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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-06-14, Page 8
T V’s Beauty Shoppe “SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO” AU lines of Beauty Culture, Tel, 112 Exeter Vera O. Decker, Prop. MS Exeter markets Wheat, $1.08. Qdts 52c. Bdrley 69c. Creamery Butter 39c. Eggs, A Large 31c Eggs, A Medium 29c Eggs,. Pullet 22c Eggs B 24c Dressed. Hogs $17.2& Bonps A $4.00Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 ; —- •" ( Show commences each night at 7.30 p.m. until further notice. LOCALS WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY June 13th, 14th 99“God is My Co-Pilot starring DENNIS MORGAN and RAYMOND MASSEY «M< ■■■>»».MWIKifc I I I Mr. Ed, Willis is confined to his home through illness. Examinations are being held at the Exeter High School this week, of Toronto, at his home the; TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 14, 1945 ... ———rrrrr—i". - CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Kenneth MacLean, Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m.—Public Worship, Monday, Jun© 18, 4.15 p.m.-—Busy Bees Mission Band will meet in the Primary Room. Thursday, June 21, 8 p.m.—The regular monthly meeting of the Caven (Auxiliary of the W.M.S will be held at the home of Mrs Wes. Simmons. A meeting of the Caven Congrega tion will be held at the church i on Monday, June 18, at 8.30 p.m. to consider the question of heat ing the church. Georgian Beauty Shoppe (Successor to Marion Fo-oley) Satisfaction Guaranteed M. Christine McCrae, Prop. Exeter Phone 245 Snell's Taxi Service Phone 100 FRIDAY and SATURDAY . June 15th, 16th “The Horn Blows at Midnight” starring JACK BENNY, ALEXIS SMITH and ALLYN JOSLYN SPECIAL—Official and Exclus ive Pictures of the German Atrocities. MONDAY June 2 and TUESDAY 18th, 19th features 99“The Imposter starring JEAN GABIN and RICHARD WHORF 'Rough, Tough & Ready’ starring CHESTER MORRIS and VICTOR McLAGAN WEDNESDAY—ONE NIGHT June 20th 2 features ONLY “Flesh & Fantasy starring CHARLES BOYER 99 “Career Girl starring FRANCES LANGFORD Coming .... June 21, 22, 23 “NATIONAL VELVET” Roof Coating * * * HAVE THAT ROOF COATED OR REPAIRED. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. * Mr. Rowe Dinney, spent the week-end here. Miss Reta Willert a position with the Bank real. Mrs. C. A. Southcott Tuesday next observe -her birthday. Miss Marjorie Welsh has accept ed a position with the Canada Life in London. Mrs. Geo. Hunter visited over the week-end at Seaforth, Strat ford and Goderich. DAC. Robert and Mrs. Elliott are spending two weeks’ furlough with relatives at Strathroy. Mr. Gordon Bell, of St. Cathar ines, is spending some time on the farm with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sil- lery. Mrs. Jas. Grassick has returned to her home after being ill in Vic toria Hospital, London, for the past three weeks. Mrs..R. G. Gillies, of Midland, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Martin and with her mother, Mrs. S. .Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Johnson and Margaret, of Stratford, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Robert Sanders. Mr. Gordon Emmett and Ruth Fraser, of week-end visitors Mrs. W. Fraser. Mrs. Florence Saturday after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. True- mner in London. Mrs. E. A. Follick, who has been visiting at her home here, is leav ing to visit with her daughter, Mrs. E. Hearts, of Toronto. Cpl. Neil Jones, a radio operator with the RCAF at Pennfield Ridge, N.B., is on leave visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hubert Jones. Mrs. Henry Strang returned home from Victoria Hospital, London, last week and at present is being cared for at the home of Mrs. Mc- Nichol. Mr. T.