HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-05-17, Page 4Page 4 •TOE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING* MAY 17, 1945 ChAIn grain SI -4-1 Mk ...v1"'''"'"'’ .' -------- ■ = 1 g ■ The better the bricks, the better tlie house! The. better the feed, the better the birds! Take no chances—egg production next season depends upon the size and stamina of the birds you grow this summer. Good grain is the best base for a top-notch diet for growing chickens. Add only SHUR-GAIN 34% DEVELOPING CON­ CENTRATE — it supplies all the extra, protein, minerals and vitamins needed for Best Development. Thousands more Canadian farmers use growing mash made with SHUR-GAIN DEVELOPING CONCENTRATE than any other type of growing ration for chickens. In a growing mash made with SHUR-GAIN DEVELOPING CONCENTRATE, you get the optimum amount of protein, minerals and vitamins for best growth, fine feather develop­ ment, sturdy bone, and prevention of disease. Your birds will develop into fine young pullets, ready, fit and able to do their best for you when the time comes for them to enter the laying pens. Have your grains ground and mixed with SHUR-GAIN DEVELOPING CONCENTRATE here at our mill, for a really economical growing mash. Shur-Gain 34% Price only $3.65 per bag. S Developing Concentrate Made and Sold by , S ' ••A. Cann & Sons T. B. Allen Lackie Bros. * Exeter Farquhar Whalen I s i i 1■ H i i ■ ■ ■ ’ H CONDITION POWDER 3 lbs. — $1.00 9 lbs. — $2.45 Guaranteed no Filler Results considered, you will find this powder unequalled as a tonic for all farm stock Your drugs at Robertson's Phone 50 Exeter < KHIVA Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder anu family, of Detroit, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and -Mrs. Otto Wil- lert. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lawson, and daughter Gwen, Mrs. Grace Taylor and Mr. Harold Wurm, of Wood­ ham, and Miss Verna Heaman, ot Exeter, were Sunday visitors with- Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wurm. Mr. Peter Regier is at present a patient in St. Joseph Hospital, London. His many friends will hope for his speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Pius Dietrich and Mr. and Mrs. Milford Ayotte spent Thursday in London. I to. GEORGE DREW MONDAY, MAY 21st, 8.30 p.m. Over a special network of Ontario Stations including- CJCS STRATFORD WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd, 9.30 p.m. Oi ’er a special network of Ontario Stations including CFRB TORONTO BOARD OF EDUCATION The regular meeting of the Board Of Education was held in the Bub* lie Library, Thursday evening, May iOth. Absent: J. M. Southcott, H. W. Whyte and Dr. Cowen.Op opening the meeting the chairman paid a tribute to the late Mrs. B, W. F. Beavers. He said, “I am sure I voice the feeling of every .memhei' of the Board when I say that we deeply regret the passing QU May 2nd, Of a valueu member for fourteen years in the person of the late Mrs. Roxie Beav­ ers, who always had at heart, the interest and welfare of the pupils and staff of our schools, who was regular and punctual in her attend­ ance at the meetings, and who did everything she could for the better­ ment of education in Exeter and district, We will miss her attend­ ance and wise counsels in our de­ liberations and we express our sin­cere sympathy to Mr. Beavers and her sons. In tribute to Mrs. Beav­ ers I would ask you to rise and spend a moment in silent medita­ tion. The minutes of the previous meet­ ing were read and approved. The drain was discussed and the Building and Grounds Committee were asked to meet the council in the matter. The High School principal report­ ed for April. Enrolment 187; War Savings $485.00. Pupils had sub­ scribed at least $2,200.00 in war bonds during the current school year. The chief concern for the month was preparations for* Cadet Inspection, Most of the unifornis had arrived and ordinance stores. Also, tlie rifle range had been -com­ pleted. Exams for* farm labor and cadet camp will be held during