HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-06-14, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-APVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE K W MAY—ANDERSONKIRKTON COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION crepe ami white straw hat with black shoulder-length veil. 'She also wore pearls, black accessories and corsage of Better Time roses. The 'groom was attended by bis. cousin, Kenneth Hawthorne, of London. ’After the ceremony, buffet refresh­ ments were served to the immedi­ ate relatives at the borne of 'the groom’s parents, For travelling the bride chose a two-piece street­ length mauve dress, gold Short coat and black accessories. The couple left for Windsor and Detroit, On their return, the bride will remain at her home in London, while the bridegroom js on duty. GOLDING IS ELECTED One) 6 103 (Continued from 14 HARNESS-WILSON 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 JUVENILE CONTEST KIRKTON HALL Friday, June 22nd at 8 p.m. Open to all Public School Children. No entry fee. Transportation allowance. A complimentary ticket to Garden Party to be held on August 22nd, to every contestant. Vocal or Instrumental Solos, or Duets. Dances or other Entertaining Numbers. (No recitations except by special permission.) The Public is Invited to Attend. FREE ADMISSION. Entries to be made before the contest with Mrs. Ross Marshall, Kirkton. Phone 63r3. the required to appear on rage 60 54 'S’Classified Directory 3 GOOD REASONS FOR 1 » > -tata 3 *, Result? From the contestants number will be chosen the Juvenile Program of the Garden Party to be held on the Fair Grounds, Kirkton, Wednesday, August 22nd. At the Garden Party prizes will be awarded to the best juvenile entertainers as follows: > 1st in-ize §10.00; 2nd prize §7.00; | 3rd prtze §5.00; 4th prize §3.00. | i Further information may be obtain- I ed from Rev. W. D. Goodger or I Dr. Campbell, Kij’kton. I In a lovely ceremony at Princess Alice Barracks, Ottawa, on Satur­ day June 9th, the marriage of Cpl. Blanche Underhill Anderson, RCAF (W.D.),. daughtex* of Mr. and Clarence Aa Anderson, of New tle.'N.B. to Sgt. Warren Davis RCAF, only son of Mr. and F. A. May, of Exeter, Ont., solemnized, Air Commodore W. E. Cockram officiated. In the absence of her father the bride was given in marriage by Lieut. Col. W. M. Thomson, RCOC. She was attired in a with small French __ veil. roses and a single strand of pearls completed her costume. Miss Flor­ ence Anderson, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and wore a shell pink day time crepe frock with ’ matching flowered halo and veil. Her corsage was of Johanna Hill roses. Sgt. Gordon May ROPC, of Arnprjor. was groomsman. A reception was held by Mrs. Ander­ son, mother of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. -May and. the bridal party. A buffet luncheon was served by friends of the bride. The -table was delightfully done with pink flow­ ers centered by the wedding cake and flanked by tapers in silvex- holders. Sgt. and Mrs. May left for the East coast and on their return will reside in Ottawa. Out of town guests who were present at the I wedding were Mrs. Anderson and [Miss Florence Anderson from New I Castle, N.B., Miss Joyce Anderson ifi'om Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. [May, Exeter, Miss Marjorie May, [ London and. Mrs. W. M. Thomson, Kingston. Mrs. Cas- May Mrs. was RCOC. pastel blue wool ensemble flowered hat and A corsage of pjnk The following account of the mar rage of Pte. Maxwell Harness, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Har­ ness, appeared in an English news­ paper: * The wedding took place at St. ' Michael’s, Wood Green, on Satur- j day, of