HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-05-10, Page 1Single Copy, 5 cents
’* rick J. O’Dwyer;the
pealed ,out
had come
of Exeter
Seventy-Second Ye$r
in charge of the
were given to
in each platoon
to Ross Knight,
a dis^nce who attended gathered in many a nickle for the the service were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lw ciuh
Established J 873 Subscription, $2,00 per year
Jones & May
James St. Unit are holding a
.. special..
Red Cross Service
James Street Church
Uncle Josh Perkins”
by Wesley-Willis Y.P.U., Clinton
under the auspices of the Main1 St.
Evening Auxiliary
Main Street Church, Exeter
Thursday, May 10
The Late William J. Jones
at 11 a.m.
Hon. Capt., the Rev. E. Essex,
Chaplain of Camp Ipperwash,
as guest speaker.
The Canadian Legion Exeter*
Bonsall Branch 167
Saturday Night
May 12 th
in McKnight’s HaB, Exeter
Music supplied by Bob More
bis London Orchestra.
Dancing 9-12 o’clock
■ y
William J. Jones, well-known
Hensall resident for many years,
died at the home of his son, Arthur
Jones, in St. Thomas on Monday,
in his 85th year. Mr. Jones had
gone to Spend the winter months
in St. Thomas, becoming ill a week
ago. He was a member of Hensall
United Church and an elder. Born
in Belleville, he farmed in -Stanley
Township for many years before
taking up
some .years
death of his wife some years ago,
he made his home With members
of his family. Surviving are three
sons, Norman and Herbert, of Hen
sall; Arthur,' St. Thomas, formerly
of Exeter; a daughter, Mrs, R. J.
Munn, Hensall; a brother, Alden
Jones, London. Ths remains Vested
at the
service (public
by his
residence in Hensail
ago. Following the
home of his son, Norman
Hehsallj where a private
was held, followed by a service at Hensall United
on Wednesday conducted
pastor, Rev. R. A. Brook*
was in Baird’s Cemetery.,
Jas, Gibb, of Prince Albert,Mrs.
Sask,, arrived Tuesday to Visit with
her daughter, Mrs, and Mr. R. Mots.
Suddenly on Monday, May 1st,
1945 the death of Mary Evelyn
Kydd, dearly beloved wife of Walter
B. Rydall, of Shallow Lake, On
tario, occurred at the General and
Marine Hospital, Owen Sound, On
tario. .The deceased was a native
of Exeter where until 22 years ago
she and her husband/who was in*
the teaching profession, resided.
Since that time they have been
residents of - ’Shallow Lake
Mr. Rydall continues in his
profession. The late Mrs.
was a member and organist ... .
Shallow Lake United Church and
was active in community work.
Her passing is sincerely mourned
by a host of friends. Surviving are -----, ~ ■ of
and ...I__ was in
charge of Rev. F. Sullivan, her pas
tor,- assisted by Rev. W. Mair, of
of the
her husband, one son Jack,
Bracebridge, her parents,. Mr.
Mrs. Robert Kydd, formerly
Exeter, now of Shallow Lake,
two grandchildren. Bobbye
Jim. The funeral service
uui,’ dbSiBicQ oy jtxev* w. iV-iair, 01
i Thames Road and a cousin of the
deceased, Rev. W. A. Monteith, of
Fonthill, and was held from the
Shallow Lake United church at 2.30
p.m. Wed., May 3rd with interment
in Boyd’s cemetery. The pallbearers
were Messrs. Cochrane Noble. Bert
Featherston, Arthur Dymott, Robert
Cruickshank, Percy Noble and
Kenneth Rourke, Besides those from
the immediate neighborhood friends
attended from Toronto, Exeter,
Bracebridge, Tillsonburg, Listowel,
Mount Forest, Hamilton, Fonthill,
Meaford, Owen Sound, Wiarton,
HepwOrth, Zi6n,_ Park Head, Shoui-
dlce and other points.
Mrs.- -Ben Case is at present a
patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital,
London. We are glad to report that
she is improving nicely.
