HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-07-12, Page 5THE TIMES-ARVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUL.Y 12,1945 HENSALL Mrs. Juan Boyd 4s enjoying a.va­ cation with friends ' 'in QueJpli, Mr. T, C. if-oynt is enjoying a holiday at his F 'Summer home at Manitowauing. Miss Kathryn Sells, of ‘London, was the week-end guest pf Miss Greta I^ammie, Mr. and Mrs. F, w, Moore. of Detroit visited last week with Mrs, Wm. jSangster. Miss Eleanor Fisher of Winnipeg visited at the home of her aunt. Mr>. Hanna Workman, Mrs. T. Parlmer is visiting with Mr.,, and Mrs. Roy Parlmer and Carolyn in Windsor. Mrs. D, Walks and Mr. and Mrs, A, . Marshall, of London, are holi­ daying at Bracebridge. Mr, W. B, Cross, local managei* of the Bank of Montreal, is enjoy­ ing two weeks’ vacation. F/O. Douglas Sangster of Ancas- ter, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Wm. Sangster. Miss Mae McNaughton, of To­ ronto, is holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle and family left on Sunday for three weeks' vacation at Rondeau Park, Lake Erie. Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer and Pat- sv and Miss Dorothy Brazier, of London, spent a few days last week in Detroit. Mr. William Fairbairn was in London Saturday attending the wedding ‘ o£ his nephew 'LAC. Max­ well Hudson, ■ Mr. and Mrs. Russel Kyle and son, of St. Catharines, spent the past week with the former’s par­ ent's, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kyle. Master Bobbie Bell, who recently underwent an appendix operation in £cott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, was able to return home last week. Sgt. Wilfred Klopp, of Wood- stock, and Mrs. Klopp, of London, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins. Petty Officer Maurice Tudor, of the RCNVR, has been promoted tu Chief Petty Officer. He is now in the South Pacific on the destroyer, Uganda. Previously he served on the destroyers, Hamilton, Assini- boine and Niagara. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tudor, New Commercial Hotel. Thp Hensall United Church con­ gregational and Sabbath School picnic will be held at Turnbull’s Gfi-ove on Wednesday, July 18th. A. good program of sports is being arranged by Mrs. A. E, Munn, and the W.A. are in .charge of. t'he tables. Means of transportation will be arranged by the committee in charge, namely Messrs. Geo. Hess G. M. Drysdale and Joe .Flynn. The Late Mrs. McClinchey A former well-known resident of Hensall passed away on Saturday at her 'home on the Goshen Line in the person of Mrs. Arthur Mc­ Clinchey, in her 57th year, follow­ ing a brief iilness. The deceased had been a resident of Hensall for a number of years prior to her mar­ riage to Mr. Arthur MiCClinchey, who survives. Two sons, Garnet, Seaforth, and Ed.,- of Goshen Line and two daughters. (Irene) Mrs. Manley Jinks, Hensall, and (Lolus) Mrs. Jack Tinney, Hay, also sur­ vive. Public funeral, service was held from the home en Monday con­ ducted by Rev. Holmes. The floral tributes were very beautiful show­ ing the esteem with which the de­ ceased was held. Interment was in Bayfield cemetery. Report of Overseas Boxes The Hensall Women’s Institute wish to announce that they have forwarded three parcels to. Hensall lads who have recently arrived overseas — Ronald Parker. Bob Sangster and Norris McEwen, also one ladies’ parcel to N/S Lieut. Marion Do'ugall. The candy and cookies Were made by Miss Florence Welsh.- Mrs. F. Beer; Mrs. J. Pater­ son, while Mrs. Beer, Mrs. J. Pater­ son. Mrs. W. Sangster and Miss Gladys Luker did the packing, etc. In addition to the candy and cookies each parcel consisted of a variety of tobaccos’ cigarettes and papers, grapefruit juice, tomato juice, can­ ned "meat, soup, chocolate, shaving stick, tooth powder, steptic pencil, bars, gum, face cloth, oxo. station-, ery, etc. The ladies’ box contained .candy, cookies and other approp­ riate items. Due to the moving about etc.', and also the fact that some oS the lads have arrived home and ethers are still returning home it is felt advisable to send the remain­ ing boxes later when the proper ad­ dresses, etc., are known. Mrs, Beer, box convenor, has an abundance of supplies in reserve for this purpose. The various committees will attend to the. candy, .cookies, etc., when the date for shipment is announced. The War Service bear the cost of tobaccbs dnd cigarettes, chocolate­ bars,'factory cotton (for wrapping), cartons * and. the shipping charged Thu ,contributions received from the public pay for the rest Of the sup­ plies. ’the candy is provided through the yillage and district fol'k djOftat*- ihg.fiieir