the week of May 14, Pupils with honors standing to be excused from writing exams in June. Students Council was preparing a shield with the names of all ex-students and teach­ ers who have given their lives in the fight for freedom. The permis­ sion of the Board was asked for a parade of the Cadets to Trivitt Memorial church, Sunday, May 13. The donation by Mr. Wm. Ward of a case of forty stuffed birds was acknowledged with thanks. Requests from Miss Tape and Mr. Watson for time off to write exams during May .and Mr. Howey to attend Cadets Camp, June 18-29, were read. Per E. R. Hopper and J. N. Willis, adoption of H.S. report; also that requests as made be granted. Carried. Matters regarding Com­ mercial work were discussed. Prin­ cipal to make report at next meet­ ing. The chairman congratulated both High and Public Schools on their War Savings. The P.S. principal reported for the Public School. Number on roll 160; War Savings $81.25. Exams, had been held and reports issued to the parents. Adoption of same on motion of J. N. Willis and J. H. Jones. A -communicationP f rom the , Us- borne Council was read with a re­ quest that the teaching of Scientific Agriculture -be added to the H.S. Curriculum at least as an optional subject. Per A. O. Elliot and J. N. Willis: that the secretary acknow­ ledge receipt of the letter; thank­ ing the Council for bringing this matter to the attention of the Board and advising them that the Board contemplates the teaching of this subject when the extra accom­ odation can be secured. Carried. Per A. O. Elliot and R. E. Russell that membership fee ($5.0-0') be sent to the Association of High School Boards. Carried. The following accounts were or­ dered paid on motion of J. N. Wil­ lis and J. H. Jones: H. S. Walters, repairs $1.00; <C. Blowes, radio rent 2.00; E. R. Hopper, supplies 7.00; Central Scientific, supplies 2.88; B. W. F. Beavers, supplies 10.43; Miss Tape, supplies 7.50; Bruce Rivers, supplies 6.01; H. Bierling, supplies 3.98; Harvey & Harvey, supplies <46; G. A. Hawkins, sup­ plies 3.70; W. Quinn, 137.22; E. R. Lindenfield, supplies, 4.6 6; R. E. Russell, supplies 3.75; Huron Lumber Co., supplies 6.23; Under­ wood Elliot Fisher_ Co., rentals 8.00; .Grigg Stationery, supplies 39.5 6; F. W. Gladman, jns. prem. 5.50. Price on Painting, submitted by E. L. Johnston was discussed and was left with the B. & G. Committee with power to act. Special meeting -of the Board for discussion of staff matters to be held at 7.30 p.m, May 21. Adjournment—A. O. Elliot. K. M. -MacFaul, Sec’y Announcements | Birth, Death and Marriage 2 Notieen are ' Inserted free ot I charge.’ Card of Thanks In: X Metuoriain NoticeM 50c for single I yerse, 25c extra tor each addi- j tionul verne. Bngageiaentu ! MARRIAGES •LJTT — At St. Paul’s Mildmay, on Friday, 1945, Helen Eugenie, and Mrs. Edwin WENGRR— Church, May 11, daughter of Mr. . „ . J, Litt, of Rondon, to Mr. Wil­ liam Barry Wenger, of Mildmay, DEATHS GUNNING—At Granton on Friday, May 11, 1945, Martha Elizabeth Brock, beloved wife of Arthur •Gunning, in her 79th year. MITCHELL—At his home in ter on Tuesday, May 15, Arthur Mitchell, in his 76 th year,. ENGAGEMENT Exe- 1945, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis, of Elimville, announce the engage­ ment of their eldest daughter, Norma Doreen, Finkbeiner, of Shipka, Finkbeiner, place early the eldest to Harold Douglas son of Mrs, Finkbeiner, and the late Lome the wedding to take in June, * Concord Ave.,Bennett. announces the engagement daughter. to LAC. Ronald D West- Mrs, M. Toronto, of her R.C.A.F, man, son of Mr, and Mrs. Melville Westman, of Granton, the wedding to take place the early part of June. CARDS OF THANKS 0 Mrs. George Maivhinney and fam­ ily wish to express their sincere thanks to the friends and neigh­ bors for the kindness and smypathy extended during their • recent ber­ eavement for the floral tributes the loaning of cars; to Rev. Trueblood and those who in any way offered♦ Doris (W.D.), their assistance. the late Mrs. John express their sin- i the friends and the kindness during Tlie family of Rodlie wish to cere thanks to neighbors for sympathy extended recent bereavement, special thanks to Rev. Mr. Mair and Mr. Harry Hoffman for the two beautiful solos which he sang, also to Mrs. McCrea, the accompanist. c and -their RENFREW SALES and SERVICE Anyone in need of a cream separator, hand or electric, call 93r4, Hugh Thiel, Box, 52, Zurich, R. 2..... .’Shr. ■ 26-31* if. . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—>100 acres, frame house bank barn, hydro, maple bush, school and village nearby. Sum­ mer possession, C. V. Pickard. FOR SALE—Brick House on John Street, 1% storey rug brick, modern conveniences. Immediate possession. Apply to B. M. Fran­ cis. ’ tfc FOR SALE—Store building, Exeter. Centrally located. Living quar­ ters attached. C. V. Pickard. Exeter. FOR SALE — iy2 storey frame house, composition shingle siding, insulated, electricity, town water, small hot water furnace with radiators. Upstairs, now an apart­ ment, rented. < New front veran­ dah. Centrally located just off Main Street at grist mill. *W. C. Pearce. * ....T,, ' .......7.7.7u.uiullff'.js Classified Directory 3 GOOD REASONS FOR USING WANT-ADS: 1 , . Readers 2 8 . JLittle Cost 3 . Results ............-..................——-..........’ ' - - ' " ' 11' : . FOR SALE FOR SALE—Mitchelite seed beans, No. 1 quality, grown from a top yielding crop. Phone 83r25 Hen- sall, G. Broderick, Exeter, Qnt. ________________ 4tp APPLE BUTTER FOR SALE— $1,50 a gallon. Sylvanus Cann, _ Apple Butter factory, Main St., Exeter._______________ 17:2 4 o FOR SALE—Potatoes, $1,70 per bag. Robert Cameron, Hensail, 10:17* FOR SALE—A 3 4 ‘Standard Chev. engine with practically new head. Phone 9rl*0( Kirkton. 17* FOR SALE1—Holstein cow eight years old, will freshen last of May, very heavy milker. L. B. Moore, Exeter North. 17* FOR SALE—'8 flower pots, Apply Wesley Heywood, Hay P.O. ’7* FOR SALE— A good iron pump with 30 feet iron piping. Apply Mrs. Maude -Horton, Sanders St. 17:24* TENDERS WANTED For the redecorating of the in­ terior of Winchelsea School. Apply to Ward Hern, Woodham, phone 4lr7 Kirkton for particulars, Ten­ ders to he in hy June 1st. Work to be done in the holidays. * AUCTION SALES LOST LOST—A brown wallet, containing registration card, driver’s lis- cense and a sum of money. Please leave at Times-Advocate, 17* COMING EVENTS DANCING LOOBY’S HALL, DUBLIN FRIDAY PERSONAL IF BACKACHES are slowing you up, take RUMACAPS. Pains and aches are relieved after the first dose. Robertson’s Drug Store. BABY CHICKS A-l BABY CHICKS—from blood- tested stock: Barred Rocks; Large Type White Leghorns; B. Rock x W, Leghorn; Sussex x New Hampshire; Red x Rocks. Write pr phone A. H. Switzef Hatchery, Granton, Ont., for price list, phone 38-3 Granton. WANTED "WANTED—A. two-wheel trailer in good condition; also a disc plow, ■For Sale: A young Polled Here­ ford bull, 6 months old; 2 sows due to farrow next week, second litter. Apply at Times-Advocate.* NOTICES NOTICE TO CREAM PRODUCERS Due to the labor situation Exeter Creamery will be unable to take in cream on Saturday nights during the summer season of 1945. 17:24c Exeter Creamery Co. Ltd. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN i COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Assess­ ment Roll of the Township of Stephen for the yeai’ 1945 will hold its first ‘meeting in the Coun­ cil Chambers,w Crediton, on Satur­ day, June 2nd’ 19 45, at one o’clock p.m. L. B. HODGSON, Township Clerk, Centralia, Ont, Dated at Centralia this 14th day of May, 1945. • 17:24:31c auction sale of household FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at William Street Exeter* WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1945 at 1 p.m. sharp the following; Electric stove; laundry stove With heater;, couch; 2 rocking chairs; 2 clocks; pictures; dresser; commode; side boa^d; dining-room table and six chairs; day bed; car­ pets; mats; parlor suttee; hall tree; beds; springs; mattresses; stands; dressers; chair; pots; pans; pails; boxes; window