As the siren and bells
the message that victory
to Europe the citizens ,_
and community expressed their joy
and gratitude in various ways. The
news came through Monday morn
ing but it was not until the news
was confirmed by Ottawa at four
o’clock in the afternoon was the
siren sounded and the fire truck
followed by a number of cars par
aded the main street filling the air
■With noise, In ' the morning the
Students of the Exeter high school
headed by the cadets paraded
through the town,In the evening a service of praise
and thanksgiving was held in the
James Street ’United church and in
spite of the sport notice the church
Was filled. Rev, Mr. Irwin presided
and. assisting in the service were
Revs. M, A, Hunt, N. J. Woods and
Wm. Mair. The address of the eve
ning was given, by Rev. K. MacLean
and Mrs/John Hodgert sang a solo.
Tuesday and Wednesday were
proclaimed a holiday by Reeve B.
W, Tuckey and the schools and
business places have been closed.
On Tuesday afternoon a parade was
-formed in Exeter headed by the
band with the Tuckey trucks con
veying many of the children with
flags. An effigy of Hitler was sus
pended in front of the Reeve’s dec
orated car and was afterwards
burned in front of the Town Hali.
Simon Sweitzer, as undertaker, wltn
top hat, had a draped coffin of Hit
ler. The horses, driven by Henry
Green, were draped in black nets
used before the advent of auto
mobiles. The street was lined with
many persons from the surrounding
district. A parade of decorated
trucks and cars from Zurich visited
Exetei* in the, afternoon and in the
evening the Dashwood Band follow
ed by twenty-five cars paraded the
Main Street - with horns honking
and the band, playing.
A dance was held in the evening
at the Arena and one person re
marked that they had never seen
such a crowd Or had so much fun
as at this old and new time dance.
Bev. Mr. MacLean
Mr. MacLean in his address Mon
day evening stated that the first
note to be sounded was one of
thanksgiving to Almighty God.
forces haVe fought bravely on
battlefields jand noble work.
. (co,hti^p-?zi>,pji-.page 8).;.,
The first inspection of the new
ly formed Royal Canadian Army
Cadets of the Exetei* High School
was held on the school grounds on
Monday afternoon when Major
Young, cadet inspector of M.D. No.
1, conducted the review. Major
Young stated that it was his first
visit to the school and he was well
pleased with . the showing of the
cadets He commended the boys and
their instructors and expressed ap
preciation at seeing so many of the
parents and friends. The pur
pose of cadet training is to make
loyal citizens. No nation will ever
go to wax* against another nation
when that nation is well prepared,
said Mr. Young.The cadets were in
threeplatoons commanded by cadet
Capt. Warren Findlay. The platoon
officers are Cadet Lieuts. J, Whyte,
Ross Tuckey, Jack Hennessy; Cadet
Sergts. Bob Gladman, Jack Whyte,
and Don Easton; QM. Sergt, Don.
Southcott. Following the march
past when the salute was taken by
Maj. Young P.T. drill was demon
strated under the direction of Pte,
■Steve Molner, of No. 1 Platoon;
Hugh Davis No. >2 Platoon and Bev.
Alexander No. 3 Platoon. One of
the highlights was the PT exercises
of the H. S. girls under the direc
tion of Miss Ellenton. Sgt. Ford,
who accompanied Maj Young, sup
plemented a few exercises. Lieut.
E. Howey, of the H. S. staff, is the
instructor and was
inspection. Prizes
the smartest cadet
and were awarded
Ivan Hunter-Duvar and Ray Snell.
The names of the students on' the
Honor Roll were read by Miss L.
A Swine Club sponsored by the
Exeter Agricultural Society was or
ganized in the Town Hall, Exeter,
under the direction of Mr, Moore,
acting agricultural representative
for Huron.. There are close to 3 0
members. Officers elected were as
follows: President, Gleptn Fisher;
1st Vice, Will Ford; secretary, Jack
Heywood; coach, Wm.. Eilerington.
The club will meet once a month
and it is expected that they wil be
taken on a trip to Toronto and
through the plant of Canada Pack
ers, They, will be instructed on
feeding and1 judging- and' their"pigs"
will be judged at the Exeter fall fair
Mr? and Mrs. W. G. Medd and
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Layton, while on
their way to Toronto Wednesday of
last week, met with an ^accident on
the Thames Roa'd. They"had motor
ed about ten miles when one of the
tires blew out and. their auto turn
ed over. Mr. and Mrs. Layton both
suffered a fractured rib and sus
tained some bruises. Mrs. Medd was
also bruised and shaken up. Fortu
nately their injuries were not ser
ious. A wrecker from Exeter
brought the car back to town and
Mr. and Mrs. Medd took the train
the ’ same evening for Toronto
where Mr. Medd was a member of
the transfer committee of the
ed Church,*
of Clinton,
of welcome
At an enthusiastic meeting in
Town Hall, Clinton, Friday night of
last week, Dr. R. Hobbs Taylor, Pro
gressive-Conservative member of the
Legislature for Huron in the Drew
administration was again the un
animous choice of the convention.
His name was ,the only name pre
sented and was roundly applauded.
Mr. J. W. Morley, of Exeter,
president of the association, acted as
chairman, with Clarke Fisher as
secretary. Mr. Morley read a letter
from Dr, Taylor intimating a wil
lingness to again contest the elec
tion. A letter was also read from
his physician stating that his pro
gress from a health standpoint has
been excellent and that in a few
weeks he would be able to resume
his usual occupation.
Mayor J. M. Agnew,
addressed a few words
and J. F. Edwards, of Palmerston,
Progressive Conservative candidate
in- Perth and L. E, Cardiff, federal
candidate in North Huron, both
spoke briefly.
The principle speaker of the even
ing was Hon. Geo. Cliallies, Toronto
vice chairman of the Hydro Com
mission. Mr. Chailies was introduc
ed by Thos. Pryde. Mr. Challies
referred to the opening of Ontario
house in London, Eng., which would
serve to advertise the farm products
of Ontario and possibly persuade
British industry to locate here. He
stated that 6'00,00’0 meals had been
served to Ontario men overseas. Mr.
Drew's promise of paying 50 per
cent, of the cost of education in
Ontario had been implemented and
he gave some figures of what this
means to the county of Huron. Pu
blic school grants had been increas
ed from $29,453 to $94,22’0-; separ
ate schools grants from $3000 to
$7381 and secsudary schools from
’$10jO’00| to $66,680. ’Clinton Col
legiate would receive $i7sl800; Sea
forth $13,9001; Goderich $2.O,|0OO;
Exeter $13,280; Hensall $1,507.
Mr. Challies dealt in some length
to the hydro situation in Ontario
and the savings that had been made
by amalgamating the Various sys
tems. He referred to the reduction
in the hydro rates and the savings
it meant to the users, He outlined
a plan of expansion in the post war
period should the Draw government
be returned. He estimated the ex
penditure to be one million dollars
a moiith for a period of five years.
Cheers for Dr, Taylor were given at
the close.
At the Mayo Clinic
Dr. J. G. and Mrs. Dunlop left by
airplane ’from London Monday, eve
ning for Rochester, Minn., where
Mrs. Dunlop will enter the Mayo
Clinic for treatment. Her many
friends Wish for her a speedy rec
Exeter mourns the loss pi one of
its most prominent women in the
person of Mrs, b, W, F. Beavers
who passed away Wednesday of
last week following a short illness.
Mrs. Beavers was born in Exeter
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs,
Michael Eacrett. She received her
early education ip Exeter at the
public and continuation school, She
accompanied her parents when they
mpved to Brantford and ip 1906
she was married to Mr. Beavers In
1909 they moved to Exeter and
since that time Mrs, Beavers has
taken a most active interest in all
that pertained to the welfare of
this community. She was a member
of the Main Street United Church
and was active in the various wo
men s organizations. She was prominent in* W.C.T.U, work and for
three years was the county presi
dent. During her tenure of office
Huron County was made the ban
ner county for new members. For
several years she was leader of the
L.TL; j In I?30 Mrs‘ Beavers was glven bv Mr a elected to the Board of Education SI head^ablt
and during her fourteen years in bead table
office she rarely missed a meeting.
She was instrumental in the erec
tion of the two pillars that mark
the entrance to the south of the
village. During the first and second
World wars Mrs. Beavers was an
enthusiastic worker for the Red
Cross. She usually took her knitting
to any meeting that she attended.
She was the mother of the Eastern
Star in 'Exeter being instrumental
in its organization and in the solici
tation of its members. She was the
second worthy matron of the chap
ter. Surviving are her husband and
three sons, Lloyd, of Detroit; George
E., of Morrisburg, and Reg. L., ox.
