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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-05-10, Page 5
the orn® ontario,thursday morning, may jo*, 1945 Page T “Happg Go Lucke’J?• by MRS. HARRY PUGH SMITH CHAPTER 5 ?‘I suppose so," admitted Tony, “though you’d never guess it.” Tpny filially noticed that his bride was pot pnjoying herself. “Sit down h^re, iSkee2iicks,’’ he said, indicat ing a place 011 the divan between him and Miss Havener, “You'll love hearing Gloria talk." Barbara’s cheeks felt very hot, her hands like lice. She had been so happy that afternoon; now she felt quite desperate. Her eyes must have said so, for Hank suddenly got to his feet, “Time to shove off, folks," he announced. Tony went downstairs to see them off, Bar bara did not go along, Tony was whistling when he re turned but he stopped at sight of Barbara’s face. “What’s the, mat ter, sugar!’’ he exclaimed. Barbara began to cry. He took her into his arms. He kissed hey; and murmured little soothing W-ords. Barbara sobbed it all ou,t. upon his shoulder, “We were so happy," she wailed, “and then-;— ahd then—oh, Tony, however are ypu going tp pay the hotel bill?” Tony chuckled. “Is that wfiaf’s got you down, sugar?” “It took the last bill in your pocket to pay for the cocktails. I- saw it." Tony took his billfold out of hi? pocket and opened it. “Do you see what I see?" he inquired. The billfold was stuffed with green backs. I “Where on earth!” cried Bar bara weakly. | ' Between laughs Tony explained. ( He had sold Martin Fagg’s wedding present for enough to , get them safely home, “But Tony, how could you?" TrYou said 'you never wanted to see it pr him again.” “I know, btit—” Barbara hesita ted. “It seems a dirty trick to play on Martin.” Tony’s gray eyes danced. “If you ask me, .he got off light. I might have punched his nose for sending my wife anything that ex- expensive. Not sore, are you, 'Skee-1 zicks?” ' Barbara looked up into his face. 1 P°ured whole place applauded. Barbara could scarcely wait for twelve o’clock. She and Tony had agreed that they would not attempt ip get lunch at home, since Bar* bara had only an hour, They thought it would be simpler to buy sandwiches across the street from the office as usual, Tony would lunch with her every day if possi ble. Of course he had no such reg ular hours as hers, He reported tq the office every morning, hut he was likely to be. out on a Story from then on. He was waiting that day when Barbara came out of the 'Clarion Building, hjs face shining, his eyes very bright as he caught her arm. Barbara thought she had never seen him look handsomer or gayer. He squeezed her arm as they walk ed across to the restaurant. “You’d better hang on,” he whis pered. “It’s all I can do to keep my feet on the ground. Am I happy!” “Oh, Tony!” ' cried Barbara. “Aren’t we lucky?” “I’ll say!” he exclaimed, Barbary was glad to be alone when she attempted their first meal at rthe flat. 'She had bought a cook, book the week before and surrep-’ titiously studied it. It sounded V?yy ’ simple. .She. stopped at the market when she left the'.bffice and bought lamtT chops, green peas, lettuce and aspargus fpr Salad, as well as staples like flour and coffee and sugar. She was astonished at the [size 'of the bill. She had imagined I that when one cooked one's’ own I meals they cost practically nothing. \|> She put the chops in the broiler exactly as thegicook book directed. She began to shell the peas. She had not dreamed it would take so long. Finally she had them on, but by that time tlie chops were beginning to burn around the edges? She turned the flame down. According to the cook .book muffins could be dashed together in a jiffy. By the time she had them ready, she dis covered that the oven was cold and the chops had stopped cooking, turned the flame up to the full popped the muffins in. At that ’ ment the peas boiled over. some of the water off Barbara burst into tears, “Every thing's gone wrong. Every single thing:!” Tony chuckled. “For heaven’s sake, sugar, don’t cry. We’ll go out to eat.” “I wanted to eat at home,” wail ed Barbara, Tony pulled her apron off add used it to dry her eyes, “I’m gam6 if you are,” he said, “But the chops are burned and the peas are scorched and the muf fins look like shriveled bricks,” “Shucks,” said Tony, biting into one, “they taste larruptjng," “You’re just saying that,” bara accused bitterly, ful." "Not on your life,” always did like chops “That’i you want them rare.” Tony pinched her cheek. “Any way, Ike salad’s elegant.” “Because even a moron can wash lettuce and spread asparagus out of a can on it," said Barbara with a sniffle. Barbara was dead tired when everything was put away. She could scarcely keep her eyes open till they finished in the kitchen, al though it was only nine o’clock. “V^ant to go to a picture?” asked Tony. Bar- “They’re aw- lied Tony. “I well done.” s why you tell the waiter Barbara hesitated. “I—I thought you might like to—to—" she chok- prl down a xra-azn *♦.-work on the “Tlio’“No,” she said breathlessly. I’m sure I ought to be.” Tony stooped and kissed her and her arms crept up about his neck. It was queer going back to the office as soon as they reached home the next morning. Tony went off whistling on a story to which he had been assigned, stopping on the way* out to kiss Barbara While the She and mo- She and started to set the table and fix the salad. 'She smelled the peas before they boiled quite dry although they had a scorched look, ,and then the chops burned. She had the door open to the service, porch to clear away the smoke from the chops when Tony walked in. “Great Scott!” he ex claimed, “what are you trying to do, kid? Asphyxiate us?” ed down a yawn play.” Tony laughed, feet, aren’t you?” “A little,” she been a long day.” “What you need clock around, Mrs. Blake,” said ny. He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom He got her pajamas, for her. He knelt down and took off her shoes. Barbara had never felt so cherished-, in her life. Dong after Tony had gone to sleep she lay awake, counting the beads of her happiness. Cuddled close inside Tony’s muscular arm', she could only think how fortunate she was because he loved her and she belonged to him and nothing could come between them—nothing. Life settled down into a routine fast enough for the Tony Blakes. By the first of July Barbara could hardly remember when she had not been, married. Everything that went before seemed both vague and insignificant beside being Tony’s wife. Nothing seemed important but Tony. However, common sense was Barbara’s strong point. There was the matter of their financial I condition. It worried Barbara from “Dead • on your confessed. is to sleep It’s the To- z/z > the first, “What the heck?” Tony said. “I never got M a pinch in my life that something didn’t turn up." “I know, Tony,” she pretested, “but if one has a stake ahead, he is independent. I mean, wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could quit youi’ job entirely and devote all your time to finishing your play?" Tony was struck with the “Say, that’s the stuff! Why did I never think of it? Have you got a head op ypur shoulders, Mrs, Blake or have you? Believe me, from now op I’m going tp pinch pennies till, they squeal, Barbara was delighted, She went to bed that night thrillingly happy, She felt a little smug about how tactful she hud been and what a good influence she was proving on her husband, but th© very next day Tony bought a new car. “You were .going tp save your mpney," protest ed Barbara. “That's why," explained Tony, “Old Liz was .getting to where she was eating • her head off with re pairs. It’s really economy, sugar, to trade in yo.Ur old flivver before it falls to pieces. I’ll save enough on oil and flat tires for the month ly payments.” Barbara felt a little desperatp. However, the new car was nice and Tony was delighted with it. Barbara had niad^ up her mind on her honeymoon to like Tony’s gang, but they frittered away his time. She had been so excited about Tony’st play,. .She had thought, he would go", right ahead and finish it. He appeared to be as eager to dp so as she. was to have him work on it. Nevertheless! after that first night when they dined alone, she and Tony never seemed to find an evening- when he was free to write. Barbara neVer knew when she fixed dinner how many to expect. <• Tony was just as .likely to bring of his cronies home with not. Tony was inordinately how well she was learning He was forever bragging friends about what a swell little housekeeper Barbara was turning into. 'She had taken the money out of her savings and fixed up the flat She and Tony together painted the woodwork a pale yellow and re tinted the walls a delicate buff shade. It looked like a different place and she kept it shining. The gang carefully talked down to her, as if they were trying to put hei' at ease in an atmosphere a little too rarefied for her mentality. “They’re. always talking about the books they are going to write and' the pictures they are going to paint,” Barbara told Hank Woods once, “but that’s as far as they ever .go, just talking.” Her hands were cold and her voice shook a little. “How. long, that you know of has Tony been go ing to do a play^when he got a- round to* it?ft. ^Te.^asked'. Hank shook his head, “I believe we were in the • eigth grade at grammar school the first time he mentioned it." Barbara winced. “Has he ever got past the opening scene?” “Never got past the first page, so far as I can figure,” said Hank. That night Barbara could not sleep. After a while Tony woke. “What’s the matter, sugar?” he asked drowsily. “Got a pain some where?” Barbara put her head on his shoulder. “Just restless,” she said. “What bothers my gal?" he asked, “Tell me and I’ll .give it the works.” Barbara did not want know that she was afraid he might go on and on like thp rest of his friends, talking big about what he was going to do, but never accom plishing anything. Finally, stam mering a lot and pausing hccasion- ally to hunt for a better word, she got it all out. Tony laughed ruefully. “Good Lord, sugar, I was afraid you were going to say you didn’t love me any idea. Wherever he may be •pf the Vlb on Monday p.m. in the Tap regular meeting lage Council was hpld evening, May 3rd, at 8 Council Chamber with all mem bers being present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Kers- l.ake and Fink; that the minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as read. Carried. Mr, Barber, repres enting Currie products Ltd., hand-’ lipg tar products for road building appeared explaining his products, and asked for consideration when purchasing such articles. W, Woof appeared requesting a Pool Room Licence, same granted. Fink and Hyde: that we rescind By-Law 9, 1'939, Pool Room Licences, and lower the nge limit to 16 years, and the Licence fee set at $2Q.OiO for the first table and $5,00 for each succeeding table, the hours to re main the same, Carried. Kerslake and Moir: that we hold Court of Revision on .the Assessment RolL of 1945 on June 5th at 8 p.m. Carried. Fink and Hyde: that we gather the garbage as usual on May 16 and 17 as reguested by the Board of Health, and that, the Clerk adver tise th$ same as usual. Carried. Correspondence read as follows: Currie Products Ltd., Herbert Wil liams, Alexander Murray & Co., Dept, of Planning and Develope- ment, Bell Telephone, Crown Attor ney, D. El. Holmes, Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario, Dept, of Municipal Affairs, War Assets Corporation, County Treasurer, Dept of Highways, Provincial Trea surer, a couple him as vain of to cook. to his to let him. . Old Age Pensions 'Commis sion, Hospital for Sick Children, same considered and filed. Bills and accounts were read. J. Pass-' more, ' material and labor, 9.98 Hall, 8.95 rink, 18,93; JJydrq Com mission, Hydro, Hall 10.27, motor 2.43, 12.7,0:; Workmens Compen sation Board, Assessment, 7 2". 41; A. jSpence and Son, material, rink, 4.88, Hall .61O., 5.48; Wm. Dabus, Sanitary Work Hall, 5.00; T. Kyle, Salary, 73,80; J. A, Paterson, part Salary, 138.30, express .52, 138.82, Total $.3 27.14. Fink, and Hyde: that the bills and accounts as read be’paid. Carried. Fink and Hyde:’ that we now adjourn. Carried. The^e beloved. symbols remind us. of a courage arid faifh which' have never watered. man’s pgrt—surely every BUY one of us. will be proud VICTORY BONOS buying ^every Victory Bond we possibly can. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED QMRP. Pumps and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures Head Office and Factory: LONDON, Ontario TORONTO • SUDBURY • WINNIPEG • VANCOUVER Rt. Hon. W. L. MACKENZIE KING, Prime Minister-: “ YOUR Liberal Government under Mackenzie King has taken practical steps to see that every Canadian after the war shall have a wide-open; chance to make a real success of his life. It can be done by giving everybody the opportunity to get ahead faster and go further. Isn't that what you want — a chance to make your own way IN your own way? Here are definite, practical steps which the Liberal Government has taken (not just talked about, but taken) to make this Canada a better place to work in and bring up your children. You will have to decide whether you want the men who devised these measures to carry them through, or whether you wish to entrust your own and your family’s future to others.- Yes, neighbour! A Sherwin- Williams Finish is beauti ful. Yet you can’t tell much about a paint’s quality simply by looking at it. The real value behind Sherwin-Williams Paints is the long-lasting protection they give you that makes them, in the long run, the most econo mical paints you can buy. That’s the reason why now, as in pre-war years, you can count on your Sherwin-Williams Dealer to sell you only the best paints and varnishes. He is still able to meet your painting and decorat ing requirements, and is ready to help you with expert advice. Ask to see his Paint & Colour Style Guide, before you paint or decor ate. Why not see your friendly Sherwin-Williams Dealer today! going to say you didn’t love more,” “I’ll always love you, said Barbara with a sob., why I can’t bear to think waisting your talents, You- worth giving your best to.” Tony cleared his throat. “You’re right about everthing. Barbara. I’ve been a chump. Spreading myself all over the earth and never getting anywhere. Thank God, you’ve op ened my eyes. It’s going to be dif ferent from now on. Beginning tomorrow night I’ll try to behave like an adult. Will that satisfy you, Mrs. Blake?” Barbara flinched. “I don’t want you to think I’m finding fault, To ny. It’s just that—that—” “Sure,” 4 he interrupted, giving her a kiss. I understand. It’s just that I need to get down to brass tacks and I will, so help me! I’ll tomorrow we wash see.” Tony,” “That’s of your —you’re Look for the store that sells PAINTS - VARNISHES - ENAMELS •£ B. W. F. Beavers, Exeter; Telephone 86 Dashwood Restemayer & Miller Grand Bend Desjardins Store be at the old typewriter night ten minutes after the suppei' dishes—you’ll Before they left for the office the next morning, he cleaned and oiled his machine and asked Barbara to remind him at lunch to get eoiuo new ribbons and a ream of white paper. “I’ve been kidding myself for years about going to do the darned thing,” he Confessed with a Wry grin. “I guess if I hadn’t mar ried you, I’d have gone on for the rest of my life kidding myself about being a great drainatist some day. By George, if I put it over, I know who’ll deserve the credit.” Barbara’s heart soared. “You'll put it over!” she cried, her eyes shining. “You couldn’t fail at any thing you honestly tided to do,” ( To be continued) and oiled RES The remains hf the late Alexan der Broadfoot, of Moose Jaw, Sask., arrived at 'Seaforth the latter part of the week for interment. 1 Reconstruction Plans for jobs for 900,000 more worxers than in 1939,; and 60,000 more each year as the population grows. Every kind of enterprise will be encouraged. The Liberal Government has already set up the machinery: the Department of Reconstruction. 2 Foreign Trade Liberal objective: Sixty percent increase in value over Canada’s pre-war export trade. This means thousands of jobs, and is based on the number of jobs created by Canada’s normal export trade. 3 Credit for Enterprise The Liberal Government set up the Industrial Development Bank to provide money at low interest for long terms to help enterprising Canadians to develop new business. Another step towards creating full employment. 4 Exports Encouraged War-torn countries will want to buy tremendous quantities of Canadian goods. To facilitate this, the Liberal Government has set up the Export Credit Insurance Act to do two things: (1) to insure Canadian exporters against loss, and (2) to make loans to foreign governments under contract to Canadian exporters. 5„ Farm improvement Loans Your Liberal Government has made low interest loans available to farmers to finance their work and make improvements. 6 Guaranteed Markets To provide farmers with a better wartime in come, the Liberal Government made contracts for definite quantities of importaiit products at agreed prices—• notably bacon, eggs, Cheese and beef. These Contracts have worked but so well the Liberal Government extended many for lodger periods. 7 Family Allowances From July next, Family Allowances are to be paid monthly to assist parents in raising their child ren—$2 50,000,000 a year direct spending power in the hands of people who need it most. 8 New Homes for Canadians The Liberal Government’s new $400,000,000 National Housing Act enables hundreds of thousands of Canadians to own their own homes. In the first year after Germany’s defeat, at least 50,000 dwellings will be built. 9 Returning Veterans. Gratuities, benefits and grants of $750,000,000 will enable men and women of the Armed Services to apply / their energies in building »• the prosperous Canada for which your Liberal Govern- ';W ment has been planning. 10 Floor Prices under Fish and Farm Products To protect farmers and fishermen and to main tain prices, the Liberal Government has pro vided floor prices under their products. Pros perous farmers and fishermen make a prosperous Canada. 11 Better Labour Conditions In co-operation with organized Labour, the Liberal Government has confirmed collective bargaining, provided unemployment insurance, appointed labour representatives on govern ment boards. (More than 600,000 workers, be cause of the Liberal Government’s attitude towards Labour and the labour movement, now get annual vacations with pay.) 12 Reduction in Taxation The Liberal Government will gradually reduce taxation wheri the European war is over to free spending power atid to give Canadians every opportunity for prosperity, employment ana freedom. What you have done in war—you can do in peace. You can do your part by supporting the Liberal Candidate in your constituency* BUILD A NEW SOCIAL ORDER VOTE LIBERA PUBLISHED SY The NATIONAL UBtRAL COMMITTEE