HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-05-17, Page 9P«e 8 THE TIMES-APVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNINCi, MAY 17, 1945 s Beauty Shoppe **$I<IRVIOE’ ij$. OUR MOTTO” All Hues of beauty Culture, Tel. 112, Exeter Vera. C. Decker, Prop. .••a Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 ............ Show commences each night at 7.30 p.m, until further notice. Exeter Markets | Wheat. ?i»08. Oats 52c. Barley 69e. Creamery Butter 39 c. Hgg$, A Large 31e Eggs, A Medium 29c Eggs, Bullet 22c Eggs B 24c Dressed Hogs $17.25 Bonus A ?4.00 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY May 16 th, 17th HOTEL BERLINU Georgian Beauty Shoppe (Successor t<> Marion Pooley) Satisfaction Guaranteed M. Christine McCrae, Prop. Exeter Phone 845 I LOCALS Phone 100 The 18th Blood Donors Clinic will be held on Wednesday, June Gtb. Snell's Taxi Service CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Kemieth MacLoan* Minister Mrs. <1. G. Cochrane. Organist Sunday, 10 a.m.-™-Suuday School and Bible Glass, Sunday, XI a.m,—-Rublio Worship and Communion. Monday, 4.15 p.m.-—-Busy Bees Mission Band. Thursday, 8 p.m,—W.M.S. at home of Mrs. H. Whyte. Tuesday, May 22, 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. Special speaker, G. Hamill, 'pres. Provincial P.Y.p.s. Hensalj Society invited. Wednesday, May 23—Prayer Meet­ ing, Rev. Hunt, speaker. NEW PRINTSi 10 pieces only of new Wabasso prints. These are very scarce goods as you well know. Three qualities at per yard 20c, 30c, 35c Vickie Baum’s sensational best seller4, all the hidden evil of the world’s centre of crime, starring FAY EMERSON, RAYMOND MASSEY, HELMUT DANTINE and PETER LORRE Mrs. M. Hewlitt Smith left on Monday for Zurich to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cole spent a few days in Toronto during the past week, Mr. spent of hi$ Mr. WITH AN EYE TO GOOD GROOMING AND BETTER PERMANENTS. FRIDAY and SATURDAY May 18th, 19th “The Princess and the Pirate” Special technicolor feature starring BOB HOPE, VIRGINIA MAYO and WALTER BRENNAN MONDAY and TUESDAY •May 21st, 22nd 2 features “The Enchanted Cottage starring DOROTHY McGUIRE, ROBERT YOUNG and HERBERT MARSHALL Jutson Corbett, of Loudon, the week-end at the home parents. and Mrs, Hayter, of Detroit, spent a few days last week visiting in this community. Lieut. W. C. Dunsford, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dunsford. Mrs. Mattingly, of Sarnia, and Miss Mildred Hannigan, of London, spent Mother’s Dav at their home here. Miss Olive Wood, of Toronto, visited over the week-end witn her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Wood. Mr. John Roberts, of Hamilton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. R Mc­ Donald, week. Mrs. Toronto _. the home of her mother, Mrs. E. •Follick. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Anderson, Terry and Lynne, of Aurora, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sampson Falls last week. Mr. Nelson Hill returned to ronto Monday after visiting mother, of Hensail during the past Edna Hearts returned Sunday after visiting to at A. Mc- To- for Mrs. iff Tomlinson Hairdressing Plipne 146 Phone 146 Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter and Mrs. Hai;ry visited with the on Sunday. Malcolm Spence, visited on Thursday last and Mrs. Geo. Jaques. G, and Mrs. Tremner and of Strathroy, spent Moth- with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. West, of former’s of Blan- “A Guy, a Girl and a Pal’ starring TED DONALDSON (star of “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn”) Coming .... “Mollie and Me” “Hangover Squire” “National Velvet” “This Man’s Navy” Caven Young People A meeting of interest was in the schoolroom of Caven /byterian Church on Sunday ning, May 13, of the Guild held Pres- eve- when the members __ _ entertained their mothers and presented a Mother’s Day program. On behalf of the members and in a few appropriate words, Miss Jeckell welcomed the mothers and other guests. The scripture lesson taken from por­ tions of Proverbs 31, was read b> Jack Whyte. Following this a ser­ vice in honor of mothers, and based on Henry Van Dyke’s prayer for a mother was presented by Jean Kirk, Dorothy Kydd, Geneva El­ liot, Mary Easton and Joyce Sim­ mons. A two-part chorus, “The Songs My Mother Used to Sing,” was well-rendered by Joyce Sim­ mons, Pearl Kirk, Maxine Mac­ Donald and Betty Belling. During • the reception of the offering, Mrs. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, N. J. Woods, M,A., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—Public Worship and Church School, The Minister. 