meagre sugar rations. |A11 postal work—addressing, etc.,-—is most capably handled by Mr. F. G. Bonthrbn, local -postmaster. ELIMVILLE Mrs, Launce Battersby and .child- • ven^mt, Kxeter, ’ spent1 a few days last week at the home pf he? motlj-- er, Mrs, Wes. Heywood, Mr,, and Mrs. Will Routly at­ tended the funeral of the farmer’s aunt, Mrs. James -Scott, at Crom­ arty last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Dinop and. family, of Hensall, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs* Chas, Ste­ phen and - family Sunday. Lt. Bessie E, Bell arrived at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell, op Tuesday from over­ seas. Flying from New York by T.C.A. plane to, Crumlin airport, she was met by her family. Miss Mildred Sebeerer, of Exe­ ter, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, H. |A. Sparling. Cpl. Earl Parrish,. Who has been confined to hospital with a broken leg for some months, is able to be ■out and spent a few days with his Wife and baby at Mr. Harry Spar­ ling’s. Mr, and Mrs. Parrish and son also visited relatives in Wing­ ham the latter part1' of last week. Mrs. Harry Ford is spending this week with her sister in St. Thomas. ’ Miss Patsy Johns has accepted a position on thb Staff of the Bell Telephone Co,, in London- and com­ menced her* work there on Tuesday of .this week. Master Irwin Ford, , of Hibbert, visited at Mr. Franklin Skinner’s last week. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johns spent Sunday with relatives at Bayfield. Mrs. Bannerman, Sr., of St. Marys, visited with her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Johns, recently. LAC. Earl Coultis, of Camp Bor­ den, is spending a 3'0-day. leave assisting on the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Ford and Gor­ don, Mrs, W. Dickey and children visited at Mr. N. Baker’s near Well­ burn on Sunday. Church services will be held each Sunday morning at 10 o’clock With Sunday School service follow­ ing, for the summer months. Mr, and Mrs. Fred White, Mr. and Mrs. Tapp fr.om Lockport, N.Y., were guests at Mr. Kenneth Johns on Thursday of last week. English War Bride Welcomed To Community On Thursday afternoon about 5 0 ladies of the community gathered on Mr. Gilbert Johns’ lawn to hon­ or a new resident, an English war bride, Mrs. Jim Cornish. Miss Ruth Skinnep, president of the Red Cross, spoke a few words of wel­ come to Mrs." Cornish expressing the hope that she would be happy here and would find Canada all she expected. After a short pro­ gram the following address was read by Mrs. Harold Bell. Dear Betty: ....... The opportunity such as we have today of meeting a bride from across the ways has so far' been a rare occasion for us. We, as Jim’s friends, wish to extend a welcome to you, to our community. May you 'find Canada and especially this section of Ontario a desirable spot to make your home. Things may not always be smooth sailing, even here, but you have no doubt come over many rough places before and (know that every cloud has a silver lining. One cannot begin a home without some of the essentials that go to make up such a place and it has always been our custom to give our new brides a shower of gifts not only as a remembrance of their friends but also as a great help in establishing a very important Dart of a house and so it is with a de­ sire to help and a feeling of pleas­ ure that we present you with -these gifts and be. able to think we have had a small part in beginning your new home and bright future in Canada. M'ay these gifts help to lighten your task of housekeeping and ever remind you of your Elim- ville and Winchelsea friends. .A wagon load of gifts was brought before Mrs. Cornish who very gra­ ciously thanked the ladies for their kindness and unwrapped the gifts which were a fine assortment of kitchen utensils, also a few other articles. After a contest, lunch was served, a fitting climax to a pleas­ ant afternoon. In the evening a large crowd gathered in the village ahd gave Jim and Mrs. Cornish a rousing chivari as is the usual cus­ tom. ZION Miss Laurene Hern. R.N., of London, is visiting with her par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. Eph. Hern. Mr. Arthur Hern has resumed 'his studies at Westervelt school in London. Miss Marion Brock spent the week-end’ with -her ,grandparents, Mr> and Mrs. George Earl, of Exe­ ter. Jim and Huth Dickinson, of Den- field, spent several days With their auntT Mrs.