Joan Betty Wilson, W.L.A., younger daughter of Mrs. G. Wil­ son, Berners-road, Wood,* Green, to Pte. Maxwell Harness, R.C.O.C., of Ontario, Canada. The service was fully choral, and was conducted by the Rev. J. G. B, Ashworth. The bride wore a, gown of white geor­ gette and lace, which had been sent by the bridegroom’s parents from Canada, and__carried a sheaf of lilies of the valley. She was given away by her eldex* brother, Sgt. D. Wilson. Two Land Army colleagues, Miss Irene Grocott and Miss Joan Pearson, attended hex’ as brides­ maids, dressed in green and laven- er silk dresses, and carried sheaves of pink tulips and lilies of the val­ ley. The third maid was the bride’s small niece, Miss Valerie Wilson, in pink and blue, and carried a posy of pink tulips end lilies’ of the valley. The best man was Pte. Ernest Rogers, who is in the same unit as the bridegroom. The recep­ tion was held at the British Legion Hall and attended by 30 guests. The honeymoon is being spent at Brighton, and the bride travelled in a coat, pink frock and brown jigger with accessories to match. McELREA McElrea Kirktom birth of at the Thomas, 1945. BIRTHS — Mr. and Mrs. John (nee Verna Brock), of wish to announce the their son, Glen Fergus, Memorial Hospital, St. on Sunday, June 10 th, MARRIAGES Native: “Do you find this a goou river for fish?” Fisherman: “It must he, I can’t persuade any to come out!” HAWTHORNE—HILL CONDITION POWDER 3 Jbs. — $1.00 9 lbs. — $2.45 Guaranteed no Filler Results considered, you will fin* tli is powder unequalled as a tonic for all farm stock Your drugs at Robertson’s Phone 50 Exeter In an attractive ceremony at Cal­ vary United Church parsonage. London, Rev. Duncan McTavish solemnized the marriage of Helen Mae, eldest daughter Mrs. Garfield Hill, of L.S. Charles H. R.G.N.V.R., only son Mrs. Harry Hawthorne, of Rogers avenue, London. The bride was charming in hex- street-length gown of fuschia crepe, and a little white straw hat ’ with black shoulder- length veil. A single strand of pearls, "black accessories and a cor­ sage bouquet of Johanna Hill roses completed her costxxme. Miss Phyl­ lis Hill, as her sister’s bridesmaid, wore a gown of turquoise blue of Mr. and Crediton, to Hawthorne, of Mr. and M We offer top grades of seed corn at very attractive prices over previous years. Golden Glow, Wisconsin, Bailey, White Cap, Bloody Butcher, Leamington and Hybrid Corn. SCREENINGS: We have just received a car load of No. 1 Screenings $29.00 ton grotnad. ★ DANCING 8-12 SEE L.O n d o n Cann & Sons, Exeter 2DE IBE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 . 2A 3 4 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■ f1 . ... ’ 49 b Majox’lty for Pry de-—82 Xuckeysmijtli 03 ............... 1 86 80 2'70 83 7 85 49 ............. 0 71 60 .....2 80 67 1 73 36 .rpw rs-rr* 13 465 375 Majority fox* Golding*—90 Hullett ........... 13 71 57 .............. 1 80 63 .......... 1 49 28 8 79 67 2 22 37 .............. 1 68 47 .............. 0 66 75 26 435 374 Majority for Golding-—61 Fullarton .............. 4 69 53 .............. 1 48 63 ............... 3 73 4S .............. 2 37 82 .............. 6 48 5355658 6 48 39 24 379 396 Majority for Pryde-—17 McKillop <?175 22 .... ......... 12 115 79 .............. 1 119 73 1 95 79 5 . _____——w— 16 504 253 Majority for Golding—-251 BABY CHICKS AGENTS WANTED 4 Seaforth 1 ... ■ 4 1 4 6 1 98 93 102 78 57 103 531 Golding- 466 ;—65 17 Majority for < Hibbert 1A ....2 118 19 IB 1 SI 42 2 .3 121 46 3 .4 115 79 4 3 88 83 13 523 269 Majority .for Golding—-254 FOR SALE V FOR SALE—A trunk in good re­ pair. Apply Mrs. John Taylor. 14*, FOR .SALE—:Sows, A*, Fk Oestreich- ■ er, Dashwood, phone 57rl0. 7:14* FOR SALE—Beef ring heifer. Ap< ply E. J. Pym, R.R. S, Exeter. 