7.30 p.m,—Public Worship, The Minister. Wed., May 16, prayer service Rev. Hunt. Thurs., May 17, Mission -Slides Date Line, at ,8 p.m.—Mid-week in Main Street, 8 p.m., — W.M.S. on “West of the the church. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. B. Irwin. B.A. Mrs. Wm. Murdoch, A.L.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship, the Minister. “The Builders.” 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship, the Minister, “Down by the Sea”. Sunday, May 27th, Red Cross Serv­ ice, Hon, Capt. Rev. E. Essex. i 1 Beautiful All Wool White Kenwood Blankets Lovely for a gift—and they are warm and cozy these cold damp nights. Extra large size, 72’* x 90” each $7.00 Good Quality from England These were ordered two years ago and they have just arrived. Three very neat patterns, 94 pieces at FACTORY COTTON 36 inches wide APRONS? This is an exceptionally good quality— splendid for pillow cases and sheeting. per yard 28c Blindcraft Aprons made by the Blind— the first we have had in months, at 59c, 69c, 75c, 79c, $1 Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday JAM, large 4 lb. jars, Apple and Raspberry, Apple and Strawberry, special ....... 59c CORN SYRUP, saves sugar, , 2 lb. tins .........................-.................... 25c 5 lb. tins ............................................... 55c HONEY, Bee Kist “pasteurized” very choice, in container 25c NUTRIEN BABY CEREAL • serve without cooking, large pkg...... 49c CLUB HOUSE PUDDINGS, Assorted, No sugar needed, 2 pkgs.....................15c CLARKE’S Cream of Mushroom SOUP Special ................................... 3 cans 25c PUMPKIN, large size tin, Special ................................... -per tin 10c KLEEN ZIT The cleaner supreme ........... per tin 40c AYLMER APPLE JUICE very choice ..................... per bottle 15c TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Mr. Sarnia, mother Mrs. shard, with Mr. • Dr. O. Virginia, er’s Day Winer. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Edworthy and Elaine, of Tillsonburg, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Horton. Mr. Roy Howard and daughter, Lillian, of London, visited on Sun­ day with Mrs. E. Christie and called on some old friends. a week with his Grace Aidworth. Mrs. L. Sweitzer, litt Smith and S. J. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Sweitzer at Shipka. Mr, and Mrs. George Clark and ■family and Mrs. Hugh Clark, all of Thedford, • - with Mr. Mrs. residing fered a evening bed. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fitzgerald and Peggy, of London, visited at the home of Mrs. Fitzgerald’s parents, Mr. and M-rs. Robt. Tinney and en­ joyed the Wednesday holiday. Rev. W. E. Aidworth, of St. Mary’s United Church, St. Marys, was elected chairman of the Perth Presbytery of the United Church at Mitchell last week. Miss Jessie Hodgert sp_ent Sun- > day with her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Scott, of Cromarty. Mrs. Scott’s many friends will regret to know that she is seriously ill. Mr, and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer, ot iShipkav and Mrs. Glen Brenner and family of Grand Bend spent [ Saturday with their parents, Mr, | and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Lampman of Burgessville, and Mr. Louis Lamp­ man, of Niagara Fall, N.Y., visited | with the former’s Mrs. Lampman Mr. and Mrs. and family, of and Mrs. John Mrs. M. Sweitzer Hew- spenx spent Mother’s Day and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer. John Preszcator, who is with her son Basil, suf­ paralytic stroke Saturday and is confined to >her Letters From Overseas During the week the Exeter Dis­ trict War Time Committee has re­ ceived letters from the following boys cels: land, Cfn. A. -C. Murray in Holland, ■F/S ~ •' . -- “ 1 A.F., Pte J. H. Clarke in N. Europe, LAC. W. E. Simmons with R.C.'A.F. Gnr. G. -0. Disjardine in Holland, Pte. M. T. Finkbeiner in England, Cpl. G. A. Masse in Holland. Contributions to the .^parcel fund received are: Previously acknowledged $2,030.93 Grand Bend Play per Helen Walper ....... Group of seven ladies at Centralia .......... in acknowledgment of i>ar- Pte. E. Glenn Walper in Eng- D. H. Wethey with the R.C. 25.00 7.00 Congregations Fill Churches (Continued from page 1) I’Will be exalted in the earth.” 8 a.m.- Rector, Rev. Al. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader. Air. Middlemiss Whit Sunday -Holy Communion. 10 ? a.m.—Sqdn. Ldr. H. Smith, of No. 9, S.F.T.S., will address the Sunday School. Special number by the boys’ choir, assisted by Allan Elston. Parents welcome. 