the Canadian Legion and Mrs. Hatter, of Ailsa Craig, representing the Red Gross after- which Mrs. Lin Graven rendered a solo entitled “Pali of My Dreams.” Lunch was served by the ladies W.I. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Beatrice Dixon were Cpl. Cook, Cpl. Goldstone. and Cpl. Sry, of Tren­ ton. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chambers, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whiting, of Exeter, Mrs. Murray Thompson and Mrs. Geo. Lackie spent Monday With Mrs. Beatrice Dixdn. Miss Leraine Dixon visited with her sister, Mrs. J. Ironsides, of London. Mrs. Wes. Dixon is spending some time at p resen f'^wi th her daughter, Mrs. George, of Sarnia. Mr. Jack Hotsou had the misfor­ tune to break a bone in his foot while working in his shop. The neighborhood is sorry to know that Mr. John. R. Corbett who has been confined to Hospital, Lon-" don, is not doing as well as might be expected. His sister, Mrs. Flet­ cher Gower, visited with him on Friday last. Mr. Howard Mead, Helen and Bobbie, of Cornwall, called on his sister, Mrs. Geo, Lee. of Brinsley, on Saturday last. Mrs. Turner, who has been spend­ ing some time with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Hodgson, has returned to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Prouty, of Exeter. Rev. .and Mrs. Lawrence Turner, of Goderich, spent Friday evening with Miss Mlary B. Amos, while on their way to Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Eastman, Viola. Turner) and Mr. and John Turner, of Arkona, spent day last with. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson. ■Miss Jean Webb, of London, spent the week-end at the home of Miss Vera Wasnidge. Mrs. Geo, Hodgson spent a few days with her brother. Mr. Ralph Turner, of Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Graven, of Dearborn, Mich., * called on friends in the neighborhood over the week­ end. (nee Mrs. Sun- Geo. CROMARTY (Intended for last week) Rev. Mr, Risdon of the Staffa coagregatlpn took charge of the Service on Bunday last and Will cwatinue while Mr. MaCWilliam is on holidays. Mr*, and Mrs. Robt, McCaughney, of Mitchell, were visitors in the v-Hlage on Sunday last. Miss Margaret Parker is at pres­ ent enjoying a few holidays. Mr. Alex Ramsay is at present enjoying a few holidays under the parental roof, Alex hag been em­ ployed at Jfornimyne for some time The farmers in tills commitnlty are very well on the way, with the harvest. 'Neatly all have their bay gathered in which is an excellent crop this year. Mr, Albert Oamm, of Fort Brie> was a visitor for a, few days with Mrs. Miller this last week. Mills, of Sarnia, mother, Mrs. H. of last week. and Marlene have returned home after spending the past few weeks in Toronto. FO. Cameron Procter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Procter, returned home from overseas last week. His parents and sister met him in Lon­ don. '■ Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks were Miss Wilda Pallock, R.N. of Kit­ chener; WO1 Charlie Dauphin, of Ridgetown, Ont., back -.from over­ seas. WO1 Dauphin has 12 opera­ tional trips over Germany and 16 over North Africa to his credit. His plane was forced down and he was taken prisoner over three years ago. He was a prisoner across North Africa, Sicily, Italy, Austria, Ger­ many, Poland and Lithuania. Mr. Thus. Pollock, Miss Iris Pollock and Mr. Geo. “ ited also Hicks. Maxine returned Mr. and' Mrs. F. J. McCann in Strat­ ford, ' '' ■ ’■ "' Exeter Council Meets The regular meeting of the Municipal Council of the Village of Exeter was held, in the Town Hall, Tuesday, August 7th, with Reeva Tuckey and Councillors Bierling, Diguan, Hern and Sweitzer present. The minutes of the last regular meeting of July 16 were read and adopted on the motion of Council­ lors Hern and Sweitzer, Communications were read and dealt with as follows: Bell Telephone re erection of pole. Permission granted. Department of Defense, re Town Hall rental contract, It was moved and seconded by Councillors Sweit­ zer and Dignan that Clerk be in­ structed to Sign and forward it to t. w. Hand re works. Filed* Dominion Road re equipment. Filed. Ontario Mayor’s Association. Filed, County Engineer Patterson, re school drainage. To be passed on to Board of Education, A deputation consisting of M'r, James Taylor asking that sidewalk ■be laid in North side of Gidley St. from William St. to Carling St, Jt wag moved and seconded by Coun­ cillors Bierling and Hern that this Sidewalk be laid and that property holders be charged 25% of cost according to frontage, Roadg and Bridges Commitee re­ ported that sidewalks throughout the Village were being repaired. Mr. Fred May asked permission, through the Clerk to place a curb at edge of boulevard north of his residence. It was moved and sec­ onded by Councillors Sweitzer and Dignan that permission be granted. Mr. Sylvester Taylor waited on Council asking ‘permission to hold Tag Day in September for National Institute for the Blind, Permission was granted on the motion of Coun­ cillors Dignan and Hern. The following accounts and ordered paid on the Councillors Dignan and Exeter P.U.C., St. lighting $233.21; Cole’s Jewellery, 1 signet ring 8.65; Bell Telephone, rental J. Norry, phone, May to October 12.30; E. Lindenfield, road paint and brooms 27.50; Russell ’Balkwill, rep. Fire Hall doors 6.25; Cudmore’s Gravel, gravel 56.75; Grigg Stationery, pen and pencil sets ?57.T2; engrav­ ing 5.77, G2.89; R. G. -Seldon and Son, cement 122.85; Relief: South- eott Bros., groceries 12.0 0; Wm. Alilson, fuel oil 1.85; Wm. Hatter, milk 2.50; Hunter’s Meat Market, required release department, display of fire- Machinery Co,,I were read motion of Bierling: Wtf Summers, of Ripley, vis- with Mr. and Mrs. Lome and Marina Bowden have home after' visiting with SHIPKA Mr. and. Mirs. O. Gale, Miss Lil­ lian Gale, Mrs. Blake an daughter, Margaret, of London, were holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Gale. Mr. and Mrs. - M. Ratz have re­ turned home after a week’s holi­ day at Grand Bend. Mi*, and Mrs. Milford baby, of Oakville. Mrs. F. Bridge, of Palmerston, visited with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Detrich and family and Mr. T. Detrich, of Windsor, visited with theii* brother Mr. and Mrs. Roy Detrich. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Keyes, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Renshaw, of Detroit were week-end guests with Mr and Mrs. E. Keyes, and Miss Pearl Keyes. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr Nancy, Miss Phyllis LaFond, Sarnia, and Pte. Sherwood LaFond, who recently returned from over­ seas, visited Sunday with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. > Love were Sunday visitors with relatives in Seaforth. A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Orvil Mellon last week. Congratulations. ■Services on Sunday next will be preaching, TOi.45, .Sunday School following. Rev. A. S. Trueblood in charge. Miss Shirley Mason, of Dashwood, spent last week with Miss Dorothy Desjardine The Misses Stewart, of London, spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Gale. Miss Dorothy Merrlott has re­ turned home after visiting for a few days with relatives in Clinton. Miss Webster, of Toronto, and Mrs, Ingles, of Dundas, were visi­ tors last week at the home of Mr and Mrs. Geo, Love. Mrs. Nellie Collins, of Toronto, spent last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Ratz. Messrs. Milton and Stuart Sweit­ zer and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff RuSsell spent last week-end in St, Cather­ ines. Mason and last week HARPLEY Master Alex Love visited for a few days with his cousin, Ivan Hodgins, oh the Mollai’d, lifts. Mr. and Mrs. T. H, McLean and Mr. and Mrs. Martin, of Detroit,, Who are holidaying at Grand Bend visited on Friday evening with Mrs. Maria Hayter. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hodgins. of Petrolia, visited on Thursday at the home of Mr. Mansell Hodgins, Mrs. Fred McLinchey spent FrL day evening at Mrs, Maris, Havtor’s. Mrs. Mark Miller, of Detroit, spent the week-end at Mr. Xbwton Hayter’s WQODHAM Concert A very splendid Racred Concert was held here last Sunday evening in the church auditorium under the auspices of the Red hCross with Mr. ML Hooper, president, conducting it. Those who took part were as follows: a musical number’ by the Johnson family, of Whalen, a duet by Mrs. Louis Mitchell and Mr. Mac Gregor; a reading by Anna Brock, pf Zioji; two violin selections by Miss V. Herd, of Anderson, accom­ panied on the piano by Kenneth Mills; a piano sole py Grant Mills; a violin selection by Russel Mills, accompanied on the piano by Ken­ neth Mills; a solo by Mrs, L, Mit­ chell; an accordian selection by M, Kirkby, of Kfrkton; a solo by Mr, Kenneth Johns, of Elimvijle; „a solo by Mr. Hector MacGregor, of St. Marys. The Mission Circle met Tuesday evening of this week at the home of Miss Rhoda Thomson. The Young People wiJJ Service here next Sunday Mr. Wendell Carnm, of was a week-end visitor with his father, Mr. John Camm. Mrs. Harry Pettibone and Mary Gay, of Capreol. the home of Thomson, Mr, and Mrs, Mrs, Laverne Marlene, of Kirkton Mrs. Howard Anderson apd Shirley. Of Washington, spent last Sunday with friends at Port Stanley. Our deepest symparthy goes out to friends of Mrs. Arnold Birtch, of St, Mjarys, in her sudden passing on Saturday morning last. The funeral was from the Marriott Funeral Home, Monday, August 13th. hold thp morning. Toronto, are holidaying at Mr, and Mrs. Wm Jas. Squire, Mr. and Stone, Donna and and Mr. and ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William Workman, Kippen, announce the engagement of their daughter, Erma Mary, to Lloyd Blake Bowerman, R.C.A., son of Mrs. H. C. Bowerman ana the late Mr. Harry Bowerman, of Toronto, the marriage to take place the middle of August. meat 3.00; Time Sheet: John Stire, labor 64.30; Wm. Laverty, labor 64.30; John Heywood, labor 5.20; Richard Davis, road cleaning 36.05; Reuben Mclnnes, with team and mower 11.00; John Hunkin. side­ walks 79.25. C. V. Pickard. Clerk. w Seasonal Workers during the Tomato Season beginning about September 1st MAKE APPLICATION TO CHATHAM, ONTARIO $ No Happiness in the Home When Mother Is Sick The tired, worn out mother cannot make a happy home if she is sick and worried by the never ending household duties. She gets run down and becomes nervous and irritable, downhearted and discouraged, can’t rest at night, and gets up in the morning feeling as tired as when she went to bed. Women sufiering in this way may find in Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills a remedy with which to help recuperate their health, build up the run down system, and assist them back to health—happiness again.U BJ'BVtlll, UUU. LUC1U MttUXK MJ XltJO-lUU------XUiJ _ Price 50c a box, 65 pills, at all drug counters. Look for our trade mark a “Red Heart” on the package. • The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. THE GREATEST HAME IH RUBBER s% • <6% 11$ z- 1 ....... J Not Experiment see your Goodyear Dealer We ate getting closer to the day when new tires will be available for all. But . . * unless you are rated as an essential driver, you are still dependent on conservation of present rubber to keep your car in service* Most premature tire failure is the result of neglect * ♦ . air pressures are not checked weekly; cuts, bruises and slow leaks are not repaired in time* The sure way to avoid trouble is to see your Goodyear dealer regularly. Since tire restrictions started, thousands of Canadian tnotorists have learned to appreciate the full meaning of Goodyear dealer conservation service* You can rely on your Goodyear dealer* He is trained in factory-approved methods for inspecting, repairing and vulcanizing. He is guided by the experience gained by Goodyear in building millions more tires than any other tire manufacturer g/ Your Goodyear dealer not only will keep your present tires I in service ... he also will advise you promptly when you become eligible for new tires, See him regularly