14* FOR SALE—A 2-whee! trailer in good condition, Telephone 266,, L. V. Hogarth, c FOR SALE*—A trunk and a scoot­ er. Apply Geo, Johnston, Main Street, Exeter. 14* FOR SALE—1931 Model A Ford in good condition, with good tires. Apply at Times-Advocate. 14c FOR SALE—First grade, re-clean­ ed buckwheat. George Lackie, Whalen, phone 35rl5, Kirkton. 14:21c FOR SALE—Two one-horse scuf- flers, one is a spring-tooth; also an onion scuffler. S, J, Sweitzer, William Street. 14c FOR SALE—Cpcker Spaniel puppy black and tan. Apply to Hubert Pfile, Grand Bend. Phone Dash­ wood 33r5. . 14c FOR SALE—Gent’s pre-war G.C.M. bicycle in excellent condition. Apply at. Times-Advocate or phone Crediton 17r34. 14* FOR SALE—One Massey Harris bean scuffler and one Allis Chal­ mers f<4‘0i” combine. Hyde Trac­ tor and Combine Co.. Hensail, Ont. 14c FOR SALE — Massey-Harris hay- loadei’ in good repair; also a fox terrier pup, three month old. Apply to R. T. MacDonald, Crom­ arty. 7:14* FOR SALE — Six purebred -Short­ horn heifers from good Scotch pedigrees and sired by Cloverdale Royal Flush. Telephone 8 on 84 Zurich. John W. Brown, Zurich P.O. - 14- 2 Sc FOR SALE—’28 Oldsmobile coach, good tires and motor, easy on gas, Serial No. 21865, Also front axle with very good tix’es off Chrysler -cai\ Both car and axle have 20-inch rim. Apply R. W. Batten (Riverview Park). 14c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—-Good frame house, garage, small barn and acreage. Close to village. Immediate pos­ session. C. V. Pickard. FOR SALE—Country store with .good residence attached. This store has a good established trade -in general store wares, feeds, gasoline and oils. Located in fine farming district. C. V. .Pickard. A-l lUBY CHICKS- -from blood- tested Stock: Barred Rocks; Large Type White Leghorns; B, Rock x W< Leghorn; Sussex x New Hampshire; Bed x Books, Write or phone A. IL Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Ont,, for price list, phone 38-3 Granton. PATENTED GAS SAVER, super­ charger, Crankcase yeptilatgr, Converts waste into power, fh- creases mileage amazingly, Fits nn^ motor, easily, quickly. Harm* less, Proven, Guaranteed. At­ tractive sales proposition. Vic* tory Manfg. Company, Cornwall, Ontario, 14:28:12c- CHICK BARGAINS for this week and next. White Leghorns, Bar­ red Rock x White Leghorns, Austra Whites: Non-sexed $9.45, pullets $13,95, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, New Hamp­ shire x Barred Rocks $9.95, pul­ lets $15.95, Cockerels $10.95. Assorted Heavies Non-sexed $8.95, Pullets $13.95, Cockerels $9.95. Assorted Light and Med­ ium Breeds Non-sexed $8.45, pullets $16/95, cockerels White Leghorns $1.50, White Leghorn x Barred Rock $4.50. Tw0 week old add .06c; Three week old add ,11c; Four week old add 16c. Shipped C.O.D, This adver­ tisement must accompany youx order. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF HOTEL FURNITURE, BAB ROOM AND MIRROR bn SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1945 AT THE DASHWOOD HOTEL WM. GOSSMAN, Prop. A. WEBER, Auctioneer. 7:14u 2tc STRAYED STRAYED—Onto the premises of Isaac Dunsford of Hay, a yearling heifer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this advt. c FOR RENT FOR RENT—A rolling home at ■Grand Bend. Phone 239, 14:21’ WANTED WANTED—A large wicker doll carriage. Phone 181 Exeter. 14c WANTED—100 pigs, 6-10 weeks old. Apply Wein Bros. Hatchery, Exeter. __ 7:14 AUCTION SALE OF BOUSE, THREE LOTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction. on* Main Street, Exeter, * on THURSDAY, JUNE' 21st, 1945 at 1. p.m., the following: Fine big residence on Main. Street, brick house, furnace and. bath, frame barn, good garden, nice lawn, shade trees, a fine place to- live, the property of the late Wil­ liam Snell, subject to reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Kit­ chen stove, coal or wood; small table; 2 plate burner; electric iron; electric washer; china cabinet; couch; dining room chairs; Philco- radio; cabinet sewing machine; electric heater; 4 parloux’ chairs; 2 rockers; Palmer piano in good, shape; tables; rocker; chest of drawers; dresser; writing desk; gramaphone with records; hall mirror; .centre table; complete bedroom outfit; bed; dresser; com­ mode; toilet set; bedroom rug; parlor suite, chairs, settee; chairs; rockers; table; books; verandah, chair; flower stand; dresser; mir­ ror; 2 high chairs; trunks; stands; suit case; quilting frames; set of. scales; curtain stretchers; curtains; 3 dozen pint sealers; cellar table; cupboard; step ladder; pictures! clothes horse; ' several rugs and. carpets; pots; -pans; pails; cook­ ing utensils; dishes of all kinds;, garden tools; lawn mower; buggy; cutter; extension ladder; buck saw; robe; garden hose; quantity ot hard coal; quantity of wood. TERMS of Chattels: Cash. TERMS of Real Estate: 10 Co­ down, balance in 30 days. CLARISSE and VICTOR SNELL,. Executors, GEO. LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR; Auctioneer. walnut cabinet; 3 bed springs; parlour lamp; 2 walnut, dresser; cushions; 714 619 505 323 182 375 495 3'74 396 269 253 466 5S 5 0 23 31 2 13 14 26 24 13 16 17 Exeter ...... Stephen .... Usborne .... Hay ......... Hensail .... MAY—ANDERSON — On Saturday, June 9th, 19 45, at the Princess Alice Barracks, Ottawa, Cpl. ______ Blanche Underhill * Anderson, Tuckersmith RCAF (WD), daughter of Mr. axid Mrs. Clarence Anderson, of Newcastle, N.B., to Sgt. Warren Davis May, RCAF, only son of Mr. arid Mrs. F. A. May, or Exeter,. OxiL, by Air Commodore W. E, Cockram. IN MEMORIAM I Stanley . Hullett ... Fullarton Hibbert . McKillop Seaforth Majority 287 for Recapitulation 252 639 308 S4S 136 465 413 435 379 523 504 531 49715483 Golding—512 CASH FOR FOX HORSES — Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser­ vice day or night. Phone Credi- ton 47rl5, collect. Jack Williams. 5:31 4tp LOST e LOST—One hundred dollar bill. Finder please call the Times- Advocate fox’ particulars. 7c HARNESS >— In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Pri­ vate I- L. Harness, who died in England two years ago, on June 15, 1943.' His last parting wish We would like to have heard, jAnd breathed in his ear Our last parting words; Only those who have lost are able to tell, The pain in the heart in not saying farewell. —Sadly missed and ever remember­ ed by wife and daughters, Shir­ ley and Jane. * KERSLAKE—In loving memory of Mrs. Wellington Kerslake, who died June 20, 19 42. We do not for-get her, we love too -dearly. her memory to fade from lives like a dream; lips need not speak when hearts mourn sincerely, grief often dwells where it dom is seen. -Lovingly remembered by husband and daughter. Mary. LOST—Pair white gold wings, 2 diamond shaped. Reward, Please return to Times-Advocate. > 14* her For Our For our our sel- her A waffle, according to our Home Economist, is a pancake with a non-skid tread. 5BE 20E 3SE THE TOP BAND OF 1945" Co-Starred with Betty Grable in the Technicolor Motion Picture “Pin Up Girl” ★ CHARLIE SPIVAK 0 The Man who plays the Sweetest Trumpet in the World APPEARING IN PERSON WITH HIS FAMOUS ORCHESTRA SATURDAY HiGHT, JUNE 16 NOTE ~ ONLY 1,000 ADVANCE TICKETS AT $1.25 Regular Admission $1.50. Tickets now on sale in London at Heintzrftan & Company Record Dept., Embassy Restaurant, Freddy’s Smoke Shop, Hotel Ridout, Arena Box Office. In St. Thdm&s, Harding’s Clothing Store. j Enn Western Ontario^ Foretnosi Amusement Centre 30E 3BE 3DC ISE 0 n s H 0 0 JH THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. iE. M-cIntrye spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ballantyne. Mr. and Mrs. A. McBeath and Ross, of Kippen, visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunkiu. Mr., and Mrs. W. Passmore, of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Passmore. The regular monthly meeting A..of the Mission Band met iri the church basement Sunday morning during church service hour with a good attendance. Miss Mary Gard- inei’ and Miss June Coward were in charge. Mt. and Mrs. Robert Duncan celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniversary Saturday evening at their home. Sunday School Anniversary ser­ vices will be held in the Thames Road Church on Sunday, June 17 rt 11 a.in, in the morning with Rev. W. Gardiner, of Egmondvilie, as speaker and in the evening at 7.30 p.m. with Bev. G. Wood, of • King St. church, ^London. Child- ‘ren’s choir in the morning and Zurich male quartette. The many friends of Mrs. A Ste­ wart are pleased to know that she is recovering nicely ' after hex’ accident som,e days ago. Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller and Mr. Miller Sr Edwin and Lillie attend­ ed Zion visited with Mr. and visited with of Zion, on FOR SALE — 100-acre farm of choice land, lot 6, con. 7, town­ ship of Blanshard 1% miles east of Woodham off No, 23- Highway; good 1% storey brick house with furnace; 2 bank barns each 36x60, L-shaped, good stabling, cement floors, water system; implement shed 26x60; hydro throughout; abundance of water; privilege to sow fall wheat' and do fall ploughing. Apply Carman Switzer, R.R. 6, St. Marys, Ont. Phone Kirkton 16-11, 4tc NOTICES NOTICE—My wife having left my bed and board, I hereby give no­ tice that I will not be responsible fox’ any debts contracted by hex' ixi my name. Basil Preszcator. 14-28C Notice to Dog Owners Village of Exeter Owners of dogs are hereby noti­ fied that according to Village By­ law, no dogs are allowed to run at large during the summer months. Numerous complaints of damage caused by dogs running at large have been received. Please note that By-law will be enforced. B. W. Tuckey, Reeve. FOR SALE—3 acres near Clinton,1 small neat house, nice hedge and I trees, garage, .barn, henhouses, pig-pen, all with hydro. Brick house, garage and about 2 acres, Exeter. Small general country store, hen­ house and fruits and .acreage. W. C. PearCe, Exeter. anniversary Sunday and Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Mr. and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Alice spent Sunday Mrs. James Earl, of FOR SALE—Brick House on John Street, 1% stores’- rug brick, modern conveniences. Immediate possession, Apply to B. M. Fran- James Mrs. E. Miller Anderson W. Hern Passmore with Mr, Zion. KIRKTON Joan Parker and Master Irwin, of London, are holi- with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miss Charles daying Hall. Pte. Stewart Crew, of Ottawa, is holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Crew. Canon James attended the spring meeting of the Deanery of Perth at St. James Anglican Parish Hall, St. Marys, this past week. More than IOiO delegates attended the session representing 10 parishes of thp fl fan p?*v Mrs. Earl Allen, of Regina, i? holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Allen. Mr, Ross Francis spent a few days this past week taking a short course on the care di mink. Mr. arid Mrs. Wib Williams and son Norman, ef St. Mafys, visited [with Mr, and Mrs. John williams | this week*. Mrs. Lffie Kirkby. of Bomanvllle < is holidaying with her sister, Mrs.* TO THE RATEPAYERS OF USBORNE TOWNSHIP OWNERS OF DOGS Dog tags are now available and owners of dogs must secure same On oi' before June 15th, 3tc C. V. Pickard, Clerk. This property is for sale at Dash­ wood, Ont,, at a reasonable pried. If interested contact Maurice Klumpp. Phone 67, Dashwood. N. B. Doupe. Miss Valrna Doupe, of London, spent the week-end With het par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs, Nathan Doupe. Mt. and Mrs. Eric Humphreys and daughters, Jean and Helen, visited with Mrs. John McElrea, who is a patient in a St, Thomas9 Ber­ th is Mrs. Hospital with her little hon. Mrs. Wm. Lankin and Miss tha Lankin spent a few days week as guests With Mr. and I. N. Marshall ML and Mrs. Lome Francis little daughter spent the Wddk*erid with Munds in London, arid Notice to Motorists* The gasoline dealers of Exeter have reached an agreement where­ by one station will be open each Sunday for the summer months. Sale of gasoline in the evenings will remain as formerly. The sched­ ule on which the service stations will remain open is as follows: June 17, E. L. Gibson> June 24, Sunoco'Gas Station; July 1, Super­ test Service -Station; July 8, Ford Garage; July 15, Chevrolet Garage, July 22, Red Indian Service Sta­ tion. These stations will alternate until the end of October. AUCTION SALE OF HIGH CLASS* FURNITURE (Everything like new) AVEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1945 on Albert Street, Exeter, at 1 o’clock. 3-piece chesterfield suite, 9-piece* dining room suite, book case, hall seat, 2 beds with springs and matt­ resses, 2 dressers, 3 bedroom chaifs,. bedroom rocker, 2 smhll tables, kitchen table, 3 kitchen chairs,, large rocking chair, small rocking chair, parlor table, 3 flower stands, 3 small tables, electric washing, machine, wash tub, 2 congoleum rugs, day bed, writing desk, coal, scuttle, watering can, step ladder, large galvanized bath tub, lawn mower, garden rake, hoes, potato, digger, shovels, post hole auger, wheelbarrow, rubber hose, grind stone, trailer, quantity of lunfoer,. quantity of brick, wax polishing brush, quilting franfe’s.j*^ Ironing, board, flooi’ mop, btOoih, ci'oek (4 gal.), a quantity of dishes, sealers, buttei’ tray and ladle, axe, electric light fixture, scythe, stove pipes,, croquet set, cobbler’s set, window sash, cupboards, doors,8 and many othei’ articles too numerous to men-*- tion. TERMS—CASH WILLIAM QUINN, Proprietor,. .FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer,. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk. 43 Mk. Public meetings for the dissem­ ination of information re Township School Area will bet held in the Township of Usborne, as follows: At S. S, No. 5, Bisset’s School, on Friday, June 15, at 8.30 p.m., and at S S. No. 6, Winchelsea, on Mon­ day, June 18, at 8.30 p.m? Both meetings will be addressed by Mr. S. H. Whitmore, See’y-Treas, of the Tuckersmith Township School Area. These meetings are being held to give you an opportunity to study this project and residents of neigh­ boring section ate requested to at­ tend. A. W, MORGAN, Clerk. 2t STRAWBERRY SUFFER St. tend berry 27th, Week, Mary’s Church, Brinsley, in* holding their annual straw* and cold meat supper, June Further announcement next NOTICE! * * « We lmvc been advised by The Seed* Export Office that payment of Participation on 1914 crop of Clover seeds will not likely be made before early September, the delay being occasioned by an unusually heavy crop and to the fact that time for accepting deliveries fronv fatoners was extended for ail addl- tiiial month beyond the original time limit, The extension, it will' bo recalled, was granted due to weather conditions which prevented! delivery during early spring. • * « Jones, McNaughton Seed Co..