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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-06-21, Page 5
$ THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE gj, 1945 FOR COCCIDIOSIS HAVE YOU USED REN-O-SAL FOR YOUR CHICKS? If not, ask your neighbor who has used it Don’t ask us about its results. Just ask us for it. HENSALL Mrs. Laughton returned to To ronto after visiting with Mrs. Chas, •McDonnell. Miss Goldie Cross, R.N., of Lon don, visited over the week-end with her parents, Mr and Mrs. W. B, Cross, Miss Wanda Tuqkey, of Exeter, visited over the week-end at the {home of her grandfather, Mr. Peter Moir. County Constable Chas. -Salter and Mrs. Salter are holidaying with Mrs. McKaig and Miss Eliza New ell. Miss Mary Hemphill, of London, spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill. , Mr. and Mrs.- Cline Flynn, Cpl. Wilfred Klopp and Mrs-.- Klopp, of London, were week-end visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins, Mrs. Ted Taman and Toni, of Listowel, are visiting the former’s mother, Mrs. Chas. McDonell and Miss Dorothy. The Hensall Public Library will be closed from June 30th until Juy 17th. All books are’ due on June 3 0th. Mr. and Gwendolyn, daying with Mrs. Lou Simpson. The congregation of Carmel Pres byterian Church, Hensall, have ex tended a unanimous call to Rev. Percy Ferguson, of Wiarton,- Ont. The many friends of. Mrs, Russel Broderick, who has been seriously ill in Victoria Hospital, London, are pleased to hear that she is im proving. Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacBeath ana Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mac Laren and Donald visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Thames Road. Mr. Wm. -Simpson, of ______ spent the week-end at the home of his mother, Mrs. Lou Simpson. He Was accompanied home by his wife and sons, Billie anjL Bobbie and his mother, Mrs. Lou" Simpson. Mission Circle Picnic The Mission 'Circle of the United Church held their annual picnic at the home of Miss Mattie Ellis on Wednesday, June 13th. A picnic supper on the lawn Was much en joyed by a large representation of ' members and invited guests. Miss Irqne Dob g las, of London, a form er superintendent of the Mission Circle, gave a splendid address on the work at the Friendship House. Miss Barbara Michie was in charge of the sports and Miss Margaret Shepherd conducted contests. Arnold Mission Circle The regular meeting of' the Ar nold Circle was held at the home , of Mrs. Roy MacLaren on Monday evening with Mrs. A. W, Ker slake co-hostess. The president, Mrs. Mel vin Moir, presided and opened the meeting, with the call to worship after which Mrs. Roy Bell led in ■ prayer, The Scripture from Isaiah 30,: 15 .and Psalm 46 was read by Mrs. Lawrence Baynham. Hymn, "Unto the Hills Around Do I 'Litt Lp,” and "O Master Let Me Walk With Thee" was sung. The topic on "The Church In China ana Japan" was ably taken by Miss Violet Hyde. The .hymn, "O Master Let Me Walk With Thee" followed by the minutes, roll call, offering and business, mentg were made for the annual picnic to be held at the home of Mrs, Roy Bell sometime in July. Mrs.’ Chas. Forrest favored with a piano instrumental and the meet ing closed by singing, "O Safe tv the Rock That is Higher Than I" followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison, Refreshments were served by the hostess at the close of the meeting. Wohelo Class Meets The June meeting of the Wohelo Class qf the United Church was held on Friday evening in the schoolroom of the church with Ross Forrest’ presiding and opened by singing, "O Master Let -Me Walk With Thee," and the Lord’s Prayer in , unison. The scripture, Psalm 121, was read by Miss Elva Mo* Queen. The Devotional was taken by Miss Violet McClymont. The topic, "A neglected .Classic," was ably taken by Miss Gladys Luker. It was decided to hold the Glass Picnic at Turnbull’s Grove on Wed* nesday, June 27 th, Anyone net having means of transportation is asked to coiitact Mrs. Maude Hed* den re same. Sports committee-*— Misses Elva McQueen and Barbara Michie; lunch committee—MisscS Mafgaret Shepherd, Edna saunder* cock, Erma Klpfer, Mary Goodwin, Each member is asked to provide a basket containing items suitable for a picnic luncheon. Miss Gladys Luker favored with a plane solo. Mrs. Gus Voth and of Detroit, are holi- Mrs, Voth’s mother, meeting closed by singing "My Faith Looks Up to and the Mizpah Benedic- social hour followed. Birthday Party The annual birthday party of the W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian ■Church was held on Thursday, June 14th, in the schoolroom which was beautifully decorated with sum mer flowers. Mrs. Ha’nnah Work man presided and the meeting op ened by singing "The Morning Light is Breaking", after which Mrs. C. Hudson led in prayer,. Mrs, J. Hazelwood 'read the scripture from John 14. Ai vocal duet by Miss Margaret MacLaren and Mrs. Norman Stanlake entitled "God’s Way is the Best Way," was much enjoyed. Mrs, J. Cairns accompanied at the piano. Mrs. F. Farquhar gave an interesting reading entit led, "Little Joe’s Thank-offering". Mrs. W. J. Thompson, of Sea- , forth, Presbyterial President, ’gave an outstanding address taking for a text, "Jesus The Same Yesterday, To-day and Forever." A vote of thanks, was extended to Mrs. Thompson by Mrs, R. Y. MacLaren on behalf of the Society, for her excellent address; Mrs. J. Cairns sang a solo entitled, "Help Me To Live Like Thee", accompanied by Miss Margaret MacLaren. The meeting closed by singing, "Come Let Us Sing of a“ Wonderful," after which Mrs. Thompson led in pray er. A social hour was enjoyed a delicious luncheon served by ladies. 'The hymn, Thee/' tion. A and the recently Hunkin, Detroit, was sung Arrange- BRINSLEY Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craven, Deseronto Flying School, visited Monday last with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven, Mr. and Mrs, Alonzo Phyllis and Bobbie and Mrs. Lin Craven spent week-end with friends in Mr. and Mrs. Bill Trevethick and children, of Detroit, spent the week-end with his father and moth er, Mr. and Mrs. James Trevethick. The Ladies-’ Giiild, of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Brinsley, quilted a couple of quilts at the home of Mrs. Wes. White. . Mr. and -Mrs. Wes. Watson en tertained a number of young .peo ple last Thursday evening to an ice cream social. of on Hodgins, Mr. and ovei- the Fingal. James Earl and on Sunday with O.rval Cann, of Harold Hern ana ZION Mrs. Wm. Brock is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Elder, of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller and fam ily visited on Sunday With Mr and Mrs. Charles Miller of Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. •Marjorie visited Mr. and Mrs. Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs.family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert, of Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock and family attended the birthday gathering of Mrs. E. Hunter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hod gins, of Clandeboye. The annual Sunday School pic nic will be held on Saturday, June 23, at Stratford Park. ■Mrs. A. Gunning visited in the community during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart and Sandra, Mrs. McLean, and Miss Hazel Stewart, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. , and Mrs. War ren Brock.Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern were in Woodstock last Wednesday at tending the funeral of Mrs, Hern's aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Jaques ana family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques, of Thames Road. Mrs. Warren Brock Friday- with Mr. and Dickinson, of Denfield. Mr.- and Mrs. Walter Pullen and Benny, of Beachville, Miss G. Pul len, of Woodstock, Mr. Tom Pullen, of St. Marys, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, RdsS Hern, The Supper Which was held on Tuesday evening was Well attend ed, proceeds amounting to over $170. The play, "Uncle Josh Phi- kins," which was presented by the Egmondville Young People, wa.s en joyed by all, the cast taking their parts well. visited on Mrs. Tom SHIPKA Sgt. Muriel Smith, of Centralia, Spent the week-end at the homo of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Ratz, Dr. 0.- B. Sanders B.A., M.D., and Jean McKenaie, Reg. N., of Lbnd&n, ware weelt-end visitors With Mr. and Mrs. lArthmr FInkhein-1 er CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. M. Slcamon and June, qf London, were Sunday vis- '♦tors with the former's, mdther, Mrs. J. Sleamop. Qn Saturday Mrs. Sleamon celebrated her 83rd birth day, We extend ®opgratulations and best wishes for many mare happy birthdays. Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Skelton and Donald, of Lucan, Mr, and Mrs. Ewart Powe and Elt. Sgt. Ted Powe, of London, visited on Sunday^ with Mr. and Mrs, A, Brooks and Mr. and Mrs, A. Procter. Ted ar rived home last Saturday from over seas, having come by plane by way of the Azores with the Bluenose Squadron, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks spent Sunday with relatives Mr. and Mrs. F, family were Sun Jay Pte. and Mrs. F. J. Stratford. Don’t forget the school picnic on th© school grounds on Friday eve ning of this week. There will be a good lunch enjoy In . that Ross McFalls and Sam Skinner had shot a large owl. Sam is get ting to be quite a qimrod—-he was alone this time but succeeded in shooting two more owls. One per haps a mate to the first with a wing spread of 51 inches and’ the other a large horned owl measuring 54 inches. Sam surely deserves praise for ridding the bush of these pests as the chicken ranges are greatly hazarded. He hopes to get the mate soon, The June meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the schoolroom'of the church on Tuesday evening of last week with a splendid attendance. The worship service was led 'toy Mrs. A. McFalls with several -other ladies assisting. The president was in the chair for the business. Mrs. Merriam was presented with a beautiful blanket and a framed motto in appreciation of her good work during the time she has been with the Society. The address was read by Mrs. Geo. Hicks and the presentation made by Mrs. Hep burn. F'olio'win.g is the address; Dear Mrs. Merriam: We, members of the Centralia Missionary Society, wish to express to you our appreciation of your work as one of -our members. You have never refused to do whatever you could toward the success of our Society and the growth of Mis sions,in the world. You have, as far as you were able, truly lived up to our Motto, "The World for Christ.” Ypu have shown kindly tact in all your contacts with us and true friendship toward each of us and we shall miss you. Please accept this gift as a token of our friendship and esteem. We . pray that your work may continue for many years and that the Lord will bless all your endeavours as His faithful servant. —Signed on behalf of the W.M.S. Mrs. Merriam expressed her ap preciation in a few well chosen A very dainty lunch was Frank Lewis and at Ripley. Bowden ami visitors with McCann in list of sports. Bring your basket and dishes, Come and an evening of fun, last week’s paper we saw words. served by Mrs. Mrs, Hepburn, During the quilting bee held in the basement of the church on Friday afternoon the members of the Women’s As sociation presented Mrs. Merriam with a cut glass cake plate. Miss Flossie Davey read the following address: Dear This quiting ing we form. We wish to thank you for your inspiration to our .meeting here, ’and in.the days to come we shall think and speak of you as Shake speare wrote, "The elements were so mixed in her that nature might stand up and say to all the world, this was a woman," It is with deepest regrets that we lose you as a member of our •organization but we realize that in doing so we are strengthening a sister organization elsewhere, so we ask you from the very depths of our hearts to accept this gift as a small token of appreciation and good will to you and yours. —Signed": Ruby Chambers, Pres., and Flossie, Davey, Sec. Mrs, Merriam responded thank ing the ladies for the parting re membrance . after f which a dainty lunch was served. sonal time at a Mrs. Merriam:- is ’a rather extraordinary bee because besides quilt- have another task to per DASHWOOD Mr, and Mrs. Witt and family, of Pem'broke, are visiting with her parents, Rev. an$ Mrs. >Luft. Barbara Koehler, the four-year- old daughter of Mr.'* and Mrs. E. Koehler, underw(en)t an operation for acute appendicitis in St. Joseph Hospital, London, last week. Bar bara’s little friends all hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Sam WRzel, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his moth er, Mrs. Witzel. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Huffman for Port Colborne' where they tend to reside. Mr and Mrs. Weimeister, lett in- of Brighton, Michigan, and Miss Zeta Michigan, Mr. and Nadiger, R.N., of Howell, spent the week-end With Mrs. William Nadig-er. Mr. (bridal Sussex, side. A number recital giyen Albei’ta Music in ning, Gordon attending Toronto, passing his, exams. Russell Tieman George Wolfe and ETviii Rader, all of Camp Bor den, pent the week-end at their homes here. ’ The Evangelical Sunday Schoo) picnic is being held at Grand Bend on zWednesday, June 20th. CREPJTON 'Don't forget the Public School picnic tp bo held on Friday after* noon, June. 22nd, on the school grounds. We are confident there is a good time in store for all whoa goo# time in store attend, Mrs. A, Robertson, spent last week at the parents, Mr, and Mrs, . •Mr. and Mrs, Ira Brown, of To ronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. Fiorina Brown. Mr. and Mrs, Cameron ThomP* son who have been residents of ! the village for some time in -the I.home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Morlock, have received word that Mr, Thompson has been posted to Tren* of London, home of her Ed. Beaver. and Mrs. Charles Fahrner and Mrs. Lorne Morlock are spend ing a few weeks in Sudbury with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fahrner. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wind ana Mr. Wind’s two sisters, the former Matilda and Martha Wind, visited with”friends here op Saturday. Mr Oscar Wolfe of London spent the week-end with Mr. pnd Mrs. Geo. Eilber. Mrs. Ada Kuhn visited last week with her father, Mr. Chas. Keinzle Mr. Keinzle, who celebrated his 91st birthday on Saturday last is ■still hale and hearty. We extend congratulations. Mr, and Mrs. Max Bushell spent the week-end in Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lamport, Mrs. J. Woodall and Miss Laura Woodall, of London, spnt the week end in Windsor and Detroit and attended the Wpodall-Gregus wed ding in Windsor on Saturday, Mr. Wes. Baxter and friend, of lOhio, visited over the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Baxter, at the home of Mrs. Margaret Lamport. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hitchcock, of Morpeth, spent Sunday with the latter’s father, Mr, J. English. Mr. English returned with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Sparling, of Walkerton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Rev. and Mrs. Trueblood and Irene spent Friday and Saturday in Simcoe when Mr, Trueblood offi ciated at the wedding of a friend. Staff ~ - - -- - -- - and with week Mr. Dawson visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Wein, in celebration of Mr. and Mrs. jGoulding’s 19 th wedding anniversary. Gnr. Leonard Wein, who has been a patient in London Military Hospital since his return from overseas, accompanied them and will spend some time at his home here. Two very fine musical numbers were enjoyed by the United church congregation when Swartz "Have Jesus" and his son Staff Sgt. A. G. True- vlood sang "The .Beautiful Land.” Children’s 'Day services were held in the Evangelical ichurch on Sun day. A full choir of young people lead in the service of song at botn the morning and evening services and a good program by the young people was enjoyed in the evening. Mrs. Rodney Bowman, of Wood- stock, spent the week-end at her home here. Entertained Mission Band The Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. of the Evangelical church entertained the Mission Band on Thursday eve ning, June 7th, in the school room of th~e church'. Mrs. Earl -Haistr the superintendent of the Mission presided for the program. A was sung and Mrs. Aaron read Psalm' 23, followed by a er by Mrs. Ross Krueger, A was given by Dolores Schenk and a -recitation was given by Betty Ann Roeszler. Donald Finkbeinei' gave a flute solo and several child ren presented a playet, "Planning ■a Birthday Party." Grace Gaiser and Arliss Wein sang a duet and ithe program was closed with a prayer by Grace Gaiser. Mrs. Reub- er presided over the business per iod. Mrs. Earl Haist and Mrs. Al bert Gaiser gave splendid reports of the W.M.-S. convention which was held in Hanover the previous week. Lunch was served and a vote of thanks was extended to W.M.S. by the members of Mission Band. C°!' ft ou ffubXs Can XOuLtread ot’H fee on ab d'ati','n'WUeI 'h0* <;'eO i So peAorm W’ lew o' pe'd Sgt. A. 'G. and Mrs. Trueblood daughter, Carolyn, returned them and are visiting this at the parsonage. and Mrs, ,W. R. Goulding, and Marilyn, of London, . 'J 'i on Mr. and rendered Yon Told and Rev, Sunday evening Mrs. Lawrence a duet entitled Anyone About A. S. Trueblood Band hymn Wein pray- story the the minute*‘ s . on® ^ces «•; sKS”--' , most vrnptu - oVVvAaQ'0 m°'e TOnw’,O le9tWs e\ec«'c'y, pgsse . PY°, C \oW'c°s\ ore In t^®c tCuO°dant sU?p Vo\aces cif^ens abunaoyY ( pta<* because -,-e and W°’w'. ,0-0Peta’ J 5uPP°rt -—o>c HARPLEY Misses Donna Hayter and Shirley Ulens, of 'London, visited over the week-end with (Mr. and Mrs. New ton Hayter. Mrs. Maria Hayter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickey and Rev. F. Lewin spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. Mansell Hudgins. Miss Jean Ridley, who has been quite ill, we are glad to report is all better again. A number from here attended the picnics at Grand Bend and Greenway on Saturday. Mrs. Clarence Hardy, Frank and Helen, Misses Muriel and0 Lillian Hardy, of London, called -on Mr. Mansell Hodgins on Sunday eve ning. Mr. >Glen Love went to Cedar Springs on Monday with the H.S. Cadets. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hodgins and family, of the M'ollard Line, visit ed on Sunday evening at the home of Mr. Wm. Love. i"c’ /«>«><>' A*9y'c^oU«. • sio'^0 " - WW' 96° 1940 '• «*S° you. P£„, rememt® \c£j\com^ "f yo«rP^_- Anwid1 »« V—J ■ Wto’f-''0'” 5? , 1.9* <-5L 1.W home CORN CORN CORN We offer top grades of seed corn at very attractive prices over previous years. Golden Glow, Wisconsin, Bailey, White Cap, Bloody Butcher, Leamington and Hybrid Corn. SCREENINGS: We have just received a car load of No. 1 Screenings $29.00 ton ground. I i Ruptured? OUR SERVICE) IS DIFFERENT.. ton pupils wh0 are attending St. Marys Collegiate, getting their exams on their year’s work. They are Jean Humphreys* B. Doupe, C Dobson and 'Joseph Stephens. Anniversary Services Large crowds attended morning and evening services at the Kirk ton United Church, June 17, when Rev. R. T. Richards, D.D. of Cen tennial United Church, preached two very fine sermons. Special mus ic by the Sunday School of over 100 voices Under the direction of Mr. Ray Mills, of Woodham. The church was decorated for the oc casion. Rev. R. T. Richards was en tertained at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Marshall, he being,their pastor when they were resYdents of London. WE SELL YOU A FIT IN OUR PRIVATE TRUSS ROOM. Trusses, Belts, Supports of all kinds. KIRKTON Mr. H. Fletcher, Mrs. Thomas Foley and daughter Doris, attended the McMormick and Fletcher wed ding held at Ilderton United Church Saturday, June 16. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blatchfofd and family, of Detroit, spent the week end with Mn and Mrs, R. Dobson. Mrs. W. S. Cluff and sons Don and Paul, of Kitchener, spent part of the past week With Mr. and Mrs, I. N. Marshall. ' Mrs. Mary Gallop left Saturday to spend a month With her' daugh ter, Mrs. Don McRae, of Coniston The regular monthly meeting Of the Anglican Ladies* 'Guild and W.A. was held On Thursday of last week at the home off Mrs. Miller McCurdy. Canon James gave an In teresting outline of the talk oh India given by Rev, Jeffery GuitOn at the Perth 'Deanery meeting. A vote of thanks was given to the ladies who made the new surplices ( for1 the choir. Shirley Brock faV' j ored with a solo. Canon James closed the meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis spent Sunday evening at the horn© o'* Miss Alice Brown, of Moupt Brydges. Miss Lyda Stephens, of Zion. Was a Sunday guest with Miss Lor- ene Copeland. Mr. and Mrs, H. C. White, of St. Marys, with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Marshall. Mrs. Jas. Kemp and Mrs. Geo. Shermgn with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Swiuer. Mrs. Clayton Hanna and her daughter, London, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ross. GongratulaMon to the four Kfark* SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Over 15 years experience. Phone 50 Exeter CREDITON EAST Mr. visited Sunday with Mr, Sims. , Mr. and Pte. spent Mrs. J, Sims. Mrs. John Baird, of Grand Bend is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam 'Sims. Mr. Marvin Wein left Monday morning for Cedar Springs where he will attend the Royal Army Cadet Corps Camp from June 18, to the 29th, Melvin 'Richard, of London, *” " Wilbur Ralph Roinphf of Thedford, and of Ipperwash, and Mrs. daughter, Charlie Sims, of Ipperwash, the week-end with Mr, and to* Exeter District Co-Op Store We now have a good supply of WOVEN WIRE FFNCE We have a good supply of rope for hay fork sling ropes, etc? • A Supply of Roofing Material on hand. Wire Insulators and Hot Shot Batteries* Handling grass seeds and seed corn* Exeter District Cooperative P. Passmore, Manager Weiberg, week for and Mrs. Garnet ■couple) left last where they will re-N.B usni from here attended a by- the students of Brown Thies School of London on Monday eve- Eagleson, who has been Embalming School in has been successful in Decoration Sunday Grand Bend Cemetery DASHWOOD RAND and Special Speakers EVERYONE WELCOME