- Warren Bra.ck« The monthly meeting of the \V*M.S. was held on Thursday af­ ternoon at the home of Mrs; Rose ‘Hera at which time the Baby Band (was entertained CONDITION POWDER Slbs. — $1.00 9 lbs, — $2.45 Guaranteed no filler Results considered, you will find this powder unequalled as a tonic for all farm stock Xour drugs at Robertson's Phone 50 Exeter WHALEN Wedding bells are ringing. Mrs. Frank Parkinson spent a few days last week at Grand Bend Miss Evelyn Wynne, of Alymer, was a recent visitor with Mrs. Bert Duffield. Mr. and Mirs. Geo. Lackie and Elson holidayed at Grand Bend during last week. The W.A. and W.M.S. met. at Mr?s. Geo. Squires’ home on Wednesday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Blatch- ford, of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield and Betty were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Moss, of De­ vizes. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerslake and family, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen. Flying Officer David Hodgson arrived- h'ome from overseas to spend a thirty-day leave. WOODHAM Several from this congregation attended the Orangemen’s service at the Anglican Church last Sunday evening. On Tuesday evening of this week the Mission Circle entertained the W.M.S. in the basement of the church. Miss Jean Copeland has accepted a position at the Montreal Bank at St. Marys after finishing hei* high school course. Mrs. W, Switzer, of Kirkton, was the guest of her sisters, Misses Amanda, and Sarah Shier on Sun­ day last. Madeline and Donna Rodd, of London, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodd and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ross, of Kirkton, visited Sunday last with- Mr. and Mr.s. Wm. Thomson. Muriel Stephens was a week-end visitor with Jean Humphries. Mrs. Labrooke, of Toronto, visit­ ed last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Thomson. The young people here are hold­ ing a shower Monday evening in honor of the bride-to-be, Marjory Parkinson. Mr. John Thomson, of Toronto, is spending his vacation here with his wife and Mr, 'Fred Thomson. Several from this vicinity -at­ tended the Lions Club Frolic on Saturday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire visited Sunday last with Mrs. John Oke and Reta, of Exeter, and also call­ ed on Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann and Mr. Henry Squire, of Thames Road, THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler, of Brucefield, visited with Miss Ellla and Mr. Leslie Robinson on -Sun­ day last. Several from this community at­ tended the Chalmers reunion which was held in Stratford on Wednes­ day afternoon of last week. Maurice Monteith, of the RCNVR visited last week with Mrs. Geo. Monteith. Miss June Bierling, of Exeter, visited with her sister, Mrs. Ken Johns’ recently. Fit. Lieut. Anderson, Mrs. An­ derson and son John visited with Mr. and Mrs. K. Johns on Thurs­ day of last week. Mrs. Anderson attended the shower with Mrs. Johns which was given in honor of the new English bride Mrs. Jim •Cornish. The W.M.S. entertained the Baby Band in the church basement on Thursday afternoon of last week with Mrs. A. Gar-diner in charge of the meeting. Mrs. (Rev.) K. MacLean of EXetei\ as guest speak­ er, gave a very inspiring address. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting and a social time was spent over the tea cups. A cordial invitation is extended to all ladies of the Thames Road congregation to attend the celebra­ tion of the G'Olth anniversary of the WMS. to be held in the church Tuesday afternoon, July 17th at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. Hugh Taylor, of Toronto, . will be.; guests Speaker ?or the afternoon We hope for a good attendance. , Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gibson and two sons, Jerry and Ronny, of Kingston, visited with Mr. and Mrs. H» Rhode a few days last •week* Sunday services will be at the usual hour on Sunday. Sunday School at 10.1'5 a.m. and Church at 11.15 a.m. CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. ‘Harry Wind, Mrs. R. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. J. Han­ na and Mrs. J. Moir, all of Detroit, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eijber and Mr. and Mrs. Llpyd Gaiser. Mrs. Max Bushel is visiting at the home of her parents in Kin­ cardine. i FO, Lewis Faist left on Tuesday fer Summerside, P.E.I., after spend­ ing two weeks at his home here. », Mr- and Mrs. Herb Eilber, Mr. I pnd Mrs. Lloyd Hey and Mr,. and Mrs, G, Zwicker are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mrs. Wm. Smith ig visiting with relatives in Detroit, Rev, and Mrs. .Fred Faist, of Mil­ verton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G, E. Faist, A Mr, and Mrs. Lou Hoare/of Lon­ don, visited over the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Herb Fahrner. Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Clarke vis­ ited a few days last week in Bramp­ ton, Misses Phyllis* Hill and Helen. McGill spent, the week-end at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Yearley, of Windsor, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Yearley. Misses Doris Weurth and Elaine Noltie, of London, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Weurth, Memorial Service for Missing Airman The name of Harold L. Brown, raised recently to the rank of Fly­ ing Officer and who has been of­ ficially presumed dead, was mem­ orialized at a service held in Zion .Evangelical Church last Sunday, July 8th, at 3 p.m. The service was conducted by th|e minister, Rev. M. E. Reuber, who based his re­ marks upon Psalm 25, verse 4. Rev. Reuber spoke of the aspirations ana high ideals of the missing airman and also uttered a message of com­ fort to those in sorrow. The serv­ ice was marked with a number from the male chorus of the church “Harbor of Hope,” and by the pre­ sentation by the father, Mr. Henry Brown, to the Church, of a Mem­ orial Pulpit, Bible, upon whose .cov­ er was inscribed in gold, “Present­ ed in Memory of Harold L. Brown.” Floral tributes and the presence of many friends 'and acquaintances of the late young officer in the R.C.A.F.. in a partial way, indicat­ ed the esteem in which the late ■young officer was held. United Church S.S. Picnic . The annual Sunday School pic­ nic of the Crediton United Church was held at, Grand- Bend on Tues­ day, July 10th. Ideal weather con­ ditions prevailed and a large crowd was present. The following line of sports was enjoyed under the direc­ tion of the sports .committee com­ prising Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Swartz, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lamport, Mr. Ed. Chambers and Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Mawhinney: candy scramble for the tiny folks; running race, Delores Pfaff, Stanley Hill, Labelle Hill;, filling sand bottle, Winnifred Mack, Joyce Chambers, Mae Schroe­ der; winding thread, Grace Mor- lock, Rhena Yearley, Audrey Year­ ley; filling water bottles, J. Gallo­ way, E. Lamport, Don Kestle; kick­ ing the slipper, I. Hirtzel, J. Ma­ whinney, A. Baker; driving nail, B. Kestle, Hannah Lamport, Thelma Swartz; rolling ball, L. Woodall; back and forth dash,- Betty Mawhin­ ney, Sam King; soap and water contest, D. Kestle’s side; pie-eat­ ing contest, E. Lamport, S. King; treasure hunt, B. Mawhinney; the dressing-up contest proved to be .so completely interesting that it was impossible to name a winner. A bounteous supper and a ball gamo brought the afternoon’s activities to a close and the superintendent, Mr. Mitchell, is to be congratulated on a well planned and successful picnic. ■kttteif KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, of Guelph, are holidaying with the latter’s parents' Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. Mr. Kenneth Damm, of Walker- Jon, visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm. Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor, of Stratford, spent a few days last week with the latter’s mother Mrs. Robt. Dinsdale. Miss Etta Jarrott, of Toronto, Dr. James Jarrott ahd Dexter, of New York City, are visiting their mother, Mrs. I. Jarrott. Mr, and Mrs. J. Cochrane Visit­ bed on Sunday With Mr and Mrs. H. Cameron, of Glinton. Mrs. H. Jones is spending a few dhys with her daughter', Mr. and Mrs. B. Keyes, of Varna. Mr, and Mrs. W. Horney.^and Mr, and Mrs. -A. Gackstetter visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr ana .Mrs, Dufrthn Drummond, of Ailsa Craig! Miss Patsy and Master Terry Taylor, of Stratford, are holidaying With their grandmother, Mrs. R. Dfne/lale. BRINSLEY Communion service was observed in Brinsley United Church on Sun­ day last. Mrs, Hattie Creighton and Miss Lorna Creighton, of London, spent the week-end with their cousin Mrs. Newton Wasnidge, of West McGillivray. Mrs. Wesfey Watson and, Eddie spent a few days fast week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs, Matt. Treat (nee Amy Trevethick) and daughter Jane, Dr. and Mrs, Otta Keeling fnee Verna Trevethick) and sons, Bob and John, of Grand Rapids, Mich., spent a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. James Trevet­ hick. Mrs. Vi<?. Manque and Sandra, of Buffalo, are spending some time with her father and mother, Mr, and Mrs, William Morley. Mrs? Sherwood Brock, of Win­ chelsea, spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Goldwyn Glenn. . Pte. Harvey (Bud) and Mrs. Gil­ bert and baby, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Blake and children, of Lucan, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Glenn. Mr, and Mrs. Goidwin Glenn are all smiles—it’s a baby girl! Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dundas and .children, of Waterloo, spent • Sun­ day, with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon. Miss Vera Wasnidge, of London, spent the week-end with*rher par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Newton- Was­ nidge, 4. Miss Pauline Morley, of St. Thomas, who has been engaged as teacher in S.S. No. 6, McGillivray, was in the vicinity on Saturday last accompanied by her father, Mr. Marton Morley. Pte. Carl Trevethick, of London, spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Trevet­ hick, after which Carl is taking a course at the technical school. London. The Graham and Graham con­ struction Co., of London, who has ■ had the contract for dredging the Watson Drain, has completed the work this past week. andMr. and Mrs. Roy Watson children, of Parkhill, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven. Mr. Rastus Neil and Mrs. Martha Neil, of Lucan, spent Sunday eve­ ning with Mr. and Mrs. ‘Fred J Neil. | bacon. That need , are wortji scarce prices that make Europe the war is over for thousands o£ people, but the aftermath of war Made and Sold by E Over in J _ is more horrible in many cases3 than war...itself, for hunger and famine are stalking the land. *<« ■ • * But what a different picture here in Canada! Our few sacrifices a passing thought. There is food a-plenty for everybody, and at food available to all. One vital need of the hungry peoples of Europe is for pork and will exist for niontlis to come. It is up to the farmers of.. Canada to supply that need to the greatest possible extent. Our hog production .iiiust not slip. We must raise more hogs “over here” for “over there.” By raising more hogs the Canadian Farmer helps himself too—because there’s money in hogs if they’re fed right. Feeding right means giving them a balanced feed-^your own grain and SHUR-GAIN 41%jHOG CONCENTRATE. The cost of raising a hog to market weight with this balanced feed is about $13.50, the. cdst of feeding on grain alone is about $19.80. You Save the difference of $6.30 per bog! Decide now to go after more money from your hogs, by feeding a balanced feed. SHUR-GAIN HOG CONCENTRATE gets hogs to market faster, and with the bet­ ter finish that brings bonus checks! T. B. Allen Farquhar Lackie Bros. Whalen lllllllllllll ; . .."32T <> XT » Exeter District Co-Op Store We now have a good sypply of WOVEN WIRE FFNCE r 7 n r;. -. .. .,.r r "■'''■■$> '■■ <’ : ' f We have a good supply of rope for hay fork sling rppes, etc, A Supply of Roofing Material on hand, Wire Insulators and Hot Shot Batteries, Handling grass seeds and seed corn. Exeter District Cooperative P, Passmore, Manager KIRKTON Mr, Fred Crew and children, of Windsor, are holidaying with .Mr j and Mrs. Thos. Crew. , ’ ’ Mr, and Mrs. Harpld Tufts and family. Toronto, are spending .the summer vacation with Mr, ahd Mrs. Truman,Tufts. Mr. Roy Switzer used his new potatoes for the first ^n Saturday, July 7. They were good quality and a fair size. Messrs. Jim and Dick Coward, of Dearborn, Mich., are spending this week with their aunt and uncle, Mr, and'Mrs. Nelson, Watson. . Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Gray, of Toronto, are spending the next 2 months with the former’s father, Mr. Maxwell Gray in the village. An orangeman’s service was held at St. Paul’s Anglican church Sun­ day evening at which time a large number attended. Canon' James, as- sited by Rev. Mair, of Thames Rd, took charge of the service, special music by the choir. Mr. Lee Paul, while working in the root field on his father’s farm5 one day this past week, heard a noise just beyond’ the fence and to his astonishment there stood two deer just a few feet from him. The deer on second thought decided not to graze on the root crop, so made a wild race to the rear of the farm. Lee said it was some sight to see them jump fences, stumps and miss the trees. Why do the local hunters travel some BENEFIT SOFTBALL GAME THURSDAY, JULY 12th at 7 p.m. AT SHARON DIAMOND 2% miles east of Dashwood SHARON CARDINALS vs. GRAND BEND Winners of the 2nd of July tournament. Tickets will be sold for a Ladies’ or Gent’s New Bulova Watch to be drawn for at the game. THE PROCEEDS AKE FOB THE? INJURED MEMDBEBS OF THE BALL CLUB In case of rain game will be played. Friday evening. SILVER COLLECTION EVERYBODY COME Watch for the game with Clinton Radip School hundreds of miles to the north country when game is in their back yard?