HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-07-12, Page 8THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 12, 1945 1 ------—............................................-............................................................................ .............................. .......... ------„-----------------------------------,----------------sera V’s Beauty Shoppe ♦‘SERVICE IS OUR/AIOTTO” All lines cd Beauty Culture. Tel. 112 Exeter Vera C. Pecker, Prop. Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 Qnts 52c. Burley 69 c. Creamery Butter 39c. Eggs, A Large 31c Eggs. A Medium 29c ' Eggs. Pullet 22c Eggs B 24c Dressed Hogs $17.25 Bonus A $4.0Q MARKETS | Georgian Beauty Shoppe (Success or to Marion Rooley) Satisfaction Guaranteed M. Christine McCrae, Prop. Exeter Phone 245 Show commences each night at 7.30 p.m. until further notice. I I I*’ LOCALS 1 Snell’s Taxi Service Phone 1Q0 I I WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY July 11th, 12 th 2 features NOTICE Dr. Cowen’s office will be dosed from July 3rd until further notice, c 'Escape in the Desert’ with PHILIP DORN and HELMUT DANTINE "Road to Zanzibar” with BING CROSBY, BOB HOPE and DOROTHY LAMOUR NOTICE Mr. C. E. Zurbrigg, optometrist, announces that his office will be closed July IS to reopen July 23. c The Times-Advocate are planning a holiday August 4th during that published. for their staff from to August 11th and week no paper will be WITH AN EYE TO GOOP GROOMING AND BETTER PERMANENTS. Round the Clock Service FRIDAY and SATURDAY July 13th, 14th ‘Between Two Women starring VAN JOHNSON, LIONEL BARRYMORE and GLORIA De HAVEN A lletro-Goldwyn-Mayer Picture 9 STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY July 16th, 17th, 18th A special technicolor feature ‘A Song to Remember’ starring PAUL MUNI, MERLE OBERON and CORNEL WILDE Sr., of Mrs. Jones for a CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Kenneth AlacLmw, Minister Mrs. J. G. CQehrane, Organist 10 a,m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a,m.—Pubjiq Worship. The S.S. and congregational picnic will be held en Tuesday, July 17th, at Turnbull’s Grove. Cars will be at the church at 1 p.m. UNION SERVICES i 10 James St, and Main St. In Alain Street a.m,—Sunday School in both churches, 11 a.m.—'Public Worship, Rev, Woods. 7.30 p.m.’—Public Worship, Rev. Woods. • Thursday, W.M.S, Thursday, at Mrs, 3 p.m.—James St. at the church. 3 p.m.—Main St. W.M.S. K. J. Sims'. In a variety of sizes and colorings. These lovely rugs come in oval and rounded shapes. PRICED AT 0 Miss Helen ‘Leslie is visiting with relatives at Jackson, Michigan. Miss Helen Dignan is holidaying with her brother Howard and Mrs. Dignan at Grimsby. Mrs. Fred Mitchell, Marion and Douglas, are visiting with Mr. Fred Hogarth and Miss E. J. HogaTth. Miss Doris Penhale spent the past week at Belmont Mrs. Wm. Crawford The eclipse of the day morning was not community owing to cloudy wea­ ther.wMr. and Mrs. ’Francis Clark, of Crediton, and Miss Janet Kestle, of town, visited over the week-end in Brampton. Misses Margaret Melville and Pauline Follick have returned home after holidaying in the Muskoka ■district. Miss Follick has resumed her position in London. with and Mr. and Patricia, on Mon­sun visible in this- NOTICE and Miss were Mrs. The twelfth of July celebration is being held in Bayfield today (Thursday). Mrs. M. Elford is quite ill at her home on James Street, Her many friends will hope for a speedy recovery. Her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Veal is caring for her. Mrs. Sidney Davis and Mrs. Ar­ thur Mitchell returned home Tues­ day after spending a pleasant three weeks with Mr. and~ Mrs. Sim Pol­ len, of Flint, Mich, Two weeks were .spent with them at their summer cottage at Wiggins Lake. Mr. John Trevethick, Sr., of Brinsley, and two daughters, MY. and Mrs. Treat, and daughter, Jane,' and Dr. and Mrs. Kealing and two sons, Johnny and Bobbie, of Grand Rapids, visited on Saturday after­ noon with theii' aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. M. Amy. Mrs. James Westlake, a former resident of Exeter, now living with her daughters, while attending church a couple of weeks ago, fell when coming down the steps and fractured her hip and is now in Victoria Hospital. Her many friends in Exeter will be pleased to hear that she is getting along is well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffiths, Mrs. Harold Foster and little daughter Kay, of Toronto, arrived • last week for a few weeks’ holiday at the home of Mrs. Griffith’s sis- |ter, Miss Annie Handford. Mr. Grif­ fith, who has been confined to his I home for several months, is feeling [some better and his many friends there are pleased to see him around Iagain. TR1VITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. AL A. Hunt Organist. Miss MacJPaul Choir Deader. Mr. Middlemisa 7th Sunday after Trinity 8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion, 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m,—Morning Prayer 'and Ser­ mon, "The Eternal Giver.” ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton Al. E. Reuber. B.A.. B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Moriock. Organist a.m,—Holy Communion. a.m.—Church School. 10 11 7.3'0 p.m.—Evening Worship. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick. Pastoi- Services as usual. C. Koch and for two weeks underwent an’ Mr. .and Mrs. G. Tom are holidaying at Port Elgin. Mr. Don. Easton operation for the removal of his tonsils Wednesday of Mrs. Maude Horton funeral of the late Horton, of Goderich, last week. attended the Mrs. Horace on Tuesday. Miss Dorothy Forrester under­ went an operation for the removal of her tonsils ’in London this week Visitors at the home of W, C. Pearce are Mrs. J. E. Whiting and daughter, Betty Jane, of Bella | Coola, B.C., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pearce, of Brantford, and Pte. Ellis Pearce, of London. About forty members of the Passmore family held a picnic at Grand Bend on Friday evening of last week, A supper was served and was followed by a very .enjoy­ able evening. Rus- TO FARMERS . Owing to repair work, closed to all Wednesday further notice. the necessity the mill will custom work on afternoons until of with his New Ankle Sox for children and women The finest range we have been able to secure for years. A good range of colors in different weaves selling at per pair 25c, 29c, 35c Beautiful All Wool Blankets In plaids and plain shades. Warm and cozy for the cool nights. We offer a fine assortment of these grand blankets. $4.50 and Dinnerware Fancy China 10 dozen men’s fine shirts in a fairly good material. A good range of colors. Sizes 14% to 16% Bring in your visitors and have them see our many lines of china and glassware, suitable for gifts. We also have several: very neat patterns in dinnerware. Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday THRIFT SOAP FLAKES 3 lbs.................................29c JIFFY PIE CRUST “Mother Jackson’s” Makes delicious pies ...... per pkg. .23c AYLMER VEGETABLE JUICE Very nutricious .......... per tin 2 for 35c ALLEN’S APPLE JUICE Vitaminized .... per tin 15c of be CANN & SONS Two Carload of Birch Wood Just Arrived. R. Seldon & Son FOR YOUR STOCK per jar 25c .. 25c CERTO For jam and jellies ......... COCOA Large 1 lb. tins .............. COFFEE, NABOB The same famous flavour ... per lb. 43c KRAFT DINNERS For delicious macaroni and cheese per pkg.................. 17c Southcott Bros ■at the home of Mr. Williams on Wednes- Phone 16 Latest Styles TO OUR CUSTOMERS: Real eye dazzlers in vivid colors and patterns —contrast that will certainly add extra pep to masculine dress. Commencing Saturday, June 23 and until further notice We will close shop each Saturday at noon. And Further Take Notice: ATTENTION I Bedford, of London, Mrs. Gor- Miss June Bierling is holidaying at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Grassick visit­ ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wildfong. Miss Lillian Finkbeiner, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end at her home here, Mrs, W. J. AIcAliteter, Strathroy, is visiting with John Pardons. Miss T. McCurdy, of the & May Staff is holidaying couple of weeks. Mr. and Airs. C. F. Hooper, of London, were visiting with friends in Exeter recently. Mrs. Tomlinson, Jimmie and Iris are holidaying for two weeks at Turnbull’s Grove. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hubert Jones are holidaying at their summer cot-' tage at Grand Bend. Mrs. Maud Pybus and Helene, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Pybus. Mrs. Harold Skinner and Bobby a,re visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Patrick in Toronto. Dr. and Airs. C. J. Wood, of Sud­ bury, visited with Mrs. Frank Wood during the last week. Group Captain E. G. and Mrs. Fullerton and family have return­ ed after holidaying at Grand Bend. Marilyn Skinner is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer and Miss May Skinner at Grand Bend. F'O, Glen McTavish and his moth­ er. Mrs- J. McTavish, of Shake­ speare, are holidaying at Grand Bend. Air, and Mrs. R. E. Russell, Bob and Jimmie have returned after spending a week at Turnbull’s Grove. Mr. Gordon Emmett and Ruth Fraser, of London, week-end visitors with Mr. W. Fraser. Mr. George S. Beavers, seidale, has been visiting brother, Mr. B. W. F. Beavers for the past week. Mr. Samuel Hicks, of Toronto, is visiting with his uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Walker, 3rd con­ cession of Stephen-. 1 Mr. Chester Hodgson, been a patient in Victoria London, returned to his Tuesday of last week. Miss May Jones was in Friday of last week attending the wedding of Miss Joyce Bradbury to Mr. Clark Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Floyd and family, of St. Thomas, are daying at Turnbull’s. 'Grove have called on old friends in ter. Misses Margaret Allison Jean Hamilton, of London, the guests of Miss Florence South-’ cott at Grand Bend over the week­ end. Miss Fannie Bissett who has been quite ill for several months, has been taken to the home of Mrs. Broderick, Andrew Street, where she is being cared for. Master Pat. Beavers, of who has been holidaying grandfather, Mr. B. W. F. is spending this week with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Beavers, of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Cudmore, Nancy and Bruce, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Floody, of Wind- stor, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Linden­ field, of Exeter, are holidaying at their cottage at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hicks, of Sarnia and Mr. Fred Brown and neice, Miss Helena Humeston, of London, visited on Sunday with Alf. and Mrs. Geo. Geddes. Mrs. Humeston vflio -has been visiting for a week returned to Londoh with them. Mt. and Mrs. W. H. Moise and Bill, .of Blenheim, who were holi­ daying for two Weeks at Grand Bend, were the guests of the Misses Hueston on Friday last and renew­ ed old acquaintances in town. They returned to their home Sunday. 1 who has Hospital, home on Hamilton Would you pay $2.50 per head to insure good health for allto injure good health for your stock? Let us take your order now early fall delivery* Your problems are our specialty. Ydur drugs* at ROBERTSON’S for LAKEVIEW CASINO Special Concert M t were Orchestra holi- and Exe- Toronto, with his Beavers, i Featuring: Yvonne Lee, vocalist—Jerry Toth, Tom Romanic, Ronnie Olyneck, saxophonists—Harry Sherman, saxophone and flute—Rudy Toth, piano and vibraphone—Howard Morris, bass violin—and Johnny Ferguson, drummer—also vocal quartette “The Vibratones.” TOTAL PROCEEDS WILL BE GIVEN TO DISTRICT WARTIME BOARD TO HELP ALL RETURNED MEN. Support this Show They Need Your Help! Mrs. C. Heywood, of the South­ cott Bros, staff, is on holidays this week. Dr. and MYs. Lawrence, of Peter- ■boro, visited and Mrs. B. dav. Mrs. Ellen is visiting with -her daughters, Valeria Armstrong and Mrs. don Heywood. Mr. and Mts. Jack Paisley Elmore, returned to their home in Toronto after visiting at the home of Mr. George Dunn. Mr. A, W. Pickard, of Regina, is visiting with his brother, Mr V. and Mrs. Pickard and his ter, Mrs. M. F. Gladman. A fresh coat of white paint been 'added to the parking places for cars through the business sec­ tion on the Main Street. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Broderick and Robert have returned to their home in St. Catharines after their week’s visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn Broderick. Mrs. E. 0. Turnbull and daugh­ ter, Mrs. Harry Patrick, of St. Thomas, spent the week-end* with the former’s sister, Mrs. Cook and Mr. Wm. Cook. Mr. and Mrs-. Sylvester’ Lynch, Miss Margaret, Dennis and Madeline from Detroit, Michigan, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzei’ for the week, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chambers are holidaying in Detroit. Mrs. Chambers is chief operator at the Bell Telephone and is on vacation for two weeks. Mr. Hillary Horton was in God­ erich on Tuesday attending the funeral of hig ’brother’s wife, the Jbate Mts. Horace Horton. Inter-* ment was in Colborne Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Fred White ac­ companied by their son-in-law and daughter and little son, of Lock­ port, N.Y., visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Bierling and with relatives in Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. White have five sons and a son-in-law In the service of the U.S.A, A new curing process for Cana­ dian Wiltshire bacon, developed by the Biology Division of the Nation­ al Research Council, hag enabled nearly all the crop to reach Britain in excellent condition. Taman’s Men’s Wear RE VACATION PERIOD We will shut down at noon Saturday, JULY 28, and remain closed until the morning of Tuesday, AUGUST 7. We Would appreciate your co-operation. • The Huron Lumber Co. Exeter, Ontario