Sarnia; five grandchildren; one
sister, Miss A. Eacrett, of Preston,
and two brothers, Richard, oi
Florida, and Vess, of Brantford
The funeral service was held Satur
day afternoon in the Main Street
United church, the church being
filled by her sorrowing friends. The
floral tributes were magnificent,
there being over fifty floral offer
ings. The service was conducted by
Rev. Mr. Woods assisted iy Rev.
Mr. Hunt. The bearers were Messi’s.
Wm. May, G. S. Howard, B. Nt
Francis. John Ferguson, Fradk
Taylor and Harold Whyte. Members
of the Board of Education and of
the Eastern Star were present in
■M;«b.Qdy: .and -, acted -as ..flower- bear
ers. The blinds were drawn during
the hour of service throughout the
business section of town. Among
Wednesday evening of last week
was a banner night for the Zurich and Exeter Lions clubs. Zurich.
Lions received their charter at a
banquet in the Lutheran church,
shed and the Exetei* club, sponsors
of the new club, with their ladies
attended, the banquet .in a body.
The Ladies Aid of the Lutheran
church served a most sumptuous
repast, the tables being nicely dec
orated, the shed was also dec
orated with evergreens and stream,"
ers making a very fitting place for
the gathering.
Representatives were present
from Goderich, Seaforth,. Blyth, St.
Marys, Mitchell, Milverton, London,
Clinton, Parkhill and St, Thomas.
J, Albert Traquair, president Of
the Exeter club, acted as chairman.
Prayer was offered by Rev. E. M.
Heimrich. A toast to “The King”
was proposed by C, V, Rickard; to
"The Ladies” by Thomas Pryde,
responded to by Mrs. P, J, O’Dwy
er, Mr. Traqnair gave a fine ad
dress, An address of welcome was ’given by Mr, Albert Kalbfleisch, At
i were a number of
prominent Lions and these were
introduced by Dalton Higgs, of St.
Thomas, Deputy District Governor-
William Waterman, . of Windsor,
district governor, presented the
charter and in a short address
stressed the benefits of Lionism to
a community. The officers of the
club were introduced and installed
by three International councillors,
Wm. Carrol, of Mitchell, Nelson
Hill, of Goderich and Earl Nichols,
of London. The new club were the
recipients of many gifts, the pres
entations being in charge of Bruce
Malcolm, of Toronto, district sec
retary. The Exeter club presented
a gong and gaval; the London club
a Union Jack; the 'St. Thomas club
an American flag and other presen
tations were a picture of the King,
framed copies of the Code of Ethics
and the Aims and Objects of Lion- .
ism; a president’s lapel pin and a
secretary’s lapel pin and a fine box
The charter and the gifts were ac
cepted by the new president, Dr,
A splendid program wound up a
Very successful evening. It consist
ed of selections on the accordian by
Sgt. Grundnitski, of Exeter, solos
by Wm. Manning, baritone, of Lon
don, selections by Willie Bell,
Scotch Comediah • and- tricks- by -My-.
ers, the magician. All were heartily
applauded. The tail twisters kept
the gathering in good spirits and
Beavers, -of Detroit; George E. Bea
vers, ,'of Morrishurg; Mr. and Mrs.
Reg. L. Beavers, of Sarnia; Miss
A. Eacrett, of Preston; Mr. ana
Mrs. S. R. Eacrett, Mr. George
Eacrett, Mr. Edgar Kaufman, Mrs.
Greta Kenyon and Mrs. Kathleen
White, of Brantford; -Miss Isobel
Turnbull and Mrs. Ida Sanders, ot
London; Mr. and Mrs. R. .Single-
ton, of Glencoe; Mrs. Ida Brown
and Mrs. Eunice Eacrett. of Sarnia;
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kirkby, of St.
Marys; Mr. Geo. ,S. Beavers, of
Russeldale; Mr, and Mrs. John
Dempsey, Mr. and Mrs. A. Warner,
of Bayfield,
The officers are, president, Pat-
1st vice, Ivan W.
Yungblut; 2nd vice, Theodore C.
Haberer; 3rd vice, Wesley B. Cox-
on; secretary, William A. Siebert;
treasurer, Chester L. Smith; tail
twister, George J. Deichert; Lion
tamer, iLeroy A. O'Brien; directors,
John M. Turkheim, John W. Mer-
ner, Edwin Tascho, W. V. Dinnin.
