HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-05-10, Page 2Page 2 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETEK ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY IQfr, 1945 H. Mit- Preszca- Mrs. A, E. H. W. J. < OO^miON-PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE ON FARM LABOUR Act NOW! Students who haveAct NOW! Students who have the necessary standing at school can go to work on a farm AT ONCE and still secure educational credits. See your teacher or principal today or write direct to Director, Ontario Farm Service Force, Parliament Building, Toronto. 202 Donors at Blood Clinic Now thank tw all our w ENJOIN with all Canadians in giving thanks for the Victory in Europe whicli has delivered us from the perils of dictatorial domination and1 brutal ruthlessness. Our heartfelt thanks go out to all our fighting men who, by tlieir courage, devotion and sacrifices, have once again made us all proud to be called Canadians, Bank or Montreal The rnost successful Blood Clinic to date was held in Exeter on Wed­ nesday, May 2. 2'0'2 doners report­ ed and all donated, a record in itself, The two doctors, Dr. J. G. Dunlop ani^ Dr. M. C. Fletcher were kept going steadily all morn­ ing, the last donor went through shortly aftpr noon. Exeter’s total donations stan^ at 2^337 now, This clinic was the seventeenth blQPd clinic to be held in Exeter. The donors were: Exeter —- first: C. Stire; second, Marjory Broderick, Dorothy Hopp­ er, Mrs. L, Ford, F. Whilsmifh, C, Martene, W, Shapton, H. Fprd, R, Robertshaw, W- Neil; third, W, 'El­ liot, A, R, Dewar, R, Fletcher, H. Love, Mrs, A. M. Sweeton, Mrs. A. Weurth, Mrs, S, L. Moore; fourth, Mrs. G. Skinner, Mrs. Q, Hunter, Hplep Bpwe, Mrs, N, Heaman, Mar­ garet Melville, Josie Kerslake, L. Regier, M, Alderson, H, Hockey, W, 0. Hoopepr Howard Holtzman; fifth, J. H. Delbridge, C. Waghorn, T. Coates, H, Beaver,. P. Reid, F. Ellerington, R. Hopper, R. Morley, E. Harness, C. V. Pickard, chell, Ewart Pym, Mrs. B, tor, Mrs. T, .'Collingwood, Florence MacDonald, Eileen Snell, Rycknran, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sweit­ zer, Mrs. I. Harness, Lilly Miller, Mrs, E. Beavers; sixth, Parsons, R, Snell, H. Crawford, iL, L. Wells, sey, R. Smith, Asa Dougall; seventh, Mrs. W. Cutting, H. Whyte, G, W. Appleton; eigth, 1.----- Go^bplt, J„‘ W, Morley; tenth, S, B. Taylor. Dashwpod — first, Freida Rader, Elfrieda Bepkpr, Louis Dietrich, E. Dietrich; second, Mrs, R .Miller, J. Williams; third, Mrs. A. Keller­ man, Malieda Clarke, K. Kraft, Wurm, H. Neeb; fourth, Mrs. W. Neeb, K. Weber, fifth, Myrtle Gaiser, Mrs,. A. Hamilton, VZ. Gill; eigth, Mrs, S. J. West. Centralia —* first, Mrs, H. Powe, E, Powe, G. Godbolt, Miss H. Bus­ well; second, Mrs. fourth, .43. Hicks; sixth, foot, C. Theander, •Creditou — first, Mr, Arthur Gaiser, p, Kestle, ther; second, Lorue Dietrich, Mrs. L. England, A, Martene, H. Wein, C, Baumgarten, Mrs. K, Zwicker; third, Mrs, M, Beavers, ‘S. King fourth, N. Lamport, H. Gower, Finkbeiner, T. Yearly; fifth, Smith, Thames Road —• first, Mrs, Biby; second, O. Beaver, June Cow­ ard, E, third, L. Bray, J. Stewart, Exeter), <3,Godbolt; H. Light- and Mrs, K. Guen- J H. W. H. Jit Now Available for Spring Seeding I >■' Certified Seed Potatoes © Irish Cobblers, Green Mountains, Katahdins, Scbagos —per 100 lb. bag $4.20; bus, $&65; % bps. $1.35; peck 70c. Supply is limited—order parly! Root Seeds Mrs. E. Pollen, O. L. Hennes- Penhale, F. Cornis.1}, O. Jaques, Pauline Webb,. Gossmpn; . . Gaiser, W. Becker; sixth, G. Eagle- son, R. E, Weber. Grand. Bend — first, Mrs. C. Lane; third, Ruby Latta, Helen Walper, Mrs. E. Gill; fourth, Mrs. E. Webb, E. Latta; second, E. Webb;, fifth, Mrs. Edmunds; sixth, M'iller, Mips H. Howatt; Hackney, C. Coward, J. F. Borland; fourth, A. Mrs. W. Smith (now of Mrs. J. Bray, Mac Hod- gert, J. MacDougall, fifth,, son; seventh,_ A. Cann, Hurondale' — first, R, second, C. Down, O, fourth, H. Dougall, W. J. fifth, E, Cudmore, Mrs. Albert Eth­ erington, sixth, Albert Etherington. Hensail — first, H. Armstrong (No. 10 Hay); second, J. Faber;, third, Jean McQueen; fourth, Mrs. G. Tinney (No. 10 Hay), fifth, G. Tinney (No. 10 Hay), No, 2 Hay — first, E. Rowe, A. Campbell, A. E. Keys; second, W. Rowcliffe, M. Dougall; third, C, Prouty, Mrs. W. Northcott; fourth, Mrs. E. Cajnpbell; fifth, Muriel Rowe, P.’ Campbell, sixth, E, Camp­ bell, W. Geddes, E. Prouty. Zion fiyst, Anna Brock, Myh, E. Baker; second, Mrs, H. Rodd; fourth, Jean Brock; sixth, C. Ja­ ques, P. Hern; ninth, H. Hern, M. Hern. Elimville — second, H. Pym, Mrs, C, Gillfillan; third, Mrs. H. Heywood, A, Herdman, p, Hprne; fourth; Burdene Clark, C. Stephen, Ruth 'Skinner; fifth, Eilene Johns, Ethelene Johns, Mrs. R, E.’ Pooley, ■L. Elf ord; sixth, Mrs. D. Skinner; seventh, P. Johns; ninth, R. E. Pooley, A. Pym. Unit No. 18 — third, Mrs, H. Jeffrey; fourth, R. Westcott; fifth, G. Hicks, seventh, Mrs. H. Perkins, T. Campbell, L. Frayne. Unit No. 17 — second, A. West­ cott; fourth, J. S. Whiting, L. Par­ sons, J. Hunter; sixth, Mrs, A. Kerslake. R Simp- Jeffrey; Tuckey; Kernick; Mangels and Sugar Beets ..... Turnip—registered Laurentian ... per lb. 75c per lb. $1.10 Hybrid Corn All sizes and maturities—Popular prices. We distribute the famous “TOPCROP.” Open Pollenated Corn Golden Glow, White Cap, Early Bailey, Compton’s, Longfellow, Sweepstakes,. Bloody, Butcher— Popular prices. A full line of Grasses and Clovers still available although becoming very short. Box 213 Phone 207 MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN LIBERATED EUROPE LOOK TO ONTARIO FOR FOOD*......"..... ..... ........... 1O YEARS AGO Mr. Harry Hoffman of Dashwood has added another gold medal to his collection of medals, and is to be congratulated on winning the finals for baritone soloists in the feature class at the Stratford Mus­ ic Festival last week. The Silver Jubilee of the acces­ sion to the throne* of* King. George and Queen Mjary was fittingly ob­ served with an impressive celebra­ tion Monday morning. The teachers and officers of Ca- ven Presbyterian Sunday School have decided t<? re-decorate the entire basement, including the Main auditorium, the primary class room, the vestry and the kitchen. The McColl Frontenac Oil Co., of Toronto, have purchased the cor­ ner property of Mrs. E. Willis, Main St., south, on which they in­ tend to erect a new and up-to-date service station. Mr. Aljoe .Sanders met with an accident Thudsday of last week while at the slaughter house of Mr. H. C. Rivers. Mr. Sanders was in the act of closing a door when a window above the door fell and was soon Mr. John Payne, who has been in the services of Messrs. Jones and May for a number of .years .has resigned, and taken a position with the Jackson Co. as presser. Many of the flour mills in Ont' ario are shut down owing to the scarcity of wheat. Many of them have been idle for a long time. George Hind has taken a posi­ tion With the Molso'ns Bank as jun­ ior. Mr. W. J. Beer is having a gar­ age erected at the rear of his busi­ ness premises on James Street. A new C.T.R. station is to be erected at Clandeboye to replace the one destroyed by dandruff fire last year. 50 YEARS AGO homeward a- morning, struck him on the head, rendered unconscious but came around. a out He he YEARS AGO the severe electrical ENTS THINK of it, good, pay . .. whole­ some food . . . healthy envir­ onment. What better way could YOU spend YOUR vacation? 1 This year the need is greater than ever — thousands of High School* students from all parts of the province, are urgently needed to fill up the Farm Service Camps and to accept work on individual farms. x 0 By serving as a Farmerette or Farm Cadet you not only build up your own health but you also make a genuine contribution towards the saving of thousands of tons of food . . . food that means life to millions of people in liberated Europe. TO THIS SWORN FOE If you are botheredby dandruff, rub Minard * generously into your scalp. It’s greaseless, has no unpleasant odor, and dries quickly. It’s the sworn foe of dandruff—as it is of muscular soreness and pain, joint sprain or stiffness, tired feet; Excellent for colds and ordinary •ore throat, too. Get a bottle at your druggist’s today; keep it nandy. 