- O. Southcott was in Pres ton on Sunday and was accompan ied home by Mrs. Southcott has been visiting in Toronto Preston. Mr. Roy Davis, of Lockport, visited with his parents, Mr. ’ and Mrs. Jos. Davis for a few days. Davis has just returned from a to Minneapolis and Texas. LAC. Ray and Mrs. Frayne Marilyn Ann, of Mountainview, WITH AN EYE TO GOOD GROOMING AND BETTER PERMANENTS. A. has accepted of Mont- will on88 th London, with Mr. were Mrs. Miss were and Gould returned who and N.Y. Mr. trip Will be in Exeter. only a limited time. CONTACT US THROUGH THE TIMES-ADVOCATE McLean's Roofing Service STRATHROY EXETER LIONS WHITE ELEPHANT SALE It is the intention of the Exeter Lions Club to sponsor a White Elephant sale within the next few weeks, the proceeds from the sale to be donated to the British Child ren’s War Victims Fund. Residents of the community are asked to do nate any saleable articles which will be 'collected by the Club. Please contact C. L. Robertson, J. L. Hendry or S. B. Taylor. Huron. County Council is in ses sion this week and members of the Council from this community are in attendance. Tomlinson Hairdressing Phone 146 Phone 146 Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter WUERTH’S * * Men’s Sox 2 paii’ for 40c per pair 35c * * Special in Work Sox 18c, 25c, 30c and Silk Sox 45c per pair’ Very attractive colors Black and Tan Oxfords $2.98 pair Work Shoes $3.19 to $5.25 Men’s Arch Snpports, our own make Let us help you walk better. You can’t afford to have aching feet Bunny White Polish, ^he best on the market, will not rub off. Shoe repairs promptly and neatly attended to WUERTH’S CASH SHOE STORE ana , are spending a week with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mollard and Miss Mabel Zinn, of Exeter, attend ed the wedding of Mrs. Mollard’s niece, Miss Iva Zinn, of New Dun- ee, to Wilfred Weber, of Ayton, on Saturday last. •Mr. Chas. Hackney and Mrs. Earnest Waddel, of Fullarton, and Cpl. Ida Hackney, Kildare Barracks Ottawa, spent the week-end with [Mrs, Elizabeth Turnbull and Mr.I and Mrs. David Miller. Mr. Preston Dearing, as president of the Ontario Sheep Breeders As sociation, was in Toronto Tuesday at the invitation of Hon. T. L. Ken nedy, Minister of Agriculture, to meet with a group of agricultural representatives problems. Mr. Albin J. teacher on the who has been teaching at Orange ville, has . accepted a position as head of the mathematical depart ment in the Chatham Collegiate In- ! stitute, his new duties to commence in September. ’ , to consider farm Fawcett, a former Exeter H.S. staff, Telegraphist Graham Bell in a letter to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell, Elimvilie, said they had quite a thrill when the first Ger man submarine to surrender in the Atlantic, did so to their ship the minesweeper H.M.C.S. Rockcliffe. Have Your Chicks Had Coccidiosis? This sometimes leaves your chicks pale, weak, anaemic. Bring them back to normal with R. B. Q. Tablets (Red Blood Quick) There will be a decided differ ence in 3 days* Receive Graduation Certificates Miss Irene Alice Turkheim and Miss Alpha Margaret Myers, of Zurich and Miss Isobel Lilian Mc- Kellar, of Seaforth, were among the 1945 graduating class of the Strat- Iford General Hospital •School of Nursing who received their dip lomas at the graduating exercises held the forepart of last week. Miss Myers was awarded the scholarship for general proficiency and for post graduate study donated by Dr. Lome Robertson in memory of his parents and sister. Five Generations Mr. Thos. Elliott, of towh, is for the second time a great great grandfather, th era being five gen erations of the family. The latest arrival is Wayne Neal, son of Mr. and Mrs, Chris. Kennedy, of Lon- desboro, born June 3, 1945, His grandmother is Mrs. Victor -Ken nedy, of Londesboro, daughter of Mrs. Ethol -Gould, of Clinton, for merly Miss Maud Elliott. MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. J. Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—Public Worship and Church School, “Father’s Day”, Rev. Grigg. 7.30 p.m.—Public Worship, the Minister, A ladies’ choir sing at both services. Thurs-., 3 p.m.—W.M.S. at church. Thurs., 4 p.m.—Baby Band. Will the USED CARS * * * * PLYMOUTH SEDAN PLYMOUTH COUPE CHRYSLER SEDAN A COACH A COACH 2-TON TRUCK 1937 1933 1930 1930 1939 1938 NEW FORD FORD FORD 3-TON FORD TRUCK * * * * Used cars bought, sold and exchanged. SANDY ELLIOT NOTICE TO FARMERS Owing to the necessity repair work, the mill will closed to all custom work Wednesday afternoons com mencing June 6 until further notice. CANN & SONS of be on CKNX RANCH BOYS AND CORA in the EXETER ARENA on •*at per yard 59c, 75c, 89c, $1.25 Summer Dress In piques, seersuckers, Miama and spun rayons, in plaip shades, stripes, plaids and florals, A very fine range to choose from JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A. Mrs. Win. Murdoch, A.L.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Rev. Frank Wellington, of Toronto. 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship. The Minister. “The Marvellous Power of Memory.” f 10 11 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector. Rev. 51. A. Hum Organist. Miss MacFaul Choir Leader. Mr. Middlemiss 3rd Sunday after Trinity I a.m.—Sunday School. . a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser mon. ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton E. Reuber, B.A.. B.D.. Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock. Organist a.m.—Morning Worship. a.m.—Church School. M 10 n 7.30 p.m.—Children’s Day Service. Friday, 8 p.m.—E.Y.F. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick. Pastor Wed., 8.30 p.m’—-Bible Study. Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Thurs., *2.30 p.m.—W.M.C. Fri., 8.30 p.m.—'Young Peoples. Special Speakers. Sat., 9 p.m.—Open Air Service. Sun., 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Supt. Mr. E. Cudmore. Sun.. 11 a.m.—Father’s Day. Speaker Mr. G. Parker. Sun., 7.30 p.m.—Speaker Mr. Cudmore. “The wages of sin is death,but the gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” The Exeter Branch of the Red Cross acknowledges with thanks the following donations:- Zion Unit $81.55; Centralia War Service Unit $50.96; Anna Fletcher Bible Class $15.00; Thames Road Unit $3.35; Main Street Unit $17.81. f Mrs. Arthur W. Hind, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. John Mallott, of London, and former resident of Exeter, is a patient in Victoria Hospital, where she underwent a serious operation last week. Mrs. Hind’s many 'friends in Exeter ex tend best wishes for a speedy and .permanent recovery. Mrs. Mallott is not enjoying the best of healtn and her friends also hope to hear soon of an improvement in health. Wednesday, June 27 under the auspices of Thames Road Red Cross Spend a pleasant evening with these popular entertainers. Admission 50c ca ■M Summer Dresses While in Toronto last week we were for tunate in securing some very smart summer dresses in cotton rayons, crepes and seer suckers. Priced at CHINA for June brides Visit our china counters. We have a fine range of new goods suitable foi’ wedding’ gifts. Casualaires for Summer The popular shoe for hot weather, cool and comfortable in' many colors. You will be wanting a pair. per pair $2.95 Sport Jackets for men and women Waterproof and windproof in white, with red, white and blue cuffs and collar. Splendid for bowling, golf, or sport wear. each $6.95 Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday NABOB COFFEE Fresh roasted ...................... per lb* 45c ICE CREAM MIX For making at home .......per pkg. 15c WYLER’S RICE DINNER Very choice ......................per pkg. 18c NEW COLORED CHEESE Very tasty ............................ per lb. 32c PUMPKIN Large size tin............... MAZDA LIGHT BULBS 25, 40 and 60’s ....... per bulb BORDEN’S CHOC. MALTED MILK Sweetened ........................... per tin special 10c 15c 45c MAPLE SYRUP In 16 oz. jars, 2 for 1 coupon, per jar 37c Southcott Bros. ExeterPhone 16 RED CROSS NEWS Shipping Report for June 8, 1945 Knitting, Navy, 46 pair service sox, 1 pair seaboots, 9 scarves, 11 T. N. sweaters, 7 pair .gloves, 12 knifed washcloths. British Civilian q' 1 boy’s sweater. Sewing, 99 (Com bination (size 2), 3 9 rompers, 22 infant’s nightgowns, 4 women’s knickers, 43 gauze diapers; 16 large quilts, 1 crib quilt, 6 layette articles, 7 refugee articles. Also shipped last week a special rush quota of 5 0 white towels housewives for servicemen Pacific Area. la, and 60 in the > i I recently the Ail’ Caven Congregational Circle The June meeting of the Caven Congregational Circle was held at the home of Mrs. Alvin Moir. The president, Mrs. Clarence Simmons, presided. The meeting opened by singing hymn 416 followed by de votional exercises and prayer ;by Mrs. Hatter. Business was then dis cussed and reports were given by various secretaries. The program conducted by Mrs.’ Johnston and Mrs. Sanders opened with Mrs. Mac- Lean giving a sketch of the life of the late Lord .Tw'eedsmuir fol lowed by a vocal solo by Miss Joyce Simmons. .Mrs. Harold Whyte com pleted the program with a humor ous reading. An auction sale of various articles was held at the close of the meeting. The meeting closed with the National Anthem and Prayer. A dainty lunch was served. Our next meeting will be held in September when Mrs. Wild man will be the hostess. Capt. Grant Sanders was promoted to that rank in Corps of the Army of the United States. He is now stationed at the headquarters of the Army Air Forces, Washington, D.C., where he has been assigned since January, 1944. Capt. Sanders is in the Avail ability Section of the Requirements and Resources Branch of the Mili tary Personnel Division of Assistant Chief of Air staff. Official Count Postponed Word is still being awaited on the service vote for the provincial election, according to G. Clark Fisher, returning officer for Huron. The official count scheduled foi Monday, has been adjourned indef initely in accordance with instruc tions from the chief election of ficer for Ontario, pending the ar rival Of the soldier vote. I DESIRE TO THANK ALL THOSE WHO WORKED SO HARD FOR ME IN MONDAY’S ELECTION AND THOSE VOTERS WHO SUB MERGED PARTY POLITICS TO GIVE ME THEIR SUPPORT. TOM PRYDE Progressive Conservative Candidate for Hufoh-Perth. Cadets Will Go Into Camp Twenty-six boys from the Exeter high school, members of the Royal Army Cadet Corps, will go into camp at Cedar Springs, on June 18 and Will remain there until ’ June 29. It is expected that 1,400 cadets from M.D. No. 1 will attend (the camp. Lieut. E., D. HoWey, of the H.S. staff Will accompany the boys. One of the qualifications for at tending the camp was thq, success ful passing of their school year. The camp activities Will include sports, swimming, rifle competi tions and military training, June 23 has 'bee"n designated as sports day which will be open to the pub lic. Prior to that day there will be elimination icontests. Lt, Col. A. E. Bradley, Camp Commandant, stated that camp * activities will stress sports and rifle competitions. The Ontario Rifle' Association com petition will -be held June 26 and suitable prizes will be awarded the winners. On June 26 and 21 Briga dier Earnshaw will visit the canip. A unit from Gamp IpperWash Will put on a ’ demonstration in the use of modern weapons June 26,•> /Remember Dad on Sunday . . . • SOCKS • HAT • TIES • BELTS M fflv W w-w-Taman • SPORT JACKETS » J ft Asphalt Shingles ON HAND Shingle that leaky roof NOW. «c> The Huron Lumber Co. Exeter, Ontario ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■(■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I