blinds; dishes of all kinds; 2 wash tubs; wringer; quan­ tity of bedding; sealers; cooking utensils; hammock; quantity of flour; mirror; rubber boots; grind stone; verandah chair; l;00 feet garden hose; sprinkling can; hand sleigh; extension ladder; quantity of bags; 2 buck saws; quantity of coal; 4 baskets of gladioli; small vice; chest of tools; wrenches; saw; squares; hammer; hatchet; a complete set of tools; 2 axes; gar­ den tools; step ladder; lawn mow­ er; wheel barrow; forks; shovels; hoes; cross-cut saw; scythe; milk can; wire. e TERMS—Cash. CHRIS LUKER, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR. Auct. timi nitiniiitinttiiiiiiiiHiniiittiHiitiiiniiiiiiiiit m imiiHtiiniiittiiiniiii tin I Now Available for Spring Seeding SEED CORN HYBRID “TOPCROP BRAND” Nos. 275 and 279 (85 days) ....................... $7.25 per bus. No. 531 (105 days) ................................... $6.25 per bus. No. 606 (110 days) ....................................... $6.25 per bus. OPEN POLLENATED Golden Glow, Early Bailey ....................... $2.85 per bus. White Cap, Wisconsin No. 7* Bloody Butcher, Sweepstakes ....................... $2.95 per bus. Longfellow, Compton’s Early ................. $3.25 per bus’. FODDER GRASSES Sorghum and Sudan ......................................... 10c per lb. Millets, Siberian and Hungarian ............... 694 c per lb. SOY BEANS Mandarin ....................................................... $3.75 per bus. Inoculant for Soy Beans— 2 bus. size ....................................................... 25c pkg. 5 bus. size .......... !............................ 65c pkg. Over the Ontario Regional Network of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation And Affiliated Stations Including CBL TORONTO on SATURDAY* MAY 26* 10.30 p.m. 9 ^PROGRESSIVE |u< CONSERVATIVE u 4+h ZION Miss Laurene Hern, R.N., of London, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Hern. Mr. and Mrs Dykeman, of Galt, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dykeman and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. Dykeman and fam­ ily. Mr, and Mrs. Eph. Hern visited on Sunday j with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westcott, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. M, Spence, of Blan- sliard, visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern. A large number from the com­ munity attended the V-E. Day ser­ vices at Woodham church on Tuesday morning last. Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Hern and family, of Loudon, visited in the community on Sunday. Mrs. E. Hunter, of Exeter, Visit­ ed over the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Brock. Tlie Mother’s Day service was held In the church on Sunday at. which Earl Charles, infaut son of Mi*. and Mrs. Wm. Stephens, was baptized. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Hern and family Visited Oil Sunday With Mi*, and Mrs. J. t. Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques and FARM FOR SALE—One and a quarter miles west of Dashwood and one and a half miles north, lot 8, con. 14, Hay Twp.,. 145 acres more or less; bank barn 50x72; pig stable, hen house; garage; driving shed, brick house with brick kitchen and cellar; dhydro in house, barn and hen house; built-in cupboards, plenty of soft and. hard water; land, black loam; 12 acres more or less of bush. For further par­ ticulars apply to Mr. Floyd Wein, R.R. 1, Dashwood, phone 58r5 Dashwood or Arthur Weber auctioneer, R.R. 1> Dashwood, phone 57rl2. Dashwood.3:10:17c For Chicks that pay No letter Writing. No money orders. No bother. Just let me know what you want and when you want It. 100% Jlvo delivery guaranteed. Bray Chick Hatchery H* Keith Mitchell, Manager Exeter Hatchery Phone 246 family, of Thames Rtedd, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Jaques. t Mr. and Mrs. James Earl visited on Sunday with Mrs. A. Gumiftig, of Exeter. SEED POTATOES CERTIFIED AND FOUNDATION “A” Irish Cobblers, Sebagos, Green Mountains, Katahdins, per peck 70c; bus. $1.35; bus. $2.65; per bag (100 lbs.) $4.20. ROOT SEEDS Mangels ................................ 75c per lb. Turnips, Jumbo, Can. Gem ........................... 85c per! lb. Laurentian ......... $1.10 per lb. ...............(V. ...... ALSO TAKING ORDERS FOR BEDDING PLANTS. Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co. Exeter — Ontario Box 213 Phone 207 titiu mu iiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniitiiiMMiiiiiHiniiiiiiiiHniHHintii nt tn tiiiiiitiiniiMtiniitiiiiuitiuitiiiiiiiiittiHinitniiiiii mt tiiiHHH WANTED AT ONCE A 50 to 1OO acre FARM on a paved highway close to Any small town or city and ’ preferably with hydi*o. Have a client who will pay cash up to Seven Thousand Dollars. Please state full particulars* and cash price. . Would prefer stocked and equipped Small farm. Otto Johann, Owen Sound* Ont. AUCTION SALE OF STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction at Lot 26, Con. 4, Hay Twp. on FRIDAY, MAY 25th, 1945 at 1.00 p.m. the following: 100-ACRE FARM — Bank barn 50x62, 22 ft. posts; 20 acres good bush, mostly .hard wood; 4 acres fall wheat; 18 acres spring grain; balance seeded down; 1 acre ol‘ good orchard; cement silo; frame house 20x28; kitchen 30x35; shingled with asphalt; good fur­ nace; drive shed 20x35; hen house 15x35'; double garage; lots of water with a good spring; well fenced; well drained. HORSES — Brown mare rising 6 yrs,, bifown mare rising 8 yrs., aged work mare. CATTLE—2 black heifers 3 yrs. old with calf at foot, red cow 6 yrs, old, black cow 6 yrs. old, black cow 9 yrs. ol<L 3 farrow cows, 2-year-old steer, 3 baby calves, good ones. IMPLEMENTS—M,H. binder 6- ft., M.H. manure spreader, 5-^t. ny>wer, cultivator, land roller, hay rake, riding plow, walking plow>, grain cradle, 4-section harrows, seed drill, wagon, buggy, light wagon, road cart, cutter, disc har­ row, fanning mill, scales, grind­ stone, pea harvester, cream separa­ tor, scuffler, hay fork rope, slings, pulley, hay fork, hay rack, wagou box, set sleighs, flat bottom; long ladder, 350 chick oil brooder, new; root pulper, 250 egg incubator, set double harness, iron kettle, single harness, copper kettle, stone boat, crosscut saw, 4-rack honey extract­ or, 2 bee smokers, capping knife, sausage grinder, lard press, fo-rks, whiffletrees, neckyokes, chains, barrels, boxes, 2 galvanized barrels, sap pan, 130 sap buckets, water trough, 4 oak barrels, 50 gal.; 36 gal. oak barrel, 10 gal. oak barrel, bag truck and other articles. 200 hens. 75 bushels oats. Quantity of hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — New­ combe piano in good shape, sewing machine, 2 leather rockers, 3 wood­ en rockers, 6 dining-room chairs, 8 ft. extension table, 2 glass cup­ boards, kitchen cupboard, 4-burner coal oil stove, 3-burner oven, drop­ leaf table, high chair, table 4 ft. long, child’s rocker, 2 beds, springs and mattresses, ■ small stand, 5 small tables, pedestal bench, chiffonier, wardrobe, 2 flower stands, churn, cradle, spinning wheel, corn sheller, grass seeder, folding screep, quan­ tity of dishes, pots, pans, pails, fruit cboker, pictures, picture frames, commode chair, 1 gallon glass churn. TERMS OF SALE , — Chattels, cash. Farm, 10 per cent, cash, bal­ ance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reserve bid. OLIVER FEE, Proprietor, R. R. 2, Hensall, GEO. LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK . TAYLOR, Auctioneer.. BREEDERS SALE OF HIGH CLASS SHORTHORNS at EXETER ARENA WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1945 I 38 heifers and young cows of the choicest breeding and the type and quality seldom offered for sale in an auction. They* are of our best. 6 youhg bulls all bv Klaymor Elector (R, m. Reck’s great breed­ ing sire) good colors and of most modern type, ( If you are interested in live stock nnproveinent take advantage and' attend this sale, Consign ci's;W, 0. F. Oestricher, Crediton, OnL R. M. Peck, Zurich, Ont. Clarence Douglas, Rrantford, OnL Auctioncci’s: Duncan Brown, Robert Ahios, William O’Meli;