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sei’- mon, “The Mission of God, the Holy Ghost.” Soloist, Miss Doris Ellenton. * Tuesday, May 22nd, 8 p.m.—The Ladies’ Guild will meet at the rectory. ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton E. Reuber, B.A.,\££.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Mor Jock, Organist ■Morning Worship. -Church Sehbbl. M. a.m. a.m. Cochrane played Brahm’s- Lullaby, {visited at the K. J. and last week. Coulquhon Hill, Mr. and Keith 10 11 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship. •Friday, 8 p.m.—E.Y.F. Southcott Bros. Phone 16 I • The dedicatory prayer was offered by Jim Whyte. The Mother’s Day .message given by Mrs. MacLean, was based on the story of Hannah, the mother of the Prophet Samuel. In this she endeavoured to show •that the life of this devoted moth­ er was a model for Christian moth­ ers of this age. (After the singing -of the hymn, “Sun of My Soul”, Mr. McLean closed the meeting with •prayer. An hour of very enjoyable fellowship was then spent. _____ _____ ____________ If we are to know the conditions or foundations of peace we must be willing to pause and listen to the voice of God. The horrors disclosed by the capture of the Nazi Concen­ tration Camps not only reveals the depth of German deprovity but the depth to which man can sink when he worships his own will rather than the will of God. We see there humanity at its worst. The speaker was doubtful if the German people had really learned their lesson as there was little evidence of peni­ tence so far but he also was doubt­ ful if we had learned our lessons from the war. If we copy their tac­ tics and sink to their level in hat­ red and revenge peace will not be permanent. Let us not imitate the Nazi theory of ra'ce superiority by teaching that the Anglo-Saxon race PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 1 H. T. Kendrick. Pastor CHICK This trouble is rampant at this time and the worst season is yet to come. SPECIAL NOTICE If you are unable to cope with your troubles See Us and we will have An O.A.C. Man call to see you. Your troubles are our Specialty. We have done post mortems on a large number of dead chicks. These chicks have empty crops, empty intestines, plugged giz­ zards and no blood. In this case feed plenty of grit from the first day forward and use our Red Blood Quick Tab­ lets. Watch our ads for special advice. Your drugs at ROBERTSON’S son, one day Clayton Science Madge home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hodgert on Mother’s Day. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Peter and family, of Byron, called on Mr. and Mrs. Jos. May Thursday of last week while on their way to visit - . - - - -- with the former’s parents at At-1 a superior race and chosen of wood.’ *------— at-------------------------------- -- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques visited in Tavistock over the week-end. Their granddaughter, Jane Francis, who has been visiting here for a week returned to Tavistock with them. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Delbridge and family and Mr and Mrs. Squire I Herdman and family, of Usborne, I and Miss Pearl -Spicer, of London/ spent Mother’s Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Delbridge. Mrs, Venner and Mrs. Fitzpat­ rick have moved into the residence on Andrew Street recently purchas­ ed from Mrs. Kerslake. Mrs. Kers- lake, who is well advanced in years j will continue to reside with them,; FO. Jack Cochrane, of Kitchener,< recently returned from four years service overseas, visited his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J, G. Cochrane, of town. FO. Co'chrane sang a very pleasing solo at the morning service in Caven church. ■Second Lieut. R. G. Stanbury, who recently received his commis­ sion, accompanied by his wife, called bn friends in Exbter Tues- day while on their way to spend a few days at Bayfield. Lieut. Stanbury is being posted to tn«- C.I.T.D. at Valcartler, Que. Mrs. Sylvanus Cann received a lovely bouquet of flowers f-of Moth­ er’s Day from her son, Pte. Bruce Cahn, somewhere in Belguim. It was pieced at the Honor Roil Of the Penticostal Assembly on Sunday evening, Pastqr Kendrick sang the sblb “The Old Rugged Cross’* ac­ companied on the piano by Mrs. Edgar Cudmore in loving memory of Pte. 'Charles Stewart Cann, who gave his life for King and Country at the Moro River In Italy. God for privileges. Only New Testa­ ment Standards of self-sacrifice, tolerance, generosity and good will, will make a permanent foundation for the peace of the world. The winning of the peace is going to be far more difficult than the winning of the war Once again in the mercy of God, we have the making of peace in our hands. Last time we lost the peace by allowing Musso­ lini to rape Ethiopia and Japan Manchuria and also -by helping to arm Hitler. Let us not “fumble .the ball” this time but build a peace worthy of the sacrifice' of the men who died for justice and freedom. Splendid congregations were pres­ ent both morning and evening. Wednesday, 8.30 p.m.—Bible Study Subject, “The Holy’ Spirit/’ Friday, 8.3 0 p.m.—Young Peoples’ Speaker, Miss D. McDonald. Sunday, 10- a.m.—Sunday School. Supt. Mr. E. 'Cudmore. Classes for all ages. You. are invited. Sunday, 11 a.m.—“Prayer is an Evidence of Faith.” The Minister Sunday, 7.3 Oi p.m.—.“The Price of .. Spiritual Power.” "The Minister. QUESTION—What is the reason that your Young People like to ■ S1 come to church? ANSWER—•“ ■ secret. Tliey love the Lord, you? We invite your fellowship. Cheerful singing and testimony. -Listen, I’ll tell you the. .. - - - do Rev. Chandler Dies Suddenly Rev. E. F. Chandler, B.A., B.D., pastor of the. United church at Parkhill and Lieury, died suddenly at his home in Parkhill Sunday morning aftei' conducting the mor­ ning service in the Parkhill church. Mr. Chandler, who was in his 62nd year, was a uative of London, Eng., and for over 20 years was a minis­ ter of Huron county, holding charges at Waldon, Fordwich and Kippen. He is survived by his wife, six daughters and one sbn. 1527 O XT Exeter District Co-Op Store A Car of Feed Oats is on the way. A few more orders needed to complete the car We have a good supply of rope for hay fork sling ropes, etc, REX WHEAT GERM OIL Every livestock owner should have a bottle. A Supply of Roofing Material on hand. Handling grass seeds and seed corn. 0 „ ............................................. Exeter District Cooperative P. Passmore, Manager James St. .Afternoon. Auxiliary The Afternoon (Auxiliary met in the basement of the church Thurs­ day, May 10th. In the absence of the president, Mrs. J. M. Southcott, who was attending a two day con­ ference of the Branch W.M.S. in Stratford, the vice-president, Miss H. Monteith, occupied the chair for tile opening exercises. “Oh for a Thousand Tongues to Slug My Dear Redeemer’s Praise,” was the opening hymn and was followed by a prayer of thanksgiving and the Daily Prayer in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. brigg,- and roll call to which Zur- 'i a goodly number replied. The treas- ■ urer, 'Mrs. Stone, gave her monthly • report. Mrs. S. McFalls reported for the Corresponding Secretary’s duties, Mrs. Horney for Community Friendship, Mrs. Kyle for Supply and Mrs. Irwin for Temperance, re­ ferring to the Halifax outbreak as an example of what intemperance does. Mrs. Irwin also gave ’some thoughts' from the Presbyterial held at Goderich. Collection was then taken and Mrs. Horney was called to the chair as her - group had charge of the program. Mrs. Horney gave out Hymn 5 28 fol­ lowed by prayer. A well-rendered duet was given by Mrs. P. McFalls and Mrs. J. B. McLean. Mrs. Wm. Murdoch accompanied them at the piano. Mrs. H. Delbridge gave the scripture reading and also -a read­ ing on the days subject, “Second Pioneers.” Second Pioneers was giv­ en in story form, on the evacuation of the Japanese from, British Colum­ bia in the beginning of the war. The story concerned some of the christianized -families of Japanese, and their sorrow at having to leave the homes they had estab­ lished out in the West and of their difficulties in making new friends and new occupations. Those taking part in the story werb Mrs., M. Heywood, Mrs. Irwin, Mrs', Zur- brigg and Mrs. Wright, The meet­ ing closed with Hymn 330 and prayer. /Right now we have a good stock of leather belts. They are in colors of black, brown and tan. And they’re by Hickok. 75c and $1.00 made I Taman’s Men’s Wear .................................................. ♦ f . '■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MH IF SO, DO NOT WAIT, BUT COME TO SEE US. MATERIALS ARE AVAILABLE BUT SLOW ON DELIVERY. DELAY ON YOUR PART MAY • CAUSE DISAPPOINTMENT. GREENWAY All the ladies and their children of the United church are cordially invited to the Baby Band social afternoon at the honie Of the Baby Band suporinlendent, Mrs. Elton Curts on Wednesday afternoon May 23i’d. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wellman, Mar­ ilyn and Robert, of Port Huron, spent the week-end “with relatives. Miss Lillian Ulens, of Windsor, and Mr. Dorman Ulens, of London, spent the Week-end with Mrs. W. T. Wens, Own Youp Own Home ■j ■— C — 0 W»l I >10 U ■■ Q MEN WANTED FOR PART TIME WORK. The Huron Lumber Co. Exeter, Ontario A < * *