While assisting Dalton Finkbein-
er, the new butcher in skinning a
beast last Saturday, Dick Watson
was struck in the forehead with a
sharp knife inflicting a wound that
required six stitches to close.
WO.. Frederick Charles Sovereign
of Lucan, is one of the many Cam
adian airmen held prisoners by the
Germans, Who were -liberated by
the advancing Allied Armies
(Rev. James Anthony, M.A.)
As we write one little chap is
dancing up and down with happi
ness unalloyed as he tells us with
nothing short of ecstacy “Dad is
coming home.” Yes, coming home
to find the little toddler whom he
left taking his first steps, but now
a sturdy boy. Mother had kept
Daddy living in the little fellow'i
heart. “Will will soon be here,” j
mother ran to the
man, "The war is
little grayer and
Stooped. She has
•heavy load and
none too sound.
over. The joy bells ate ringing and
never were tones quite so sweet.
We were told to keep on working
by the wise ones, but what’s the
use? Our hearts are away too full
for that. Yes, food is needed and
we’ll produce it with God’s bless
ing, but today we want to shout
dance and sing for pure joy. The
heart strings that tightened when
we heard of Dunkirk and Dieppe
are loosening so rapidly that our
eyes are becoming over moist and
though the day is the Veal thing
for the mefry month of May we
are blowing our noses. Ah, It is a
great day. We Wish the siren could
scream ten times as loudly till its
field to tell her
over!” Dad is a
mother is more
been carrying a
sleep has been
But that all is
shrill tones pierced the awful halls
of death to show Hitler his tumbl
ed Babel tower and remind Mussol
ini of his apples of Sodom. But we
wish that we could hear that great
voice of Roosevelt this hour with
its healing and its sure guidance
for us. And Mr.
simply must hear him. We want to
see him' and these kakhi clad lad
dies to whom life was but a little
thing in comparison with freedom
and the call of duty. AU is not over That pestilence, tjiat Black Death
of the Pacific must be dealt with,
and our .brave men and women un
der God will do that very thing.
We’ll have another ' day of rejoic
ing unrestrained and we’ll join
With choristers who sang of peace
on earth and good will to men.
Peace? She comes over1 the moun
tain and sea and on the air and
there’s healing in her Wings. To
the praise We’ll give
ever after who this
glory showed and
surrender. To
our lives and
our immortal
sure guidance
’Churchill? We
God above
both now and
May day His
made our foes
we rededicate
Him we leave __ _______ ___
till the day of everlasting peace
shall dawn and all how aching
hearts shall be healed by the leaves
Of the Free of Life.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rowe have
received a letter from their son L.
Cpl. A. W. Rowe from somewhere
in Belgium. He states: ‘‘While
writing I notice here in a paper
called The Maple Leaf, printed here
for the armed forces, that Orval
Cann’s cow has had her sixth pair
of twins. I don’t
those twins are but
to me as it is the
I have had for a
hope my mail soon
me.” Note—The item referred to
appeared in the Times Advocate
was broadcast on the air and ap
peared in a number of papers.
know how old
it sounded good
only home news
month. I sure
catches up with
While the war -may be over as
far as Europe is concerned, and
casualties will be much lighter or
cease altogether, still the need for money to’ carry on occupation of
Germany, relief necessities and re- ■
habilitation is still great—conse
quently we are all called on to
supply much - money—-to oVerstfb- *
scribe the 8th Victory Loan Cam
paign— to say “thanks” with Bonds
and more Bonds.
The canvass continues with re
newed effort and there Is not much
time left to put yottr municipality
over the top. The following are the
amounts needed by the several
south Huron Municipalities;
’Zurich and Hay West is over the
top with 107.5 per cent.
Hensall and Hay East needs
$32,000 more.
Exeter needs $24,000 more.
Usborne needs $25,000 more.
Stephen East needs $30,000 more.
, Stephen West needs $34,000 more.
- The canvass at the Exeter Can
ning Factory was parttally made
on Monday, anj already* they have
gone 150 per eont. of tlieir
with mbre to follow.
A New World Dawns — Your Victory Bonds Will Help Restore Peace