128 While proceeding bout 3 o’clock Monday Mr. John J. Knight discovered smoke and fire issuing from the office window of Mr. John P. Ross’ (general store.. He gave the alarm and aroused Mr. Boss, who resides in the dwelling, who .was almost overcome from suffocation. The fire made considerable headway, burning the desk, a portion of one of the counters, a quantity of boots and shoes and badly damag­ ed the whole stock. There is not the slightest doubt but that the fire was caused by the match of an incendiary. The entrance was made through a hole in the warehouse, used for admitting coil oil barrels. Messrs. Geo. Bawden Shier have the contract mason dence. on H. The and A. to do the new resi- the work work on R. Hicks They will also do Bishop’s residence. thermometer registered 93 degress in the shade on Sunday and 115 in the sun at one o’clock. Mr. Jos. Davis has made the sale of another building site containing two lots on John Street to Dr. D. A. Anderson. OLD CHUM NO OTHER* .TpB^tO4. -15 During storm which passed over this dis­ trict on Wednesday of last week the bank barn of Mr. James Willis of the second concession of Steph­ en, was »struck by lightning and caught fire but fortunately the fire was noticed and extinguished be­ fore any serious loss occurred. <On Friday evening of. last week the, members of the James St. choir held a successful banquet when the losing side in an attendance contest entertained the winning side. The wiyes and husbands of the' members were also present. Following the banquet a fine pro­ gram was carried out and Mr. and Mrs. Gpulding were presented with a beautiful silver flower basket in appreciation of their faithful ser­ vice and untiring efforts. A severe windstorm accompanied by rain and lightning passed Over this section on Thursday evening and did a certain amount of dam­ age to a number of barns through­ out the community, Mr. V. L. Roulston, who has been attendihg Pharmacy College in Toronto, has completed his year and has accepted a position with Tamblyn’s Drug Store, London, 25 YEARS AGO Mr, J. A. MacDonald, for several years accountant at- the Exeter Branch of the Bahk of Commerce, and latei* manager at Creditoil who has been transferred to Lashburn, SaSk., was on Tuesday night pre­ sented With a Masonic ring, by a number of hist old friends who met at the home of Mr. T. H& Newell for that purpose. Mr, Albert E. Etherington lias been on crutches for a few days owing to an injury to liis foot when he fell from a ladder, Mr.. Richard Davis has purchased the dwelling and three .lots bn Huron street, owned by Mr. Eli Snell. FOR PIPE OR ROLLING YOUR OWN Y we can supply you with CEMENT, LIME, PLASTERS, WALL BOARD, INSULATION, ROOFING (both Asphalt Shingles and Paper) Phone 90w - 2w WE DELIVER s Exeter Itching, Burning, Stinging Eczema or Salt Rheum Eczema, or salt rheum as it is commonly called, is one of the most painful of all skin troubles. The intense burning, itching and smarting, espe­ cially at night, or when the affected part is exposed to heat, ’or the hands placed, in hot Water are most un­ bearable, and relief is gladly welcomed. TO s bearable, and rehef is gladly Welcomed. The .relief offered by Burdock. Blood Bitters is based on the fcnotf^W that such ailments as eczema, and other skin troubles, are caused bv an impure blood condition. . j « . , Pri<ab9ut in»Pr cleanliness by using B.B. B. to help cleanse the blood of its impurities, & Ask at any drug counter for B. B. B. Price $1.00 a bottle. , The T, Milburn; Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont,